circus report, february 9, 1976, vol. 5, no. 6

5th Year February 9, 1976 Number 6 reduced fee plan In a move designed to attract circuses and carnivals, the City of El Cerrito (Calif.) plans to reduce its business license fees for traveling shows. Council members generally agreed that current high prices have kept such shows out of the city. In the past the license fee was $500 per day for any type of show. Under the new plan a circus playing to less than 4000 people per day would pay a fee of $150 for the first day and $100 per day thereafter. For circuses playing to more than 4000 people per day, and all carnivals, no matter how big the crowds, the fee would be $300 for the first day and $200 for each day there- after. The circus or carnival oper- (Continued on Page 11) ABLE FOR LIMITED ENGAGEMENTS HOLLYWOOD ELEPHANTS Contact JUDY JACOBSKAYE 19 1680 North Vine Street Hollywood. California 90028 Area Corto 713

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Page 1: Circus Report, February 9, 1976, Vol. 5, No. 6

5th Year February 9, 1976 Number 6

reduced fee planIn a move designed to attract circuses and carnivals, the

City of El Cerrito (Calif.) plans to reduce its business licensefees for traveling shows. Council members generally agreed thatcurrent high prices have kept such shows out of the city.

In the past the license fee was $500 per day for any typeof show. Under the new plan a circus playing to less than 4000people per day would pay a fee of $150 for the first day and$100 per day thereafter.

For circuses playing tomore than 4000 people per day,and all carnivals, no matterhow big the crowds, the fee

would be $300 for the first dayand $200 for each day there-after.

The circus or carnival oper-

(Continued on Page 11)



JUDY JACOBSKAYE19 • 1680 North Vine Street • Hollywood. California • 90028

Area Corto 713 •

Page 2: Circus Report, February 9, 1976, Vol. 5, No. 6

Page 2 The Circus Report

UNCLE HEAVY and His PorkChop Revue played a date at theMellett Mall in Canton, Ohio onJan. 21-2*.

KARL WALLENDA recently cele-brated his 71st birthday, withsome 50 friends and relatives at-tending a buffet supper at hishome in Florida.

CHUCK SATEJA was an instruetor at the RBBB Clown College,and since has been helping thenew clowns get going on the bigshow.

EMMETT KELLY, Sr., recentlytaped the Emmy Awards Show forABC-TV, which will be aired onApril 24th. On Feb. 13th, he wiUbe on the "Today" show.

JOSIP MARCAN will tour withhis lions on the new "Music HallFrances" show in South America.It's a combination stage andcircus show that will run fortwo years.

THE KLEMENT1S, bicycle act,taped a Mik'e Douglas TV Show atLas Vegas on Feb. 4th.

In Mcmorium /

JESSE FULLER (79) popularBlues singer and musician, diedat Oakland, Calif, on Jan. 29th.Although he is best known forhis music, he spent a part ofhis younger daytworking for var-ious railroad circuses.

FOR SALEFLOYD KING CHAPTER C.F.A. TENTAnnounces a sale for the wintermonths ONLY!(A)-Circus Ticket Assortment

(our choice)(B)-Super Circus Program Book

of 24 pages(C)-Floyd King/Dr. Paul Fitzpa-

trick Tape (Cassette)(D)-Half Sheet Litho in full

circus colorsA $10.00 value - ONLY $5.00 p.p.thru Feb. 28th. A surprise giftfor first 25 orders.

- ORDER TODAY -Send Check or Money Order (cur-rency at your own risk)Payable to:

Floyd King Chapter C.F.A.P. 0. Box 1942Dothan, Alabama - 36301

You may order items separatelyby letter:(A)-Twenty assorted tickets just

$1.00(B)-Program Books - $1.00 each(C)-Tapes - $5.00 each(D)-Lithos - $3.00 each - a few

panels and one sheets alsoavailable at $5.00 and up



While appearing with the BobMorton Shrine Circus, at Spring-field, Mass. (May 6, 1936) aer-ialist Mickey King performed276 continuous one-arm swingsduring a special children's show

Page 3: Circus Report, February 9, 1976, Vol. 5, No. 6

February 9, 1976 Page 3

Under Canvas in London .by JACK NIBLETT

Ever since Bertram Mills' Circus ceased operating at London1!Olympia Grand Hall in 1967, attempts have been made by English cir-cus owners to find other suitable Metropolitan locations for aChristmas Circus. A Concert Hall, a converted cinema, even a con-verted railway-engine shed have all been used, but none have prov-ed suitable or successful. It was Circus Hoffman who broke thejinx on the winter tenting showwhich has persisted in the mind*of circus owners since the ill-fated Carmo Circus was destroy-ed by snowstorms and then byfire in the early 1930's. Hoff-man built up their tent at Shep-herds Bush, in central London,for the Christmas season of1974-75, and helped by a mildwinter had a very successfulstand.

Now, encouraged by a succes-sion of mild winters our Eng-lish circuses are staying outlater and later

This year Chipperfield'swere at Shepherds Bush and GerryCottle's Circus was at ClaphamCommon (a London suburb) and alldid well with heated tents overChristmas and New Years. Hoffmanwas to have played at nearbyWimbledon, but since anothershow played there in November,they elected to take the Bingleyhall at Birmingham. Then shortlyafter Christmas they were outtenting again.

Chipperfield's program is al-ways a big animal show. Dick(Jr)had lions, leopards and panthers;His cousin John had polar and

black bears. Sister Sally haddogs* ponies and monkeys. John(Sr) had the elephants and horseacts, while son-in-law Jim Clubbshowed the snakes and crocodiles

Dressedof the 90's

in French fashions, the Ballons gave

their usual amusing bicycle actand also contributed a knock-about number. The show had a newgroup of clowns from Portugal,and one of their young ladiesperformed on the web. More com-edy was provided by Peter Sandowand his unpredictable taxi. Thefine flying act - Flying Saltos -worked in subdued light.

Gerry Cottle had his own catacts, with lions presented byCapt. Sydney Howes; elephantsand horses by Carlos McManus. ElHakim gave his Indian Fakir actand the strong man from Persia -Khalil Ogahby - demonstrated hisstrength by lifting a small ele-phant. The Santos Juilan Troupeare cycle experts and the KansasTroupe are skilled jugglers.

Clowns Tommy Tucker, Beanand Doodie worked between actsand did their "Ghost" number, apopular act with the kids. Piere

(Continued on Page 18)

Page 4: Circus Report, February 9, 1976, Vol. 5, No. 6

Page The Circus Report

the king story by FLOYD KING

In regards to your recent stories about the King title,here is the ruling of the sale of King Bros. Circus title in theMid-George Federal Court and the Probate Court of Macon (Ga.)

The title of the use of King Bros. Circus was in the handsof the Federal Court when bankruptcy was brought against the cir-cus in 1955. It laid on the shelf for a year and I bought thetitle for ownership from the Federal Court for cash.

I was on the road in 1955at the time and subsequently,the use of the title was drawnup in a written contract for theCristiani Circus with Remo Cris-tiani as manager. Later BobSnowden rented the title. In '56Snowden framed a stage show cal-led Circusrama.

I visited the Snowden show,operated as King Bros. Circus ontheir closing day in the '50s.Frank McClosky was in the wagonand checking Snowden's books.Wefound he was short on paymentsfor several weeks.

McClosky said he would payFloyd King the balance that wasdue. He also agreed to pay aweekly fee for the title whilethe show was on the road.

At no time did my late wifeVicki King make any contract oragreement with Mr. McClosky orMr. Collins.

With the advancing cost ofliving, my attorney here in Ma-con advised Jerry Collins andFrank McClosky, one month beforethe show closed in 1975, that an

Gets RavesThe new "Casino de Paris"

show at the Dunes Hotel in LasVegas has won rave reports byNight Life columnist Perry Phil-

Phillips went on to say*"Topping a lineup of oustandingspecialty acts is the Stupidswho hail from Stockholm. Thesesix gentlemen comprise one ofthe best tumbling acts I've everseen. They're on a solid 10 min-utes and, during that time,there is absolutely no letup.It's a break-neck pace all theway and beautifully timed. Thatthey didn't miss a single cuestill has me scratching my head'.'

increase in payments would berequired in the future. PeteCristiani had planned on puttingout a circus in 1976 and I senthim a lease. That circus did notmaterialize.

In the meantime, Mr. McClos-ky advertised in Amusement Busi-ness that he wanted a Managerfor King Bros, in 1976, as wellas personnel in all departments.

Page 5: Circus Report, February 9, 1976, Vol. 5, No. 6

February 9, 1976 Page 5

BILLY BARTON~i±Oh, the Wonderful World of Women: TAJANA's appearanceon MIKE DOUGLAS proves beyond question she is one ofthe all time GREAT circus stars....Miss Spirit of '76- glorious GLORIA SWANSON (That plus Two!) guesting on

TOM SKYDER confirms that America's preoccupation with the YouthSyndrome is just so much balder-1

dash IRENE FOSSETT's trans-formation from Beauty to Stoogein the twinkling of an eye is amarvel of comic ingenuity...andMystery Lovers mourn with me theloss of our beloved AGATHA CRIS-TIE - happily her final book inwhich she kills off "Miss Marple'was written before her death tobe released posthumously.

LOCKE LORRAINE writes thathe is still active doing commer-cials and fashion modelling inHollywood KAY HANNEFORD tak-ing cobalt treatments five timesa week. Several teeth had to beextracted before treatment couldbegin. Signs of improvement inher condition spark general op-timism JIMMY HALL in a Dallashospital undergoing tests for anundetermined illness, was forcedto cancel Castle's winter tour(although his family is makingthe dates).

BEN DeWAYNE and FRANCESCAHYNDS are working the Polackbulls TOM and POM POM DONOHOare in Texas with Mac McDONALD....Complications at "Old Chicago"caused the Donoho-Polack rift...TERRY CAVARETTA's name now en-tered in the Guinness Book of

World Records RONRITAS atCircus Circus.

I've been asked to warn per-formers to beware of a new Texasbased show, whose owner is writ-ing letters on lavish letterheadstock offering much work, bigmoney and big promises and canoffer no such securities....FLY-ING DELLS to Milwaukee (Suesz),Madison i.Kay) and Lansing (Voise3Believe it or not, some peoplewill do ANYTHING to sling mud ontheir own divorce actions. Weonlookers are NOT amused.

TAJANA ' s new wardrobefrom EAVES a disaster area..tookDON BASHAM two days to make itpresentable. One would think aNew York Costume house would bemore efficient. Great creditmust be given DON, incidentally,for handling wardrobe for FIVEproduction numbers and over 78people virtually without assis-tance!

Rumbles of a new circusgrow louder....If I were to askhow many people adore VICTORJULIAN we couldn't see the worldfor hands. Didyaknow he's a gour-met cook, loves to cook, cooks

(Continued on Page 17)

Page 6: Circus Report, February 9, 1976, Vol. 5, No. 6

Page 6 The Circus Report

SHOW OSCARSBig Top "Oscars" were award-

ed to top circus talent at a Jan10th program in Madrid. Theworld Oscar, for the best perfor-mance , went to John Taylor, ofCanada.

The Oscar for the best ma-gician went to Dame Lee Ville,of the Jean Richard Circus, whijathe Oscar for the triple somer-sault went to the Flying Armors.The Oscar for juggling went tothe Diablos Blancos group.

THE BUMPY FAMILY and THESTEVENS have a 2\ page article,;ith photos, in the Dec.-Jan. issue of "Strength & Health" maga-zine.

MR. & MRS. J. A. HOFMEISTER,rthitehouse, Texas, also known

as "Chief Joseph" are winteringat Sarasota, Fla., with their 8Appaloosa stallions. They'll betouring with Beatty-Cole start-ing April 5th.

Fay Snyder had her "Yvette'sMini Circus Revue" at the 1stBicentennial parade of the yearin Los Angeles (Calif.) on Jan.25th. The animals will also befeatured in a children's book,which will be the story of ado running off and becoming acircus star.

DAILEY BROS.With the current season al-

ready well underway, Dailey Bros-Circus is playing Texas dates,prior to moving north for what isexpected to be a long season.

The show features!

Sparky - come-in workTommy and Gopher - single bullsGoober Null - clown magicVictor Macglionni - cloud swingPeanut PitchGloria Null - swinging ladderSparky - floating caneVictor and Linda - aerial cradleTex Dailey - trained goatsElephants with bannersGloria Null - Spanish webGoober and John - trunk illus.— Intermission —

Gloria Null - single trapezeGoober & Sparky - clown boxingTommy Armstrong - chimpsGoober and Gloria - jugglingLinda Loter Florez - dogsJohn and Gloria - Zig Zag illus.Tom Armstrong - elephantsVictor Macglioni - high wire

The Side Show includes! Ma-gic and vent, Sparky; Sword swal-lowing and fire eater, John Tro-wers; Sword ladder and Nail boanfTex Dailey. There is also a TwoHeaded Baby Annex on the midway.

/I/I i» A warning to allI lOllCC snow folks whotravel on the Ohio Turnpike!McCoy's Garage in Norwalk (Ohio)has the towing contract for thearea and their prices are high!

Page 7: Circus Report, February 9, 1976, Vol. 5, No. 6

February 9, 1976 Page 7

Flecfcles OK In Saginaw

After intermission were: Display with Young & Old, Lamberty,Jr., balancing and the Kelroys;Tibor Alexander's dogs; Displaywith Eddie & Eddie, comedy cast-ing and the Amandis teeterboard;Vidbel's elephants; Jose Lito,high wire; Zoppe's Arabian Rid-ers; The Quassars , Rocket Shipthrill act.

Al Youngman was the musical

The Shrine Circus in Saginaw, Mich., produced annually by L.N. Fleckles, of Chicago, concluded another successful run on Jan.20th.

The program featured the following line-up of acts: Guy Gos-sing's Tigers; The Saturnaires,Space Saucer; Mickey Antalek'schimps; clown number; Displaywith Lucky Bros., Seguara, bounding rope; Lambertys, juggling;Herman & Fetunia (Zoppe comedyriding); Display with Vidbel'sponies, Lona's Pets and Louisa'sDoves; Aerial Ballet starringMile. Jacqueline Zerbini; theWorld Wheelers, black unicyclistsClown number; The Pharoahs, highcradle; The Rock-Smith Flyers.

Show ActsActs appearing at the 22nd

Annual Kansas City Sports Show(Jan. 30-Feb. 8) were:Bill Fontana - log rollingWillie Mosconi - billard champGerald & Mobby - acrobats\Ray Sommers - sporting dogsKocka-Poldis Troupe - swing actBobby Holter -- wrestling tigerJoe McKenna - movie/stage starBruce Rice - sports announcerTony DiPardo - orchestra leaderdirector. Producing clown wasCoco and the alley included Hap-py Kellams and Mike Clucker.

Unusual was the fact thatwhile Jackie Zerbini was appear-ing in Saginaw, husband Tarzanwas in Flint for Polack Bros.Both joined the Castle openingin Grand Raoids on Jan. 26th.

... Billy Barton

We Hope You'll Have Sunny Dayiand Straw Houeee All Season

Happy 1976 to All Our Circus Friends



Greatest Miniature Circus in the World

Page 8: Circus Report, February 9, 1976, Vol. 5, No. 6

Page 8 The Circus Report

Hubler Starts StrongGeorge Hubler's HUBLER INT'L CIRCUS launched its new season

with a power-packed program at Mentor, Ohio, Jan. 23-25. It wasthe 7th Annual Mentor High PTA Circus co-produced by Harry Millswith A. Hugh Brown the General Circus Chairman.

Attendence records were shattered, boosted by the additionof an opening matinee (a 3/4 house) on Friday, Jan. 23rd. Thefirst performance ran close to three hours but was pared to twohours and twelve minutes by Sat-urday, when the three shows ranback-to-back, causing long linesto form in the lobby and trafficsnarls in the Mentor High Schoolparking lot. The attendence wasestimated at well over 22,000 inthree days, with seven shows.

Free meals were served toperformers and circus workers onSaturday and Sunday, plus a galaSaturday night party at the Ar-rowhead Club, complete with foodAverages and live music.

The stories phoned in andcir -ulating at the Al Sirat Han-

_ord Circus playing in down-town Cleveland that (A) LilyKr:stensen had been clawed,that(' i Sonja Zoppe had fallen, anduhat (C) a member of the FlyingValentines had bounced from thenet to break his neck were total-ly without truth or foundation.The true fact (in case thesestories are still dancing aboutthe country) is that Debbie Val-entine was struck in the eye bythe elbow of Ray, Jr., duringthe pirouette return in the pas-sing leap. Five stitches wererequired to close the wound, butDebbie did not miss a performance

The program includedt Bicen-tennial Bonanza (Tournament);Zavatta Troupe and Johnnie Lad-die & Co. unsupported ladders;Lily Kristensen's leopards; Tru-della, slide-for-life; Susan'sAfghans; The Kids Fantastic (alocal group); Clowns; Freddie &Co.; Tom Sink, Grotto Clowns;The Smahas; Herman & Petunia;Aerial Ballet with Princess Son-ja; Diano's elephants; PrinceNajvez; Happy Birthday Uncle Samwas first half closer, followedby Intermission.

Ray Valentine, Jr., tightwire with back and forward som-ersault and somersault through ahoop for finish; David Zoppe &Family, rhesus monkeys; Joe Zop-pe Troupe, Arabian Riders; ThePharoahs, cradle; clowns; TheFlying Valentines; Finale.

Music by Florine and PhilOler and the High School CircusBand. National Anthem sung byTheodore Hieronymous. Les Yoxal,props; Wayne Liikala, lighting;Jo Brown, co-ordinator; JuneMills, production director andAnn Fairchild, aerial choreo-grapher.

Page 9: Circus Report, February 9, 1976, Vol. 5, No. 6

February 9, 1976 Page 9

Hnos. Padilla Circo by LOUIS ASKER

Tepic, Mexico, Jan. 21, 1976. Hnos. Padilla Circus played atTepic Jan. 16 thru 21st, a town of 110,000 people. A new showthis year, it is owned by the Padilla brothersi Abelardo, JulioCesar and Humberto.

The show has a brand new top, approximately 110 ft. round,with a 40 ft. center section. Theshow's trucks and trailers are

well painted and lettered. Thebig top entrance has a walk- thrusimilar to the semi-trailer thatis used by Carson & Barnes Cir-

The program is a one ringformat and seating consists of 9high blues, reserved chairs andbox seats* for a total capacityof 3,000 people. Music is record*ed and of high quality. Insidethey have a popcorn, cotton can-dy and bottled pop concessionstands.

The program features t-

Opening announcements, followedby four dancing girls, dres-sed in Top hat, coats and tie

Clown number (4)Julio and Abelardo Padilla -

springboard leapingClowns - Children spanking gagTammy and the Three Padilla Bros

- trampolineEntrance of four costumed girls

to song "Pink Panther" whichis introduction to Lillianaon single trapeze

Yoyito, the clown - rolla bollaSix cotumed girls in Spanish

dress with castinetts to in-troduce three girl web number

Yoyito, the clown - at top ofthe tent

The Padilla Bros. - flying actClowns - the photo gagVanessa - single trapezeYoyito, the clown - high wireMagic - Luciani and nine costum-

ed girl assistantsClosing spec - all performers

rhe performance is well re-ceived and all performers wearflashy wardrobe.

See Us At DetroitThru Feb.15

State Fairgrounds Coliseum

Page 10: Circus Report, February 9, 1976, Vol. 5, No. 6

Page 10 The Circus Report

ROUTESCole All Star TV Circus

Feb. 9 Jamestown, N.Y.10 Hinsdale11 Fillmore12 Angelica13 Almond

Fisher Bros. CircusFeb. 12 Weslaco, Texas

13 San Juan

Tommy Hanneford Circusto Feb 15 Detroit, Mich.

Holiday HippodromeFeb. 9 Bryan, Texas

10 Hunstville11 Lufkin12 Nacodoches13 Texarkana, Ark.16 Monroe, La.15 Shreveport

Hubler Int'l CircusFeb 14-15 Poughkeepsie, N.Y,

Ringling-Barnum - Blue UnitFeb. 10-15 Greensboro, N.C.

Ringling-Barnum - Red UnitFeb. 9-11 Venice, Fla.

John Strong CircusFeb. 9 Santee, Calif.

10 Ramona11 Off12 Brawley13 Calexico14 El Centro15 Holtville




Wrinen Directed and Produced,, CHARLES CHAPLIN /

The above advertisement was de-signed and used for CharlieChaplin's 1928 film called "TheCircus."

Page 11: Circus Report, February 9, 1976, Vol. 5, No. 6

February 9, 1976 Page 11

Dying BreedLions are a dying breed,

according to "Int'l Wildlife"rnagazine. They claim there areonly 200,000 lions left in theworld today, a 1002 decreasefrom the lion population of 25years ago.

It's not the hunters whoare responsible, but the ranch-ers who own African land wherethe lions roam. These culpritspoison lions rather than providehim with a relatively painlessdeath by bullet.

If the trend continues, themagazine warns, there will onlybe a few thousand lions left atthe turn of the century. Moreand more of Africa's grasslandis being turned over for the gra-zing of cattle.


SBfflDYou'll get acopy each weekfor just $12.00


Circus Report525 Oak St.El Cerrito,Calif. 94530

NEW LICENSE FEES (Continued)ator would have to pay the costof extra police and fire serviceas provided by the city.

The proposed reduction inlicense fees resulted from dis-cussions with Circus Vargas whofirst planned to play the city'sshopping center during the win-ter months. Tentative plans nowindicate the circus may play thelocation this spring.

American Freedom TrainFeb. 11-14 San Antonio, Texas

15-17 Austin

Black Watch TroupeFeb. 9 Atlanta, Ga.

10 Nashville, Tenn.12 Baton Rouge, La.

13-14 Houston, Texas

Sports ShowFeb. 8-14 Harrisburg, Pa.

FOR SALEA flying act net - used justone season.




Fontana, Calif. - 92335

Phone:(714) 823-3600

Page 12: Circus Report, February 9, 1976, Vol. 5, No. 6

Page 12 The Circus Report

Local columnist Jack O'Brlalreports that RBBB's Michu willhave Joe Namath as his best manfor his upcoming wedding.

Emmett Kelly, ST., was arecent guest on the Carol Bur-nett TV Show.

Another TV ad using circusideas is the Timex Co., with anelephant who steps on one of thefirm's watches and smashes it.

Jack Smith, agent, who wasworking for the Oscarian Bros.Circus is now employed by theStebbing show.

C. E. Speilman (Cosmo, theClown) has been steadily improv-:ng his publication "Clown Chat-•r." Two new clown schools are•ing organized in the Chicago•ea.

Richmond, Va., will be the,t city for the Clowns of Amer.

oa Convention Mar. 31-Apr. 3rdwith headquarters at the HotelJohn Marshall.

Don Nieman, CFA and his

MiscellaneousA dozen youths interrupted

the Soviet Circus one night inNew York City by throwing eggsat the magician. The show wascontinued after the youths wereousted.

Ribbon Star Circus and Cir-co Blue Star recently played thesame small town in Mexico.

20th Century Fox Studioshave scheduled a film titled"Circus" and "The Life of TomMix" for early shooting.

Circo Union, of Mexico, isheading for Brazil and other en-gagements in South America.

YES, WE'LLROUTE YOU! But, Mr. Cir-cus owner and operator, you haveto send in your route. Do itnow, before you forget.

daughter, both ardent circusfans, started off 76 by seeingthe Soviet Circus. By the wayDon's grandfather made harnessfor Hagenbeck-Wallace and RBBB.

.... M. L. Dupont


An Advance Itinerary of all Circus Routes. Published weekly.All go "AIR MAIL" around the World. $15.00 for 1976 season.

Write for SAMPLES to CHARLIE CAMPBELL, 1296 Oaklawn Ave. N.E,Atlanta, Georgia - 30319

Page 13: Circus Report, February 9, 1976, Vol. 5, No. 6

February 9, 1976 Page 13

Shrine CircusThe Moslem Temple Shrine Circus in Detroit (Mich.), produc-

ed by Hanneford Circus, Inc., of Osprey, Fla., runs two and aThe show program includes:half weeks - Jan. 30-Feb. 15th,

Color Guard - Nat'l Anthem - ASlide for Life - Sponge Plunge,Overture into RAZZLE DAZZLETajana - trained tigersThe Astros - aerial motorcycleWally & Cheryl - comedyKayletta's birdsBobby's Shephe.rdsGina's LeopardsThe Janos ChimpsKing's Storybook AnimalsFaye Alexander - comedy carSalute to Hollywood aerial ballet

with Marina RadelescuVince Carmen, Signer Rai, Baron-

ess Von Frost, Morris & Co.,Phillips Trio - illus.display

Clown magic numberPlanet of the Apes and Zoppe's

Space OdysseyGibb's poniesSanger's Riding SchoolRosa's poniesSir Victor Julian - poodlesThis is My Country - specThe Flying Dells - Flying SteelesWinn Troupe - inclined wireOOpsey - celebrity clownGibbs, Hanneford, King - bullsSulo Sisters - rolling globesRamos Troupe - risleyHungarian Troupe - risleyBertini Troupe - bikesDionne Troupe - balancingTongo & Irene & Co. - comedyOriginal Hanneford Riding ActEddie Ventura - crater crashFlags of all States - finale

Vegas ActsActs currently playing at

Circus Circus Casino in Las Ve-gas .includei

The Esquedas - teeterboard ')Ronritas - cradle and wheelThe Flying MichialsThe Flying TerrelsCharlie Charles & co. - bikesSimona - single trapezeThe Randels - trampolineAlejandros - wire actClown carousel and aerial ballet

NOW AVAILABLEThe Karl Wallenda book will bereleased this week. It can beobtained fromj Roy H. Sagarin,26 High Street, Chatham, N.Y.12037. The pfcice is $7.95

FOR SALEA 12 horse trailer with livingquarters - Good Condition


Also Miscellaneous circusequipment.


North Hollywood, Calif.Phone: (213) 768-1369

Page 14: Circus Report, February 9, 1976, Vol. 5, No. 6

Page 14 The Circus Report

AN OPEN LETTER (Compiled by Billy Bartonfrom Direct Quotes)


It would be prejudicial for those connected with the techicalproduction of your circus, or for those appearing in it, to boast-although we can hardly be cited for feeling proud...but...when pro-fessionals, personally uninvolved with your 1976 Bicentennial Edi-tion are lavish with their praise, it is felt that such objectivityis worthy of your attention and, since it happens so rarely, thatof the Public as well.

In a business where back-stabbing, throat-cutting and happy-knocking is rampant, it is a pleasure to listen to this praise,given so sincerely, so freely and with such spontaniety

Here, then, are the quotes,from your contemporaries who witnessed your dramatic Clevelanddebut:

Former circus owner HARRYMILLS: "There hasn't been a cir-cus like this in Public Hallsince the early days of OrrinDavenport. It's the best! Next•o the Ringling show. The spec,the production, the way it looks,the performance! Best show I'veever seen."

The DAVID ZOPPE Family: "Hegives the circus business a wholeNew Look."

Producer GEORGE HUBLER: "Iwasn't disappointed. Highly Im-pressive!"

The AMANDIS: "Beautiful!"

MILDRED HALL: "The shocks!The surprises! Had me on theedge of my seat. I wish I was apart of it!"

JOE ZOPPE FAMILY (riders):"The best...the most profession-

al show I have ever seen!

LILY KRISTENSEN: "We are sohappy for Tommy that he is mak-ing it. We've got our fingerscrossed for him!"

WALTER STIMAX (running wild-eyed at the conclusion of thefirst half): "What can he DO toTOP THAT?"

BILL STRONG (The Quassars)t"I think Tommy's done somethingwith the circus that's needed tobe done for a long time. I don'tknow what it is, but he's foundthe formula." _

And there were more, tonmy -from people who were overheardbut could not be reached laterfor direct quotes - all of whomagree that what you have donefor the circus, mixing old-worldnostalgia with new world ele-gance for the beautification ofthe whole is, in the final anal-ysis, of mutual benefit - tp theperformer, the committee, rival

(Continued on Page 18)

Page 15: Circus Report, February 9, 1976, Vol. 5, No. 6

February 9, 1976 Page 15

Detroit NoteeSir Victor Julian came in

the last minute to replace TonyFossett's bounding rope act.Tonywas injured in a tumble from aladder during his Gorilla Parodyin Cleveland. As he was climbingto the balcony the ladder slip-ped throwing him backwards intothe seats. What might have beena very serious accident turnedout to be a minor one, injuringonly his heel, but enough thatwalking and working on it in thebounding rope act was impossible,Tom Desimini, a non-pro, filledin for Tony in the gorilla num-ber for the last two shows inCleveland, but Tony returned tothe act in Detroit.

Augmenting the Detroitline-up are the Ramos Troupe,risley, hair hang, finger stand;Vince Carmen and Morris & Co.,illusions; Tony Steele Troupe,sponge dive, cradle, flying act;and four web girls. Fay Alexandaialso joined with his comedy caras a prelude to the Salute toHollywood aerial ballet. At theend of his act 24 Keystone Kopspursue Fay out of the arena in arecreation of the old Mack Sen-nett car chase, followed by theentrance of 24 Keystone Kops andMack Sennett Bathing Beauties on12 tandem bikes. Star Marina Ra-delescu's entrance is made in anopen top 1935 Auburn - silverwith burgandy fenders, while vo-calist Ernie McLean sings "Hoo-ray For Hollywood".

RAZZLE DAZZLE, the eye-pop-ing opening number runs only oneminute and twenty seconds andincludes: Betty Woods Duo, hang-ing perch; Steeles, cradle;Doubleday & Co., revolving lad-der; Billy Barton, foot swivel;Keppo Sisters and Martells, un-supported ladders; Clarissa Sis-ters, tight wire; King's Story-book camels, llamas; Irene'sKangaroos; Ramos Troupe with twohair hangs and two finger stands;Maas, Jr., slack wire; Ray & Yo-landa and the Dubskys, perch;Rosa Gibbs, iron jaw; Wally &Cheryl; 24 Shrine clowns, headedby OOpsy; Chari-vari; aerial re-volve girls; Misses Karen, NancyiMarina and Roberta and vocalistErnie McLean who sings "The BigShow's In Town" an original tunewith words and music by BillyBarton.a

In Detroit all three ringdisplays became displays of fiveincluding an animal display, anacrobatic melange, and fiverings of illusions. Forteen ormore people were added to thePhillip Morris spec, "This is myCountry", an opulent "story-spec*that has been highly compliment-ed. Extra people were also addedinto the Planet of the Apes andthe Finale.

• • • B. B .


Circus Vargas closed its53 week 1975 tour at Hayward,Calif., on Feb. 2nd, 1976.

Page 16: Circus Report, February 9, 1976, Vol. 5, No. 6

Page 16 The Circus Report

a winnerDETROIT, Mich: Post-production speculation by supporters and

detractors was widespread right up to and including the opening ofthis major Shrine date on Jan. 30th.

Winning the Detroit bid for '76 by Hanneford Circus turnedthe faucet on a shower of controversy. Allegations that Hanne-ford would bring in an inferior production have been rendered in-valid by the Circus Detroit is seeing and talking about.

The Moslem Temple ShrineBicentennial edition for 1976 istopped by a collection of inno-vations and features never be-fore seen in the FairgroundsColiseum.

New ShowAn original musical produc-

tion called "The Day The CircusComes to Town" will be featuredat RBBB's'Circus World when theFlorida park reopens this spring.The show was written by PaulCrabtree, who will also produceand direct the spectacular.

With a cast of some 80 per-sons the show tells the storyibout the day the circus came tosmall mid-American town, withle setting in the 1930*s. In ad-

lition to the original musicalscore and lyrics, there will bea .umber of circus acts woven in-

the story.

The musical is to be pre-sented in a new 1500 seat CircusWorld Theatre. This facility hasa special stage, designed to ac-commodate large scale musicals.

In addition to the musical Ishow there will be a variety oflive entertainment and othershows at Circus World when it re-i

It is obvious that theshow has cost a bundle to pro-duce, and one thing is sure, whoever wins Detroit's bid for *77,if Hanneford doesn't, has a jobcut out for himself. This willreally be a tough act to follow.

Show ActsSome of the acts currently

featured on the Cole All Star TVCircus, playing the New York andPennsylvania area aret

The Fabulous RobertsonsThe Marcellis - jugglingGeorge Ross - magic/illusionsRoland - high wire clown

This season is James M.Cole's 59th year in show busi-ness and in conjunction with thenation's birthday he is featur-ing a Bicentennial theme.

opens. The huge "Circus in Amer- Iica" film will continue to be a (the visitors can actually takefeature, plus activities in which'part.

Page 17: Circus Report, February 9, 1976, Vol. 5, No. 6

February 9, 1976 Page 17

BILLY BARTON (Continued)

all night, dishes upon dishes,which he passes out to friends?And I want to tell you he makesthe best rice pudding on earth!

Some people think of them-selves as "stars" but a REALstar is a man like Sir Victorwho, at his age, rushed out tohelp with the cat props openingnight in Cleveland and was knocked down in the dark. Thank God,he was unharmed but...think aninute: HOW many performers arereally THAT "with-it"? Not many!

EDDY VENTURA'S first out-door date is Kennywood Park inMay....BOBBY GIBBS and WALT KINGtrying for top honors in the ag-itation dept, distressed at finding themselves out-paced by Tom-my Hanneford himself....If thereis a better production vocalistin the circus than ERNIE McLEANyou'll have to prove it to meand just about everyone else.

DAVID ZOPPE on hand inCleveland to help brother Johnnylaunch his new rocket shipZoppe riding act stopped to vis-it, ditto GUNNAR AMANDIS....TONY5, IRENE (Fossett) vexed with me!I reported they have three kan-garoos when they have only two -unless you count Tony....anddaughter MICKEY MO has a crushon me (and ̂ go for her!) Alas!fhe's too young and OH Boy! amI too old!...

Letter from MARI JO COULSprovides my readers with the

following: King Bros, will goout with Whitey Black, formerlyof Carson & Barnes, at its helm.Neither Rawls nor Dorey Millerare connected with the show orits title Hassle between'King, Cristiani and the King Br.title unhassled Cristiani(it is said) will not take out ashow this season....Thus King Brremains the same as in previousyears. NOW...aren't all of youGLAD that THAT is settled!

MARI JO, now in retirement,says she feels she'll make a"good towner" and "circus fan".,is THRILLED that the Indianapo-lis fans named their newly for-med Tent #123 after her and herlate husband. So am I, Mari Jo,and thanks for your letter.

I would like to publiclythank those people who made mySALUTE TO HOLLYWOOD web numberthe SMASH hit that it is! IRISKEPPO who designed and made thecostumes DAVID WALLY JONESwho built the props....JERRYMAAS who arranged the score...ERNIE McLEAN who sings it andLEO MASCITTO who conducted it...ALL the talented boys and girls(24) who are in it (and learnedto ride tandem bikes)....CHERYLCHILDRESS' marvelous "Hedda Hop-per" TOMMY DESIMINI's equallygreat comic portrayal of thePATHF NEWSREEL Cameraman...MAR-INA RADELESCU, the star, forchanging her image - and beauti-fully! and TOMMY and STRUPPIHANNEFORD for spending the tons

(Continued on Next Page)"

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Page 18 The Circus Report

UNDER CANVAS (Continued)

Picton was on hand with his or-iginal "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang"comedy car and the Zavattas off-ered some fine tight rope work.The young man of this group per-formed as "Tarzan" on the rope.

The Inaros (Fossett) Sistengave a glittering display ontrapeze and web. The Cottrelligroup performed a chair balanc-ing act, while the male partneralso took the lead in a clownnumber.

There were thrills andchills from the high wire by theCimarro Bros., one of whom alsodid a swaying lamp post act. Thelast item was a "Wild West Bona-nza" with some of the Fossettgirls twirling ropes, eatingfire and doing bareback riding.

In Memoriam -

JAMES E. EDMONDSON (65)known as "Prof. Backward" diedin Atlanta, Ga. on Jan. 30th,after being kidnaped, beaten,robbed and shot. He was featuredin Ripley's Believe It Or Notand was a popular entertainer.

THE CIRCUS REPORT is publishedon Mondays by Don Marcks, 525Oak St., El Cerrito, Ca. 94530.

SUBSCRIPTION RATE: $12.00 a year$6.00 for six months.

ADVERTISING RATES: Minimum ad is$2.50; Quarter Page $5.00; HalfPage $10.00; Full Page $20.00

OPEN LETTER (Continued)

producers (who MUST upgrade tocompete) and to the ticket-buy-ing public.

Tommy, we know how unpredic-table and erratic you can be andwe accept that...BUT...if youlet success swell your head eachone of us will form a line tokick you squarely in the-you-know-where.

Meanwhile, we salute you,and Good Luck!

Show GuestsRecent visitors to the Won-

derful World of Horses" show atTampa, Fla. included: Edith Ev-ans, Austin Miles, Mr. & Mrs. J.A. Hofmeister and Mr. & Mrs.Wooden.

WANTEDWant to buy three young bears totrain - will consider an alreadytrained bear.

Contact t


New Braunfels, Texas — 78130Phone: (512) 629-1348

BILLY BARTON (Continued)of money to build it.

NOW. . . i f I could just keepTommy's nose OUT of it....every-thing would be super cool!

See you down the road, luvs!

Page 19: Circus Report, February 9, 1976, Vol. 5, No. 6