child emergencies & first aid

Child Emergencies & First Aid Unit 5: Health and Safety

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Child Emergencies & First Aid. Unit 5: Health and Safety. Poisonings. Call EMS (Emergency Services) Determine what and how much was ingested Keep the child sitting up in case she vomits Do not induce vomiting unless instructed to by a medical professional. Croup. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Child Emergencies & First Aid

Unit 5: Health and Safety

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Call EMS (Emergency Services) Determine what and how much was ingested Keep the child sitting up in case she vomits Do not induce vomiting unless instructed to

by a medical professional


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Croup is a thick heavy breathing Have child breath moist air for 10 minutes

(Put child’s face over a hot bowl of water, lay a towel over the back of their head to trap the steam in)

If there is no improvement take the child outside to breathe fresh cold air

Give acetaminophen for fever Call the doctor if noisy breathing continues


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Never give a child aspirin, unless instructed to by a doctor, instead give them acetaminophen

If the child’s fever is still about 103 degrees after 30 minutes, sponge with tepid water, if advised by doctor

Never use rubbing alcohol Stop treatment is child shivers Child should drink plenty of fluids

Fever Review

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A seizure usually lasts less than five minutes If a child begins to have a seizure call 911 Move furniture and objects away to avoid injury Put nothing near the child’s mouth Do not attempt to stop movements Lay child down on his or her left side Loosen tight clothing If child vomits, clear mouth and pull jaw forward


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Infants should drink a balanced electrolyte solution (Pedialite) in addition to regular formula

Toddlers can drink both, flat soda, and other liquids at room temperature

Avoid full strength juices, carbonated soda, and sports drinks because they have too much sugar which can make it worse

Older children should eat the BRAT diet: B=Bananas R=Rice A=Applesauce



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Infants under 6 months should be given 1 teaspoon of electrolyte solution every 10 – 15 minutes. The amount may be increased after 2 hours without vomiting

Toddlers can drink broth and flat soda


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Common objects small children choke on include small toy parts, deflated balloons, shiny objects such as coins, jacks, thumb tacks and marbles.

Common foods small children choke on include hot dogs, nuts, seeds, gum, candy, raw vegetables, and popcorn.

If a child is choking AND coughing do not interfere. Assist the child if the coughing is ineffective,

soundless or the child looses consciousness.


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Lay infant face down on your forearm, supporting infant’s jaw in your hand.

Rest your arm on your thigh or leg for support Keep infant’s head lower than his body. With the heel of your other hand, give five quick, but distinct blows

to the infant’s back between the shoulder blades. Turn infant over with your other hand, support his or her head and

neck. Using two fingers, give five quick downward chest compressions.

One finger should be below the nipple line. Compress chest ½ - 1 inch or 1/3 - ½ the depth of chest.

Continue repeating process until object is dislodged or help arrives.

Infant Airway Obstruction (under 1 year)

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If the child can not speak, make sound, or cough perform abdominal thrust.

Stand or kneel behind the toddler with your arms place under his or hers. Toddler’s legs should straddle your leg. Wrap your arms around their chest

Position your fist, thumb side in, above the toddlers naval and well below his sternum. Deliver five quick thrust inward and upward.

Toddler Airway Obstruction

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Comfort child and check for other injuries. Rinse wound. If wound is bleeding, apply direct pressure

with sterile gauze. If not, cleanse thoroughly and apply

antibiotic. Watch for infection. If possible locate animal to check for rabies.

Animal Bites

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Rinse sting site. Flick out stinger. DO NOT PULL. Apply cool pack. Give child antihistamine, if approved by


Insect Stings

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Infants under 6 months should not be exposed to direct sunlight.

Apply PABA-free sunscreen with a SPF of 30 or higher, 30 minutes before sun exposure.

Reapply frequently, especially if child is in water.

Drink plenty of fluids.

Sunburn Prevention

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Remove child from heat. Loosen clothing. Cool quickly. Give fluids. Monitor condition.

Heat Exhaustion

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If a child’s skin is white, but still soft they may have frost nip.

DO NOT RUB THE SKIN. Gently warm the area by immersing in warm water.

If not available, use your own body heat. If not attended to frost nip can become frostbite. Frostbite will appear white and waxy and skin

will feel hard. Begin warming process and take for emergency treatment.

Frost Bite

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DO NOT MOVE. Call EMS. Calm child. Stabilize head.

Severe Trips and Falls

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Call EMS. Remove clothing from injury site. Control bleeding. Immobilize the limb. Apply cold pack.

Fractures (Broken Bones)

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Apply cold compress. Call doctor if swelling does not decrease. To control bleeding apply gentle direct pressure. Do not remove any dressing. Add new layers and

maintain pressure. Be sure bandage is not tight enough to cut off

circulation. If possible, elevate injured area. Minor cuts should be clean with soap and water and

checked for infection.

Bumps & Cuts

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Cover child to keep warm. Elevate feet. Call EMS.


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Rinse area with cool water NOT ice or butter. Keep cold and wet. Apply cold pack. Apply antibiotic ointment. Cover with dry, sterile dressing. DO NOT break blisters. This may cause infection. 1st degree burns are red. 2nd degree burns have blisters. 3rd

degree burns are charred, white or grey in color and appear dry.

Call EMS if the burn is larger than the child’s hand. Call a doctor if the child has been burnt on the face, palms of

the hand, soles of the feet, or on the genitalia.


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DO NOT touch the child. Make sure power if OFF. Look for an entrance and exit burn. If not breathing and no pulse begin CPR and

then call EMS. Continue CPR until help arrives.

Electric Burns & Shocks

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Rinse with lukewarm water. If you can see the object, try to remove with a soft

cloth. DO NOT ATTEMT to remove a large foreign object

imbedded in the eye- Instead call EMS, immobilize with cotton dressing and tape in place.

If chemicals are splashed in the eye, immediately flush with water for at least 20 minutes. Call poison control or EMS.

Eye Injuries

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Try to remove matter or foreign object with a bulb aspirator.

If that doesn’t work, try using your finger. Use a saline solution to soften object unless

it is organic, such as beans or seeds. To prevent nosebleeds, use a humidifier. To treat a nosebleed, not from an injury, lean

child forward and pinch nose for 5 - 10 minutes.

Nose Problems

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Infant CPR