chesterland news august 8th, 2012

By Angela Gartner West Geauga Schools Board of Education is tying up loose ends after last month’s heated superintendent hiring. As Geoff Palmer sat in on Monday night’s board meeting — just days before he officially became superintendent — two board members were accused of violating board policy. Board members Michael Kilroy and Jackie Dottore were questioned about releasing statements regarding items discussed in executive session at the June 23 board meeting. Following that meeting, Kilroy had told the Geauga County Maple Leaf he “blew the cover off” the executive session during the public portion. In particular, he said he didn’t like the fact that when the board was in a “conundrum” about who to pick for superintendent, it didn’t solicit public input on the finalists. Instead, the board invited administrative staff into executive session to give feedback on the candidates. Dottore said she had no idea that she was in violation and didn’t fully understand the policy as a new board member. During the meeting, she told board members she hasn’t read the policy, calling the entire thing “a miscommunication.” “Executive session is important,” Kilroy said. “I am sorry I was pushed into a position where I needed to say something. It was never my intention for people to feel they can’t speak confidentially.” The West Geauga Schools Bylaws and Policies, Section 0166 – Executive Session states, “in keeping with the confid- ential nature of executive sessions, no member of the board, committee or subcom- mittee shall disclose the content of discussions that take place during such sessions.” The board voted to review, discuss and reaffirm the board of education policy summary at the Sept.10 regular meeting. “There is no mechanism for removing board members,” said board member Ben Kotowski. “We all have to work together. We are going to need to discuss confidential matters in the future.” He said he wants the board to move forward so that everyone is on the same page. In other business, West Geauga School officials hope voters will approve a 2.75-mill additional permanent improve- ment levy on November’s ballot. The board unanimously voted in favor of placing the levy on the ballot Monday night. A 1994 bond issue of 2.89 mills is expiring at the end of this year and will not be collected in the future. The proposed five-year levy will cost residents $84.22 By Josh Echt He’s loving it. “He” being McDonald’s franchise owner John Powers. “It” being owning and operating three McDonald’s restaurants — two in the Mentor area and one in Chester Township. The Chester Township facility was torn down Aug. 3. It will make way for a state- of-the-art McDonald’s that will feature a patio, two drive- By Ann Wishart Chester Township Trustee Mike Joyce’s proposal to place an existing roads and bridges levy on the November ballot a year early didn’t gain enough traction July 24 to go to a vote. The 1.5-mill levy, if renewed, would generate about $144,773 per year at 100 percent collection, as it does now. First passed in 1978, the levy costs homeowners $11.55 per year for every $100,000 of property valuation, according to the Geauga County Auditor’s Office. The levy is due to expire in By Josh Echt The door to a new consign- ment boutique opens, late-July humidity blows in and a few customers buzz around like flies. A few minutes later, a real fly shows up, landing on top of racks of clothing and household goods. “It must be a fly with a passion for fashion,” the store owner says, chasing it away with her hand. “It’s hot outside and I don’t blame him for coming in.” The store owner is Gayle Tuttle and the boutique is Passion for Fashion, a Chester Township consignery located at 12767 Chillicothe Road that opened for business July 16. The store, sitting in a Chillicothe Road plaza with Guido’s Pizza Haven, Rise and Dine Café and Convenient Food Mart, sells women’s clothing and accessories, household goods and other wares. Tuttle and her business partner, Roseann Armenti, opened the store to fulfill a long-standing dream of opening their own boutique. The consignment process involves customers bringing in items in pristine condition and signing up to be consigners. They consign their items to Tuttle and Armenti for 90 days. If the items sell in that period, the store receives a 50 percent cut and the consigner receives the remaining 50 percent. “This is a great opportunity for people,” Gayle said. “We women have many clothes in our closet. We may have bought something and may have never worn it, so it’s hanging there with the tag still on. With this process, we take care of merchandising, setting the pricing and markdown if we feel it would be necessary for them.” She added, “Even if it doesn’t sell after 90 days, they can choose to donate it and we can generate a tax receipt for them.” Friendship Forged The origin of the bright, airy fashion shop began with a chance meeting in a somber, business-like dental office. Tuttle, a 10-year Chester resident, met Armenti in the office a few years back. She Your Community Newspaper Since 1967 8389 Mayfield Rd. B-5, Chesterland, Ohio 44026 | P: 440.729.7667 | F: 440.729.8240 [email protected] | VOLUME 46 No. 11 Wednesday, August 8, 2012 WG Schools• Page 2 Fashion• Page 2 McDonald’s• Page 3 Road Levy• Page 3 West Geauga Schools Begins New Era, Addresses Past Issues Chester Gets a Bit More ‘Passion For Fashion’ New McDonald’s Will Be a McWin For Owner, Community Chester Trustees Split On Early Road Levy Dottore ANN WISHART/CN Road Superintendent Rob Pealer listens as Chester trustees discuss placing a roads and bridges levy on the November ballot. JOSH ECHT/CN Kilroy JOSH ECHT/CN (L to R) Roseann Armenti and Gayle Tuttle stand outside their store at 12767 Chillicothe Road. getting ready for getting ready for getting ready for getting ready for getting ready for back to back to back to back to back to school school school school school ! ! ! ! ! ! school bus school bus school bus school bus school bus schedule schedule schedule schedule schedule pages 10-13 pages 10-13 pages 10-13 pages 10-13 pages 10-13

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Chesterland News August 8th, 2012


Page 1: Chesterland News August 8th, 2012

By Angela Gartner

West Geauga Schools Boardof Education is tying up looseends after last month’s heatedsuperintendent hiring.

As Geoff Palmer sat in onMonday night’s board meeting— just days before he officiallybecame superintendent — twoboard members were accused ofviolating board policy.

Board members MichaelKilroy and Jackie Dottore werequestioned about releasingstatements regarding itemsdiscussed in executive session atthe June 23 board meeting.

Following that meeting,Kilroy had told the GeaugaCounty Maple Leaf he “blewthe cover off” the executivesession during the publicportion.

In particular, he said he

didn’t like the fact that whenthe board was in a“conundrum” about who topick for superintendent, it didn’tsolicit public input on thefinalists.

Instead, the board invitedadministrative staff intoexecutive session to givefeedback on the candidates.

Dottore said she had no ideathat she was in violation anddidn’t fully understand thepolicy as a new board member.

During the meeting, she toldboard members she hasn’t readthe policy, calling the entirething “a miscommunication.”

“Executive session isimportant,” Kilroy said. “I amsorry I was pushed into aposition where I needed to saysomething. It was never myintention for people to feel theycan’t speak confidentially.”

The West Geauga SchoolsBylaws and Policies, Section0166 – Executive Session states,“in keeping with the confid-ential nature of executivesessions, no member of theboard, committee or subcom-mittee shall disclose the content

of discussions that take placeduring such sessions.”

The board voted to review,discuss and reaffirm the boardof education policy summary atthe Sept.10 regular meeting.

“There is no mechanism forremoving board members,” said

board member Ben Kotowski.“We all have to work together.We are going to need to discussconfidential matters in thefuture.”

He said he wants the boardto move forward so thateveryone is on the same page.

In other business, WestGeauga School officials hopevoters will approve a 2.75-milladditional permanent improve-ment levy on November’s ballot.

The board unanimouslyvoted in favor of placing thelevy on the ballot Mondaynight.

A 1994 bond issue of 2.89mills is expiring at the end ofthis year and will not becollected in the future.

The proposed five-year levywill cost residents $84.22

By Josh Echt

He’s loving it.“He” being McDonald’s

franchise owner John Powers.“It” being owning and

operating three McDonald’srestaurants — two in theMentor area and one in ChesterTownship.

The Chester Townshipfacility was torn down Aug. 3.

It will make way for a state-of-the-art McDonald’s that willfeature a patio, two drive-

By Ann Wishart

Chester Township TrusteeMike Joyce’s proposal to placean existing roads and bridgeslevy on the November ballot ayear early didn’t gain enoughtraction July 24 to go to a vote.

The 1.5-mill levy, if renewed,would generate about $144,773per year at 100 percentcollection, as it does now.

First passed in 1978, the levycosts homeowners $11.55 peryear for every $100,000 ofproperty valuation, according tothe Geauga County Auditor’sOffice.

The levy is due to expire in

By Josh Echt

The door to a new consign-ment boutique opens, late-Julyhumidity blows in and a fewcustomers buzz around like flies.

A few minutes later, a realfly shows up, landing on top ofracks of clothing and householdgoods.

“It must be a fly with apassion for fashion,” the store

owner says, chasing it away withher hand. “It’s hot outside and Idon’t blame him for coming in.”

The store owner is GayleTuttle and the boutique isPassion for Fashion, a ChesterTownship consignery located at12767 Chillicothe Road thatopened for business July 16.

The store, sitting in aChillicothe Road plaza withGuido’s Pizza Haven, Rise and

Dine Café and ConvenientFood Mart, sells women’sclothing and accessories,household goods and otherwares.

Tuttle and her businesspartner, Roseann Armenti,opened the store to fulfill along-standing dream of openingtheir own boutique.

The consignment processinvolves customers bringing initems in pristine condition andsigning up to be consigners.

They consign their items toTuttle and Armenti for 90 days.If the items sell in that period,the store receives a 50 percentcut and the consigner receivesthe remaining 50 percent.

“This is a great opportunityfor people,” Gayle said. “Wewomen have many clothes inour closet. We may have boughtsomething and may have neverworn it, so it’s hanging therewith the tag still on. With thisprocess, we take care ofmerchandising, setting thepricing and markdown if we feelit would be necessary for them.”

She added, “Even if itdoesn’t sell after 90 days, theycan choose to donate it and wecan generate a tax receipt forthem.”

Friendship Forged The origin of the bright, airy

fashion shop began with achance meeting in a somber,business-like dental office.

Tuttle, a 10-year Chesterresident, met Armenti in theoffice a few years back. She

Your Community Newspaper Since 1967

8389 Mayfield Rd. B-5, Chesterland, Ohio 44026 | P: 440.729.7667 | F: [email protected] |

VOLUME 46 No. 11 Wednesday, August 8, 2012

WG Schools• Page 2

Fashion• Page 2

McDonald’s• Page 3

Road Levy• Page 3

West Geauga Schools Begins New Era, Addresses Past Issues

Chester Gets a Bit More ‘Passion For Fashion’ New McDonald’s Will Be aMcWin For Owner, Community

Chester Trustees SplitOn Early Road Levy


ANN WISHART/CNRoad Superintendent Rob Pealerlistens as Chester trustees discussplacing a roads and bridges levyon the November ballot.



JOSH ECHT/CN(L to R) Roseann Armenti and Gayle Tuttle stand outside their store at12767 Chillicothe Road.

getting ready forgetting ready forgetting ready forgetting ready forgetting ready for

back toback toback toback toback to school school school school school !!!!!!!!!!

school busschool busschool busschool busschool busschedulescheduleschedulescheduleschedulepages 10-13pages 10-13pages 10-13pages 10-13pages 10-13

Page 2: Chesterland News August 8th, 2012

worked in the office and Tuttlewas a patient.

Over time, they becamecasual acquaintances. AfterArmenti retired from the office,the Mayfield Heights residentbecame a personal trainer lastyear.

“One day, Gayle called meout of the blue and asked me totrain her. That’s how we gotback together,” Armenti said.

Both of them reconnectedand worked at the Talbots storeat the Legacy Village complexin Beachwood for a short time.

Armenti had years ofexperience at clothingboutiques and Tuttle had retailmanagement experience withhigh-end retailers and aspecialty food market inCleveland.

“I’ve always wanted to openup a shop like this,” Armentisaid. “I said, ‘Gayle, come andjoin me.’”

Tuttle said she had to mullover it a bit, but decided to join.

“I am a process person and Ihad to think about it and proveit out and do my detail thing,”she added.

As far as the store’s title,Armenti said it came to her in afit of inspiration while waitingto hear back from Tuttle oneday — While standing in hercloset, of course.

“Well, I’m standing in mycloset thinking, ‘How am Igoing to do this?’ If she doesn’tcome on board, how will I do it?It occurred to me I have apassion for fashion and I ranout and told my husband,‘That’s the name of my store,’”she recalled.

After both women decidedto join forces, they had to findan actual store to market theirwares. Once again, providencestruck.

“I was going by the plazaone day and saw the sign for

this vacant space and it was oneof those things meant to be,”Tuttle said. “The minute wecame in, it felt right. We justknew it was the right spot for us.From there, everything fell intoplace.”

Goodies and GoalsThe store’s items include

clothing and housewares fromfamous retailers like AnnTaylor, Talbots, Ralph Lauren,Jones New York and othernotable brands.

They offer a full range ofsizes from women’s to juniors.The housewares includedecorative items, bowls, plattersand candlestick holders.

“We just both love consign-ment shopping and we look atthings differently. We want tosee how we can repurpose andreinvent something and look atit in a different way,” Tuttle said,adding she and Armenti are notjust sellers, but shoppers as well.

“We’ve had businessesbefore and we’re committed tobeing small business owners,”she said. “They’re the backboneof America.”

The store is promoting itselfas a boutique with differentitems and services, such aslending their fashion sense totheir customers and helpingthem create unique outfits.

It is also receptive to itscustomers’ needs and “plans to

expand based on those needs,”Tuttle said.

“We’re looking to make thisthe best consignment storearound and build a reputation,”she said. “I think for Roseannand I, because we have such alove and passion for it, we wantto make people leave herefeeling good and lookingfabulous.”

The store itself opened July16, but the grand opening isplanned for later this fall.

Tuttle said the businessplans on expanding its juniorssection as well.

Whether it’s a prom,homecoming dress or anevening dress worn to awedding or special event, mostwomen of all ages only wearthose dresses once, maybe twice,she added.

“That gently worn dress isthe perfect piece to consign,”Tuttle said. “Consigning helpsus all to free up our closet spaceand to really understand whatworks in our wardrobe andwhat essentials might bemissing. Those consigned itemsthat sell can help to pay forthose new additions.”

She added, “And you mightjust find them at our store.”

They said the business isgetting the word out to the12,000-resident township.

Most recently, the duoappeared in the Fourth of Julyparade and handed out flyersand other advertisementspromoting the business.

But the best way is word ofmouth.

“We’ve had repeat custo-mers come back and tell theirfriends. Gayle and I ask, ‘Howdid you hear about us? Andusually more times than not, it’sthrough a friend that was here,’”Armenti said. “It is really aboutreferrals and the relationshipswe build with people when theycome in here. It’s like being intheir best friend’s closet andshopping.”

The store is open 11.a.m. to 6p.m. Monday; 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday;10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday; 10a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday.

Passion For Fashion islocated just southeast of theintersection of Routes 306 and322. For more information, call440-688-4118.

Page 2 CHESTERLAND NEWS Wednesday, August 8, 2012

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BE INFORMED!annually per $100,000 propertyvaluation and yield $1,724,027annually, according to theGeauga County Auditor’sOffice.

If passed, the levy wouldcost less than the previous bondissue.

It will fund new roofs for allWest Geauga Schools, which arein dire need of replacement,school officials said.

“This is the number oneissue that confronts this schooldistrict,” said James Russo,operations manager at WestGeauga Schools. “We continueto repair the roofs, but we canonly repair so long. The longeryou allow problems with waterintrusion; it deteriorates roof

decks and creates otherproblems.”

He said the plan, if the levypasses, is to replace the roof atWestwood Elementary Schoolnext summer, which is in theworst condition.

Over the next five years,each school is scheduled to havea new roof.

Russo added, while themoney is predominantly forroofs, the district should haveleft over funding for otherdistrict wide repairs, upgradesto school equipment andreplacing three school buses.

West Geauga Schools willalso be holding a free ice creamsocial to formally welcomePalmer from 4-7 p.m. Aug. 9 atWest Geauga Middle Schoolcafeteria.

WG Schoolsfrom page 1

Fashionfrom page 1

Visit Our

JOSH ECHT/CNThe store contains fashion andhousewares tailored to the mod-ern customer.

Have a position open?Advertise in The Chesterland News Help Wanted Section!

Call (440) 729-7667 for rates and information.

Page 3: Chesterland News August 8th, 2012

2012, with the last collection in2013. If passed in November,the proposed renewal would notbegin collection until 2014.

Trustee Judy Caputo notedthe levy could be placed on theNov. 6 ballot and, if it doesn’tpass, could be put before votersagain next year.

The road department isdepending on money from thetownship general fund to paycontractors to pave severalroads this year at an estimatedcost of $352,000, Caputo said.

Joyce said he is opposed tocontinuing to finance roadpaving out of the general fund.

“The road departmentshould always have beenfunded more from levies andless from the general fund,” hesaid during Tuesday’s specialmeeting.

With the estate tax goingaway and fewer tax dollarscoming from the state, thetownship general fund isshrinking, Joyce said, addingmoney for roads will no longerbe available from the generalfund within two years.

“This is the year we shoulddo something,” he said.

Trustee Ken Radtke said ifthe 1.5-mill levy were to beplaced on the ballot as areplacement levy based on 2012property values, it would yield

about $518,576 per year. The change would cost

homeowners an additional $34per year for every $100,000 ofhome value, Joyce said.

However, Radtke said he isnot comfortable with any action— placing a renewal or areplacement levy on theNovember ballot — withoutmore information.

“What is our plan?” heasked. “We have such a shortwindow now and we need afive-year plan.”

Trustees were scheduled todiscuss the road levy again onJuly 26, but opted against itbecause Caputo was not present.

“I would want a full board,yes,” Joyce told a resident whoasked if all three trustees wereneeded to discuss it. “This is notsomething that should bedropped on somebody notpresent, so I’m pulling it off (themeeting agenda).”

Joyce also explained hewanted to review with thecurrent board a road levyanalysis former RoadSuperintendent Chuck Mascellaprepared for a previous boardof trustees several years ago.

That analysis projected thetownship road fund “would gonegative very fast,” he saidduring the July 26 regulartrustees meeting.

Radtke also recommendedJuly 24 taking a formal surveyof township residents.

“How does the public want

us to spend their tax dollars?”he asked.

Joyce said a survey wouldcost about $30,000 and take sixmonths for a professionalsurveying firm to create,complete and collate.

The board chairman said hefeels residents elected thetrustees to make those decisions.

Election results informtrustees if they are correct inknowing what the voters want,he added.

Road Superintendent RobPealer, who has been employedby the township for less than ayear, said July 24 the townshiphas been repaving roads as theyneed it, not on a regularschedule.

“We could use more criteria,”he said, adding the paving hasnot been entirely random.

A plan to rotate equipmentis in place and Pealer said hehas an idea of which roads willneed work through 2015, butnot a lot of details yet.

The township used to have aschedule whereby roads wouldbe resurfaced every 13 to 15years. Now the concept is toresurface every 10 to 12 years,he explained.

Caputo said the townshiphas been failing to meet its planfor 10 years. Joyce added theinfrastructure would begin tofail if funding for repaving is notfound.

Radtke said his idea of aplan would be to evaluate each

road, determine its condition,establish the options and lay outthe approximate costs to do thework.

“There’s no special lay-outof what we want to do. It’s notwell defined, in my opinion,”Radtke said.

The first-year trustee addedhe favors placing the 1.5-milllevy on the ballot next year as arenewal.

Fiscal Officer Mike Starksuggested a compromise wouldbe to put the levy on as arenewal this year, put a five-year plan together in the nextyear and go back to the votersfor additional road funds nextyear.

But Joyce said, “We’re toofar apart and the time is too

close. I see no reason to goforward at this point.”

He asked Pealer, Stark andRadtke to work together on adetailed road maintenance plan.

Chester already has a 0.9-mill renewal fire levy and a 1.9-mill renewal police and EMSlevy on the ballot thisNovember.

The fire levy yields about$260,000 and the police andEMS levy yields about $549,000annually, according to theauditor’s office.

In 2013, a 1.5-mill roadimprovements levy from 1978will be on the ballot as well as a0.8-mill renewal fire levy from1993 that yields about $170,000per year.

through driveways andwindows, a renovated kitchen,modern eating areas, seating for100 patrons and new signage.

“The drive-through drive-ways will be side-by-side, whichwill eliminate rush periodshaving cars going out toMayfield Road. That’s the firstthing you’re going to noticeabout it,” Powers said. “Thekitchen will allow us to takecare of the customers in anefficient manner.”

The new store, which mayopen in late October, willmeasure 46 feet wide by 120feet long, a total of 5,520 squarefeet, topping the old store’s 56-foot-by-90-foot dimension and

5,040 square feet of space.Powers, who operates the

restaurants with his wife, Mary,said he took advantage ofcurrent once-in-a-lifetime lowinterest rates to finance theoperation’s rebuild, which willbring in an additional 25employees and managers.

Powers said the idea to build anew store came after he assistedhis cousin in rebuilding aMcDonald’s in Rocky River.

The cousin decided to rebuildhis location there and Powers washelping.

“I was taking a look at theplans and the financing andcouldn’t believe what washappening with the interest ratestoday,” he said. “I told my wife,‘There may be a chance for us tobe able to afford this on our ownand bring in a new facility to

Chesterland. We weren’t planningto do this.’”

The couple ran the numbersand figured they could rebuild thestore and mold it in their image.

“It was just a chance for us todo something we wanted to do,”the owner said.

A McHistory at a Corner The current Chester Township

facility, 8329 Mayfield Road,opened for business in November1984.

That first franchise ownersold the establishment toPowers in August 1988.

Before the McDonald’s wasbuilt, a blue house owned byFrank Bagaria had to be movedwest to an adjacent property.

At that time, the zoningcode required green spacebuffers — hence, the large

lawns and green space aroundthe restaurant — for those typesof establishments, Powers said.

“We sit on 1.9 acres andthere was even two acres ofgreen space behind us (as partof the buffer),” he added.

Longtime Chester Townshipattorney Joe Weiss, whorepresented McDonald’s in the1980s when the restaurant wasbuilt, said the community wasnot as receptive then as it isnow to fast-food establishments.

This time around, he saidcommunity support “couldn’thave been greater,” andcredited township officials andZoning Inspector Steve Averillfor their help during the zoningprocess.

“It was a bit of a challengethen, getting the community tobuy into the idea ofMcDonald’s,” Weiss said. “But itended up benefiting thecommunity. You have people ofall different age groups workingthere — teenagers, seniorcitizens and the like — andeveryone else.”

He added, “It became arendezvous point.”

Powers ran the ChesterTownship store until takingover a Mentor-on-the-Lakestore in 1999.

He also acquired a thirdlocation on Heisley Road inMentor in 2005.

The Chester Township storeunderwent renovation in 2004with the addition of a seconddrive-through window.

McDonald’s awardedPowers’ franchise the right tooperate in its current state until2024.

But looking at where thestore would be then versus thecurrent rebuild would allow thefranchise’s shelf-life to extend

well beyond the 2024 date.“We have a great reputation.

And now the McDonald's willbe able to run for another 30years or so before it needs amajor rebuild,” Powers said.

Baseball Kid RealizesCareer Dream

It started with a little kidvisiting the store and endedwith a management job.

For Mike Ianiro, manage-ment of McDonald’s down thestreet was his dream.

But at first, it was just aboutcoming into the store and givingPowers a hard time.

“Mike grew up five housesaway,” Powers said. “He used tocome here as a 7-year-old andbother me. He’d sit on the ledgein front of the front counterwith the ketchup and othercondiments and he’d try totrade baseball cards for foodwith me.”

Powers, who said he’s knownthe Ianiro family since Mikewas a youngster, becameacquainted with him and hisfriends, many of whom workedat the restaurant at varioustimes.

The McDonald’s wasIaniro’s first job, and, at thatpoint, he decided he wanted towork there long-term.

After a stint at HomeDepot, Ianiro became storemanager in 2006.

While he could not bereached for comment for thisstory, Powers had nothing butgood things to say about theveteran manager.

“He is a hard worker andgood manager. He loves peopleand tries to please everycustomer every time,” Powerssaid.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012 CHESTERLAND NEWS Page 3

McDonald’sfrom page 1

Road Levyfrom page 1

ANN WISHART/CNChester Township trustees Mike Joyce, left, and Ken Radtke, right, werefar apart July 24 in their desire to put a roads and bridges levy before vot-ers this year.

JOHN KARLOVEC/CNThe McDonald's on Mayfield Road was demolished Friday morning to make way for a new state-of-the artMcDonald's. Built in 1984, current franchise owner John Powers bought the store in 1988. John and his familywere on hand to oversee the project and greet longtime customers. McDonald’s• Page 5

Page 4: Chesterland News August 8th, 2012

Page 4 CHESTERLAND NEWS Wednesday, August 8, 2012

By Josh Echt

World War II veteran andU.S. Marine William Maiden isgood as gold.

And so are about 400 of hisfellow African-AmericanMarines, who collectively wereawarded the prestigiousCongressional Gold Medal fortheir efforts as Montford PointMarine training recruits sevendecades ago.

Maiden and the rest of theMarines received honors duringa three-day event in WashingtonD.C. last month, which includeda ceremony at the historic U.S.Marine Barracks in the nation’scapital.

At the age of 89, Maidenreflected on his thoughts aboutthe medal, his with theChesterland News and GeaugaCounty Maple Leaf on Monday.

“God brought me throughall of this for a reason,” saidMaiden, who has lived inChester Township since 1964.“For that, I am grateful to Himfor his glory. And to my fellowMarines for serving.”

An executive order, a newbase camp and desegregation

The Montford Point storybegan in the halls of the WhiteHouse on June 25, 1941.

That year, PresidentFranklin D. Roosevelt signedexecutive order 8802, whichgave African-Americans anopportunity be recruited intothe Corps. At that time,Brigadier General Keller E.Rocher headed a board formedto study the viability of African-American Marines in theComposite Defense Battalion—a heavy combat unit thatincluded tanks, infantry andaircraft.

In the early 1940s, Marinestrained in two places: Ft.Pendleton, Calif., and ParrisIsland, S.C., training grounds forrecruits west and east of theMississippi River, respectively.

But there were no trainingsites for African-Americanrecruits. Thus, the MontfordPoint Marine Camp facilitysprung into existence as a sub-unit of the massive MarineCorps Base Camp Lejeune inNorth Carolina, a six-hour drivenortheast of Parris Island.About 20,000 African-American recruits—or about 10percent of the Marine Corps’total strength in World War II—passed through the base camp

between 1942 and 1949, beforeit was reorganized and re-named Camp Johnson,according to the MontfordPoint Marine Associationwebsite.

The “Montford PointMarines” fought in the waralongside regular Marine units.Some of them stayed at thecamp, some of them fought inthe war itself, while others, suchas Maiden, served overseas inU.S. territories such as Hawaii.Initially, the Marine Corpswanted to discharge theAfrican-American Marines andreturn the Corps to an all-whiteorganization.

But the war changed that.Exceptional recruits provedthemselves and became drillinstructors, such as Mortimer A.Cox, Arnold R. Bostick, EdgarR. Davis, Jr., Gilbert H."Hashmark" Johnson andEdgar R. Huff. As the African-Americans proved themselves,the Marines realized they madea formidable addition to theirCorps. In 1948, President HarryS. Truman issued executiveorder 9981, negatingsegregation. A year later,Montford Point Marine Campwas deactivated. Twenty-fiveyears later, Montford Point wasrenamed Camp Johnson, inhonor of “Hashmark” Johnson,a famous drill instructor andone of the first African-Americans to join the Corps.

‘The Marines Gave MeThe Discipline I Needed’

Maiden was born in Dayton,Ala., and was drafted at age 20.He went sent to Ft. Benning,Ga., and was examined by U.S.Army military doctors. Thedoctors found a soft spot on hislungs and classified him as 4-F,an “unfit for service”designation. After he leftAlabama, he was ordered toreport to the draft board inMichigan and received anothermedical check. This time, therewas no spot on his lungs.

“God must have removedit,” he said, adding neither henor the medical staff knew whatthe reason for the spot.

At the age of 21, the draftboard then sent Maiden toMontford Point. Once atMontford Point, he wentthrough six months of basictraining, starting in May 1944.Summers in North Carolinawere hot, made worse by the

humid conditions of theswampy terrain.

Maiden said the MarineCorps were a great benefit tohim because the organizationset him straight for life.

“A lot of them didn’t make itthe first six months of bootcamp because it was hard,rugged and intense,” he said.“Some cried like babies. TheMarines gave me discipline thatI needed and I was at a pointwhere I needed the Corps.”

Early on in training while atMontford Point, he received theHonor Man award, whichdesignated him as a platoonleader during basic training.

After successfully comple-ting basic training, newlyminted Private First ClassMaiden became an ammunitionhandler and post exchange(PX) handler with the 11thMarine Ammunition Companyfrom Nov. 1944 to July 1946. Heperformed his duties in Hawaii,then an American territory thatwould become a state 13 yearslater.

“We handled and storedammunition and shipped it tothe South Pacific Theater,” saidthe Marine, who ultimatelyreached the rank of sergeant.

After he was discharged, hewent back to Detroit andrejoined his wife, whom he hadmarried in 1943. Thanks to theMontgomery G.I. Bill, he wentto school at Lawrence Instituteof Technology—currentlyLawrence TechnologicalUniversity, a private university.He came to Cleveland in May1948 and worked at EuclidRoad Machinery and GeneralMotors’ Euclid plant for 33combined years, retiring in 1979.Maiden then volunteered at thethen-Geauga Hospital—nowUniversity Hospitals GeaugaMedical Center—as a patienttransporter. In the meantime, hemoved from Cleveland to hisChester Township home in 1964and began attending services atthe then-new St. Mark LutheranChurch.

“I’ve been going there 48years. I can’t believe it,” he said.

Segregation Not New toMaiden

Maiden, who grew up inAlabama, said the segregatednature of Montford Point wasnot unfamiliar to him.

“I was used to it for 20 years,”he added. “That being said, I didnot encounter white officers untilafter boot camp, when I metthem during ammunitiontraining and on the rifle range.”

After Montford Point, hewas sent to a different camp inHawaii—Makaha Valley—notCamp Catlin, a base populatedby whites. He also said theracial issues did not faze himlike others, especially a fewNortherners.

“There were guys fromDetroit accustomed to adifferent lifestyle as it pertainedto the races. Things weredifferent up there,” Maiden saidof the northern city. “Althoughrelations between black andwhite were improved in Detroitversus Alabama, it was notcompletely desegregated (upthere).”

The armed services did notdesegregate until 1948. By then,Maiden had been out of theservice for two years.

“I was out by the time(President Harry S.) Trumandesegregated the units,” headded.

Today, that has all changed.He said he is pleased with theCorps’ efforts to integrate overthe past decades.

“I’m very grateful we have adesegregated system now.Segregation is not the intentionof God. We are all brothersunder God. And we should notbe segregated.”

Article Discovery Leads toa Ceremony, Recognition

Had it not been for lastmonth’s Cleveland visit by U.S.Marines as part of Marine Weekand a letter to an editor buried ina local daily, Maiden would notbe holding the CongressionalGold Medal in his hands.

He would have never knownabout it, had he not beenreading about Marine Week—aweeklong celebration of Marinehistory, traditions and Corpsvalues downtown. A blurb inthe paper caught his eye: Aletter to an editor, asking theeditor a question about theunheralded Montford PointMarines.

“The award ceremony (inWashington, D.C.) was comingup, and I had no idea about it,”Maiden said, adding he was ableto contact the man who wroteto the newspaper about theMarine unit.

Once he gained theappropriate information, herequested copies of his 1946discharge papers, and, once heacquired those, sent them to thePentagon for approval. Shortlythereafter, approval wasgranted and he madepreparations for the three-dayevent.

“I was excited, knowing I’dsee someone I knew there. I washoping to see (Drill Instructor)Arnold Bostick. I was hopinghe’d be there, but he wasn’t,”Maiden said, adding he didn’tsee anyone else from his unit.“But I am now able to stay intouch with the (entire) group ofMontford Marines and connectwith them.”

The three-day event tookplace at a hotel reception hall,the U.S. Capitol and the famousU.S. Marine Barracks, at whichtime they received their medals.

After returning home, heresumed life as normal, albeitwith the recognition of a jobwell-done.

Friends, Church a Havenof Faith

It’s an important word toMaiden, who said he considersthe Montford Point Marines ofthe 11th Ammunition Companypart of his family.

His family also includes hisimmediate relatives—hisbeloved wife, the late JenniferBoatwright, and his threechildren. He marriedBoatwright on Nov. 28, 1943 andshe passed away in 1999 after 56years of marriage. The couplebore two daughters-- HasaniMaiden-Perrin, of Kent; andGeneva Doreen Maiden, ofCookson, Okla.—and a son,David, who lives with Mr.Maiden in Chester Township.

Additionally, friends from St.Mark Lutheran Church are allalso considered family to him,such as Willoughby Hillsresident Susan Hallums.Hallums said she has knownMaiden for 15 years.

“It’s a big honor for him,”she said of him receiving themeal. “He’s a righteous andGodly person. He does notexpect accolades.

JOSH ECHT/CNWilliam Maiden holds the Congressional Gold Medal he received during arecent trip to Washington, D.C.

‘On Point’ With a Local Montford Marine Veteran

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Page 5: Chesterland News August 8th, 2012

Aug. 8: Chester Twp.Concert in the Park7-9 p.m.

Held at Chester TownshipPark gazebo.

The Lenny Russo Band willbe performing.

Band Bio: The Lenny RussoBand is a popular favoritereturning to the bandstand.

They create a celebration airwith a broad and variedrepertoire of happy music.

This well-rehearsed band ofaccomplished professionalmusicians mixes humor intotheir selection of Swing,Dixieland and Latin favorites.

Parking available at Chester-land Baptist Church until townhall parking lot is reopened.

Aug. 10-11: Word ofGrace Flea Market

There is still time to reserve aspace for the annual Word ofGrace Flea Market.

The event is 5-9 p.m. Aug.10and 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Aug. 11.

Size of space and pricesrange from $15-$25.

A free concert Aug. 10 eveningwill feature "The Afters."

An Ox Roast, live bands andmore on Aug. 11.

Word of Grace Church islocated at 9021 Mayfield Road,Chester Township.

Call 440-729-7006 to reservea spot or for more information.

Aug. 11: G.I. Gathering8 a.m. to Noon

Coffee and donuts availablefor G.I.’s (active or non-active)at 14052 Goodwin St., BurtonTownship, sponsored by Burton-Middlefield American LegionPost 459.

Call Bruce, 440-897-2396 formore information.

Aug. 12: Sundaes onSunday1-5 p.m.

Join Chester Township Eaglesat Valley Villa Ice Cream, 8200Mayfield Road, for prizes,drawings and ice cream.

Half of money from eventwill go towards Eagles charitiesand events.

Aug. 15: Chester Twp.Concert in the Park7-9 p.m.

This is the last performanceof the summer.

Held at Chester TownshipPark gazebo.

The Geauga County FairBand will be performing.

Band Bio: This large concertband consists of about 50members, produces big soundswhile playing a wide variety oftunes ranging from patrioticmarches, Broadway show tunesto folk songs.

This group of musicians fromthroughout Geauga Countyrepresent the Great GeaugaCountry Fair.

They proved extremelypopular in previous performances.

Parking available atChesterland Baptist Church untiltown hall parking lot is reopened.

Aug. 17: Fix it in theFarmland9 a.m.

Pet Fix, a low cost ($10 peranimal) mobile spay and neuterclinic for pets qualifying lowincome Geauga Countyresidents, will hold a clinic at ADogs Life, 12654 West GeaugaPlaza, Chester Township.

Aug. 18: CCOCCommunity PicnicNoon to 5 p.m.

Just one month left until thesecond annual ChesterlandCommunity Picnic.

There will be food from localarea restaurants, entertainmentfrom local bands and the WestGeauga Marching Band.

There will even be a bouncehouse and dunk tank …something for everyone.

Make sure to stop by withthe entire family or just the kidsand enjoy everything yourcommunity has to offer.

Email Kaily Cunningham,[email protected] formore information.

Aug. 19: AACA Car Show8 a.m.

Ohio Region of AntiquesAutomobile Club of AmericanNorthern chapter is sponsoringan annual car show held atPatterson Fruit Farm, 11414Caves Road.

This event showcases earlycars from the Classic Era of the1920s and 1930s.

There will be 19 judgedclasses awards for first, secondand third place as well as Bestof Show, Children’s Choice andthe Patterson Fruit Farm award.

Gates open at 8 a.m., judgingbegins at 10 a.m. and awardceremony begins at 3:30 p.m.

Food, beverages and trailerparking available.

Pre-registration for showcars is $12.50 if received beforeAug. 14 and $15 received laterat the gate.

Occupants of show carsadmitted free.

Registration forms availableat Patterson Fruit Farm, NAPAAuto Parts and Federated Auto.

Call John, 440-287-6857 formore information.

CCOC Golf Classic andClambake

Registration is underway forthe Chesterland Chamber ofCommerce 2012 Golf Classicand Clambake, held Sept. 6 atSt. Denis Golf Course, 10660Chardon Road, Chardon.

This is a great opportunity toengage in friendly competition,network (and not work) whilehoning golf skills on a beautifuland challenging course.

Invite clients, associates andfriends and join the fun andgames of skill.

Proceeds from the eventsupport the chamber’s annualScholarship Fund as well as thechamber’s mission and programs.

Registration begins at 9 a.m.with shotgun start at 11 a.m.

Cost is $125 per golfer.Register by Aug.10 and

receive a free “Top Shelf BoozeBucket” entry. Fee includes 18holes of golf (scramble format)and cart, golf shirt, gift bag,breakfast, lunch at the turn, pre-dinner snacks, a clambakedinner (one dozen clams, a cupof New England ClamChowder, one-half chicken,sweet potato, fresh corn-on-the-cob, rolls, butter and beverages),drink tickets, contests and fun.

Don’t prefer clams?Substitute a 12-ounce stripsteak dinner for clambakedinner.

Through the generosity ofPreston Superstore in Burton,win the opportunity to driveaway in a brand new vehicle.Other contests will afford you

the opportunity to showcasegolf skills.

Don’t want to golf? Join theparty for the clambake dinnerand awards at 5 p.m. Dinnerticket price is $45, includes thesame dinner choices above.

There are manyopportunities available topromote a business at thisevent. From the PlatinumSponsorship to the HoleSponsorships, all are valuableways to market a company tothe golfers.

The chamber is acceptingdonations for the raffle.

Call the chamber office, 440-729-7297, or stop in to pick up aregistration form at 8228Mayfield Road, Suite 4B. Hoursare Monday through Friday, 9a.m. to 2 p.m.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012 CHESTERLAND NEWS Page 5


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‘It Is an Institution ofChesterland’

He’s a restaurant manager,not a professional teacher, butsometimes the real world ofrestaurant operation teachesstudents life lessons.

Powers says he takes his roleas owner/operator to heart.

“I do feel like I’m a teacherto the kids that work there insome ways,” he said. “I lovebeing part of the community.It’s a great place to do business.

“I mean that, honestly,” hesaid.

The owner said the businessis in a “great” location, theChagrin Valley region.

He said he was proud to be a

franchise owner — a term forindependent operator — of aMcDonald’s and said 88 percentof McDonald’s storesnationwide are independentlyowned and operated byindividuals like him.

“Every night I drive homethrough the Chagrin Valley.Other people drive homethrough the freeway,” Powerssaid. “This is a great place to beinvolved with and greatpeople.”

When asked where he lived,he first said “Solon,” thenchanged his mind.

“I live here, but I sleep inSolon,” he laughed.

Weiss summed up whatMcDonald’s in Chesterlandmeans to the 12,000-residentcommunity:

“It is an institution ofChesterland.”

McDonald’sfrom page 3

Page 6: Chesterland News August 8th, 2012

“He’s a wonderful guy,”Hallums added. “He is proud ofwhat he is done but is notboastful.”

So low-key, in fact, the onlyway the church found out hewas awarded the medal wasbecause he told him he wasgoing to be absent from aprayer group. After asking himmore details, Hallums found outabout the medal.

“That’s how we found out.He never volunteered infor-mation and he was humble.”

She said he has a “beautifulvoice” and sings in the churchchoir—for weddings, funeralsand graduations. Hallums saidMaiden told her he “uses hisvoice for God’s glory.”Additionally, she said Maidenand his late wife always tooktime to volunteer at the ChagrinFalls Park neighborhood, wherethe pair taught residents togrow their own vegetables.

“He’s always there willing tohelp you in whatever you’redoing,” she said. “He was alsosomeone you could go to for aBiblical question.”

The congregation membersaid she could “go on forever”about how good Maiden was toher and St. Mark LutheranChurch.

“He doesn’t toot his ownhorn. We need to do it for him,”Hallums said. “There’s only afew of these men left. And here

we have one in Geauga Countyliving quietly, not expectinganything. His achievements arenoteworthy, especially at a timewhen the country was so evil toAfrican-Americans.”

Maiden said despite all ofthe struggles as a Marinestriving to overcome segre-gation in the 1940s, he alwaysfelt faith in God kept him goingthrough the trials of boot campand beyond.

“I give credit to God for mylife, for all that has happened init,” he said, quoting an entiresection of Proverbs, Chapter 3:“Trust in the Lord with all yourheart, and lean not on your ownunderstanding; in all your wayssubmit to him, and he will makeyour paths straight.

“With that said, I trust Himin faith forever,” Maiden said.“What I experienced, Iexperienced for a reason.”

Page 6 CHESTERLAND NEWS Wednesday, August 8, 2012

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Marinefrom page 4

The Chardon Area Chamberof Commerce and ChardonTomorrow are simultaneouslyhosting two events in Chardonon Sept. 15 to promote localbusinesses and encouragetourism in the city.

Chardon BrewFest will takeplace from noon to 5 p.m. onthe grounds of the EltechBuilding, on the southeastcorner of Center Street andSeventh Avenue.

The event will featuresamples from up to 20 localmicrobrewers and food will beavailable from up to sevenChardon area restaurants.

Live music will be on stagethroughout the event.

Online registration is $20and is accepted through Sept. 14at the deadline, the costincreases to $25. The cost

includes a commemorative mug.Chardon GolfFest miniature

golf outing also will take placefrom noon to 5 p.m. at Chip’sClubhouse, 214 5th Ave., justaround the corner from BrewFest.

The event will featurecontests, raffles, prizes andgames for all ages.

An awards presentationrecognizing the adult and juniorwinners — and losers —following the outing.

Registration for the eventwill be $8 per person andincludes lunch provided byGetGo! of Chardon.

More details and eventinformation will be available

Also look for and “like”Chardon BrewFest onFacebook.

Chardon BrewFest &Chardon GolfFest Set

Page 7: Chesterland News August 8th, 2012

Township BudgetOn July 12, Chester

Township Trustees held a publichearing to discuss the 2013budget that was due to thecounty by July 15, 2012.

After more than four hoursof public discussion, the publichearing was continued on July14 to ensure we met thedeadline.

On July 14, only two trusteeswere present at the meeting.

As a result, I was compelledto vote to approve the 2013budget of approximately $6.75million dollars to prevent ourtownship from losing about$45,000 in local governmentfund tax dollars.

My approval of this budgetis with great reservationbecause I do not believeadequate planning and analysisoccurred to justify some of theexpenditures.

In private industry, a budgetis created based on the previousyear's expenditures, forecastedincreases in expenses andplanned investments.

If you do not have sufficientdetail to define, justify anddefend each expenditure, itshould not be included in thebudget.

Government budgetingshould not be any different.

I give you my personalcommitment that the 2014budget process will be betterplanned, less rushed and morecomprehensive.

If you wish to contact me,please email me at [email protected] or call me at440-488-7471.

Ken Radtke, Jr.Chester Township Trustee

I attended the ChesterTownship Trustees’ July 26meeting to witness firsthand thecircus-like atmosphere that hashindered and crippled townshipbusiness for years.

What I saw and heard werea small group of hostile,recalcitrant residents — led byformer Trustee Ron Cotmanand his wife — who spoke toTrustee Chairman Mike Joycein a disrespectful, accusatory,rude, condescending andunprofessional tone.

I also saw Trustee KenRadtke, who assumed office inJanuary, espouse the venomthese residents spew by sittingidle with his head down as thesecitizens launched their diatribeagainst his colleague. WhateverRadtke’s personal orprofessional feeling are towardJoyce, he should have morerespect for the governmentalentity — and that includes thefiscal officer’s office — than toallow or condone such behavior,even if these people are hissupporters.

Finally, I saw an ineffectiveboard chairman relinquishcontrol over the meeting by

failing to enforce the veryguidelines he put in place tocontrol such nonsense.

The degree of contempt anddisdain that occurs at these bi-weekly meetings is shockingand should be a source ofembarrassment to all ChesterTownship residents.

Sadly, the valid points theCotmans make — and they didmake some, most notablyquestioning the need for a roadlevy and the parking of NelsonTree Service trucks on townshipproperty without an indemn-ification agreement in place —are shrouded in uncivil andcontemptible behavior (andchildish sound effects).

The July 26 trustees meetinglasted 54 minutes, more than 30minutes of which was consumedby “public comment.” Thisportion of the meeting wasmore akin to an inquisition orpublic trial than an opportunityfor residents to address trustees.

The only people who askquestions in these meeting arethe Cotmans and their disciples.Clearly, that is not what anyelected official envisions forpublic comment. But who intheir right mind would want toattend a trustees meeting tohear the Cotmans and theircohorts berate and argue withJoyce and Trustee Judy Caputo?

If Ron Cotman wants tomicro-manage township busin-ess why didn’t he run forreelection? Why isn’t his nameon the ballot this fall? Whydoesn’t his wife run for office?Let the citizens of ChesterTownship weigh in on youragenda.

But as I said earlier, the

blame does not rest entirely onCotman & Co. The trustees —all of three of them — shareequally, if not more, in theblame. They are willful playersin the “gotcha” game. Theyallow a handful of residents tohijack township business fortheir own personal agendas andvendettas; these people are notlooking to better ChesterTownship, they are looking todestroy or embarrass electedofficials who disagree withthem.

I also would encourage thetrustees to stand up for anddefend their department heads.Residents are not entitled todemand their attendance attrustees meetings so they caninterrogate them on the record.

Department heads haveoffice hours when residents canstop in and ask their questionsor obtain information. Thesepublic employees are not ontrial and trustees meetings arenot depositions. A recenttrustees meeting lasted nearlyfive hours. How much lessefficient would trusteesmeetings be if departmentheads were forced to take thestand?

My intention is not to castaspersions on the Cotmans andtheir friends, or the trustees.But they all need to takeresponsibility for the lack ofdecorum that pervades trusteesmeetings. Something has tochange and that starts withleadership.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012 CHESTERLAND NEWS Page 7





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Page 8: Chesterland News August 8th, 2012

Page 8 CHESTERLAND NEWS Wednesday, August 8, 2012




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Aug. 9: CommunityWelcome4-7 p.m.

Join in West Geauga MiddleSchool cafeteria to welcomeGeoffrey Palmer and his familyto the school district, co-hostedby the West Geauga SchoolsBoard of Education andBusinesses Supporting West G.

Palmer is the newsuperintendant of West GeaugaSchools.

Enjoy an ice cream social,pizza, coffee, fruit and pastrieswhile socializing with neighborsand friends.

Everyone is welcome.

WG Students Earn EagleScout Award

Christopher Teets andChristopher Heintz received theEagle Scout Award on Saturday.

Eagle Scout is the highestrank attainable from The BoyScouts of America and isearned by completing at least 21merit badges, holdingleadership roles in troop,performing community serviceprojects and lastly, completing aLeadership service projectwhich each boy plans, organizesand manages from start tofinish.

For his leadership service

project, Chris Teets created awalkway between theChesterland Baptist Church andGiant Eagle parking lots. Thisprovides a path for people towalk to the church when theparking lot overflows withouthaving to walk through grassand mud.

Chris Heintz created a paverwalkway, which benefits theWest Geauga Marching Band.

It leads from the band roomto the football field.

A solid path will minimizethe tracking of mud, therefore,reducing the need for cleaninguniforms and the band roomcarpeting.

Both boys thank all of themany volunteers fromChesterland Boy Scout Troop195, West Geauga Marchingband, West Geauga staff andfriends from the high school.

Additional thanks to theChesterland Rotary Club, TheKiwanis Club of West Geauga,West Geauga Band Boosters,CCM Rental, Joe Mazzurco ofH&M Landscaping, FrankSlapnicker and AmericanRailroad Tie.

Volunteers NeededHospice of the Western

Reserve is seeking volunteers toassist in private residences,nursing homes, assisted livingcommunities and hospitalsettings. 

Opportunities to serve arediverse and include runningerrands, reading stories, playinggames, writing letters, makingphone calls, walking and feedingpets, baking cookies, preparingmeals, housekeeping orsometimes, just providing afriendly smile or hug forsomeone in need.

Volunteers with specialized

professional qualifications andtraining are also in demand toprovide legal assistance, givepresentations to communitygroups, assist with clerical workand more.

Licensed hair dressers,massotherapists, pet therapydogs and handlers are also inneed.

The next series of volunteerclasses will be held Wednesdaysat 1–4 p.m. at St. Gabriel’sChurch, 9925 Johnnycake RidgeRoad, Concord Oct. 3 throughNov. 14.

Pre-registration is required. Call Deborah Hagan, 440-

951-8692 for more information.

NAMI GeaugaNAMI Geauga County

offers support, education andadvocacy for those with amental illness or for familiesand friends of those who areaffected by a mental illness.

Support for those with amental illness is offered the firstThursday of each month at 7p.m. at The Board of MentalHealth and Recovery Services,13244 Ravenna Road, Chardon.

Support for Family andFriends of those with a mentalillness is offered on the secondThursday of each month at 7p.m. at The Geauga WestLibrary, 13455 Chillicothe Road,Chester Township.

Support of those with anillness and for Family andFriends is offered on the fourthWednesday of each month at 7p.m. at the Middlefield CountyLibrary, 16167 East High Street,Middlefield.

Visit to join or for moreinformation.



Christopher Teets and Christopher Heintz earn Eagle Scouts Award.

Visit Our Website:

Page 9: Chesterland News August 8th, 2012

Aug. 8: St. Anselm OpenHouse7 p.m.

Thinking about becomingCatholic or returning to thechurch after being baptized asan infant?

When beginning to search

for meaning and purpose, itoften indicates a search forGod, for belonging, for truth.

Join for an open house inthe Hospitality Room of theoffice building. There will becasual conversation with aninitiation team, information onthe inquiry process and plentyof refreshments.

Call Jean Fitzgerald, 440-729-9575 for more information.

Aug. 11: LedgewoodChurch BBQ4:30-7:30 p.m.

The men of LedgewoodChristian Church (Disciples ofChrist) will host the 12thcommunity barbecue on thegrounds of the church, 8261Kinsman Road.

In addition to great smokedBBQ ribs, chicken, corn on thecob, baked beans and potatosalad will be served.

Also included will be all themakings for an ice creamsundae.

Tickets are $12 for adultsand young adults, $6 for schoolchildren under 12 and free forpre-schoolers.

Advanced reservations notrequired.

Aug. 12: SpanishWorship Music9:30 and 11 a.m. services

Guest musicians Rene andDiego Marroquin, who receiveda calling from God to recordworship music to reach thoseages 11 to 22, will performSpanish worship music atMayfield United MethodistChurch, 7747 Mayfield Road.

Pastor Scott Wilson willpreach on the continuingsermon series, “The TenCommandments.”

Call 440-729-4006 for moreinformation.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012 CHESTERLAND NEWS Page 9


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chatterMitchell D. Schraider, son of

James and Melinda Schraider,of Chester Township, graduatedfrom Wittenberg University.

Emma Lebovitz, of ChesterTownship, graduated fromDePaul University in Chicago.

Philip A. Shea, of ChesterTownship, was named on thedean’s list at Miami University.

Melissa Lee, of ChesterTownship, received a bachelor'sdegree in English fromMercyhurst University.

Elizabeth Maier, of ChesterTownship, received a Master ofScience degree in Organiza-tional Leadership fromMercyhurst University.

Corie Cappelucci, daughterof Charles and KathyCappelucci, of Chester Township,was named on the dean’s list atWittenberg University for thespring semester.


For more stories on Chester Township and the surrounding communities,pick up a copy of this week’s Geauga County Maple Leaf.


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Page 10: Chesterland News August 8th, 2012

West Geauga Local Schools2012-2013 Bus Schedules




Please be patient the first few days of school as both drivers and students need time to work out a set pickup time.


In the event your student requires transportation to/from another destination other than your home address, you will need to complete a “Bus Change Request” form.The bus change request will only be honored for permanent before/after school childcare. The purpose of this policy is to insure that students who have had anapproved destination change are assigned the appropriate bus route and that their change in ridership can be recorded and filed. Once this change has beenapproved, the new destination will be that student’s permanent pick up/drop-off point. This year’s schedules reflect last year’s alternate pick up/ drop off changes.

Approval for “Bus Change Request” will only be granted for changes related to permanent before/after school childcare. This form can be found on the website, under administration – transportation - forms.

Please be aware that the bus change process takes 2-5 school days. No transportation changes can take place until building verification AND the TransportationSupervisor has approved the form.

BUS PASSWe also offer a “BUS PASS” program to parents/guardians. The “Bus Pass” allows a student to disembark at an address other than his/her home address while travelingon his/her normal bus route. Or the “BUS PASS” can request riding a different bus, however, ridership is dependent on available space on the “other” bus. The “BusPass” pass MUST BE sent to the student’s school’s main office. It will then be approved and returned to the student to give to the bus driver when boarding the bus.

Due to liability and safety concerns, handwritten notes will not be accepted. Both the “Bus Pass” and “Bus Change Request” forms must be completed and signed bythe parent/guardian. These forms can be found on the website under administration – transportation - forms.

West Geauga High School/Middle School Lindsey/Westwood Elementary Schools (Grades 6-12) (Grades K-5, St. Anselm)Pick Up Time Span.............6:15-7:10 a.m. Pick Up Time Span............7:20-8:20 a.m. MS/HS Classes Start...........7:25/7:32 a.m. Classes Start (LN/WW).......8:30 a.m.MS/HS Classes Dismiss......2:15/2:24 p.m. Classes Dismiss (LN/WW)…3:10 p.m.MS/HS Take Home Span....2:30-3:00 p.m. Classes Start (St. Anselm)....8:15 a.m.

Dismiss (St. Anselm)............3:00 p.m.KDG Classes (LN/WW).......8:30-11:10 a.m.

12:30-3:10 p.m.


VO-ED will leave at 6:35 a.m. by the High School south side by the flag pole. Students should be at the stop no later than 6:30 a.m. (This timing will not allow the vo-ed students to ride in on the HS/MS routes.)

KINDERGARTEN - Morning kindergarten students are picked up on the A.M. elementary bus run and returned home by their assigned kindergarten buses. Afternoonkindergarten students are picked up by their assigned kindergarten buses and returned home on the regular P.M. elementary bus run. Please note that an adult mustbe visible to the driver when dropping off your kindergartener. Please be patient the first few days of school as both drivers and students need time to work out a setpickup/drop-off time.

CUL-DE-SACS/SIDE STREETS – Cul-De-Sac and side streets will be reviewed by the transportation department. The policy is for kindergarten home pickup and/ordrop-off, when possible, whereby all cul-de-sacs which have a large turn-around or are dedicated township roads will be traveled. A road traveled for kindergartenmay not stay as a “traveled street” for other runs.


Note: AM: NOTRE DAME/CATHEDRAL LATIN and NOTRE DAME ELEMENTARY students will be picked up on West G. High School/Middle School buses and taken to WGMiddle School and transfer to Shuttle Bus 5.

PM: NOTRE DAME/CATHEDRAL LATIN and NOTRE DAME ELEMENTARY students will be shuttled to St. Anselm for take home on St. Anselm buses.

School officials ask that parents/guardians NOT pick up their children at the elementary school of transfer. If the child is to be picked up, PLEASE DO SO AT THESCHOOL OF ATTENDANCE.

If you have any questions regarding transportation, please contact Tammy Blasko, Transportation Supervisor, at (440) 729-0026 option 2 or by email at [email protected]

Page 10 CHESTERLAND NEWS Wednesday, August 8, 2012

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Page 11: Chesterland News August 8th, 2012

Wednesday, August 8, 2012 CHESTERLAND NEWS Page 11

A Dog’s LifeAmerican AsphaltArabica Coffee HouseAva’s Bright Beginnings ChildcareBest TrophyCardinal Physical TherapyCASCeramics & YouChase BankComputer Options

Edward Jones InvestmentsGiant EagleH & R BlockHoward HannaHuntington Bank (in Giant Eagle)Intensive Care Doll HospitalLaPuma BakeryMiniature CellarMoeller-Pastor PhotographyOhio License BureauOur Town Cafe

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BUS 111839 CHILLICOTHE RD........................6:24 A.M.8350 KIRKWOOD DR ...........................6:26 A.M.8380 KIRKWOOD DR ...........................6:27 A.M.8385 KIRKWOOD DR ...........................6:27 A.M.8428 KIRKWOOD DR ...........................6:27 A.M.8458 KIRKWOOD DR ...........................6:27 A.M.8528 KIRKWOOD DR ...........................6:28 A.M.CORNER OF KIRKWOOD DR & SPRUCE DR....6:28 A.M.8646 KIRKWOOD DR............................6:29 A.M.CORNER OF WINDING BROOK LN & KIRKWOOD DR6:32 A.M.8781 KIRKWOOD DR............................6:33 A.M.CORNER OF CRANWOOD DR & SPRUCE DR ..6:34 A.M.8537 CRANWOOD DR...........................6:34 A.M.8507 CRANWOOD DR...........................6:35 A.M.8381 CRANWOOD DR...........................6:35 A.M.11315 CHILLICOTHE RD........................6:36 A.M.8233 SHARP LN..................................6:37 A.M.8327 SHARP LN..................................6:38 A.M.8385 SHARP LN..................................6:38 A.M.8479 SHARP LN..................................6:38 A.M.8502 SHARP LN..................................6:40 A.M.8328 SHARP LN..................................6:41 A.M.8270 SHARP LN..................................6:41 A.M.11120 CHILLICOTHE RD........................6:44 A.M.11410 FOXHAVEN DR ...........................6:49 A.M.11490 FOXHAVEN DR ...........................6:49 A.M.8076 MULBERRY RD............................6:50 A.M.8072 MULBERRY RD............................6:51 A.M.7970 MULBERRY RD............................6:51 A.M.7821 MULBERRY RD............................6:54 A.M.11555 WILLOW HILL DR .......................6:54 A.M.11495 WILLOW HILL DR .......................6:55 A.M.11443 WILLOW HILL DR .......................6:55 A.M.CORNER OF WILLOW HILL DR &WILLOW BROOK DR6:56 A.M.11340 WILLOW HILL DR .......................6:57 A.M.11350 WILLOW HILL DR .......................6:58 A.M.11524 WILLOW HILL DR .......................6:59 A.M.8035 MULBERRY RD............................6:59 A.M.11750 PINEWOOD DR...........................7:01 A.M.11780 PINEWOOD DR...........................7:02 A.M.11669 PINEWOOD DR...........................7:03 A.M.11631 PINEWOOD DR...........................7:03 A.M..11601 PINEWOOD DR...........................7:04 A.M.8155 MULBERRY RD............................7:04 A.M.11660 CHILLICOTHE RD........................7:05 A.M.11720 CHILLICOTHE RD........................7:05 A.M.11814 CHILLICOTHE RD........................7:06 A.M.11844 CHILLICOTHE RD........................7:06 A.M.

BUS 313572 CHILLICOTHE RD........................6:25 A.M.8380 BELLE VERNON DR .......................6:26 A.M.8360 BELLE VERNON DR .......................6:27 A.M.8315 BELLE VERNON DR .......................6:27 A.M.13530 FOX DEN DR E ...........................6:29 A.M.13585 FOX DEN DR E ...........................6:30 A.M.8270 BELLE VERNON DR .......................6:31 A.M.8245 BELLE VERNON DR .......................6:31 A.M.8185 BELLE VERNON DR .......................6:32 A.M.8180 BELLE VERNON DR .......................6:32 A.M.8155 BELLE VERNON DR .......................6:32 A.M.8135 BELLE VERNON DR .......................6:33 A.M.13598 FOX HILLS DR ...........................6:33 A.M.13627 FOX HILLS DR ...........................6:36 A.M.13648 FOX HILLS DR ...........................6:37 A.M.13681 FOX HILLS DR ...........................6:37 A.M.13780 FOX HILLS DR ...........................6:38 A.M.13798 FOX HILLS DR ...........................6:38 A.M.13829 FOX HILLS DR ...........................6:38 A.M.7956 FAIRMOUNT RD...........................6:39 A.M.7880 FAIRMOUNT RD...........................6:40 A.M.7844 FAIRMOUNT RD...........................6:40 A.M.13699 CAVES RD ................................6:41 A.M.13507 CAVES RD ................................6:42 A.M.13431 GLEN HILL RD ...........................6:42 A.M.13411 GLEN HILL RD ...........................6:43 A.M.13347 GLEN HILL RD ...........................6:46 A.M.7707 CHESTER BROOK RD.....................6:47 A.M.7693 CHESTER BROOK RD.....................6:47 A.M.7679 CHESTER BROOK RD.....................6:47 A.M.7635 CHESTER BROOK RD.....................6:49 A.M.13394 GLEN HILL RD ...........................6:50 A.M.

7615 MAPLE GROVE RD........................6:52 A.M.7635 MAPLE GROVE RD........................6:52 A.M.13444 CAVES RD ................................6:53 A.M.7620 WESTCOT RD..............................6:54 A.M.7735 WESTCOT RD..............................6:58 A.M.7875 SUNRISE LN...............................7:00 A.M.13553 WILDFLOWER CIR ......................7:02 A.M.13635 BRAEBURN LN...........................7:03 A.M.13737 BRAEBURN LN...........................7:04 A.M.13830 BRAEBURN LN...........................7:05 A.M.13770 BRAEBURN LN...........................7:06 A.M.13605 BRAEBURN LN...........................7:06 A.M.13530 BRAEBURN LN...........................7:07 A.M.CORNER OF CHILLICOTHE RD & BEECHWOOD DR 7:11 A.M.NON-RIDER NON PUBLIC.......................7:15 A.M.NON-RIDER PUBLIC AM ........................7:15 A.M.

BUS 612658 SPERRY RD ..............................6:24 A.M.12638 SPERRY RD ..............................6:25 A.M.12629 SPERRY RD ..............................6:25 A.M.12482 SPERRY RD ..............................6:26 A.M.12444 SPERRY RD ..............................6:26 A.M.12435 SPERRY RD ..............................6:26 A.M.12415 SPERRY RD ..............................6:27 A.M.8860 SHERMAN RD .............................6:29 A.M.8834 SHERMAN RD .............................6:29 A.M.8712 SHERMAN RD .............................6:30 A.M.12430 EUGENE DR 44026 ......................6:33 A.M.12252 SHILOH DR...............................6:34 A.M.CORNER OF SHILOH DR & SHILOH DR W .....6:35 A.M.12208 SHILOH DR...............................6:36 A.M.12201 SHILOH DR...............................6:36 A.M.12179 SHILOH DR...............................6:37 A.M.12470 FALCON RIDGE RD......................6:42 A.M.12455 FALCON RIDGE RD......................6:43 A.M.12395 FALCON RIDGE RD......................6:43 A.M.8899 SHERMAN RD .............................6:44 A.M.CORNER OF SHILOH DR N & SHILOH DR E ... 6:45 A.M.8915 SHILOH DR N..............................6:45 A.M.9381 SHERMAN RD .............................6:49 A.M.9769 SHERMAN RD .............................6:51 A.M.CORNER OF SHERMAN RD & VALLEYVISTA DR ...6:51 A.M.9937 SHERMAN RD .............................6:52 A.M.12404 ROCKHAVEN RD .........................6:53 A.M.12579 ROCKHAVEN RD .........................6:54 A.M.12590 ROCKHAVEN RD .........................6:54 A.M.12725 ROCKHAVEN RD .........................6:55 A.M.9740 MAYFIELD RD .............................6:56 A.M.12689 OPALOCKA DR ...........................7:02 A.M.8553 HERRICK DR MISS PATS DAY CARE..7:03 A.M.CORNER OF HERRICK DR & HOVEY DR......7:05 A.M.CORNER OF HOVEY DR & SEMINARY LN ....7:06 A.M.CORNER OF SEMINARY LN & PARKVIEW DR ...7:07 A.M.13318 CHILLICOTHE RD........................7:11 A.M.

BUS 710036 SHERMAN RD............................6:29 A.M.10020 SHERMAN RD............................6:30 A.M.10010 SHERMAN RD............................6:30 A.M.9916 SHERMAN RD .............................6:31 A.M.9816 SHERMAN RD .............................6:31 A.M.9630 SHERMAN RD .............................6:32 A.M.9308 SHERMAN RD .............................6:34 A.M.12289 SPERRY RD ..............................6:35 A.M.12200 SPERRY RD ..............................6:35 A.M.12189 SPERRY RD ..............................6:36 A.M.12066 SPERRY RD ..............................6:37 A.M.12050 SPERRY RD ..............................6:37 A.M.12029 SPERRY RD ..............................6:37 A.M.12010 SPERRY RD ..............................6:38 A.M.CORNER OF HIDDEN LAKE DR & SPERRY RD .. 6:38 A.M.9650 SHADOW HILL TRL .......................6:41 A.M.CORNER OF SHADOW HILL TRL & MAPLE LEAF TRL6:42 A.M.9620 SHADOW HILL TRL .......................6:42 A.M.CORNER OF WOODCHUCK HOLLOW TRL AND SHADOW HILL TRL..............................6:43 A.M.9414 SHADOW HILL TRL .......................6:45 A.M.9409 SHADOW HILL TRL .......................6:47 A.M.9429 SHADOW HILL TRL .......................6:47 A.M.9515 SHADOW HILL TRL .......................6:48 A.M.9579 SHADOW HILL TRL .......................6:49 A.M.12316 HEATH RD ................................6:51 A.M.CORNER OF HEATH RD & HILLCREST DR ...6:51 A.M.12505 HEATH RD ................................6:52 A.M.12535 HEATH RD ................................6:53 A.M.12702 HEATH RD ................................6:54 A.M.12747 HEATH RD ................................6:54 A.M.9050 MAYFIELD RD .............................6:57 A.M.12555 BARFIELD ................................6:59 A.M.12655 BARFIELD ................................6:59 A.M.

12660 BARFIELD ................................7:04 A.M.8854 MAYFIELD RD .............................7:06 A.M.

BUS 813754 CHILLICOTHE RD........................6:24 A.M.13828 CHILLICOTHE RD........................6:25 A.M.8123 DINES RD ..................................6:28 A.M.8054 DINES RD ..................................6:29 A.M.7893 DINES RD ..................................6:30 A.M.7850 DINES RD ..................................6:30 A.M.7691 DINES RD ..................................6:31 A.M.14435 HUNTING HILLS DR.....................6:35 A.M.14265 COUNTY LINE RD........................6:37 A.M.CORNER OF CNTY LINE RD & PARTRIDGE LN 6:38 A.M.14028 FOX HOLLOW DR........................6:41 A.M.14038 FOX HOLLOW DR........................6:41 A.M.14071 FOX HOLLOW DR........................6:42 A.M.13981 FOX HOLLOW DR........................6:43 A.M.13928 SWEETBRIAR LN ........................6:44 A.M.14024 SWEETBRIAR LN ........................6:45 A.M.14270 SWEETBRIAR LN ........................6:48 A.M.14105 SWEETBRIAR LN ........................6:49 A.M.7722 FAIRMOUNT RD...........................6:51 A.M.CORNER OF FAIRMOUNT RD & JAMES DR..6:51 A.M.7879 FAIRMOUNT RD...........................6:52 A.M.13908 WILLARD DR W .........................6:53 A.M.13971 WILLARD DR W .........................6:53 A.M.14060 WILLARD DR W .........................6:54 A.M.8139 WEST RIVER DR ..........................6:59 A.M.7990 WEST RIVER DR ..........................7:00 A.M.7980 WEST RIVER DR ..........................7:00 A.M.14014 WILLARD DR E ..........................7:01 A.M.13945 WILLARD DR E ..........................7:01 A.M.13927 WILLARD DR E ..........................7:02 A.M.8015 FAIRMOUNT RD...........................7:02 A.M.8265 FAIRMOUNT RD...........................7:03 A.M.8283 FAIRMOUNT RD...........................7:04 A.M.8609 CARMICHAEL DR .........................7:07 A.M.8685 CARMICHAEL DR .........................7:07 A.M.8788 CARMICHAEL DR .........................7:09 A.M.8762 CARMICHAEL DR .........................7:09 A.M.8636 CARMICHAEL DR .........................7:10 A.M.8586 CARMICHAEL DR .........................7:10 A.M.

BUS 98815 FAIRMOUNT RD...........................6:24 A.M.9085 FAIRMOUNT RD...........................6:25 A.M.9181 FAIRMOUNT RD...........................6:26 A.M.9315 FAIRMOUNT RD...........................6:27 A.M.9572 FAIRMOUNT RD...........................6:28 A.M.9624 FAIRMOUNT RD...........................6:29 A.M.13595 HEATH RD ................................6:30 A.M.13361 HIDDEN OAKS DR .......................6:31 A.M.13340 HIDDEN OAKS DR .......................6:32 A.M.13366 HIDDEN OAKS DR .......................6:34 A.M.13480 HIDDEN OAKS DR .......................6:35 A.M.CORNER OF HEATH RD & CEDAR R...........6:36 A.M.13741 SPERRY RD ..............................6:37 A.M.13748 SPERRY RD ..............................6:38 A.M.13655 SPERRY RD ..............................6:39 A.M.13393 SPERRY RD ..............................6:40 A.M.9430 MARSH HAWK RUN ......................6:41 A.M.9525 MARSH HAWK RUN ......................6:42 A.M.9435 MARSH HAWK RUN ......................6:43 A.M.9300 FRASER LN ................................6:44 A.M.9305 FRASER LN ................................6:45 A.M.9225 FRASER LN ................................6:46 A.M.9155 FRASER LN ................................6:47 A.M.13309 SPERRY RD ..............................6:48 A.M.13221 SPERRY RD ..............................6:49 A.M.9611 WINCHESTER VALLEY RD ...............6:50 A.M.9620 WINCHESTER VALLEY RD ...............6:51 A.M.9509 WINCHESTER VALLEY RD ...............6:52 A.M.9472 WINCHESTER VALLEY RD ...............6:53 A.M.9360 WINCHESTER VALLEY RD ...............6:54 A.M.9284 WINCHESTER VALLEY RD ...............6:55 A.M.9158 CEDAR RD .................................6:56 A.M.9103 CEDAR RD .................................6:57 A.M.9046 CEDAR RD .................................6:58 A.M.9019 CEDAR RD .................................7:00 A.M.8954 CEDAR RD .................................7:01 A.M.CORNER OF CEDAR RD & LAKEWOOD DR...7:02 A.M.8891 CEDAR RD .................................7:03 A.M.CORNER OF CEDAR RD & LAWNBURY DR...7:04 A.M.8799 CEDAR RD .................................7:05 A.M.8601 CEDAR RD .................................7:06 A.M.8595 CEDAR RD .................................7:07 A.M.8574 CEDAR RD .................................7:08 A.M.13370 CHILLICOTHE RD........................7:09 A.M.13384 CHILLICOTHE RD........................7:10 A.M.13404 CHILLICOTHE RD........................7:11 A.M.

BUS 1 115614 CHILLICOTHE RD........................6:22 A.M.15695 CHILLICOTHE RD........................6:25 A.M.8290 MUSIC ST ..................................6:28 A.M.8564 MUSIC ST ..................................6:28 A.M.8611 MUSIC ST ..................................6:29 A.M.8861 MUSIC ST ..................................6:29 A.M.15775 NORTH RIDGE DR .......................6:32 A.M.15550 HARMONY FALLS LN ...................6:34 A.M.15600 HARMONY FALLS LN ...................6:34 A.M.15645 HARMONY FALLS LN ...................6:37 A.M.9343 MUSIC ST ..................................6:38 A.M.15665 GAMESKEEPERS TRL...................6:41 A.M.9830 MUSIC ST ..................................6:44 A.M.9652 MUSIC ST ..................................6:45 A.M.15275 FEDELI LN ................................6:48 A.M.8604 MUSIC ST ..................................6:51 A.M.8590 MUSIC ST ..................................6:51 A.M.15369 CHILLICOTHE RD........................6:52 A.M.8567 SUGARTREE DR...........................6:54 A.M.CORNER OF SUGARTREE DR &CHILLICOTHE RD 6:56 A.M.8626 SUGARTREE DR...........................6:58 A.M.15221 CHILLICOTHE RD........................6:59 A.M.8585 KINSMAN RD ..............................7:00 A.M.14934 SURREY DOWNS DR....................7:01 A.M.14940 SURREY DOWNS DR....................7:01 A.M.15002 SURREY DOWNS DR....................7:01 A.M.15021 SURREY DOWNS DR....................7:03 A.M.14961 SURREY DOWNS DR....................7:03 A.M.8624 KINSMAN RD ..............................7:04 A.M.8552 KINSMAN RD ..............................7:04 A.M.CORNER OF CHILLICOTHE RD & SILVERCREEK DR.7:05 A.M.14381 CHILLICOTHE RD........................7:06 A.M.8585 CENTURY LN ..............................7:09 A.M.14001 CHILLICOTHE RD........................7:10 A.M.

BUS 1 3CORNER OF WHISPERING PINES DR &CHILLICOTHE RD6:25 A.M.8433 MARTINGALE LN..........................6:26 A.M.14709 HITCHING POST LN .....................6:27 A.M.14465 HITCHING POST LN .....................6:27 A.M.8397 TOP RAIL LN...............................6:29 A.M.8380 TOP RAIL LN...............................6:29 A.M.8364 TOP RAIL LN...............................6:30 A.M.14670 HITCHING POST LN .....................6:30 A.M.8320 CORRAL CIR ...............................6:34 A.M.8331 CORRAL CIR ...............................6:34 A.M.14870 HITCHING POST LN .....................6:36 A.M.8284 KINSMAN RD ..............................6:38 A.M.14781 RUSSELL LN .............................6:39 A.M.14725 RUSSELL LN .............................6:40 A.M.14711 RUSSELL LN .............................6:40 A.M.14569 RUSSELL LN .............................6:41 A.M.14552 RUSSELL LN .............................6:44 A.M.14620 RUSSELL LN .............................6:44 A.M.14678 RUSSELL LN .............................6:45 A.M.14752 RUSSELL LN .............................6:46 A.M.14818 RUSSELL LN .............................6:46 A.M.8230 KINSMAN RD ..............................6:47 A.M.15060 STILLWATER DR.........................6:51 A.M.14745 STONEHEDGE ............................6:56 A.M.7900 KINSMAN RD ..............................6:57 A.M.7898 KINSMAN RD ..............................6:58 A.M.7868 KINSMAN RD ..............................6:58 A.M.14879 CAVES RD ................................6:58 A.M.14729 CAVES RD ................................6:59 A.M.14711 CAVES RD ................................6:59 A.M.14681 CAVES RD ................................7:00 A.M.14556 CAVES RD ................................7:00 A.M.14551 CAVES RD ................................7:01 A.M.14535 CAVES RD ................................7:01 A.M.8005 THORNAPPLE DR .........................7:02 A.M.CORNER OF THORNAPPLE DR &WEST RIDGE DR ..7:02 A.M.7925 WOODSWAY LN ...........................7:04 A.M.14395 CAVES RD ................................7:05 A.M.14381 CAVES RD ................................7:05 A.M.14365 CAVES RD ................................7:05 A.M.14175 CAVES RD ................................7:06 A.M.14111 CAVES RD ................................7:06 A.M.14031 CAVES RD ................................7:07 A.M.7955 FAIRMOUNT RD...........................7:08 A.M.

BUS 1 48229 CEDAR RD .................................6:22 A.M.13154 DOROTHY RD ............................6:23 A.M.13125 DOROTHY RD ............................6:24 A.M.13021 DOROTHY RD ............................6:24 A.M.13024 DOROTHY RD ............................6:28 A.M.12996 DOROTHY RD ............................6:28 A.M.13041 MARILYN DR .............................6:30 A.M.


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PHPHPHPHPH: 440-729-7667: 440-729-7667: 440-729-7667: 440-729-7667: 440-729-7667FFFFFAAAAAX 440-729-8240X 440-729-8240X 440-729-8240X 440-729-8240X 440-729-8240

We wish you a great School Year!

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Page 12: Chesterland News August 8th, 2012

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INCLUDES:• Lube, where applicable• New oil filter installed•Up to 5 quarts major brand oil

(On request)

CORNER OF MARILYN DR & DOROTHY RD..6:30 A.M.13123 MARILYN DR .............................6:31 A.M.13231 MARILYN DR .............................6:31 A.M.CORNER OF CHILLICOTHE RD &COTTRELL DR 6:34 A.M.12851 CHILLICOTHE RD........................6:34 A.M.12780 VINCENT DR..............................6:38 A.M.12822 VINCENT DR..............................6:38 A.M.12928 VINCENT DR..............................6:40 A.M.12903 VINCENT DR..............................6:40 A.M.12865 VINCENT DR..............................6:40 A.M.12855 VINCENT DR..............................6:44 A.M.12879 VINCENT DR..............................6:46 A.M.12801 VINCENT DR..............................6:47 A.M.12785 VINCENT DR..............................6:47 A.M.12773 VINCENT DR..............................6:47 A.M.12906 SPERRY RD ..............................6:49 A.M.12926 SPERRY RD ..............................6:49 A.M.CORNER OF SPERRY RD & WYANDOT RD...6:49 A.M.9136 RANCH DR .................................6:50 A.M.9115 RANCH DR .................................6:50 A.M..8963 RANCH DR .................................6:51 A.M.8956 RANCH DR .................................6:51 A.M.8873 RANCH DR .................................6:52 A.M.8709 RANCH DR .................................6:53 A.M.8697 RANCH DR .................................6:53 A.M.12956 OPALOCKA DR ...........................6:54 A.M.12873 OPALOCKA DR ...........................6:54 A.M.12797 OPALOCKA DR ...........................6:55 A.M.12779 OPALOCKA DR ...........................6:55 A.M.12966 CHILLICOTHE RD........................6:57 A.M.8731 CAMELOT DR..............................6:59 A.M.8785 CAMELOT DR..............................6:59 A.M.8837 CAMELOT DR..............................6:59 A.M.8880 CAMELOT DR..............................7:03 A.M.8870 CAMELOT DR..............................7:03 A.M.8850 CAMELOT DR..............................7:03 A.M.8599 PRESCOTT DR.............................7:06 A.M.8665 PRESCOTT DR.............................7:09 A.M.8600 PRESCOTT DR.............................7:10 A.M.8562 PRESCOTT DR.............................7:10 A.M.

BUS 1 512875 LYNN DR..................................6:24 A.M.12841 LYNN DR..................................6:25 A.M.12788 LYNN DR .................................6:25 A.M.12860 WOODSIDE DR S ........................6:27 A.M.12896 WOODSIDE DR S ........................6:27 A.M.12912 WOODSIDE DR S ........................6:28 A.M.12944 WOODSIDE DR S ........................6:28 A.M.12983 WOODSIDE DR S ........................6:30 A.M.12931 WOODSIDE DR S ........................6:31 A.M.12847 WOODSIDE DR S ........................6:31 A.M.12679 WARD DR.................................6:33 A.M.12655 WARD DR.................................6:33 A.M.12628 WARD DR.................................6:33 A.M.12604 WARD DR.................................6:34 A.M.12546 WARD DR.................................6:35 A.M.12536 WARD DR.................................6:35 A.M.8370 MAPLE DR .................................6:35 A.M.12585 WOODSIDE DR...........................6:36 A.M.12638 WOODSIDE DR...........................6:37 A.M.12685 WOODSIDE DR...........................6:38 A.M.12688 WOODSIDE DR...........................6:38 A.M.12684 BUCKEYE DR.............................6:39 A.M.12673 BUCKEYE DR.............................6:39 A.M.12574 BUCKEYE DR.............................6:40 A.M.8250 MAPLE DR .................................6:41 A.M.8236 MAPLE DR .................................6:41 A.M.8218 MAPLE DR .................................6:41 A.M.12676 HAROLD DR..............................6:43 A.M.12634 HAROLD DR..............................6:44 A.M.12601 HAROLD DR..............................6:44 A.M.12563 HAROLD DR..............................6:45 A.M.12555 HAROLD DR..............................6:45 A.M.12501 HAROLD DR..............................6:46 A.M.12402 HAROLD DR..............................6:46 A.M.12390 HAROLD DR..............................6:47 A.M.12145 RESERVE LN .............................6:51 A.M.12190 RESERVE LN .............................6:51 A.M.12220 RESERVE LN .............................6:52 A.M.12235 NORTON DR..............................6:56 A.M.CORNER OF SHERMAN RD & NORTON DR ..6:56 A.M.12295 WEDGEFIELD LN ........................6:58 A.M.8040 WEDGEWOOD DR.........................6:59 A.M.8100 WEDGEWOOD DR.........................7:01 A.M.8161 SHERMAN RD .............................7:03 A.M.12379 VALLEY VIEW DR........................7:04 A.M.12391 VALLEY VIEW DR........................7:04 A.M.12402 VALLEY VIEW DR........................7:04 A.M.12537 VALLEY VIEW DR........................7:05 A.M.12568 VALLEY VIEW DR........................7:05 A.M.

12587 VALLEY VIEW DR........................7:06 A.M.12630 VALLEY VIEW DR........................7:06 A.M.

BUS 1 68294 CEDAR RD .................................6:22 A.M.8264 CEDAR RD .................................6:23 A.M.7802 CEDAR RD .................................6:25 A.M.7742 CEDAR RD .................................6:25 A.M.7730 CEDAR RD .................................6:25 A.M.7690 CEDAR RD .................................6:26 A.M.7076 CEDAR RD .................................6:28 A.M.CORNER OF FOX LEDGES DR & COUNTY LINE RD ..6:31 A.M.13241 COUNTY LINE RD........................6:31 A.M.13023 COUNTY LINE RD........................6:32 A.M.12937 COUNTY LINE RD........................6:33 A.M.7050 OLD MILL RD..............................6:33 A.M.7091 OLD MILL RD..............................6:34 A.M.7125 OLD MILL RD..............................6:34 A.M.12800 WESTCHESTER TRL.....................6:35 A.M.12989 WESTCHESTER TRL.....................6:36 A.M.13010 WESTCHESTER TRL.....................6:37 A.M.13111 WESTCHESTER TRL.....................6:37 A.M.13147 WESTCHESTER TRL.....................6:37 A.M.13167 WESTCHESTER TRL.....................6:37 A.M.13135 WEST GEAUGA TRL .....................6:39 A.M.13119 WEST GEAUGA TRL .....................6:39 A.M.CORNER OF BIRDLAND TRL &CEDARCREST TRL 6:40 A.M.13205 SPRINGBLOSSOM TRL .................6:41 A.M.13290 FOXMOOR TRL ..........................6:42 A.M.13330 FOXMOOR TRL ..........................6:43 A.M.13350 FOXMOOR TRL ..........................6:44 A.M.7383 CEDAR RD .................................6:45 A.M.7565 CEDAR RD .................................6:46 A.M.7593 CEDAR RD .................................6:47 A.M.7615 CEDAR RD .................................6:47 A.M.13380 CAVES RD ................................6:51 A.M.7845 ARLINGTON DR ...........................6:51 A.M.7895 ARLINGTON DR ...........................6:52 A.M.7945 ARLINGTON DR ...........................6:52 A.M.7950 ARLINGTON DR ...........................6:54 A.M..7859 CEDAR RD .................................6:55 A.M.8033 CEDAR RD .................................6:56 A.M.13303 HICKORY ST..............................6:57 A.M.13360 HICKORY ST..............................6:57 A.M.13382 HICKORY ST..............................6:58 A.M.13418 HICKORY ST..............................6:58 A.M.13395 GREEN DR................................6:59 A.M.13382 GREEN DR................................7:00 A.M.13383 GREEN DR................................7:00 A.M.8145 CEDAR RD .................................7:01 A.M.13284 SHADY LN ................................7:02 A.M.13299 SHADY LN ................................7:02 A.M.13326 SHADY LN ................................7:03 A.M.13329 SHADY LN ................................7:03 A.M.13412 SHADY LN ................................7:03 A.M.13470 SHADY LN ................................7:04 A.M.13455 CEDAR ACRES DR.......................7:05 A.M.13437 CEDAR ACRES DR.......................7:05 A.M.13431 CEDAR ACRES DR.......................7:05 A.M.13329 CEDAR ACRES DR.......................7:06 A.M.13309 CEDAR ACRES DR.......................7:06 A.M.13320 CEDAR ACRES DR.......................7:10 A.M.13279 CEDAR ACRES DR.......................7:10 A.M.8393 CEDAR RD .................................7:11 A.M.

BUS 1 77420 MAYFIELD RD .............................6:24 A.M.7306 MAYVIEW LN ..............................6:25 A.M.12826 MORNING GLORY TRL .................6:26 A.M.12880 MORNING GLORY TRL .................6:27 A.M.12903 WELLSWOOD TRL.......................6:28 A.M.7511 MAYFIELD RD .............................6:30 A.M.7523 MAYFIELD RD .............................6:30 A.M.12770 KINGSWAY DR ...........................6:31 A.M.12790 KINGSWAY DR ...........................6:31 A.M.12800 KINGSWAY DR ...........................6:31 A.M.12810 KINGSWAY DR ...........................6:31 A.M.12845 KINGSWAY DR ...........................6:33 A.M.12815 KINGSWAY DR ...........................6:34 A.M.7697 MAYFIELD RD .............................6:34 A.M.12493 BENTBROOK DR .........................6:37 A.M.12469 BENTBROOK DR .........................6:42 A.M.12751 MANCHESTER DR .......................6:46 A.M.CORNER OF MANCHESTER DR & DEVON LN ..6:46 A.M.CORNER OF MANCHESTER DR & AVON LN ..6:47 A.M.CORNER OF MANCHESTER DR & WARWICK LN ...6:48 A.M.7504 WARWICK LN..............................6:48 A.M.7521 WARWICK LN..............................6:48 A.M.12965 STRATFORD TRL ........................6:49 A.M.13034 STRATFORD TRL ........................6:50 A.M.13053 STRATFORD TRL ........................6:50 A.M.

13067 STRATFORD TRL ........................6:50 A.M.13064 STRATFORD TRL ........................6:53 A.M.7521 DRURY TRL................................6:53 A.M.13082 FAIRFIELD TRL ..........................6:54 A.M.CORNER OF GREENFIELD TRL & FAIRFIELD TRL..6:55 A.M.7534 GREENFIELD TRL .........................6:56 A.M.13006 WOODCREST LN.........................7:00 A.M.7384 GREENFIELD TRL .........................7:01 A.M.7338 GREENFIELD TRL .........................7:01 A.M.7292 GREENFIELD TRL .........................7:02 A.M.CORNER OF WEST GEAUGA TRL & GREENFIELD TRL7:02 A.M.13010 WEST GEAUGA TRL .....................7:03 A.M.CORNER OF WOODCREST LN & CEDARCREST TRL7:05 A.M.13093 WOODCREST LN.........................7:05 A.M.13154 WOODCREST LN.........................7:06 A.M.13200 WOODCREST LN.........................7:06 A.M.13205 WOODCREST LN.........................7:06 A.M.

BUS 1 88558 PEKIN RD ..................................6:20 A.M.14550 CRESTVIEW DR..........................6:25 A.M.14525 CRESTVIEW DR..........................6:25 A.M.14455 CRESTVIEW DR..........................6:25 A.M.14455 LEXINGTON RD ..........................6:31 A.M.9141 PEKIN RD ..................................6:32 A.M.9167 PEKIN RD ..................................6:32 A.M.CORNER OF PEKIN RD & SPRING VALLEY RD.6:33 A.M.14398 SPRING VALLEY RD.....................6:33 A.M.14415 SPRING VALLEY RD.....................6:33 A.M.9275 MEMORY LN...............................6:34 A.M.14612 WATT RD .................................6:34 A.M.14680 SLEEPY HOLLOW DR ...................6:40 A.M.14730 SLEEPY HOLLOW DR ...................6:40 A.M.14789 SLEEPY HOLLOW DR ...................6:40 A.M.14626 MORGAN TRL............................6:46 A.M.8970 GALLOWAY TRL...........................6:47 A.M.9154 KINSMAN RD ..............................6:52 A.M.9134 KINSMAN RD ..............................6:52 A.M.8940 KINSMAN RD ..............................6:53 A.M.14682 CLYDESDALE TRL .......................6:54 A.M.8766 GALLOWAY TRL...........................6:55 A.M.8734 GALLOWAY TRL...........................6:55 A.M.8710 GALLOWAY TRL...........................6:56 A.M.8735 GALLOWAY TRL...........................6:56 A.M.8745 GALLOWAY TRL...........................6:56 A.M.8835 GALLOWAY TRL...........................6:57 A.M.14688 SHIRE CT .................................7:01 A.M.9011 KINSMAN RD ..............................7:03 A.M.14413 WATT RD .................................7:05 A.M.14389 WATT RD .................................7:06 A.M.14336 WATT RD .................................7:06 A.M.14300 WATT RD .................................7:06 A.M.14004 WATT RD .................................7:07 A.M.CORNER OF FAIRMOUNT RD & CUYAHOGA TRL...7:08 A.M.CORNER OF FAIRMOUNT RD & NORTHWOOD RD .7:09 A.M.

BUS 1 99121 MULBERRY RD............................6:24 A.M.9139 MULBERRY RD............................6:24 A.M.11331 SPERRY RD ..............................6:25 A.M.11175 SPERRY RD ..............................6:26 A.M.9305 GEM RD ....................................6:27 A.M.9331 GEM RD ....................................6:27 A.M.9460 MULBERRY RD............................6:33 A.M.11510 HEATH RD ................................6:34 A.M.11523 HEATH RD ................................6:34 A.M.11530 HEATH RD ................................6:34 A.M.11889 SPERRY RD ..............................6:37 A.M.11840 SPERRY RD ..............................6:38 A.M.11631 SPERRY RD ..............................6:39 A.M.11588 SPERRY RD ..............................6:39 A.M.9090 MULBERRY RD............................6:40 A.M.11340 PINE ACRES LN..........................6:43 A.M.9008 Mulberry ...................................6:43 A.M.11485 PEACH TREE DR .........................6:45 A.M.11445 PEACH TREE DR .........................6:47 A.M.11580 PEACH TREE DR .........................6:48 A.M.8716 MULBERRY RD............................6:48 A.M.11631 LYMAN RD................................6:50 A.M.11630 LYMAN RD................................6:50 A.M.11645 LYMAN RD................................6:50 A.M.11655 LYMAN RD................................6:51 A.M.11654 LYMAN RD................................6:56 A.M.11758 LYMAN RD................................6:57 A.M.11783 LYMAN RD................................6:57 A.M.CORNER OF LYMAN RD AND MERRIE LN....6:58 A.M.8287 MERRIE LN ................................6:58 A.M.8284 MERRIE LN ................................6:58 A.M.11945 CLEARVIEW RD..........................6:59 A.M.11904 CLEARVIEW RD..........................7:04 A.M.19554 CLEARVIEW RD..........................7:05 A.M.

BUS 2 78288 WILSON MILLS RD .......................6:24 A.M.8278 WILSON MILLS RD .......................6:24 A.M.CORNER OF STORYBOOK LN & WILSON MILLS RD6:25 A.M.8118 WILSON MILLS RD .......................6:25 A.M.11922 MEADOW RIDGE DR ....................6:26 A.M.11906 MEADOW RIDGE DR ....................6:26 A.M.CORNER OF SUMMERS RD & EDDYWOOD LN.....6:28 A.M.11871 SUMMERS RD ...........................6:28 A.M.7870 WILSON MILLS RD .......................6:29 A.M.7650 WILSON MILLS RD .......................6:30 A.M.7478 WILSON MILLS RD .......................6:31 A.M.CORNER OF WILSON MILLS RD & LAUREL RD....6:32 A.M.11975 COUNTY LINE RD........................6:33 A.M.11639 COUNTY LINE RD........................6:34 A.M.7049 MULBERRY RD............................6:35 A.M.11518 CHAPIN RD...............................6:37 A.M.7381 HILLENDALE RD ..........................6:38 A.M.7160 MULBERRY RD............................6:40 A.M.11455 COUNTY LINE RD........................6:41 A.M.11335 COUNTY LINE RD........................6:46 A.M.7047 BROOKLANE RD...........................6:46 A.M.7215 BROOKLANE RD...........................6:47 A.M.7293 BROOKLANE RD...........................6:48 A.M.7323 BROOKLANE RD...........................6:48 A.M.7351 BROOKLANE RD...........................6:49 A.M.11296 WALNUT RIDGE RD .....................6:50 A.M.11265 WALNUT RIDGE RD .....................6:50 A.M.11215 WALNUT RIDGE RD .....................6:51 A.M.11194 WALNUT RIDGE RD .....................6:51 A.M.11180 WALNUT RIDGE RD .....................6:51 A.M.11129 WALNUT RIDGE RD .....................6:52 A.M.11000 WALNUT RIDGE RD .....................6:52 A.M.CORNER OF EVERGREEN DR &WALNUT RIDGE RD W6:52 A.M.11220 WALNUT RIDGE RD W..................6:53 A.M.11284 WALNUT RIDGE RD W..................6:54 A.M.11482 FERRY RD ................................6:55 A.M.11495 FERRY RD ................................6:56 A.M.11626 SHERWOOD TRL ........................6:57 A.M.11661 SHERWOOD TRL ........................7:00 A.M.7410 MULBERRY RD............................7:00 A.M.7485 MULBERRY RD............................7:01 A.M.7655 MULBERRY RD............................7:02 A.M.8213 WILSON MILLS RD .......................7:05 A.M.CORNER OF WILSON MILLS RD & PRIVACY LN ...7:05 A.M.

BUS 3 07770 KINSMAN RD ..............................6:26 A.M.7690 KINSMAN RD ..............................6:27 A.M.664 COY LN.......................................6:31 A.M.710 COY LN.......................................6:33 A.M.633 COY LN.......................................6:34 A.M.7525 RUNNYMEADE TR ........................6:39 A.M.7780 DEERFOOT TRL ...........................6:44 A.M.14869 TRAPPERS TRL..........................6:45 A.M.14840 TRAPPERS TRL..........................6:46 A.M.7446 KINSMAN RD ..............................6:49 A.M.14979 HILLBROOK LN E ........................6:50 A.M.7324 JOHNSTON DR ............................6:54 A.M.7388 KINSMAN RD ..............................6:56 A.M.CORNER OF HILLBROOK LN S & KINSMAN RD ....6:57 A.M.15096 DEEP WOOD N DR.......................6:57 A.M.CORNER OF DEEP WOOD DR AND DEEP WOOD LN S .6:58 A.M.7050 DEEP WOOD DR...........................7:02 A.M.8023 KINSMAN RD ..............................7:05 A.M.8305 KINSMAN RD ..............................7:06 A.M.NON-RIDER PUBLIC AM ........................7:14 A.M.NON-RIDER NON PUBLIC.......................7:15 A.M.

BUS 3 38082 MAYFIELD RD .............................6:24 A.M.7936 MAYFIELD RD .............................6:25 A.M.12835 CAVES RD ................................6:26 A.M.12907 CAVES RD ................................6:27 A.M.12966 CAVES RD ................................6:27 A.M.12975 CAVES RD ................................6:28 A.M.7700 WOODLANDS TRL ........................6:32 A.M.7765 WOODLANDS TRL ........................6:33 A.M.7775 WOODLANDS TRL ........................6:34 A.M.7785 WOODLANDS TRL ........................6:34 A.M.7799 WOODLANDS TRL ........................6:34 A.M.7871 BIRCHWOOD DR ..........................6:35 A.M.7893 BIRCHWOOD DR ..........................6:36 A.M.CORNER OF CHERRY LN & BIRCHWOOD DR..6:36 A.M.13053 CHERRY LN ..............................6:36 A.M.13024 CHERRY LN ..............................6:37 A.M.12993 CHERRY LN ..............................6:37 A.M.12983 CHERRY LN ..............................6:38 A.M.12971 CHERRY LN ..............................6:38 A.M.12926 CHERRY LN ..............................6:38 A.M.

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12895 CHERRY LN ..............................6:39 A.M.12860 CHERRY LN ..............................6:39 A.M.12834 CHERRY LN ..............................6:40 A.M.12831 CHERRY LN ..............................6:40 A.M.12791 CAVES RD ................................6:41 A.M.12563 CAVES RD ................................6:42 A.M.12449 CAVES RD ................................6:43 A.M.CORNER OF SHERMAN RD &WHITE PINE LN .6:44 A.M.7500 SHERMAN RD .............................6:45 A.M.12390 STOCKBRIDGE DR.......................6:49 A.M.7194 SHERMAN RD .............................6:50 A.M.7128 SHERMAN RD .............................6:50 A.M.CORNER OF SHERMAN RD &MARTINGALE LN 6:50 A.M.12241 COUNTY LINE RD........................6:52 A.M.7125 STACY LN ..................................6:57 A.M.CORNER OF COUNTY LINE RD & NEW MARKET LN6:58 A.M.12099 COUNTY LINE RD........................6:58 A.M.7181 WILSON MILLS RD .......................6:59 A.M.CORNER OF WILSON MILLS RD & SURREY LN....7:00 A.M.7333 WILSON MILLS RD .......................7:00 A.M.CORNER OF WILSON MILLS RD & TATTERSALL LN.7:00 A.M.7545 WILSON MILLS RD .......................7:01 A.M.12060 CAVES RD ................................7:02 A.M.12120 CAVES RD ................................7:03 A.M.12168 CAVES RD ................................7:03 A.M.7909 SHERMAN RD .............................7:04 A.M.7939 SHERMAN RD .............................7:04 A.M.8029 SHERMAN RD .............................7:05 A.M.8357 SHERMAN RD .............................7:06 A.M.8435 SHERMAN RD .............................7:06 A.M.

BUS 3 511942 CAVES RD ................................6:25 A.M.11910 CAVES RD ................................6:26 A.M.11880 CAVES RD ................................6:26 A.M.CORNER OF PEAR TREE DR & CAVES RD....6:26 A.M.11841 CAVES RD ................................6:27 A.M.11637 CAVES RD ................................6:27 A.M.7821 MULBERRY RD............................6:30 A.M.11511 CAVES RD ................................6:31 A.M.11465 CAVES RD ................................6:31 A.M.11295 CAVES RD ................................6:32 A.M.11261 LAKE FOREST DR .......................6:36 A.M.11257 LAKE FOREST DR .......................6:36 A.M.11255 LAKE FOREST DR .......................6:37 A.M.11245 LAKE FOREST DR .......................6:38 A.M.7860 CHALET DR ................................6:39 A.M.7721 Hidden Valley .............................6:44 A.M.11180 CAVES RD ................................6:45 A.M.CORNER OF CAVES RD &PUDDINGSTONE DR .6:46 A.M.11284 CAVES RD ................................6:46 A.M.11486 CAVES RD ................................6:47 A.M.11500 CAVES RD ................................6:47 A.M.CORNER OF MULBERRY RD & SPRING RD..6:48 A.M.7488 MULBERRY RD............................6:48 A.M.11629 HILL DR E ................................6:49 A.M.11670 HILL DR E ................................6:49 A.M.11737 HILL DR E ................................6:50 A.M.11759 HILL DR E ................................6:50 A.M.

11763 HILL DR E ................................6:50 A.M.7516 OAK HILL DR ..............................6:51 A.M.7548 OAK HILL DR ..............................6:51 A.M.7580 OAK HILL DR ..............................6:51 A.M.7678 OAK HILL DR ..............................6:52 A.M.7694 OAK HILL DR ..............................6:53 A.M.7675 OAK HILL DR ..............................6:53 A.M.7659 OAK HILL DR ..............................6:54 A.M.7621 OAK HILL DR ..............................6:54 A.M.7611 OAK HILL DR ..............................6:54 A.M.7569 OAK HILL DR ..............................6:55 A.M.7567 OAK HILL DR ..............................6:55 A.M.11837 HILL DR E ................................6:56 A.M.11891 HILL DR E ................................6:56 A.M.7537 APPLE BLOSSOM LN .....................6:57 A.M.7583 APPLE BLOSSOM LN .....................6:57 A.M.7655 APPLE BLOSSOM LN .....................6:58 A.M.7667 APPLE BLOSSOM LN .....................6:58 A.M.7690 APPLE BLOSSOM LN .....................7:01 A.M.7556 APPLE BLOSSOM LN .....................7:02 A.M.7538 APPLE BLOSSOM LN .....................7:02 A.M.11931 HILL DR E ................................7:03 A.M.CORNER OF CAVES RD AND FOX RUN LN ...7:05 A.M.12524 CAVES RD ................................7:06 A.M.NON-RIDER NON PUBLIC.......................7:15 A.M.NON-RIDER PUBLIC AM ........................7:15 A.M.

BUS 3 69136 FOREST LN ................................6:20 A.M.9106 FOREST LN ................................6:21 A.M.9068 FOREST LN ................................6:21 A.M.9016 FOREST LN ................................6:22 A.M.8990 FOREST LN ................................6:23 A.M.12947 SPERRY RD ..............................6:25 A.M.12859 SPERRY RD ..............................6:26 A.M.12995 CASSIE LN S .............................6:27 A.M.13005 CASSIE LN S .............................6:29 A.M.12965 CASSIE LN S .............................6:29 A.M.9525 MAYFIELD RD .............................6:30 A.M.12828 HEATH RD ................................6:31 A.M.12937 HEATH RD ................................6:31 A.M.12951 HEATH RD ................................6:32 A.M.12962 HEATH RD ................................6:32 A.M.9645 KIM DR .....................................6:33 A.M.9646 KIM DR .....................................6:36 A.M.9583 KIM DR .....................................6:36 A.M.13096 KENYON RD ..............................6:36 A.M.13049 KENYON RD ..............................6:37 A.M.13039 KENYON RD ..............................6:37 A.M.12961 KENYON RD ..............................6:38 A.M.12932 KENYON RD ..............................6:38 A.M.12933 KENYON RD ..............................6:38 A.M.12891 KENYON RD ..............................6:39 A.M.12881 KENYON RD ..............................6:39 A.M.12874 KENYON RD ..............................6:39 A.M.12864 KENYON RD ..............................6:39 A.M.12855 KENYON RD ..............................6:40 A.M.12811 KENYON RD ..............................6:40 A.M.9721 MAYFIELD RD .............................6:41 A.M.

9777 MAYFIELD RD .............................6:41 A.M.12900 ROSETTA DR .............................6:43 A.M.12933 ROSETTA DR .............................6:43 A.M.12869 ROSETTA DR .............................6:43 A.M.12831 ROSETTA DR .............................6:44 A.M.9961 MAYFIELD RD .............................6:45 A.M.12998 ROCKHAVEN RD .........................6:46 A.M.10574 CEDAR RD................................6:52 A.M.12865 ROCKHAVEN RD .........................6:55 A.M.9050 MAYFIELD RD .............................7:02 A.M.12525 CHESTERFIELD DR......................7:02 A.M.12565 CHESTERFIELD DR......................7:03 A.M.12635 CHESTERFIELD DR......................7:03 A.M.12690 CHESTERFIELD DR......................7:05 A.M.12670 CHESTERFIELD DR......................7:06 A.M.12620 CHESTERFIELD DR......................7:06 A.M.12580 CHESTERFIELD DR......................7:06 A.M.12500 CHESTERFIELD DR......................7:07 A.M.

BUS 3 7CORNER OF WILSON MILLS RD & BARDWELL DR...6:24 A.M.8817 WILSON MILLS RD .......................6:25 A.M.8911 WILSON MILLS RD .......................6:25 A.M.CORNER OF WILSON MILLS RD & PARKER DR6:26 A.M.9401 WILSON MILLS RD .......................6:27 A.M.CORNER OF WILSON MILLS RD & SANDGATE DR.6:28 A.M.9515 WILSON MILLS RD .......................6:28 A.M.9899 WILSON MILLS RD .......................6:30 A.M.10019 WILSON MILLS RD......................6:30 A.M.10045 WILSON MILLS RD......................6:34 A.M.11747 RAINTREE DR............................6:37 A.M.11800 RAINTREE DR............................6:38 A.M.11850 RAINTREE DR............................6:38 A.M.11890 RAINTREE DR............................6:38 A.M.9610 WILSON MILLS RD .......................6:40 A.M.9590 WILSON MILLS RD .......................6:40 A.M.11775 LEGEND CREEK DR .....................6:41 A.M.11765 LEGEND CREEK DR .....................6:42 A.M.11745 LEGEND CREEK DR .....................6:42 A.M.11615 LEGEND CREEK DR .....................6:44 A.M.11600 LEGEND CREEK DR .....................6:46 A.M.11640 LEGEND CREEK DR .....................6:46 A.M.11710 LEGEND CREEK DR .....................6:47 A.M.11730 LEGEND CREEK DR .....................6:48 A.M.11746 LEGEND CREEK DR .....................6:48 A.M.11790 HEATH RD ................................6:49 A.M.CORNER OF WILSON MILLS RD &HERVIE RD.6:50 A.M.9432 WILSON MILLS RD .......................6:51 A.M.9354 WILSON MILLS RD .......................6:51 A.M.9298 WILSON MILLS RD .......................6:51 A.M.9190 WILSON MILLS RD .......................6:52 A.M.8988 WILSON MILLS RD .......................6:53 A.M.8888 WILSON MILLS RD .......................6:54 A.M.11945 OAKWOOD LN............................6:55 A.M.11940 OAKWOOD LN............................6:59 A.M.11950 OAKWOOD LN............................6:59 A.M.8560 RED OAK DR...............................7:03 A.M.12102 CHILLICOTHE RD........................7:04 A.M.CORNER OF WHITING DR & CHILLICOTHE RD 7:05 A.M.

12304 CHILLICOTHE RD........................7:05 A.M.2380 CHILLICOTHE RD .........................7:06 A.M.12400 CHILLICOTHE RD........................7:06 A.M.12410 CHILLICOTHE RD........................7:06 A.M.CORNER OF CHILLICOTHE RD & LINCOLN DR .7:07 A.M.12446 CHILLICOTHE RD........................7:07 A.M.12696 CHILLICOTHE RD........................7:09 A.M.

BUS 3 815104 HILL DR...................................6:22 A.M.15118 HILL DR...................................6:22 A.M.15136 HILL DR...................................6:23 A.M.15201 HILL DR...................................6:23 A.M.15225 HOOK HOLLOW RD .....................6:24 A.M.15198 HOOK HOLLOW RD .....................6:25 A.M.15189 HOOK HOLLOW RD .....................6:25 A.M.8409 RIDGEWOOD LN ..........................6:26 A.M.8431 RIDGEWOOD LN ..........................6:27 A.M.8421 CHAGRIN MILLS RD......................6:28 A.M.8403 CHAGRIN MILLS RD......................6:28 A.M.8339 CHAGRIN MILLS RD......................6:29 A.M.8323 CHAGRIN MILLS RD......................6:29 A.M.8273 CHAGRIN MILLS RD......................6:30 A.M.8223 CHAGRIN MILLS RD......................6:30 A.M.8219 CLOVERIDGE RD..........................6:32 A.M.8291 CLOVERIDGE RD..........................6:33 A.M.8319 CLOVERIDGE RD..........................6:33 A.M.8384 CLOVERIDGE RD..........................6:34 A.M.8403 CLOVERIDGE RD..........................6:34 A.M.8290 MUSIC ST ..................................6:35 A.M.CORNER OF MUSIC ST & WENHAVEN DR ...6:35 A.M.15305 SUFFOLK LN .............................6:42 A.M.15260 SUFFOLK LN .............................6:42 A.M.15700 HEMLOCK RD ............................6:44 A.M.15890 HEMLOCK RD ............................6:45 A.M.15904 HEMLOCK RD ............................6:46 A.M.15920 HEMLOCK RD ............................6:47 A.M.8087 MUSIC ST ..................................6:49 A.M.15504 DALE RD..................................6:50 A.M.15487 DALE RD..................................6:50 A.M.15469 DALE RD..................................6:51 A.M.15435 DALE RD..................................6:51 A.M.15424 DALE RD..................................6:51 A.M.15396 DALE RD..................................6:52 A.M.15365 DALE RD..................................6:52 A.M.15327 DALE RD..................................6:52 A.M.15279 DALE RD..................................6:53 A.M.15240 DALE RD..................................6:54 A.M.8062 CHAGRIN MILLS RD......................6:55 A.M.15390 HEMLOCK POINT RD....................6:55 A.M.15194 HEMLOCK POINT RD....................6:58 A.M.8101 LAUREL LN ................................7:01 A.M.15157 HEMLOCK POINT RD....................7:02 A.M.15133 HEMLOCK POINT RD....................7:02 A.M.15081 HEMLOCK POINT RD....................7:02 A.M.14984 HILL DR...................................7:03 A.M.14845 HOOK HOLLOW RD .....................7:04 A.M.14859 HOOK HOLLOW RD .....................7:05 A.M.14960 HOOK HOLLOW RD .....................7:06 A.M.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012 CHESTERLAND NEWS Page 13

602 South Street

Chardon, Ohio 44024



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Vehicle Graphics


Congratulations to the 2012 WGBF Minor League Champs sponsored by EQS Systems in Chester Township. Theteam finished the regular season and play-offs with a combined record of 13-4. Pictured from left to right: Back Row: Coach Tony Oliverio, Coach Frank Formichelli, Coach Ken Maksoudian andCoach Joe Rogal. Middle Row: Ryan Owendoff, Marco Formichelli (team mascot), Cameron Rogal, Maris Usis,Sam Oliverio and Nick Henry. Front Row: Tommy Owendoff, Lorenzo Casanova, Anthony Formichelli, DanteMirabelli, Armen Maksoudian and CJ Contizano. Not pictured: Coach Brian Henry and Adam Zakrajsek.


Page 14: Chesterland News August 8th, 2012


The Geauga West Library islocated at 13455 ChillicotheRoad. For more information onthese programs or to register, call440-729-4250 or register inperson.


Aug. 11: Crop ‘til YouDrop! 6-10 p.m.

Bring own scrapbookingmaterials and use libraryfacilities to “crop ‘til you drop.”

Aug. 25: A Reason forBusiness 10-11:30 a.m.

As a business owner, it’simportant to know the answersto two very fundamentalquestions: Why are you inbusiness and why shouldanyone care?

This class takes a freshapproach to understanding howcustomers see a business andsuggests a better way to getinside their heads.

Answer the “why” to buildbusiness around it.

Answer “why” and thebusiness comes naturally.


Teddy Bear CampWhat happens when some

silly stuffed animals spend theweek at "Teddy Bear Camp?"

They have lots of stories, fun,crafts and a ride on the bookcart.

The animals were reunitedwith their "owners" this past week.

When the Summer ReadingFinale Program was held,families got a chance to see aslideshow on everything theanimals did.

The evening was capped offwith indoor s'mores, games andcoloring a bookmark to put intoa favorite book to read with thestuffed animal.

Reminder: All SummerReading Logs are due Aug. 10.


Gates Mills Library islocated at 1491 Chagrin RiverRoad. For more information onthese programs or to register, call440-423-4808 or register inperson.

Aug. 14: BookDiscussion 7-8 p.m.

Join at the library for adiscussion of “Line by Line” byBarbara Hacha.

Everyone is welcome.

Aug. 15, 16, 22, 23:Whooo's Ready forSchool? 10-10:30 a.m.

This Library program is aKindergarten ReadinessProgram for 4- and 5-year-olds.

The series of four programs(over two weeks) will help themmake the transition to their firstyear of school.

Registration required.

Page 14 CHESTERLAND NEWS Wednesday, August 8, 2012

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Page 15: Chesterland News August 8th, 2012

Wednesday, August 8, 2012 CHESTERLAND NEWS Page 15

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Page 16: Chesterland News August 8th, 2012

around town


All programs are wheelchair/stroller accessible unlessotherwise noted.

For more information onthese programs or to register, callthe Geauga Park District at 440-286-9516 or visit

Grandparents SummerPicnicAug. 9, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.Orchard Hills Park

Grandparents and grand-children celebrate summer withindoor and outdoor activities forall ages and a picnic incollaboration with West GeaugaSenior Center, which willprovide lunch.

Bring a dessert or side dishto share.

Registration required.

Discover MarsAug.10, 7:30-10 p.m.Observatory Park

This month the Mars roverCuriosity lands on the redplanet.

Learn about this and otherNASA robotic missions, thenpreview the sky at night in theplanetarium, followed byoutdoor sky viewing, weatherpermitting.

Lyric Theater Guild’s"Fractured Fairy Tales"Aug. 11, 7-8 p.m.Big Creek Park

Join Geauga Lyric TheaterGuild for a sampling of “not-so-typical” fairy tales during anight of fun and fantasy.

Cherry Room if inclementweather.

Refreshments served.

Timbertots: Leave it toBeavers! Aug.11, 10-11 a.m.Beartown Lakes Reservation

Join Nora the Explorer onan adventure to discovernature's engineers through funactivities and a walk.

Activities outdoors, weatherpermitting, dress accordingly.

Program is designed for aspecified age group of 3 to 5years old. Older or youngersiblings will not be consideredregistered participants.

Partially wheelchair/strolleraccessible.

Registration required.

Katydid Kamp-outAug. 11, 6:30 p.m. to- Aug. 12, 9:30 a.m. Chickagami Park

Bring a tent and sleeping bagand spend the night under theshooting stars while listening to

the music of the insect orchestra. Arrive at 6:30 p.m. and pitch

a tent in time to gather for a7:30 p.m. singing insect searchwith cricket and katydidspecialist Lisa Rainsong.

Afterward, enjoy a campfire,snacks and meteor showerviewing from 10 p.m. tomidnight.

$5 fee includes a continentalbreakfast from 8-9:30 a.m. Aug. 12.

Tents only, no hook-ups. Registration required.

The Sky TonightPlanetarium ShowAug. 12, 2-2:30 p.m., Open House 1-4 p.m.Observatory Park

Join every Sunday afternoonduring building open househours for a preview of what tolook for in the sky this month.

Beat the Heat NatureStrollAug. 13, 7-8:30 p.m.The Rookery

Enjoy a leisurely naturalist-led walk to experience whatwoodland/wetland wondersnature has in store for theevening.

Cart Tours: HeadwatersParkAug. 14, 9-11 a.m.

Reservable spots areavailable for EZ Go Cart 30minute interpretive trail rides.

Five seats per ride. Call 440-279-0880 to reserve

a seat.

Page 16 CHESTERLAND NEWS Wednesday, August 8, 2012

8009 Mayfield Rd. • Chesterland440-729-0480

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Children, teens and parents enjoyed entertainment at WG Plaza’s Customer Appreciation Day. Pictured left to right: Victoria DiCillo and Maureen Basista.


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Page 17: Chesterland News August 8th, 2012


West Geauga Senior Centeris located at 11414 Caves Road,Chester Township. Call 440-729-2782 to register or for moreinformation on these programs.

Aug. 8: Stained GlassClasses

Learn the art of stained classin this beginner class.

Call for class time.

Aug. 9: Grandparentsand Me

Program in collaborationwith Geauga Park District.

Enjoy lunch, bingo and ascavenger hunt.

Registration required.

Aug. 9, 16, 23: PillowCase Dresses

Join to make dresses for

little girls in Africa. Learn to sew, cut out and

add ribbon. No experience necessary. Pillowcases needed, colorful

and bright colors preferred.

Aug. 15: Speak Up andStay Alive

Learn healthcare andhospital survival with Pat Rullo.

Rullo will speak on hercompelling story andexperience with hospitals andhealth care systems.

Get tips on what to watchfor and when to self advocate.

Aug 17: Activity for theBody

Canoe or kayak at ChagrinRiver Kayak and Canoe Liveryfrom 10 a.m. to noon, followedby lunch at Trader Jacks.

Meet at West Geauga SeniorCenter to carpool or meet atlivery by 9:45 a.m.

Paddling cost is $12, pay forown lunch.

Aug. 22: Heart/Stroke/Coumadin SupportGroup

Paula the nurse will speakabout health maintenance.

Aug. 23: Red Hat DayLearn the art of iris folding

cards. Learn how to make

Christmas tree designs to startholiday cards early.

Aug. 26: The Big 6-OHGet ready to twist, jerk and

swim for this birthdaycelebration.

The Poptarts will presentsome groovy 60s entertainment.

Registration required if bornbetween 1943 and 1952 for aspecial birthday package.

Bring lawn chairs andblankets.

Orchard Hills Café will beopen.

Aug. 29: Activity for theMind

Enjoy word pictures, talkabout fairs and food on a stick.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012 CHESTERLAND NEWS Page 17

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meetingsChester Township: Aug. 9, 7 p.m.,

Board of Trustees; Aug. 13, 7p.m., Board of ZoningAppeals; Aug. 15, 7 p.m.,Zoning Commission; Aug. 16,9 a.m., Board of Trustees,special meeting at GeaugaCounty Auditor’s Office for2013 budget hearing. Allmeetings are held at theTown Hall, 12701 ChillicotheRoad, unless otherwisenoted.

Munson Township: Aug. 14, 5:30p.m. – Park & Recreation

Board, Munson TownshipPark, 6:30 p.m. – Board ofTrustees. All meetings areheld at Township Hall, 12210Auburn Road unless other-wise noted.

Russell Township: Aug. 13, 7 p.m.– Board of Zoning Appeals, 7p.m. – Park Commission, TheWest Woods Nature Center;Aug. 15, 7 p.m., Board ofTrustees. All meetings areheld at Fire-Rescue Station,14810 Chillicothe Road,unless otherwise noted.

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KIRTLANDKirtland Diner

Kirtland Library

RUSSELLCircle K John Anthony

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Shell Gas StationGeauga West Library

Chesterland News

Page 18: Chesterland News August 8th, 2012

Page 18 CHESTERLAND NEWS Wednesday, August 8, 2012

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11660 Chillicothe Roadbetween Wilson Mills & Mulberry Rds.

(building in rear)Chesterland, Ohio440-729-3008

Notices should be sent in writing by the funeral directors and memorial

societies to: Chesterland News, 8389 Mayfield Road, Chesterland, OH

44026,emailed to [email protected] or faxed to 440-7299-8240.


Rose PriolaF u n e r a l

services forRose Priola,94, of ChesterT o w n s h i p ,were held onJuly 28 at St.A n s e l mChurch.

Rose diedon July 24 at Holly Hill Nursinghome with her family at herbedside.

Born in Cleveland, she livedin Chester Township for 53years.

Rose enjoyed cooking,gardening, planting flowers andhaving her family around.

Survivors are her childrenRosemary (Tom) Steigerwaldand Dolores (Robert) Butler;grandchildren Tommy (Lisa)Steigerwald, Patricia (John)Rogalski, Sandra Steigerwald(Nick Caticchio), Denise Butler,Great Grandmother of Ashleyand Michael Steigerwald,Jeffrey and Maria Rogalski;dearest sister of Richard Nero

and Marie Ewald and thefollowing deceased AntoinetteGollini, John, Michael, Armand,Raymond, Nick, Dominic andJeanette Defazio; dear aunt tomany.

Her husband, Mario Pariola,whom she married Jan. 15, 1944and grandson JosephSteigerwald are deceased.

Kenneth Own PierceK e n n e t h

Owen Pierce,67, of Apex,N.C., passedaway July 24at his home.

Born May13, 1945, inCleveland, hehad lived inChester Township before movingto Apex, N.C., two years ago.

Kenneth is remembered as aproud Naval veteran and anactive member of hiscommunities.

To know him was to lovehim. He will forever be

remembered by all who wereblessed to know him.

Survivors are his belovedcompanion, Judith Mellor;children, David Pierce,Kathleen (David) Harrison,Timothy (Beth) Pierce, Paul(Ashley) Pierce, Suzanne (Jim)Messina, and Heidi (Kevin)Karl; 17 grandchildren; brother,Barry (Lynn) Pierce; and manyloved nieces and nephews.

Memorial visitation wasfrom 10 a.m. to noon Saturdayat Gattozzi and Son FuneralHome, 12524 Chillicothe Road,Chester Township.

Memorial services werenoon Saturday at Gattozzi andSon Funeral Home. PastorCurtis May officiated.

In lieu of flowers, the familyasks that donations be sent tothe Apex Senior Center, inmemory of Kenneth O. Pierce,P.O. Box 250, Apex, NC 27502,919-249-3402.

Online tributes andcondolences at

Following is a list of realestate transfers in Chester,Russell and Munson townshipsfor the two-week ending July 27,provided as a public service bythe Geauga County Auditor’sOffice. Transfers may involvesale of land only.

CHESTER TOWNSHIPPero and Mara Bartulovic,

11891 County Line Road, toPeter M. and Lauren N. Boukis,$376,800.

Kenneth W. Ostrowski andCameron Marni, Sperry Road,to Brian G. and Kathleen SheaWickes, $310,000.

Philip and Amanda Janki,13030 Kenyon Drive, to RichardT. and Carla M. Pennell,$225,000.

Perry J. Jr. and Bernadette S.Katzenstein (trustees), 13407Cedar Acres Drive, to CTLReal Estate Company LLC,$42,000.

Jean C. and Wayne Frohring,7310 Steelwood Lane, to Jean C.Frohring, $60,000.

HMF Properties Inc., 7547Apple Blossom Lane, toMatthew P. Duhigg andChristina Schwenner, $183,500.

MUNSON TOWNSHIPDeutsche Bank National

Trust Company (trustee), 11565Upper Chelsea Drive, toKimberely Boggs, $88,000.

Enzoco Development LLC,11141 Nicoles Way, to James E.and Antoinette M. Turchek,$405,000.

Frank T. and Wendy K.Kakou, 10544 Wilson MillsRoad, to Benjamin and MindyKosir, $265,000.

James J. and Doris J.Voldrich (trustees), 12747Rockhaven Road, to Laura K.Ashton, $155,000.

Nancy L. Bullard (trustee),11740 Tall Pines Drive, to BrianK. and Christine R. Panko,$312,000.

Thomas and Lara Martin,12150 Arborwood Way, to AprilA. and Chad A. Mark, $398,000.


Robert C. and Mary JaneSobecks, 14504 Watt Road, toM. Elizabeth and Margaret F.Keton, $167,500.

Lewis C. and Linda M. Estes,7955 Deerbrook Drive, toNicholas P. Martin, $302,500.

Derek L. Smith and RebeccaA. Yuhasz Smith, 14760Hillbrook Lane North, toSharon C. and Kristin L.Bennett, $735,000.




Before After


2 OZ. A MONTH PER DRAIN1 QT. TREATS 16 DRAINS1 GAL. TREATS 64 DRAINS•For disposals, kitchen & bath drains•Will not harm pipes•Devours fat, grease, detergents, body waste•Powerful non-toxic concentration works fast!







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PRODUCTS AVAILABLE AT: Turney’s Hardware, Chesterland & Chagrin FallsGiant Eagle, Bloom Brothers Hardware, Dunn Hardware, South Euclid TrueValue, Kredo Hardware, Gillombardo’s, Shaker Hts. Hardware, AmericanRailroad Tie Co., and participating ACE, True Value, Do-It-Best, ZagaraMarketplace, Pro-Hardware and Independent Hardware Stores.





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2 OZ. A MONTH PER DRAIN1 QT. TREATS 16 DRAINS1 GAL. TREATS 64 DRAINS•For disposals, kitchen & bath drains•Will not harm pipes•Devours fat, grease, detergents, body waste•Powerful non-toxic concentration works fast!

Page 19: Chesterland News August 8th, 2012

MISC.Flyers to distribute? Do it theeasy way. Insert them intothe Chesterland News foronly $37.50 per thousand or 3-3/4c per piece. Call 440-729-7667 for details.

Please check your ad! Wemake every effort to avoiderrors. We ask that you checkyour ad the FIRST day that itappears. Any errors should becalled in to the ClassifiedDept. at 440-729-7667 by noonFriday. We cannot be respon-sible for more than one incor-rect insertion if you do notcall the error to our attention.Thank you.

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin:Never known to fail, O mostbeautiful flower of MountCarmel, fruitful vine, splen-dor of heaven, blessed motherof the Son of God. ImmaculateVirgin, assist me in my neces-sity. O Star of the sea, helpme and show me you are mymother. O holy, Mary, Motherof God, queen of heaven andearth, I humbly beseech youfrom the bottom of my heartto succor me in my necessity(make request). There arenone that can withstand yourpower. O Mary conceivedwithout sin, pray for us whohave recourse to thee (threetimes). Holy Mary, I placethis cause n your hands(three times). Holy Mary, Iplace this cause in yourhands (three times). Thankyou for your mercy to me andmine. Amen. Say this prayerfor three consecutive daysand then you must publishand it will be granted to you.Signed M.M.

CARS Paying cash $50 - $15,000 for:cars, trucks, scrap, runningor not, construction equip-ment, tractors, muscle cars,antique cars, tools. 440-862-5706 or 440-254-4281.

Top dollar, wrecked, junkedand unwanted vehicles. Scrapclean-ups, free removal. Usedparts and tires for sale. Call440-321-1469 or 440-321-1467.

Wanted junk cars and trucks.Pay $250 and up. 440-293-8504or cell 440-228-5921.

Honda Civic 4DR EX, 2006 carof the year; silver; loaded:A/C; side curtain bags; Pwr-tilt moonroof; MP3/aux inputjack; 6 speaker audio system;remote entry; scrupulouslymaintained (records &Carfax available). 76K. $9800.440-423-1202 (Chesterland).

2002 Lincoln LS V6, 100k,maintained, 2 sets of tires,original CA car, some rust,asking $4200. Call 330-416-0179 or 440-729-7155.

FOR RENTKirtland on Rt.6, just west of306. Ideal space available forlease. Warehouse, offices andany type of service shops.Call 440-283-9191 or 440-313-1611.

Party rental - 20x20 tent, one3 foot cooler full of ice, 10x10pop up tent, one eight foottable, one 6 foot table, $225per day. Set-up and take downincluded. Chesterland,Russell area. Steaming pot,charcoal grill, chafing dishes,

cambro’s, outdoor fire pit areavailable at additional costs.Mike, 440-479-5723.

Spacious 1 bdrm apartment,furnished, 50 inch flat screen,all utilities and laundry facil-ities. Available immediately.Single, non smoking. $850 permonth. 440-286-4848.

FOR SALETrombone with case. Greatfor your student, for band,lessons, $125. 440-382-8639.

Two (2) choice cemeteryplots near mausoleum atWestern Reserve Memorialgardens in Chesterland. $1250for both. 440-668-0819.

Entertainment center’ solidmahogany, fits flat screen,50x21x45, lots of storage,mint condition, $575. 440-256-6642.

HELP WANTED Housekeeping - part-time, allshifts. Employee member-ship. Apply in person toGeauga Family YMCA, 12460Bass Lake Road, Chardon orapply on online.

WANTED TO BUYWanted extra large blackwalnut trees 24” diameter andlarger. 440-834-4232.

GARAGE SALESIf you need to have a Movingsale,, Estate Sale or GarageSale, call Kathy Willis at 440-729-2790 for assistance.Experienced. Referencesavailable. We are now doingpartial estate buyouts.

Wanted: Grandma’s costumejewelry, compacts, perfume,linens, knickknacks.Grandpa’s toys, trains, coins,bottles and fishing lures.Also buying misc. collectionsand estates. 440-338-5942.

House and garage sale inChesterland. Moving!Furniture, housewares, tools,and more must go! Come onin! Cash and carry. Fridayand Saturday, August 17 & 18,9 a.m. to 3 p.m. 12874 LynnDrive, off Mayfield Road, inChesterland.

Multi-family garage sale,13690, 13681 Fox Hill Drive(Novelty), Thursday -Saturday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.Antiques, collectibles, knick-

knacks, Nascar, fishing tack-le, furniture, lamps, chil-dren’s clothes size 6 to teen,board games, child swings,Vintage: clocks, golf clubs,glassware, electric trains, 5 �Horse Evinrude, costumejewelry. Much misc and muchmuch more.

12747 Rockhaven Road, northof Mayfield Road. Fridayonly- 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. Homedécor, antiques, side by sidefridge, stove, etc. too much tolist!

Three family sale: 8/9 & 8/10,9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Dishwasher,pantry cabinet, bicycle, cloth-ing, children’s items, teach-ing materials, much misc.

Moving south! John Deererider, dehumidifier, powersprayer, wishing well,cement bird bath, yard tools,coats. Thur thru Sat. 8:30 5 p.m. 11951 Sandgate, offWilson Mills.

Saturday 8/11, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.;Sunday 8/12, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.sofa set, bar height table and4 chairs, other furniture, fishtank, books, clothes, misc.12448 Valley View Drive,Chesterland.

REAL ESTATEHouse for sale - Colonial, 4bedroom, 2.5 baths, 5 acrewooded lot, 9639 WinchesterValley, Chesterland, $289,000.440-729-7052.

FRESH PRODUCEPick your own fresh produceand freshly picked ChesterGardens. 7572 Mayfield Road,at Mapes Greenhouse. 440-708-3742.

WORK WANTEDComputer Repair, Reasonable

Rates, Spyware & Virus

Removal, Hardware &

Software installation, Trou-

bleshooting, Networking,

Ray, 216-315-0508. Located in

Chesterland Area.

Experienced OSU students

available for driveway seal

coating, power washing,

painting, gutter cleaning and

yard work. Call Eric at 440-


Wanted: work for two people.

Pole barns, re-roofing, land-

scaping and any other odd

jobs. Contact Al at 440-796-


Local man available for jobsyou need help with aroundthe house. Painting, smallhome repairs, yardwork, etc.Call Jim, 440-729-4457.

PETSGeauga County Dog Wardenis in need of dog and puppyfood both dry and canned(nothing from China). Wealso are in need of bleach.Please help us care for the700+ dogs that come to ourshelter each year. GeaugaCounty dog Warden, 12513Merritt Road, Chardon. Call440-286-8135 for more informa-tion.

SERVICESFlyers to distribute? Do it theeasy way. Insert them intothe Chesterland News foronly $37.50 per thousand or 3-3/4c per piece. Call 440-729-7667 for details.

Color copies, great price! TheChesterland News offers fullservice copying. Color orBlack ink, any quantity onany paper. 8389 MayfieldRoad, Chesterland, 440-729-7667.

Fax service available at theChesterland News, 8389

Wednesday, August 8, 2012 CHESTERLAND NEWS Page 19




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Site Cleanups with Dumpsters440-862-5706 • 440-254-4281440-862-5706 • 440-254-4281440-862-5706 • 440-254-4281440-862-5706 • 440-254-4281440-862-5706 • 440-254-4281

GESTCONSTRUCTIONFor Estimates Call Josh at

(440) 729-7471 • (216) 316-1477CONCRETE WORK!

Driveways-Sidewalks-Concrete FloorsGarage & Building Demolition

NEW Garage PackagesConstruction Debris

PERKINS EXCAVATINGOver 30 years Experience & Loyal Service

Drainage Work • Driveway GradingLand Clearing • Demolition WorkBasement Waterproofing • Ponds

Hauling Gravel, Topsoil, Mulch • Tree Work440-862-5706 • 440-254-4281440-862-5706 • 440-254-4281440-862-5706 • 440-254-4281440-862-5706 • 440-254-4281440-862-5706 • 440-254-4281

Call for Free Estimates


$ CASH FOR $Firebirds, Camaros,Irocks, Sports CarsRUNNING OR NOT


13 years ExperienceInsured • References

Chesterland Resident

Call Danfor a Great Price!



Kitchen & Bath RemodelingCounter Tops

Custom CabinetryWall & Entertainment Units

Fireplace Remodelings

Philip Elia Jr. • (440)






FREE ESTIMATESBonded & Insured • Local Company


Tractors, Mowers,Boat Motors, etc.

John • 440-478-0483

The Tractor ScrapperFree Removal of UnwantedLawn & Garden Equipment

OFFICE SPACEChester Business Park

8437 Mayfield Rd.

• Rental Units from 400 sq ft. & larger• Leases available 6 mos. & longer

• All Utilities includedBeautiful renovations ongoingCall for YOUR space TODAY!



LEGAL NOTICEThe Chester Township Board of ZoningAppeals will hold a public hearing Monday,August 13, 2012, in the Chester Town Hall.12701 Chillicothe Road, at 7:00 p.m., atwhich time the following request will be heard:

Mary Lou Fende, SecretaryBoard of Zoning Appeals

Publish August 8, 2012

Conditional Use Permit 1991-3 (B)(continued to September 10) -William C. Rudolph for the First Seventh-DayAdventist Community Church ofChesterland, 7480 Mayfield Road, ChesterTownship, is applying for a new conditionaluse certificate under Section 6 ConditionalZoning Certificate Required of the ChesterTownship Zoning Resolution.Appeal 2012-7 – Robert J. Mintus requestsan area variance to remove his existingattached garage and build a new attachedgarage in its place at 9051 Forest Lane,Chester Township, but fails to meet therequirements of Section 5.01.17, MinimumSide Yard, of the Chester Township ZoningResolution.


Classified• Page 20

Page 20: Chesterland News August 8th, 2012

Page 20 CHESTERLAND NEWS Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Mayfield Road, Chesterland,440-729-7667.

Graphics, design, typesetting:Beautiful work done at theChesterland News. Logodesigns, letterheads,brochures and business cards.8389 Mayfield Road,Chesterland, 440-729-7667.

Resumes: Resumes can betyped for you at theChesterland News, 8389Mayfield Road, Chesterland,440-729-7667.

Learn to paint, desire, ambi-tion only requirements.Satisfaction guaranteed.George Zetzer, 515 RichmondRd., Richmond Hts. 44143.Call 216-381-0551 for photos.

Lawn mowing and mainte-nance. Per cut or contract.Call now: Office, 440-729-9400,Mobile, 440-342-4552.

Pressure washing and deckrefinishing. Chesterland resi-dent. References, 440-342-4552.

Local cleaning women withten years experience hasopenings for bi-weekly ormonthly cleanings. Will alsodo one time cleanings.Reasonable rates! Please callif interested. Heather at 440-384-1137.

Do you need your housecleaning done? Two Amishgirls have 2 days open, each.Would love to pet or housesit. Elder or babysitting alsoavailable. Call 440-548-5941and leave a message.

Construction and backhoe

service: Specializing in

replacing old drain tiles and

catch basins,

reshape gravel driveways.

Hauling of demolition materi-

als. Call Mike, 440-729-7810.

Offering special discounts for

interior and exterior painting

and staining this season. 13

years experience.

Professional insured, call

Dan at 440-342-4552.

Music CO-OP, 440-221-2274.

Music lessons on all instru-

ments. Retail sales, rentals,

consignments. Guitar, amp

and band instruments and

repairs. 12661 CHILLICOTHE


Carpenter, 30 years experi-

ence, decks, kitchen, finish

work, storm doors. Small jobs

also. 729-8157.

Plumbing: Professional,

affordable, reliable. Water

heaters, toilets, faucets, drain

cleaning. 440-537-6045 or 440-


Skip’s Painting, wallpaper-

ing, power-washing, and

small repairs. Insured.

Satisfaction guaranteed!

Member of Angie’s List. Over

25 years’ experience. 440-338-


Yard and storm damage

clean-up, down tree removal

and brush chipping. Call, 440-


“A tuned piano is a joy to

play!” For tuning, call 440-729-

1727. Warren Hanford.

Classifiedfrom page 19

Have a position open?Advertise in The Chesterland News Help Wanted Section!

Call (440) 729-7667 for rates and information.

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