daily yellowstone journal (miles city, mont.) 1887-06-10 [p...

rIlE DAILY JOURNAL MI&*02' MO)N UNA. Arrft W oIf.S. rtE~S"*"u tam LOCAL ITEMS. Both tra la W this mornaIg. Ed B. keymor nturned yeerday hfr th Ug Dry, whee he bad bn as me# -ohso TYIdy wrs deeldedly warm, but te Ilvely brese whiob stirred the 4ottoswods all day rendered the bresm sm oppreslve. rb vegetables, fruit, bread and eake at the P. O. frult and news depo* Mr. T. Bertrand, wife of tbe well kuown mabhlnist, has ben confined to hr room for a day or two, but Is ow reported mab better. The eonttalnment this evening be- vwuJD u:IL,.' o'oook; doou_ in 4ad 9'6 Ioem wltl iM awOwd. Stoe B4 BaJrj p tob d 1il. rwekee e n sauy quatity. * Ms .. MIMdJleto* d bildwvn west ea yTe day ead will w0,ma duiag the beaeW term. Middlet is Mew a Mbaket lb paeit if IWSet OS artulday Yellowstone county beMdp I the amout of 1,500 will be *R4d e e highet bidd Waeve pr. Thm ar the nrt lmue of bonds for th county. . . Ide oream can now be bad at Mn. Brownis reidece at fifteen ents per dis. * L. A. Huftman, chalrman of the board of county commlesloors, de- parted th(bs aarain for BllUnp to negotiat a transfer of the bonds of Yellowatone county. "Hew dear to my bear are the mesem of qhlidbeod days. whrn hud resslleotlea preosets them to view. The serd sad the sehool bouse ligh It sad very loved spot wbleb my la. uesy knew." Chue. L Griffith left this morni• r Coster aoa, to which place he bee bees promes d by the superintes. deit of this division of the Northewr Paeie. Orit is a ood man sad we aroemeoy o loe him from thisle gatl. CeOs y CommlsOer Geeo. W. W. - oteos seemspsaled by hib witieturt.o ed lst ight to the raoc near Ros bhd. This sesloo of the eounty eom. ndesers has beeb a long one and Mr. Allertoo was glad to again return Sthe mreh sand round-up. meas.... of ames. Wishing to se if I cannot attr•et mough support from the town to help mo l keeping the Maquern House reaing I have reduesd table board to eves dollars per week. Wx. N. MAcquaru. Mile City. June Sib, 17. . The public school pupil will weer his beet smile today. 'Ob were you never a sobhool boy, and did you t.ever tbls and feel that swelling of the heart you n*'er an feel again ?" Go up to the sohool house today and see -.- wb be sebool boys and girls have aoen doing; whether they have added another year to their lives. E. P. B. Harrisbo, who with Col. Beesets is completing suoovys in Mon. bta, has finished the survey of the hat Bisa reservation, a contract swebded him at the beginlinlg of the esaes. Mr. Harri e has other Unit. d i enetelasls b ead i west- as stenlesa ad les aew on his way s the g IBlaemkbht uand Fthees lae oouatries to esmemeen eopmeans pis. Do not take quinine for malarial die- ordrs. Ayer's Ague Cur, containe sa. aor any other dangerousw aire di4le. This preparation, If taken in eadt aesordanos with direetion, i Wuitd lo oureall malarial diseases "Usqy, wbho you grow up, remOem bea tb ready i the olor of the win- aift bhe on bhe race oourue of life. Beady Oah, by whom that dun eol- ed u n I Puroae Topay is always die- tIMnda" This l advlea which Hosen Jos. 1, "'a lisabd for the War" vn toI his s. Hoaea a funny old oul we erpetenti grarv puns-"a 9ernieo W b*et r heeuaht to be pun. tohed." The life.givgP prapi of Ayar's Sasaparilla have ,Merlia U wall. earned reputatlon, and de it the amost efliotal and hkJd Pwlae o eode. For alldiaaseat m helat as, liver, sad kidney, this remsdy Sq equal. Prios. . DavO Bastr, of the Hunter A Zvismatleampany and J. W.Pa.t gmW, who aeempanled him on the trp, retred yesterday from thb raOP o thMltat o aompany on the EIf Dry. The aMe of( thlalrm have bun paroabed by Plan Wibaux and meNa after the Smadp a possible te ate wll be drlv• to Mr. WI. Ola1l, r. L armw dbo6 . 1- mkoe e aelmemt, asemsga b: selbspeats of tbe daa4iuP Dee lg the tripa large blak bear wa killed ad bhe pasty e•naug beok the skin mna trophy. C. C. HMk.l, oewor of the •opi slne tL Butto, beas lshed his w.or sad gos east, Mr. Hashell Is Tr owne of bhe alas, sad as seek d. ollna to erdiSt l b report of Bev. C. C. FrhrssLks.aem l as, p.--eshes o mad to s Beale report eseerlags Frroat'st a lal d Id "I Mo- not pet say bow the& will tSerml. astl, sad esnuot talk bout It unil I have seen Mr. Frost, who poelbly ha lnr*wmallo In bes pessssios that will obsage the eupeet of oftrl." Tb• mla will be worked tontnuously and develoyd to Its full estent, notwith standing the trouble among tbhe late sited parties. It was Isared lta alghdt at Mr. Prut had made a, pdsmats all sleng the liUe foi pnabain upon hls •turo to Mootaa o es veremd gentleman. etaegap waeb th cosiig dayof the quarterly sai of th boatd of son. IF'm m sas, uamres eloadm wsn, apltp dsallnwed and eld .p. oslae . -o the c e1r eolrk sabewlu a s" revenue for the cowstg if his pam of eruly 1000. or the quarter eading May 81t wae apprg- I 4f4 bavlag cee to the kaawledg ~ahI) ba•d, adllally. that Lba boads of the county of Yellowstone wouad t odbed fr sal to the higesl bidder Mbove peq s hbe 11h telst., amous.- itg to $01,800, Commlslioner 0. W. Allerto lt.erel a ressplutleo In. tfet se follows: "That as the county of Coateu dies new own and bold Yel- lowtone couoy warrants to the amounLt d $4i,98311&l.wth, erued Is- terest from Septembe 14 4 188e. and whereas, Caster county Ie dlesrou of convertlng tbhe aid warrantse nto bonds, be it resolved that L. A. Huff- mna, ehairman of the board of com- mlsloonor of Custer counry, be au- bhorawd to prooneed to Billings and no- psotte for ao exobange of the said warrants for bonds or eaeb." It wr als resolved that the beard ratify any aud all satilos of the obharman In the pemissa, provided he mado no barter of the warmnab for ess than prinolpal and aeorued lotetst. The board then adjourned sine die. A Marra Ida"sa. G Tbhe tmospber of the capital is streaked with a bueekskin lavor in ooonequence of thoparsnoelnl the oity of an imposing delegation of Fort Berthold .Ute, who are bhere on their semi-ooossloona skirmish for back alley bouquote and such gems of bar. berl glitter as the ash piles afford. SThe modern Injun ise ndeed plotur- p eeqe, but like the star kangaroo of * Artemue Ward's great moral show, he o is an "amoosin ons." He is almost impressive when he glide to his rtealthy fashion along the streets, In the very shadow of the capitol o' all Dakota, as a sort of frontier reminis- r eno. and he calls to mind in a striking n manner tbe great change that has Sbeen wrought in the social condition e of the country almost within a doeade. o But wvM you see a regular reserve- Stoa Indian crowned with a bad plug Shat decorated with fo•bers. a very much uoed up soldier cost and sligbtly further attired In gunny sack material you annot but conclude that the In. dian of today does not rprosent the b historio and traditionary maJety of the race. You sigh to think what * "d-d barren ideality" be has beoomi. . -Bismarok Tribune.. -21WUjiHak ABIAUUU. Arch the Tumls. No doubt it would be an expensive job to arch the tunnels witb graplte laid in cement, but there Is no quretion but this is necessary to the completion of the work and In the end would prove the obespest. It s possible that neglect of this matter will prove much the most expensive. Veryooetly aoc. dents are liable to occur at any time, which would only be so much added to the necesity and cost of completing the work. This is a work that need not be all done at once or in any one season, nor would It prevent the use of the tunnels in the mean time. Some part of the work should be done each seaon, beginning with those parts that are most dangerous, and pushing it till all Is sfe and oomplete. Timbering is but a temporary remedy. for these timbers will soon rot away and have to be replaced. The over. head line will furnish a temporary remedy for transportatioo, but would be unreliable and expensive for winter use. A wet season like this is un- doubtedly worse for a tunnel than a dry one, for the percolating water loqens the rook and gravity tI always at work. Whether the tunnels are arshed or nut, measures should be tame to conduct off the water that I la amy form over or in the violn- UtY Of Ote. It Is simply marvelous ed h lu that so erious aoldents I V19 Y oourmd, but it would be tmptbg o frtie not to heed the werulU that h b6 been given - H-a r Whem A'DL th4 'wlb manly o ~ Wme full EtO pb f. OU jrdak but a eg-wp ttre pir^^j= We tun to ofr Nlo I andstelolhed to find tht ji t or*"4gMdj pf spppliyr, of pulI , of.r,0vous pr6stration, of malii= bblo4ul arW , ofBright', ditesM , * heMosdisee, of Odrey diiie, of rbmnlgaaq or of poeumools. i( *langlaru that most of ooi.rpe nloa Iep die of tbes, di"ldes. Any Joursibtt wb2 watabee the teleaph repoir, will be asuootbed at te bum- d drf proaluent victims o tbhse dis- orders. SMiny statementa have appeared in our sDper wit0 other. tothe tflet that tie diseaes that ar'led off so many prominent men in 18M, are really the loaotion of the fatal effets. When a valasble hoi perislbs, It beoomes the alsr days' talk of the 1 sporting world, and yet thbouads of ordinary borse are dying every day. their aggregat lose Is esnmous, and yettheir death creates no comment. Bol It wltb Individuals. Theca'us of death of .promineut men creates commnt, especially when it eaa be abowp that me. sesepected disese oarrsl off mot of tlPmi, and yet "vut nap•be*s of ordinary mae and woaen diebefore thvir time evry year from the ame oau•Ie." ,Xtl sa•dl tbhe blood s kept fuee from ic soaid, the heart dlkee, pe- lyels, nervous prostrat•o, pneumonis, rheumatism, and many cases of con* sumption, would never te snown. Tbls uri sacid we are luld, is the wt ate f the the system, and it the duty of the kidneys to remove this waste. We are told that if the kidneys are maointainoed in perfect health, the uric, kidney, acid .1 kept out of the clood, and these sudden and uuiversal dis- eases caused by urJi ac d will, in a large measure disappear. But how shall tuls he done? It Is folly to treat e'ffect. If there an any known way of getting at the cause. that way should be known to the pub- lie. We believe that Warner's sale oure, of which so much has been writ- ton, and so much talked of by the I ub. lie generally, Is now recognised by Im- pprtial pbyelicaus and the publio as bhe one specifle for suchb diseases. Because public attention bas been directed to thbls great remedy by meaus of advertislug, some persons have not believed in the remedy. We aeonot son bow Mr. Waruer nould iLoamal- atrly benefi the public in sany other way, and his valuable specific should not be condemned beesuo some nor- trums have come before the publio in the same way, any more than t0at doctors should be condemned because so many of them aUre Leompetent. It is astmishing what pod opinions you bear on every side, of that great remedy, and publicopinlon thus based upon actual experience, has all the weight and importoance of absolute truth. At this time of the year, the urlo mrld In the blood nlovite pneumooln and rheumatlem, and thdre is not a man who does not dread thse mono- stenrs of disease; but he need have no fear of them we are told, if bhe rid the blood of the urie aold camse. These words are strong, and may sound like an advertisement, and be rejected as such by unthinking people but we believe they are tbe truth, and as ubch should be spoken by every truth.loving newepaper. Tbh. Vpeateme rAMs sene,. President Halrris was at the 8iver Bow club yesterday about noon, to meet several of our oltaeos in an in. formal way. Among others premet were Messrs. Bonner, Capiloe, Moftst, Cleveland. Irvine, Connell, MoCaig sad General Dana. Tbe conversation turned upon the advantage to the Northern Pafolo road of its present mode of aooees to Butte. Mr. Caplieo went into the subject in detail and represented to President Haurrl the advabtap to his road of a branch to Butte from Gallatin through Plpe. stone Par. The immene agricultural resources of eastern Montana were en larged upon, sad that suob a branch could not fall to enjoy a profitable In. oome from the lft that Butte would be its readleet sld nearest market for all the produce it could furnish. The coal fields mear there would also have eadler and cheaper caess to this sa tlon which will be a Jrp consomer for al such produse be they are devloped. The saboet wus eluaelcted with mape and Mr. Harris gives the. eagh Irlmntles ea the point whlk• the getlemes premet wshed to lm. pemspesa hib, samely, that I. sonam. pealsg or the taSo of this NstbLo the Northe lPacilae ould net mewss- fully eaosted gpast roads ern and comiag I with Its presst Alitl.es Mr. Hatius mesed muhek lipeed with th equaammt presemtd I bl, and will bring th maet er baee the board of direeters a mess as a . lea. The Nertherm Pacsis hn w Is posion to build bfashe iablesb it is g aempletd ibs. The hadrse r aed by the goveirmeat prehb s the Nutihrm tlf . Um bes mai landet bnsMsM nul She ie Ii opeas Wm akm spUtes- a$ i Smtarslf•aPa3lleo e , m "-Nb b -bee asespliebod in tho emgidale of she overiMd route at twe sdies. - tt MiseLr. Srst LiM The lljwrt Ig lttes emaln un eoald er In tlh Mile Oit, M. T.. poseoee, Jure 9, 1887: A AadmWne, W Ban, J N Capwell, Harmon Clinto, Warr'n H Corter, Max D Dyer, Jame Dremno , Cole Donobue, Thoe H Dod A D Dubole. Chs EvIas, Chu A 0 Grower. Miss Kate Henke, Mr HeonnOey, Pollie Kimball, Frank L Lippold, Henry Manugh. E L Mayer, A E Parkhu rt, F K Pember, Al Ponpenoy, Aaron Rayner, Robert Rternbelm, Julius Slater, Wm lusser, J P Woods, Johb Personscalling for the above letters will plese say they are advertled. JoRH McAustnAD. P. M. An Iadiehi Owi @V wihe lb iv Iks alekM- aiiendow ill be whem t said he misi.. the bis Is 8310812es ql lem he amm 1b umqlm it digalm r mld ermceugum., it abashbi e 6 e6 wiink with HewIsie. r' Iemb Bma. Lbs hmukhbl * mim I. mctlvlUt apsaIn by LmiinmpLItlm i1 heniiUpmsgi7 sums NOii Ie 4.400"iei tb..aminmmlmbs isd. lb uiW miii; lb Mamee; far upm lb Seq.; ldaItiua .M ina leuimedab. mimeeqai~s up Iml'iutl Si of Liter and she divid.. S his lbbe 146 pm.lbgsn cbaanmei imgulm~iV e>< lb beads w miwig ml palaleimIy miuamm by lbs imur Imiu/Wefsm, wblcb is i.iaitdy S. e prmitmml .tbibbeumes is eats mad memo eimiles he bias pi8k. semitmi mand dre.chtia pemudlime~ Sie mseure. Ie... and pruers.t fe rmit am eans ml ub.ebm. Pr.pm.lm der Eq at Fete Cuie, K. T. H3ADQUAIYEp D'aauuu Of Ds~oyi, Orvace Ov QAmTItummi. ere Psm.. Ii... Nq >? 17P. L A LID flUPOS&I 1b JmIlaehmmee he 17 iii ildhl m~ed. ee UshM dwdjm be, ode.' 041l'blebtl mlgi des wtM heP eemss 116. thebk preim ENU sloi abq IS M. . . 11wr2lutL~ i .k lm T.. iAes I..ease Eq, Mma or L.e Ptde&,maem will pe. ies he istlheo doe ilui red pol'ybraae Qud iM mo pMClrusi wil b.pin.esto maid sinit ~d. emeis ime :ed wie TeeLuwl. Ir .arr. a tlb reele myd~ 'r emakm pppeamtimudn lb Fuiiehell Is lbme 91 167 Giissp.I. mii lawbb"sihi e uNe Use to t Il. db w r i. tM Q. UI Lur iiLte L~ur~d wc~YVA C I M. MO I' IL Dgey Qaelartelr General, . e.A. e~ml'grmgmsee ea cue. 3.?. S HIDmprn y aumimmr Gimi Dua..A. p 11" . W qhg as.Wegn. M Imdy . 0 a vip poiuiv -m h - linus of eazism vw . %6m b John Wright. DruggIst. BUSINESS8 NOTICES. Prof. Deeb I. sole agent foor A bomerBush Bt. Louis bgR beer B.1- demaberg's fin. Key WOOe and La Cofl. teslon, celebrated Cuban bead-made Luar.r.. 11K 1OPERA 10 3K ONE NIGHBT ONLY. Satarday,Jue 11,1887. J. H. HALLADAY'S COLOIED GEORGIA MINSTRELS! Celug I thir pecid Car. 22PEOPLE••2 Brass Band AND Classic Orchestra .e Ir lV e sr Smoi MUet Pa. n .I, slu M e dml , "A aeiMt on, es memt mea l mtMulpa s.- ame I p4up vmy w .-.. J. L KALLADAT. Aob new on ete Ya r'I W Mts` .ui .... m Ua.h Mnn. a n.g. , 85 REDUCTION on the prieo of alltaitigs She Wi .t the atiler' ED. ARNOLD. Baitr mark dom uas _--•trl Ia II We aure a eWn at os , but 'e Wool ' f Stl oo, Pr wsw Pel.W ,ao. C4wky hot, *.N, atsuler prio, p*;.50. OLOTHING, $4 Per Suit, Aunyrwhm el, $10. Inatl~n to the above we carry athlline of Cuts' Fniluis, Dry Goods, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS We nova follow but to t eae p Inad ci bri to he ubilo goods nit from 25 to 50 percent. ler than they have been PqingI fbr tile -ain l hers Thomm sremtab which we wEi deeomomtrate to oar u. Iuctlon If you will can on Leading anrdhea of MIntaina d WycIIeng. R. Tow's &UCt Mm fw or $1.h 6m 14 U #A k yu wre olr ft )r- mfor a Rwrt tile. . _ Obi f "`M s i CHAMPIOR, DUPIJNBm Said OI.QOtIQ - HAY RAK3*~~i Wles, trtreveI & ICA me nr PUMP WORKS . lUIA, fr r r. PittiLg la Inbrss ir. i and hkm. ar i id IlMer Mk, u a. U&h f d as d d ai-- , spas eta seam" POHER r FOUNDRYI "mo omi n .w 3 IRON and ILLSs CASTINGS, :I BRAII were aIJEUY NATIVE BRIOL eu. am- LIW AT YB! WWT B RICK -JSV 1 ATE IrlllrW IL POW - O --r umL v ow owns. A W. Church lak t~reet Lvrjte b WS asUmiihfm. Nau. Fed Lisum l sik 6 i bile % N bomw

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Page 1: Daily Yellowstone journal (Miles City, Mont.) 1887-06-10 [p ]chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86075021/1887-06-10/ed-1/seq-3.pdfrwekee e n sauy quatity. * Ms . . MIMdJleto* d bildwvn


Arrft W oIf.S.

rtE~S"*"u tam


Both tra la W this mornaIg.

Ed B. keymor nturned yeerdayhfr th Ug Dry, whee he bad bnas me# -ohso

TYIdy wrs deeldedly warm, butte Ilvely brese whiob stirred the4ottoswods all day rendered thebresm sm oppreslve.

rb vegetables, fruit, bread andeake at the P. O. frult and news depo*

Mr. T. Bertrand, wife of tbe wellkuown mabhlnist, has ben confinedto hr room for a day or two, but Is

ow reported mab better.

The eonttalnment this evening be-vwuJD u:IL,.' o'oook; doou_

in 4ad 9'6 Ioem wltl iM awOwd.

Stoe B4 BaJrj p tob d 1il.rwekee e n sauy quatity. *

Ms . . MIMdJleto* d bildwvnwest ea yTe day ead will w0,maduiag the beaeW term. Middletis Mew a Mbaket lb paeit if IWSet

OS artulday Yellowstone countybeMdp I the amout of 1,500 will be*R4d e e highet bidd Waeve pr.Thm ar the nrt lmue of bonds forth county. ..

Ide oream can now be bad at Mn.Brownis reidece at fifteen ents perdis. *

L. A. Huftman, chalrman of theboard of county commlesloors, de-parted th(bs aarain for BllUnp tonegotiat a transfer of the bonds ofYellowatone county.

"Hew dear to my bear are themesem of qhlidbeod days. whrn hudresslleotlea preosets them to view.The serd sad the sehool bouse lighIt sad very loved spot wbleb my la.

uesy knew."

Chue. L Griffith left this morni•r Coster aoa, to which place he

bee bees promes d by the superintes.deit of this division of the NorthewrPaeie. Orit is a ood man sad wearoemeoy o loe him from thisle gatl.

CeOs y CommlsOer Geeo. W. W. -oteos seemspsaled by hib witieturt.o

ed lst ight to the raoc near Rosbhd. This sesloo of the eounty eom.ndesers has beeb a long one andMr. Allertoo was glad to again return

Sthe mreh sand round-up.meas.... of ames.

Wishing to se if I cannot attr•etmough support from the town to helpmo l keeping the Maquern Housereaing I have reduesd table board toeves dollars per week.

Wx. N. MAcquaru.Mile City. June Sib, 17. .

The public school pupil will weerhis beet smile today. 'Ob were younever a sobhool boy, and did you t.evertbls and feel that swelling of theheart you n*'er an feel again ?" Goup to the sohool house today and see-.-wb be sebool boys and girls have

aoen doing; whether they have addedanother year to their lives.

E. P. B. Harrisbo, who with Col.Beesets is completing suoovys in Mon.bta, has finished the survey of thehat Bisa reservation, a contractswebded him at the beginlinlg of theesaes. Mr. Harri e has other Unit.d i enetelasls b ead i west-as stenlesa ad les aew on his ways the g IBlaemkbht uand Fthees

lae oouatries to esmemeen eopmeanspis.

Do not take quinine for malarial die-ordrs. Ayer's Ague Cur, containesa. aor any other dangerousw airedi4le. This preparation, If taken ineadt aesordanos with direetion, iWuitd lo oureall malarial diseases

"Usqy, wbho you grow up, remOembea tb ready i the olor of the win-aift bhe on bhe race oourue of life.Beady Oah, by whom that dun eol-ed un I Puroae Topay is always die-

tIMnda" This l advlea which HosenJos. 1, "'a lisabd for the War"

vn toI his s. Hoaea a funny oldoul we erpetenti grarv puns-"a

9ernieo W b*et r heeuaht to be pun.tohed."

The life.givgP prapi of Ayar'sSasaparilla have ,Merlia U wall.earned reputatlon, and de it theamost efliotal and hkJd Pwlae o

eode. For alldiaaseat m helatas, liver, sad kidney, this remsdy

Sq equal. Prios. .

DavO Bastr, of the Hunter AZvismatleampany and J. W.Pa.tgmW, who aeempanled him on thetrp, retred yesterday from thbraOP o thMltat o aompany on theEIf Dry. The aMe of( thlalrm havebun paroabed by Plan Wibaux and

meNa after the Smadp a possiblete ate wll be drlv• to Mr. WI.

Ola1l, r. L armw dbo6 . 1-mkoe e aelmemt, asemsga b:

selbspeats of tbe daa4iuP Deelg the tripa large blak bear wakilled ad bhe pasty e•naug beok theskin mna trophy.

C. C. HMk.l, oewor of the •opislne tL Butto, beas lshed his w.orsad gos east, Mr. Hashell Is Trowne of bhe alas, sad as seek d.ollna to erdiSt l b report of Bev. C.C. FrhrssLks.aem l as, p.--eshes

o mad to s Beale report eseerlagsFrroat'st a lal d Id "I Mo-not pet say bow the& will tSerml.astl, sad esnuot talk bout It unil Ihave seen Mr. Frost, who poelbly halnr*wmallo In bes pessssios that willobsage the eupeet of oftrl." Tb•mla will be worked tontnuously anddeveloyd to Its full estent, notwithstanding the trouble among tbhe latesited parties. It was Isared ltaalghdt at Mr. Prut had made a,pdsmats all sleng the liUe foipnabain upon hls •turo to Mootaa

o es veremd gentleman.

etaegap waeb th cosiig dayof thequarterly sai of th boatd of son.IF'm m sas, uamres eloadmwsn, apltp dsallnwed and eld

.p. oslae .-o the c e1r eolrksabewlu a s" revenue for the cowstgif his pam of eruly 1000. or thequarter eading May 81t wae apprg-I 4f4 bavlag cee to the kaawledg~ahI) ba•d, adllally. that Lba boadsof the county of Yellowstone wouad todbed fr sal to the higesl bidderMbove peq s hbe 11h telst., amous.-itg to $01,800, Commlslioner 0. W.Allerto lt.erel a ressplutleo In. tfetse follows: "That as the county ofCoateu dies new own and bold Yel-lowtone couoy warrants to theamounLt d $4i,98311&l.wth, erued Is-terest from Septembe 14 4 188e. andwhereas, Caster county Ie dlesrou ofconvertlng tbhe aid warrantse ntobonds, be it resolved that L. A. Huff-mna, ehairman of the board of com-mlsloonor of Custer counry, be au-bhorawd to prooneed to Billings and no-

psotte for ao exobange of the saidwarrants for bonds or eaeb." It wrals resolved that the beard ratify anyaud all satilos of the obharman In thepemissa, provided he mado no barterof the warmnab for ess than prinolpaland aeorued lotetst. The board thenadjourned sine die.

A Marra Ida"sa.G Tbhe tmospber of the capital is

streaked with a bueekskin lavor inooonequence of thoparsnoelnl the oity

of an imposing delegation of FortBerthold .Ute, who are bhere on theirsemi-ooossloona skirmish for backalley bouquote and such gems of bar.berl glitter as the ash piles afford.SThe modern Injun ise ndeed plotur-

p eeqe, but like the star kangaroo of* Artemue Ward's great moral show, heo is an "amoosin ons." He is almost

impressive when he glide to hisrtealthy fashion along the streets, Inthe very shadow of the capitol o' allDakota, as a sort of frontier reminis-

r eno. and he calls to mind in a strikingn manner tbe great change that has

Sbeen wrought in the social condition

e of the country almost within a doeade.o But wvM you see a regular reserve-

Stoa Indian crowned with a bad plugShat decorated with fo•bers. a very

much uoed up soldier cost and sligbtlyfurther attired In gunny sack materialyou annot but conclude that the In.dian of today does not rprosent theb historio and traditionary maJety ofthe race. You sigh to think what

* "d-d barren ideality" be has beoomi.. -Bismarok Tribune..-21WUjiHak ABIAUUU.

Arch the Tumls.

No doubt it would be an expensivejob to arch the tunnels witb grapltelaid in cement, but there Is no quretionbut this is necessary to the completionof the work and In the end wouldprove the obespest. It s possible thatneglect of this matter will prove muchthe most expensive. Veryooetly aoc.dents are liable to occur at any time,which would only be so much addedto the necesity and cost of completingthe work. This is a work that neednot be all done at once or in any oneseason, nor would It prevent the useof the tunnels in the mean time.Some part of the work should be doneeach seaon, beginning with thoseparts that are most dangerous, andpushing it till all Is sfe and oomplete.Timbering is but a temporary remedy.for these timbers will soon rot awayand have to be replaced. The over.head line will furnish a temporaryremedy for transportatioo, but wouldbe unreliable and expensive for winteruse. A wet season like this is un-doubtedly worse for a tunnel than adry one, for the percolating waterloqens the rook and gravity tI alwaysat work. Whether the tunnels arearshed or nut, measures should betame to conduct off the water that

I la amy form over or in the violn-UtY Of Ote. It Is simply marvelous

ed h lu that so erious aoldentsI V19 Y oourmd, but it would be

tmptbg o frtie not to heed thewerulU that h b6 been given -

H-a r


A'DL th4 'wlbmanly o ~ Wme

full EtO pb f.OU jrdak but a eg-wp ttre

pir^^j= We tun to ofr NloI andstelolhed to find tht ji tor*"4gMdj pf spppliyr, of pulI ,of.r,0vous pr6stration, of malii=bblo4ul arW , ofBright', ditesM , *heMosdisee, of Odrey diiie, ofrbmnlgaaq or of poeumools.

i( *langlaru that most of ooi.rpenloa Iep die of tbes, di"ldes. Any

Joursibtt wb2 watabee the teleaphrepoir, will be asuootbed at te bum-d drf proaluent victims o tbhse dis-orders.

SMiny statementa have appeared inour sDper wit0 other. tothe tflet thattie diseaes that ar'led off so manyprominent men in 18M, are really theloaotion of the fatal effets.

When a valasble hoi perislbs, Itbeoomes the alsr days' talk of the1sporting world, and yet thbouads ofordinary borse are dying every day.their aggregat lose Is esnmous, andyettheir death creates no comment.

Bol It wltb Individuals. Theca'usof death of .promineut men createscommnt, especially when it eaa beabowp that me. sesepected diseseoarrsl off mot of tlPmi, and yet "vutnap•be*s of ordinary mae and woaendiebefore thvir time evry year fromthe ame oau•Ie."

,Xtl sa•dl tbhe blood s kept fueefrom ic soaid, the heart dlkee, pe-lyels, nervous prostrat•o, pneumonis,rheumatism, and many cases of con*sumption, would never te snown.Tbls uri sacid we are luld, is the wt ate

f the the system, and it the duty of thekidneys to remove this waste.

We are told that if the kidneys aremaointainoed in perfect health, the uric,kidney, acid .1 kept out of the clood,and these sudden and uuiversal dis-eases caused by urJi ac d will, in alarge measure disappear.

But how shall tuls he done? It Isfolly to treat e'ffect. If there an anyknown way of getting at the cause.that way should be known to the pub-lie. We believe that Warner's saleoure, of which so much has been writ-ton, and so much talked of by the I ub.lie generally, Is now recognised by Im-pprtial pbyelicaus and the publio as

bhe one specifle for suchb diseases.Because public attention bas been

directed to thbls great remedy by meausof advertislug, some persons have notbelieved in the remedy. We aeonotson bow Mr. Waruer nould iLoamal-atrly benefi the public in sany otherway, and his valuable specific shouldnot be condemned beesuo some nor-trums have come before the publio inthe same way, any more than t0atdoctors should be condemned becauseso many of them aUre Leompetent.

It is astmishing what pod opinionsyou bear on every side, of that greatremedy, and publicopinlon thus basedupon actual experience, has all theweight and importoance of absolutetruth.

At this time of the year, the urlomrld In the blood nlovite pneumoolnand rheumatlem, and thdre is not aman who does not dread thse mono-stenrs of disease; but he need have nofear of them we are told, if bhe rid theblood of the urie aold camse.

These words are strong, and maysound like an advertisement, and berejected as such by unthinking peoplebut we believe they are tbe truth, andas ubch should be spoken by everytruth.loving newepaper.

Tbh. Vpeateme rAMs sene,.President Halrris was at the 8iver

Bow club yesterday about noon, tomeet several of our oltaeos in an in.formal way. Among others premetwere Messrs. Bonner, Capiloe, Moftst,Cleveland. Irvine, Connell, MoCaigsad General Dana. Tbe conversationturned upon the advantage to theNorthern Pafolo road of its presentmode of aooees to Butte. Mr. Caplieowent into the subject in detail andrepresented to President Haurrl theadvabtap to his road of a branch toButte from Gallatin through Plpe.stone Par. The immene agriculturalresources of eastern Montana were enlarged upon, sad that suob a branchcould not fall to enjoy a profitable In.oome from the lft that Butte wouldbe its readleet sld nearest market forall the produce it could furnish. Thecoal fields mear there would also haveeadler and cheaper caess to this sa

tlon which will be a Jrp consomerfor al such produse be they aredevloped. The saboet wus eluaelctedwith mape and Mr. Harris gives the.eagh Irlmntles ea the point whlk•the getlemes premet wshed to lm.pemspesa hib, samely, that I. sonam.pealsg or the taSo of this NstbLothe Northe lPacilae ould net mewss-fully eaosted gpast roads ern andcomiag I with Its presst Alitl.esMr. Hatius mesed muhek lipeedwith th equaammt presemtd I bl,and will bring th maet er baee theboard of direeters a mess as a .lea. The Nertherm Pacsis hn w Isposion to build bfashe iablesb it isg aempletd ibs. The hadrse r aedby the goveirmeat prehb s theNutihrm tlf . Um bes mai

landet bnsMsM nul She ie Ii

opeas Wm akm spUtes- a$ iSmtarslf•aPa3lleo e , m "-Nb b-bee asespliebod in tho emgidaleof she overiMd route at twe sdies.- tt MiseLr.

Srst LiMThe lljwrt Ig lttes emaln un

eoald er In tlh Mile Oit, M. T..poseoee, Jure 9, 1887:

AAadmWne, W

Ban, J NCapwell, Harmon Clinto, Warr'n HCorter, Max

DDyer, Jame Dremno , ColeDonobue, Thoe H Dod A DDubole. Chs

EvIas, Chu A0

Grower. Miss KateHenke, Mr HeonnOey, Pollie

Kimball, FrankL

Lippold, Henry

Manugh. E L Mayer, A E

Parkhu rt, F K Pember, AlPonpenoy, Aaron

Rayner, Robert

Rternbelm, Julius Slater, Wmlusser, J P

Woods, JohbPersonscalling for the above letters

will plese say they are advertled.JoRH McAustnAD. P. M.

An Iadiehi Owi @Vwihe lb iv Iks alekM- aiiendow

ill be whem t said he misi.. the bis Is 8310812esql lem he amm 1b umqlm it digalm rmld ermceugum., it abashbi e 6 e6 wiink withHewIsie. r' Iemb Bma. Lbs hmukhbl *mim I. mctlvlUt apsaIn by LmiinmpLItlm i1

heniiUpmsgi7 sums NOii Ie 4.400"ieitb..aminmmlmbs isd. lb uiW miii; lb

Mamee; far upm lb Seq.; ldaItiua . Mina leuimedab. mimeeqai~s up Iml'iutl Si ofLiter and she divid.. S his lbbe 146 pm.lbgsncbaanmei imgulm~iV e>< lb beads w miwig mlpalaleimIy miuamm by lbs imur Imiu/Wefsm,wblcb is i.iaitdy S. e prmitmml .tbibbeumesis eats mad memo eimiles he bias pi8k. semitmimand dre.chtia pemudlime~ Sie mseure. Ie...and pruers.t fe rmit am eans ml ub.ebm.

Pr.pm.lm der Eq at Fete Cuie, K. T.

H3ADQUAIYEp D'aauuu Of Ds~oyi,Orvace Ov QAmTItummi.ere Psm.. Ii... Nq >? 17P.

L A LID flUPOS&I 1b JmIlaehmmee he17 iii ildhl m~ed. ee UshM dwdjm be,

ode.' 041l'blebtl mlgi des wtM heP eemss116. thebk preim ENU sloi abq IS M. . .11wr2lutL~ i .k lm T..

iAes I..ease Eq, Mma or L.ePtde&,maem will pe. ies he istlheo doe iluired pol'ybraae Qud iM mo pMClrusi wil

b.pin.esto maid sinit ~d. emeis ime :ed wieTeeLuwl. Ir .arr. a tlb reele myd~

'r emakm pppeamtimudn lb Fuiiehell Is lbme

91 167 Giissp.I. mii lawbb"sihi e uNeUse to t Il. db w r i. tM Q. UI Lur iiLteL~ur~d wc~YVA C I M. MO I' IL

Dgey Qaelartelr General, . e.A.

e~ml'grmgmsee eacue. 3.?. SHIDmprn y aumimmr Gimi Dua..A.

p 11" . W qhg

as.Wegn. MImdy . 0 a vip poiuiv -m h -linus of eazism vw . %6m bJohn Wright. DruggIst.

BUSINESS8 NOTICES.Prof. Deeb I. sole agent foor A

bomerBush Bt. Louis bgR beer B.1-demaberg's fin. Key WOOe and La Cofl.teslon, celebrated Cuban bead-made



Satarday,Jue 11,1887.J. H. HALLADAY'S


MINSTRELS!Celug I thir pecid Car.

22PEOPLE••2Brass Band


Classic Orchestra.e Ir lV e sr Smoi MUet Pa.

n .I, slu M e dml ,

"A aeiMt on, es memt mea l mtMulpa s.-ame I p4up vmy w .-..J. L KALLADAT.

Aob new on ete Ya r'I W Mts`.ui ....m Ua.h Mnn. a n.g. ,

85 REDUCTIONon the prieo of alltaitigsShe Wi . t the atiler'

ED. ARNOLD.Baitr mark dom uas

_--•trl Ia II

We aure a eWn •

at os , but 'e

Wool ' f Stl oo,Pr wsw Pel.W ,ao.

C4wky hot, *.N,atsuler prio, p*;.50.

OLOTHING,$4 Per Suit,

Aunyrwhm el, $10.

Inatl~n to the abovewe carry athlline of

Cuts' Fniluis,Dry Goods,


PROVISIONSWe nova follow but

to t eae p Inad ci brito he ubilo goods nit

from 25 to 50 percent.ler than they have beenPqingI fbr tile-ain l hers Thommsremtab which we wEideeomomtrate to oar u.Iuctlon If you will canon

Leading anrdhea ofMIntaina d WycIIeng.

R. Tow's &UCt

Mm fw or $1.h 6m14 U #A k yu wre olr ft )r-

mfor a Rwrt tile.









-HAY RAK3*~~i

Wles, trtreveI &


me nr


. lUIA, fr r r.PittiLg la Inbrss ir. i

and hkm.ar i id IlMer Mk, u

a. U&h f d as d

d ai-- , spas eta seam"


"mo omi n .w 3IRON and ILLSs





-JSV 1 ATEIrlllrW IL POW - O --rumL v ow owns.

A W. Church

lak t~reet Lvrjteb WS asUmiihfm. Nau.

Fed Lisum l sik 6 ibile % N bomw