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  • 7/21/2019 Currency Volatility


    The IUP Journal of Applied Finance, Vol. 21, No. 1, 201522 2015 IUP. All Rights Reserved.

    Exchange Rate Volatility Estimation

    Using GARCH Models,with Special Reference to Indian Rupee

    Against World Currencies

    This study is an attempt to estimate the dynamics (volatility) of Indian rupee instability against four major world

    currencies, i.e., US dollar, pound sterling, euro and Japanese yen, using 3,340 daily observations over a period of 13

    years from January 3, 2000 to September 30, 2013. This paper uses the Generalized Autoregressive Condit ionalHeteroskedastic (GARCH) models to estimate volatility (conditional variance) in the daily log rupee value. The

    models include both symmetric and asymmetric that capture the most common stylized facts about rupee exchange

    returns such as volatility clustering and leverage effect. It is evident from the findings that asymmetric models are

    superior to symmetric models in providing a better fit for the exchange rate volatility because of leverage effect.

    Krishna Murari*

    * Assistant Professor, Department of Management, School of Professional Studies, Sikkim University, 6thMile,

    Samdur, PO-Tadong, Gangtok, Sikkim 737102, India. E-mail: [email protected]


    The currency exchange rates volatility is among the most examined and analyzed economic

    measures by the government. Recently, India had a big concern about rupee value with respect

    to US dollar due to its all-time lowest (depreciated) value. On August 28, 2013, the Indianrupee touched up to 68.825 against the dollar. It is not only the rupee depreciation but also

    rupee appreciation that is causing concern to the economic imbalance of the country. Ahmed

    and Suliman (2011) pointed out the importance of currency exchange rate volatility because

    of its economic and financial applications like portfolio optimization, risk management, etc.

    It is a well-known fact that the exchange rate volatility is not observed directly. A number of

    models have been developed to get the accurate estimate of the volatility. Out of these,

    conditional heteroskedastic1models are frequently used. The foundation for building these

    models is to make a good forecast of future volatility which would be helpful in obtaining a

    more efficient portfolio distribution, better foreign exchange exposure management and

    more accurate currency derivative prices.

    Surrounded by these models, the Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (ARCH)

    model proposed by Engle (1982) and its extension, Generalized Autoregressive Conditional

    Heteroskedasticity (GARCH) model by Bollerslev (1986) and Taylor (1986) are the first

    1 A financial time series is said to be heteroskedastic if its variance changes over time, otherwise it is called


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    23Exchange Rate Volatility Estimation Using GARCH Models,with Special Reference to Indian Rupee Against World Currencies

    models that have become popular in enabling the analysts to estimate the variance of a series

    at a particular point in time (Enders, 2004). Since then, there have been a great number ofempirical applications of modeling the conditional variance of a financial time series (Diebold

    and Nerlolve, 1989; Nelson, 1991; Bollerslev et al., 1992; West and Cho, 1995; Engle and

    Patton, 2001; Evans and Lyons, 2002; Shin, 2005; Charles et al., 2008; Jakaria and Abdalla,

    2012; and Rossi, 2013). The focus of these studies was to design explicit models to forecast

    the time-varying volatility of the series using past observations. The findings have been

    applied successfully in the financial market research.

    Many empirical studies have been done on modeling the exchange rate volatility by

    applying GARCH specifications and their large extensions, but most of these studies have

    focused on developed currencies, and to the best of our knowledge, there are no such practical

    studies for estimating the volatility of Indian rupee against US dollar, pound sterling, euroand Japanese yen (world major currencies); therefore, the current paper attempts to fill this

    gap. The main objective of this paper is to model exchange rate return volatility for Indian

    Rupee (INR) by applying different univariate specifications of GARCH type models for daily

    observations of the rupee log differenced exchange rate return series. The volatility models

    applied in this paper include the GARCH(p, q), Exponential GARCH(p, q), Threshold

    GARCH(p, q), and Power GARCH(p, q).

    Data and Methodology

    The time series data for rupee exchange rate against most monitored world currencies is used

    for modeling volatility. The daily rupee exchange rate against US dollar, pound sterling, euro

    and Japanese yen for the period January 3, 2000 to September 30, 2013 is used to estimate the

    volatility, resulting in total observations of 3,339, excluding public holidays. These data

    series have been obtained from one of the most reliable sources in India, i.e., RBI online

    database. In this study, daily returns are the first difference in logarithm of closing prices of

    rupee exchange rate of successive days.


    It is helpful to give a brief explanation of the term volatility before starting the description of

    volatility models. Statistically, volatility is frequently measured by the standard deviation

    which reflects the degree of fluctuations of the observed values from the mean. Generally,

    volatility means the stretch of all possible outcomes of a variable. Sometimes, variance is alsoused as a volatility measure. In foreign exchange markets, we use the term volatility to reflect

    the spread of currency returns over a time period. In this paper, we use the variance as a

    measure of volatility.

    Stylized Facts About Volatility of Exchange Rates

    Mostly, financial time series, including exchange rate returns, are well known to show signs

    of certain stylized patterns which are essential for proper model specification, estimation and

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    The IUP Journal of Applied Finance, Vol. 21, No. 1, 201524

    forecasting. Mandelbrot (1963) and Fama (1965) were pioneers in documenting the empirical

    regularities regarding these series. Since then many researchers have found similar regularities

    about the financial time series (Baxter, 1991; Guillaume et al., 1997; and Cont, 2001). Due to

    a large body of empirical evidence, these regularities can be considered as stylized facts. The

    most common stylized facts are the following:

    Heavy Tails

    When the distribution of foreign exchange return time series is compared with normal

    distribution, heavy tails are observed in terms of excess kurtosis. The standardized fourth

    moment for a normal distribution is 3, whereas for many financial time series, a value well

    above 3 is observed (Cont, 2001). A similar observation is witnessed in the present study also

    (see Table 1).

    Volatility Clustering

    Similar values/changes in the long run tend to accumulate and this is termed as volatility

    clustering. In most of the time series, large and small values in the log-returns have a tendency

    to occur in clusters. When volatility is high, it is likely to remain high, and when it is low, it

    is likely to remain low. According to Engel and West (2005), volatility clustering is nothing

    but accumulation or clustering of information. Volatility clustering is well evident in Figures

    1 to 4.

    Leverage Effects

    The leverage effect refers to the negative correlation between an asset return and its volatility,

    i.e., rising asset prices are accompanied by declining volatility and vice versa (Nelson, 1991;

    Gallant et al., 1992; Campbell and Kyle, 1993; and Longmore and Robinson, 2004). In foreign

    Table 1: Descriptive Statistics

    Mean 77.66 45.96 57.38 46.84 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01

    Median 77.84 41.43 57.42 46.17 0.02 0 0.02 0

    Maximum 106.03 72.12 91.47 68.36 3.68 5.76 4.15 4.02

    Minimum 63.96 32.69 38.79 39.27 5.7 5.12 3.89 3.01

    SD 6.89 9.70 9.76 4.19 0.64 0.83 0.69 0.44Skewness 0.28 1.01 0.03 1.31 0.43 0.20 0.04 0.28

    Kurtosis 2.92 2.90 2.65 6.02 7.85 6.89 5.16 10.94

    JB 45.62 564.75 17.8 2,221.66 3,376.36 2,125.5 652.03 8,822.54

    Prob. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

    Obs. 3,340 3,340 3,340 3,340 3,339 3,339 3,339 3,339






































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    25Exchange Rate Volatility Estimation Using GARCH Models,with Special Reference to Indian Rupee Against World Currencies

    Figure 1: INR per US Dollar (RD) and Log Difference of RD (LRD)





    300 02 04 06 08 10 12









    Figure 2: INR Against Euro (RE) and Log Difference of RE (LRE)





    200 02 04 06 08 10 12









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    The IUP Journal of Applied Finance, Vol. 21, No. 1, 201526

    Figure 3: INR per 100 Japanese Yen (RJ) and Log Difference of RJ (LRJ)






    300 02 04 06 08 10 12









    Figure 4: INR per Pound Sterling (RPS) and Log Difference of RPS (LRPS)






    600 02 04 06 08 10 12









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    27Exchange Rate Volatility Estimation Using GARCH Models,with Special Reference to Indian Rupee Against World Currencies

    exchange markets, it is repeatedly witnessed that currency depreciation is followed by higher


    Co-Movements in Volatility

    Financial time series across different markets exhibit parallel fluctuations in terms of direction

    of movements; for example, an upward movement in stock returns in Bombay Stock Exchange

    (BSE) being matched by an upward movement in National Stock Exchange (NSE). These co-

    movements in rupee exchange rate volatility are also observed in Figures 1 to 4.

    Calendar Effects

    Generally, the volatility of asset returns or exchange rate returns are lower during weekends

    and holidays compared to normal trading days. The most common calendar anomalies that

    affect the exchange rate volatility are the January effect and the day-of-the-week effect.

    Many studies attribute this phenomenon to the accumulative effects of information during

    weekends and holidays (Miller, 1984; Theobald and Price, 1984; Abraham and Ikenberry,

    1994; Kaur, 2004; and Cai et al., 2006).

    Volatility Estimation Models

    Based on the literature reviewed, the volatility models can be divided into two main groups:

    symmetric and asymmetric. The symmetric models reflect that the conditional variance

    depends on the magnitude only, while the shocks of the same magnitude, positive or negative,

    have different effect on future volatility in the class of asymmetric models.

    Symmetric GARCH Model

    ARCH models are specifically designed to model and forecast conditional variances. UnderGARCH modeling, the variance of the dependent variable is modeled as a function of past

    values of the dependent variable.

    The GARCH(p, q) Model: Higher order GARCH models, denoted by GARCH(p, q), can

    be estimated by choosing eitherp or qgreater than 1, wherep is the order of the autoregressive

    GARCH terms and qis the order of the moving average ARCH terms. The representation of

    the GARCH(p, q) variance is:


    j jtj


    i itit 1



    22 ...(1)

    We begin with the simplest GARCH (1, 1) specification:

    ttt XY ...(2)



    2 ttt ...(3)


    = Constant term;

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    The IUP Journal of Applied Finance, Vol. 21, No. 1, 201528

    21t (the ARCH term) = news about volatility from the previous period, measured as the

    lag of the squared residual from the mean equation; and


    1t (the GARCH term)= last periods forecast variance.

    Asymmetric GARCH Models

    The responsiveness of the conditional variance to rises and falls in asset return is an important

    phenomenon in volatility estimation and the symmetric GARCH models fail in this regard.

    Further, the symmetric GARCH model discussed above cannot provide explanation to the

    leverage effects experienced in the exchange rate returns, therefore, a number of models have

    been introduced to deal with this observable fact. These models are called asymmetric models.

    In this paper, we use TGARCH, EGARCH and PGARCH models for tracing the asymmetric


    The Threshold GARCH (TGARCH) Model:The generalized specification for the

    conditional variance under TGARCH (Glosten et al., 1993; and Zakoian, 1994) is given by:



    k ktk


    j jtj


    i ititI 1





    22 ...(4)

    where It= 1 if

    t< 0 and 0 otherwise.

    In this model, good news, ti

    > 0, and bad news, ti

    < 0, have differential effects on the

    conditional variance; good news has an impact of i, while bad news has an impact of



    If i> 0, it means increased volatility due to bad news, and it is believed that there is a

    leverage effect for the ithorder. If i

    0, there is asymmetric effect.

    The Exponential GARCH (EGARCH) Model: The EGARCH model was proposed by

    Nelson (1991). In this model, the asymmetric responses of variance to shocks are captured

    and at the same time the positivity of variance is also ensured. The specification for the

    conditional variance is:



    k k


    j jtjit


    i it




    2 )log()log( ...(5)

    Here it should be noted that the left-hand side takes the log of the conditional variance

    over time which implies the exponential nature of the leverage effect. Further, the estimates

    for the conditional variance are positive. The existence of leverage effects can be checked bythe hypothesis that i< 0. The impact is asymmetric if

    i0. The sign of is anticipated to be

    positive in most practical cases.

    The Power GARCH (PGARCH) Model: Taylor (1986) and Schwert (1989) introduced

    another class of asymmetric GARCH models, where instead of modeling for variance, the

    standard deviation is modeled and is called the standard deviation GARCH model. The

    power constraint of the standard deviation can be projected and the optional parameters

    are added to capture irregularity of up to order r:

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    29Exchange Rate Volatility Estimation Using GARCH Models,with Special Reference to Indian Rupee Against World Currencies

    )|(|11 itiit


    i ijt


    j jt ...(6)

    where > 0, for 1|| i for i = 1, ,r, for all i > r, and pr .

    The symmetric model puts i= 0 for all i. Here it is worth noting that if = 2 and

    i= 0

    for all i, the PGARCH model is simply a standard GARCH specification. As in the prior

    models, the asymmetric effects are present if 0.

    Results and Discussion

    The descriptive statistics of the rupee value and its first log difference against pound sterling

    (RPS, LRPS), 100 Japanese yen (RJY, LRJ), euro (RE, LRE) and US dollar (RD, LRD) are

    depicted in Table 1. During the study period, the rupee value was minimum, i.e., 63.96, 32.69,

    38.79 and 39.27, against Pound Sterling (PS), Japanese Yen (JY), Euro (E) and US Dollar (D),respectively, whereas the rupee value was maximum against PS, i.e., 106.03. The mean of

    rupee exchange return series varied to a greater extent against euro with standard deviation

    of 9.76. The skewness for the log difference of exchange return series, i.e., LRPS, LRJ, LRE and

    LRD are 0.43, 0.2, 0.04 and 0.28, respectively. In a standard normal distribution, skewness

    is zero. A positive and negative value of skewness in the log return series shows asymmetry.

    So, in our result, LRPS and LRE show a negatively skewed distribution and LRJ and LRD

    show a positively skewed distribution, i.e., asymmetric data series. In a standard normal

    distribution, kurtosis is 3. A value lesser or greater than 3 kurtosis coefficients indicates

    flatness and peakedness of the data series. The kurtosis of all the series is different from the

    standard value, except for RPS (2.92) and RJY (2.9) which is very close to 3. The higher value

    of kurtosis for LRPS, LRJ, LRE and LRD shows that the data series is peaked, moreover LRDdata series is highly peaked with kurtosis 10.94 as compared to normal distribution. Table 1

    also shows that the Jarque-Bera (JB) test of normality for all the data series rejects the null

    hypothesis of normality at 1% significant level.

    The visual inspection of the rupee value and log difference against the selected currencies

    is depicted in Figures 1 to 4. From the figures, it is clearly visible that the high volatility or

    frequent changes in LRPS, LRJ, LRE and LRD data series show the clustering.

    Testing for Stationarity of the Series

    To investigate whether the daily rupee value against PS, E, D and JY and their first log

    difference are stationary series, the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test (Dickey and Fuller,

    1979), Philips-Perron (PP) test (Phillips and Perron, 1988) and Kwiatkowski-Phillips-Schmidt-Shin (KPSS) test (KPSS, 1992) have been applied to confirm the results about the

    stationarity of the series. The results of the unit root test are shown in Table 2. The ADF and

    PP test statistics for LRD, LRPS, LRE and LRJ are significant at 1% level, thus rejecting the

    null hypothesis of the presence of unit root in the data. Similar results are obtained with

    KPSS test under the null hypothesis of absence of unit root in the series. ADF and PP tests

    with null hypothesis of unit root and KPSS test with null hypothesis of no unit root in the

    series confirm that LRD, LRPS, LRE and LRJ are stationary at levels itself.

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    The IUP Journal of Applied Finance, Vol. 21, No. 1, 201530

    LRD 42.62 0.00 57.01 0.00 1.43 0.15

    LRPS 42.82 0.00 56.94 0.00 0.98 0.33

    LRE 58.76 0.00 58.76 0.00 1.64 0.10

    LRJ 59.85 0.00 59.93 0.00 0.85 0.40

    Table 2: Unit Root Test


    ADF Test

    t-Statistics p-Value

    PP test








    (Null: Unit Root) (Null: Unit Root) (Null: No Unit Root)

    Testing for Heteroskedasticity

    We cannot use homoskedastic model to estimate volatility. Thus, before modeling the

    volatility of rupee exchange log return series against major currencies, testing for the

    heteroskedasticity in residuals is necessary. At the beginning, we obtain the residuals from an

    Autoregressive and Moving Average (ARMA) process as specified by Equation (7). This

    model represents that the present value of a time series depends upon its past values, which

    is the autoregressive component, and on the preceding residual values, which is the moving

    average component (Murari, 2013). The ARMA(p, q) model can be presented in the following

    general form:

    11011 tttt YY ...(7)



    is the dependent variable at time t;

    is the constant term;


    1are residual coefficients;


    is the lagged dependent variable;

    1is the regression coefficient;

    tis the residual term; and


    is the previous values of the residual.

    ARCH-LM Test

    Once the residuals from ARMA(1, 1) are obtained, the existence of heteroskedasticity inresiduals of log exchange rate return series is checked using Engles Lagrange Multiplier (LM)

    test for ARCH effects (Engle, 1982). This particular heteroskedasticity specification was

    motivated by the observation that in many financial time series, the magnitude of residuals

    appeared to be related to the magnitude of recent residuals (Chakrabarti and Sen, 2011).

    However, ignoring ARCH effects may result in loss of efficiency.

    The ARCH LM test-statistic is calculated from a supporting test regression. To test the null

    hypothesis that there is no ARCH up to order qin the residuals, we use the following regression:

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    31Exchange Rate Volatility Estimation Using GARCH Models,with Special Reference to Indian Rupee Against World Currencies




    v 2

    1 00

    2 ...(8)

    where is the residual.

    In the above equation, the squared residuals are regressed on lagged squared residuals up

    to order q. We use two (F-statistics and Engles LM test statistic) test statistics from this test


    Table 3 presents the results of heteroskedasticity test LM to check for the presence of

    ARCH effect in the residual series of LRD, LRPS, LRE and LRJ at lag 1. From the table, we

    infer that for all the log rupee exchange return series, both F-statistics and LM statistics are

    significant at 1% level in the first lags. The zero p-value indicates the presence of ARCH

    effect. Based on these results, we reject the null hypothesis of absence of ARCH effects

    (homoskedasticity) in residual series of log rupee exchange return series. These results suggest

    that the log return series of Indian rupee-against US dollar, pound sterling, euro and Japanese

    yen have the presence of ARCH. This observation directs us to estimate the exchange rate

    volatility using different classes of GARCH models.

    Table 3: ARCH-LM Test Results






    2 (1)

    LRD 227.74 0.00 213.31 0.00

    LRPS 49.19 0.00 48.50 0.00

    LRE 64.87 0.00 63.67 0.00

    LRJ 325.87 0.00 297.05 0.00

    Symmetric Model: GARCH(p, q)

    Table 4 shows the results of GARCH(p, q) model used for estimating the daily foreign exchange

    rate volatility of Indian rupee against four major currencies of the world for the sample period

    ranging from January 3, 2000 to September 30, 2013.

    From the table we can see that all the coefficients of rupee against different currencies,

    (Constant), (ARCH effect) and (GARCH effect), in the sample period are statistically

    significant at 1% level. GARCH(1, 1) model for series LRD and LRJ showed the presence of

    further ARCH in residuals. Thus, we estimated GARCH(2, 1) model for LRD and LRJ whichshows the significant ARCH-LM test statistics (Table 4). The lagged conditional and squared

    variances have impact on the volatility and it is supported by both ARCH Term () and

    GARCH Term() which is significant.

    The highly significant (ARCH effect) in the sample period evidenced the presence of

    volatility clustering in GARCH(1, 1) model in LRPS and LRE series. It also indicates that

    the past squared residual term (ARCH term) is significantly affected by the volatility risk in

    Indian rupee against pound sterling and euro. The coefficient of (GARCH effect) also

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    The IUP Journal of Applied Finance, Vol. 21, No. 1, 201532

    shows highly statistical significance for rupee exchange rate against major world currencies.

    It indicates that the past volatility of Indian foreign exchange rate is significantly influencing

    the current rupee volatility.

    The sum of coefficients of ARCH term and GARCH termand(persistent coefficients)

    in GARCH(p, q) model reported in Table 4 are near to one for all the series, suggesting that

    shocks to the conditional variance are highly persistent, i.e., the conditional variance process

    is volatile. This shows that the volatility clustering phenomenon is implied in exchange rate

    return series.

    Asymmetric GARCH Models

    Threshold GARCH/TGARCH(p, q)

    The TGARCH model used to test leverage effect or asymmetry in the daily foreign exchange

    rate volatility of Indian rupee against US dollar, pound sterling, euro and Japanese yen is

    shown in Table 5. The estimated results of coefficients in TGARCH(p, q) model for the series

    LRD, LRPS, LRE and LRJ are statistically significant at 1% and 5% levels of significance.

    In the case of asymmetric term or leverage effect (), a statistically significant value suggests

    that there exists the leverage effect and asymmetric behavior in daily Indian rupee exchange

    rate against US dollar, pound sterling, euro and Japanese yen. Further for all the series, theleverage effect term shows a negative sign, indicating that positive shocks (good news) have

    large effect on next period volatility than negative shocks (bad news) of the same sign or

    magnitude. TGARCH(1, 1) modeling for LRD and LRJ shows the presence of further ARCH

    in the residuals, thus we use TGARCH (2, 1) model in order to achieve better results. The

    ARCH-LM test statistics for LRD and LRJ at TGARCH(2, 1) and for LRPS and LRJ at

    TGARCH(1, 1) did not exhibit additional ARCH effect. This shows that the variance

    equations are well precise.

    Table 4: Estimation Results of GARCH(p, q) Model



    (1, 1)


    (2, 1)


    (1, 1)


    (1, 1)


    (1, 1)


    (2, 1)

    Constant () 0.000342 0.00015 0.00505 0.00400 0.019517 0.01295

    ARCH Effect (1) 0.273045* 0.39708* 0.05143* 0.04942* 0.100899* 0.17630*

    ARCH Effect (2) 0.23775* 0.10819*

    GARCH Effect () 0.7846* 0.87002* 0.93588* 0.94305* 0.871744* 0.91288*


    j1.057645 1.02935 0.98731 0.99247 0.972643 1.08918

    Residual Diagnostics: ARCH-LM Test

    F-Statistic 12.35045 0.603694 0.602994 0.00669 17.3168 2.598767Prob.F(1,3336) 0.0004 0.4372 0.4375 0.9348 0 0.107

    Note: * indicates that the coefficients are significant at 1% level.

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    33Exchange Rate Volatility Estimation Using GARCH Models,with Special Reference to Indian Rupee Against World Currencies

    Exponential GARCH/EGARCH(p, q) Model

    Table 6 presents the estimated results of EGARCH(p, q) model to test the asymmetric behavior

    of Indian foreign exchange rate against major world currencies.

    Note: * and ** indicate that the coefficients are significant at 1% and 5% levels, respectively.

    Table 5: Estimation Results of TGARCH(p, q) Model



    (1, 1)


    (2, 1)


    (1, 1)


    (1, 1)


    (1, 1)


    (2, 1)

    Constant () 0.000342 0.000147 0.004964 0.004177 0.021446 0.014193

    ARCH Effect (1) 0.306522* 0.39711* 0.05690* 0.06106* 0.120594* 0.18210*

    ARCH Effect (2) 0.00301** 0.02535**

    Leverage Effect () 0.06619* 0.23511* 0.01110* 0.02503* 0.04014* 0.10183*

    GARCH Effect () 0.783613* 0.86903* 0.93635* 0.943543* 0.867794* 0.910441*


    j1.090135 1.26614 0.99325 1.00460 0.988388 1.09254

    Residual Diagnostics: ARCH-LM TestF-Statistic 11.66325 0.633212 0.652476 0.013669 22.14605 3.376216

    Prob. F(1,3336) 0.0006 0.4262 0.4193 0.9069 0 0.0662

    Note: * and ** indicate that the coefficients are significant at 1% and 5% levels, respectively.

    All the parameters presented in the table are statistically significant at 1% and 5% levels.

    The significance of EGARCH term () indicates the presence of asymmetric behavior of

    volatility of Indian rupee against US dollar, pound sterling, euro and Japanese yen. The positive

    coefficients of EGARCH term suggest that the positive shocks (good news) have more effect

    on volatility than that of negative shocks. The null hypothesis of no heteroskedasticity in

    Table 6: Estimation Results of EGARCH(p, q) Model


    EGARCH(1, 1)

    EGARCH(2, 1)

    EGARCH(1, 1)

    EGARCH(1, 1)

    EGARCH(1, 1)

    EGARCH(2, 1)

    Constant () 0.3515 0.26373 0.10255 0.09471 0.12811 0.10544

    ARCH Effect (1) 0.440692* 0.57298* 0.11638* 0.10868* 0.158255* 0.30817*

    ARCH Effect (2) 0.23452** 0.17716**

    Leverage Effect () 0.03715* 0.027829* 0.009054* 0.021398* 0.014956* 0.017479*

    GARCH Effect () 0.987516* 0.993237* 0.98770* 0.98836* 0.986088* 0.990482*


    j1.428208 1.56622 1.10408 1.09704 1.144343 1.29865

    Residual Diagnostics: ARCH-LM Test

    F-Statistic 26.94159 1.483617 0.239194 0.023062 110.6067 1.706964

    Prob. F(1,3336) 0 0.2233 0.6248 0.8793 0 0.1915

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    The IUP Journal of Applied Finance, Vol. 21, No. 1, 201534

    the residuals is accepted for LRPS and LRE, but not for LRD and LRJ in EGARCH(1, 1)


    Power GARCH/PGARCH(p, q) Model

    The results of modeling the standard deviation (PGARCH) rather than modeling of variance

    as in most of the GARCH family models are presented in Table 7.

    It is evident from Table 7 that the estimated coefficients are significant and negative for

    all the exchange rate return series in PGARCH(1, 1) model, indicating that negative shocks

    are associated with higher volatility than positive shocks. The ARCH-LM test statistics did

    not exhibit additional ARCH effect for LRPS and LRE under PGARCH(1, 1) model, but

    LRD and LRJ witnessed the presence of further ARCH in the residuals of the model.

    Thus, PGARCH (2, 1) model is estimated to eliminate the presence of ARCH effect where

    null hypothesis of no ARCH is accepted. This shows that the variance equations are well



    Exchange rate volatility estimation is considered as an important concept in many economic

    and financial applications like currency rate risk management, asset pricing, and portfolio

    allocation. This paper attempts to explore the comparative ability of different statistical and

    econometric volatility forecasting models in the context of Indian rupee against US dollar,

    pound sterling, euro and Japanese yen. Four different models were considered in this study.

    The volatility of the rupee exchange rate returns has been modeled by using univariate

    GARCH models. The study includes both symmetric and asymmetric models that capture

    the most common stylized facts about currency returns such as volatility clustering and

    Table 7: Estimation Results Using PGARCH(p, q)



    (1, 1)


    (2, 1)


    (1, 1)


    (1, 1)


    (1, 1)


    (2, 1)

    Constant 0.000342 0.000141 0.002933 0.005614 0.025614 0.016315

    ARCH Effect (1) 0.272314* 0.395929* 0.030942* 0.055991* 0.114605* 0.173314*

    ARCH Effect (2) 0.00175* 0.04097**

    Leverage Effect () 0.06084* 0.23595* 0.04739** 0.15821* 0.09243* 0.09735*

    GARCH Effect () 0.783649* 0.869056* 0.935482* 0.944103* 0.870101* 0.913422*

    Power Parameter 2.000885* 2.013997* 3.030564* 1.400777* 1.457562* 1.498009*


    j1.055963 1.264985 0.966424 1.000094 0.984706 1.086736

    Residual Diagnostics: ARCH LM Test

    F-Statistic 11.66511 0.605952 0.463149 0.003725 41.81468 9.529872

    Prob. F(1,3336) 0.0006 0.4364 0.4962 0.9513 0 0.002

    Note: * and ** indicate that the coefficients are significant at 1% and 5% levels, respectively.

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    35Exchange Rate Volatility Estimation Using GARCH Models,with Special Reference to Indian Rupee Against World Currencies

    leverage effect. These models are GARCH(1, 1), EGARCH(1, 1), TGARCH(1, 1) and

    PGARCH(1, 1) for log difference of rupee exchange rate return series against pound sterling

    and euro and GARCH(2, 1), EGARCH(2, 1), TGARCH(2, 1) and PGARCH(2, 1) for log

    difference of rupee exchange rate return series against US dollar and Japanese yen.

    GARCH(1, 1) and GARCH(2, 1) models are used for capturing the symmetric effect, whereas

    the other group of models for capturing the asymmetric effect. The paper finds strong evidence

    that daily rupee exchange returns volatility could be characterized by the above-mentioned

    models. For all series, the empirical analysis was supportive of the symmetric volatility

    hypothesis, which means rupee exchange rate returns are volatile and that positive and

    negative shocks (good and bad news) of the same magnitude have the same impact and effect

    on the future volatility level. The parameter estimates of the GARCH(p, q) models indicate

    a high degree of persistence in the conditional volatility of exchange rate returns of rupee

    against world major currencies which means an explosive volatility.


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    C o p y r i g h t o f I U P J o u r n a l o f A p p l i e d F i n a n c e i s t h e p r o p e r t y o f I U P P u b l i c a t i o n s a n d i t s

    c o n t e n t m a y n o t b e c o p i e d o r e m a i l e d t o m u l t i p l e s i t e s o r p o s t e d t o a l i s t s e r v w i t h o u t t h e

    c o p y r i g h t h o l d e r ' s e x p r e s s w r i t t e n p e r m i s s i o n . H o w e v e r , u s e r s m a y p r i n t , d o w n l o a d , o r e m a i l

    a r t i c l e s f o r i n d i v i d u a l u s e .