council communism intros

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  • 8/13/2019 Council Communism Intros


    Council communismintroductions

  • 8/13/2019 Council Communism Intros


    contentsREVOLUTIONARY TRADITIONS - COUNCIL COMMUNISM Steve Wright COUNCIL COMMUNISM Nei! "ettes - #$$$ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    COUNCIL COMMUNISM M'r( Shi)*'+ - #$,& %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%COUNCIL COMMUNISM Rich'rd .o/0in - #$&, %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%ON COUNCIL COMMUNISM M'rce! v'n der Linden - 1 3 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%COUNCIL COMMUNIST T4EORY 567 8eter 9% R'ch!e:: - #$&; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%

  • 8/13/2019 Council Communism Intros



    As(ed to ch'r'cterise the signi:ic'nce o: the Octo0er Revo!ution< 9ohn M'+n'rd =e+nes -'!*'+s one o: c')it'!>s /ost 'stute thin(ers - once suggested th't #$#& her'!ded the victor+ o:>the 8'rt+ o: C't'stro)he>% "or /'n+ o: the revo!ution'ries *ho he!)ed to est'0!ish theintern'tion'! co//unist /ove/ent< ho*ever< the si/)!e< un'/0iguous de/'nd :or >A!! 8o*erto the Soviets> h'd see/ed to enc')su!'te ' ne* c!'ss )o!itics :in'!!+ '0!e to sur)'ss thedis'sters o: *'r 'nd 0etr'+'!% One o: the/< the )oet 4er/'nn .orter< greeted Lenin 't the ti/e's >the :ore/ost v'ngu'rd :ighter o: the intern'tion'! )ro!et'ri't>< 'nd the soviets the/se!ves inthe :o!!o*ing ter/s?

    >The *or(ing c!'ss o: the *or!d h's :ound in these Wor(ers> Counci!s its org'nis'tion 'nditscentr'!is'tion< its :or/ 'nd its e@)ression< :or the revo!ution 'nd :or the Soci'!ist societ+>

    Buotedin Shi)*'+ #$,&? # %

    "or /ost )eo)!e on the :'r !e:t< .orter 'nd his co!!e'gue Anton 8'nne(oe( 'rere/e/0ered - i: the+ 're (no*n 't '!! - 's t*o o: the >Le:ts> c'stig'ted in Lenin>s Le:t-WingCo//unis/< An In:'nti!e Disorder% In #$#&< ho*ever< 0oth *ere )ro/inent :igures *ithin theintern'tion'! revo!ution'r+ /ove/ent% To their /ind< the )'rtici)'tion o: the soci'! de/ocr'tic )'rties 'nd unions in the "irst Wor!d W'r de/onstr'ted not on!+ the /or'! tur)itude o: theSecond Intern'tion'!>s !e'dershi)< 0ut the ver+ 0'n(ru)tc+ o: :or/s o: org'nis'tion *hichshi:ted >the center o: gr'vit+%%% :ro/ the /'sses to the !e'ders> .orter % Ag'inst the cr':t unionso: o!d< the+ counter)osed :'ctor+ co//ittees 'nd soviets 'g'inst the )'rt+-:or/ o: soci'!de/ocr'c+< the+ ch'/)ioned ' >ne* t+)e> o: )o!itic'! v'ngu'rd dedic'ted e@c!usive!+ to thedeve!o)/ent o: *or(ers> se!:-org'nis'tion%

    Within /uch o: Western Euro)e - 'nd .er/'n+ '0ove '!! - such )ers)ectives :ound '*ide reson'nce 0et*een #$#& 'nd #$12% E@)e!!ed in !'te #$#$ :ro/ the =o//unistische 8'rteiDeutsch!'nds S)'rt'(us0und :or their reFection o: )'r!i'/ent'ri'nis/ 'nd the o!d tr'de

    unions< the .er/'n >!e:t> co//unists :or/ed ' ne* )'rt+< the =A8D< *hich 0rie:!+oversh'do*ed its >o::ici'!> riv'! in /i!it'nc+ 'nd in:!uence% Through their net*or( o: '::i!i'ted*or()!'ce org'nis'tions< the AAUD< the >Le:ts> :or ' ti/e 'cBuired 'n i/)ort'nt )resence*ithin the .er/'n *or(ing c!'ss< )'rticu!'r!+ in the str'tegic regions o: the Ruhr 'nd Gre/en%During the 'tte/)ted rightist =')) 8utsch o: e'r!+ #$1 < their 'ctivists )!'+ed ' !e'ding ro!e inthe Red Ar/ies *hich 0rie:!+ do/in'ted the Ruhr%

    "'ction'! divisions< ongoing )o!e/ics *ith the /'Forit+ o: the Go!shevi( !e'dershi)< 'ndrene*ed co/)etition 't ho/e :ro/ ' co//unist )'rt+ no* :used *ith the !e:t soci'! de/ocr'tsLe:ts>> st'nding in the c!'ss ':ter #$1#% 8erh')s the /ost serious o:the =A8D>s intern'! di::erences concerned the n'ture o: the )'rt+% One *ing< 'round OttoRHh!e< he!d th't since the >Revo!ution is not ' 8'rt+ M'tter> - the )'rt+-:or/ 0eing inherent!+ 0ourgeois - the =A8D shou!d disso!ve itse!: into the ne* *or()!'ce org'nis'tions< *hich *ou!d

    inste'd 0e the )ro)er vehic!es o: )ro!et'ri'n dict'torshi)% Ag'inst the/< the /'Forit+ e@)ounded' >theor+ o: the o::ensive>< *herein the c'dre )'rt+ >h'rd 's stee!< c!e'r 's g!'ss> sought to !e'dthe )ro!et'ri't 0+ e@'/)!e - *ith !ess th'n h'))+ resu!ts< 's the dis'strous >M'rch Action> o:e'r!+ #$1# /'de c!e'r%

    G+ the e'r!+ t*enties< *hen it 0ec'/e c!e'r th't the Soviets *ere such in n'/e on!+< 'ndthe Co/intern su0ordin'te to Russi'n :oreign )o!ic+< the !e:t co//unists :in'!!+ 0ro(e *ith theGo!shevi(s% Within Euro)e< the re!'tive st'0i!is'tion o: c!'ss con:!ict ':ter #$12 0rought *ith itthe !oss o: the tendenc+>s re/'ining 'udience% Turned in u)on the/se!ves< the re/'ining !e:tco//unists 0eg'n s!o*!+ to re'ssess their )o!itic'! )ers)ectives% Deve!o)ing one o: the :irsttheories o: st'te c')it'!is/< the+ c'/e to see the Go!shevi( regi/e 's the )roduct o: the !'st o:>the gre't 0ourgeois revo!utions o: Euro)e>% Li(e RHh!e< /'n+ '!so 0eg'n to Buestion the'))ro)ri'teness o: the )'rt+-:or/ :or co//unist )o!itics< 'rguing inste'd th't< *hi!e grou)s o:

  • 8/13/2019 Council Communism Intros


    revo!ution'ries shou!d do '!! the+ cou!d >to :oster se!:-initi'tive 'nd se!:-'ction> in the c!'sscounci!> co//unists< 's such >Le:ts> no* c'!!ed the/se!ves% 8erh')s the 0est-(no*n o: these *'s 8'u! M'ttic(>s Intern'tion'! Counci! Corres)ondence !'ter LivingM'r@is/ < to *hich RHh!e< 8'nne(oe( 'nd ='r! =orsch '!! contri0uted% Whi!e the theoretic'!*or( 'nd )o!itic'! 'n'!+sis 'dv'nced in these Fourn'!s *'s o:ten o: ' high st'nd'rd< the counci!co//unists> iso!'tion continued into the :o!!o*ing dec'de i: 'n+thing< the c!i/'te o: the Co!dW'r *ou!d 0e even /ore inhos)it'0!e :or those *ho s'* the riv'! 0!ocs 's si/)!+ di::erent:or/s o: c')it'!ist i/)eri'!is/%

    Li(e /'n+ other tendencies o: the o!d co//unist /ove/ent< counci! co//unis/ *ou!d 0e >rediscovered> 0+ the r'dic'! )o!itics o: the si@ties 'nd seventies% Whi!st never 'ttr'cting thesorts o: nu/0ers *ho :!oc(ed to the !eninist grou)s< the current nonethe!ess e@erted ' signi:ic'ntin:!uence u)on the out!oo( o: the )ost-#$;, !i0ert'ri'n !e:t% Even here< ho*ever< its re'ch *'s!'rge!+ indirect< vi' other grou)ings 'nd thin(ers - the situ'tionists< Soci'!is/e ou G'r0'rie< the9ohnson-"orest Tendenc+ - *hose e'r!ier 0re'( *ith !eninis/ h'd 0rought the/ into cont'ct*ith the surviving counci!co//unists during the :i:ties% In so/e c'ses the 'ccidents o: :'/i!+ histor+ '!so )!'+ed their )'rt? No'/ Cho/s(+< :or e@'/)!e< *ou!d h've his :irst encounter *ith r'dic'! )o!itics courtes+o: ' counci! co//unist unc!e in Ne* Yor(%

    In /'n+ c'ses< this !i0ert'ri'n reinter)ret'tion o: counci! co//unis/ h's t'(en the :or/o: >counci!is/>< 'n ideo!og+ *hich ce!e0r'tes the direct de/ocr'c+ o: the counci!s *hi!streducing the strugg!e :or ' c!'ss!ess societ+ to the )roFect o: *or(ers> se!:-/'n'ge/ent o: )roduction see< :or e@'/)!e< /'n+ o: the 'rgu/ents )ro)ounded in the Gritish Fourn'!So!id'rit+ during the seventies % Ag'inst this< ' ne* gener'tion o: u!tr'-!e:t thin(ers h's 'rguedth't >Soci'!is/ is not the/'n'ge/ent< ho*ever de/ocr'tic it /'+ 0e< o: c')it'!< 0ut its co/)!ete destruction> G'rrot'nd M'rtin #$&3? # %

    O: course< there is '!so /uch to criticise '0out the )o!itics o: the origin'! counci!co//unists the/se!ves< 'nd consider'0!e de0'te to 0e h'd 's to the degree to *hich such vie*s're o: re!ev'nce tod'+% Cert'in!+ one o: the d'/'ging i: unintended conseBuences o: theire::orts to de:end ' vision o: *or(ing c!'ss 'utono/+ :ro/ 0oth c')it'! 'nd '!! se!:-)roc!'i/eds'viours h's 0een 'n underst'nding o: c!'ss co/)osition th't re/'ins :ro en in ti/e% Thisde:icienc+ h's !e:t so/e o: their /odern d'+ descend'nts )oor!+ eBui))ed to de'! *ith ne**or(ing c!'ss de/'nds 'nd 0eh'viours< 'nd the Buestions o: r'ce 'nd gender *ith *hich these're o:ten ent*ined - '!though on this score< 't !e'st< the+ 're h'rd!+ '!one on the !e:t% At thes'/e ti/e< given the )'r!ous st'te o: the !'0our /ove/ent< the counci! co//unists> insistenceu)on *or(ers> se!:-org'nis'tion 's the he'rt o: c!'ss )o!itics h's !ost none o: its )ertinence%Me'n*hi!e< revo!ution'r+ *or(ers> counci!s h've continued to '))e'r in /'n+ /o/ents o:intense soci'! con:!ict over the )'st sevent+ +e'rs? :ro/ 4ung'r+ to Chi!e< :ro/ 8o!'nd to Ir'n%The /ost recent inst'nce *'s Fust :our +e'rs 'go< during the #$$# re0e!!ion in =urdist'n it *i!!not 0e the !'st%

  • 8/13/2019 Council Communism Intros


    COUNCIL COMMUNISM Neil !ettes - "###The Buestion is not *h't go'! is envis'ged :or the ti/e 0eing 0+ this or th't /e/0er o:

    the )ro!et'ri't< or even the )ro!et'ri't 's ' *ho!e % The Buestion is *h't is the )ro!et'ri't 'nd*h't course o: 'ction *i!! it 0e :orced historic'!!+ to t'(e in con:or/it+ *ith its o*n n'ture---- M'r@? The 4o!+ "'/i!+

    "or /uch o: the t*entieth centur+ the theories o: ' c!'ss!ess societ+< so/eti/es identi:ied's Co//unis/ h've 0een 'ssoci'ted *ith either the v'rious 8o!ice St'te regi/es in under-deve!o)ed )'rts o: Euro)e< Asi' 'nd A:ric' or *ith the )r'ctice o: Leninist org'ni 'tions inthe West% Under ' st'te s'nctioned ideo!og+ (no*n 's M'r@is/-Leninis/ these Co//unistgovern/ents *ith v'r+ing degrees o: success deve!o)ed c')it'!is/ on their soi! using /ethodsever+ 0it 's 0rut'! 's 'n+ o)en!+ c')it'!ist )o*er% On the other h'nd the Leninist )'rties< in*h'tever their guise< 0e it St'!inist< Trots(+ist or M'oist< :unctioned either 's soci'! de/ocr'ticorg'ni 'tions :or e@'/)!e in It'!+ 'nd "r'nce or 's s/'!! irre!ev'nt sects< o:ten 's)iring to 0esoci'! de/ocr'tic org'ni 'tions% A det'i!ed critiBue o: Leninis/ :ro/ ' Counci! Co//unist )ers)ective *ou!d reBuire ' /uch !onger 'rtic!e th'n this one< 0ut it ought to 0e su::icient tonote th't the course o: histor+ h's gener'!!+ run the other *'+ :ro/ the )ro)onents o: theLeninist /ode!%

    "or /ore th'n h'!: ' centur+ Jorthodo@> Leninist grou)s< h've 0een tr+ing to 0ui!dv'ngu'rd )'rties th't *ou!d J!e'd> the *or(ing c!'ss to )o*er% "or its )'rt *hen the *or(ingc!'ss h's /oved to ch'!!enge c')it'!is/< /ost not'0!+ in 4ung'r+ in #$ ; 'nd 8'ris in #$;,< ith's ste'd:'st!+ ignored its *ou!d-0e !e'ders% Whi!e Leninis/ :igured 's ' co//unist orthodo@+since the #$1 >s there *ere currents *hich '!so identi:ied *ith the co//unist )roFect 0ut *hichsought to )!'ce the cre'tive )o*ers o: *or(ing )eo)!e 't the he'rt 'nd centre o: therevo!ution'r+ reconstruction o: societ+% R'ther th'n re!+ing on ' Jrevo!ution'r+> )'rt+ the+ (ne*it *'s t's( o: *or(ing )eo)!e< through the org'ni 'tions the+ *ou!d the/se!ves cre'te< to o)enthe g'te*'+ to ' ne* 'nd 0etter societ+%

    The theor+ o: counci! co//unis/< *hich ho!ds th't soci'!is/ c'n on!+ 0e 'chievedthrough the 'ctive )'rtici)'tion o: the 0ro'd /'ss o: hu/'nit+< is sc'rce!+ (no*n tod'+ +et inthe e'r!+ )'rt o: this centur+ 's ' revo!ution'r+ *'ve ro!!ed 'cross Euro)e< it *'s ' signi:ic'nt:orce% M'n+ o: those *ho *ou!d 0e )ro/inent in the J!e:t> co//unist circ!es< 's the Counci!Co//unists *ere :irst c'!!ed< h'd !ong histories 's dissident 'nd Ju!tr' !e:t> r'dic'!s% A/ongthose *ho *ou!d :igure in the )ro/inent!+ *ere such i/)ort'nt )re-*'r r'dic'!s 's Dutchrevo!ution'ries 4er/'n .orter 'nd Anton 8'nne(oe(< 'nd .er/'ns Otto Ruh!e 'nd ='r!Schroder% 8'nne(oe( is (no*n tod'+ !'rge!+ through t*o /entions in Lenin>s *ritings? Aco/)!i/ent'r+< '!though not uncritic'! re:erence in St'te K Revo!ution *here Lenin 'd/ittedth't 8'nne(oe( h'd 0een right 'g'inst ='uts(+ on the Buestion o: /'ss 'ction 'nd revo!utions *ritings 'nd '))'rent Go!shevi( )r'ctice< ' si/i!'rit+ o: vie*s% G+ the ti/eo: the :ounding o: the Co//unist Intern'tion'! in #$#$< it *'s Buite c!e'r th't there *'s 'serious divergence in theor+ 'nd )r'ctice% G+ the e'r!+ #$1 >s /'n+ o: the !e:t co//unists h'd 0egun to reg'rd the Go!shevi( regi/e 's ' st'te c')it'!ist societ+< 0ut initi'!!+ ':ter theirse)'r'tion :ro/ the Co//unist Intern'tion'! ret'ined :or/'! vie*s on org'ni 'tion% M'n+org'ni 'tions< /ost not'0!e the Co//unist Wor(ers 8'rt+ o: .er/'n+ =A8D sought to 0ui!dne* revo!ution'r+ org'ni 'tions *hich *ou!d 0e in the *ords o: 4er/'n .orter 's h'rd 'sstee!< 's c!e'r 's g!'ss% As the )ost *'r revo!ution'r+ *'ve receded the !e:t co//unistorg'ni 'tions s)!it 'nd :r'g/ented% The =A8D s)!it into se)'r'te grou)ings *hich 'rguedres)ective!+ :or 'nd 'g'inst the org'ni 'tion o: revo!ution'ries se)'r'te :ro/ the :'ctor+% G+ the

  • 8/13/2019 Council Communism Intros


    ON COUNCIL COMMUNISM M'rce! v'n der Linden - 1 3end o: the dec'de the counci! co//unists e@isted on!+ in tin+ grou)s< '!though the+ continuedto h've 'n in:!uence% When the N' is occu)ied the Nether!'nds< 8'nne(oe(>s n'/e :e'tured )ro/inent!+ on their 'rrest !ists%

    Inste'd o: dis'))e'ring or concentr'ting on turning out turgid /'ni:estos< the Counci!Co//unists 0eg'n to tr+ 'nd 'n'!+ e the societ+ in *hich the+ !ived% 8'rt o: this 'n'!+sisinvo!ved the Buestion o: ho* c')it'!is/ /'int'ined contro! over societ+ 'nd *h't e@'ct!+ *erethe t's(s o: revo!ution'ries% The Counci! Co//unists :unctioned through s/'!! org'ni 'tionssh'ring ' co//on )ers)ective< 0ut r'ther th'n 'tte/)ting to deve!o) 'n '!tern'te !e'dershi) c'n sti!! on!+ serve c')it'!istic :unctions% I: the /'sses 0eco/erevo!ution'r+< the distinction 0et*een conscious /inorit+ 'nd unconscious /'Forit+ dis'))e'rss th't there *'s 'n intern'! contr'diction in the ter/

    revo!ution'r+ )'rt+% Whi!e the v'ngu'rd )'rt+ sought )o*er< the dut+ o: the revo!ution'r+soci'!ists *'s to tr+ 'nd 'id the the )o!itic'! 'nd econo/ic deve!o)/ent o: the *or(ing c!'ss%The Counci! Co//unists e@)ected this deve!o)/ent to t'(e )!'ce through 'n esc'!'ting serieso: c!'ss 'ctions !e'ding to the est'0!ish/ent o: *or(ers> counci!s% Neverthe!ess the+ re'!i edth't this e@)ect'tion cou!d not 0e ' dog/' i/)osed reg'rd!ess o: situ'tion< 0ut the (e+ 's)ect o:their 'n'!+sis re/'ined the the/e o: *or(ers> se!: e/'nci)'tion%

    The Counci! Co//unists s'* tr'de unions 's ' )'rt o: the c')it'!ist /ethods o: contro!%Tr'de unions 're 0'rg'ining 'gents :or the s'!e o: !'0our )o*er% As such the+ 're ' )'rt o: thec')it'!ist s+ste/< 0ut the+ 're '!so res)onsi0!e :or getting ' 0etter )rice :or !'0our )o*er% I: this*ere not true< no one *ou!d Foin the/% The Counci! Co//unists si/)!+ recogni ed this :'ct'nd insisted th't de/'nds to /'(e the unions :ight or to !e've the unions to set u) Jred> unions*'s :ruit!ess% Wor(ers *ou!d re/'in in unions 's !ong 's s'* the/ 's necess'r+% When the+*ere no !onger necess'r+ or did not serve the *or(ers> needs the+ *ou!d 0e c'st o::% In the#$2 >s 'nd 0e+ond the *i!dc't stri(e *'s seen 's ' her'!d o: this (ind o: deve!o)/ent "or thes'/e re'son '))e'!s :or 'nd 'g'inst )'r!i'/ent *ere '!so dee/ed *orth!ess% In contr'st to those*ho 'rgue to vote :or soci'! de/ocr'tic )'rties !i(e the Ne* De/ocr'tic 8'rt+< 0ut to :ight :or 'soci'!ist '!tern'tive< or to 0ui!d soci'!ist c'ucuses in the )'rt+< *or(ers vote 'nd do not vote :orthe ND8 to the e@tent th't the+ )erceive the )'rt+ 's corres)onding to their interests% Those *ho'0st'ined :ro/ voting in )'r!i'/ent'r+ e!ections did so 0ec'use the+ s'* no re'son to )'rtici)'te ho*ever those *ho /'int'ined )'r!i'/ent'r+ i!!usions< cou!d Fust 's e'si!+ )'rtici)'te in *i!dc't stri(es 'nd /i!it'nt 'ctions *hen the+ s'* it 's necess'r+%

    "or /uch o: the so-c'!!ed revo!ution'r+ !e:t there is indeed ' crisis in the *or(ers>/ove/ent% Their org'ni 'tions 're s/'!! 'nd *ithout roots in the c!'ss /'n+ o: their /i!it'nts

    genuine!+ *ish to !i0er'te% This situ'tion '))e'rs un!i(e!+ to ch'nge in the ne'r :uture% Yet c!'ssstrugg!e continues to t'(e )!'ce on 0oth ' g!o0'! 'nd ' !oc'! sc'!e% "or those org'ni 'tion *hich


  • 8/13/2019 Council Communism Intros


    ON COUNCIL COMMUNISM M'rce! v'n der Linden - 1 3're in:!uenced 0+ counci! co//unist ide's the :uture is not so 0!e'(% The :'te o: theseorg'ni 'tions 'nd Fourn'!s rests u)on the evo!ution o: the c!'ss strugg!e< not on their '0i!it+ todeve!o) to *in the /'sses to their 0'nner% It *ou!d 0e :oo!ish to si/)!+ i/'gine th't the ide's'nd theories deve!o)ed 0+ the Counci! Co//unists h'!: ' centur+ 'go c'n 0e /ech'nic'!!+'))!ied to the *or!d o: tod'+ )erh')s even 's :oo!ish 's tr+ing to '))!+ the ide's o: ' :'ction o:the Russi'n Soci'!-De/ocr'tic L'0our 8'rt+% The Counci! Co//unists *ere '*'re th't /'n+o: their ide's *ere situ'tion-s)eci:ic< 'nd *ithout ' dou0t /uch o: their *ritings h've 0een )'ssed 0+ through the course o: c')it'!ist deve!o)/ent% Neverthe!ess the counci! :or/ continuesto '))e'r in revo!ution'r+ situ'tions 'nd the 0e!ie: th't the (e+ to hu/'n e/'nci)'tion is notSt'te or )'rt+< 0ut *or(ing )eo)!e the/se!ves is sure!+ sti!! i/)ort'nt to the *or!d o: tod'+%

    N% "% 2 $$


  • 8/13/2019 Council Communism Intros


    COUNCIL COMMUNISM M$r% S i&'$( - "#)*

    Counci! co//unis/ is ' theor+ o: *or(ing-c!'ss strugg!e 'nd revo!ution *hich ho!ds th't the/e'ns th't *or(ers *i!! use to :ight c')it'!is/< overthro* it< 'nd est'0!ish 'nd 'd/inisterco//unist societ+< *i!! 0e the *or(ers counci!s%

    4istoric'!!+< *or(ers counci!s or Jsoviets < :ro/ the Russi'n *ord :or counci! :irst'rose in Russi' in #$ % During th't +e'r< *or(ers in /'n+ industri'! 're's eng'ged in /'ssstri(e% In the '0sence o: 'n+ *ides)re'd tr'de-union org'nis'tion< these stri(es *ere org'nised 0+ co//ittees o: de!eg'tes e!ected :ro/ the :'ctor+ :!oor% Where *or(ers o: sever'! tr'des orindustries *ere on stri(e 't the s'/e ti/e< de!eg'tes :ro/ the se)'r'te stri(e co//ittees o:ten/et in centr'! 0odies to uni:+ 'nd coordin'te the strugg!e% The /ost :'/ous e@'/)!e o: this *'sthe St 8eters0urg Soviet< :or/ed in Octo0er #$ % As *e!! 's 'git'ting over econo/ic issues )'rties 'ctu'!!+ gre* in nu/0ers 'nd disci)!inei//edi'te!+ ':ter the *'r< 't ' ti/e *hen their 'uthorit+ *'s 0eco/ing /ore re'di!+Buestioned% The h'ste *ith *hich *or(ers> 'nd soci'!ist !e'ders h'd r'!!ied to their n'tion'!:!'gs< the co!!'0or'tion 0et*een unions 'nd civi! 'nd /i!it'r+ 'uthorities to 0re'( *i!dc't stri(esduring the *'r< )rovided *or(ing-c!'ss consciousness *ith ' he'v+ dose o: sce)ticis/% So Counci!con:ir/ed the co/)osition o: the ne* govern/ent< *hich *'s :o!!o*ed 0+ the tr'ns:er o:e@ecutive )o*er to the govern/ent on 12 Nove/0er% 5 7 Si/i!'r!+< ' /onth !'ter the 8''n Congress o: Counci!s h'nded over its )o*ers to ' :uture Constituent Asse/0!+< :or*hich it then voted%

    Gut re'!it+ *'s /ore co/)!e@ th'n these Furidic'! :or/s suggest% The situ'tion 'rose outo: the 0'!'nce o: )o!itic'! )o*er 'nd o: the ver+ n'ture o: the *or(ers> counci!s in .er/'n+%The !'tter /'de their '))e'r'nce in the *'(e o: the stri(e /ove/ent 'nd the 'r/+ /utinies

    *hich hit the countr+ 's :ro/ #$#&% These stri(es *ere 'i/ed 't e/)!o+ers *ho re:used toincre'se *'ges des)ite rising )rices 'nd 't the govern/ent< *hich *'s doing nothing to h'!t the*'r< 0ut the+ *ere '!so directed 'g'inst soci'! de/ocr'c+ 'nd the unions% As :'r 0'c( 's August#$#3 the S8D the .er/'n Soci'! De/ocr'tic 8'rt+ h'd 'do)ted ' )o!ic+ o: co!!'0or'tion *iththe i/)eri'! govern/ent it *'s not !ong 0e:ore the )'rt+ c'/e to 0e seen 's 0oth ' host'ge 'nd' gu'r'ntee :or the govern/ent% True< the !e'ders :'voured ' >*'r to the :inish>% As :or theunions< the+ h'd undert'(en to 'void '!! industri'! con:!icts :or the dur'tion o: the *'r% And it*'s not 'n unco//on sight to see the 4eneral-kommission their su)re/e 0od+ /'(ingco//on c'use *ith e/)!o+ers 'nd the /i!it'r+ 'uthorities in order to s/'sh ' *or( sto))'ge%As ' resu!t< the *'ve o: stri(es '::ecting .er/'n+ :ro/ A)ri! #$#& on*'rds too( on ' distinct!+'nti-union co!ouring *i!dc't stri(es 0ro(e out *ith gro*ing :reBuenc+ right u) unti! the'r/istice< on!+ to s)re'd *ith even gre'ter vigour :ro/ th't /o/ent on% 5;7

  • 8/13/2019 Council Communism Intros


    ON COUNCIL COMMUNISM M'rce! v'n der Linden - 1 3These >i!!eg'!> 'ctions s*e)t the o!d union structures c!e'n out o: the :'ctories% In their

    )!'ce *or(ers )roceeded to e!ect de!eg'tes *ho *ou!d 0e 'ns*er'0!e to the r'n( 'nd :i!e< 'nd*ho *ere hosti!e to the e@isting hier'rch+% The de!eg'tes /et in *or(s co//ittees"te < )re:iguring the *or(ers> counci!s )ro)er< e!ected on the s'/e 0'sis 0ut :or the

    )ur)oses o: )o!itic'! re)resent'tion% 5&7 Whi!e one c'n )oint to the e@istence o: counci!s 's e'r!+'s s)ring #$#&< it *'s on!+ in the 'utu/n o: #$#, th't the+ 0eg'n to s)re'd so *ide!+ th't< inthe e+es o: )u0!ic o)inion< the+ c'/e to inc'rn'te the /'ss revo!ution'r+ /ove/ent% 5,7 It *'sthe n'v'! /utinies *hich s)'r(ed o:: ' /ove/ent th't h'd 0een si//ering :or 't !e'st ' +e'rcivi!i'ns *ere Buic( on the u)t'(e 'nd< st'rting *ith the /'For )orts =ie!< 4'/0urg< Gre/en -- or *or(ers> 'nd )e's'nts> --Counci!s%

    In the 0eginning there c'n 0e no dou0t th't these counci!s 'rose s)ont'neous!+< 0ut thesitu'tion soon sett!ed do*n< 'nd 0+ Dece/0er #$#,--9'nu'r+ #$#$ it *'s '!re'd+ )ossi0!e tot'(e stoc( o: things 'nd to distinguish three c'tegories o: counci!< de)ending u)on the si e o:the !oc'!it+%

    In /ost s/'!! 'nd /ediu/-si ed to*ns the initi'tive *'s t'(en 0+ the !oc'! S8Dorg'ni 'tion gener'!!+ in co!!'0or'tion or in 'gree/ent *ith the !oc'! 0r'nch o: the unions de/ocr'c+% In so/e !'rge to*ns< ho*ever< it *'s the>!e:t-*ing r'dic'!s>< the revo!ution'r+ *ing o: soci'! de/ocr'c+< *ho *ie!ded the )redo/in'tingin:!uence% Gut< in gener'!< the S8D *'s in contro! o: the counci! org'ni 'tions%5# 7

    "ro/ the )oint o: vie* o: the countr+ 's ' *ho!e< t*o counci!s 'ssu/ed )'rticu!'ri/)ort'nce? the .re'ter Ger!in Counci! 'nd the 8''n Counci!< constituted on the 0'sis o:n'tion*ide e!ections% Goth *ere !ed 0+ soci'!-de/ocr't /'Forities% Thus< o: the 3,$ de!eg'tes tothe Congress o: Wor(ers> 'nd So!diers> Counci!s #;-1 Dece/0er #$#, < 1$1 0e!onged to theS8D< eight+-:our to the US8D< *hi!e on!+ ten *ere S)'rt'(ists%

    One /'+ conc!ude< :ro/ this r')id surve+< th't the s)re'd o: counci!s did not in itse!:e@)ress 'n+ )roFect going 0e+ond the est'0!ish/ent o: ' de/ocr'tic re)u0!ic *ithin the:r'/e*or( o: the c')it'!ist regi/e% 5##7 Whi!e it is true th't< :ro/ /id-Nove/0er on< counci!s 0eg'n re)!'cing region'! 'nd !oc'! 'uthorities '!! over .er/'n+< the 'd/inistr'tion neverthe!essst'+ed 't its )osts 'nd the soci'! )o*er o: the !'ndo*ners 'nd industri'!ists re/'ined int'ct% It*'s *ithin the :r'/e*or( o: this )o*er s+ste/ th't the ch'nge in )o!itic'! regi/e too( )!'ce 'ch'nge s'nctioned 0+ the counci!s< /oreover< since their n'tion'! e@ecutive h'nded over the Fo0o: dr'*ing u) ' constitution :or the .er/'n Re)u0!ic to ' )'r!i'/ent'r+ 'sse/0!+%

    The :'ct th't the counci!s *ere '!/ost entire!+ do/in'ted 0+ the S8D *'s due to thee@isting 0'!'nce o: )o*er 0et*een the v'rious )'rties 'nd revo!ution'r+ grou)s% Gut i: thecounci!s h'd no re'!it+ outside the )'rties 'nd unions *hose re)resent'tives )o)u!'ted theire@ecutive co//ittees< this *'s due !ess to the e@istence o: the *or(ers> org'ni 'tions th'n tothe inevit'0!e !i/it'tions u)on 'n+ 'tte/)t to tr'nscend soci'!-de/ocr'tic consciousness 't theti/e% R'dic'!it+ *'s 's +et '0!e to e@)ress itse!: on!+ in ter/s o: the !ro1e t o: :'ctor+co//ittees 'nd *or(ers> counci!s%

    One is inc!ined to *onder *hether this *'s eBu'!!+ true o: those countries *here thecounci!s *ie!ded 0oth )o!itic'! 'nd soci'! )o*er< 's *'s the c'se :or ' 0rie: )eriod in G'v'ri''nd in 4ung'r+%

    The G'v'ri'n /on'rch+ :e!! on & Nove/0er< 'nd =urt Eisner )roc!'i/ed the re)u0!ics )rovision'! govern/ent 'nd Levine>s counci! o: )eo)!e>s co//iss'rs resu!ted :ro/ ' co'!itiono: )'rties *hich he!d together th'n(s to the !+nch)in ro!e )!'+ed 0+ the inde)endent soci'!ists%Des)ite the )resence o: 'n'rchists< the counci!s the/se!ves re:!ected these )'rtis'nc!e'v'ges% 5#17

    The situ'tion *'s di::erent in 4ung'r+ inso:'r 's the socio-econo/ic regi/e itse!: *'ssh'(en% N'tion'!i 'tion 'nd !'nd redistri0ution /e'sures *ere )!'nned< even i: the+ did not !e'dto genuine soci'!i 'tion during the #22 d'+s o: the 4ung'ri'n Soviet Re)u0!ic 11 M'rch--1August #$#$ %

    The signi:ic'nce o: the counci!s in 4ung'r+ shou!d 0e 'n'!+sed in the !ight o: the e@tern'!situ'tion on the one h'nd< 'nd o: the )o!itic'! :orces 't *or( on the other% It di::ers 0e:ore 'nd':ter the est'0!ish/ent o: the Soviet regi/e%

    The e/ergence o: counci!s during the *'r 5#27 corres)onds to the gro*ing r'dic'!i 'tionin the 0e!!igerent countries% "ro/ Nove/0er #$#& on*'rds< vio!ent stri(es 'nd s'0ot'geoccurred in the )rinci)'! :'ctories< 'nd ' gener'! stri(e in 9une #$#, 0rought the econo/+ to 'st'ndsti!!% These *ere ver+ 0itter stri(es< *hose )o!itic'! ch'r'cter *'s /ore )ronounced th'n inother countries% Continued )ressure :ro/ the *or(ers !ed to incre'sing r'dic'!i 'tion% In 9'nu'r+#$#$ sever'! :'ctories *ere con:isc'ted :ro/ their o*ners 'nd run 0+ the !oc'! *or(ers>counci!s%5#37 Des)ite the e@istence o: 'n 'ggressive /inorit+ *hich direct!+ 'tt'c(ed the

    unions< the !'tter h'd !ong 0een so!id!+ est'0!ished 'nd constituted ' vit'! cog in *or(ing-c!'ss!i:e% Together *ith the soci'!ist )'rt+ the+ contro!!ed the Wor(ers> Soviet o: Gud')est< the on!+one to )!'+ 'n i/)ort'nt )o!itic'! ro!e% Thus it 0'c(ed Count ='ro!+i>s govern/ent< in *hich thesoci'!ists *ere re)resented% It '))roved '!! the /e'sures )resented 0+ the soci'!-de/ocr't!e'ders< not'0!+ the '!!i'nce *ith the co//unist grou)< *hich *'s de/'nding the est'0!ish/ento: ' counci! regi/e%

    In this res)ect< the est'0!ish/ent o: such ' regi/e in 4ung'r+ !oo(s r'ther !i(e 'no)er'tion 'rti:ici'!!+ gr':ted 0+ the )ro)'g'ndists grou)ed 'round Ge!' =un< *ho h'd receivedso/e )o!itic'! tr'ining during their c')tivit+ in Russi'% "'ced *ith the thre't o: inv'sion 0+ theEntente )o*ers< the soci'!ists :or/ed ' govern/ent together *ith the co//unist !e'derso0Fective> situ'tion the i/)ort'nce o: rur'! 're'ssoviet> regi/e< there *'s no counci! ideo!og+ distinct :ro/Ge!' =un>s 0o!shevi( sche/'< Eng!'nd e@)erienced ' genuine /ove/ent in :'vour o: :ree 'nd'utono/ous *or(ers> e@)ression% This /ove/ent< (no*n 's the >sho) ste*'rds> /ove/ent> contro!% This *'s sti!! on!+ ' ti/id )!'n to give

    *or(ers so/e s'+ in the running o: their :'ctor+< 'nd '!though 0oth )roFects sti)u!'ted th't the*or(ers *ou!d 0e re)resented 0+ their unions< the !'tter *ere reso!ute!+ o))osed to 'n+ such

  • 8/13/2019 Council Communism Intros


    ON COUNCIL COMMUNISM M'rce! v'n der Linden - 1 3sche/e 's *'s the /'Forit+ soci'!ist )'rt+< the L'0our 8'rt+ % 5#&7 Gut the ide' *'s so *e!!received 0+ the /et'!*or(ers 'nd /iners th't the Tr'des Union Congress ended 0+ 'do)ting< in#$#,< the )rinci)!e o: Foint contro! in those industries *hose n'tion'!i 'tion it *'s de/'nding%

    On the other h'nd< the *'rti/e )eriod *'s '!so ' ti/e o: gre't 'git'tion< )'rticu!'r!+'/ong /unitions *or(ers 'nd /iners% Most union !e'ders 0'c(ed the N'tion'! .overn/ent 'ndits *'r-ti/e )o!icies right u) to the hi!tQ 5#,7 Since< on to) o: this< the unions h'd undert'(en to'0st'in :ro/ '!! stri(e-0'c(ed *'ge c!'i/s< the *or(ers :e!t o0!iged to turn to their sho)ste*'rds origin'!!+ !itt!e /ore th'n union recruiting 'gents< h'ving no )o*er to negoti'te inorder to /'(e the/se!ves he'rd%

    Discontent c'/e to ' he'd in #$# :o!!o*ing t*o initi'tives 0+ unions th't h'd su0scri0edto 'n >industri'! truce> 'nd h'd turned ' 0!ind e+e to the )r'ctice o: >di!ution> e/)!o+ing se/i- orunBu'!i:ied *or(ers to do Bu'!i:ied *or( in /unitions :'ctories% The C!+deside /et'!*or(ers>stri(e e'r!+ #$# con:ir/ed the sho) ste*'rds in their ne* 'nd >i!!eg'!> ro!e no* th't the+*ere org'ni ed into *or(ers> co//ittees the+ constituted the e@)ression o: r'n(-'nd-:i!eo))osition to '!! 'uthorit+< *hether e/)!o+ers> or unions>%

    The C!+deside stri(e *'s :o!!o*ed 0+ dis)utes in other sectors o: the econo/+% Anuninterru)ted succession o: *or( sto))'ges 'nd vio!ent con:ront'tions too( )!'ce 0et*een theout0re'( o: the gre't M'+ #$#& stri(e *hich h'd 0ro(en out in the /unitions industr+ 'nd the/iners> stri(e o: #$1 the sho) ste*'rds )!'+ed ' !e'ding ro!e in '!! these dis)utes%5#$7 E'ch

    :'ctor+< e'ch region set u) its o*n *or(ers> co//ittee< de!eg'tes 0eing e!ected on ' non-union 0'sis% In /ost c'ses< these /ove/ents origin'ting in the r'n(-'nd-:i!e c!'shed *ith the e@istingorg'ni 'tions%51 7

    This )heno/enon 0ec'/e ver+ *ides)re'd in the :irst three or :our +e'rs o: its e@istence%8'rticu!'r!+ vigorous '/ong the /et'!-*or(ers< the /ove/ent e@)'nded ':ter #$#,% Region'!co//ittee !e'ders 0eg'n to set u) ' n'tion'! structure 's e'r!+ 's Nove/0er #$#;< 'nd 0+August #$#& ' con:erence *'s 'ttended 0+ t*ent+-three co//ittees% A n'tion'! counci! *'se!ected< 0ut the co//ittees )reserved ' good de'! o: 'utono/+%

    As :or the the/es /ost :reBuent!+ discussed 0+ the sho) ste*'rds> /ove/ent< *e shou!ddistinguish 0et*een those *hich 're consu0st'nti'! so to s)e'(< *ith the /ove/ent itse!:s n'tion'! counci! *idened% Whi!e ther'n(-'nd-:i!e /ove/ent dec!ined :o!!o*ing the end o: the *'r< /ost o: the de!eg'tes 'ndco//ittees 0eing '0sor0ed into the unions< the !e'ders< *ho no* constituted ' distinct grou)s contro!< setting u) o: :'ctor+ org'ni 'tions< neg'tiono: the St'te % The s!og'ns h'd no* 0eco/e? conBuest o: the St'te< construction o: St'tesoci'!is/< construction o: ' co//unist )'rt+% This evo!ution *'s co/)!ete 0+ #$1#< *hen the N'tion'! Con:erence o: the Sho) Ste*'rds> Move/ent dec!'red th't the )ro!et'ri't '!one *'sinc')'0!e o: /'n'ging )roduction *ithout the soci'!ist St'te the unions *ere reh'0i!it'ted< 'nd )o!itic'! 'ction in the n'rro* sense o: the ter/ c'/e to the :ore% 51#7

    As c'n 0e seen< the sho) ste*'rds> 'nd r'n(-'nd-:i!e /ove/ent on!+ re)resentedso/ething re'!!+ r'dic'! 'nd innov'tive in its :irst +e'rs< 0e:ore it c'/e to inc'rn'te ' )recise )o!itic'! )roFect% Its !i/it'tions 'rose out o: the circu/st'nces *hich g've 0irth to it? theco/)!e@ )ro0!e/ o: di!ution< *hich *'s reso!ved *hen the unions returned to their restrictive de!eg'tion% The /ove/ent '!so /et*ith the resist'nce o: the /et'!*or(ers> :eder'tion< the "IOM< *hich *'s hosti!e to the :'ctor+co//ittees% With the 8SI re:using to c'!! :or 'n e@tension o: the stri(e to It'!+ 's ' *ho!e< thedis)ute ended in ' co/)ro/ise th't *'s :'r :ro/ s'tis:'ctor+ :or the Turin /et'!*or(ers%

    The Se)te/0er #$1 stri(e< on the other h'nd< 0ro(e out in Mi!'n 'nd '::ected the *ho!eo: It'!+% Virtu'!!+ ever+*here it *'s 'cco/)'nied 0+ :'ctor+ occu)'tions 'nd even *or(ers>contro!% Gut this ti/e the stri(e h'd 0een c'!!ed 0+ the "IOM 's ' t'ctic'! *e')on 'i/ed 't 0re'(ing the e/)!o+ers> !oc(-out it *'s cert'in!+ not ' s)ont'neous 'nd 'utono/ous/ove/ent% 5137 This stri(e too ended in c')itu!'tion? the )ro/ised !egis!'tion on >*or(ers>contro!> never s'* the !ight o: d'+%

    Neverthe!ess< the )heno/enon o: r'n(-'nd-:i!e org'ni 'tion h'd 0een stronger 'nd /ore*ides)re'd in It'!+ th'n 'n+*here e!se% True< the c!i/'te reigning in the countr+ *'s e@)!osive soci'!ists< 'ctive on the e@tre/e !e:t o: the 8SI< :ounded ' revie*c'!!ed :rdine %uovo % The editori'! co//ittee inc!uded the :uture !e'ders o: the It'!i'nCo//unist 8'rt+? Tog!i'tti< T'sc'< Terr'cini< .r'/sci% It is to the !'st o: these th't *e o*e 'nover'!! vie* o: the )ro0!e/ o: the *or(ers> counci!s% .r'/sci dr'*s his ins)ir'tion :ro/ the/odes o: *or(ers> re)resent'tion *hich 'rose during the *'r< *hen it 0ec'/e Buite co//on :or*or(ers> de!eg'tes to 0e e!ected :or the )ur)ose o: /'int'ining disci)!ine on the sho) :!oor% This )r'ctice continued ':ter the *'r< 0ut *'s not o::ici'!!+ recogni ed unti! "e0ru'r+ #$#$< *hen>intern'! co//issions> *ere set u) in order to su)ervise the :'ir '))!ic'tion o: the 'gree/ent*hich h'd Fust 0een signed 0+ the "IOM 'nd the e/)!o+ers reg'rding the 8ied/ontese /et'!-*or(ers%51 7

    Antonio .r'/sci )erceived the )ossi0i!it+ o: turning these co//issions into *or(ers>counci!s< i%e% into org'ni 'tions e!ected 0+ the entire r'n(-'nd-:i!e even non-unioni ed 'nd*hose co/)etence *ou!d not 0e !i/ited so!e!+ to Buestions o: *'ges< *or(ing hours 'ndconditions% 51;7 4e de'!t *ith the )ro0!e/ o: )ro!et'ri'n institutions since #$#,< dr'*ing!essons :ro/ the Russi'n Revo!ution< the Eng!ish sho) ste*'rds> /ove/ent 's *e!! 's :ro/ theide's o: the A/eric'n soci'!ist< D'nie! De Leon% Gut his concern :or the rene*'! o: :or/s o:c!'ss strugg!e is :ounded u)on ' )re!i/in'r+ critiBue o: the unions *hich< he *rote< h'ddeve!o)ed into 'n un*ie!d+ '))'r'tus !iving 0+ !'*s o: its o*n< '!ien to the *or(er 'nd e@tern'!to the /'sses% The unions t+)i:ied ' )eriod in *hich c')it'! *'s do/in'nt< the+ h'd 0eco/ech'rged *ith ' :unction inherent in ' regi/e 0'sed on )riv'te )ro)ert+ since the+ so!d the!'0our :orce under co//erci'! conditions in ' co/)etitive /'r(et% The+ *ere inc')'0!e o:serving 's 'n instru/ent in the r'dic'! rene*'! o: societ+% 51&7

    .r'/sci thought th't the )'rt+ too *'s unsuited to the ne* :or/s o: )ro!et'ri'n strugg!e?e@isting in the )o!itic'! 'ren'< it )!'+ed the s'/e ro!e 's the unions in the econo/ic s)herecounci!s% Their su)eriorit+ over other structures ste//ed :ro/ the :'ct th't the+ 'sse/0!ed*or(ers 't their )!'ce o: *or(< 'nd in their c')'cit+ 's )roducers< 'nd not< 's *'s the c'se *iththe unions< in their ro!e 's *'ge-e'rners% The counci!s stood :or the neg'tion o: industri'!!eg'!it+? their >revo!ution'r+ s)ont'neit+> i/)!ied the+ *ere re'd+ to dec!'re c!'ss *'r 't 'n+/o/ent% 51$7

    Gut the counci!s *ere not /ere!+ instru/ents o: strugg!e% In the ne* societ+ the+ *ere tot'(e the )!'ce o: the c')it'!ists 'nd 'ssu/e '!! the :unctions o: /'n'ge/ent 'nd 'd/inistr'tion%

  • 8/13/2019 Council Communism Intros


    ON COUNCIL COMMUNISM M'rce! v'n der Linden - 1 3"urther/ore< their t's( *ou!d '!so 0e to i/)rove the conditions o: )roduction 's *e!! 's toincre'se out)ut% 52 7

    A!though c!ose to the thin(ing o: the .er/'n counci!!ists on cert'in )oints< .r'/sci>sconce)tion *'s not *ithout ' cert'in '/0iguit+% Un!i(e the .er/'ns< .r'/sci did not 0re'(co/)!ete!+ *ith c!'ssic'! soci'!is/< *hich he!d th't )'rt+ 'nd unions *ere invested *ith therevo!ution'r+ t's(% Thus< :o!!o*ing the :'i!ures o: the stri(es in A)ri! 'nd Se)te/0er #$1 < hedec!'red< dis'))ointed< th't it *'s the )'rt+>s t's( ' regener'ted 'nd re-org'ni ed )'rt+< it istrue to give the sign'! :or the revo!ution< 'nd not th't :or ' stri(ers> r'!!+% One shou!d note@'gger'te his criticis/s o: the )'rt+? the t'rget :or his :ur+ *'s the historic'! 8SI< 0ut he neverBuestioned the su)eriorit+ o: se!arate )o!itic'! 'ction%52#7 4e const'nt!+ 'ssigned the soci'!iststhe t's( o: conBuering the /'Forit+ inside the counci!s< 'nd this /'Forit+ *'s to )!'+ 'n 'ctivero!e in the revo!ution%5217 "in'!!+< :'r :ro/ den+ing the ro!e o: the unions< he recogni ed th'tthe+ )!'+ed ' use:u! :unction o: educ'tion 'nd )re)'r'tion :or the c!'ss strugg!e% 5227

    Did .r'/sci>s >s)ont'neist> )eriod< in *hich he even *ent so :'r 's to t'!( o: the )ro!et'ri't>s >se!:-!i0er'tion>< resu!t :ro/ his ide'!i 'tion o: the Russi'n soviets '0out *hich he*'s i!!-in:or/ed % 5237 Did it co/e :ro/ so/e e)he/er'! !i0ert'ri'n in:!uence< since /i!it'nt'n'rchists h'd 0een 'ctive in the Turin /ove/ent 52 7 At '!! events< :ro/ #$1# .r'/sci :e!! inste) *ith the Third Intern'tion'!>s doctrine concerning counci!s% G+ A)ri! o: th't +e'r he *'s*riting? The )'rt+ is the highest :or/ o: org'ni 'tion the unions 'nd sho)-:!oor counci!s 're

    inter/edi'r+ :or/s o: org'ni 'tion % 52;7 4ence:orth< he )roc!'i/ed< the t's( o: directing thes)ont'neit+ o: the /'sses ought no !onger to :'!! u)on the counci!s 0ut u)on the )'rt+< ' )o*er:u!!+ org'ni ed 'nd centr'!i ed< Go!shevi(-t+)e )'rt+%52&7 .r'/sci su0seBuent!+ 0ec'/e !e'der o: the +oung It'!i'n Co//unist 8'rt+ 8CI 'nd he!d high o::ice in theCo/intern his counci! )eriod *'s to 0e re!eg'ted to the 0otto/ dr'*er o: o::ici'! co//unisthistor+% In 'n+ c'se< his thin(ing on this su0Fect *'s too /'r(ed *ith '/0iguit+< the 'ud'cit+ o:his critiBue o: the )'rt+ *'s too i!!usor+ :or hi/ to 0e '0!e to tre'd so/e /'rgin'! )'th< outsidethe orthodo@ co//unis/ *ith *hich he *'s to :inish 0+ identi:+ing co/)!ete!+%

    Des)ite si/i!'r situ'tions o: revo!ution'r+ :er/ent in ' nu/0er o: 0e!!igerent countries< it*'s on!+ in .er/'n+ th't ' de:inite 0re'( *ith the )'st *'s /'de< 'nd th't *e :ind thedeve!o)/ent o: ' theor+ o: counci!s o))osed to )'rt+ co//unis/%

    !rom le;t-'ing r$8ic$lism to le;t-'ing communism

    Counci! co//unis/ *'s not 0orn '!ong *ith counci!s the/se!ves< '!though the'))e'r'nce o: the !'tter did )reci)it'te its :or/u!'tion% As ' )o!itic'! theor+ it constitutes thecu!/in'tion o: ' !ong tr'dition o: r'dic'! o))osition *ithin the .er/'n soci'!-de/ocr'tic/ove/ent 'nd the unions% The con:!ict *ith re:or/ist tendencies is 's o!d 's soci'!ist *or(ers>org'ni 'tions the/se!ves% I: *e stic( to the )eriod :o!!o*ing the >!'*s on soci'!ists> < in contro! o:the )'rt+< 'nd *hose 'uthori ed theoretici'n *'s ='r! ='uts(+% Under cover o: strict doctrin'!orthodo@+ contr'r+ to the revisionists< he 0e!ieved in the inevit'0i!it+ o: revo!ution < ='uts(+!ent his 'uthorit+ to ' /'r(ed!+ )rudent t'ctic th't *'s sc'rce!+ 'n+ di::erent :ro/ the oneGernstein *'s c'!!ing :or% A third :'/i!+ o: thought e/erged during the Russi'n Revo!ution o:#$ --&% The !e:t-*ing r'dic'!s Linksradikalen < 's the+ *ere c'!!ed< g'thered 'round Ros'Lu@e/0urg< *hose 0oo(The Mass Strike, the oliti al art( and the Trade 0nion :irst

    '))e'red in #$ ;% 52$7Dr'*ing ins)ir'tion :ro/ her e@)erience o: the Russi'n Revo!ution< Ros' Lu@e/0urg )ut:or*'rd in this 0oo( ' nu/0er o: ide's *hich h'd '!re'd+ 0een in circu!'tion :or so/e +e'rs counci!s% The R'dic'!it+ o: their'ctions *'s un:ettered 0+ the e@istence o: ' he'vi!+ structured )'rt+ or o: ' )o*er:u!< 0utso)ori:ic union% In .er/'n+< the s)ont'neit+ o: the *or(ers *'s sti:!ed 0+ 0ure'ucr'ti 'tion o:the '))'r'tus< 0+ org'ni 'tion :etishis/< the cu!t o: the !e'der% 4undreds o: )er/'nent )'rt+ 'ndunion o::ici'!s *ent on '))!+ing their o*n )o!ic+< cut o:: :ro/ the r'n(-'nd-:i!e< re!uct'nt toundert'(e 'n+ 0o!d initi'tives :or :e'r o: Feo)'rdi ing their /'gni:icent org'ni 'tion'! edi:ice 8'rt+ o: 4o!!'nd !ed the/ to 0re'( '*'+ 'nd :ound 'ne* )'rt+ the SD8< Soci'! De/ocr'tic 8'rt+ in #$ $% This )'rt+ never 'ttr'cted /ore th'n ':e* hundred 'ctivists 'nd it st'+ed outside the Second Intern'tion'! *hich didn>t *'nt it

    'n+*'+ < 0ut this 0re'( did i!!ustr'te the e@tent o: the divergences 0et*een .orter< 8'nne(oe(

  • 8/13/2019 Council Communism Intros


    ON COUNCIL COMMUNISM M'rce! v'n der Linden - 1 3'nd Ro!'nd-4o!st on the one h'nd< 'nd Troe!str'< *ho *'s ' :'ith:u! :o!!o*er o: ='uts(+< onthe other%5327

    The Tri0unists> /'For criticis/ o: Troe!str' 'nd his Dutch :o!!o*ers concerned theirentire!+ /ech'nistic conce)tion o: M'r@is/% Whi!e it is true th't the )ro!et'ri't>s i/)ort'ncederives :ro/ its )!'ce 'nd its :unction in the )roductive )rocess< s'id 8'nne(oe(< one shou!d noti/'gine th't the out0re'( o: revo!ution is inevit'0!e% Si/i!'r!+< org'ni 'tion is i/)ort'nt :or thesi/)!e re'son th't it renders the /'sses strong< disci)!ined< :using the *i!! o: e'ch 'nd ever+oneinto ' sing!e *i!!% True< )'r!i'/ent'ri'nis/ is ' )o*er:u! /e'ns o: incre'sing the cohesion o:the *or(ing c!'ss% And '!ongside this< s+ndic'!is/ is necess'r+ in order to 'rouse *or(ers to:ight 'nd induce the/ to 'cce)t c!'ss disci)!ine% Gut< 8'nne(oe( )oints out< soci'!is/ *i!! notco/e '0out /ere!+ 0ec'use '!! /en :in'!!+ 'd/it its su)eriorit+ over c')it'!is/ 'nd its'0err'tions %5337 The *or(ing c!'ss /ust< in 'ddition< 0e conscious o: the necessit+ o: thestrugg!e 'nd o: soci'!is/% 8'nne(oe( thought this su0Fective :'ctor *'s e@tre/e!+ i/)ort'nt ste/s :ro/ its :e'rth't< 0+ >i!!-considered> initi'tives< the /'sses *i!! destro+ their )'tient!+ constructedorg'ni 'tions% The chie:s< *ith ='uts(+ 't their he'd< s'* their ro!e 's th't o: 0r'(e< ' chec( on>*i!dc't> initi'tives% "or 8'nne(oe(< this *'s ' singu!'r!+ restricted conce)tion o: org'ni 'tion

    T*o (inds o: :'ctor *or(ed in :'vour o: this% On the one h'nd< the *'r h'd 0rought to 'he'd .er/'n soci'! de/ocr'c+>s desire 0ut the s'/e )heno/enon h'd occurred 't the s'/e/o/ent in the other 0e!!igerent countries :or integr'tion into 0ourgeois societ+ 'nd even ':ter

    Nove/0er #$#, to )er)etu'te it% This *'s< in :'ct< the under!+ing signi:ic'nce o: the >S'credUnion> +urgfriede < or >civi! )e'ce> *herein the S8D< 0+ its votes in :'vour o: *'r credits< its

  • 8/13/2019 Council Communism Intros


    ON COUNCIL COMMUNISM M'rce! v'n der Linden - 1 3'0stention :ro/ 'n+ /e'ning:u! o))osition< i/)!icit!+ '))roved the .er/'n govern/ent>s *'r )o!ic+% 8'r'!!e! to this< the unions< 0+ de!i0er'te!+ 'voiding invo!ve/ent in industri'! dis)utes !e'ders 0eg'n :u!:i!!ing the re)ressive :unctions o: the e/)!o+ers 'nd the )o!ice< e'ch /ove/ent< e'ch stri(e 0ec'/e ' revo!t% Es)eci'!!+ since the s!ightest 'ction inside' :'ctor+ '!/ost 'uto/'tic'!!+ resu!ted in the s'c(ing o: union o::ici'!s< cess'tion o: the )'+/ent o: union dues 'nd the i/)rovis'tion o: te/)or'r+ structures% Thus< even i: to 0egin*ith ' stri(e *'s )ure!+ concerned *ith< s'+< ' *'ge c!'i/< it neverthe!ess deve!o)ed r')id!+

    into 'n 'ction in *hich )o!itic'! 'nd econo/ic Buestions :used to under/ine the soci'! status?uo %Le:t-*ing r'dic'! theor+ :ed vor'cious!+ o:: these e@'/)!es o: /'ss s)ont'neit+% The

    org'ni 'tion o: counci!s 's the e@)ression o: 'utono/ous strugg!e 0ec'/e the :und'/ent'!conce)t o: the ne* r'dic'!it+%

    Right :ro/ the 0eginning o: the *'r< !e:t-*ing /i!it'nts h'd sought to distinguishthe/se!ves :ro/ )'triotic soci'! de/ocr'c+% To*'rds the end o: #$#3 Ros' Lu@e/0urg< "r'nMehring< Otto RHh!e 'nd ='r! Lie0(necht est'0!ished ' s/'!! o))osition'! circ!e< the>Intern' ion'!e> grou)< !'ter to 0e (no*n 's the >S)'rt'(us .rou)>% Lie0(necht 0ro(e *ith )'rt+disci)!ine in Dece/0er #$#3 0+ voting 'g'inst /i!it'r+ credits< 'nd he *'s :o!!o*ed 0+ RHh!ein the s)ring o: #$# % Their reso!ute o))osition to the *'r united '!! !e:t-*ing r'dic'!s< *iththeir h'tred o: '!! !e'dershi)s Instan#en < )'r!i'/ent'r+ !e'ders< )'id o::ici'!s< )'rt+ )ro)'g'ndists% Gut divergences soon '))e'red *ithin the r'n(s o: the e@tre/e !e:t% The originso: this s)!it c'n 0e tr'ced 0'c( to the )receding )eriod 'nd to the 'ttitude 'do)ted to*'rds soci'!de/ocr'c+%

    A right *ing< :or *ho/ the S)'rt'(ist !e'ders 'cted 's s)o(es/en< 53,7 h'd no *ish to 0re'( *ith the )'rt+< :e'ring th't 0+ so doing the+ *ou!d >cut the/se!ves o:: :ro/ the /'sses>%Under!+ing this 'rgu/ent *'s their re!uct'nce to 0re'( *ith the o!d org'ni 'tion'! :or/s 'nd*ith the o!d Second Intern'tion'! h'0its< o0Fect o: so /uch o0!oBu+ in the )'st%

    This *ing !in(ed u) *ith the centrist :r'ction o: the )'rt+< the >So i'!de/o(r'tischeAr0eitsge/einsch':t>< in A)ri! #$#& in order to :ound the inde)endent soci'!-de/ocr'tic )'rt+

    US8D < *hich too( ' ver+ /oder'te !ine< 'nd *hose org'ni 'tion sc'rce!+ di::ered :ro/ th't o:the S8D% The other *ing *'s /ore e@tre/ist< 'nd :o!!o*ed their ideo!ogic'! )re/ises rightthrough to their conc!usion% The e@tre/e !e:t-*ing r'dic'!s *ere /'de u) o: !oc'! grou)sIntern'tion'!s>< ':ter the Gre/en 'nd 4'/0urg de!eg'tes h'd

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    ON COUNCIL COMMUNISM M'rce! v'n der Linden - 1 3'))roved Lenin>s )ro)os'! to construct the Third Inte/'tion'! 't the Xi//er*'!d Con:erence

    Se)te/0er #$# < *hi!e the S)'rt'(ists h'd )re:erred to /'int'in their !in(s *ith the SecondInte/'tion'!%

    Thus< on the eve o: the Russi'n Revo!ution< the Intern'tion'!s5 7 *ere ver+ c!e'r!+/oving '*'+ :ro/ the S)'rt'(ists on t*o )oints% "or one thing the+ *ere de/'nding 'norg'ni 'tion 0ui!t '!ong di::erent !ines :ro/ the o!d :or/s :ound in their entiret+ in the US8D%The+ *'nted 'n org'ni 'tion 'rising out o: the strugg!e itse!: 'nd 'ction-orient'ted *ktionsf"hig % 5 #7 Second!+< in order to /'r( their co/)!ete estr'nge/ent :ro/ )re-*'rorg'ni ed soci'!is/< the+ )!'nned to construct ' ne* Intern'tion'!% It *'s these ide's th't8'nne(oe( 'dvoc'ted in the org'n o: the Xi//er*'!d Le:t< *hich he edited *ith hisco/)'triot< 4enriett' Ro!'nd-4o!st% 5 17

    With the Octo0er Revo!ution in Russi'< the Nove/0er #$#, revo!ution in .er/'n+ 'ndthe gro*th o: :'ctor+ co//ittees 'nd *or(ers> counci!s< the Intern'tion'!s h'd 't !'st :ound 'concrete :or/ :or the org'ni 'tion o: their strugg!e% Soviet Russi' i!!ustr'ted their o*n notion o:dict'torshi) o: the )ro!et'ri't< *ith )o*er e/'n'ting :ro/ the 0'se 'nd rising to*'rds the to*n'nd rur'! counci!s% 5 27 As ' resu!t o: their enthusi's/ :or the Russi'n Revo!ution the+ '!teredtheir !'0e!< 'nd in Nove/0er the ISD Intern'tion'! Soci'!ists o: .er/'n+ 0ec'/e the I=D

    Intern'tion'! Co//unists o: .er/'n+ < )u0!ishing ' )')er c'!!ed Der @ommunist < )ro)'g'tingthe s!og'n? >A!! )o*er to the soviets>%

    8'r'do@ic'!!+< the Russi'n Revo!ution 0rought the Intern'tion'!s 'nd the S)'rt'(iststogether 'g'in in vie* o: the e@tent o: revo!ution'r+ tur0u!ence the+ decided to /erge 'nd:ound the .er/'n Co//unist 8'rt+ =8D % 5 37

    The constitutive congress too( )!'ce in Ger!in< 2 --2# Dece/0er #$#,< in the /idst o:gre't e@'!t'tion% Gut this *'s not enough to *i)e out divergences< 'nd the 'nt'gonistic currents*ere to cr+st'!!i e 'round three Buestions% Wh't :or/ o: org'ni 'tion shou!d do/in'te in thene* )'rt+ centr'!i 'tion< or decentr'!i 'tion *ith 'utono/+ :or the !oc'! sections Shou!d thene* )'rt+ vote :or the Constituent Asse/0!+ 'nd thus )'rtici)'te in the )'r!i'/ent'r+institutions "in'!!+< *h't shou!d 0e the )'rt+>s 'ttitude to*'rds the unions entr+ into thee@isting unions in order to sti/u!'te o))osition :ro/ *ithin< or construction o: ne*< evenorigin'! org'ni 'tions %

    The de!eg'tes divided into t*o 0!ocs /ore or !ess '!ong the !ines se)'r'ting the !e:t 'ndright *ings o: the o!d !e:t-*ing r'dic'!s% A right-*ing /inorit+ Ros' Lu@e/0urg< ='r!Lie0(necht< ='r! R'de(< 8'u! Levi :'voured e!ector'! )'rtici)'tion< entr+ into the e@istingunions 'nd ' centr'!i ed< hier'rchi ed org'ni 'tion% A!though through the inter/edi'r+ o:R'de( this grou) h'd the 0!essing o: the Go!shevi(s< it *'s neverthe!ess ver+ 'tt'ched to the

    s!irit o: soci'! de/ocr'c+< *hich it intended to )er)etu'te in the ne* )'rt+% The /'Forit+< onthe other h'nd< e/erged 's the heirs to the 0o!dest the/es o: !e:t-*ing r'dic'!is/% It cont'ined/ost o: the e@tre/ist grou)s the Gre/en< 4'/0urg< Dresden< etc%< Intern'tion'!s 'nd the !e:t*ing o: the S)'rt'(ists *hich< :or the :irst ti/e< c'/e out into the o)en to e@)ress itsdis'gree/ent *ith the res)ected !e'ders% 5 7

    The con:usion 0et*een S)'rt'(ists st'rting *ith its !e'ders 'nd the revo!ution'r+ *ingo: the !e:t-*ing r'dic'!s *'s de!i0er'te!+ encour'ged 0+ co//unist historiogr')h+ insu0seBuent +e'rs% In re'!it+< ho*ever< the S)'rt'(ists *ere '!*'+s r'ther /ore c'utious th'n theIntern'tion'!s< es)eci'!!+ *here t'ctics *ere concerned% It *'s c!e'r right :ro/ the in'ugur'!congress th't the :or/er intended to construct ' /'ss )'rt+ c')'0!e o: )!'+ing ' ro!e in theinstitution'! )o!itic'! !i:e o: the :uture Wei/'r Re)u0!ic< *hi!e the !'tter< the Intern'tion'!s Co//unist8'rt+ % Right :ro/ the st'rt this ne* :or/'tion 0o'sted 2,< /e/0ers< or r'ther /ore th'nh'!: the =8D< *hich *'s !e:t dr'ined o: !i:e unti! its /erger *ith the /'Forit+ o: the US8D in

    Dece/0er #$1 < the !'tter 0ringing *ith it ' do*r+ o: so/e 2 < /i!it'nts% The )'rt+ *ithin*hich the !e:t-*ing co//unists no* :ound the/se!ves *'s su))osed to inc'rn'te the )rinci)!es

  • 8/13/2019 Council Communism Intros


    ON COUNCIL COMMUNISM M'rce! v'n der Linden - 1 3conceived 'nd )ro)'g'ted since #$# % Its )rogr'//e ins)ired 0+ 8'nne(oe( utter!+ reFected )'r!i'/ent'ri'nis/ 'nd the unions% It sought to re/'in ' )'rt+ o: con:ir/ed co//unists*or(ing to deve!o) the revo!ution'r+ consciousness o: the /'sses 'nd the strugg!e on the sho):!oor through org'ni 'tions *ithin the enter)rise +etrie.sorganisationen % The ne* )'rt+ *'snot org'ni ed '!ong :eder'! !ines< 's so/e /ight h've ho)ed< 0ut '!ong the !ines o: >)ro!et'ri'ncentr'!is/>< the decisions o: the highest 0odies 0eing 0inding%5 ;7 Its re:us'! to *or( *ith there:or/ist unions !ed the =A8D to 'ssu/e the )rogr'//'tic !e'dershi) 'nd !ong-ter/ directiono: the ne* :'ctor+ org'ni 'tions 's *e!!%

    These org'ni 'tions e/erged during the *'r 'nd their nu/0ers incre'sed r')id!+ ':ter Nove/0er #$#,% The+ 0eg'n to unite in the su//er o: #$#$< not'0!+ in the /ines 'nd in the/et'!*or(ing industries% Gut it *'s in "e0ru'r+ #$1 .efore the cre'tion o: the =A8D th't:'ctor+ co//ittees +etrie.sorganisationen c'/e together to :or/ the .ener'! Wor(ers> Uniono: .er/'n+ AAUD % This org'ni 'tion *'s 'rticu!'ted 'round the enter)rise< the 0'sic ce!! 0eing :or/ed 0+ the :'ctor+ or *or(sho) these *ere then org'ni ed 't !oc'!< )rovinci'!

    Wirts hafts.e#irk 'nd Reich !eve!s% Its 'i/ *'s to gener'te revo!ution'r+ 'git'tion *ithin the:'ctories *ith ' vie* to the destruction o: c')it'!is/ 'nd the est'0!ish/ent o: ' counci!re)u0!ic% In #$1 the AAUD h'd '0out # < /e/0ers< 0ut the :o!!o*ing +e'r /e/0ershi)dec!ined irre/edi'0!+%

    The dec!ine o: counci! org'ni 'tions )rinci)'!!+ the AAUD< 0ut '!so the 'n'rcho-

    s+ndic'!ist union< the "AU :!o*ed :ro/ the centri:ug'! tendencies< '))'rent right :ro/ their 0irth< 's *e!! 's :ro/ the )o!itic'! 'nd soci'! situ'tion in the countr+% "'ctor+ org'ni 'tions/ushroo/ed during #$#$< to the detri/ent o: the unions< *hich :e!! 0'c( consider'0!+s !e'dershi)< *'s *'rning its /i!it'nts o: the d'ngers o: >'n'rchist>tendencies< inviting the/ to vote :or the !eg'! :'ctor+ counci!s 'nd not to t'(e )'rt in e@tr'-union org'ni 'tions% Second!+ 0ec'use< :ro/ Dece/0er #$#$ on*'rds< the 'n'rcho-s+ndic'!istsunit'nst> 'inheitsorganisationstenden# tendenc+ *hich reFected the =A8D>s contro! over the0nion 'ndde/'nded inste'd ' unit'r+ org'ni 'tion th't *ou!d 0e 0oth )o!itic'!!+ 'nd econo/ic'!!+oriented< 0+)'ssing )o!itic'! )'rties% This tendenc+ *'s es)eci'!!+ strong in Dresden< the :ie: o:its chie: theoretici'n 'nd s)o(es/'n< Otto RHh!e< *ho ver+ e'r!+ in Dece/0er #$1 /'de hissection inde)endent o: the =A8D% In Octo0er #$1# his org'ni 'tion< the E'st S'@on+ section

  • 8/13/2019 Council Communism Intros


    ON COUNCIL COMMUNISM M'rce! v'n der Linden - 1 3une/)!o+/ent< :iercer re)ression< es)eci'!!+ since the :'i!ure o: the M'rch #$1# >'ction> in thecourse o: *hich 'n e/0r+onic insurrection *'s h'rsh!+ st'/)ed out 0+ the 'r/+ 'nd the )o!ice%A:ter #$1# the AAUD 0eg'n to !ose its /'ss ch'r'cter< evo!ving into ' /'rgin'! grou)% Itshi:ted '*'+ :ro/ the =A8D in #$1& 'nd in #$2#< it :or/ed the =AU Co//unist Wor(ers>Union together *ith the re/n'nts o: the AAUD-E% As its n'/e suggests< the =AU h'd no )retentions to 0eing ' /'ss *or(ers> /ove/ent 0ut consisted o: ' grou) o: )ro)'g'ndists:ighting to /'(e the counci!s the instru/ent o: c!'ss *i!! %5 ,7

    The =A8D su::ered ' si/i!'r!+ r')id dec!ine ':ter #$1#< torn 0+ )erson'! 'nd ideo!ogic'!Bu'rre!s% The )rinci)'! dis'gree/ents concerned the 0inding n'ture o: the decisions o: thehighest 0odies< re!'tions *ith the AAUD 'nd the Buestion o: /e/0ershi) o: the ThirdIntern'tion'!% Loc'! grou)s *ere 0eco/ing !ess 'nd !ess 'utono/ous< *hi!e centr'!is/ *'sgr'du'!!+ g'ining the u))er h'nd over :eder'!ist )rinci)!es< 'nd the AAUD r')id!+ 0ec'/e 'union '))endi@ to ' )'rt+ congr'tu!'ting itse!: on h'ving 0rought together the >'v'nt-g'rdee!e/ents>% One :in'! Buestion o: )r'ctic'! i/)ort'nce e@'cer0'ted the )'rt+>s '!re'd+consider'0!e di::icu!ties? shou!d /i!it'nts t'(e )'rt in )ure!+ econo/ic strugg!es Lohnkam!f The Ger!in !e'dershi)< do/in'ted 0+ ='r! Schr der 0'c(ed u) on doctrin'! terr'in 0+ theDutch/'n 4er/'n .orter < *'s e@hi0iting so/e singu!'r!+ dict'tori'! 'nd dog/'tic tendencies%In M'rch #$11 Schr der *'s outvoted 'nd e@)e!!ed :ro/ the )'rt+% So he :or/ed his o*n>Essen Tendenc+> 'ssener Ri htung < *ith its o*n )')er< its o*n congress 'nd its >o*n> AAUD%

    ConseBuent!+ :ro/ #$11 on*'rds t*o =A8Ds coe@isted '!ongside e'ch other< 0ut theirnu/0ers *ere derisor+< *ith #1< /i!it'nts in the Ger!in tendenc+ 't the end o: #$11< 'ndon!+ ; in the Essen *ing%5 $7

    To 0egin *ith< /ost o: the Essen tendenc+>s 'ctivities *ere t'(en u) *ith theest'0!ish/ent o: ' "ourth Intern'tion'!% This 'tte/)t in itse!: *ou!d on!+ 0e o: )'ssing interesth'd it not :o!!o*ed i//edi'te!+ u)on the hee!s o: the =A8D>s i/0rog!io *ith the ThirdIntern'tion'!< *hich h'd c'used so/ething o: ' stir *ithin the Intern'tion'! 'nd *hich /'r(edthe e/ergence o: ' co//unist theor+ o: counci!s 's o))osed to the Co/intern>s )'rt+co//unis/%

    Council communism $n8 &$rt( communism

    We h've seen th't !e:t-*ing co//unis/ 's it e/erged in #$#, :o!!o*s in the :ootste)s o:the !e:t-*ing r'dic'!is/ o: the )receding )eriod% The Go!shevi(s 0e!onged to this r'dic'!o))osition in the Second Intern'tion'!% The+ even !i(e the Dutch in #$ $ *ent 's :'r 's 0re'(ing org'ni 'tion'!!+ *ith Russi'n soci'! de/ocr'c+ in #$ 2% Throughout the *'r< 'nd/ore es)eci'!!+ ':ter the Octo0er Revo!ution< the Go!shevi( !e'ders re/'ined ver+ c!ose to'n e@tre/e !e:t< es)eci'!!+ the Gre/en .rou)% Goth Go!shevi(s 'nd .er/'n>Intern'tion'!s> :ound the/se!ves in the Xi//er*'!di'n Le:t though not the S)'rt'(ists< *ho*ere o))osed to the construction o: ' ne* intern'tion'! entrusting 8'nne(oe( 'nd Ro!'nd-4o!st *ith editing its o::ici'! org'n< Bor.ote % 5; 7

    The Russi'n Revo!ution *'s enthusi'stic'!!+ *e!co/ed 0+ '!! r'dic'! soci'!ists< 'ndes)eci'!!+ 0+ the Intern'tion'!s< *ho s'* in it the est'0!ish/ent o: the dict'torshi) o: the

    )ro!et'ri't through the counci!s% 5;#7 Their enthusi's/ *'s '!! the gre'ter in th't Lenin>s recent )'/)h!et< State and Revolution )u0!ished in Russi' in !$#, < e@)!icit!+ 'do)ted the ide's8'nne(oe( h'd e@)ressed in his dis)ute *ith ='uts(+ over the destruction o: the 0ourgeoisSt'te 'nd o: )o!itic'! )o*er 's such% The :uture !e:t-*ing co//unists s'* in it ' ch'rter :ortheir o*n revo!ution'r+ 's)ir'tions Lenin h'd :or/u!'ted the c!'ssic the/es o: the

    Linksradikalen ? destruction o: the St'te< reFection o: e!ections 'nd hence o: )'r!i'/ent'ri'nis/ < the 'dvent o: ' :ree 'nd eBu'! 'ssoci'tion o: )roducers% 5;17 True< c!oserre'ding o: the )'/)h!et reve'!s so/e r'ther di::erent )ro)ositions% "or Lenin st'ted '!so th'tthere *ou!d sti!! 0e ' tr'nsitor+ St'te in the )ost-revo!ution'r+ )eriod< e@ercising 'ne$tremel(rigorous contro! 'nd< !i(e '!! St'tes< re)ressive%5;27

    Divergences on!+ 0ec'/e )u0!ic in the course o: #$#$< *hen the !e:t-*ing co//unistsno* in the =8D re'!i ed th't Mosco*< 'nd short!+ ':ter*'rds the Third Inte/'tion'!< *ere

    0'c(ing the right *ing o: the )'rt+< in other *ords those e!e/ents *hich :'voured the *orst

  • 8/13/2019 Council Communism Intros


    ON COUNCIL COMMUNISM M'rce! v'n der Linden - 1 3devi'tions o: soci'! de/ocr'c+? the cu!t o: org'ni 'tion :or org'ni 'tion>s s'(e< )'r!i'/ent'ri'nis/< unionis/< !e'der-*orshi)% "o!!o*ing the 'ss'ssin'tion o: its historic !e'ders

    Lu@e/0urg< Lie0(necht< 9ogiches < the >rightist> Levi too( over the )'rt+ !e'dershi) 't the endo: A)ri! #$#$ 'nd i/)osed ' )o!ic+ o: >entr+is/> into the unions< o: e!ector'! )'rtici)'tion< 0+*'+ o: ' stre'/ o: decisions *ithout '))e'! 'nd congresses /eeting under irregu!'r conditions%5;37 O))onents *ere Bu'!i:ied )e!!-/e!! 's 'n'rchists 'nd 'n'rcho-s+ndic'!ists 'nd< 't the4eide!0erg congress in Octo0er #$#$< Levi 'nnounced th't '!! those *ho dis'greed *ith hisvie*s shou!d !e've the )'rt+< 'nd he 'ctu'!!+ g'ined ' /'Forit+ in :'vour o: e@)e!!ing % % % the/'Forit+Q And th't 't ' ti/e *hen the unions h'd 0een utter!+ discredited< *hen *or(ers>!e'gues *ere s)ringing u) '!! over the countr+< *hen /ore 'nd /ore *or(ers *ere 0o+cottinge!ections in :'vour o: direct 'ction%

    In 'utu/n #$#$ the !e:t-*ing co//unists c'/e round to the vie* th't Levi *'s 0eco/ing incre'sing!+ te/)ted 0+ soci'!-de/ocr'tic o))ortunis/ 'nd th't the+< the e@)e!!edgrou)< *ere the true re)resent'tives o: revo!ution'r+ co//unis/% The+ conseBuent!+ :or/edtheir o*n< ne* co//unist )'rt+< *hose )!'ce the+ thought *'s in the Third Inte/'tion'!% Theirdesire to Foin the ne* org'ni 'tion *hich Mosco* h'd Fust cre'ted resu!ted :ro/ so/ething o: '/isunderst'nding% The+ *ere convinced Lenin *ou!d recogni e the/ 's co//unists 's soon 'she h'd ' /o/ent to t'!( it out *ith the/ 'nd !et hi/se!: 0e )ersu'ded o: the =8D>so))ortunis/%

    Un:ortun'te!+ :or the/< the =8D>s o))ortunis/ on!+ e@isted 0ec'use it corres)onded tothe )o!ic+ o: the ne* inte/'tion'!< hence to Mosco*>s )o!ic+% Right :ro/ the =8D>s in'ugur'!congress R'de( h'd co/e out *ho!ehe'rted!+ in :'vour o: the right *ing< 'nd it *'s through his'us)ices th't Levi too( over the )'rt+ !e'dershi)% Lenin hi/se!:< in ' !etter to the !e:t-*ingco//unists d'ted Se)te/0er #$#$< h'd *'rned 'g'inst non-)'rtici)'tion in e!ections< 'nd'g'inst the 0o+cotting o: unions 'nd !eg'! :'ctor+ co//ittees< 'nd h'd descri0ed their 'ttitude's >'n in:'nti!e disorder>%5; 7 4e *'s even /ore incisive in his :'/ous )'/)h!et on >!e:t-*ingco//unis/> *ritten in s)ring #$1 'nd h'nded to de!eg'tes 't the Second Congress o: theCo//unist Intern'tion'!< '0'ndoning his e'r!ier eBuivoc'! st'nce 'nd e@)!icit!+ conde/ningthe >Dutch !e:tists>% 4e 'dvoc'ted ' disci)!ined< centr'!i ed )'rt+< t'(ing ver+ !itt!e notice o: the:eder'!ist !ine :'voured 0+ the /'Forit+ o: .er/'n co//unists% Within the unions< hedistinguished 0et*een !e'ders 'nd /'sses< on!+ the :or/er 0eing corru)t :ro/ this heconc!uded th't entr+ into the unions *'s necess'r+ in order to *in over the /'sses 'nd dis!odgethe !e'dershi)% Si/i!'r!+< he insisted u)on the '0so!ute necessit+ o: )'rtici)'tion in 0ourgeois )'r!i'/ents inso:'r 's the /'sses *ere sti!! 'tt'ched to the/< 'nd in '!! other 0ourgeoisinstitutions c')'0!e o: 0eing entered% The )'r!i'/ent'r+ g'/e /ust 0e e@)!oited in '!! its :or/s?e!ector'! '!!i'nces< co/)ro/ises< co!!'0or'tion% This )o!ic+ 0eing Fusti:ied< in Lenin>s vie*< 0+the overriding need to r'ise the consciousness o: the /'sses 't '!! costs< 'nd to )re)'re the *'+:or the soviets% The revo!ution needs ' /'ss )'rt+ 'nd< in Weste/ countries< Bu'ntit+ /ust t'(e )recedence over Bu'!it+%5;;7

    Des)ite the ideo!ogic'! g') e@isting 0et*een Mosco* 'nd the !e:t-*ing co//unists :ro/the outset< the !'tter *'ited t*o *ho!e +e'rs 0e:ore giving u) ho)e 'nd !e'ving the ThirdIntern'tion'!% The =A8D sent three successive de!eg'tions to Mosco*< t*o in the course o: thesu//er o: #$1 < 'nd one in the 'utu/n% Otto RHh!e< *ho tr've!!ed there in M'+< c'/e 0'c(disench'nted< t'!(ing '0out the centr'!i ed s+ste/ 'nd the dict'torshi) o: the )'rt+% 5;&7 4e 0ro(e *ith the =A8D on his return< t'(ing *ith hi/ the E'st S'@on+ region% The 8'rt+!e'dershi) *'s unconvinced 0+ his re)ort 'nd three o: the !e'ders< '/ong the/ .orter 'ndSchr der< *ent to Mosco* to see :or the/se!ves in Nove/0er #$1 %

    Me'n*hi!e< the Second Congress o: the Co//unist Intern'tion'! h'd Fust conde/ned>!e:t-*ing co//unis/> 0+ re:using to 'cce)t the =A8D% The )'rt+>s !ine on )'r!i'/ent 'nd theunions *'s Fudged >in'deBu'te>% Its )rogr'//e *'s descri0ed 's c')itu!'ting to 5revo!ution'r+7s+ndic'!ist o)inion % 5;,7 "urther/ore< )oints $ 'nd ## re!'ting to *or( inside the unions 'ndin )'r!i'/ent o: the t*ent+-one conditions o: 'd/ission '))roved 't the s'/e congress c!e'r!+contr'dicted the =A8D )rogr'//e%

    .orter< *ho *'s deter/ined to org'ni e ' revo!ution'r+ o))osition inside the Co//unist

    Intern'tion'!< neverthe!ess /'n'ged to o0t'in te/)or'r+ 'd/ission 's ' >s+/)'thi ing )'rt+>s )!'ns c'/e to nothing< 'nd ':ter the Third Co//unist

  • 8/13/2019 Council Communism Intros


    ON COUNCIL COMMUNISM M'rce! v'n der Linden - 1 3Intern'tion'! Congress su//er #$1# the =A8D *'s ordered to /erge *ith the =8D% It *'sthe end o: 'n i!!usion< 'nd hence:orth .orter 'nd the Essen tendenc+ devoted the/se!ves tosetting u) ' "ourth Intern'tion'!% This< the =AI the Co//unist Wor(ers> Intern'tion'! < *'s:ounded in #$11 'nd on!+ e@isted on )')er< 'ttr'cting ' :e* hundred /i!it'nts< /ost!+ .er/'n'nd Dutch%5& 7

    Des)ite these org'ni 'tion'! 'v't'rs< :ro/ the /idd!e o: #$1 on*'rds< counci! theor+*'s no !onger /ere!+ the /ost e@tre/e e@)ression o: !e:t-*ing r'dic'!is/< 0ut h'd e/erged 's 0eing di'/etric'!!+ o))osed to Go!shevi( ideo!og+ 's sh'red 0+ those co//unist )'rties *hichh'd su0scri0ed to the conditions i/)osed 0+ the Co/intern% "ro/ this /o/ent on *e c'n 0eginto s)e'( o: ' oun il ommunism < c'rr+ing on the r'dic'! tr'dition o: M'r@is/ 'nd o))osed to

    !art( ommunism < heir to the o))ortunis/ o: the Second Inte/'tion'!%ConseBuent!+< counci! theor+ origin'!!+ )osed 's ' viru!ent critiBue o: the ver+ )'rt+

    *hich *'s to 0e (no*n !'ter on 's the >orthodo@> or >o::ici'!> co//unist )'rt+< 'nd *hicheventu'!!+ 0ec'/e the >M'r@ist-Leninist> )'rt+% In )!'ce o: unions 'nd )'rties< counci!co//unis/ )ro)oses n'tur'!< i%e% historic'!< grou)ings o: the /'sses? the counci!s% "in'!!+< itre)!'ced the Russi'n Revo!ution in the conte@t o: the historic'! evo!ution o: c')it'!is/ 0+!oo(ing u)on it 's ' 0ourgeois revo!ution%

    8'r!i'/ent'n'nis/< )'rt+ 'nd unions< the counci!!ists c!'i/ed< 're :or/s o: strugg!e'd')ted to 'nother< )re-revo!ution'r+< 'ge% During this historic'! )h'se< *hich ended /ore or

    !ess *ith the "irst Wor!d W'r< the )ro!et'ri't *'s not ver+ nu/erous 'nd *'s utter!+ 'to/i ed%It needed 'n org'ni 'tion to de:end its i//edi'te interests< !e'ders to re)resent it in theinstitutions o: the 0ourgeois St'te% In th't )eriod the unions undeni'0!+ )!'+ed ' )ositive ro!e *e!!- 0eing% Si/i!'r!+ the soci'!ist )'rties uni:ied the c!'ss< *hich thus :ound itse!: individu'!i ed 'ndre)resented en .lo %5 Gut< r')id!+< 's the *or(ers gre* in nu/0ers< these org'ni 'tionse@tern'! to the *or(ing c!'ss 0eg'n gener'ting their o*n 0ure'ucr'c+< *hich /'de itse!:incre'sing!+ inde)endent o: the /'sses 'nd tended to de:end its o*n interests% As ' resu!t< theorg'ni 'tions st'rted to identi:+ *ith the c')it'!ist s+ste/ 'nd hence to o0struct therevo!ution'r+ strugg!e%5&17

    Whi!e the )ro!et'ri't *'s n'tur'!!+ re:or/ist in the )re-"irst Wor!d W'r )eriod< in the:o!!o*ing )h'se it 's)ired to revo!ution% It *'s no !onger concerned *ith o0t'ining concessions:ro/ e/)!o+ers or the St'te< 0ut *ith the su))ression o: 0oth% .iven this o0Fective< *hich isinherent in the )ro!et'ri't< the o!d org'ni 'tions 'nd the o!d t'ctics those o: the o!d soci'!-de/ocr'tic /ove/ent h'd 0eco/e ' 0r'(e u)on the deve!o)/ent o: ne* :or/s o: 'ction*hich 're essenti'!!+ mass a tions %5&27

    No dou0t< the !e:t-*ing r'dic'!s h'd de/onstr'ted the short-co/ings o: )'r!i'/ent'ri'nis/ 't 'n+ )rice 0e:ore the *'r< )ointing to the *'+ it *'s )r'ctised 0+ thesoci'!ist chie:s% Gut the+ did 'd/it th't it h'd ' cert'in uti!it+ in the educ'tion o: the /'sses 'nd's ' )ro)'g'nd' instru/ent% The Intern'tion'! Soci'!ists ISD the/se!ves continued to e@)ressthis vie* right u) to the eve o: the Russi'n Revo!ution%5&37 As :or the Dutch M'r@ists< the+ h'dver+ e'r!+ on re:used to 'ssi/i!'te the notion o: )'r!i'/ent'r+ strugg!e to th't o: revo!ution'r+strugg!e%5& 7 Gut no-one cou!d )ossi0!+ h'r0our the i!!usion ':ter soci'! de/ocr'c+ h'd 0eh'ved 's c')it'!is/>s s'viour in Nove/0er #$#, 'nd ':ter% Otto RHh!e even *ent so :'r 's toconsider th't ' )'rt+ *'s inc')'0!e< 0+ de:inition< o: 0eing 'n+thing other th'n ' 0ourgeoisinstitution the ter/ >revo!ution'r+ )'rt+> see/ed to hi/ to 0e ' nonsense%5&;7

    The unions :u!:i!!ed the s'/e :unction o: co/)ro/ise in the econo/ic do/'in 's the )'rties on the )o!itic'! scene% The+ 're /ere!+ 'n institution :unctioning *ithin the :r'/e*or(o: 0ourgeois societ+ 'nd< 's the *'r h'd so stri(ing!+ sho*n< the+ 'ct 's ' )o*er:u! shie!d :or it%So it *ou!d 0e utter!+ '0surd to thin( o: turning the unions into revo!ution'r+ instru/ents% As>org'ns o: c')it'!>< the unions 's)ired to nothing /ore th'n recognition 0+ the ru!ing '))'r'tus%5&&7 The ver+ deve!o)/ent o: tr'de unionis/ necess'ri!+ !e'ds it into con:!ict *ith the *or(ingc!'ss< 'nd the revo!ution'r+ strugg!e 0egins the /o/ent *or(ers decide to org'ni e the/se!vesoutside union structures% The union !e'ders c!ing to their )ositions 'nd to their ne* soci'! st'tus

    :or their union ro!e h's turned these :or/er *or(ers into )etit 0ourgeois < su//oning u) '!!

    their strength in order to o))ose the revo!ution 'nd co//unis/% 5&,7

  • 8/13/2019 Council Communism Intros


    ON COUNCIL COMMUNISM M'rce! v'n der Linden - 1 3The Third Intern'tion'! !e'dershi) h'd i/)osed the conce)tion o: ' /'ss co//unist

    )'rt+ on co//unists in the West% As ' resu!t o: this the+ ever+*here encour'ged the uni:ic'tiono: revo!ution'r+ /inorities *ith the !e:t *ing o: soci'! de/ocr'c+ % Thus< the =8D *'str'ns:or/ed overnight :ro/ ' grou) o: ' :e* thous'nd /e/0ers into ' )o*er:u! )'rt+ *ith/ore th'n 2 < /e/0ers% The counci! co//unists 'tt'c(ed this t'ctic *hich< in their vie*s /ent'!it+% 4e no* *'nted to 0e/'ster o: his o*n :'te 'nd< :irst 'nd :ore/ost< o: the 0'sis o: '!! societies? the /e'ns o: )roduction% Gut< '!though the *or(ing c!'ss '!re'd+ )ossessed the necess'r+ /'teri'! strength

    nu/0ers< 0ut '!so its )roductive :unction to overthro* its /'sters< it *'s sti!! too i/)regn'ted*ith 0ourgeois ideo!og+ to h've ' c!e'r conscience '0out it%5,17 In conseBuence< the )ro!et'ri'nrevo!ution *'s to t'(e 'n entire e)och< resu!ting :ro/ ' s!o* )rocess o: ri)ening '/ong the/'sses< :ro/ 'n ever-gro*ing consciousness o: the t's(s '*'iting it%

    O0vious!+< in this ne* )h'se o: the strugg!e the )ro!et'ri't c'nnot ho)e to re!+ on its o!dorg'ni 'tions no* '!!ied *ith c')it'!is/% The+ *ere suited to ' :or/ o: strugg!e in *hich!e'ders he!d s*'+ over )'ssive /'sses in *hich revo!ution *'s conceived 's 'n o)er'tion th'th'd 0een :oreseen 'nd )!'nned :or in 'dv'nce -- 0+ the !e'dershi)% The )ro!et'ri'n revo!utions tr'nsition'! )h'se< /ost /e/0ers o: the counci!

  • 8/13/2019 Council Communism Intros


    ON COUNCIL COMMUNISM M'rce! v'n der Linden - 1 3/ove/ent 're /ore or !ess in 'gree/ent% Di::erences 'rise *hen one tries to 'ns*er the 'ge-o!dBuestion o: the !resent org'ni 'tion o: revo!ution'ries% The 'dvent o: ' net*or( o: counci!s*ou!d sign'! ' ver+ 'dv'nced st'ge o: c!'ss consciousness? 0+ 'ssu/ing res)onsi0i!it+ :or the'0o!ition o: )ro:it-0'sed societ+ the/se!ves< the *or(ers *ou!d there0+ de/onstr'te th't the+h'd 'cBuired ' genuine!+ co//unist /ent'!it+% Unti! then< those *ith ' c!e'r '*'reness o: thet's(s< the co//unists< constituted ' /inorit+% Shou!d the+ org'ni e the/se!ves< shou!d the+intervene in the *or(ers> strugg!es to sho* the/ the *'+ 'he'd Then< i: the+ *ere to co/etogether in ' Foint org'ni 'tion< *h't sort o: structure shou!d this h've

    A!! these Buestions g've rise to he'ted de0'te in counci!!ist circ!es 'nd continue to dividethe/ to this d'+% Sche/'tic'!!+< *e c'n s'+ th't the gre't /'Forit+ o: counci! co//unists 'reo))osed to the ide' o: 'n+ e@tern'! grou) dire ting the strugg!e inside :'ctories% Si/i!'r!+< in )rinci)!e< the counci! /ove/ent is hosti!e to the )'rt+ co//unists> vie*s on centr'!is/ Intern'tion'! =AI in #$11%5,&7

    In .orter>s vie* the )ro!et'ri't needed t*o (inds o: org'ni 'tion? those 0'sed on the )!'ce o: *or(< the :'ctor+< 'nd those 0ringing >en!ightened> /i!it'nts together% The :or/er *ou!dconstitute *or(ers> !e'gues *hi!e the others *ou!d :or/ the )'rt+% The *or(ers> !e'gue is ' /'ssorg'ni 'tion concerned *ith ever+-d'+ strugg!e in the :'ctor+% Gut the dr'*0'c( o: the !e'gue isits tendenc+ to re:or/is/< con:ining itse!: to *'ge c!'i/s% Or< converse!+< 's ' resu!t o: 'nerroneous ev'!u'tion o: the situ'tion< it is !i'0!e to uto)i'nis/% The )'rt+< on the other h'nd< isthere to ste'd+ the he!/? it is c')'0!e o: )ointing the *'+ 'he'd since it is co/)osed o: th't:r'ction ho*ever /ini/'! o: the *or(ing c!'ss *hich )ossesses the (no*!edge 'nd ' c!e'rconsciousness o: the revo!ution'r+ o0Fectives% The Western )ro!et'ri't needed these >)ure> )'rties< re/inders o: the one :or/ed 0+ the Go!shevi(s in #$ 1--2% Gut the )'rt+ /ust not see(to g'in )o*er :or its o*n ends< :or the revo!ution'r+ dict'torshi) is to 0e th't o: the entire c!'ss%In 'n+ c'se< .orter )ro)hesied< the )ro!et'ri't o: the industri'!i ed countries o: Western Euro)e'nd North A/eric' is :'r too nu/erous :or ' dict'torshi) o: the )'rt+ to 0e )ossi0!e% The )'rt+o: )ure co//unists )re:igures the )o!itic'! counci!s< *hi!e the unions 'ntici)'te the 'dvent o:econo/ic counci!s%5,,7

    .orter>s org'ni 'tion'! conce)tions *ere not '!! th't di::erent :ro/ Lenin>s o*n ' )'rt+-union du'!it+< *ith the :or/er t'(ing )recedence over the !'tter h'd ':ter '!! 0een set :orth inWhat is to .e Done 's e'r!+ 's #$ 1%

    Nor did Otto RHh!e #,&3--#$32 entire!+ '0'ndon this !ine< e@ce)t inso:'r 's he'dvoc'ted ' >unit'r+> org'ni 'tion% RHh!e h'd 0een ' te'cher *ith ' dee) interest in )ed'gogic'nd )s+cho!ogic'! )ro0!e/s 's *e!! 's ' soci'!-de/ocr't de)ut+ in the Reichst'g *hen the *'r 0ro(e out% 4e :o!!o*ed Lie0(necht in voting 'g'inst the *'r credits in M'rch !$# % Right :ro/the :ound'tion o: the =8D he :ound hi/se!: in the !e:t-*ing o))osition< *hich he su0seBuent!+:o!!o*ed into the =A8D< t'(ing *ith hi/ his o*n org'ni 'tion in E'st S'@on+ he h'd 0eene!ected 8resident o: the Dresden *or(ers> counci! in Nove/0er #$#, % On his returns under!+ing 0e!ie: th't the org'ni 'tion o: the revo!ution'r+

    v'ngu'rd *hich he considered indis)ens'0!e shou!d not t'(e the :or/ o: ' )o!itic'! )'rt+% It*'s in the enter)rise th't the )ri/'r+ 0'tt!e:ie!d in the strugg!e 'g'inst the )o*er o: c')it'! *'s

  • 8/13/2019 Council Communism Intros


    ON COUNCIL COMMUNISM M'rce! v'n der Linden - 1 3to 0e :ound< 'nd it *'s on this 0'sis th't conscious revo!ution'ries *ou!d see( to unite% The GO

    *or(ers> org'ni 'tions :eder'ted 'nd gr'du'!!+ :or/ed the Unit'r+ Wor(ers> Le'gue AAU-E % This Le'gue too( on the ch'r'cteristics o: revo!ution'r+ strugg!e -- econo/ic 'nd )o!itic'! --'nd concerned itse!: *ith 0oth% It *'s governed 0+ the :eder'!ist )rinci)!e? no centr'!is/< no!e'dershi) >:ro/ outside>< no inter:erence 0+ inte!!ectu'!s not 0e!onging to the )!'nt% De!eg'tescou!d 0e revo(ed 't 'n+ ti/e< *hi!e the !e'ders *ere no /ore th'n s)o(es/en :or the r'n( 'nd:i!e< its e@ecutive org'ns% The t's( o: unit'r+ org'ni 'tion consisted o: deve!o)ing c!'ssconsciousness 'nd ' :ee!ing o: so!id'rit+ '/ong *or(ers% Neither ' )'rt+ nor ' union< the AAU-E *'s the revo!ution'r+ org'ni 'tion o: the )ro!et'ri't% It disso!ved itse!: *ith the '))e'r'nce o:the counci!s *hich< in so/e *'+s< it h'd )re:igured%5$ 7

    The inter/edi'te conce)tion< h'!:*'+ 0et*een the >org'ni 'tion'!ists> 'nd the>s)ont'neists>< *'s deve!o)ed 0+ 8'nne(oe(< 'rising !ogic'!!+ :ro/ his vie*s on the n'ture o:the revo!ution'r+ strugg!e< *hich he tied direct!+ to c!'ss consciousness% Anton 8'nne(oe(

    #,&2--#$; *'s 'n 'strono/er o: *or!d-reno*n 'nd 'n histori'n o: science throughout his!i:e he )ursued ' du'! c'reer 's /i!it'nt 'nd scientist% 4e *'s 'ctive in the soci'!ist /ove/ent:or over h'!: ' centur+% 4e Foined the Dutch SDA8 in #$#1 'nd< in the :o!!o*ing +e'r< 0eg'ndeve!o)ing his theor+ o: /'ss s)ont'neit+ % 4e *'s invited to Ger!in in #$ in order to te'ch 'tthe )'rt+ schoo!< 'nd hence:orth he 0ec'/e 'ctive in 0oth org'ni 'tions% 4e 0ec'/e invo!ved inthe Gre/en !e:t-*ing r'dic'! circ!es :ro/ #$ ; on*'rds< contri0uting ' !'rge nu/0er o: 'rtic!es

    to the )'rt+ Fourn'!s% 4e *'s e@)e!!ed :ro/ .er/'n+ in #$#3 on 'ccount o: his Dutchn'tion'!it+< 0ut he c'rried on his 'ctivities in S*it er!'nd 'nd 4o!!'nd *ithin theXi//er*'!di'n !e:t *hi!e (ee)ing u) his cont'cts *ith the .er/'n intern'tion'! soci'!ists% 4e*ithdre* :ro/ 'ctive /i!it'nt *or( ':ter #$1# to devote hi/se!: to 'strono/+< *hich he t'ught't the Universit+ o: A/sterd'/ :ro/ #$1 on*'rds% 4e neverthe!ess contri0uted to thetheoretic'! *or( o: the Dutch counci! co//unists< the .IC Intern'tion'! Co//unists .rou) s consciousness re/'ins the )risoner o: the 0e!ie:s< )reFudices 'nd :'!se v'!ues o: the surrounding cu!ture% The )o*er o: the 0ourgeoisie iss)iritu'! 0e:ore '!! e!se? the 0ourgeoisie contro!s re!igion< educ'tion< )ro)'g'nd' 'ctivities 'nds consciousness o: its e/'nci)'tor+ t's(s vie*s *ere r'ther /ore 0!unt< reFecting '!!:or/s o: >e@tern'!> org'ni 'tion< no /'tter *h't its )ro:i!e /ight 0e%

    During the )eriod #$#&--12 one encounters conce)tions *hich /ore c!ose!+ rese/0!ecert'in 'n'rchist tendencies th'n the )rev'i!ing M'r@is/% As e'r!+ 's #$#&< 9u!i'n Gorch'rdte@ecutive org'ns> *usf 0r'nch o: the counci! co//unists AAU-Ede/'nding the disso!ution o: '!! gener'! org'ni 'tion'! structures i%e% ones 0ringing togetherr'n(-'nd-:i!e grou)s % 5$ 7 Gut these t*o tendencies stood 't the outer edges o: counci! theor+%On the other h'nd< ' cert'in nu/0er o: counci!!ists )ut :or*'rd ide's in the #$2 s derived 0+strict inter)ret'tion :ro/ the ver+ he'rt o: this theor+% "or these )eo)!e< it *'s i/)ossi0!e todistinguish 0et*een the c!'ss strugg!e 'nd the 'cts o: the *or(ers the *or(ers> /ove/entcoincided *ith the /ove/ent o: the *or(ers% It is governed 0+ its o*n !'*s tending to*'rd the'))ro)ri'tion o: the /e'ns o: )roduction% Not on!+ does it cre'te its o*n org'ns o: /'teri'!strugg!e :'ctor+ or 'ction co//ittees 0ut '!so its o*n org'ns o: inte!!ectu'! (no*!edge?

    *or(ing grou)s% These grou)s 're no !onger g'therings o: individu'!s e@tern'! to the c!'ss 0utconstitute 'n instru/ent :orged 0+ the c!'ss itse!: 'nd *ithin its o*n r'n(s% This *i!! !e'd to the'utono/ous org'ni 'tion o: the /'sses into counci!s< 'nd the 'utono/ous org'ni 'ton o:revolutionar( &orkers into *or(ing grou)s%5$;7 In other *ords< '!! intervention :ro/ outside ise!i/in'ted '!! e::orts in the direction o: the :in'! o0Fective /ust co/e :ro/ *ithin the c!'ss 'nd'n+ e@ce)tion to this c'n on!+ 0e ins)ired 0+ the >e@-*or(ers> /ove/ent%

    We h've seen ho* counci! theor+ 0ro(e '*'+ :ro/ !e:t-*ing r'dic'!is/< est'0!ishing itso*n individu'!it+ against the conce)tions Mosco* *'s )ro)'g'ting through the ThirdIntern'tion'!% With the )'ssing +e'rs< the Buestion o: the Russi'n Revo!ution< its n'ture 'ndch'r'cteristics< *'s to t'(e 'n incre'sing!+ i/)ort'nt )!'ce in the discussions o: these >*or(inggrou)s> % The counci!!ists deve!o)ed not one 0ut t*o successive conce)tions o: the Russi'nRevo!ution< the content o: these conce)tions 0eing inse)'r'0!e :ro/ their theor+ 's ' *ho!e%

    To 0egin *ith< :ro/ #$#$ on< r'dic'! theoretici'ns 'cce)ted th't Russi' h'd undergone 'true revo!ution< '0o!ishing the o!d regi/e 'nd c'rr+ing the )ro!et'ri't to )o*er% Gut the s)eci:icconditions )redo/in'ting in this 0'c(*'rd countr+ /e'nt th't the revo!ution cou!d not 0ee@)ected to 'ssu/e the s'/e :or/s 's those it *ou!d sure!+ t'(e on in the industri'!i edcountries o: *estern Euro)e 'nd North A/eric'% "or these countries )ossessed !'rge< educ'ted )ro!e!et'ri'ts< *ith !ong histories 0ehind the/ the+ cou!d not re!+ u)on other soci'! c'tegories:or the co/)!etion o: their historic'! t's(% In .er/'n+< :or e@'/)!e< the /'ss o: )e's'nts *'sco/)osed o: ten'nt :'r/ers 'nd s/'!!ho!ders *hose so!e '/0ition *'s to en!'rge 'nd )rotecttheir )ro)ert+? the+ *ere the n'tur'! '!!ies o: the industri'! 0ourgeoisie% The )ro!et'ri't cou!don!+ count on its o*n :orces< /'teri'! 'nd s)iritu'!% The d'+ it 'rose< it *ou!d t'(e u)on itse!:the destruction o: the o!d structures 'nd< '0ove '!!< it *ou!d e@ercise its o*n dict'torshi) -- c!'ssdict'torshi)% In Russi'< on the other h'nd< si@ /i!!ion *or(ers h'd 0een 0'c(ed 0+ ' v'st /'sso: )e's'nts '!so 's)iring to the e@)ro)ri'tion o: the c')it'!ists% Once it h'd 'chieved )o*ers introduction o: the NE8'nd his encour'ge/ent o: )riv'te )ro)ert+< es)eci'!!+ in the count+side% RHh!e *'s one o: the:irst to de/+tho!ogi e the >co//unist> ch'r'cter o: the Russi'n Revo!ution% On his return :ro/Russi' he st'ted th't the counci!s /ere!+ /'s(ed the dict'torshi) o: the )'rt+< 'nd th't he :oundno tr'ce o: genuine co//unis/ converse!+< he *ent on< there *'s ' :!ourishing ne* soviet 0ourgeoisieQ5$$7 Short!+ ':ter*'rds '!! the counci!!ists c'/e round to the vie* th't *h't h'doccurred in Russi' h'd 0een ' de/ocr'tic-0ourgeois or )e's'nt-0ourgeois revo!ution? so :'r*ere intern'! )o!ic+ the restor'tion o: )riv'te )ro)ert+ 'nd e@tern'! )o!ic+ co//erci'! 'nddi)!o/'tic re!'tions *ith the c')it'!ist )o*ers 0oth su))osed to 0e'r *itness to ' )rocess in*hich )o*er *'s gr'du'!!+ )'ssing into the h'nds o: ' /inorit+ 'nd *hich *'s !e'ding str'ightto*'rds >St'te c')it'!is/>% The t's(s :'cing the Russi'n revo!ution'ries *ere those o: 'de:'u!ting 0ourgeoisie? the Revo!ution h'd 0een /'de 0+ ' h'nd:u! o: re)resent'tives o: the )etit 0ourgeoisie -- the Go!shevi(s -- *ho h'd then gone on to set the/se!ves u) 's 'n o0st'c!eto the *or!d )ro!et'ri'n revo!ution As usu'!< it *'s RHh!e *ho st'ted this ide' /ost incisive!+?:or hi/< the /ore or !ess )ro!et'ri'n ch'r'cter o: the Russi'n Revo!ution did nothing to '!ter its 0ourgeois essence in ' countr+ *here the :irst t's( *'s to )rogress :ro/ :eud'!is/ to theindustri'! c')it'!is/ o: the /odern er'% Right :ro/ the outset< he c!'i/ed< the regi/e h'dsho*n itse!: to 0e 0ourgeois? one h'd on!+ to !oo( to the Grest-Litovs( Tre't+< the 'cce)t'nce o:

    the )rinci)!e o: the right to se!:-deter/in'tion o: )eo)!es< the )ersistence o: )riv'te )ro)ert+'/ong the )e's'ntr+ or the )o!ic+ o: n'tion'!i 'tion< *hich h'd nothing *h'tever to do *ith so iali#ation %5# 7

    The essence o: this 'n'!+sis *'s to re/'in the s'/e< even ':ter the :orced co!!ectivi 'tiono: #$1,--2 < '!though re:ine/ents *ere 'dded !'ter% 8'nne(oe( !'ter e@)!'ined th't theoccu)'tion o: )o*er 0+ the )'rt+ *'s due to ' >short'ge o: c'dres> 'nd th't the St'te h'dsu0stituted itse!: :or the c!'ss% "or hi/< St'te c')it'!is/ *'s eBu'!!+ ' :or/ o: State so ialismsince the St'te< in Russi'< *'s the so!e /'ster% With the 0ure'ucr'c+ c'r+ing out t's(s *hich< inWestern Euro)e< *ou!d h've 0een those o: the 0ourgeoisie< it *'s c!e'r!+ the Fo0 o: the 0ure'ucr'ts to i/)ose industri'!i 'tion 'nd the co!!ectivi 'tion o: !'nd% This is *h+< des)ite its 0ourgeois ch'r'cter< or r'ther 0ec'use o: it< the Russi'n Revo!ution re)resented 'n enor/ousste) :or*'rd< the /'sses h'ving 'dv'nced :ro/ ' st'ge o: unevo!ving 0'r0'ri'nis/ to 'situ'tion in *hich the+ /ight 's)ire to dignit+% Gut the )rice o: this )rogress *'s ' he'v+ one?'n o))ressive dict'torshi)< 'nd 'n even /ore crushing s!'ver+ th'n th't *eighing u)on the*or(ing c!'ss in Western c')it'!ist societies% 5# #7

    The Second Wor!d W'r !ed to no not'0!e ch'nges in the counci! theor+ ' cert'in nu/0ero: theses *ere 'ccentu'ted< *hi!e others *ere )!'+ed do*n% The /'in t'rget o: strugg!es *'sno* the St'te-unions co'!ition< 's ' resu!t o: *hich ne* :or/s o: con:!ict *ere to 0e envis'ged

  • 8/13/2019 Council Communism Intros


    ON COUNCIL COMMUNISM M'rce! v'n der Linden - 1 351,7 >I! )'rtito e !' revo!u ione>Sindic'!is/o e consig!i>:rdine %uovo , Nove/0er #$#$ < 'nd second 'rtic!eSindic'ti e consig!i> 1 9une #$1 < in:!ere < ))%33-,De/ocr' i' o)er'i'>< :rdine %uovo 1# 9u!+ #$#$ < *ritten in co!!'0or'tion *ith8'!/iro Tog!i'tti< in :!ere < ))% # -#2% 5Fohngr'+ note ? Eng!ish tr'ns!'tion in Antonio .r'/sci Sele tions from oliti al Writings565G--568G London< #$&& < ))% ; -;,7See '!so 9% M% 8iotte< La !ens e !oliti?ue