chatlog c^3 team meeting august 9th 2013

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  • 8/22/2019 ChatLog C^3 Team Meeting August 9th 2013


    Chat Log C^3 General meeting August 9th, 2013

    Ethan / Alex Colman (to All - Entire Audience): Alex has the mic

    Conrad Foundation (to All - Entire Audience): Can you hear us, Ritika?Ritika Arya (to All - Entire Audience): no

    Conrad Foundation (to All - Entire Audience): Can you say something? We can't hear youeither.Ritika Arya (to All - Entire Audience): hi can u hear me?

    Conrad Foundation (to All - Entire Audience): noConrad Foundation (to All - Entire Audience): ConradCreativeCollaboration.comEthan / Alex Colman (to All - Entire Audience): the home page?Conrad Foundation (to All - Entire Audience): Water Canisters are common in IndiaConrad Foundation (to All - Entire Audience): 50-100 liters per day per houshold. 81 people, 5people on average per houshold. 10-20 liters per person per day.

    Conrad Foundation (to All - Entire Audience): Find cost of water harvester

    Conrad Foundation (to All - Entire Audience): q drum costs 500-600 ruppeesConrad Foundation (to All - Entire Audience): 500 ruppees = about $10Conrad Foundation (to All - Entire Audience): Water is available only a few hours a day fromtap so people store water in large tanks

    Conrad Foundation (to All - Entire Audience): Water needs to last 2-3 months, dry months.April-May are dry.Conrad Foundation (to All - Entire Audience): May is driest and June has monsoonsConrad Foundation (to All - Entire Audience): Currently using harvesters. water has multiple

    usesConrad Foundation (to All - Entire Audience): digging a hole and lining with plastic has beenconsidered but we would need a giant hole and need to keep it clean for months.

    Conrad Foundation (to All - Entire Audience): Aditya visited Ritika in Mumbai. It was rainingheavily that day. Inaccessible during monsoon season. He saw village but could not traverse

    the path to the well.Conrad Foundation (to All - Entire Audience): Aditya saw other more remote villagers. Hespoke about the ALD device.

    Conrad Foundation (to All - Entire Audience): The ALD device may need to install things intrees. Sustainability.Conrad Foundation (to All - Entire Audience): Villagers take daily from well water for bathing

    and other uses. They get water from both well and the hand pump.Conrad Foundation (to All - Entire Audience): The handpump is across the road from some

    villagers or 100 meters away from villagers. This source is used for drinking. Used sparinglybecause it can dry out during the afternoon from use. It is cleaner water than well water.

    Conrad Foundation (to All - Entire Audience): Water from well in jungle is muddy, gray, insects

    leaves, filthy. Some villagers saw leopards drinking from the well.Conrad Foundation (to All - Entire Audience): Villagers are careful to be frugal to use from

    hand pump. It requires a great deal of physical effort to bring up water from the hand pumpConrad Foundation (to All - Entire Audience): Handpump can take hours to recharge itself ifwater is drawn out.

  • 8/22/2019 ChatLog C^3 Team Meeting August 9th 2013


    Conrad Foundation (to All - Entire Audience): June monsoons hit Mumbai. During monsoon

    season, hand pump and bucket cachtment are sufficient.Jiadong Ye (to All - Entire Audience): Ritika, can you talk about the organisation that you are


    Ritika Arya (to All - Entire Audience): yesConrad Foundation (to All - Entire Audience): Jan - March is winter season in Mumbai. water ihandpumps may or may not fill the water needs. Ritika will check on this.

    Conrad Foundation (to All - Entire Audience): Monsoons from June to October.Jiadong Ye (to All - Entire Audience): Do leopards prefer to come during monsoons ornotConrad Foundation (to All - Entire Audience): Leopards habits are available from website. Wepost the URL on our website.Jiadong Ye (to All - Entire Audience): so this has become more of a water issue, we have tothink about how to move/build more water points

    Jiadong Ye (to All - Entire Audience): and in the forest, new technologies like water filtration

    would have to come into placeConrad Foundation (to All - Entire Audience): Leopards attacks not so frequent near village,but during late afternoon post 5 pm. Not broad daylight. Dawn or dusk are more dangeroutimes. 50-60 attacks during 4-5 years. About half have been fatal to humans.

    Jiadong Ye (to All - Entire Audience): Yup, i remember Javier did a project on H20 waterfiltration, such projects are quite common but as Ritika mentioned, it may not be feasible due

    to government approval issuesConrad Foundation (to All - Entire Audience): Current YIF operations authorized by higher

    courts. YIF have local authorization from forest authorities.Conrad Foundation (to All - Entire Audience): Villagers don't have a firm deadline for vacatinthe forest. But any action to help them stay in village will not be permitted by higher courts.

    Ritika estimates they will need 7-8 years to move villagers out.Conrad Foundation (to All - Entire Audience): We need to avoid high technology solutions or

    solutions that would require government support.Jiadong Ye (to All - Entire Audience): we need to do them secretlyJiadong Ye (to All - Entire Audience): haha

    Conrad Foundation (to All - Entire Audience): 7000 Rupees is fee for villagers to pay for newhousing created by government for the relocation of the villagers away from Tumni pada.Conrad Foundation (to All - Entire Audience): Villagers are reluctant to leave village to

    relocate in the city because they like the forest.Jiadong Ye (to All - Entire Audience): Besides leopards in the forest, dont the villagers face

    threats from OTHER animals as well such as boars etcJiadong Ye (to All - Entire Audience): if yes, how did the villagers escape these threats

    Conrad Foundation (to All - Entire Audience): So expense to live in Mumbai. Currently they ca

    grow some vegetables in forest.Ethan / Alex Colman (to All - Entire Audience): people around the world or local area?Jiadong Ye (to All - Entire Audience): Why is it that only leopards attack but not tigers.. etcJiadong Ye (to All - Entire Audience): i mean in the forest if the leopards exist, im sure therewould be tigers, lions etc?

  • 8/22/2019 ChatLog C^3 Team Meeting August 9th 2013


    Jiadong Ye (to All - Entire Audience): if not, how did the leopards get into the forest in the first

    place thenConrad Foundation (to All - Entire Audience): Lions and tigers live in forest too, but are in jungl

    safari inside the forest. Huge nets demarcate their territory. 22 leopards in 105 squarekilometers.

    Conrad Foundation (to All - Entire Audience): Lions and tigers were brought in while leopardsare indigenous so are not contained.Conrad Foundation (to All - Entire Audience): As Mumbai has grown, humans have

    encroached into the forest so there are more leopard and human contacts.Jiadong Ye (to All - Entire Audience): What are leopards' natural sources of food?Jiadong Ye (to All - Entire Audience): are they being depleted due to deforestation in thenational park?Conrad Foundation (to All - Entire Audience): Leopards entered housing societies and schoolin a few incidents and were captured, not allowed back in the wild.

    Conrad Foundation (to All - Entire Audience): Indian laws do not allow the harming of leopard

    even if they attack humans. They will put in cage and fed.Jiadong Ye (to All - Entire Audience): What are leopards' natural sources of food?Are they being depleted due to deforestation in the national park?

    Conrad Foundation (to All - Entire Audience): water from well is boilded to make potable.Conrad Foundation (to All - Entire Audience): Design models - Ritika uses the Stanford model

    for YIF.Conrad Foundation (to All - Entire Audience): Masks as solution. Kids might be willing. Adults are

    used to carrying sticks to ward off leopards. So adults don't fee they need a new solution.Conrad Foundation (to All - Entire Audience): Adults are set in their ways - set in their mindset.Conrad Foundation (to All - Entire Audience): Kids and young adults are more open to new

    ideas.Conrad Foundation (to All - Entire Audience): Ritika to investigate - price of plastic rain cistern

    natural food of leopards, would villagers be willing to try high frequency devices, do leopardscome out more during monsoons and what is their natural food?