coupled & ocean modelling @ mpi-m

Coupled & Ocean Modelling @ MPI-M Johann Jungclaus Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie

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Coupled & Ocean Modelling @ MPI-M. Johann Jungclaus. Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie. Ocean model development at MPI-M has presently two foci: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Coupled & Ocean Modelling @ MPI-M

Johann Jungclaus

Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie

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Ocean model development at MPI-M has presently two foci:

Maintain and improve the Max Planck Institute Ocean Model (MPIOM) as part of the MPI-M Earth System Model (E. Maier-Reimer, H.Haak, J. Jungclaus, J-S. v. Storch)

Develop a new ocean model in co-operation with new atmosphere model ICON (P. Korn, S. Lorenz, PhD students)

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Momentum, Energy, H2O, CO2




Solar variations

Volcanic aerosolCO2 emissions

Natural forcingAnthropogenic forcing

Land use change

CH4, N2O, CFC conc.



The MPI-M Earth System Model

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• ECHam5/6 (Roeckner et al., 2003), interactive runoff and glacier calving scheme.

• Land surface JSBACH (Raddatz et al., 2007), Dynamic Vegetation (Brovkin et al., 2009)

• New Radiation• Resolution: T31L19, T63L47, T127/L95, …..

• OASIS 3.0 coupler


The MPI-M Earth System Model

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• MPIOM (Marsland et al., 2003), • C-Grid, z-level, partial cells, BBL parameterization• Isopycnal diffusion, GM (Gent et al., 1995; Griffies et al., 1998)• Vertical mixing: PP and mixed layer wind mixing• Hibler-type sea ice model incl. snow and fractional ice cover• Conformal mapping grid: dipole or tripole• Ocean biogeochemistry module HAMOCC5 (Wetzel et al., 2007)


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dipole global application:

GR3.0 and GR1.5

dipole regional application

MPIOM- grid set-upsdipole grid

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Tri-polar, quasi-homogeneous

1°, 0.4°, 0.1°

tripole grid set-up

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Paleo applications

PETM (55 Ma)

PhD thesis M. Heinemann

dipole grid

Miocene (15 Ma)

PhD thesis M. Krapp

tripole grid

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Resolution mattersGriffies et al., 2009


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Griffies et al., 2009


Resolution matters (sometimes…)

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• long (and, or many) integrations with effective low-resolution ESM (T31/GR3)

• Ensemble simulations of the Last Millennium

• Multi-millennia transient experiments (e.g. Holocene)

• Sensitivity experiments in paleo environment (e.g., PETM, Miocene)

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Example: Last Millennium

• first ensemble simulations over the last 1200 years using comprehensive ESM including interactive carbon cycle. (In total, almost 20000 years of data!)

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HadCRUT2vCRUTEM2vExpt. 1 Expt. 2

Expt. 4 Expt. 2

Expt. 3

anomalies w.r.t. 1961-1991 mean

•Simulation captures warming trend over 19th/20th century

•Observed multidecadal variations partly due to internal variability

Northern Hemisphere temperatures:the instrumental period

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Northern Hemisphere temperatures:the last 1200 years

solid: 5 full forcing expts. (Krivova solar 0.1%)

dashed: 3 full forcing expts. (Bard solar 0.25%)

• Range of variability consistent with observations, but LIA cooling less pronounced than in reconstruction for 0.1%

Background shading: overlay of reconstructions (after IPCC, 2007)

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Simulation of CO2 evolution

Solid lines: full forcing ensemble E1 (Krivova solar, 0.1%)

dashed lines: full forcing ensemble E2 (Bard solar, 0.25%)

Grey shading: Overlap of reconstructions (C. Reick)

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• Decadal prediction and ocean initialization • No data assimilation for MPIOM available, but

benefit from Detlef Stammer‘s GECCO work in the neighborhood

• Presently testing several „assimilation“ techniques in AR4 set-up (ECHAM5 T63L31 MPIOM GR1.5L40) : SST (Keenlyside et al., 2008),

• GECCO (Pohlmann et al., 2009)• Forced (NCEP) MPIOM runs (Matei et al., in


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SAT hind minus 20C COR skill for lead time 1yr


Gain in skill

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SAT hind minus 20C COR skill for yr6-10


Gain in skill

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STORM-project (J.S. v. Storch)

- using IPCC AR5 model system (ECHAM6/MPIOM-TP)

- long climate change simulations (i.e., 20 century run + 21 century run with RCP4.5 forcing)

- horizontal resolution in the ocean: ~ 1/10 degree (10km)

- horizontal resolution in the atmosphere: ~ 50 km

Scientific foci (among others):

- Climate sensitive & dependence of climate sensitive on resolution (e.g. whether and to what extent will climate projections change due to enhanced resolution)

- Impact studies (e.g. changes of extreme value statistics…)

MPIOM at high resolution (0.1°)

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a snapshot of horizontal velocity speed at 57 m [m/s]

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• MPI-M will run CMIP5 experiments 20th century, projections, and decadal forecast using ECHAM6 T127/L95 MPIOM 0.4/L80 „HR“

• Paleo and historic (last millennium) will be run at T63L47 (ECHAM6) and 1°L40 (MPIOM) „LR“

• Expts with interactive chemistry will be run at „LR“ at FZ Jülich (M. Schultz)


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control 1850 C 500

1850-2005 C+2*T1 3*156

RCP4.5 2006-2100 C+2*T1 3*95

RCP4.5 2101-2300 T1 200

RCP8.5 2006-2100 C+2 3*95

RCP8.5 2101-2300 T2 200

RCP2.6 2006-2100 T1+2 3*95

RCP2.6 2101-2300 T2 200


C: CORE, T1: Tier1, T2: Tier 2

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CO2 Emission 1003

Control C-cycle C 250

1850-2005 C-cycle C 156

RCP8.5 2006-2100 C-c. C 95

1850-2005 decoupled T1 156

RCP8.5 2006-2100 dec. T1 95

1850-2005 rad. only T2 156

RCP8.5 2006-2100 rad. T2 95


C: CORE, T1: Tier1, T2: Tier 2

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Initialized decadal 2700

Initialized, 10 yr 30*C+70*T1 100*10

Initialized, 30 yr 6*C+14*T1 20*30

Initialized - volcanoe 15*T1+35 50*10

Initialized + volcanoe 3*T1+7 10*10


C: CORE, T1: Tier1, T2: Tier 2

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Paleo: PMIP3 6000

control mid holocene 2000

control LGM 2000

Control Millennium 2000


Mid holocene T1 100

LGM T1 100

Last Millennium T2 1200

Total 7400


C: CORE, T1: Tier1, T2: Tier 2

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Working fields

• Tides (E. Maier-Reimer, M. Müller)

• New sea ice model (D. Notz)

• Vertical mixing (E. Exarchou, J. v. Storch, JHJ)

• Adaptation for high resolution (0.1° or higher) models (non-hydrostatic, non-boussinesq (E. Maier-Reimer))

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• Ephemeridic module of Thomas et al. [2001] implemented in MPIOM

• Analytical ephemerides for the sun and moon calculated with sufficient accuracy for tidal applications (~0.1‘ for the sun, 1-2‘ for the moon) [van Flandern and Plukkinen, 1998]

• Real-time forcing of complete lunisolar tidal potential

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New sea-ice model

• A representation of the frazil-pancake cycle and the associated brine release

• An improved representation of salt fluxes from ice during growth and decay

• Multi-layer, multi-category sea-ice thermodynamics

• Improved albedo scheme (Pedersen et al., 2009)

• Dynamics on triangular grid for ICON is planned

The new sea-ice model will include:

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• Coupled atmosphere & ocean model on identical grid type• Icosahedral grid: unstructured grid that avoids problems of

lat/lon grids: pole singularity, non-uniformity of grid cells• Collaboration with German Weather Service (DWD)• Includes data assimilation• Joint pool of physics packages • From short & local to long & global time-space scales weather

and climate prediction

• Local model refinement: horizontal & vertical

• regional/local modelling

• covering hydrostatic & nonhydrostatic regime

ICON: MPI-M's Next Generation Climate Model

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ICON Development Branches

2D shallow water

3D hydrostatic atmos. dynamical core

ICOHAM as successor of


3D non-hydrostatic numerics

3D hydrostatic ocean

+ ECHAM physics

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The ICON Grid

Concept of patches for refinement for domain decompositionUnstructured grid minimize distance between neighbors in memory only relationships between neighbors are stored: no traditional array data structure

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Ocean model versus Atmosphere model

one external modea few fast vertical modes, vertical mode decomposition every time step

Elliptic problem for...

operators: divergence, vorticity, gradientelliptic solver, time stepping



z levelshybrid terrain followingVertical coordinate

Hydrostatic OceanHydrostatic AtmosphereModel

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Primitive equation model with a free surface Discretization of vector-invariant form of momentum equation

Spatial Discretization: C-type staggering Normal velocity: at triangle edges Temperature & salinity: at triangle centers Free surface elevation: at triangle centers

Temporal Discretization: semi-implicit two-timelevel scheme

ICON Ocean model

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1st version of dynamical core implemented and tested

Physics (work-in-progress)

Forcing Momentum/heat/fresh-water fluxes (CORE-project)Bulk formulas

ParametrizationsVertical mixing, convection Grid-dependent physics (GM) requires substantial development

ICON Ocean model

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Ocean data assimilation/state estimation using adjoint method

Adjoint model via adjoint compiler adjoint compiler as integral part of ICON-Ocean model automatic generation of adjoint code

Strategy ICON-Ocean development parallel with adjoint development collaboration with Prof. U. Naumann (RWTH Aachen)

Current status adjoint ICON-shallow-water model available

ICON Ocean model: further development

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