climate change negotiations current status (by june 2011)

Current status of Climate Change negotiations (by June 2011) Gabriela Fischerova and Daniela Stoycheva Climate Change Policy Advisors UNDP Bratislava Regional Centre

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UNDP presentation by Gabriela Fischerova and Daniela Stoycheva, Climate Change Policy Advisors, UNDP Bratislava Regional Centre


Page 1: Climate Change Negotiations Current Status (by June 2011)

Current status of Climate Change negotiations (by June 2011)

Gabriela Fischerova and Daniela Stoycheva

Climate Change Policy Advisors


Bratislava Regional Centre

Page 2: Climate Change Negotiations Current Status (by June 2011)

Bonn Climate Change Talks

• Held from 6 – 17 June 2011 in Bonn, Germany

• 34th session of subsidiary bodies:

• Subsidiary body for implementation – SBI• Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice –

SBSTA• Second part of the Ad hoc working groups sessions

• Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention – AWG LCA, 14th session

• Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol – AWG KP, 16th session

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Additional events at Bonn CC Talks

• Two pre-session workshops: on Technology Needs Assessments and on Research

• Two in session workshops: on Annex I mitigation targets and on nationally appropriate mitigation actions submitted by developing country Parties

• Forum on response measures and special event on the forum

• Presentation of IPCC Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation

• SBI in-session workshop on of observer organizations

• Open-ended informal consultations on the outcome of Durban

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Priorioties (As in Bali Action Plan)

• Develop future international climate regime to prevent the dangerous climate change

• Keep raise of the temperature by 2100 on max 2°C

• Mitigation actions by both developed and developing countries

• Adaptation

• Technology development and transfer

• Finansing

The main task of this second round of negotiations after Cancun was to agree on the features for the Second Commitment Period (SCP) under the Kyoto Protocol and to operationalise the agreed bodies/funds under the Cancun Agreement.

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Convention track – AWG LCA

• Preparation of a comprehensive and balanced outcome to enable full, effective and sustained implementation of the Convention through long-term cooperative action now, up to and beyond 2012

• Based on Cancun Agreement and Bali Action Plan:• Shared vision• Mitigation• Adaptation• Finance• Technology• Capacity Building

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AWG LCA – Shared vision

• To identify the goal for peaking of the global emissions (with respect to both time and the level of the peaking emissions)

• Global goal for emissions reductions in 2050

• Other issues proposed: CBDR; trade; equity; carbon budget; global goals for finance; technology and adaptation, response measures

• Outcome; facilitators` note summarizing discussion, bracketed text of the draft decision:

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AWG LCA – Mitigation by Annex I countries

• In-session workshop (9 June)

• Topics discussed:• Increasing level of ambition of AI countries, accounting rules• Guidelines for MRV, biennial reports • Compliance mechanism• Review of adequacy of the long-term global goal• Market mechanisms, LULUCF• Expectations from Durban

• Outcome: Summary of co-facilitators: call for submissions, call for preparation of technical papers, technical experts workshop between Bonn and Durban

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AWG LCA – NAMAs by developing countries

• In-session workshop (10 June)

• Topics discussed: • Procedures• Priority issues to be addressed before Durban

• Registry• guidelines for biennial reporting• International consultations and analysis (ICA) of biennial

reports (process, sequencing, scope, outputs)• Expectations from Durban

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AWG LCA – Mitigation miscellanous:

• REDD+ (financing, sources of funding)

• Sectoral approaches (general framework; agriculture; international aviation and shipping)

• Market and non-market mechanisms (consistency, eligibility, cap, scope, characteristics, governance)

• Response measures (forum on RM, worksplan for forum, areas of work)

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AWG LCA – Adaptation

• Adaptation Committee as a main topic:• Operalization• Composition• Modalities of procedures• Functions• Linkages with other institutions• Decision making• Chairmanship

• Draft decision in the form of note of the facilitators

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AWG LCA – Technology

• Arrangements for the new Technology Mechanism

• Climate Change Technology Centre and Network (CTCN)• Criteria for host country• Selection process• Governance structure• Terms of Reference

• Relations of CTCN to Technology Executive Committee

• Potential links between the Technology Mechanism and the financial mechanism, and other institutions under the Convention

• Additional functions of TEC and CTCN

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AWG LCA - Finance

• Standing Committee (SC)• Role and functions• Relationship with the COP• MRV of financing support• Instruments for MRV (registry)

• Parties provided submissions on SC, captured in facilitator`s note

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AWG LCA – other items

• Capacity building

• Review of the long-term goal (scope, principles, process, inputs, way forward)

• Legal options (Protocol, amendment to the UNFCCC, COP decisions, combination)

• Other matters (EIT in relation to the post-2012 financial commitments; Turkey`s position as developed country)

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Kyoto Protocol track – AWG KP

• Political and technical issues discussed in parallel• Political: level of ambition, targets for developed countries,

carryover of AAUs…• Technical: rules on setting a targets, LULUCF, offsets, new

gases, methodological issues…• Canada, Japan, and Russia – do not intend to join second

commitment period, • Australia, New Zealand and other consider 2nd CP as a

transitional towards new global treaty for the third CP• No sign of increasing level of targets of Annex I• The gap between commitment period

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AWG KP (cont.)

• Flexibility mechanisms:

• Text from Cancun discussed (FCCC/KP/AWG/2010/18/Add.10)

• No streamlined text • Discussion on: use of CERs from project activities in LDCs;

discount factor; share of proceeds for Adaptation Fund; new market mechanisms; supplementarity


• Streamlined text (from 40 to 12 pages)• All options still in the text• Discussed issues: force majeure, technical issues such as


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AWG KP (cont.)

• Basket of methodological issues: • Progress on some new gases (species of hydroflourocarbons

and perflourocarbons listed in IPCC 4AR, sulfur hexafluoride)• Inclusion of nitrogen triflouride still open• Progress on text on common metrics

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SBSTA – 34th session

• Agenda agreed with difficulties (3 days of informal consultations)

• Progress on only few substantial items:

• Nairobi work programme • Review of the second phase of NWP concluded• Further work (up to the end of 2011) – survey to indentify

priority needs; compilation of information on ecosystem-based adaptation; technical paper on water and CC imapcts to adaptation; joint SBI/SBSTA in-session workshop

• 35th session to considerations of the work for the third phase (duration and activities)

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SBSTA – 34th session (cont.)

• REDD+ • Work has started on Methodological guidance for REDD

activities (Forest reference levels and forest reference emission levels, MRV, safeguards) – submissions invited by 19 September

• Issues to be addressed by COP 17• Meeting of technical experts to be organized before Durban

• Development and Transfer of Technology• Technological Needs Assessments (TNAs) – pre-sessional


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SBSTA – 34th session (cont.)

• No progress on methodological issues• Emissions from aviation and maritime transport• New gases• Revision on reporting guidelines• Materiality standards for CDM• Common metric to calculate CO2 equivalent

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SBI – 34th session

• National Communications from Annex I Parties – 6th NC should be submitted by 1 January 2014

• National Communications from Non-Annex I Parties – work programme for Consultative Group of Experts agreed, frequency to be considered at the next SBI session

• Financial mechanism – National Economic, Environment and Development Study (NEEDS) for climate change was discussed, funding needs for global climate observations and further support to strengthen observation networks and capabilities in developing countries

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SBI – 34th session (cont.)

• National adaptation plans – expert meeting on process of LDCs to develop and implement NAPs and how to receive support for both developing and LDCs. Submissions are invited by 15 August on the process and guidelines

• Loss and damage – technical workshop to share views on current work being undertaken across the multilateral system on this issue. Within the SBI, parties agreed to hold another technical workshop to share views on how a work plan under the Convention could function and what financial and technical support may be needed.

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SBI – 34th session (cont.)

• Joint SBI/SBSTA forum on response measures

• Parties views on impacts of response measures and the scope and modalities of the work

• Issues of international trade, oil exports, impacts on tourism were mentioned.

• Requests to streamline the response measures issues form other agendas preferentially under the forum, opposed by some other parties

• Work will continue in Durban with the aim to adopt modalities of work of the forum. Submissions are invited from parties and observers by 19 September 2011 to be further considered at 354th session of SBs.

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SBI – 34th session (cont.)

• Future sessions:


2014 4 – 15 June 3 – 14 December

2015 3 – 14 June 2 – 13 December

2016 18 – 29 May 30 November – 11 December

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