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  • 8/13/2019 Code of Construction Practice Part B: Site Specific Requirements Blackfriars Bridge Foreshore - Revised 3 February


    Code of Construction PracticePart B: Site Specific RequirementsBlackfriars Bridge Foreshore - Revised 3 February 2014

    Doc Ref: APP104.17

    Folder1803 February 2014

    Thames Tideway TunnelThames Water Utilities Limited

    Application for Development ConsentApplication Reference Number: WWO10001

  • 8/13/2019 Code of Construction Practice Part B: Site Specific Requirements Blackfriars Bridge Foreshore - Revised 3 February


    DCO-DT-000-ZZZZZ-071902 I February 2014

    Code of Construction Practice

    Part B: Site-specificrequirements

    Blackfriars Bridge Foreshore

  • 8/13/2019 Code of Construction Practice Part B: Site Specific Requirements Blackfriars Bridge Foreshore - Revised 3 February


    Code of Construction Practice Part B

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  • 8/13/2019 Code of Construction Practice Part B: Site Specific Requirements Blackfriars Bridge Foreshore - Revised 3 February


    Code of Construction Practice Part B i

    Thames Tideway Tunnel

    Code of Construction Practice Part B

    Blackfriars Bridge Foreshore

    List of contents

    Page number

    1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 12 General Requirements ..................................................................................... 23 Communications and community/stakeholder liaison ................................. 24 Site operation ................................................................................................... 35 Public access, highway and river transport .................................................. 46 Noise and vibration .......................................................................................... 57 Air quality.......................................................................................................... 68 Water resources ............................................................................................... 79 Land quality ...................................................................................................... 710 Waste management and resource use ........................................................... 711 Ecology (aquatic and terrestrial) .................................................................... 712 Historic environment ....................................................................................... 813 Other ................................................................................................................. 8

    Table of figures

    Page number

    Figure 1.1 Blackfriars Bridge Foreshore: Site context and location plan .................... 2Figure 13.1 Outline location of Roman boat at Blackfriars Bridge Foreshore ............. 9

  • 8/13/2019 Code of Construction Practice Part B: Site Specific Requirements Blackfriars Bridge Foreshore - Revised 3 February


    Code of Construction Practice Part B ii

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  • 8/13/2019 Code of Construction Practice Part B: Site Specific Requirements Blackfriars Bridge Foreshore - Revised 3 February


    Blackfriars Bridge Foreshore

    Code of Construction Practice Part B 1

    1 Introduction

    1.1.1 All works described in this document are to be managed and performed tomeet the health and safety vision of Zero Incidents, Zero Harm, Zero

    Compromisefor the Thames Tideway Tunnel project (the project).

    1.1.2 The Code of Construction Practice(CoCP) comprises two parts:

    a. Part A: General requirements. These measures are applicableproject wide.

    b. Part B: Site-specific requirements. These are site-specific measureswhere deviations from the general requirements are indicated inPart A.

    1.1.3 This document forms the CoCPPart B for the project works at theBlackfriars Bridge Foreshore site and sets out detailed site-specific

    measures including working hours, site set-up and servicingarrangements, taking into account environmental matters andconsultations with the City of London Corporation and other stakeholders.

    1.1.4 For ease of reference, this sets out site-specific issues and deviations fromPart A; therefore where no site-specific measures are specified, referenceshould be made to Part A.

    1.1.5 A plan showing the location of the site is shown in theFigure 1.1 overleaf.

  • 8/13/2019 Code of Construction Practice Part B: Site Specific Requirements Blackfriars Bridge Foreshore - Revised 3 February


    Blackfriars Bridge Foreshore

    Code of Construction Practice Part B 2

    Figure 1.1 Blackfriars Bridge Foreshore: Site context and location plan

    Note: For detailed limits of land to be acquired or used, refer to the drawings in the Book of Plans.

    2 General Requirements

    2.1.1 As per the CoCPPart A.

    3 Communications and community/stakeholderliaison

    3.1.1 The community liaison plan shall be developed taking account of the Cityof London CorporationsCode of Practice for Deconstruction and

    Construction Sites,Section 2, paras. 2.5 to 2.10. The plan will includedetails of liaison with the City of London Boys School with regards to therelocation of Blackfriars Millennium Pier.

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    Blackfriars Bridge Foreshore

    Code of Construction Practice Part B 3

    4 Site operation

    Topic Site-specific requirement

    Working hours The following working hours shall apply to this site:

    a. standard

    b. extended.

    When other types of working hours (see CoCPPartA, Table 4.1) are required, these shall be subject toconsent from the local authority under Section 61 ofthe Control of Pollution Act 1974 or other agreedsubmissions.

    The contractor shall engage with the City of LondonCorporation regarding planned works, working

    hours and predicted noise levels when developingthe construction environmental management plan.

    The City of London Corporation normally restrictsnoisy works to six-hour periods on weekdays. Thecontractor shall schedule noisy working operationsduring the following hours: 08:00 to 10:00, 12:00 to14:00, 16:00 to 18:00 weekdays and 08:00 to 13:00Saturdays, with no noisy work on Sundays or BankHolidays. However, standard hours may apply ifagreed with the City of London Corporation.

    Other noisy works, including deliveries and

    maintenance, outside of the standard hours shall bethe subject of a Section 61 application or otheragreed submissions to the City of LondonCorporation (a site hours variation request thatjustifies the work and methods). This includes workcategorised in the CoCPPart A as extendedworking hours, continuous working, out of hours,possession working, tidal working and short-noticeworking.

    Site layout Temporary in-river construction works shall be

    limited within the authorised navigation channel.The detailed proposals shall be agreed with the Portof London Authority and the Environment Agency(relevant protective provisions) and the MarineManagement Organisation (Deemed MarineLicence conditions) and subject to any additionalrequired licenses, navigational risk assessmentsand consents.

    Site security/hoardingrequirements

    The hoarding shall incorporate suitable artwork andviewing windows, as defined in CoCPPart A para.

    4.3.4a and b.The local authority shall approve the external

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    Blackfriars Bridge Foreshore

    Code of Construction Practice Part B 4

    Topic Site-specific requirement

    appearance of the hoarding.

    River works As per the CoCPPart A.

    Other items The contractor shall produce a site-specific lightingmanagement plan. The lighting scheme shallminimise impacts on aquatic ecology and includethe use of low level directional lighting, wherepossible, while providing safe working conditions.

    The contractor shall consider quiet hours (eg, 10:00to 12:00 and 14:00 to 15:00 weekdays) as set out inCity of London Corporation Code of Practice forDeconstruction and Construction Sitesto protectworking premises including offices and schools.

    5 Public access, highway and river transport

    Topic Site-specific requirement

    Site access and gates A new site entrance from the Blackfriars Bridgewestbound off-ramp shall be created duringconstruction but not used while the Low LevelSewer No. 1 interception chamber works are carriedout. During this construction phase, access shall befrom Blackfriars underpass.

    Traffic management Lorry arrivals shall be strictly limited to set timesand coordinated to ensure that no lorries queueoutside of the site.

    The Blackfriars Bridge westbound off-ramp can onlytake standard heavy goods vehicles and noabnormal loads.

    The temporary traffic lane closure at the end of thewestbound off-ramp shall be used when requiredand then restored to highway use as soon aspracticable.

    The contractor shall seek to minimise the durationof works affecting traffic lanes, including closure ofthe westbound off-ramp.

    The minimum width of traffic lanes to be retained onthe westbound off-ramp shall be 3.25m.

    Prior to suspending any coach parking spaces,alternative parking spaces shall be provided. Thespaces shall be reinstated on completion of theworks, unless agreed otherwise with the highwayauthority. It is proposed that, subject to obtaining

    the relevant highway consents, the spaces will berelocated to the southbound carriageway of

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    Blackfriars Bridge Foreshore

    Code of Construction Practice Part B 5

    Topic Site-specific requirement

    Blackfriars Road (A201) between Webber Streetand Westminster Bridge Road/Borough Road(A3202).

    The existing coach parking and loading bay on thewestbound off-ramp and Victoria Embankment(A3211) shall be suspended.

    Event restrictions The contractor shall liaise with City of LondonCorporation, Westminster City Council andTransport for London event planning teams withregard to the London Marathon and other majorevents when producing the traffic management planand traffic management schemes to ensure thatappropriate measures are in place.

    River transport The relocated Blackfriars Millennium Pier shall be inplace before the existing pier is closed. Access tothe existing and relocated piers shall be maintainedfor both pedestrians and services. The contractorshall liaise with London River Services (Transportfor London).

    The contractor shall carry out a detailednavigational risk assessment as part of the RiverWorks License to confirm that the river transportarrangements for the site are safe and acceptableto the Port of London Authority.

    Other The contractor shall provide clear signage for thediversion of the Thames Path.

    The contractor shall coordinate with both the City ofLondon Corporation and Transport for London onthe requirements for amended pedestrian routes tothe relocated Blackfriars Millennium Pier, includingnotices, pamphlets, guides and signage for thepublic.

    The contractor shall attend highways liaisonmeetings as required by the City of LondonCorporation, which shall provide the contractor with14 days notice of such meetings.

    6 Noise and vibration

    Topic Site-specific requirement


    The noise and vibration controlmeasures shall be detailed(and may be modified oradded to) in Section 61

    The City of London Corporation requires thecontractor to submit a site-specific scheme ofprotective works for noise and vibration for works at

    Blackfriars Bridge Foreshore, including the works torelocate the President and Blackfriars Millennium

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    Blackfriars Bridge Foreshore

    Code of Construction Practice Part B 6

    Topic Site-specific requirement

    consent applications or otheragreed submissions to thelocal authority.

    Pier. This supersedes the requirement for aseparate Section 61 application as required inCoCPPart A, Section 6.3. The statement shouldinclude details of:

    a. noise and vibration assessments andcalculations normally included within a Section61 application

    b. noise and vibration monitoring, including real-time monitoring

    c. non-compliance procedures for noise andvibration monitoring, including a notificationprocedure

    The contractor shall liaise with the City of LondonCorporation in respect of these elements beforesubmitting the statement.

    The employer retains the right to submit Section 61applications to the City of London Corporation.

    Barges shall be loaded and unloaded duringstandard hours only.

    Except for the anchor piles, the contractor shall usepush piling to construct the cofferdam for theBlackfriars Millennium Pier dredged pocket unlessthis is impossible. The anchor piles shall beinstalled as far away from the City of London BoysSchool as is practicable.Where push piling is determined to be impossible,this shall be demonstrated by the contractor whoshall make an application to the local authority touse an alternative piling method through the Section61 dispensation process (see Appendix A, SectionA.1 in the CoCPPart A), through contingencymeasures and arrangements if included in theoriginal Section 61 consent or other agreedsubmissions.

    The contractor shall liaise with the school to agreeperiods when piling can proceed without causingadverse noise impacts.

    Control measures As per the CoCPPart A.

    Other N/A

    7 Air quality

    Topic Site-specific requirement

    Vehicle and plant emissions As per the CoCPPart A.

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    Blackfriars Bridge Foreshore

    Code of Construction Practice Part B 7

    Dust emissions/control As per the CoCPPart A.

    Odour As per the CoCPPart A.

    Other N/A

    8 Water resources

    Topic Site-specific requirement

    Control of pollution:

    surface water/groundwater

    The contractors Pollution Incident Control Planshall include specific control and mitigationmeasures to minimise the risk of contaminated siterun-off directly to the river during the works,particularly during diaphragm wall construction.

    Control on abstraction As per the CoCPPart A.

    Ground treatment As per the CoCPPart A.

    Other N/A

    9 Land quality

    Topic Site-specific requirement

    Site works As per the CoCPPart A.

    Site-specific issues/mitigation As per the CoCPPart A.

    10 Waste management and resource use

    Topic Site-specific requirement

    Excavated material As per the CoCPPart A.

    Resource usage As per the CoCPPart A.

    Other N/A

    11 Ecology (aquatic and terrestrial)

    Topic Site-specific requirement

    Protection of habitats A membrane shall be installed between the riverbedand any temporary backfill material to preventcontamination of juvenile fish habitat and preservepotential archaeology.

    Areas of foreshore used for temporary works shall

    be restored to a similar condition with similarmaterials as prior to the works.

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    Blackfriars Bridge Foreshore

    Code of Construction Practice Part B 8

    Topic Site-specific requirement

    Protection of trees Specifications for replacement trees, includingspecies, size, source, pit design and finish, shall beagreed with Transport for London.

    Other N/A

    12 Historic environment

    Topic Site-specific requirement

    Other The contractor shall select working methods thatminimise the risk of vessels accidentally striking thelisted Blackfriars Bridge. Protection barriers shallbe installed, as required, but not attached to the

    listed structure unless otherwise agreed with theCity of London Corporation.

    During construction of the new river wall as part ofthe Blackfriars underpass works, a Roman boat wasuncovered in the cofferdam (seeFigure 13.1overleaf) between the Blackfriars Road and RailBridges. The contractor shall select a method forthe river works, including suitable river equipmentand operating procedures, that minimises the risk ofimpacts on the boatslocation.

    The sturgeon lamp stands shall be carefullyremoved, stored and reinstated in their currentpositions as far as possible following construction.The existing replica lamp stands shall be replacedwith originals from elsewhere (by agreement withthe local authority) or new castings from the originalmoulds.

    Existing granite blocks shall be used to join the newand old sections of the river wall.

    13 Other

    Topic Site-specific requirement

    Other As per the CoCPPart A.

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  • 8/13/2019 Code of Construction Practice Part B: Site Specific Requirements Blackfriars Bridge Foreshore - Revised 3 February


    Copyright notice

    All rights reserved.

    Any plans, drawings, designs and materials (materials) submitted

    by Thames Water Utilities Limited (Thames Water) as part of this

    application for Development Consent to the Planning Inspectorate

    are protected by copyright. You may only use this material(including making copies of it) in order to (a) inspect those plans,

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    is available under the Planning Act 2008 and related regulations.

    Use for any other purpose is prohibited and further copies must

    not be made without the prior written consent of Thames Water.

    Thames Water Utilities Limited

    Clearwater Court, Vastern Road, Reading RG1 8DB

    The Thames Water logo and Thames Tideway Tunnel logo

    are Thames Water Utilities Limited. All rights reserved.

    Copyright Thames Water Utilities Limited February 2014.