csi student design competition 2012

CSI Student Design Competition ”Downtown Bike Station” 2012 CSI Student Design Competition T 916.930.5900 [email protected] http://csisacto.org / 2012 CSI Student Competition

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CSI Student Design Competition 2012 - Downtown Bike Station


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CSI Student Design Competition”Downtown Bike Station”

2012 CSI Student Design Competition T 916.930.5900 [email protected] http://csisacto.org/

2012 CSI Student Competition

Page 2: CSI Student Design Competition 2012

Competition Information-Competition will be held at 622 20th street, located on the corner of 20th and G Street.

Parking is limited but will be available at the back of the building near the train tracks.

Competition begins at 8:00 am and continues until 5:00 pm.

Participants must remain on site for the duration of the competition.

Map to the Competition Site-

If you have any questions, please contact Wesley Ramirez at [email protected]

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2012 CSI Student Competition

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Background Information

Imagine walking to a sidewalk corner and finding a public bicycle. With a cellphone call or swipe of a card, you unlock it

from its bike rack and ride it across town. Once at your destination, you steer to the closest bike rack and, with one more

call or card swipe, return the bike to the public network. You pay a small charge for the trip, and the bike is once again

available for the taking.

A bicycle sharing system is a service in which bicycles are made available for shared use to individuals who do not own

them. Bicycle sharing systems can be divided into two general categories: "Community Bike programs" organized mostly

by local community groups or non-profit organizations; and "Smart Bike programs" implemented by government

agencies, sometimes in a public-private partnership. The central concept of these systems is to provide free or affordable

access to bicycles for short-distance trips in an urban area as an alternative to motorized public transportation or private

vehicles, thereby reducing traffic congestion, noise, and air pollution. Bicycle sharing systems have also been cited as a

way to solve the "last mile" problem and connect users to public transit networks.

Public bike sharing programs address some of the primary disadvantages to bicycle ownership, including loss from theft

or vandalism, lack of parking or storage, and maintenance requirements.However, by limiting the number of places where

bicycles can be rented or returned, the service itself essentially becomes a form of public transportation and therefore

may be less convenient than owning a bicycle.Government-run bicycle sharing programs can also prove costly to the

public unless subsidised by commercial interests, typically in the form of advertising on stations or the bicycles


Design ConsiderationsThe program envisions a symbolic center for bicycling in Sacramento combining storage, service elements, and public

amenities with the reconsideration of the public realm. Proposals should create a multidimensional urban environment,

layered with activity. The material, and formal qualities of each proposal should reflect the larger initiative to deepen the

sense of bicycle culture in Sacramento. Consider the nature of rolling through space in the development of sequences,

circulation patterns, and public environments. Proposals are encouraged to celebrate bicycle culture through the display

of stored bikes.

2012 CSI Student Design Competition T 916.930.5900 [email protected] http://csisacto.org/

2012 CSI Student Competition

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Bicycle Statistics/Facts


-According to the Surgeon General, approximately 300,000 U.S. deaths a year currently are associated with being obese

or overweight. This compares to 400,000 deaths a year associated with cigarette smoking. In 2002, obesity-related

medical care spending accounted for 11.6 percent of all private health care spending, compared to just 2 percent in

1987, concludes Health Affairs.

-Bicycles cost far less than automobiles to purchase and maintain, and do not require a continual intake of increasingly

expensive gasoline. Between six and twenty bicycles can be parked in the space a motor vehicle requires for parking.

Bicycles also cause little, if any, wear and tear on roadways.


-Motor vehicle emissions represent 31 percent of total carbon dioxide, 81 percent of carbon monoxide, and 49 percent

of nitrogen oxides released in the U.S. (The Green Commuter, a publication of the Clean Air Council). A short, four-mile

round trip by bicycle keeps about 15 pounds of pollutants out of the air we breathe. (WorldWatch Institute).

-According to the Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey, 25 percent of all trips are made within a mile of the home,

40 percent of all trips are within two miles of the home, and 50 percent of the working population commutes five miles or

less to work. Yet more than 82 percent of trips five miles or less are made by personal motor vehicle.

-60 percent of the pollution created by automobile emissions happens in the first few minutes of operation, before

pollution control devices can work effectively. Since “cold starts” create high levels of emissions, shorter car trips are

more polluting on a per-mile basis than longer trips.

-Michael Oppenheimer, the chief scientist at Environmental Defense, said, “If you reduced carbon dioxide, you’d begin to

get rid of most of the stuff that causes these everyday respiratory problems. You’d start to get rid of the nitrogen oxides,

which lead to the generation of smog. You’d start to get rid of sulfur dioxide, which leads not only to acid rain but to the

tiny particles that people breathe, and which cause respiratory and cardiovascular problems.”

A Rodale Press survey found that Americans want to have the opportunity to bike to work instead of driving, with 40

percent of those surveyed saying they would commute by bike if safe facilities were available.

-According to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) October 2000 Omnibus Household Survey, 41.3 million

Americans (20.0 percent) used a bicycle for transportation in the 30 days measured in the survey. Bicycling is the second

most preferred form of transportation after the automobile, ahead of public transportation. More than 9.2 million (22.3

percent) of the 41.3 million people who bicycled did so more than ten of the 30 days.

-Several findings from the BTS study indicate a growing concern among Americans with the impact of transportation

choices on quality of life—and a willingness to consider bicycling as part of the solution. Half of all Americans (99.0 million

people) believe that cars, SUVs, pickups, and vans are the primary cause of air pollution in their communities and 65

percent (135.4 million) are concerned about the level of traffic congestion on the roads in their communities. (They have a

2012 CSI Student Design Competition T 916.930.5900 [email protected] http://csisacto.org/

2012 CSI Student Competition

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right to feel this way: Americans spend 75 minutes a day in their car.) Some 79.1 million (38 percent) of all Americans feel

that the availability of bikeways, walking paths, and sidewalks for getting to work, shopping, and recreation is very

important in choosing where to live.

-Motor vehicle emissions represent 31 percent of total carbon dioxide, 81 percent of carbon monoxide, and 49 percent

of nitrogen oxides released in the U.S. (The Green Commuter, a publication of the Clean Air Council). Short car trips (over

distances that could easily be bicycled) are much more polluting than longer trips on a per-mile basis because 60 percent

of the pollution resulting from auto emissions is released during the first few minutes of operation of a vehicle.

Bike parking vs. Car parking statistics:

• -Number of bikes that can be parked in one car parking space in a paved lot: 6 – 20.

• -Number of racks for bicycle parking in Seattle: 1,900.

• -Estimated cost of constructing one parking space in a paved lot: $2,200.

• -Estimated cost of constructing one parking space in a garage: $12,500.

• -Recreational bike riding is a safe, low-impact, aerobic activity for Americans of all ages. Bike commuting is an ideal

solution to the need for moderate physical activity, which can be practiced five times a week. A 130-pound cyclist

burns 402 calories while pedaling 14 miles in an hour. A 180-pound cyclist burns 540 calories while pedaling 14 miles

in an hour.

Types of Bike Sharing StationsAlthough users of such systems generally pay to use vehicles that they themselves do not own, sharing systems differ

from traditional for-profit bike rental businesses. The first bike sharing projects were largely initiated by local community

organizations, either as charitable projects intended for the disadvantaged, or to promote bicycles as a non-polluting

form of transportation. In recent years, in an effort to reduce losses from theft and vandalism, many bike sharing

schemes now require a user to provide a monetary deposit or other security, or to become a paid subscriber. Most large-

scale urban bike sharing programs utilize numerous bike checkout stations, and operate much like public transit

systems, catering to tourists and visitors as well as local residents.

To date, no publicly owned and administered bicycle sharing program has yet been able to consistently operate as a self-

funding enterprise, using only revenues generated from membership subscriptions or user fees and charges. As a

consequence, most publicly owned bicycle sharing systems utilize funding from public governmental and/or charitable

sources. Bike sharing schemes may be administered by government entities, nonprofit private organizations, or via

public-private partnerships.

Many bicycle sharing schemes have been developed by a variety of organizations over the years, all based on one or

more of the following systems:


In this type of program the bicycles are simply released into a city or given area for use by anyone. In some cases, such

as a university campus, the bicycles are only designated for use within certain boundaries. Users are expected to leave

the bike unlocked in a public area once they reach their destination. Because the bike is not required to be returned to a

2012 CSI Student Design Competition T 916.930.5900 [email protected] http://csisacto.org/

2012 CSI Student Competition

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centralized station, ready availability of such bicycles is rare, and since unlocked bikes may be taken by another user at

any time, the original rider is forced to find alternative transportation for the return trip. Bicycle sharing programs without

locks, user identification, and security deposits have also historically suffered large loss rates from theft and vandalism.


A small cash deposit releases the bike from a locked terminal and can only be retrieved by returning it to another. Since

the deposit (usually one or more coins) is a fraction of the bike's cost, this does little to deter theft. Other bike sharing

programs have implemented rules requiring the user to provide a valid credit card, along with substantial security

deposits for bicycles and mandatory security locks.


In this version of the program, bicycles are kept either at volunteer-run hubs or at self-service terminals throughout the

city. Individuals registered with the program identify themselves with their membership card (or by a smart card, via cell

phone, or other methods) at any of the hubs to check out a bicycle for a short period of time, usually three hours or less.

In many schemes the first half-hour is free. The individual is responsible for any damage or loss until the bike is returned

to another hub and checked in.

Many of the membership programs are being operated through public-private partnerships. Several European cities,

including the French cities of Lyon and Paris as well as London, Barcelona, Stockholm and Oslo, have signed contracts

with private advertising agencies (JCDecaux in Brussels, Lyon, Paris, Seville and Dublin; Clear Channel in Stockholm,

Oslo, Barcelona, Perpignan and Zaragoza) that supply the city with thousands of bicycles free of charge (or for a minor

fee). In return, the agencies are allowed to advertise both on the bikes themselves and in other select locations in the city.

These programs attempt to reduce losses from theft by requiring users to purchase subscriptions with a credit card or

debit card (this option requiring a large, temporary deposit) and by equipping the bike with complex anti-theft and bike

maintenance sensors. If the bike is not returned within the subscription period, or returned with significant damage, the

bike sharing operator withdraws money from the user's credit card account. Some other programs are not linked to an

advertising deal, for example Smoove with Vélomagg' in Montpellier, Vélopop' in Avignon, Libélo in Valence and Vélivert

in Saint-Étienne but can be financed by public support.

A system has been developed whereby a member need not be return the bike to a kiosk, rather the next user can find it

by GPS.

Example of Bike Sharing System-

Zotwheels Bike Share at the University of California Irvine

In the Fall of 2009, the University of California Irvine introduced its Zotwheels automated bike share program. Students

and university employees may sign up for a Zotwheels membership card at an annual cost of $40, which enables the

user to check out a bike from any bike station located throughout campus for a maximum of three hours and drop it off

at any other station. A $200 charge is imposed for a lost, stolen, or severely damaged bike. Bicycle availability and

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2012 CSI Student Competition

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station operational status may be determined using an interactive map. Revenues from membership fees are sufficient to

offset only a small fraction of the total operating costs of the program; all remaining manufacture, installation,

maintenance, and implementation costs of the Zotwheels systems and the bicycles themselves are borne by UCI.

Zotwheels was developed as a collaboration between the UCI Parking and Transportation Services, The Collegiate

Bicycle Company, CSL Ltd, and Miles Data Technologies.

Washington, DC

In Washington, D.C., a privately operated bike sharing project known as SmartBike DC opened for service in 2008 for the

District of Columbia. Operated by a private advertising firm, Clear Channel Communications, SmartBike DC's annual

operating costs were ostensibly funded by providing Clear Channel with prime advertising space at city bus shelters and

other venues along with revenues from user subscription fees and charges. However, the program suffered from

perennially low membership and rider usage rates, as well as a limited number of bike rental stations.After D.C. officials

and Clear Channel failed to reach an agreement over expanded service, the program was officially terminated in January


In September 2010 the city of Washington, D.C. introduced its replacement for SmartBike DC, called Capital Bikeshare

(CaBi). Unlike SmartBike, CaBi is a public taxpayer-supported bicycle sharing program involving both the District of

Columbia and Arlington County. The initial scheme involved some 1,100 bicycles at 100 stations located throughout the

District of Columbia and parts of Arlington County, Virginia. The cost of planning, implementation and administration for

Capital Bikeshare totaled US$5.0 million, with first-year operating costs of $US2.3 million for 100 stations. The District's

share of planning, implementation and first-year operating costs was partially financed by a US$6.0 million grant by the

United States Department of Transportation. Arlington County's operating cost share of the plan was US$835,000 for the

first year, funded by public contributions including a grant from the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation

as well as subsidies from Arlington County Transportation, Crystal City (Arlington) Business Improvement District, and the

Potomac Yard Transportation Management Association.[64] In November 2010, Capital Bikeshare Director Chris Holben

stated that administrators were hoping for future project revenues that would reach 50% of annual operating costs,

exclusive of planning and implementation expenses. CaBi recently announced plans to expand services with an

additional 20 bike stations by spring of 2011.

Miami Beach

In March 2011, DecoBike launched in Miami Beach, Florida. The initial rollout of the program will include "approximately

100 solar-powered stations and 1,000 custom-designed bikes available to residents and visitors."This public bicycle

sharing and rental program is owned and operated by DecoBike, LLC, a Miami-based company, and operates under a

long-term agreement with the City of Miami Beach. The service is available to both residents and visitors: any adult with a

major credit card can check out a bike to pedal to their next location. An iPhone app and an interactive map on the

DecoBike website allows one to locate the nearest "station" and displays the number of bikes available and the number

of free docking spaces in real-time.

2012 CSI Student Design Competition T 916.930.5900 [email protected] http://csisacto.org/

2012 CSI Student Competition

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Design Requirements

The competition is limited to a total of 40 students due to space constraints. The CSI student competition reserves the

right to base application approvals on the total number of students for each discipline and previous participation in order

to maintain a diverse team composition. The presentation board from each team shall remain the property of CSI for

advertising purposes. The boards will be scanned and images will be made available. Should individuals desire copies of

the disks being given to the colleges they may request them after the competition through CSI.

Overview This competition challenges entrants to address architectural and functional issues of designing an bike sharing facility

within an existing building in Downtown Sacramento.

Your design should sculpt the entire public space surrounding the site. In seeking an integrated architectural and urban

solution, projects may reroute traffic as necessary to create a public realm and bicycle facility that work in tandem with

one another. On-street parking may be reconfigured where necessary, although its preferable to retain as many spots as

possible. For this competition it is not necessary to consider zoning regulations. Existing buildings and facades that

surround the site may not be modified. Within the larger context of the site, designers have freedom to develop

structures, public spaces, and landscapes as needed to encourage an animated public realm shared by bikers, drivers,

pedestrians and residents. Structures outside the designated site will be limited to 40 square feet max.

Program No vehicle parking is required for this project. All square footage requirements are approximate. The facility should be

accessible according to ADA standards and provide easy movement for bicycles.


The site is a located on the corner of 12th and I Street. The existing building will be demolished and the entire site will be

open with grade even to the public sidewalk. The entire area is approximately 10,000 square feet.

Lobby/Entrance/Display Areas:

Size: 350SF


Exhibit / Gallery Space:

Size: 900SF

Space will be used to showcase Bicycling and Sacramento Culture & history

2012 CSI Student Design Competition T 916.930.5900 [email protected] http://csisacto.org/

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Bicycle Storage:

Size: 2,000-2,300 SF

125 bikes, protected from weather

Generally use fifteen square feet per bike as a minimum rule of thumb

The method and device for bicycle storage should be defined and drawn in detail.

Area must be covered

Area secured by a card-key with an entrance that is monitored by the bike shop.


Bicycle Shop:

Size: 600 SF

This area must be publicly accessible from the ground level and should contain a repair workspace and a rental stand.

Most include a retail counter.


Amenity spaces:

Size: 700 SF

Showers, Changing areas, Lockers, Restrooms

There should at least be 1 male and female single occupancy restroom and shower.

Secured by a card-key with an entrance that is monitored by the bike shop


Bike Supply Station:

Size: 100 SF

This area may be open to the public and part of the card-key zone and contains wash and air supplies


Bike-Share Station:

Size: 750 SF

50 total bike slots

30'x 8' for each module of seventeen bike slots.

Must be exterior space open to the public and directly accessible from street level


Size: 850 SF

Serves food and drinks from local farms to the public with indoor and outdoor seating

Must be publicly accessible from the street

2012 CSI Student Design Competition T 916.930.5900 [email protected] http://csisacto.org/

2012 CSI Student Competition

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Courtyard/ Lounge Space:

Size: 250 SF

Covered exterior space with or near the Cafe


Size: 300 SF

Total Program Square Footage: Approx. 6,000 SF (interior space)

Mechanical & Maintenance Rooms

900 SF


Total Building Square Footage: 6,500 SF


Design Statement This design narrative shall include the concept about the theme of your design. It shall include the organizing idea around

your layout, how the bike share station operates, relationships between each types of traffic: pedestrian & bicycle.

The design statement should consider these key issues:

• -Links between sustainability, transportation,and a healthy lifestyle.

• -The relationship between infrastructure,civic space, and public life.

• -Movement, speed, cycling, and the urban experience.

• -Bike culture, the desire to celebrate cycling, and the bike itself as an elegant and efficient machine.

• -The relationship between a fixed site and a prototypical structure.

This statement shall be the guiding idea of your project, document layout and final presentation. All team members

should understand the statement and should be able to explain each relationship with each critical design idea.

2012 CSI Student Design Competition T 916.930.5900 [email protected] http://csisacto.org/

2012 CSI Student Competition

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Design Presentation

Presentation boards shall not exceed (4) and shall be sized at 24”x36”.

The team will pin up your boards during your final presentation.

All boards will have the Group Number for identification.

Presentation Board #1- Floor Plan

Students shall use the plan sheet to delineate the propose a new layout within the confines of the site. The proposed

drawing shall include floor plan layout, room uses, square footages and function. Provide sufficient detail to determine

design function, layout. Bike storage system layout and orientation will be crucial in communicating your design.

Presentation Board #2-Site Plan

Students shall use the reflected plan sheet to propose a new ceiling layout within the existing building. The design shall

incorporate existing ductwork shown on the reflected ceiling plan. The design shall clearly identify ceiling heights and

lighting layout.

Presentation Board #3- Wall Sections, Interior or Exterior Elevations & Details

Provide a minimum of one interior or exterior elevation of a crucial space within your proposal. Show all new work

dimensioned, color, clearly represent and distinction between new and existing work. Elevations shall be a minimum of

1/4”=1’-0” scale.

Provide at least one wall section to clearly identify material differences, heights and your “spatial” relationship between


Provide a enough details for the bicycle share station. Provide sufficient detail to determine construction, materials and

it’s connection to your design statement.

Presentation Board #4- Perspective

Team shall provide a minimum of 1 perspective using the provide picture.

Design Presentation

The entire team shall make a 10 minute presentation describing the design statement and how you fulfilled the program.

Presentation must include each team member making a small portion of the presentation.

After the presentation judges shall have the opportunity to ask questions.

2012 CSI Student Design Competition T 916.930.5900 [email protected] http://csisacto.org/

2012 CSI Student Competition

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Design Presentation

Additional InformationOutside supplies, reference materials for the color boards will not be allowed. Presentation boards, sketch paper will be

supplied. If you have any questions about what materials can be used, please contact the competition official prior to the


• All individual discussions with the Client must be done with competition proctors attending, so that all information may

be supplied to the other teams.

• Schedule of events:

7:30am to 8:30am Registration/ Team Organization

8:30am to 9:00am Program Review & Site Presentation

9:00 am to 9:15 am Questions & Answers

9:15 am to NoonDesign Development

Noon to 12:30pm Lunch

12:30pm to 4:00pm Design Documentation Preparation

4:00pm to 5:00pm Presentations & Judging

• Entries will be judges on the following:

1. Presentation, Quality

2. Innovation, design, functionality

3. Cost effectiveness, maintaining budget, use of materials

4. Build-ability, compliance with program

5. Compliance with codes, ada compliance is required

6. Meeting owners needs and expectations

7. Team Culture and ability to work together

• Competition participants are not allowed to visit the site prior to the competition. Participants doing so will be


2012 CSI Student Design Competition T 916.930.5900 [email protected] http://csisacto.org/

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• Only students who are members of professional design organization named above, or of professional college

organizations, may participate in the competition. It the applicant is unsure if their organization is accepted, please ask

the contact noted below.

• Materials used on the materials/ color boards will be provided. Use of these materials is required. Outside materials are

not allowed. Students may find materials in the SWEETS catalog provided on site, and photographs them for inclusion

on the material boards.

• Students are not allowed to leave the premises during the competition unless directed so by competition officials.

• There will not be any internet access at the site.

2012 CSI Student Design Competition T 916.930.5900 [email protected] http://csisacto.org/

2011 CSI Student Competition