coke zero campaign

Coke Zero campaign

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Coke Zero campaign. The whole campaign about the "Coke vs Coke Zero" idea : - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Coke Zero campaign

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The whole campaign about the "Coke vs Coke Zero" idea : viral campaign for Coke Zero played to that theme by suggesting that the company's executives were so angry over the drinks' similarities they were considering suing their coworkers for "taste infringement".

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• The integrated campaign ran in a range of media: • Tv, poster, bus shelter, radio

jsp, prints, truck wrap, internet

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The campaign targeted at young men and get them involve in the interactive website with some fun games to play such as:

-sue the friend who copy their taste

-unlock the secret of the new formula

-Fantasy Football

They even put the idea futher by demonstrating the “stop coke zero” in the corporate headquarter.

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The Coke sue themselves because of taste infringement was the original way to raise awareness and curiosity of the target market.

“coca-cola has really never spoken to me in the last 15 years however I've been taken by surprise by this fine viral idea of company foolery”

“It is not a typical Coca Cola commercial, which makes this one so unique. I liked it, because it made fun of all these people that try to sue each other for all kinds of stupid stuff. Way to go.”Mal Wieder

“This is a joke, Coke is owned by the same people who make Coke Zero. They wouldn't sue themselves.” Whitehatcrazy

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• General speaking, the campaign was quite successful.

• However, almost media were still traditional so not really impressive to the target market

• As the largest soft drink company and the most recognizable brand worldwide, Coke could have done more to impress young men who love new modern technology.

• And one solution is applying new technology in the campaign. By doing so Coke Zero will freshen a their image become a fashionable brand.

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Lumalive light emitting technology

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• In the mean time, Phillips has just released their Lumalive light emitting technology by the end of 2007.

• Philips Lumalive is a totally new communication medium to convey emotions and messages.

• It creates a positive spirit and boosts the energy level.

• The colorful dynamic animations on textile products like garments makes an unexpected striking appearance.


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Philips Lumalive is• Flexible: Makes the fabric come alive while retaining it’s textile look &

feel• Dynamic Presents animations and scrolling text on textile objects• Full color Displays your message or animation in vivid colors

This revolutionary technology can transform textiles into living-displays or billboards that display text, animation or visuals.

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• “Boost Products are introducing a groundbreaking concept based on Philips Lumalive technology, which will enable businesses to attract the attention of customers, clients and other target groups in an exciting, direct and distinctive way.”

Raymond Lentz

• “Lumalive garments are now ready for commercialisation. …. These light emitting textiles make it possible to create clothing and household fabrics that can carry dynamic messages, graphics or multicoloured surfaces, and that can change their appearance to enhance a mood or situation.”

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• “We wanted to convey that in future, people will wear clothings such as a jacket that will display ad graphics or data information.”

• “I can imagine having parties where everyone has one of those shirts. A visual explosion of colors to the beat of the sound. Changing the color or images depending on the size of the group, the heart beat (for the love birds under you), images visualizing the stress level (that one is for me) and many more thing come to mind.”

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• Coke zero will appear as a dynamic, modern and full of energy brand with lumalive lighting.

• The new and impressive technology lumalive could also make people remember and talk about it. So by making people chatting about the cool technology, Coke zero will be in their conservation too. And word of mouth will work very well for them.

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Some possible ideas

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Some possible ideas that Coke could have done if they apply this technology in their campaign:

• Launch the product in the promotion event

Brand and product awareness Product sampling Product demonstrations Product launches

They can create dynamic full-color content, including text, logos, icons and animations trend-setting outfits for models wearing in the events.

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• Info-experience One-2-one communication.

( more personal to the customers)Call to action

• Point-of-sale Sampling & Sales

Coke zero will achieve maximum reach and immense impact, especially in high-end fast-moving environments. In-store, on the street, out clubbing, sports events or trade fairs, everyone is touched by the magic of colorful, dynamic Lumalive content.

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Or they can even organise big events like • Artistic performances

Rock Concerts Theatre

TV Fashion show

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All the outstanding features of this revolutionary technology make it a perfect medium for Coke Zero to approach their target market and to be a brand stand out from a crowd.

Applying this technology may cost huge amount of money but budget is not a big problem with a big brand like Coke.

It is really worth investing because it will give Coke a whole new dynamic youthful image

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Lumalive technology will distribute an exciting new communication medium in the world of brands, promotions and events in the near future

The success of the video, placed on YouTube, where there are over 2 million views and around 5000 ratings, shows that Philips Lumalive really can make a difference.