conversational midterm exam upper-intermediate

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  • 7/25/2019 Conversational Midterm Exam Upper-Intermediate

    1/15Telfono: 242 4293Calle Ramn Ribeyro 1091 - Miraores




    Name: _____________________________________________


    Cla!! Co"e: __________________

    I. LISTENIN# $% p!.&

  • 7/25/2019 Conversational Midterm Exam Upper-Intermediate

    2/15Telfono: 242 4293Calle Ramn Ribeyro 1091 - Miraores


    1! #is$en $o $e be%innin% of a $al& so'! Cec& $e bes$ "re(ic$ion of'a$ $e lis$enin% is abo)$! Tere is only one ri%$ ans'er! *1 "$s!+a! , (eba$e abo)$ (ie$in%b! Te sociolo%y of $eleisionc! ."inions abo)$ (aily ne's(! /ss)es concernin% men$al eal$

    2! o' lis$en $o $e en$ire $al& so'! se $e informa$ion $o coose $ecorrec$ ans'ers! Cec& $e ans'ers! *0! "$! eac+1! Te $'o men 'o are s"ea&in% on $e so' !

    a! an$ be$$er coera%e of com"le5 "roblemsb! 6eliee i$ is ar( $o connec$ $e een$s in a s$ory

  • 7/25/2019 Conversational Midterm Exam Upper-Intermediate

    3/15Telfono: 242 4293Calle Ramn Ribeyro 1091 - Miraores


    c! 7ae (i8eren$ o"inions abo)$ $e ne's on T(! Tin& i$ is im"or$an$ $o so' 'a$ is c)rren$ly ne's'or$y

    2! ,ccor(in% $o #a)ren 7all o' of$en (oes a "erson 'a$c $ene's;a! ,$ leas$ once a (ayb! T'ice a (ay


  • 7/25/2019 Conversational Midterm Exam Upper-Intermediate

    4/15Telfono: 242 4293Calle Ramn Ribeyro 1091 - Miraores


    a! 7e 'on?$ 'an$ $o rea( $e boo&!b! 7e 'on?$ a%ree 'i$ $e i(eas in $e boo&!c! 7e 'ill $in& i$ (oesn?$ ")$ een$s in$o "ers"ec$ie!(! 7e 'ill $in& i$ (oesn?$ so' $e ne%a$ie si(e of T ne's!

    4! Mr! T)c&er beliees $a$ a! ,((ic$ion is no$ a %oo( $in%

    b! /ss)es in $e 'orl( are no$ com"lica$e(c! ie'ers are %e$$in% $oo m)c informa$ion(! =eo"le nee( $o (eci(e 'a$ s$ories are im"or$an$

    ! ,bo)$ o' lon% is $e coera%e of a s$ory on $e ne's;

  • 7/25/2019 Conversational Midterm Exam Upper-Intermediate

    5/15Telfono: 242 4293Calle Ramn Ribeyro 1091 - Miraores


    a! T'o an( a alf min)$esb! Tree an( a alf min)$esc! T'en$y min)$es(! Tir$y min)$es

    ! #is$en a%ain $o a "ar$ of a $al& so'! Ten ans'er $e A)es$ion!

    y (oes =rofessor >ibson say B6)$ are ie'ers %e$$in% $einforma$ion $ey nee( from $e ne's on $eleision;

    a! 7e is as&in% Mr! T)c&er 'a$ e means!

  • 7/25/2019 Conversational Midterm Exam Upper-Intermediate

    6/15Telfono: 242 4293Calle Ramn Ribeyro 1091 - Miraores


    b! 7e is em"asiDin% 'a$ e 'ill say ne5$!c! 7e 'an$s $e ie'ers $o ans'er is A)es$ion!(! 7e 'an$s $o &no' $e ans'er $o is A)es$ion!

    3! #is$en $o $e e5cer"$ from Be's Re%is$ers from or$E$ar 4 boo& ni$1! se $e informa$ion from $is lis$enin% an( $e lis$enin% from =ar$1!2 $o com"le$e $e ac$ii$y! ri$e $e le$$er of $e s$a$emen$ )n(er $e

    name of $e "ersonF"eo"le 'o 'o)l( a%ree 'i$ i$! o$ all s$a$emen$s'ill be )se(! *3 "$s+

    , ! =ayin% a$$en$ion $o $e (aily ne's is a((ic$in%!6! =eo"le so)l( 'a$c $e ne's eery mornin% an( ni%$!

  • 7/25/2019 Conversational Midterm Exam Upper-Intermediate

    7/15Telfono: 242 4293Calle Ramn Ribeyro 1091 - Miraores


    C! =eo"le so)l( (eci(e 'a$ is im"or$an$ in $e me(ia!G! Te ne's "resen$s "roblems b)$ (oes no$ %ie sol)$ions!


    M). TUC*ER


  • 7/25/2019 Conversational Midterm Exam Upper-Intermediate

    8/15Telfono: 242 4293Calle Ramn Ribeyro 1091 - Miraores


    II. SPEA*IN# $+ p!.&1! en $eena%ers %e$ eno)% slee" $ey are in be$$er moo(s an( $en(

    $o (o be$$er in scool! Eo)l( scools re(esi%n $eir sce()les $o el"$eena%ers slee" more; 7o'; a$ 'o)l( be some a(an$a%es an((isa(an$a%es $o a scool sce()le $a$ le$ $eens slee" la$er; *2 "$s!+

    2! E"ea& for 1 2 min)$es! Tal& abo)$ o' an obs$acle or limi$a$ion canbecome some$in% "osi$ie in a "erson?s life! Io) can $al& abo)$ areal "erson incl)(in% yo)rself or yo) can $al& abo)$ $is $o"ic in a%eneral 'ay! *2 "$s!+

  • 7/25/2019 Conversational Midterm Exam Upper-Intermediate

    9/15Telfono: 242 4293Calle Ramn Ribeyro 1091 - Miraores


    se %er)n(s an( inJni$ies!

    =roi(e (e$ails abo)$ bac&%ro)n( informa$ion obs$aclesaccom"lismen$s an( life lessons!

    se $e ocab)lary an( %rammar from $e car$:

    (e$ermine( (iscrimina$ion illness in s$ore for inK)ry ins"ira$ion lac& of money lac& of self-conJ(ence learnin% (isabili$y

    limi$a$ion oercome "ysical or men$al (isabili$y "roof reco%niDe reela$ion syness - $o)%

  • 7/25/2019 Conversational Midterm Exam Upper-Intermediate

    10/15Telfono: 242 4293Calle Ramn Ribeyro 1091 - Miraores


    3! Eay one fac$ abo)$ /nsomnia! a$ &in(s of "roblems (oes i$%enera$e; *2 "$s!+

    4! ic recommen(a$ions 'o)l( yo) %ie $o a "erson 'o 'an$s $o liea lon% life;*2 "$s!+

    III. READIN# $, p!.&1! Rea( $e le$$ers! se $e 'or(s an( "rases from $e bo5 $o Jll in $e

    blan&s! o$ all $e 'or(s an( "rases 'ill be )se(! *0! "$s! eac+

  • 7/25/2019 Conversational Midterm Exam Upper-Intermediate

    11/15Telfono: 242 4293Calle Ramn Ribeyro 1091 - Miraores


    al$erness blin&in% cronically (im (o 'i$o)$ fa$i%)e ormone insomnia irri$able mela$onin "riori$y slee"-(e"rie(

    snorin% s)r%e

    Gear Gr! Elee":/ s)8er from $errible ! /$ (oesnL$ ma$$er o' $ire( / am

    ()rin% $e (ay! ,s soon as / lie (o'n $o %o $o slee" / feel a of ener%y! Ten / (on?$ fall aslee" )n$il i$?s almos$ $ime$o %e$ )" so / am !/ can?$ s$an( $is m)c lon%er!

  • 7/25/2019 Conversational Midterm Exam Upper-Intermediate

    12/15Telfono: 242 4293Calle Ramn Ribeyro 1091 - Miraores


    Elee"less is 6os$on

    Gear Elee"less:a$ yo) ae is no$ only a "roblem for yo) i$ can also be a (an%er$o o$ers! #ac& of slee" lea(s $o an( $is can a8ec$

    yo)r ! 7ere are some s)%%es$ions: ,f$er 1=!M! yo) m)s$ co8ee $ea or any o$er beera%e $a$ con$ainsca8eine!

  • 7/25/2019 Conversational Midterm Exam Upper-Intermediate

    13/15Telfono: 242 4293Calle Ramn Ribeyro 1091 - Miraores


    Go no$ e5ercise af$er 4=!M! Try rela5a$ion $era"y! /f none of $esereme(ies el"s $en yo) m)s$ see yo)r "ysician! Eome$imes slee"me(ica$ion is necessary!

    Gr! Elee"!

    Gear Gr! Elee":

  • 7/25/2019 Conversational Midterm Exam Upper-Intermediate

    14/15Telfono: 242 4293Calle Ramn Ribeyro 1091 - Miraores


    My "roblem is my )sban(! 7e slee"s li&e a baby b)$ is &ee"s me )" all ni%$! Ten e can?$ )n(ers$an( 'y /am so $e ne5$ (ay!

    Cran&y in Minnea"olis

    Gear Cran&y:.f co)rse / )n(ers$an( 'y yo)r?re cran&y! 6)$ (on?$ %e$ ri( of yo)r)sban( ye$! 7e may ae a slee" (isor(er calle( a"nea! Io) Jrs$

    is $o %e$ yo)r )sban( $o see a (oc$or! Elee" a"nea

  • 7/25/2019 Conversational Midterm Exam Upper-Intermediate


    can be $rea$e( ery easily! .nce is a"nea is )n(er con$rol $en yo)?llbe slee"in% li&e a baby $oo!

    Gr! Elee"