components of optical instruments - instrumental analysis · op,cal)instrumentaon )...

Components of Op,cal Instruments CHEM 314 Skoog n Holler Ch 7

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Page 1: Components of Optical Instruments - Instrumental Analysis · Op,cal)Instrumentaon ) Phenomenaprobed(• Absorp,on) • Luminescence) • Emission • Scaering) Components 1. Stable)radiaon)source)

Components  of  Op,cal  Instruments  

CHEM  314  Skoog  n  Holler  Ch  7  

Page 2: Components of Optical Instruments - Instrumental Analysis · Op,cal)Instrumentaon ) Phenomenaprobed(• Absorp,on) • Luminescence) • Emission • Scaering) Components 1. Stable)radiaon)source)

Objec,ves  •  State  the  components  and  phenomena  that  can  be  

probed  with  op,cal  instruments.  •  Recall  the  methods  of  wavelength  isola,on  •  Diagram,  label,  describe,  and  compare  prism-­‐  vs  

diffrac,on-­‐based  monochromators  •  State  and  be  able  to  perform  calcula,ons  related  

to  mono  performance  characteris,cs  and  λ  dispersion.  

•  Recall  UV-­‐Vis  detectors  •  Diagram,  label,  describe,  and  compare  the  

following  detectors:  PMT,  silicon  diode  


Page 3: Components of Optical Instruments - Instrumental Analysis · Op,cal)Instrumentaon ) Phenomenaprobed(• Absorp,on) • Luminescence) • Emission • Scaering) Components 1. Stable)radiaon)source)

Op,cal  Instrumenta,on  Phenomena  probed  •  Absorp,on  •  Luminescence  •  Emission    •  ScaQering  

Components  1.  Stable  radia,on  source  2.  Transparent  sample  holder  3.  Wavelength  isola,on  4.  Detector  5.  Signal  processing  

Page 4: Components of Optical Instruments - Instrumental Analysis · Op,cal)Instrumentaon ) Phenomenaprobed(• Absorp,on) • Luminescence) • Emission • Scaering) Components 1. Stable)radiaon)source)

Jablonski  Diagram  

Page 5: Components of Optical Instruments - Instrumental Analysis · Op,cal)Instrumentaon ) Phenomenaprobed(• Absorp,on) • Luminescence) • Emission • Scaering) Components 1. Stable)radiaon)source)

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.50.0












A=1.9 [Kool-aid]r2=0.97

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.50.0












Beer’s  Law:  the  rela,onship  between  concentra,on  and  absorbance  


A=ε b  [Kool-­‐aid]  b=  path  length  

y=mx  +  b  

ε molar  absorb,vity    

Page 6: Components of Optical Instruments - Instrumental Analysis · Op,cal)Instrumentaon ) Phenomenaprobed(• Absorp,on) • Luminescence) • Emission • Scaering) Components 1. Stable)radiaon)source)

Sources  of  Nonlinearity  of  Beer’s  law    

1.  Solu,on  factors  2.  Non-­‐monochroma,c  light  3.  Not  analyzing  at  lmax    4.  Stray  light  5.  Mismatched  cuveQes  6.  Instrument  noise  

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.00.0













Page 7: Components of Optical Instruments - Instrumental Analysis · Op,cal)Instrumentaon ) Phenomenaprobed(• Absorp,on) • Luminescence) • Emission • Scaering) Components 1. Stable)radiaon)source)

Components  of  Op,cal  Instruments  

CHEM  314  Skoog  n  Holler  Ch  7  

Page 8: Components of Optical Instruments - Instrumental Analysis · Op,cal)Instrumentaon ) Phenomenaprobed(• Absorp,on) • Luminescence) • Emission • Scaering) Components 1. Stable)radiaon)source)

Building  a  spectroscopic  instrument  

Page 9: Components of Optical Instruments - Instrumental Analysis · Op,cal)Instrumentaon ) Phenomenaprobed(• Absorp,on) • Luminescence) • Emission • Scaering) Components 1. Stable)radiaon)source)

Building  a  spectroscopic  instrument  

This  lecture  will  focus  on  common  components  of  instruments  for  atomic  and  molecular  spectroscopies    

Components  1.  Stable  radia,on  source  2.  Wavelength  isola,on  3.  Transparent  sample  holder/  op,cs  4.  Detector  5.  Signal  processing  

Page 10: Components of Optical Instruments - Instrumental Analysis · Op,cal)Instrumentaon ) Phenomenaprobed(• Absorp,on) • Luminescence) • Emission • Scaering) Components 1. Stable)radiaon)source)


Why  does  this  chart  differen,ate  between  line  and  con,nuum  sources?  When  would  you  use  a  line  rather  than  con,nuum  source?  

Page 11: Components of Optical Instruments - Instrumental Analysis · Op,cal)Instrumentaon ) Phenomenaprobed(• Absorp,on) • Luminescence) • Emission • Scaering) Components 1. Stable)radiaon)source)


Page 12: Components of Optical Instruments - Instrumental Analysis · Op,cal)Instrumentaon ) Phenomenaprobed(• Absorp,on) • Luminescence) • Emission • Scaering) Components 1. Stable)radiaon)source)

Sample  cuveQes  






190   490   790   1090  



Wavelength  (nm)  

Quartz  or  plas;c?  

Quartz   Plas,c  

Page 13: Components of Optical Instruments - Instrumental Analysis · Op,cal)Instrumentaon ) Phenomenaprobed(• Absorp,on) • Luminescence) • Emission • Scaering) Components 1. Stable)radiaon)source)

Building  a  spectroscopic  instrument  

Components  1.  Stable  radia,on  source  2.   Wavelength  isola;on  3.  Transparent  sample  holder/  op,cs  4.   Detector  5.  Signal  processing  

Page 14: Components of Optical Instruments - Instrumental Analysis · Op,cal)Instrumentaon ) Phenomenaprobed(• Absorp,on) • Luminescence) • Emission • Scaering) Components 1. Stable)radiaon)source)

Wavelength  selec,on  

Page 15: Components of Optical Instruments - Instrumental Analysis · Op,cal)Instrumentaon ) Phenomenaprobed(• Absorp,on) • Luminescence) • Emission • Scaering) Components 1. Stable)radiaon)source)

Bandwidth  measurements  

Page 16: Components of Optical Instruments - Instrumental Analysis · Op,cal)Instrumentaon ) Phenomenaprobed(• Absorp,on) • Luminescence) • Emission • Scaering) Components 1. Stable)radiaon)source)


Page 17: Components of Optical Instruments - Instrumental Analysis · Op,cal)Instrumentaon ) Phenomenaprobed(• Absorp,on) • Luminescence) • Emission • Scaering) Components 1. Stable)radiaon)source)


Page 18: Components of Optical Instruments - Instrumental Analysis · Op,cal)Instrumentaon ) Phenomenaprobed(• Absorp,on) • Luminescence) • Emission • Scaering) Components 1. Stable)radiaon)source)

Monochromators  1.  Entrance  slit-­‐  provides  rectangular  op,cal  image  2.  Collima,ng  lens  or  mirror-­‐  makes  light  beams  parallel  3.  Dispersive  element-­‐  disperses  light  into  component  

wavelengths  4.  Focusing  element-­‐  reforms  rectangular  op,cal  image  

focused  on  focal  plane  5.  Exit  slit-­‐  on  focal  plane,  selects  desired  bandwidth  

Page 19: Components of Optical Instruments - Instrumental Analysis · Op,cal)Instrumentaon ) Phenomenaprobed(• Absorp,on) • Luminescence) • Emission • Scaering) Components 1. Stable)radiaon)source)

Monochromators  Prisms  vs  Gra,ngs  




Consider  the  figures,  is  λ1  or  λ2  the  longer  λ  and  why.    

Page 20: Components of Optical Instruments - Instrumental Analysis · Op,cal)Instrumentaon ) Phenomenaprobed(• Absorp,on) • Luminescence) • Emission • Scaering) Components 1. Stable)radiaon)source)

Monochromators:  Prisms  vs  Gra,ngs  

When  might  a  prism  be  beQer  than  a  diffrac,on  mono?  

Page 21: Components of Optical Instruments - Instrumental Analysis · Op,cal)Instrumentaon ) Phenomenaprobed(• Absorp,on) • Luminescence) • Emission • Scaering) Components 1. Stable)radiaon)source)


Snell’s  law  

Refrac,ve  index  

Page 22: Components of Optical Instruments - Instrumental Analysis · Op,cal)Instrumentaon ) Phenomenaprobed(• Absorp,on) • Luminescence) • Emission • Scaering) Components 1. Stable)radiaon)source)

Prisms   Bunsen  Prism  

Page 23: Components of Optical Instruments - Instrumental Analysis · Op,cal)Instrumentaon ) Phenomenaprobed(• Absorp,on) • Luminescence) • Emission • Scaering) Components 1. Stable)radiaon)source)

Prisms  Cornu  Prism   LiQrow  Prism  

Page 24: Components of Optical Instruments - Instrumental Analysis · Op,cal)Instrumentaon ) Phenomenaprobed(• Absorp,on) • Luminescence) • Emission • Scaering) Components 1. Stable)radiaon)source)

Reflec,on  gra,ng  Monochromator  



Page 25: Components of Optical Instruments - Instrumental Analysis · Op,cal)Instrumentaon ) Phenomenaprobed(• Absorp,on) • Luminescence) • Emission • Scaering) Components 1. Stable)radiaon)source)

EchelleQe-­‐  diffrac,on  long  edge  

Page 26: Components of Optical Instruments - Instrumental Analysis · Op,cal)Instrumentaon ) Phenomenaprobed(• Absorp,on) • Luminescence) • Emission • Scaering) Components 1. Stable)radiaon)source)
Page 27: Components of Optical Instruments - Instrumental Analysis · Op,cal)Instrumentaon ) Phenomenaprobed(• Absorp,on) • Luminescence) • Emission • Scaering) Components 1. Stable)radiaon)source)

Monochromator  Performance  Characteris,cs  1.  Spectral  purity  2.  Dispersion  of  gra,ng  (D)        

 Reciprocal  linear  dispersion  (D-­‐1)  3.  Resolving  power  (R=  λ/Δλ)  4.  Effec,ve  bandwidth  (Δλeff)  5.  Light  gathering  power  (F)      Focal  length  (f)  

Page 28: Components of Optical Instruments - Instrumental Analysis · Op,cal)Instrumentaon ) Phenomenaprobed(• Absorp,on) • Luminescence) • Emission • Scaering) Components 1. Stable)radiaon)source)

Effec,ve  bandwidth  

Page 29: Components of Optical Instruments - Instrumental Analysis · Op,cal)Instrumentaon ) Phenomenaprobed(• Absorp,on) • Luminescence) • Emission • Scaering) Components 1. Stable)radiaon)source)
Page 30: Components of Optical Instruments - Instrumental Analysis · Op,cal)Instrumentaon ) Phenomenaprobed(• Absorp,on) • Luminescence) • Emission • Scaering) Components 1. Stable)radiaon)source)

Monochromator  Performance  Characteris,cs  1.  Spectral  purity  2.  Dispersion  of  gra,ng  (D)        

 Reciprocal  linear  dispersion  (D-­‐1)  3.  Resolving  power  (R=  λ/Δλ)  4.  Effec,ve  bandwidth  (Δλeff)  5.  Light  gathering  power  (F)      Focal  length  (f)  

Page 31: Components of Optical Instruments - Instrumental Analysis · Op,cal)Instrumentaon ) Phenomenaprobed(• Absorp,on) • Luminescence) • Emission • Scaering) Components 1. Stable)radiaon)source)

Echelle  Monochromator  

Page 32: Components of Optical Instruments - Instrumental Analysis · Op,cal)Instrumentaon ) Phenomenaprobed(• Absorp,on) • Luminescence) • Emission • Scaering) Components 1. Stable)radiaon)source)

Echelle  Monochromator  

Page 33: Components of Optical Instruments - Instrumental Analysis · Op,cal)Instrumentaon ) Phenomenaprobed(• Absorp,on) • Luminescence) • Emission • Scaering) Components 1. Stable)radiaon)source)
Page 34: Components of Optical Instruments - Instrumental Analysis · Op,cal)Instrumentaon ) Phenomenaprobed(• Absorp,on) • Luminescence) • Emission • Scaering) Components 1. Stable)radiaon)source)

Building  a  spectroscopic  instrument  

Components  1.  Stable  radia,on  source  2.   Wavelength  isola;on  3.  Transparent  sample  holder/  op,cs  4.   Detector  5.  Signal  processing  

Page 35: Components of Optical Instruments - Instrumental Analysis · Op,cal)Instrumentaon ) Phenomenaprobed(• Absorp,on) • Luminescence) • Emission • Scaering) Components 1. Stable)radiaon)source)


Page 36: Components of Optical Instruments - Instrumental Analysis · Op,cal)Instrumentaon ) Phenomenaprobed(• Absorp,on) • Luminescence) • Emission • Scaering) Components 1. Stable)radiaon)source)


Lytle,  1974  

Page 37: Components of Optical Instruments - Instrumental Analysis · Op,cal)Instrumentaon ) Phenomenaprobed(• Absorp,on) • Luminescence) • Emission • Scaering) Components 1. Stable)radiaon)source)

Ideal  detectors  1.  High  sensi,vity  2.  High  signal  to  noise  3.  Constant  detector  response  as  a  func,on  of  l  4.  Fast  response  ,me  5.  No  dark  current  6.  Signal  propor,onal  to  radiant  power  7.  Rugged,  cheap,  simple  

 S  =  kP  +  kd  

Page 38: Components of Optical Instruments - Instrumental Analysis · Op,cal)Instrumentaon ) Phenomenaprobed(• Absorp,on) • Luminescence) • Emission • Scaering) Components 1. Stable)radiaon)source)

Photomul,plier  tube  (PMT)  

Page 39: Components of Optical Instruments - Instrumental Analysis · Op,cal)Instrumentaon ) Phenomenaprobed(• Absorp,on) • Luminescence) • Emission • Scaering) Components 1. Stable)radiaon)source)

pn  junc,ons  

Page 40: Components of Optical Instruments - Instrumental Analysis · Op,cal)Instrumentaon ) Phenomenaprobed(• Absorp,on) • Luminescence) • Emission • Scaering) Components 1. Stable)radiaon)source)

Silicon  photodiode  

Page 41: Components of Optical Instruments - Instrumental Analysis · Op,cal)Instrumentaon ) Phenomenaprobed(• Absorp,on) • Luminescence) • Emission • Scaering) Components 1. Stable)radiaon)source)

Mul,channel  Si-­‐based  detectors  Photodiode  array  (PDA)  Charge  Injec,on  Device  (CID)  Charge  Coupled  Device  (CCD)    

Page 42: Components of Optical Instruments - Instrumental Analysis · Op,cal)Instrumentaon ) Phenomenaprobed(• Absorp,on) • Luminescence) • Emission • Scaering) Components 1. Stable)radiaon)source)

Mul,channel  Si-­‐based  detectors  Photodiode  array  (PDA)  Charge  Injec,on  Device  (CID)  Charge  Coupled  Device  (CCD)    

Page 43: Components of Optical Instruments - Instrumental Analysis · Op,cal)Instrumentaon ) Phenomenaprobed(• Absorp,on) • Luminescence) • Emission • Scaering) Components 1. Stable)radiaon)source)

Mul,channel  Si-­‐based  detectors  Photodiode  array  Charge  Injec,on  Device  (CID)  Charge  Coupled  Device  (CCD)    

Page 44: Components of Optical Instruments - Instrumental Analysis · Op,cal)Instrumentaon ) Phenomenaprobed(• Absorp,on) • Luminescence) • Emission • Scaering) Components 1. Stable)radiaon)source)

Comparing  Detector  Sensi,vity  

detector   λ 1  s   10  s   100  s  PMT   UV   30   6.3   1.8  

Vis   122   26   7.3  PDA   UV   6000   671   112  

Vis   3300   363   62  CCD   UV   31   3.1   0.3  

Vis   17   1.7   0.2  

Harris,  Table  19-­‐2