corson's oct 2013 newsletter

Insight News It is always a privilege to share with our supporter / partners each month. This month is no exception. 2013 has been a year of development and growth in the Lord and in his work for the Staff of IRI. With that growth we have added new faces from around the world. I want to take this time to introduce you to our newest board member, Kitty Ho of Hong Kong. Kitty attended our seminar and coaching workshop in Batangas, Philippines. Her background is in education so she immediately saw a purpose in the insight material. She also saw the need for the principles and concepts in her own cul- tural environment. Her insight into these newly developed principles and insights is unique to say the least. So I have asked her to share with you so you might get to know this distin- guished woman of God and understand how ABC thinking styles have effect her walk with Christ. Al. “Emoonal reacons are powerful – and dangerous.” (Cook, 2008). Recently, we have wit- nessed heightened social tensions in Hong Kong owing to the use of more “radical means” by some protesters to show their discontent with the government. A peaceful march may somemes result in violent incidents. It’s easy to idenfy emoonal-driven behaviours but more difficult to be aware of B-focus behaviours i.e. thinking in concrete parculars. While some polical pares and pressure groups are fighng hard for “genuine” universal suffrage for the Hong Kong Chief Execuve elecon of 2017, I personally believe that learning & keep- ing a democrac ethos should be far more important in our democrac development. De- mocracy and universal suffrage are interesng issues in Hong Kong because the territory has never truly been an independent state. Perhaps some may disagree but I always have these quesons - Are we truly ready for universal suffrage? How do we understand the real mean- ing of democracy? Though democracy has gradually become one of the core values of most developed countries, is it a soluon for all polical & social problems? A crical mind is vital for knowing what is right or wrong so that we can make the right choice and do the right thing. Towards this end, it would be necessary for us to go through a transformaon of mind first. Insight Seminar is one possible and effecve way to help people make deep-level chang- es in their beliefs, values, atudes and ways of reasoning. When looking back at me, it seems everything is relaonal! Being one of the part-me train- ers in an educaonal organizaon, I have the ability to obtain some training opportunies for introducing the ABC concepts whenever appropriate. To start with, a taster program was provided to middle management staff in three of the schools that I’ve been providing support this summer. A 4-day follow-up training will be provided to some teachers in the coming months. Inially, we’re planning to offer a 2-day pilot workshop for member schools next year and, hopefully, more follow-up programs thereaſter. Also, we have contacted two non- governmental organizaons earlier to pave way for future training so that similar program acvies can be extended to social welfare sector at a later stage. Now my friend Dorothy and I are translang Dr. Stuart Cook’s book ‘The Thought That Counts’ into Chinese. She somemes doubts if there are any people who are interested in reading the book. To me, we are only small pieces of the big jigsaw puzzle and who knows how God will make use of us in His Great Plan! Turning into the new millennium, the world has been changing fast and, with VOLUME 7 ISSUE October 2013 10 Insight Resources International, Inc. Copyright © 2013 Growing Human Potential One Worldview at a Time Mailing Address Change: PO Box 2937, Mills, WY 82644 Nhamazara 90 km Selva 40 km Manica 80 km GMM farm 60 km Lichinga 1500 km Villages by Lake Niassa 1800 km Nampula 1100 km Corson’s Concepts Nampula Gurúè Northern Niassa Province & Lichinga Tete Selva Manica Mussacumbira Nhamazara Chimoio

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Insight News

It is always a privilege to share with our supporter / partners

each month. This month is no exception. 2013 has been a year of

development and growth in the Lord and in his work for the Staff of

IRI. With that growth we have added new faces from around the

world. I want to take this time to introduce you to our newest board

member, Kitty Ho of Hong Kong. Kitty attended our seminar and

coaching workshop in Batangas, Philippines. Her background is in

education so she immediately saw a purpose in the insight material.

She also saw the need for the principles and concepts in her own cul-

tural environment. Her insight into these newly developed principles and insights is unique to

say the least. So I have asked her to share with you so you might get to know this distin-

guished woman of God and understand how ABC thinking styles have effect her walk with



“Emotional reactions are powerful – and dangerous.” (Cook, 2008). Recently, we have wit-nessed heightened social tensions in Hong Kong owing to the use of more “radical means” by some protesters to show their discontent with the government. A peaceful march may sometimes result in violent incidents. It’s easy to identify emotional-driven behaviours but more difficult to be aware of B-focus behaviours i.e. thinking in concrete particulars. While some political parties and pressure groups are fighting hard for “genuine” universal suffrage for the Hong Kong Chief Executive election of 2017, I personally believe that learning & keep-ing a democratic ethos should be far more important in our democratic development. De-mocracy and universal suffrage are interesting issues in Hong Kong because the territory has never truly been an independent state. Perhaps some may disagree but I always have these questions - Are we truly ready for universal suffrage? How do we understand the real mean-ing of democracy? Though democracy has gradually become one of the core values of most developed countries, is it a solution for all political & social problems? A critical mind is vital for knowing what is right or wrong so that we can make the right choice and do the right thing. Towards this end, it would be necessary for us to go through a transformation of mind first. Insight Seminar is one possible and effective way to help people make deep-level chang-es in their beliefs, values, attitudes and ways of reasoning. When looking back at me, it seems everything is relational! Being one of the part-time train-ers in an educational organization, I have the ability to obtain some training opportunities for introducing the ABC concepts whenever appropriate. To start with, a taster program was provided to middle management staff in three of the schools that I’ve been providing support this summer. A 4-day follow-up training will be provided to some teachers in the coming months. Initially, we’re planning to offer a 2-day pilot workshop for member schools next year and, hopefully, more follow-up programs thereafter. Also, we have contacted two non-governmental organizations earlier to pave way for future training so that similar program activities can be extended to social welfare sector at a later stage. Now my friend Dorothy and I are translating Dr. Stuart Cook’s book ‘The Thought That Counts’ into Chinese. She sometimes doubts if there are any people who are interested in reading the book. To me, we are only small pieces of the big jigsaw puzzle and who knows how God will make use of us in His Great Plan! Turning into the new millennium, the world has been changing fast and, with


October 2013


Insight Resources International, Inc. Copyright © 2013






at a Time

Mailing Address


PO Box 2937,

Mills, WY 82644

Nhamazara 90 km Selva 40 km

Manica 80 km GMM farm 60 km

Lichinga 1500 km Villages by Lake Niassa 1800 km

Nampula 1100 km

Corson’s Concepts



Northern Niassa Province & Lichinga







Mission Activities

Fall Semester at Lincoln Christian University, Lincoln Illinois—Jason teaching as Missionary in Residence November- ICOM in Kansas City, MO booth 1526

We are now scheduling for speaking engagements starting in January. Please contact us for Dates and times. We would love to speak with you and/ or your missions committees.

Our PayPal button on our website is now working again. Donations may now be received at:

Page 2

I.R.I. Office: (307)-277-4639

Email: [email protected]

I.R.I President: Al Corson Email: [email protected]

I.R.I. Secretary: Velma Corson (307) 277-4639 Email: [email protected]

Insight Seminars: Jason Nichols - (307)269-0145

& Vice-President Email: [email protected]

I.R.I. Promotions: Jack Harper - (918)355-5523 2631 E. Albany #A, Broken Arrow, OK 74012 Email: [email protected]

Corson’s Concepts cont.

the powerful effects of globalization, new ideas and values can spread from one country to anoth-er more easily. I believe we have a part to play regardless how small it is. Previously, we brought people back to churches for preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. Now, we may have to bring Christian influence into areas that we cannot normally reach with conventional churches through some other options. Having said that, I have to admit this is tough and never ending work but the following description has always encouraged me:

During World War II, a very determined-looking lady was seen marching down the street with a fireplace poker in her hand. When asked what she had in mind, she said that she was “going to the front!” Did she think that she could accomplish very much, just one woman with a poker? “Maybe not,” was her reply, “but at least they’ll know which side I’m on!” (Cook, 2011)

Application is the best way for developing any new knowledge or skills. To share with people how ABC thinking has helped me in my life would be more convincing than simply teacher-based in-struction. Honestly, I’m still at the early stages of learning. What I can tell is that I have a much stronger sense of direction and purpose in terms of what I’m trying to achieve in my life. At the time when I resigned from the Education Bureau in 2006, I thought, as a Christian, I should do something ‘good’ for my church but actually I had no idea what it was. The outcome was strong tensions with my church – a lot of conflicts, frustration and misunderstanding, mainly due to lack of communication. Most important of all, I was not yet ready for change! To cut a long story short, I’m able to develop a clear and coherent direction and purpose this time – involving more analysing, observing, questioning and so on. Understanding my limitations is a vital part of devel-oping tools for growth and increased success – for taking more effective control. Such clarity makes it easier for me to set priorities that are associated with that direction. To take one exam-ple, building up personal relationships is my strength but also my weakness when conflicts arise. Again, the more questions I raise, the wider gap I may have with my church because we think differently on some specific issues. Being a member of my church, I need to emphasize that it doesn’t mean I don’t love my church. “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eyes?” (Matthew 7:3) Self-reflection always comes first or goes with my criticism of church. On the other hand, a healthy church should col-lect views from people with different perspectives – that’s what my church elder said. Even so, sometimes there is no absolute right or wrong but the relationship can be hampered or damaged if you don’t deal with such negative feelings as soon as possible. This time thank God that I talked to a church elder before things went worse. We had a very sincere conversation about our thoughts and feelings. We still have different views on some issues but at least we understand each other’s concern. Another challenge is to tackle my “unsubstantiated fear” of the dark or ghosts. Some Christian friends queried why I should fear, but why not. I come from a traditional Chinese family. Ances-tor worship is very important in Chinese culture. It is believed that the deceased ancestors would turn into guardian spirits who can bring prosperity, health and good luck to a family. When I was young, a large Chinese ancestor altar was kept at home. That’s not funny – incense burning with two small red light bulbs shining in front of some soul tablets at the altar. It’s much more scary when you saw them late in the evening! At the age of four or five, I slept with my siblings in a bunk bed. My eldest sister liked hanging her head upside down on the upper deck. Just imagine what I saw – a head with the face all covering with long hair, swinging to the right and left, sneer-ing in the darkness! So, up till now, I have the trouble staying alone overnight even at home. Actu-ally, I’ve never seen a ghost before but my fear is real. If I can overcome the fear, I would be able to tell my brother who also has the same problem – the two youngest kids in the family who had

Donate with and

Kitty Ho,

IRI Board Member

from Hong Kong

been frightened by their eldest sister! May God give me the wisdom and strength for preparing me to face all chal-lenges ahead!

Kitty from Hong Kong

Visit us on the web at

Financial Partners

Page 3

Please send your

donations to:

Insight Resources International PO Box 2937

Mills, WY 82644

Insight Resources International PO Box 2937

Mills, WY 82644

60 K 50 K 40 K 30 K 20 K 10 K

Vehicle Fund

We are working to match

the $20,000 donation mak-

ing it $40,000. Please help

us with an extra gift towards

the vehicle.




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The Truck fund will continue due to Al having to come home early. We

will have to wait until he returns to Mozambique to purchase so the fund

will remain open for donations. Research has shown us that to obtain a

good quality vehicle we will need closer to $60000

The greatest thing that you can do for Insight Resources In-ternational is to actively pray. We be-lieve that Prayer is the cornerstone of this ministry and without it we cannot stand against Satan’s at-tacks.

Insight Resources International, Inc. PO Box 1030 Torrington, WY 82240

Get our Newsletter via Email

To get our newsletter via email please email [email protected] with your information. The newsletters is mailed from [email protected] Please put this in your approved list. Please notify us of any address changes so you do not miss receiving our newsletters.

Growing Human Potential One Worldview at a Time


Please continue to pray for the growth of those in Hong Kong,

Philippines, Myanmar, and Mozambique. Pray for increased funding to continue the work in Mozambique

and other countries to which we have been called. Pray for Leonard, Jose’, George, and Titu as the Country of

Mozambique is in Political Unrest.

Prayer Partners Please Pray for these Things:

Please pray

for Al and

Jason as

they teach


Contact Us: I.R.I. Office: (307)-277-4639 Email: [email protected]

I.R.I President: Al Corson Email: [email protected]

I.R.I. Secretary: Velma Corson (307) 277-4639 Email: [email protected]

Insight Seminars: Jason Nichols - (307)269-0145 Email: [email protected]

& Vice-President