craig tornquist...don’t be surprised to see craig appearing in your workshop sessions as the...


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Page 1: Craig Tornquist...Don’t be surprised to see Craig appearing in your workshop sessions as the conference progresses. Craig Tornquist was told by David Letterman to “Keep your act
Page 2: Craig Tornquist...Don’t be surprised to see Craig appearing in your workshop sessions as the conference progresses. Craig Tornquist was told by David Letterman to “Keep your act

Craig Tornquist

Craig will be joining us again this year as the Master of Ceremonies (MC) throughout the conference—culminating with the Banquet and Awards Cere-mony. Don’t be surprised to see Craig appearing in your workshop sessions as the conference progresses.

Craig Tornquist was told by David Letterman to “Keep your act clean, prac-tice as often as you can, and never give up.” Since then, Tornquist has per-formed more than 2,500 stand-up comedy shows across the country.

Schedule of Events

Wednesday, November 8: 8:00 am — 1:45 pm PA SADD Conference

9:00 am — 5:00 pm Registration/Exhibits Open

11:30 am —12:45 pm Welcome/Lunch

12:50 pm — 1:45 pm Opening Session with SADD

Cara Filler

2:00 pm — 3:30 pm Workshop Session #1

3:30 pm — 3:45 pm Break

3:45 pm — 5:15 pm Workshop Session #2

Thursday, November 9: 9:00 am — 5:00 pm Registration/Exhibits Open

9:00 am —10:30 am Workshop Session #3

10:30 am —12:00 pm Workshop Session #4

12:00 pm —12:30 pm Regional Meetings

12:30 pm — 2:00 pm Lunch

2:00 pm — 3:30 pm Workshop Session #5

5:30 pm — 6:30 pm VIP Reception for Top Gun Honorees

6:30 pm — 8:30 pm Banquet and Awards Ceremony

Keynote Presentation—Sally Chopping

Friday, November 10: 9:00 am —11:00 am Closing Session — Heroin & Opioids

Brian Dempsey, US DOJ

Page 3: Craig Tornquist...Don’t be surprised to see Craig appearing in your workshop sessions as the conference progresses. Craig Tornquist was told by David Letterman to “Keep your act

PA SADD Conference Held in Conjunction with PA DUI Association Annual Meeting

This year we will once again be able to join together with the SADD conference at Seven Springs.

We will join the 500+ members of SADD and share Cara Filler’s empowering message.

Opening Session—Cara Filler

Cara Filler is Driven to Inspire. For the last 18 years, Cara has

shared her powerful positive leadership and prevention programs

with more than 2 million people in 5 countries. She has become

one of the most sought after female motivational speakers in her

field. She empowers students, teachers, parents and complete

strangers to make everyday choices count. Why? Because if it

causes just ONE person to care more, speak up and stand out –


Cara believes that it is not the events that happen in our lives that

make us who we are, but the meaning we give to those events that

control the steering wheel of our lives. The road hasn’t always

been ‘easy’ for Cara. The day before her 18th birthday, Cara’s world was devastated and forever

changed when her identical twin sister, Mairin, was killed in a high speed car crash. From that day

forward, Cara committed to helping others put life and its challenges in perspective. She is a dedi-

cated Safety Spaz and encourages everyone no matter your age to listen to your inner voice, stand

up to a bully, get out of a speeding car, take the keys from a friend who has been drinking, ask for

help or make a hard decision. It could just save a life!!

Cara keeps it real. She’s an incredible storyteller, a bad dancer, and totally unashamed to make a

fool of herself. Cara remembers what it’s like to be a student, what it’s like not to fit in, what it’s

like to lose someone you love, and what it’s like to want something better for yourself and the


She works closely with ASB, SADD, FCCLA, 4H, FFA – among other community organizations

worldwide to educate, entertain and empower students.

Cara is also an entrepreneur and founder of the Drive To Save Lives Tour, a hand-selected group of

high quality, high impact, prevention speakers who have banned together to create a positive last-

ing difference for audiences across North America, and the founder of iSPOKE UP, a campaign for

students to share their voice and their impact by speaking up for others and themselves and empow-

ering positive choices.

Page 4: Craig Tornquist...Don’t be surprised to see Craig appearing in your workshop sessions as the conference progresses. Craig Tornquist was told by David Letterman to “Keep your act

Workshop Session #1 2:00 p.m.—Wednesday, November 8

1A. Drug & Alcohol Diversion Program: A workshop

about an innovative, prosecutor-led diversion program for

Drug and Alcohol offenses that balances offender accounta-

bility with rehabilitative strategies.

The workshop addresses:

* How to launch a program

* Establishing eligibility criteria

* Working with community partners

The workshop will also include a guide to launching a Drug

and Alcohol Diversion program. Presenter: Cindy Wise,

Regional Vice President, Corrective Solutions.

1B. Drug Trends: In this course we will discuss some of

the common drug trends that are being seen in Pennsylvania

and some of the drugs that may be making their way

here. We will talk about designer drugs and why they have

become so popular and how detecting them is so diffi-

cult. Over the counter medication will be a topic as well as

looking at substances that are legal to possess. This class

will show lots of videos, photos and actual drugs and drug

paraphernalia. We will look at indicators which will help

to identify people who may be using impairing substances

such as clothing, paraphernalia, as well as signs and symp-

toms which are produced by the body when people are con-

suming drugs. Presenter: Cpl. Scott Davis, DUISDRE Co-

ordinator, PA State Police

(continued at 3:45 pm)

1C. Investigating and Prosecuting Ignition Interlock

Violations: With the passage of Act 33 of 2016 and Act

30 of 2017, law enforcement officers will be encountering

far more ignition interlock limited licenses. This workshop

will break down the changes in the suspension period and

interlock eligibility for DUI offenders, and how to properly

investigate and prosecute ignition interlock violations.

Presenters: Ande Gonzalez, ADA Lancaster County & Ei-

leen Lee, Director of Ignition Interlock Quality Assurance

Program, PA DUI Association.

1D. Nonverbal Behavior: Continuous Communication:

This course exposes learners to the impact of non-verbal

communication. Topics include body language, eye contact,

attire, and manner of presentation. The learners will discuss

the use of visual cues such as body language (kinesics),

time (chronemics), distance (proxemics) and physical envi-

ronment/appearance, of voice (paralanguage) and of touch

(haptics). Presenter: Mark Valenti, Director of Practice

Transformation, Allegheny Health Network. (continued at 3:45 pm)

Workshop Session #2 3:45 p.m.—Wednesday, November 8 2A. DUI Offenders and Mental Health: This training will

give an overview of the links between mental health disor-

ders and DUI offenders. The importance of proper screen-

ing, diagnosis, and treatment options for DUI offenders in

regards to mental health and their implications will be dis-

cussed. Presenter: Todd Belfus, MA, Program Manager,

Livengrin Foundation.

2B. Drug Trends: (continued from 2:00 pm)

2C. Emerging Technologies: This workshop will cover

developing technology in drug testing including roadside

saliva and breath based drug detection, and home monitor-

ing of drug use. Also covered will be transdermal technolo-

gies, passive detection systems, as well as improvements in

Ignition Interlock Drug detection, such as real-time data

transmission, early alerts image recognition and self-

calibrating units. A look at low end offender technologies

like volunteer testing, mobile based check-in and tests and

home alcohol testing will also be included in this presenta-

tion. Presenter: Dick Mumma, CEO, LMG Holdings, Inc.

2D. Nonverbal Behavior: Continuous Communication

(continued from 2:00 pm)

Page 5: Craig Tornquist...Don’t be surprised to see Craig appearing in your workshop sessions as the conference progresses. Craig Tornquist was told by David Letterman to “Keep your act

Workshop Session #3 9:00 a.m.—Thursday, November 9

3A. Breath Testing Panel Discussion: This panel will

focus on the impact of increased breath testing in the wake

of North Dakota v. Birchfield. Panel members will discuss

procedures, available instruments, prosecution, and respons-

es to a variety of defense challenges seen throughout the

state. Panel members will include breath test maintenance

officers, prosecutors, and manufacturers. Presenters: Repre-

sentatives from CMI, Drager, and Intoximeters, Ande Gon-

zalez, ADA Lancaster County and David Andrascik (retired

PSP Corporal). (continued at 10:30)

3B. Drug Paraphernalia: Police officers, probation offic-

ers, drug treatment specialists, and many other professionals

in the fields of law enforcement and/or drug-related occupa-

tions encounter an ever-growing number of drug abusers

during routine enforcement and supervisory activities. With

the increase in the number of types and methods of use of

various drugs, the Internet has become a major source for

the sale and instruction in the use of a variety of drug devic-

es and their concealment.

Topics include paraphernalia involved with the new forms

of cannabis and other drugs, throw-away devices, parapher-

nalia available for sale on-line, drug hides, and procedures

for hiding drugs in homes, vehicles, and in plain view. Presenter: Gene Stull, STAC Associates. (continued at 10:30)

3C. DUI Case Law: This workshop is designed to present,

interpret and discuss constitutional issues related to traffic,

and drug and alcohol-related enforcement activities. Issues

to be discussed include: DUI case law; implied consent,

standardized field sobriety testing, Miranda issues, police

liability and current decisions relating to officer safety is-

sues. Presenter: Dave Drumheller, Traffic Safety Resource

Prosecutor, PA District Attorney’s Association.

3D. Group Counseling: The Art of Engagement and the

Art of Control: Leading groups well is difficult! This

workshop focuses on major concepts of group leading (the

art of engagement and the art of control; clarity of purpose),

essential leadership skills, common mistakes, how to pro-

cess exercises effectively, and how to work with one mem-

ber while keeping other members engaged. Much of the

workshop will be demonstrations. A wide variety of exer-

cises will be discussed and demonstrated. Videos showing

the skills and techniques will be shown. Skills for beginning and closing a session will be shown. Presenter: Ed Jacobs,

PhD, Coordinator Master's in Counseling, West Virginia

University. (continued at 10:30)

10:30 a.m.—Thursday, November 9 4A. Breath Testing Panel Discussion:

(continued from 9:00) 4B. Drug Paraphernalia: (continued from 9:00)

4C. SCRAM: With the threat of repeat impaired dr iv-

ers on the roads, many counties are utilizing Secure Contin-

uous Remote Alcohol Monitoring (SCRAM) devices on all

repeat offenders. This workshop will discuss the operation

of SCRAM Alcohol Monitors, interpretation of violation

reports, and the ways in which VigilNet can assist in prov-

ing violations. Presenter: Vigilnet Representative. 4D. Group Counseling: The Art of Engagement and the Art of Control: (continued from 9:00)

Workshop Session #4

Regional Meetings

Each Region will hold a membership meeting on

Thursday, November 9 at 12:00 pm. Please make

sure that you attend your regional meeting.

You’ll have the opportunity to meet the Board of

Directors representatives, schedule meetings for

2018 and have input into the types of workshops

and speakers you would like to hear at those


Page 6: Craig Tornquist...Don’t be surprised to see Craig appearing in your workshop sessions as the conference progresses. Craig Tornquist was told by David Letterman to “Keep your act

Mary Ann Bowman


The Pennsylvania DUI Association is proud to

offer the Eighth Annual Mary Ann Bowman

Award at our 38th Annual Meeting. This award

was created to recognize individuals who have

made outstanding contributions in the preven-

tion of impaired driving consistent with the

ideals and achievements of Mary Ann Bow-


Workshop Session #5 2:00 p.m.—Thursday, November 9

5A. Court Testimony: “Hear Me Now, and Remember

What I Said”: Have you ever testified in a court case and

thought “I have this case won” then had a totally opposite ver-

dict? Many times it’s not the facts of the case, but how they

were presented. The first part of the session identifies how

people think and learn.

Testifying on Direct and Cross Examination -The second

half of the session covers proper court room testimony, com-

mon problems from law enforcement officers, and tactics used

by defense attorneys. Presenter: Deputy Dave Kopenhaver,

Richland County Sheriff’s Department.

5B. Professional Empowering, Enabling, and Disabling:

This workshop will discuss holding people responsible for that

which they have control over, tracing relapses back to their

source, using case-management to prevent relapse, and allow-

ing consumers to feel the natural consequences of their ac-

tions. Participants will be asked to look at their own cultural

values and developmental issues when deciding how to deal

with relapses. The importance of case-management will be

stressed, but with a caveat about setting appropriate limits on

helping someone. Presenter: Ken Montrose, Director of

Training & Publications, Greenbriar Treatment Center.

5C. Vehicle Search and Seizure: This presentation is fo-

cused on the types of search and seizure issues that law en-

forcement officers face on a daily basis. Vehicle searches are

common and are conducted by highly trained police officers as

well as brand new patrol officers. The topics covered in this

course will include Pennsylvania’s Automobile Exception,

Canine Searches, Consent Searches, Plain View, Inventory

Searches, Terry Frisks, Search Incident to Arrest, and Search

Warrants. No matter your level of training and experience,

this course will provide you direction to handle a vehicle

search in any given situation. Participation from the attendees

is encouraged. Presenter: Dave Drumheller, Traffic Safety

Resource Prosecutor, PA District Attorney’s Association.

5D. Pennsylvania Accountability and Recovery for Im-

paired Drivers (PARID) Project: Criminal justice provid-

ers are tasked with balancing the sometimes-competing goals

of cost, public safety and improving psychosocial functioning.

Treatment providers are challenged to develop treatment plans

for individuals who may not recognize a need to change be-

havior and be resistive to treatment.

The National Association of Drug Court Professionals

(NADCP), together with the Office of National Drug Control

Policy (ONDCP) of the Executive Office of the President have

developed a program that identifies and applies evidence-

based risk-need-responsivity (RNR) assessments of of-

fenders at various stages in the criminal justice process.

This workshop will focus on a statewide study to iden-

tify and promote evidence-based and promising criminal

justice and treatment programs that address RNR issues

at the different stages of the criminal justice system.

Presenter: President Judge Michael Barrasse, Court of

Common Pleas, Lackawanna County and Jerry Span-

gler, DUI Treatment Compliance Project Manager, PA

Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs.

Workshop Session #5 (continued)

Page 7: Craig Tornquist...Don’t be surprised to see Craig appearing in your workshop sessions as the conference progresses. Craig Tornquist was told by David Letterman to “Keep your act


All conference registrations are subject to a $50.00 handling fee. Cancellations must be in writing

and received no later than November 1, 2017 in order to receive a refund less the $50.00 handling

fee. Transfer of registration to another person may be done at any time with out penalty. Refunds

cannot be authorized for no-shows.

Business casual is appropriate for attending the workshop sessions. The banquet on Thursday even-

ing tends to be more formal.

Lodging is not included in the conference registration fee. The workshops, refreshment breaks,

Wednesday’s lunch, reception, the banquet and conference materials are included in the registration


Register early to assure your place at the conference and avoid a late fee of $25 by registering by

October 14, 2017. Registration deadline—November 1, 2017.

Keynote Presentation— Sally Chopping

Sally Chopping is an award winning speaker who knows that people learn best when they are having fun. Her key-note speeches are electrifying presentations that will make people laugh and inspire them to be more focused and effective at work. Humor is the Antidote for Stress: this enlightening speech is innovative, practical and highly humorous. It takes a serious look at the benefits of humor and shows you how to use humor effectively so that you can live a less stressful and more productive life. Dwight Eisenhower said “Humor is part of the art of leadership, of getting along with people, of getting things done.” This keynote presentation will show you why laughter is so essential for leadership and for building strong relationships. You will learn how the brain processes humor, how a joke is constructed and how to find ways to add laughter to your life. It is especially useful for people in stressful profes-sions who need a way to maintain their enthusiasm for their job and to prevent burnout.

Page 8: Craig Tornquist...Don’t be surprised to see Craig appearing in your workshop sessions as the conference progresses. Craig Tornquist was told by David Letterman to “Keep your act


Pennsylvania DUI Association’s 38thAnnual Meeting Wednesday, November 8 - Friday, November 10, 2017

Seven Springs Mountain Resort

777 Waterwheel Drive

Seven Springs, PA

Reservation Procedures

Hotel Reservations must be made via Individual Call-In


and identify yourself as part of the PA DUI Association Conference

Hotel reservations must be received by October 7, 2017

To receive the rates listed above, identify yourself as part of the PA DUI Association


The Cut off date for reservations is October 7, 2017. All reservations made after

this date will be made on a space available basis, at the current rate.

All reservations must be accompanied by a first night room deposit or guaranteed

with a major credit card.

Cancellation: Deposits are refunded or credited only if notice is received 14 days

prior to arrival date

Check-in time is 4:00 p.m. and check-out is 11:00 a.m.

To make your reservations, call Seven Springs directly at 1-800-452-2223.

$138 per person for single occupancy

$80 per person for double occupancy

This includes 1 nights lodging and a full breakfast buffet the

following morning.

Room rates are subject to applicable to state and local taxes.

Page 9: Craig Tornquist...Don’t be surprised to see Craig appearing in your workshop sessions as the conference progresses. Craig Tornquist was told by David Letterman to “Keep your act

CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FORM Name _____________________________________________________________________________________



City/State/Zip ______________________________________________________________________________

Phone ___________________________________ Email ____________________________________________

(Confirmations are sent via email –please complete)

Registration Type (check one) Fee if paid: by 10/13 10/14—11/1

Member/Non-Member Member/Non-Member

____ Full Conference $275 / $325 $300 / $350

____ Wednesday Only $150 / $200 $175 / $225

____ Thursday Only $185 / $235 $210 / $260

____ Banquet Only—$50 (please circle correct fee above)

Banquet Selection (check one) _____ Roasted Beef Tenderloin w/ bordelaise sauce

_____ Crab Stuffed Shrimp w/ champagne sauce

_____ Penne Primavera w/ creamy parmesan sauce

Registration Deadline: November 1, 2017

Please call for information on attending a half day of workshops or Friday only

WORKSHOP SELECTIONS From the list on the previous pages write the letter and number of the workshop you would like to attend in each session.

Wednesday, November 8 Thursday, November 9

Session One—2:00 pm # _______ Session Three—9:00 am # _______

Session Two—3:45 pm # _______ Session Four—10:30 am # _______

Session Five—2:00 pm # _______

Any questions can be directed to the

PA DUI Association office at

(717) 238-4354

Mail or fax registration to:

2413 N. Front St., Harrisburg, PA 17110

(717) 238-6211 FAX

Payment Method:

Check - Enclosed payable to PA DUI Association

Credit Card (Please check one) _____American Express _____Mastercard _____Visa _____Discover

Card Number _______________________________ Expiration Date _________________ Card ID __________

Signature _____________________________________________________________________________________

Make sure you have: 1) Selected the type of registration you wish to secure

2) Made your banquet meal selection (if applicable)

3) Enclosed payment (including late fee if after 10/13)

4) Completed all registration information

5) Made reservations at Seven Springs