characterizing the interrupt latency of your...

Characterizing the interrupt latency of your code

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Post on 26-May-2018




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Characterizing the interrupt latency of your code

Slide 2


• Why do we miss interrupts ?

– How do we currently manage them

• Why is latency characterization a problem.

• Characterizing Interrupt Latency using simulators

Slide 3

Interrupt Latency

• Duration between receiving an interrupt and

processing the same.

Slide 4

Necessary Conditions for Interrupt


• Common across all DSPs

– GIE is enabled.

– NMI is enabled.

– Individual Interrupts are enabled.

– No higher priority interrupt is blocking the lower priority interrupt.

• C6000

– Should not be in branch delay slot

• C64+

– Interruptible but with a delay, which is variable and can be roughly upto 150


– Branch delay slots still not interruptible.

• C54xx


Slide 5

Why do we miss interrupts

• Possible Causes

• Programmatic error

– missed enabling all relevant bits (GIE, NMI)

• In a non interruptible loop for a long time.

– did not use –min compiler option..

– Hand assembled code in branch delay slot.

• Lot of code between HWI_Disable and HWI_Restore

– Used to lock scratch mem, rather than operating on local

variables for reentrancy.

Slide 6

Joule Interruptability

• Compiler won’t generate the sploop when

– -ms3 compiler switch is used

– Iteration interval > 14

– Dynamic length > 48

– Things that disqualify normal software pipelining (call in

loop, complex control code in loop, etc)

– Optimizer completely unrolls the loop

• would be interruptible.

Slide 7

When is the problem caught

– May not be caught.

– Caught mostly at the system integration stage.

– Cost of Correction is high

a) Full System Debug.

b) Identify Component.

c) Component Debug.

Managing Interrupt Latency

Slide 9

1. Wasteful Jump to ISR, Slows down the execution. Program behaves differently.

2. Can at best measure down to timer period (threshold (least count)).

3. Falsely, may report very small latency


Non Interuptible

Program Counter


Main Code ISR

Finding Interruptability

Slide 10

Problems with this approach

1. Intrusive

• The act of measuring changes the application behavior.

2. Measurement Time α

(1 / Threshold) code keeps jumping to the ISR and the code could become

unnecessarily slower while measuring

3. Needs a lot of automation support to be built. Not


Characterizing Interrupt Latency using Simulators

Slide 12

Approach in Simulation

• Observe the Cause, not the symptom

– Monitor GIE disables, branch delay slots, NMI disables.

– Get the worst case latency for a test vector.

– Characterize the interrupt latency of the algorithm.

Slide 13

Inputs to the system

• Inputs

– Test Vector (Program File)

– Measurement Parameters

• Interrupt latency threshold

• Non Inputs– Interrupts (Need not give interrupts to measure the latency)

Slide 14

Configuration File Settings

Slide 15

Slide 16


• Summary Output– Maximum interrupt latency of the code

• Start and end PC

• Start and end cycle

• Trace Output– Instances when the interrupt latency exceeds the given threshold

• A trace of all instances of threshold access, with start and end pc and start and end cycle

• Debug Mode– Break the execution when the interrupt latency exceeds the specified threshold.

Slide 17

Interval 0, multiple such start and

stop are possible

Maximum Latency Data

Interrupt State at the start and end of the


Trace of All Instances when the

latency exceeds specified threshold

Slide 18

Summary of the tool

• Specify the initial settings in

– Simulator Configuration file.

• Load the Application.

• Load the int_lat_measure.gel file

• Identify your profile points and put breakpoints

• Run to BP. Start the profile of interrupt latency through gel command.

• Run to next BP and stop.

• Check the data obtained in the interrupt_trace.csv

Case Study

Slide 20


• Customer reports Interrupt latency >125� sec

(sampling rate of 8KHz).

• The algorithm supplier quotes <10� sec based on

information from developers

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• Resulted in loss of interrupts – customer’s

application cannot work in real time

Slide 22

Previous ways to solve it

• First assume that the problem is due to GIE being disabled in one of the 100 scheduled assembly functions.

– (However, if GIE is properly restored, then profile all functions where interrupts are disabled – this might take 2-3 hours)

• Automate the test harness to detect the frame in which status of GIE is not restored

• Manually step through the code for that frame to detect the problem causing function (this might take an hour or so)

Slide 23

Using the tool

• Use the tool to get the Trace Output for instances

where Interrupt Latency exceeds 10� sec (6000


• Able to directly get to the problem causing

function within 10 minutes irrespective of the

nature of the cause

Slide 24


• Although in this case the assumption about GIE was true,

it may not necessarily be the case. Using the tool, no

such assumption is required

• No dependency on developer to know the Interrupt

Latency – such problems can be detected before release

• Interrupt latency can be quoted confidently