church of the epiphany iglesia de la epifaní · iglesia...

Church of the Epiphany Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Domingo de Pascua: La Resurrección del Señor Iglesia de la Epifanía Parish Information/Información Parroquial. 827 Vienna Street – San Francisco, CA 94112 WWW.EpiphanySF.COM OUR MISSION STATEMENT: We the people of the Church of the Epiphany strive to be a peace- ful and welcoming parish. We strive to be mutually supportive of diverse communities. We strive to show compassion without dis- tinction of age, gender, race or culture. Epiphany seeks to be a caring and loving community ever-growing in faith formation. Telephone Numbers: Office/Oficina: (415) 333-7630 Fax: (415) 333-1803 School/Escuela: (415) 337-4030 Fax: (415) 337-8583 Parish Office Hours are Monday-Friday 8:30am-7:30pm Closed for lunch from 12:00pm-1:15pm. Saturdays & Sundays/ Sábados y Domingos : 8:30am-3:00pm. Confessions: Saturdays 4:00-5:00pm & by appointment Confesiones : Sábados de 4:00pm-5:00pm & por cita Please call the Parish Office for all other information. Por favor llame la Oficina Parroquial para información. Parish Staff / Personal Parroquial Extensions at (415) 333-7630 Pastor / Párroco Rev. Eugene Tungol ext:18 Parochial Vicar /Vicario Parroquial Rev. Francisco Gamez ext:16 In Residence Rev. Rolando Caverte ext: 26 Rev. Aquino Padilla ext. 30 Deacons / Diáconos Deacon Ven Garcia, Jr. Deacon Ramon Zamora Elementary School / Escuela Principal / Director Diane Elkins School of Religion / Catecismo Principal / Director Loy Bañez ext: 15 Director of Music /Director de Música Mario Balestrieri Office Support Staff / Secretarias Jenny Lopez ext: 10 Maria Elena Herrera ext: 13 Church Sexton / Sacristán Mark Ohlander 1911-2011 Daily Masses/Misas Diarias: 6:30am & 8:00am Saturday Masses/Misas los Sábados: 8:00am & 5:30pm Sunday Masses/Misas los Domingos: 6:30am, 8:30am, 10:00am, 11:30am (Spanish/Español), 1:00pm, and 5:30pm. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament/Exposición del Santísimo: First Fridays/Primer viernes: 8:30am-5:00pm. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Devotions/Oración a la Virgen del Perpetuo Socorro: Wednesdays/Miércoles: 7:45am

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Page 1: Church of the Epiphany Iglesia de la Epifaní · Iglesia de la Epifanía ... Church of the Epiphany _____ would like Sunday Offering envelopes

Church of the Epiphany

Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Domingo de Pascua: La Resurrección del Señor

Iglesia de la Epifanía

Parish Information/Información Parroquial. 827 Vienna Street – San Francisco, CA 94112


OUR MISSION STATEMENT: We the people of the Church of the Epiphany strive to be a peace-ful and welcoming parish. We strive to be mutually supportive of diverse communities. We strive to show compassion without dis-tinction of age, gender, race or culture. Epiphany seeks to be a caring and loving community ever-growing in faith formation.

Telephone Numbers: Office/Oficina: (415) 333-7630 Fax: (415) 333-1803 School/Escuela: (415) 337-4030 Fax: (415) 337-8583 Parish Office Hours are Monday-Friday 8:30am-7:30pm

Closed for lunch from 12:00pm-1:15pm. Saturdays & Sundays/ Sábados y Domingos : 8:30am-3:00pm.

Confessions: Saturdays 4:00-5:00pm & by appointment Confesiones: Sábados de 4:00pm-5:00pm & por cita

Please call the Parish Office for all other information. Por favor llame la Oficina Parroquial para información.

Parish Staff / Personal Parroquial Extensions at (415) 333-7630

Pastor / Párroco Rev. Eugene Tungol ext:18

Parochial Vicar /Vicario Parroquial Rev. Francisco Gamez ext:16

In Residence Rev. Rolando Caverte ext: 26 Rev. Aquino Padilla ext. 30

Deacons / Diáconos Deacon Ven Garcia, Jr. Deacon Ramon Zamora

Elementary School / Escuela

Principal / Director Diane Elkins

School of Religion / Catecismo

Principal / Director Loy Bañez ext: 15

Director of Music /Director de Música

Mario Balestrieri Office Support Staff / Secretarias

Jenny Lopez ext: 10 Maria Elena Herrera ext: 13 Church Sexton / Sacristán

Mark Ohlander


Daily Masses/Misas Diarias: 6:30am & 8:00am

Saturday Masses/Misas los Sábados:

8:00am & 5:30pm

Sunday Masses/Misas los Domingos: 6:30am, 8:30am, 10:00am, 11:30am (Spanish/Español),

1:00pm, and 5:30pm.

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament/Exposición del Santísimo: First Fridays/Primer viernes: 8:30am-5:00pm.

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Devotions/Oración a la Virgen del

Perpetuo Socorro: Wednesdays/Miércoles: 7:45am

Page 2: Church of the Epiphany Iglesia de la Epifaní · Iglesia de la Epifanía ... Church of the Epiphany _____ would like Sunday Offering envelopes

Meetings & Intentions ~ Reuniones & Intenciones

Sunday/Domingo, April 20:

5:00am Ernesto Pujol 6:30am John & Sophie Arias & Family

8:30am Giovanni & Maria Lombardi

10:00am Remedios Ramos 11:30am Enrique, Rosa & Eduardo Li 1:00pm Servillano Maputi

No 5:30pm Mass

Monday/Lunes, April 21: 6:30am Mariano & Maximina

Raposas 8:00am Community Mass:

Alexander Reyno Maria Elena de Vasquez

Lucia Racadio & Marciana Raganit

Tuesday/Martes, April 22: 6:30am Lucia Agpoon 8:00am Lena Fraguglia

Wednesday/Miércoles, April 23: 6:30am Ricardo G. Briones 8:00am Gregorio Teñoso

Thursday/Jueves, April 24: 6:30am Mary Cocconi 8:00am Josephine Lim

Friday/Viernes, April 25: 6:30am Jose Salaver 8:00am Theresa Huynh

Saturday/Sábado, :April 26: 8:00am Chuck Murphy 5:30pm Alfio Leotta & Family

Sunday/Domingo, April 27: 6:30am Mike Avila

8:30am Rosina & VIncenzo Cava 10:00am THKS: Jaimee Fabula 11:30am Peter Gutierrez 1:00pm Benjamin V. Del Mar 5:30pm Salvador E. Villarroya

Allan S. & Allyson Artes Ramon Abad Lydia Artuz

Morgan Benedicto Sergio Canjura

Monika Carlson Domingo Claribone

Nico Castro Virginia Centeno

Lavoone Courtney Ruben Garcia Sr.

Dorothy Gonzalez Lupita Gonzalez

Esther Garcia Terry Garcia

Jon Garcia Guintu Rod Javier

Patti Harders Dennis Harrington

Petra Laguatan Oscar Leiva

M. Lopez Deveda Martinez

Jose Edson R. Naval Virginia Naval Jesus Nebreja Rich Olson

Adoracion Pazcoguin Tere Platero

Maria Rendon Elizabeth Rodriguez

Mary Ruggiero Jasmine Alonzo Rosario

Mary Russo George Sahourieh

John Schempf John Thompson

Judy Vagens Rose Vedamoni

Rose Lilly Villcarlos Remie S. Williams

Georgia Fuller Guadalupe Orellana

Dennis Sandoval

Sunday/Domingo April 20: 5:00am CH Salubong 6:30am CH Mass 8:30am CH Mass 10:00am CH Mass 11:30am CH Spanish Mass 1:00pm CH Mass

Tuesday/Martes, April 22: 9:00am OKH Over 50 Club 5:00pm RH SOUL: Youth Group 7:00pm CAF School of Religion:

Confirmation Level# 1 Meeting 7:00pm OKH Social Responsibility

Wednesday/Miércoles, April 23: 7:00pm CAF Knights of Columbus 7:00pm OKH Grupo Progreso

Friday/Viernes, April 25: 5:00pm OKH Latino Youth Group 6:30pm CH Latino Youth Group:

Prayer Vigil Service

Saturday/Sábado, April 26: 8:30pm CH Legion of Mary 9:30am CH School of Religion:

Faith Formation & Confirmation 1:00pm CAF Knights of Columbus:

Program on Elderly Abuse 4:00pm CH Confessions

Pray for the Dead: Oremos por los Difuntos:

Pray for the Sick: Oremos por los enfermos: Meetings/Reuniones: Intentions/Intenciones:

Sunday/Domingo, April 27: 9:00am OKH Legion de Maria 11:00am RH RCIA 12:30pm CAF Charla con el Diacono 2:00pm RH Filipino Consultative 5:00pm CH Divine Mercy Chaplet 6:30pm CAF Divine Mercy Reception 8:00pm CON AA—English

Monday/Lunes, April 21: 7:00pm OKH Grupo Progreso

Thursday/Jueves, April 24: 3:30pm OKH & CAF School 6:30pm CAF Grupo de Oracion 7:30pm 7E Choir Rhearsal 6:30pm OKH Epiphany of the Lord 8:00pm CON AA—English

Page 3: Church of the Epiphany Iglesia de la Epifaní · Iglesia de la Epifanía ... Church of the Epiphany _____ would like Sunday Offering envelopes

GOSPEL: John 20:1-9 or Matthew 28:1-10

The gospel story of the empty tomb proclaims a joyful freedom theme. Jesus is free from the bonds of death! Mary Magdalene is freed from fear and becomes a witness to his res-urrection. Peter and John are free to believe that their Lord is risen from the dead. The dawn of Easter frees us from fear and the darkness of sin. Alleluia! 1.) How will your faith in the risen Lord free you to be a better person? How have you "seen and believed" this Easter?

EVANGELIO: Juan 20:1-9 o Mateo 28:1-10 La historia del evangelio de la tumba vacía proclama un tema de gozo y libertad. Jesús es libre de la muerte. María Mag-dalena está libre del temor y se convierte en un testigo de su resurrección. Pedro y Juan son liberados para creer que su Se-ñor ha resucitado de la muerte. El alba del día de Pascua nos libera del temor y de la oscuridad del pecado. ¡Aleluya! 1.) ¿Cómo tu fe en el Señor resucitado te libera para ser una mejor persona? ¿Cómo has "visto y creído en esta Pascua?"

Reflections ~ Reflexiones

Want to become a registered parishioner Already a registered parishioner, updating information

NAME(S):_____________________________________________________ PHONE: ( )___________________________ Last Name First Name ADDRESS:___________________________________________________ EMAIL:______________________________________ Please return to: Church of the Epiphany _____ would like Sunday Offering envelopes

827 Vienna Street San Francisco, CA 94112

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Page 4: Church of the Epiphany Iglesia de la Epifaní · Iglesia de la Epifanía ... Church of the Epiphany _____ would like Sunday Offering envelopes

Anuncios: Queridos feligreses y amigos de la Epifanía: ¡Feliz Domingo de Pascua! “Este es el

día que ha hecho el Señor.” El Domingo de Pascua es el día festivo más grande del año de toda la Iglesia. A través del año compartimos nuestra alegría y la victoria sobre la muerte de Cristo Resucitado y nos regocijamos de que algún día nosotros también resucitaremos con El. ¡Aleluya! ¡En la mañana de Pascua- la estación de primavera, las flores, los pájaros, las mari-posas, y la gente alrededor de nosotros con sus vestidos de gala, la preciosa liturgia y la música, todos parecen ser testigos de que Jesucristo ha resucitado hoy! Como lo atestiguan las Escrituras en este día glorio-so y lleno de alegría alrededor de nosotros, que nos habla de la Buena Nueva de la Resurrección y cantamos “Aleluya.” El Misterio Pascual es la llave de nuestra fe cristiana: La muerte y resurrección de Jesús es el modelo de nuestra vida. En los primeros pasos del camino de fe, los ca-tecúmenos sienten la cruz de la gloria co-mo señal sobre sus ojos, sobre sus labios, sobre sus hombros, sus oídos, sobre el corazón y sobre sus pies. El misterio es que aún la muerte nos dá vida para los que estamos abrazados con Jesús. La Pascua nos recuerda, que también nosotros hemos sido creados para ser resu-citados. ¡La Buena Nueva es que estamos destinados a compartir una nueva vida eterna con Jesús, una vida libre de dolor, de sufrimiento y de muerte! Nuestra ora-ción es que ustedes gocen de toda la felicidad en esta Pascua con sus familias y amigos. ¡Qué la paz de Cristo Resucitado

Nuestro Señor Jesús llene sus corazones y sus hogares!

¡Feliz Domingo de Pascua! Padre Eugene Tungol y Personal

Plato de Arróz:Plato de Arróz:Plato de Arróz:

Por favor devuelva la contribución de su Plato de arróz en un sobre a la Oficina Parroquial cuando haya terminado por favor deposítelo en el reciclaje

Para su Información: Programa de Prevención de Abuso:

Todos están invitados a asistir al programa de información acerca de la prevención del abuso con los ancianos presentado por los Caballeros de Colón y la Alianza Comuni-taria “Alliance for Community Empower -ALLICE.” Habrán presentaciones, repre-sentantes de organizaciones comunitarias, refrescos y una rifa. Será el sábado 26 de abril en la Cafetería de la escuela. Llame al (415) 867-0819 para más informes.

Peregrinación: La Escuela de Religión está organizando una peregrinación de cuatro días y tres noches a las misiones del sur de California del 20 al 23 de mayo. Llame a Loy al (415)333-7630x15 para más información.

Feather Falls Casino: El Grupo Hispano los invita al Casino Feather Falls el Sábado 26 de abril. El bus sale a las 7:00am y pasaran 6 horas en el casino. El costo es de $20 con $12 cash back y un cupón de $3 para comida. Para información por favor llame a:

María Elena (415) 585-7878.

Graton Casino: El Grupo Over 50 los invita a su viaje al casino Graton el martes 22 de abril. Los autobuses saldrán de la esquina de las ca-lles Amazon y Naples a las 9:00am (cambio de hora) en punto. Para reserva-ciones llame a Ken la (415) 334-3650 o a Steve al (415) 239-7740.

El costo es de $26/persona.

Segunda Colectas: HOY DÍA; Programa de Educación

Religiosa PRÓXIMA SEMANA: “Black & Indian Mission’

Total de la Semana Pasa4-6-2014: 1ST COLLECTION: $9,343.51 2ND COLLECTION: $ 1,894.80

Domingo de la Divina Misericordia: Las celebraciones por El Domin-go de la Divina Misericordia será el 27 de abril. Las celebraciones comenzarán a las 5:00pm. Habrá una recepción en la cafetería des-

pués de la misa de 5:30pm.

Próximos Eventos: Esquina del Párroco:


Hace 3,000 años los chi-nos pintaban huevos de

pato para celebrar la primavera. Los egipcios pintaban huevos en honor de la diosa Ishtar, mientras ingleses y alemanes lo hacían para celebrar al sol. Eventualmente la práctica continuó en honor de la resurrección de Cristo. La costumbre de esconder huevos hervi-dos y pintados ha tomado nueva vida entre los mexicoamericanos. Cada Cuaresma mi mamá solía guardar los cascarones de los huevos que nos com-íamos. Recuerdo con alegría la cos-tumbre de colorear los cascarones el Sábado de Gloria para que la coneja nos los escondiera para la Pascua. Al día siguiente, después de Misa nos re-uníamos a buscar cascarones y rom-perlos sobre la cabeza de quien se arri-mara, para bañarlos con el confeti mul-ticolor. La costumbre de celebrar la Pascua con cascarones decorados es una bella tradición. Esta costumbre muestra que todas las naciones pueden agregar a la Iglesia cristiana tradicio-nes propias de su cultura, ya que Jesu-cristo dio su vida por todas ellas. Es justo celebrar la Resurrección del autor de la vida con símbolos de fecundidad y todos los colores del gozo .—Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.


Alégrense también nuestra madre la Iglesia revestida de luz tan brillante;

resuene este templo con las aclamaciones del

pueblo. la Cena del Señor, Misal Romano

ALELUYA Siempre di aleluya, sin importar el momento del día, sin importar la época de la vida. —San Benito

Noticias de Epifanía

Page 5: Church of the Epiphany Iglesia de la Epifaní · Iglesia de la Epifanía ... Church of the Epiphany _____ would like Sunday Offering envelopes

Epiphany Parish News

Coming Up Soon:

Dear Parishioners & Friends of Epiphany,Dear Parishioners & Friends of Epiphany,Dear Parishioners & Friends of Epiphany, Happy Easter! "This is the day the Lord has made!" Easter Sunday is the greatest feast day of the entire Church year. We share our joy in the risen Christ's victory over death. And we rejoice that one day we too will rise with him. Alleluia! On Easter morning everything—the spring weather, the flowers, birds and butterflies, the people around us in their finery, the beautiful liturgy and music—everything seems to bear witness that Jesus Christ is risen today! Like the eyewitness accounts in today’s scriptures, the glorious and joy-ful life all around us helps us to believe the good news of the Resurrection and sing “Alleluia!” The Paschal Mystery is the key to our Christian faith: the dying and rising of Jesus that is the pattern of our life. In their first steps on the road of faith, the catechumens feel the cross of glory traced over their eyes, on their lips, across their shoulders, on their ears, over their heart, and on their feet. The mystery is that even death gives way to life for those who are held in the embrace of Jesus. Easter reminds us that we, too, have been created to be resurrected. The Good News is that we are destined to share a new life, an eternal life with Jesus, a life free of pain, suffering and death! Our prayer is that you enjoy all the happiness this Easter with your families and friends. May the peace of the Risen Lord Jesus fill your hearts and homes!

HAPPY EASTER! Father Eugene Tungol & Staff

Rice Bowls: Rice Bowls: Rice Bowls:

Please return your Rice Bowls contribu-tions in an envelope to the Parish Office. When finished with the Rice Bowl, please recycle.

Announcements: Program on Elderly Abuse:

On Saturday, April 26th at 1:00pm in the Cafeteria, the Knights of Columbus are sponsoring a Program on Elderly Abuse presented by the Alliance for Community Empower (ALLICE). There will also be noted speakers, resource providers, health checks, refreshments and a raffle. It is open to everyone and no reservations are needed. For more information, please call (415) 867-0819.

School of Religion—Pilgrimage: The School of Religion is sponsoring a four day, three night Mission Church Pil-grimage to Southern California on May 20th-23rd. Anyone interested is asked to contact: Loy (415) 333-7630 x15.

Feather Falls Casino : The Grupo Hispano invites you all to Feather Falls Casino on Saturday, April 26th. The bus leaves at 7:00am. The cost is $20/person with $12 cash back & $3 food coupon. For information & reservations, please call: Maria Elena (415) 585-7878.

Graton Casino: The Over 50 Club invites you to the Graton Resort & Casino in Rohnert Park on Tues-day, April 22nd. The cost is $26/person. For information and/or reservations, please call Ken at (415) 334-3650 or Steve at (415) 239-7740. The bus will leave promptly at 9:00am (time change) from O’Keefe Hall at Naples & Amazon Sts.

Second Collections: TODAY: Religious Education Program NEXT WEEK: Black & Indian Mission

Last Week’s Totals for 4-6-2014: 1ST COLLECTION: $9,343.51 2ND COLLECTION: $ 1,894.80

Divine Marcy Sunday: Divine Mercy Sunday will be on April 27th. The Chaplet will begin

at 5:00pm. A reception will follow in the Cafeteria after the 5:30pm Mass.

For Your Information:


TRADITION: The Lenten journey is now complete, its mis-

sion of renewal and preparation to re-ceive new life fulfilled. The call to worship the Risen Lord has been re-ceived, and we gather to experience together the consoling presence of Christ in word and sacrament. We are at our best today, crowded and cramped to be sure, but the fullest sign of who we are meant to be. Christ has claimed us in the waters of baptism, we have acquired wonderful compan-ions, and together we can accomplish great things. This is the day for rekin-dling the old flames of baptismal com-mitment, so we light the paschal can-dle, and by its light we make yet again the ancient promises to reject evil’s grip and empty promises. Today we do not recite the Creed, but respond with one voice to age-old questions. New life has to be nurtured, both the life of the newly baptized and the renewed life of those who have passed through Lent’s refining prayer, fasting, and giving alms. At any Mass during the next fifty days, you may be surprised by grace and splashed by water!

—Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. .

CHRIST HAS RISEN Where is your sting, O death? Where is your victory, O hell? Christ has risen, and you are overthrown. Christ has risen, and the demons have fallen. Christ has risen, and the angels rejoice. Christ has risen, and life reigns. Christ has risen, and not one dead rests in the grave. For Christ having risen from the dead became the first-fruits of them that slept. To him be glory and majesty to ages of ages. Amen. —Byzantine Pentekostarion