congestion-aware video streaming over peer-to-peer networks eric setton information systems...

Congestion-Aware Video Streaming over Peer-to-Peer Networks Eric Setton Eric Setton Information Systems Laboratory Information Systems Laboratory Stanford University Stanford University

Post on 20-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Congestion-Aware Video Streaming over Peer-to-Peer Networks Eric Setton Information Systems Laboratory Stanford University

Congestion-Aware Video Streaming over

Peer-to-Peer Networks

Congestion-Aware Video Streaming over

Peer-to-Peer Networks

Eric SettonEric Setton

Information Systems LaboratoryInformation Systems LaboratoryStanford UniversityStanford University

Page 2: Congestion-Aware Video Streaming over Peer-to-Peer Networks Eric Setton Information Systems Laboratory Stanford University

22Eric Setton: Congestion-aware video streaming over peer-to-peer networks January 31st 2006

Multimedia Distribution Multimedia Distribution over the Internetover the Internet

• BitTorrent, Kazaa, Napster

• Self-scaling, peers relay data

• Typical latency: a few hours ~ a few days

P2P file transfer networkP2P file transfer network

Seed peer

Content delivery networkContent delivery network

Media server(s)

. . . . . . . . . . . .

• Content providers, Akamai

• Over-provisioned infrastructure e.g. 1500 servers deployed by AOL for Live 8 concert in July 2005

• Typical latency: a few seconds

Page 3: Congestion-Aware Video Streaming over Peer-to-Peer Networks Eric Setton Information Systems Laboratory Stanford University

33Eric Setton: Congestion-aware video streaming over peer-to-peer networks January 31st 2006

Live Multicast over Peer-to-Peer Live Multicast over Peer-to-Peer

Challenges• Limited bandwidth • Delay due to multi-hop transmission• Dynamic behavior of peers

Related work• Coopnet

[Padmanabhan, Wang and Chou, 2003]• Coolstreaming

[Zhang, Liu, Li and Yum, 2005]

Approach• Determine encoding rate as a function of network bandwidth• Adapt media scheduling to network conditions and to content• Build and maintain multicast trees, request retransmissions to mitigate losses

… …Video stream

Page 4: Congestion-Aware Video Streaming over Peer-to-Peer Networks Eric Setton Information Systems Laboratory Stanford University

44Eric Setton: Congestion-aware video streaming over peer-to-peer networks January 31st 2006

• Distortion model for throughput-limited streaming– Server-client scenario– Extension to peer-to-peer

• Packet scheduling for low-latency video streaming – Congestion-distortion optimized (CoDiO) scheduling– Low complexity (CoDiO light) scheduler

• Peer-to-peer video streaming– Distributed peer-to-peer protocol– Receiver-driven CoDiO light retransmission requests– Sender-driven CoDiO light prioritization

Presentation OutlinePresentation Outline

Page 5: Congestion-Aware Video Streaming over Peer-to-Peer Networks Eric Setton Information Systems Laboratory Stanford University

55Eric Setton: Congestion-aware video streaming over peer-to-peer networks January 31st 2006

Video Distortion with Self CongestionVideo Distortion with Self Congestion



Bit-rate (kb/s)

Self congestioncauses late loss

Page 6: Congestion-Aware Video Streaming over Peer-to-Peer Networks Eric Setton Information Systems Laboratory Stanford University

66Eric Setton: Congestion-aware video streaming over peer-to-peer networks January 31st 2006

ModelModeling Streaming Performanceing Streaming PerformanceP


R (





Bit-rate (kb/s) Bit-rate (kb/s)

[Stuhlmüller, Färber, Link and Girod, 2000]

Page 7: Congestion-Aware Video Streaming over Peer-to-Peer Networks Eric Setton Information Systems Laboratory Stanford University

77Eric Setton: Congestion-aware video streaming over peer-to-peer networks January 31st 2006

Influence of T and Influence of T and KK

Foreman Salesman

Simulations over ns-2

Bandwidth 400 kb/s

Simulations over ns-2

Bandwidth 400 kb/s

165 % provisioning 110 % provisioning

Page 8: Congestion-Aware Video Streaming over Peer-to-Peer Networks Eric Setton Information Systems Laboratory Stanford University

88Eric Setton: Congestion-aware video streaming over peer-to-peer networks January 31st 2006

Extension to Peer-to-PeerExtension to Peer-to-Peer

“Sender” peer

“Sender” peer

“Sender” peer

“Receiver” peer

Page 9: Congestion-Aware Video Streaming over Peer-to-Peer Networks Eric Setton Information Systems Laboratory Stanford University

99Eric Setton: Congestion-aware video streaming over peer-to-peer networks January 31st 2006

Multi-Sender ScenarioMulti-Sender Scenario

Simulations over ns-2

Bandwidth reserved at each sender 200 kb/s

Latency constraint T=0.4 s

Simulations over ns-2

Bandwidth reserved at each sender 200 kb/s

Latency constraint T=0.4 s

Foreman Salesman

Page 10: Congestion-Aware Video Streaming over Peer-to-Peer Networks Eric Setton Information Systems Laboratory Stanford University

1010Eric Setton: Congestion-aware video streaming over peer-to-peer networks January 31st 2006

1 sender

380 kb/s, 36 dBHighest sustainable video quality

420 kb/s, 33.7 dB

Foreman Sequence

Page 11: Congestion-Aware Video Streaming over Peer-to-Peer Networks Eric Setton Information Systems Laboratory Stanford University

1111Eric Setton: Congestion-aware video streaming over peer-to-peer networks January 31st 2006

• Distortion model for throughput-limited streaming– Server-client scenario– Extension to peer-to-peer

• Packet scheduling for low-latency video streaming – Congestion-distortion optimized (CoDiO) scheduling– Low complexity (CoDiO light) scheduler

• Peer-to-peer video streaming– Distributed peer-to-peer protocol– Receiver-driven CoDiO light retransmission requests– Sender-driven CoDiO light prioritization

Presentation OutlinePresentation Outline

Page 12: Congestion-Aware Video Streaming over Peer-to-Peer Networks Eric Setton Information Systems Laboratory Stanford University

1212Eric Setton: Congestion-aware video streaming over peer-to-peer networks January 31st 2006

Streaming Streaming over aover a Bottleneck Bottleneck Link Link

Random cross traffic

Low bandwidthuplink

Video traffic


High bandwidth links


Page 13: Congestion-Aware Video Streaming over Peer-to-Peer Networks Eric Setton Information Systems Laboratory Stanford University

1313Eric Setton: Congestion-aware video streaming over peer-to-peer networks January 31st 2006

Related WorkRelated Work

• TCP-friendly rate-control– Indicates average rate as a function of collected statistics– Does not indicate any particular schedule

• Rate-Distortion optimized scheduling (RaDiO)– Formalization of the multimedia scheduling problem

– Adapted the framework to video streaming– Large gains compared to sequential scheduler

[Chou and Miao, 2001]

[Chakareski and Girod, 2002-5]

[Kalman and Girod 2003-5]

[Floyd et al., 1997]

Page 14: Congestion-Aware Video Streaming over Peer-to-Peer Networks Eric Setton Information Systems Laboratory Stanford University

1414Eric Setton: Congestion-aware video streaming over peer-to-peer networks January 31st 2006

Congestion-Distortion Congestion-Distortion Optimized Scheduling (CoDiO)Optimized Scheduling (CoDiO)

• Congestion as a new metric–Adaptive to network conditions–Reflects the impact of a sender–Unbounded as it reaches capacity

Decide which packets to send (and when) to maximize picture quality while minimizing network congestion


Congestion Δ(seconds)

• Principle of CoDiO

Page 15: Congestion-Aware Video Streaming over Peer-to-Peer Networks Eric Setton Information Systems Laboratory Stanford University

1515Eric Setton: Congestion-aware video streaming over peer-to-peer networks January 31st 2006

Estimating Estimating SSelfelf C Congestionongestion

defined as average end-to-end delay

t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6


e o




ck q



R(t3)decrease rate C, the capacityR(t0)



average queue size

Page 16: Congestion-Aware Video Streaming over Peer-to-Peer Networks Eric Setton Information Systems Laboratory Stanford University

1616Eric Setton: Congestion-aware video streaming over peer-to-peer networks January 31st 2006

• Decoding buffer state sets the display outcome

• Expected distortion over a horizon of M frames is

Predicting Video DistortionPredicting Video Distortion


Original picture Picture shown Error picture

Page 17: Congestion-Aware Video Streaming over Peer-to-Peer Networks Eric Setton Information Systems Laboratory Stanford University

1717Eric Setton: Congestion-aware video streaming over peer-to-peer networks January 31st 2006

Parameterized Delay DistributionParameterized Delay DistributionP









• Self congestion affects bottleneck queue length• Model distribution by exponential with varying shift

Page 18: Congestion-Aware Video Streaming over Peer-to-Peer Networks Eric Setton Information Systems Laboratory Stanford University

1818Eric Setton: Congestion-aware video streaming over peer-to-peer networks January 31st 2006

Finding the Finding the BBest est TTransmission ransmission OrderOrder

• Optimal schedule is

• Why is this difficult ?– Large search space– Tight coupling between schedules

• How to solve this problem ?

Page 19: Congestion-Aware Video Streaming over Peer-to-Peer Networks Eric Setton Information Systems Laboratory Stanford University

1919Eric Setton: Congestion-aware video streaming over peer-to-peer networks January 31st 2006

Find a Good Schedule… at Random!Find a Good Schedule… at Random!






Pictures to sendSchedule



Page 20: Congestion-Aware Video Streaming over Peer-to-Peer Networks Eric Setton Information Systems Laboratory Stanford University

2020Eric Setton: Congestion-aware video streaming over peer-to-peer networks January 31st 2006

CoDiO Light SchedulerCoDiO Light Scheduler

• Select iteratively most important video packet to transmit or retransmit

• Space transmissions to limit congestion over bottleneck

• Sufficiently simple to be run at each peer


Page 21: Congestion-Aware Video Streaming over Peer-to-Peer Networks Eric Setton Information Systems Laboratory Stanford University

2121Eric Setton: Congestion-aware video streaming over peer-to-peer networks January 31st 2006

CoDiO Scheduling PerformanceCoDiO Scheduling Performance

Simulations over ns-2

Packet loss rate 2%

Bandwidth 400 kb/s

Propagation delay: 50ms

Simulations over ns-2

Packet loss rate 2%

Bandwidth 400 kb/s

Propagation delay: 50ms

30 %

25 %

Mother & Daughter News

Page 22: Congestion-Aware Video Streaming over Peer-to-Peer Networks Eric Setton Information Systems Laboratory Stanford University

2222Eric Setton: Congestion-aware video streaming over peer-to-peer networks January 31st 2006

H.264/AVC @250 kb/sBandwidth 400 kb/s, propagation delay 50 ms

2 % packet loss0.6 second latency


Page 23: Congestion-Aware Video Streaming over Peer-to-Peer Networks Eric Setton Information Systems Laboratory Stanford University

2323Eric Setton: Congestion-aware video streaming over peer-to-peer networks January 31st 2006

CoDiO vs. RaDiOCoDiO vs. RaDiO

Sequence: Mother & Daughter

Packet loss rate 2%

Bandwidth 400 kb/s

Propagation delay: 50ms

Sequence: Mother & Daughter

Packet loss rate 2%

Bandwidth 400 kb/s

Propagation delay: 50ms

40 %

Page 24: Congestion-Aware Video Streaming over Peer-to-Peer Networks Eric Setton Information Systems Laboratory Stanford University

2424Eric Setton: Congestion-aware video streaming over peer-to-peer networks January 31st 2006

Sequence: Foreman

Packet loss rate 2%

Bandwidth 400 kb/s

Propagation delay: 50ms

Sequence: Foreman

Packet loss rate 2%

Bandwidth 400 kb/s

Propagation delay: 50ms

60 %

CoDiO vs. RaDiOCoDiO vs. RaDiO

Page 25: Congestion-Aware Video Streaming over Peer-to-Peer Networks Eric Setton Information Systems Laboratory Stanford University

2525Eric Setton: Congestion-aware video streaming over peer-to-peer networks January 31st 2006

• Distortion model for throughput-limited streaming– Server-client scenario– Extension to peer-to-peer

• Packet scheduling for low-latency video streaming – Congestion-distortion optimized (CoDiO) scheduling– Low complexity (CoDiO light) scheduler

• Peer-to-peer video streaming– Distributed peer-to-peer protocol– Receiver-driven CoDiO light retransmission requests– Sender-driven CoDiO light prioritization

Presentation OutlinePresentation Outline

Page 26: Congestion-Aware Video Streaming over Peer-to-Peer Networks Eric Setton Information Systems Laboratory Stanford University

2626Eric Setton: Congestion-aware video streaming over peer-to-peer networks January 31st 2006

Join ProcedureJoin ProcedureInitial join• Send request to source peer• Receive information on session

– List of connected peers– Video source rate– Bandwidth provisioning factor– Number of multicast trees

Probe peers• Find peers with available bandwidth• Select parents from candidates to

– Maximize diversity– Minimize tree height

Connect to multicast trees• Request attachment• Bandwidth reserved at each parent

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• Detection

• Reconnection

• Loss mitigation

Page 28: Congestion-Aware Video Streaming over Peer-to-Peer Networks Eric Setton Information Systems Laboratory Stanford University

2828Eric Setton: Congestion-aware video streaming over peer-to-peer networks January 31st 2006

Experimental SetupExperimental Setup• Network/protocol simulation in ns-2

– 300 active peers – Random peer arrival/departure

average: ON (5 min)/OFF (30 s) – Over-provisioned backbone– Typical access bandwidth distribution– Delay: 5 ms/link + congestion

• Video streaming– H.264/AVC encoder @ 250 kb/s– 15 minute live multicast

[Sripanidkulchai et al., 2004]

Downlink Uplink Percentage

512 kb/s 256 kb/s 56% 3 Mb/s 384 kb/s 21%1.5 Mb/s 896 kb/s 9% 20 Mb/s 2 Mb/s 3% 20 Mb/s 5 Mb/s 11%

Downlink Uplink Percentage

512 kb/s 256 kb/s 56% 3 Mb/s 384 kb/s 21%1.5 Mb/s 896 kb/s 9% 20 Mb/s 2 Mb/s 3% 20 Mb/s 5 Mb/s 11%

Page 29: Congestion-Aware Video Streaming over Peer-to-Peer Networks Eric Setton Information Systems Laboratory Stanford University

2929Eric Setton: Congestion-aware video streaming over peer-to-peer networks January 31st 2006

Join and Rejoin LatenciesJoin and Rejoin Latencies

Simulations over ns-2, 300 peers

Number of trees: 4

Retransmissions enabled

Simulations over ns-2, 300 peers

Number of trees: 4

Retransmissions enabled

Page 30: Congestion-Aware Video Streaming over Peer-to-Peer Networks Eric Setton Information Systems Laboratory Stanford University

3030Eric Setton: Congestion-aware video streaming over peer-to-peer networks January 31st 2006

Protocol ScalabilityProtocol Scalability

Simulations over ns-2

Video traffic

Control traffic

Protocol overhead

Simulations over ns-2

Video traffic

Control traffic

Protocol overhead

Page 31: Congestion-Aware Video Streaming over Peer-to-Peer Networks Eric Setton Information Systems Laboratory Stanford University

3131Eric Setton: Congestion-aware video streaming over peer-to-peer networks January 31st 2006

P PI B B B P ……

Receiver-Driven CoDiO Light Receiver-Driven CoDiO Light Retransmission RequestsRetransmission Requests

• Determine missing packets• Iteratively request most important packet• Limit number of unacknowledged retransmissions

P PI B B B P ……

Page 32: Congestion-Aware Video Streaming over Peer-to-Peer Networks Eric Setton Information Systems Laboratory Stanford University

3232Eric Setton: Congestion-aware video streaming over peer-to-peer networks January 31st 2006

% peersconnected to all 4 trees

% peersconnected to all 4 trees

With receiver-driven CoDiO light

Without retransmissions

Performance of Receiver-Driven Performance of Receiver-Driven CoDiO LightCoDiO Light

Page 33: Congestion-Aware Video Streaming over Peer-to-Peer Networks Eric Setton Information Systems Laboratory Stanford University

3333Eric Setton: Congestion-aware video streaming over peer-to-peer networks January 31st 2006

% peersconnected to all 4 trees

% peersconnected to all 4 trees

With content-oblivious retransmissions

Without retransmissions

Performance of Content-Oblivious Performance of Content-Oblivious Retransmission SchemeRetransmission Scheme

Page 34: Congestion-Aware Video Streaming over Peer-to-Peer Networks Eric Setton Information Systems Laboratory Stanford University

3434Eric Setton: Congestion-aware video streaming over peer-to-peer networks January 31st 2006

Receiver-driven CoDiO light No retransmissions

P2P Video Multicast: 64 out of 300 Peers

H.264 @ 250 kb/s2 second latency for all streams

Page 35: Congestion-Aware Video Streaming over Peer-to-Peer Networks Eric Setton Information Systems Laboratory Stanford University

3535Eric Setton: Congestion-aware video streaming over peer-to-peer networks January 31st 2006

P2P Video Multicast: 64 out of 300 Peers

H.264 @ 250 kb/s2 second latency for all streams

Receiver-driven CoDiO light No retransmissions

Page 36: Congestion-Aware Video Streaming over Peer-to-Peer Networks Eric Setton Information Systems Laboratory Stanford University

3636Eric Setton: Congestion-aware video streaming over peer-to-peer networks January 31st 2006

• Scheduler iteratively selects

• Intervals between transmission sufficient to– Mitigate any congestion of the uplink– Reserve rate for control traffic

Sender-Driven CoDiO Light PrioritizationSender-Driven CoDiO Light Prioritization



7 1 6 1 4 1 2

Page 37: Congestion-Aware Video Streaming over Peer-to-Peer Networks Eric Setton Information Systems Laboratory Stanford University

3737Eric Setton: Congestion-aware video streaming over peer-to-peer networks January 31st 2006

Performance ComparisonPerformance Comparison

Simulations over ns-2, 300 peers

Number of trees: 4

Retransmissions enabled

Simulations over ns-2, 300 peers

Number of trees: 4

Retransmissions enabled

30 %40 %

Foreman Mother & Daughter

Page 38: Congestion-Aware Video Streaming over Peer-to-Peer Networks Eric Setton Information Systems Laboratory Stanford University

3838Eric Setton: Congestion-aware video streaming over peer-to-peer networks January 31st 2006

Simulations over ns-2, 75 peers

Number of trees: 4

Retransmissions enabled

Simulations over ns-2, 75 peers

Number of trees: 4

Retransmissions enabled

35 %50 %

Foreman Mother & Daughter

Performance ComparisonPerformance Comparison

Page 39: Congestion-Aware Video Streaming over Peer-to-Peer Networks Eric Setton Information Systems Laboratory Stanford University

3939Eric Setton: Congestion-aware video streaming over peer-to-peer networks January 31st 2006

Sender-driven CoDiO light33.71 dB

Without prioritization30.17 dB

H.264 @ 250 kb/s0.8 second latency for all streams

Average Video Sequence for 75 Peers

Page 40: Congestion-Aware Video Streaming over Peer-to-Peer Networks Eric Setton Information Systems Laboratory Stanford University

4040Eric Setton: Congestion-aware video streaming over peer-to-peer networks January 31st 2006

Summary of ContributionsSummary of Contributions• Distortion model for throughput-limited streaming, captures influence of:

– Capacity– Latency constraint– Sequence dependence

• Packet scheduling for low-latency video streaming – Demonstrated the benefits of considering congestion as a metric– Congestion-distortion optimized packet scheduling

• Reduces latency vs. ARQ by up to 30%• Reduces congestion vs. RaDiO by up to 60%

– Evaluated RaDiO and CoDiO in a realistic network simulator– Developed real-time low-complexity CoDiO light scheduler

• Optimized packet scheduling for peer-to-peer networks– Optimized retransmission scheduling scheme– Prioritization from a sender to its receivers– CoDiO light reduces latency by up to 50%

Page 41: Congestion-Aware Video Streaming over Peer-to-Peer Networks Eric Setton Information Systems Laboratory Stanford University

4141Eric Setton: Congestion-aware video streaming over peer-to-peer networks January 31st 2006

Main PublicationsMain Publications

• Distortion model for throughput-limited streaming– Setton, Zhu & Girod, Proceedings ICME 2004

– Setton, Zhu & Girod, Proceedings ICIP 2004

– Zhu, Setton & Girod, Proceedings PCS 2004

– Zhu, Setton & Girod, Signal Processing: Image Communications, 2005

• Packet scheduling for low-latency video streaming– Setton & Girod, Proceedings MMSP 2004

– Setton, Zhu & Girod, Proceedings ISCAS 2005

– Setton, Yoo, Zhu, Goldsmith & Girod, Wireless Communications Magazine, 2005

• Optimized packet scheduling for peer-to-peer networks– Setton, Noh & Girod, Proceedings ACM Multimedia, 2005

– Setton, Noh & Girod, to appear Proceedings ICIP 2006

Page 42: Congestion-Aware Video Streaming over Peer-to-Peer Networks Eric Setton Information Systems Laboratory Stanford University

4242Eric Setton: Congestion-aware video streaming over peer-to-peer networks January 31st 2006

Other ContributionsOther Contributions(not covered in this presentation)(not covered in this presentation)

• Encoding of H.264/AVC SP and SI pictures– Rate-Distortion model for SP and SI pictures

– Optimal SP encoder settings for streaming with packet losses

– Contributed SP and SI encoder to H.264/AVC standard reference software

• Adaptive streaming of SP and SI pictures

• Streaming of SP and SI pictures over peer-to-peer networks

Setton & Girod, IEEE Transactions CSVT, accepted 2006

Setton, Ramanathan & Girod, Proceedings VCIP 2006

Setton & Girod, Proceeding VCIP 2005

Setton, Noh & Girod, Proceedings ACM Multimedia, 2005