content page powrpoint


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Post on 15-Aug-2015




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By Halima Khan

Content page

For my re-submission, I decided to use the same type of page layout as I did for the front cover. The reason being is so the audience recognize that the content page belongs to “N hits” magazine, alongside keeping the page layout consistent. I also wanted to keep it as simple as possible, seeing as I will be including quite a large chunk of text, therefore didn't’t want to over do it and make the cover page look messy, and confusing for the reader.

Choosing the main picture for my content page

I had taken a number of pictures I different outfits and poses, and edited them with the use of Photoshop. However after deciding to use a close up image of my model on the front cover, I decided to use the fourth image simply because it was a similar pose to the front cover. The reason why I didn't’t use the other three and chose the fourth one is because it would be easier for the audience to distinguish what magazine the image is from, seeing as both the cover and content pose is pretty similar in comparison to the rest of the images.


With the help of Photoshop I edited my front cover image. I used “photo filter- magenta” to add pinkness to the image, alongside brightened the image with a tinge of contrast. One is able to easily identify that I have edited this image a lot more in comparison to the images used on my front cover and double page spread. The reason being is because I felt the edit as shown on the left went well with the design of the content page and flowed really well. The key feature on the content page is the image of the model, seeing as it takes up all the space on the A4 paper, with the text on and around the image.

Logo and image

For my re-submission, I used a very bright, rich red for the cover alongside double page spread, however the front cover was a lot more simple. I wanted to balance it out by allowing the audience to distinguish the difference between the cover/double page spread, and the content page. However, I kept the obvious logo of “N” on both pages to allow the audience to notify that both pages are from one magazine. The model is dressed in a big fur coat, looking fiercely at the camera, which instantly meets the conventions of hip-hop magazine, seeing as most models on the front of hip-hop magazines are usually wearing fur, big gold chains, gold teeth, baggy clothing and so on. Models on real hip-hop magazines also look fiercely at the camera showing their toughness and that they most certainly are bad and fearless.

Key features…

During the process of creating and then improving my content page for the re-submission, i felt it was vital to add exclusive information regarding weight loss/healthy eating. The reason being is because real life magazines usually consist of health related tips for their readers, therefore by adding this at the bottom of my content page, and that too with a font that differs slightly from the rest of the text on the content page, this meets the conventions of real life magazines. Moreover, I decided to add the key cover story of Marcus Cole on the right hand side of the models fur coat. I decided to chose a bold font with the text being a lot bigger in comparison to the rest of the texts on the content page. Placing the cover story on the right hand side of the model, makes it extremely eye catching, and obvious to the reader that ‘21’ is the key, vital story to be read in the magazine.

I feel the re-submitted content page I have created meets the conventions of real life hip hop magazines. The reason being is because with all real life content pages, they always add information regarding the newest songs on the charts, personal stories about celebrities, and most importantly they add numbers besides each subtitle, making it easier for the reader to find each specific page. I have successfully been able to produce a similar content page to real life magazines. Furthermore, I have also added an issue no, which also appears on real life magazines therefore again, meets the conventions. It’s vital for magazines to have an issue no, so that people are aware it’s a new magazine.


I also used Photoshop and quark on my content page, alongside double page spread, however I have explained in my previous power point ( cover ) about all the tools I used on each program, in further detail.