chilwell primary school no....

Feb 16-20 Preps attend 9.00am.-3.30pm. (No Wednesday) Feb 16 Mon Council meeting 7pm. School Council nominations open Feb 17-19 Parent-Teacher interviews Feb 19 Thurs Food Fair Planning Meeting 7pm. in Staffroom Feb 20 Fri Canteen lunches Feb 23-27 Preps attend 9.00am.-3.30pm. (No Wednesday) Feb 23 Mon Mini working bee 8.30-9.30am. (details inside) School Council nominations close @ 4pm. Feb 27 Fri School Census Day Parent Contribution Payment due Mar 4-6 Gr.6 Urban Camp Mar 6 Fri Primary Schools Swimming Championships Mar 9 Mon LABOUR DAY HOLIDAY Mar 12 Thurs Grs.3-6 House Cross Country Mar 16 Mon CURRICULUM DAY PUPIL FREE AGM 6.30pm. & Council Meeting 7pm. Mar 20 Fri FOOD FAIR (mark calendar now) Mar 27 Fri Term 1 ends. DISMISSAL 2.30PM. Apr 5 Sun Daylight Savings ends clocks back an hour TERM 2 Apr 13 Mon Term 2 commences Apr 25 Sat ANZAC DAY May 21 Thurs REPORT WRITING DAY PUPIL FREE Apr 29-May 1 Gr.5 Maldon Camp (advance notice) Sept 15 Tues Concert (advance notice) Nov 2-4 Gr.4 Lady Northcote Camp. (advance notice) Chilwell Primary School No. 2061 “Learning for Life” Gavan Welsh - Principal 313a Pakington Street, Newtown, 3220. Telephone: (03) 5221 2738 Fax: (03) 5221 8191 Office Hours: 8.30 am. to 4.30 pm. Admin Email: [email protected] Web site: School Council Email: [email protected] Facebook: Out of School Hours Child Care Program Coordinator (0417 014 973) NEWSLETTER No.3 17 TH FEBRUARY 2015

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Page 1: Chilwell Primary School No. · Term 1: Wednesday 28th January - Teachers resume – PD day Thursday 29th

Feb 16-20 Preps attend 9.00am.-3.30pm. (No Wednesday)

Feb 16 Mon Council meeting 7pm. School Council nominations open

Feb 17-19 Parent-Teacher interviews

Feb 19 Thurs Food Fair Planning Meeting 7pm. in Staffroom

Feb 20 Fri Canteen lunches

Feb 23-27 Preps attend 9.00am.-3.30pm. (No Wednesday)

Feb 23 Mon Mini working bee 8.30-9.30am. (details inside) School Council nominations close @ 4pm.

Feb 27 Fri School Census Day Parent Contribution Payment due

Mar 4-6 Gr.6 Urban Camp

Mar 6 Fri Primary Schools Swimming Championships


Mar 12 Thurs Grs.3-6 House Cross Country

Mar 16 Mon CURRICULUM DAY – PUPIL FREE AGM 6.30pm. & Council Meeting 7pm.

Mar 20 Fri FOOD FAIR (mark calendar now)

Mar 27 Fri Term 1 ends. DISMISSAL 2.30PM.

Apr 5 Sun Daylight Savings ends – clocks back an hour


Apr 13 Mon Term 2 commences

Apr 25 Sat ANZAC DAY


Apr 29-May 1 Gr.5 Maldon Camp (advance notice)

Sept 15 Tues Concert (advance notice)

Nov 2-4 Gr.4 Lady Northcote Camp. (advance notice)

Chilwell Primary School No. 2061 “Learning for Life”

Gavan Welsh - Principal 313a Pakington Street, Newtown, 3220.

Telephone: (03) 5221 2738 Fax: (03) 5221 8191 Office Hours: 8.30 am. to 4.30 pm.

Admin Email: [email protected]

Web site:

School Council Email: [email protected]


Out of School Hours Child Care Program Coordinator (0417 014 973)


Page 2: Chilwell Primary School No. · Term 1: Wednesday 28th January - Teachers resume – PD day Thursday 29th

Dear Families, Food Fair: We had our first 2015 meeting in preparation for the annual Fair.

The Fair is not only our only major fundraiser but is also a great community event. It is terrific to re meet past students, parents, relatives and community members on the night. We are fortunate to have such great connections. Our managers are sending out rosters for the evening. Our expectation is that all families contribute 1 hour to their stall. Our managers lead us and donate much more time so now it is over to us to support them and in turn our children.

Silent Auction: So far we have volunteers to: Organize the Multi Purpose room, bidding sheets after items are collected. Kylie Whitcher has come forward to contact names/businesses for the major

items. We also have Kate Porte who has taken on the "Treat Yourself" group of


WE NEED A VOLUNTEER FOR : - Family Fun which involves 6 businesses. - Eat, drink Enjoy which involves 28 businesses. - Be Active which involves 9 businesses - House and Garden involving 26 businesses - For the Kids : 25 businesses

We have the contacts for all these contributors. The volunteer needs to contact each business to see if they are happy to contribute. collect the items and drop them off at school.

Businesses: If you have an item or service that we could use in the auction please contact the office to discuss. Possible items include holiday houses, financial assistance, meal vouchers, any item that someone would bid for!!!

Parent Teacher Interviews: These important sharing opportunities begin

today. All families and children have been asked to reflect on previous reports, knowledge of the student's academic and social development to put forward some learning goals for each student. This will be woven into thoughts of the classroom teacher. These are by no means the end of the child's learning but they play a part in assisting children to take control of their learning and involve parents in that learning. Goals will be revisited at half year along with wider development to again set learning goals for semester 2. Thank you to all parents who have been on-line and booked interviews for this week. A few reminders about the interviews:

Page 3: Chilwell Primary School No. · Term 1: Wednesday 28th January - Teachers resume – PD day Thursday 29th

1. Please be on time. We have a lot to cover and little time to do it in. The bell will signify the changeover for each interview.

2. The initial meetings for 2015 will be parent and teacher only. Children will be involved in goal setting at a class level and will attend the 3-way interviews mid year.

3. If an interview needs more time please reschedule a time later to get together.

4. Due to time restrictions, only one interview time is available per family. If further time, or separate interviews are required, please arrange with the classroom teacher.

Out of School Care Accounts: Thank you to all families who finalised these

accounts at the end of 2014. We are hoping that families will continue to keep their accounts in the black at all times. Accounts will continue to be sent to all users so those whose accounts are in the positive will be able to monitor their balances. Please remember that accounts over $200 results in the service no longer being available.

Paying OOSHC accounts: Unfortunately, due to the inability of the school's

computer system not being compatible with the "QikKids" system used by the Out of School Hours Care, we are unable to offer direct debit facilities. School Council is very keen for users to keep their accounts in the positive. To assist please pay at OOSHC or at the office at any time BUT either Pay a bulk amount for a few weeks or a term if possible. Pay more than your weekly amount each week which will accumulate into a

positive balance. Accounts may be paid by: Cash

Cheque EFTPOS through the office.

Zooper Dooper days: We sell these treats at 50 cents only on days

forecasted to be over 30 degrees. One per student. It is an idea to have a 50 coin in the bag just in case the morning rush results in the money being forgotten.

Financial Contributions: Thank you to the large number of families who have

paid these contributions. The support we are given by our families enables our school to provide a terrific education. Your contribution is used to: Supply books and stationary that the children use inside the classes. Pay for the Physical Education program that is provided to all classes. Contribute to the supply of paper, photocopying etc. I am sure all would agree that the monies are being usefully used to support children's learning.

Page 4: Chilwell Primary School No. · Term 1: Wednesday 28th January - Teachers resume – PD day Thursday 29th

School Council: Last night was the final meeting of the 2014-15 Council. Elections for the new Council opened yesterday. Could I thank the retiring members, who may re-nominate, for their commitment to our school. Their time and expertise has been invaluable. We also noted and thanked Grant Boyd, our outgoing Council President. Positions for election: Parents X 3,

DET (Department) nomination X1. Nomination forms are available via the office. Council business from last night’s meeting include: Reports from food Fair, Finance and Fundraising, Facilities, Principal and

Curriculum. Ratification of numerous policies. Ratification of dates for Curriculum Day (Monday 16th March), and Report

Writing Day (Thursday 21st May) Discussion on a proposed development of the Administration/ Staffroom

area. Discussion of the vacant area outside the relocatables. Ratification of the Year 6 camp (4-6 March) and Year 5 camp (29 April- 1

May) School Council Elections: Election of the next school council opened

yesterday. Details re the role of Council was published in last week's newsletter. We currently have 4 retiring Parent Representatives, who may be re-elected. Retiring Parent Reps: Grant Boyd, Elaine Williams,

Ben Woodman and Howard Philpott. The contribution of these parents on School Council has been significant and important in the development of our school and the education of all our children. Thank you!

Birthdays. Happy birthday to the following students who celebrate their birthday next week :

Regards, Gavan Welsh, Principal

Parent Contribution. A reminder to parents that this payment is due Friday 27

th February. Thank you to the families who have already paid


Thurs 19th Feb Jolea S 0JS

Fri 20th Feb Lucas H 2CB

Fri 21st Feb Poppy G 0KW

Tues 24th Feb Ruby H Oscar P Charla K


Page 5: Chilwell Primary School No. · Term 1: Wednesday 28th January - Teachers resume – PD day Thursday 29th

Mini Working Bee: Monday morning (23rd February) from 8:30am Russell Koehler, our new Handyman around the school, has organised a delivery of wood to be installed along the fence line to keep sand and tan bark in our grounds. He is looking for some wonderful helpers from about 8:30am til 9:30am or so. If you can help Russell out meet him near the front sandpit (corner of Pako and Huntingdon St). Thanks in advance! Scott McCumber Art Matters….. It’s great to see the students and their creativity in The Art Room again. I will be having the Art Room open on Wednesday lunchtimes for those people who would like to come in and work on their art projects. Also I will be running a four week Basket Weaving Class on Tuesday lunchtimes starting the 3rd March. There is a maximum of 12 in the class and is appropriate for Grade 4-6 students. It will cost $5 for materials. Please see me in the Art Room if you are interested and would like a form. In the meantime, KEEP CALM and CRAYON ! Deb Fisher - Visual Arts

Congratulations to the following students for receiving a YCDI award for GETTING ALONG this week.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ House Cross Country – Parent Helper Thursday 12th March. I am able to assist with Chilwell’s House Cross-Country. Name: __________________________ Child’s Grade: ___________ Mobile No. ___________________________ I assisted last year with ______________________________________________

0KW Alexa Kemp 2CB Aleksandar Atanasovski

4JS Edwina Royce

0JS Sam Johnson 2JS Rhindo Dunlop 5ML Sebastian Alvarez de Toledo

0OD Charlotte Wardle 3JC Angel Balmonte 5SJ Lachie Wardle

1RP Scarlett Mapleson 3KH Rupert Henderson 6PD Aidan Stynes

1AE Asha MacCallum 4JM Jessica Hamilton 6SW Ashton Dunn

1WH Sophie O’Brien

Page 6: Chilwell Primary School No. · Term 1: Wednesday 28th January - Teachers resume – PD day Thursday 29th

Canteen news……. Thank you to the parents who have volunteered to distribute lunches between 1.00-1.30 on a Friday. An interim roster is below. Steampocket will again provide lunches on a Friday – commencing this Friday 13th February. Orders must be into the office by 3.30 pm. Thursday – no late orders will be accepted. Lunch will be provided on Friday. Lunch options are as follows :

OPTION 1 Chicken or Ham & cheese roll, apple, chips, truffle.

OPTION 2 Vegemite roll, apple, chips, chocolate crackle

OPTION 3 Egg & lettuce roll, apple, chips, apple & sultana muffin

Each option $5.00

How to order : Orders are to be on an envelope with child's name, grade and lunch option clearly marked.

eg. John Smith – 3XX. Option 3. $5 enclosed. Put $5 inside the envelope (correct money please - try to avoid the need for change to be given). Please have a separate envelope for each child. Give lunch order to your teacher. Canteen Roster – Fridays – 1.00-1.30 pm.

Date – Friday Helper 1 Helper 2

20 February Sue Swan Kirsty McColl

27 February Brooke Haebich Felicity Donaghy

6 March Sally Cullen Amy Keenan

13 March Loretta Perryman Bec Keenan

20 March No canteen – FOOD FAIR preparation

27 March Jacqui Parks Penny Whitehead

Please try to arrange a swap if you cannot attend on the day rostered & let office know of swap.

Term Dates 2015

Term 1: Wednesday 28th January - Teachers resume – PD day

Thursday 29th January – Prep to Year 6 commence Labour Day Holiday – Monday 9th March

Food Fair Fundraiser – Friday 20th March Good Friday 3rd April/Easter Monday 6th April

End of term 1 – Friday 27th March Term 2: Monday 13th April to Friday 26th June Term 3: Monday 13th July to Friday 18th September Term 4: Monday 5th October to Friday 18th December

Page 7: Chilwell Primary School No. · Term 1: Wednesday 28th January - Teachers resume – PD day Thursday 29th

2015 Food Fair Sponsors :

Major Sponsor –

Gold Sponsor: Wharfshed Café

Silver Sponsors: SC Technology Whitehead Advisory Harveys of Highton

Bronze Sponsors: Dental Spa Geelong The Geelong College Pickering Joinery Kardinia Veterinary Clinic Peak Pharmacies Newtown Lifting Victoria

The Food Fair Flyer is circulated each Thursday. If managers have an item for inclusion in the flyer could they please email it by 9am. Thursday on the school email – [email protected] or hand to Lesley at the office.

Community News. 1. Sanitarium Weet-Bix Kids TRYathlon – 15th March 2015. Details later. 2. Moolap Primary School Country Fair – Saturday 21st February 11am.-5pm. Lots of stalls, rides for the kids, face painting, etc. etc. 3. Sacred Heart College Open Day - Tuesday 24 March 2015. Option 1-Tour 1 4-5pm followed by information session 5.30-6pm Option 2-Tour 2 5-6pm followed by information session 6.30pm - 7pm For more info contact our Registrar Judy Smith on 5222 0490. Closing date for Year 7 2016 enrolments is Friday 22 May 2015 4. Are you new to Australia, Victoria or Geelong? Don't quite have a circle of friends yet? Your kids have more friends then you? You aren't alone. Lisa & I were both new to Geelong last year & are arranging an 'after school drop off' - coffee/tea at Soft Cafe Newtown to meet others who have found themselves in the same situation. Come down at 9am next Monday for a cake, cuppa & conversation. Hope to see you there. Lisa 0407480026 & Darlene 0429772515 5. LOST. A heart-shaped USA flag key-ring. If found please hand into the office or Dani B in 4JS.

Page 8: Chilwell Primary School No. · Term 1: Wednesday 28th January - Teachers resume – PD day Thursday 29th

Reminders: Grade 6 camp payments due Parent Payment due Friday 27

th February

Canteen orders to grade teacher each Thursday. Parent-Teacher meetings this week. Food Fair Planning meeting this Thursday 7pm.

Chilwell P.S. Outside School Hours Care

Term 1 – February 2015

To book or cancel care please call Chloe/Cheryl on 0417 014 973

Wednesday 18th Feb Portraits

Thursday 19th Feb Hand prints

Friday 20th Feb Lego building

Monday 23rd Feb Iron beads

Tuesday 24th Feb Ball games

EFTPOS facility is available – for payments over $10.00. Form available at the office or from the OSHC.

Just a reminder to all those who have a permanent after school booking. If

unable to attend please cancel before 2.30pm. to assist staff and avoid session

fee. Thanks – OOSHC Staff.

Payment by Credit Card (for amounts $10 & over)

Amount: Visa Mastercard $ ……………. 3 digit Security Code:

Card Number:

Cardholder’s Name:………………………………………………… Expiry Date : /

Cardholder’s Signature:…………………………………………………………………….

Reason for Payment:……………………………………..………………………………..

Page 9: Chilwell Primary School No. · Term 1: Wednesday 28th January - Teachers resume – PD day Thursday 29th

Food Fair Planning Meeting THURSDAY 19


In the Staffroom All Stall Managers & Managers welcome

Chilwell Food Fair

Friday, 20th

March 2015 2015 Stalls:

Manager required - add your name & return

Prep Hot Dogs Ian Royce & Alistair Mulroyan Year 1 BBQ Jodie Reid & Kylie Whitcher

Year 2 Amusements & Hamper Anna Spurling & Yoko Dunlop

Year 3 Sweets Clare Howley & Elissa Sullivan

Year 4 Bake Stall & Cafe Bec Keenan, Georgie Ross, Sue DiSciascio

Year 5 Curry Melissa Temple, Jacqui Parks, Meg Gilby

Year 6 Kids Activities Fiona Chomley, Deb Fisher

Soft Drinks Eggins, Ridley, Allen families

Coffee Prue Nadorp & friends


Food Ordering Jane Dunning, Nadia Dell’Oro, Cindy O’Brien

Electrical / Power Michael Smith

Publicity/Media Penny Whitehead

Sponsorship Susie Ward

Entertainment Yoori Rose

Silent Auction HELP!!

Wine Tent Bill Briggs

Permits & licences Gavan Welsh

Social Media/Facebook Anna Spurling

Food Safety Supervisor (needs Food Handling Certificate) Jacqui Parks

Page 10: Chilwell Primary School No. · Term 1: Wednesday 28th January - Teachers resume – PD day Thursday 29th

Chilwell Primary School


Child's Name:……………………...………..……………………………………………………Date:…../…../…..

Grade:…………………… Phone:………………………………………………

Price Size Quantity Amount

Polo Shirt – Short Sleeve (Royal Blue with White Collar)

Child - size 6 to 16 $ 26.00 $

Adult - size 16 to 26 $ 30.00 $

Polo Shirt – Long Sleeve (Royal Blue with White Collar)

Child - size 6 to 16 $ 28.00 $

Adult - size 16 to 26 $ 33.00 $

Crew Neck Windcheater (Royal Blue - Round Neck)

Child - size 6 to 16 $ 27.00 $

Adult - size 12 to 26 $ 36.00 $

Rugby Top (Striped with Piping & White Collar)

Child - size 6 to 16 $ 50.00 $

Adult - size 16 to 26 $ 57.00 $

Polar Fleece Vest (Navy Blue)

Child – size 6 to 16 $ 38.00 $

Adult – size 14 to 20 $ 38.00 $

Track Pants (Navy Blue with Pockets & Double Knee)

Child – size 6 to 16 $ 22.00 $

Adults $ 28.00 $

Track Pants (Navy Blue - Boot Leg)

Child – size 6 to 16 $ 27.00 $

Adults – size 14 to 26 $ 34.00 $

Shorts (Navy Blue - Twill)

Child - size 6 to 16 $ 26.00 $

Adults - size 14 to 26 $ 26.00 $

Shorts (Navy Blue - Rugby Knit Unisex)

Size 6 to 26 $ 21.00 $

Hats - (Navy Blue Wide Brimmed + Logo) Compulsory - Sunsmart Policy

Size: Small - Medium - Large $ 11.00 $

Reader Bag - (Compulsory for Preps) $ 10.00 $

School Bag - Back Pack $ 43.00 $


(Circle) Lay-by Cheque Cash Eftpos

Make cheques payable to: "Chilwell Primary School" PAYMENT WITH ORDERS IS PREFERRED

1. Navy Cords and Girls blue & white check dresses can be purchased from retail outlets.

2. Parents are encouraged to donate second hand uniforms to the Uniform Shop. 3. A kilt order is issued early in Term 1 - samples will be at the office.

Page 11: Chilwell Primary School No. · Term 1: Wednesday 28th January - Teachers resume – PD day Thursday 29th
Page 12: Chilwell Primary School No. · Term 1: Wednesday 28th January - Teachers resume – PD day Thursday 29th