dark lord of rome

1 Chapter One: The Legion I awoke that early morning with a sense of dread and fear I did not understand. As I lay in my furs in my family’s hut in the near dark, I heard my mother climb from her bed and stoke the fire. She fixed a pot of porridge, and ladled me out a bowl before saying, “Conchend, it’s time to get up.” I climbed out of my furs and dressed before eating my breakfast. Then my mother combed out my long red hair and then I hurried off to the Druid’s grove to meet the druid Bran for my lessons. Just before my eighth natal day my mother had arranged for me to study with the Archdruid of our village’s grove. He had said that I didn’t have the skills to be a druid but that with teaching that I would make a decent healer. I had been in training for four years now and was still fascinated by the human body. I took my customary seat on one of the large rocks around the fire pit just before Bran started the lesson for the day. I usually sat riveted by one of the Archdruid’s lessons, but today for some reason I could not shake my sense of dread and fear. As soon as he let us go I flew back up the path to the village and skidded to a stop at the entrance to the palisade at the top of the dromus. Standing at attention in perfect formation stood the Ninth legion. Many of our menfolk had marched off to join the legions when they realized they couldn’t defeat them. My father had been one of them leaving my mother, sisters, and I to wait here in the village for him. Just then I realized that the Legate standing below wore a bronze helm with a black horse hair plume. Oh dear goddess, this was Tiberius Saturnius the Dark Lord of Rome himself. Just then I saw my father draw a gladius from the sheath at his hip and level it towards the legate. “Oh father what you have done,” I thought to myself as I could hear the sound of a sword being drawn.

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Page 1: Dark Lord of Rome


Chapter One: The LegionI awoke that early morning with a sense of dread and fear I did

not understand. As I lay in my furs in my family’s hut in the near dark, I heard my mother climb from her bed and stoke the fire. She fixed a pot of porridge, and ladled me out a bowl before saying, “Conchend, it’s time to get up.” I climbed out of my furs and dressed before eating my breakfast. Then my mother combed out my long red hair and then I hurried off to the Druid’s grove to meet the druid Bran for my lessons. Just before my eighth natal day my mother had arranged for me to study with the Archdruid of our village’s grove.

He had said that I didn’t have the skills to be a druid but that with teaching that I would make a decent healer. I had been in training for four years now and was still fascinated by the human body. I took my customary seat on one of the large rocks around the fire pit just before Bran started the lesson for the day. I usually sat riveted by one of the Archdruid’s lessons, but today for some reason I could not shake my sense of dread and fear. As soon as he let us go I flew back up the path to the village and skidded to a stop at the entrance to the palisade at the top of the dromus.

Standing at attention in perfect formation stood the Ninth legion. Many of our menfolk had marched off to join the legions when they realized they couldn’t defeat them. My father had been one of them leaving my mother, sisters, and I to wait here in the village for him. Just then I realized that the Legate standing below wore a bronze helm with a black horse hair plume. Oh dear goddess, this was Tiberius Saturnius the Dark Lord of Rome himself. Just then I saw my father draw a gladius from the sheath at his hip and level it towards the legate. “Oh father what you have done,” I thought to myself as I could hear the sound of a sword being drawn.

The legate’s sword was not the traditional Roman gladius, he was wielding a great sword and the thing was so dark it seemed as if the thing had swallowed the night. Just then my mother ran from our hut and tugged at my father’s arm. Just then the legate lunged and the sword passed through both of my parents killing them instantly. Screaming I ran through the gates and skidded to a stop in front of the legate. Beating my fists against his armor I ranted and screamed out my grief calling him, “A murdering butcher!” Just then I was jerked off of the ground by the neck of my tunic. I stilled as one gauntleted hand wrapped around my neck while the other ripped my clothing from my body.

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I was then flung into the middle of a squadron of his soldiers as he walked away he growled, “This one at least has spirit, let us see how long she can keep it. I want her in my tent in three days’ time with her mind intact. Those three days were some of the worst of my life, I was slapped, kicked, and spat on but that was nothing compared to what would come later.

I was marched over to the legate’s tent and shoved inside, I stumbled in the sudden shift of bright light to near darkness. I heard a snort of derision from ahead of me. Refusing to let him see me as weaker than he already did I forced myself upright and tried not to sway from exhaustion and hunger, suddenly the tent was more brightly lit and I had to turn my head to keep from being blinded.

“So what use do you have other than as an entertainment for my troops however brief that might be,” the legate demanded. Taking a deep breath I replied, “I am trained as a healer a physician among the Keltoi my lord.” I saw his head turn slightly as he looked at me before he responded, I have chiurgeons for that. Do you have any other skills?” Knowing that my next answer could easily cost me my life I answered, “I am also skilled in the treatment of disease and infection Legate Saturnius.”

The legate walked around the campaign table and gave orders to his guards before he returned to his stool behind the table. “I have a Decurion who was wounded in our last battle and my chiurgeon has been unable to determine why he is not healing. You will tell me why.” I could hear the menace in his tone battering at my senses.

Just then the two guards returned carrying a stretcher between them. The pall of sickness coated the back of my throat. I could see that the Decurion was coated with a film of sweat and as I knelt by the stretcher I could feel the heat pouring off of him in almost visible waves. Turning to the legate I said,” I will need a mortar and pestle, clean water, willow bark preferable red, clean cloth and clover if your men can find it as well as a dagger momentarily,” The guards looked at the legate and shook their heads.

“Oh for goddess’s sake it’s not as if you can’t overpower one small girl. I need it to do the best for the Decurion I can. He will die if I don’t have one to use,” I nearly shouted in frustration. Just then a man dressed in Roman Laminata came rushing into the tent. “Titus take some men and bring some red willow bark and clover back for the girl. Tell Chiurgeon Galerius to bring a mortar and pestle and some clean

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water.” The legate barked. The man saluted with a fist over his heart and rushed back outside.

The dagger bounced onto the table slid inches from my fingers and stopped almost as if it had a life of its own. I picked up the dagger and had to fight the urge to drop it as it burned as is I had stuck my hand into an iced over river. I had the sense that the legate was watching me to see what my reaction would be. I used the dagger to cut the bandage away. The cloth was filthy and the wound was pus filled and red streaked, the skin around it was hot to the touch.

I carefully placed the dagger back onto the table and answered, “The wound is infected Legate Saturnius. Whoever wrapped it didn’t check to see if the cloth was clean and now the wound is putrid and your Decurion is riddled with fever. I believe I can help him but I must begin as soon as I have the items I need. My hand that had been holding the dagger burned at the palm and fingers but I refused to look at it or show any more signs of weakness.

Just then the Chiurgeon came into the tent carrying a mortar and pestle. When he saw me kneeling next to the Decurion he whined, “Legate Saturnius, surely you are not going to let that barbarian young woman tend to the Decurion” he asked looking horrified. The legate looked at the chiurgeon and answered, “I intend to test the young woman as you so succinctly labeled her Galerius. Unless you want to join her parents in their fate I suggest you not question me again, “he snarled menacingly

At that moment the men he had sent for the plants had returned I quickly gathered several pinches of the willow bark and tossed it into the mortar. I proceeded to grind it fine and mixed it with the water. I then tipped some of it into the decurion’s mouth and before it could run into the ground rubbed his throat forcing him to swallow. “The willow bark will act to start reducing the fever which is causing him to lose his moisture and stop producing waste.

Next I will create a poultice to start drawing the infection from the wound in the leg. I will need an empty bowl for the remainder of the mixture for the willow please as I do not wish to waste it and then I can proceed with the poultice,” I remembered to ask politely. I did not see the legate react behind me but I did hear papers rustling and I sensed him nod his assent. Moments later I was handed a small wooden bowl. I tipped the liquid into it and set it aside.

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I then proceeded to grind the clover and add water until I had a thick paste. Before I even touched the decurion any further I thoroughly scrubbed my hands in the water and then applied the paste and covered it and then rewrapped it with clean cloth. The legate said, “Interesting young woman, you have three days. Should he die, you will join him in that fate. Galerius show our guest and I use the term loosely to the infirmary,” with seeming disinterest. I wasn’t sure whether it was feigned or not.

I spent the next three days working on the decurion. Grinding willow bark for tinctures of willow to break the fever which finally broke the second evening and by the morning of day three he was awake and clear eyed. The wound was no longer streaked and the pus was clearing as well. By that afternoon I was barely on my feet. I had not eaten in several days and I refused to beg chiurgeon Galerius for anything. He had already made it more than apparent that he did not want me in his infirmary when he kicked a stool in my direct and barked, “Just work your heathen ways on the Decurion and stay out of my way,” with a hiss and a snarl.

The Legate Saturnius and his Primus Pilus entered the infirmary and I got to my feet quite shakily just barely managing it. I prayed he didn’t notice as I knew the probably thought me quite worthless as it was. I saw he was heading our way and I hurriedly straightened the decurion’s blanket and pillow. The legate took the stool and quizzed the decurion about how he was feeling, my care of him and his appetite. He seemed pleased and was about to take his leave when curse the fates above I swayed and nearly collapsed to the ground at his sandaled feet.

He grabbed me by my upper arms and I hurriedly answered, “I am quite recovered Legate Saturnius. It has just been…,” He cut me off before I could finish and took my chin in his hand and looked me in the eye. I met his gaze as long as I could and then looked away as he said, “Six days since you’ve eaten a morsel of anything. Galerius, see that she eats and then gets to Titus. You will see that she eats from now on even if it has to come out of your own rations,” with that he let me go and walked away.

The Chiurgeon gave me a look full of venom, stalked outside with a bowl in hand, and ungraciously slammed it into my stomach on his return before walking away from me. I had to force myself to take my time with the food as I wanted to wolf it down from sheer hunger. I knew that if I allowed myself to do that though I would be ill and

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delayed even longer than eating at a slower pace would cause me to be. Finally I was finished and presented myself to Galerius.

Galerius was a short balding fussy little man with no tolerance for anyone who wasn’t Patrician Roman. His disdain for me was obvious by his curled lip and his sniffs and grunts when he happened to glance my way. He took his sweet time finishing up rolling bandages and led me out into the settlement. He asked where Titus was and was informed he was waiting for us down by the bank of the river. Once we found him Galerius deposited me in Titus’ care and left.

Titus handed me a rough cake of soap and instructed me to wash as he pointed towards the river. I tossed him back the cake and answered, “No offense intended but I can find my own thank you,” With that I walk along the bank until I found what I was looking for and with a good sharp stick I dug up and broke open some roots until I had a mass of froth which I placed on some large leaves on the bank near the shallows. Then I proceeded to scrub until I squeaked I also used it on my hair and then washed it again with clean sand from the river bottom.

When I was clean I swam for a few moments and then climbed out onto the bank to dry in the sun. Titus sat behind me and combed the snarls and mats out of my hair being surprisingly gentle as if he had done it before. He then braided it before leading me to the legate’s tent and shoving me inside. The Legate was pacing behind his campaign table and said, “The village elders propose that I take you with me when I leave the area. Why are they so eager to see you in my hands and not just as a thrall on her way to the markets in Rome,” he demanded?

“Because they think I can be used against my grandfather in Gaul or he can be used against you if he knows you hold me. Either way to me it matters not one way or the other, for I have never even met the man. My mother was my father’s second wife and was a Gaulish tribal princess,” I answered truthfully. He stopped his pacing and eyed me as if he was measuring the truth of my words.

He then demanded of me harshly almost glacially, “If I decided to take you with me would you swear an oath of loyalty?” I swallowed hard but nodded and asked, “Have you a chalice or cup Legate Saturnius and may I borrow your dagger again? The Chalice or cup will need wine or spirits of some type in it for this,” as I thought carefully about what I was about to do as it wasn’t to be entered into lightly.

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The legate set an ornate chalice and the dagger on the table in front of me. I picked up the dagger and ran it across the base of my left thumb noticing that the palm of my hand and the across the middle of my finger was shiny and white almost like they were slightly frostbitten. The blade was wickedly sharp and the blood welled to the surface instantly. Taking up the chalice I squeezed my blood into the spirits and swirled it together then I swore, “By the Gods of my ancestors and by the Gods of yours from life to life until I no longer return you shall have my loyalty.” I then took a drink from the chalice and passed it and the dagger to the legate.

I clenched my hand but all the bleeding did was slow it didn’t stop. I watched mesmerized as Legate Saturnius placed a hand above the chalice and the blood raised up from it and seemed to absorb into his skin. He turned to me and demanded, “You are aware aren’t you that I intend to collect on that oath aren’t you,” with a sardonic smirk. I shivered and carefully replied, “I don’t doubt it in the slightest Legate Saturnius.” He grabbed my hand and I could feel an energy coursing through my hand it was so painful I wanted to scream. I refused to do so and just clenched my teeth and shook where I stood. When he let go I opened my hand and the bleeding had stopped. The wound from the dagger and the seeming frostbite were healed but my hand was covered in frost.

I never wanted to experience that again in my life but unfortunately now that my life was linked with that of the legate’s something told me that was going to be an impossibility. A gauntleted hand landed on my shoulder and propelled me forward as we headed toward the parade ground. When we reached it I noticed the men were standing at attention and the men of Keltoi blood were all in the front. My heart sank to the soles of my feet. The Romans were not known for their mercy and the legate was even less merciful than that.

“It has come to my attention that the continued uprisings against the emperor are coming from Lisarium, Camulodunum, or Petuaria. You will tell me which location and who is leading the agitators so that I may leave this cursed isle and return to my home and you will do it now,” although he spoke in no more than a normal speaking voice it sounded like a battle cry and cracked like a whip!

Several of the men in front dropped to their knees while the rest looked on in horror. There was blood pouring from their mouths and noses as wells as their ears. The Legate moved to stand in front of them as they began to speak. One man he grasped by the head and

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stared into his eyes for several long minutes before thrusting him away and letting him slump to the ground.

He then returned to the position he had taken before the legion as his Primus Pilus dragged my sisters onto the parade ground in chains and said, “Just as these women will be sold as slaves in the market traitorous men will die on the grounds. By my order as Legate of The Ninth Legion decimate every third man of Keltoi blood,” his order was given with all seriousness and the decimation begun.

I had to choke back my horror and the urge to flee as we stood there and watched the bloody work carried out as the soldiers took the hammers to my kin and blood. As twilight fell and my legs felt as if the cramps would never end the legate lifted me onto his hip and carried me towards his tent. Once we were almost there he set me on the ground with the order, “Go get food for the both of us, and hurry up. I don’t feel like waiting all night for it.” I quickly scurried off to the cook tent to retrieve two bowls of the stew. One of the plainer soldier’s fare for myself and one of a better quality I had been given when the cook found out it was for the legate.

I quickly side stepped into the tent and handed the legate his bowl of stew and was surprised when he told me, “From now on you will help me clean and don my armor. You will clean and maintain my tent and you will help Galerius in the infirmary should there be need for an extra pair of hands since you have the skill. You will sleep here in this tent as it is safer unless I tell you otherwise. If I send you to the barracks I expect to find you at the barracks and nowhere else understood, “he asked in a tone that I knew meant I had better answer quickly and appropriately as it battered at my senses like a hammer blow that nearly drove me to my knees.

“I understand Legate Saturnius. I am to help maintain your tent and to clean and help you don your armor. To be where you order me to be, to be there when you come looking for me and to perform as expected,” I answered quickly. Before I could blink the back of his gauntleted covered hand struck my mouth knocking me to the floor at his feet. Quicker than a striking snake I could feel the tips of his gauntlets graze my scalp as he yanked me upright by my hair.

“Your mouth may cause you to join your kinsman girl,” he warned as the braziers flared and the shadows deepened in the tent. The air became oppressive and it became hard to breathe. I whimpered and waited to see what would happen next as I was totally at his mercy. I was his and knew it. I would live or die by his hand and his word.

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Although knowing that he did seem to appreciate a small bit of spirit I raised my eyes to his and said, “I realize I took too much liberty in my speech legate. I am no longer a free woman and therefore do not have the right to express every thought that crosses my mind. I shall take more care to watch what I say from now on. Thank you for reminding me of my station,” with that I dropped my gaze hopping to defuse his anger.

He set me on my feet on a stool and turn his back on me and proceeded to instruct me on removing his armor. The Lorica Laminata had become the standard armor for the Ninth Legion. I undid the straps from the hooks and separated the armor. I gasped at its weight and had to steady myself on the stool. I had not expected the iron and brass with the combination of the leather to weigh so much. I set the Lorica Laminata aside and carefully removed the balteus, pyterges, and braccae.

I had stepped off the stool and had dropped to my knees to remove the woolen braccae he wore but before I could undress him further he stopped me saying, “You may leave the tunic, subligaria, and caliga. I tend to not sleep much so once you have eaten and cleaned the armor you may sleep as I know you have not slept in days and tomorrow will be long,” with that he put the now cold stew in my hands and proceeded to read his dispatches. Knowing I would get nothing else I ate the greasy congealed unappetizing mess.

Once I had finished I asked the legate, “Would you show me where the cleaning supplies for your armor are kept Legate Saturnius,” as I moved the stool next to a brazier so that I had more light so that I could see what I was working on. He pointed me to the campaign chest at the foot of his bed. I gathered the brushes, rags, and the rest of my supplies and set to work. I was surprised to see that he actually had more than one set of armor. As I worked his gauntlets landed in my lap.

“Clean those as well as I consider them a vital part of my armor,” her ordered. I noticed the tips and areas where he could bend his knuckles were bloody and I attacked them with the brush, solvents, and then prepared them for battle. By the time I was finished I was completely exhausted and was nearly asleep on the stool. I felt myself lifted and tucked into the pallet and covered with a woolen blanket. Throughout the night I dreamed dark dreams of burning trees and the legate pacing the tent.

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He woke me with the dawn and a barked, “Get the tent packed and on the mule train. Titus will tell you where everything goes and I expect you to have everything back in its place when it’s set back up in our wandering fort,” as he tossed his armor at me. I barely had time to catch it as I got to my feet. I dressed him in a fresh set of clothing glad that I had seen the unclothed male body while helping treat disease and wounds. I then laced and buckled him into his armor before adding his paenula and galae.

I knew the day was going to be an extremely long and busy one as Titus showed be how to break down and stow the legate’s tent. I barely managed to get a meal before midday and Titus led me to the legate’s chariot. As Titus lifted me in next to the legate the Primus Pilus protested, “Legate Saturnius, you cannot mean to take that barbarian whore with you at your very side. You will give your officers the impression that she means something to you,” he sputtered angrily as he spat towards me.

“You forget yourself Primus Pilus. The young woman has her uses and may have untapped potential. I want her where I can keep an eye on her. Fire the grove. I want nothing of it left standing and nothing of it to regrow from so salt the earth once the fire is out,” he ordered before clucking to the horses. Behind me I could hear the sound of the brands being fired and thrown and before long the pall of smoke filled the air and coated the throat.

The pain in my heart was heavy but I dared not weep as I knew he would not tolerate it. His reputation was well known here. His arms encircled my slender frame and my back was pressed against the overlapping bands of his armor. After a full day in the chariot I would bear the imprint for several hours at least. At midday I was instructed to get into the pack Titus had made me prepare and found hard cheese, olives, and small loaves of bread and hard meats for two.

The legate handed me a pugio that wasn’t his and told me, “You may have this to use as long as it is for work such as this or in the infirmary. Should you even consider using it to harm me or any of my soldiers you will rue the second the thought even bloomed,” he warned me with a painful squeeze of my shoulder. “I swear I will never think about using it to harm you or any roman soldier Legate Saturnius. I will only ever use it for work and since I have nothing to carry it with it might be best if you keep it for the time being,” I promised as I handed the leaf shaped blade back to him.

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By dusk we had reached the area where the legate intended to set camp and the legion began to set the earthworks. He intended to ferret out some information as to who was continuing to drive the uprising as he had quizzed me most of the day on who was who in his legion that was left of my tribe. I quickly unpacked his tent and started getting it set up as I knew he would want to eat and get settled.

I had just finished moving in the furnishings with the help of two very reluctant decurions when the Legate, the Primus Pilus, and Titus entered the tent. I carefully placed his campaign chest at the foot of the bed and nearly jumped out of my skin when he ordered, “Go get more wood for the braziers it’s going to freeze tonight. Get dinner for the two of us while you are out since you haven’t spent time in the infirmary the last two days. You can also stop by the pigeon coop and bring me the days’ dispatches and don’t dawdle. I want it all done in a timely fashion,” he snarled darkly

First I got the wood and stacked it neatly by the braziers that lit and heated the legate’s tent that he stayed in when the legion wasn’t near a fort, town, or castra. I then retrieved his daily dispatches and rushed them back to him. Making the last trip I was carrying his dinner and not my own when the decurion at the door stuck out his foot sending me sprawling into the dirt covering me in stew and wine.

The air was suddenly filled with danger as the Legate appeared in the entrance to the tent. I got to my feet and stared at the ground as he demanded, “Do you think it’s funny to ruin my meal Decurion Tasius,” with an ominous flash to his dark eyes? The Decurion gulped and answered, “No Legate Saturnius it’s not funny at all. I...I thought it was the girl’s and I was just doing a bit of hazing sir I meant no harm honestly,” he stammered.

“Whether you intended harm or not decurion you caused it as you have delayed her not once but twice as now she has to go back to the cook tent and retrieve a second meal for me. She was delayed in the first place by the act of being tripped by you when you plainly heard me tell her I didn’t want her dawdling which can only make me assume you want her punished for some reason. Then simply put there is the fact that she is mine, my property, my ward, it doesn’t matter which she belongs to me.” He growled as he motioned for me to leave.

I grabbed the dishes and ran for the cook tent. I hurriedly helped prepare another meal for the Legate and was surprised when the cook placed my food and some juice beside it. He then handed me a damp cloth and a large bowl of water so I could quickly wash. I ran back to

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the tent and entered to find the decurion standing at attention inside as well as the others. I placed the tray I was carrying on the campaign table and tried to stay out of the way. The Primus Pilus and Titus left and then there were just the three of us.

The shadows thickened and coalesced, the tent grew colder and I felt as if I would never rejoin the world of the living when suddenly the braziers flared. The rug was covered with blood and the remains of the decurion’s body rested in the middle of it. Galerius hurried into the tent saying, “You summoned me Legate Saturnius? I am very busy compiling a new work to send to the senate and I was in the middle...Oh dear,” he gasped as he saw the bloody wreck of the body and the stained rug.

He removed the remains and left me with the legate in the suddenly too quiet tent. “Scrub the carpet, eat your dinner and then go to bed Conchend. I am not in the mood to deal with anymore disruptions because of your presence,” the legate stated coldly as he began to read the dispatches. I grabbed a bucket, scrub brush, and a cake of soap. I placed my supplies close together and then went to the river for the water. Making my way back to the tent I wondered if I would survive the week at this rate. Before I set to work on the carpet I took my life into my own hands by interrupting the legate to get him out of his armor but for the time being he let it pass and cooperated.

I soaked the brush in the bucket and proceeded to carefully scrub the blood and gore from the carpet. Careful to make sure it was thoroughly clean by making several trips in the dark to empty the bloody water and to retrieve clean water as need even when it meant having a grumbling decurion accompany me to the river with a torch. It seemed to take hours but finally the carpet was done, I wasn’t hungry and being tired I just crawled into my pallet and went to sleep.

I was awaken by the Legate as his armor landed on my ribcage. Lifting it off of me I stood and walked to the stool that was already in place waiting for me. As I prepared him for the coming day I intently listened as he spoke for I knew he would not tell me something more than once and if he had to repeat himself, it was very likely I would not like the accompanying reaction. I was instructed to see to his breakfast and to tell the Primus Pilus that he was wanted for a morning briefing and then to take myself off to the infirmary to work with Galerius.

Ah a blessed morning without his oppressive presence hanging over my head like an ominous cloud thank Brigantia I thought to myself as I

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hurried off to find the Primus Pilus. The second largest tent wasn’t too far away but it was empty so I had to drag myself all the way down to the makeshift parade ground where the Primus Pilus was working with the troops. I was lucky that they were on a water break just then but he scowled as I approached. “What do you want you filthy barbarian scum,” he snarled as spat in my face as I stood before him.

Not letting him see my disgust or rage I calmly scraped the spittle from my face and replied, “You are wanted by the Legate Saturnius for a morning debrief Primus Pilus,” before I walked away. I then headed to the infirmary where I spent the entire day cutting and rolling bandages. Galerius sent me out to tend to the legate just in time to serve his evening meal. I was hungry but every time I had been about to remind Galerius about breakfast or lunch he needed to be elsewhere.

I got into the line for the cook tent with the legate’s tray containing his bowl and cup and the cook asked, “Was there some reason someone did not procure food for you today child? Were you being punished for something by chance or did someone forget that growing children need food in their bellies,” he asked with a wink and a smile?

I looked on in horror and replied in a whisper, “Do not let the Legate Saturnius hear you say that please I beg you. I just finished scrubbing the blood out of the carpet in his tent from the last soldier who angered him,” I pleaded intently as I made out of line and then outside. I carried the tray into the tent and stood before the campaign table as he tasted it to make sure it was satisfactory. Just as he was swallowing the bite my stomach rumbled loudly in the silence of the tent.

His gaze locked with mine and however much I wanted to I could not drop my eyes to the floor. His gauntleted fingers gripped my chin the tips digging over the bone painfully. “When did you eat last,” he asked gratingly the words sounding like shards of glass as they beat at my ears. “Midday yesterday Legate Saturnius,” I answered softly knowing he would be displeased by my answer. “I gave instructions regarding meals for you to Galerius did I not,” he demanded of me? “You did indeed Legate Saturnius and every time I went to ask Chiurgeon Galerius about my meals today he seemed to have business that had him elsewhere,” I quickly answered the agitated man praying that his wrath would not be directed at me or the carpet.

Letting go of my chin he paced back and forth behind his table like a caged angry animal and I could sense the impending storm in the air around us. The smell of ozone was readily apparent and soon bolts of

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lightning began striking the ground and rain began to pour from the clouds the drops striking the ground hard almost as if it were hail. Men who were outside in the storm began to cry out as if from pain or fear. Within moments of the start of the storm two men dashed into the opening of the tent, one was Galerius the other I did not recognize. As Galerius entered the tent he gasped clutched his chest and collapsed to the floor of the tent.

I noticed at that moment that the legate’s left hand was clenched and his eyes were locked on the left side of Galerius’s chest. He then turned to the second man and said, “Congratulations Maximus, it looks likes like you have just been field promoted to head Chiurgeon. Do not make his mistakes and you won’t meet his fate. I gave him specific instructions regarding Conchend here let me reiterate them for you. You will see to it that she is fed when she works at the infirmary even if it has to come out of your own rations, if that is the case I will see that it is replaced,” he ordered succinctly and bluntly.

“Maximus Aemilius Flavillus, meet Conchend nee Niall of the Brigante nee Birgit of the Gauls,” he said with a tone that suggested he had swallowed something bitter. Maximus raised an eyebrow but wisely kept his counsel to himself. “I take it this display of temper and my promotion had to do with the fact that the young lady hasn’t eaten today then,” he asked almost casually? The legate nodded and replied, “You would be right on both counts my friend and I am not pleased by it at all. I warned Galerius not two days past that I wanted him to see to the girl and he blatantly disobeyed my direct orders to him,” the legate continued to pace and the storm continued to rage.

“Tiberius calm down before we have to swim to the infirmary and back my friend. I will see to removing Galerius’s remains from your quarters and a meal for the young lady while you calm down. Read the day’s dispatches for Saturn’s sake and by the time you are done she will be back to peel you out of your armor. Before you scowl at me or scoff at me in that sanctimonious tone of yours, consider it a request from an old friend who has known you since you and your brother since you were a boy,” Maximus said holding up a hand before the legate could interrupt him as he hefted the body onto his shoulder.

Before we were halfway out of the tent the rain was starting to stop and the sky was staring to clear but the ground was decidedly soupy and it was treacherous going as we headed to the infirmary. Maximus led me inside and handed me a large section of sheeting so that I could dry off and dry my hair. He handed me a stool a hot cup of tea from

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over the infirmary fire and the fixings of hard meats, cheese, bread, and more olives. “So have you really known the Legate Saturnius and his brother since they were boys?” I asked astonished that he had let someone be close to him for such a long period of time.

“Hmmm yes indeed I lived not too far from then when Tiberius’ father was posted in North Africa. I actually I think I am one of the few people who on occasion can actually tell him what to do and he will listen to them,” just as Maximus finished speaking the thunder rumbled ominously. I looked at Maximus and said, “Well Chiurgeon, I don’t think I care to test his patience and he has been in his armor for hours, not that I am not certain he isn’t comfortable in it but it is my job to see him out of it and I believe that was my summons was it not? Or was that rumble a warning meant for you to not push your luck perchance,” I asked with a grin as I proceeded him out the doorway as the infirmary had actual doors.

Chapter Two: PetuariaMaximus walked me back across the muddy camp and seemed

surprised to see the tent flaps standing wide open and the guards not at their posts. “It would seem that either we are both expected and bent ears are not wanted or one of us is expected and bent ears are still not wanted around the Legate’s tent,” I interrupted with a small shudder. I took the last step towards the last steps towards the legate’s tent with Maximus on my heels and winced as I heard the tent flaps snap shut between us shutting him outside.

“Galerius died for his disobedience. Should I kill you for yours in not eating that cold stew last night,” the Legate demanded the force of his tone driving me to my knees? I fought the urge to whimper from fear and the pain inside my skull but I made myself speak the truth, “Yes Legate Saturnius, you should in fact kill me for that very act. My life is forfeit and I will submit to your judgment,” I answered knowing the law.

“At times you actually manage to make me think you have some sense in that head of yours girl. When I give you orders I expect them to be obeyed and there will be a reckoning come the morning have no doubt of that. Now you may remove and clean my armor. I want a parade polish on it before we reach Petuaria in three days’ time, and tomorrow you will have less hours to work on it,” he said as he stepped away from me and left me holding the Lorica Laminata. I spent the next two hours or there abouts cleaning and polishing the armor and had just started to get a shine on it when he ordered me to bed.

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I awoke to find the tips of the Legate’s gauntlets digging into my bare shoulder as he lifted me from my pallet and on to my feet. He them marched me in front of him down the Via Apia and stopped me in front of the whipping post where the entire legion was assembled in orderly ranks and rows. I could see that Maximus and a few of my tribesmen looked horrified or angry but others just looked bored. The Legate waited until coughing, shuffling, and general noise quieted before he spoke, “Let no person in this camp or any other we set or in my home in Rome itself think that my Ward Conchend nee Brigit of the Gauls nee Niall of the Brigante is ever beyond our standard punishment for insubordination.

Primus Pilus I will administer this one myself as it was my order she disobeyed. I swallowed hard but went willing and placed my hands inside the leather loop and winced as it was yanked tight. I was then drawn upwards until my toes were barely touching the ground. From behind me I could heard the sound of the whip as the legate shook it out behind me and I could heard it as it whistled through the air. The feel of it cutting into my flesh felt as if it burned to the bone.

I refused to cry out as I heard the Primus Pilus call out, “One,” in Latin. I knew that I had at the very least nine more of these to endure before he would end this. Normally a first offense wouldn’t warrant a flogging but then the Legate wasn’t a normal guardian or a normal officer. The second blow landed and I had to force myself not to jerk away from the whip. I knew they would be harder and bite deeper if I tried to move away from them.

By the third my nerves were starting to burn. By the fifth I was in tears by the seventh I was felt like I could barely breathe. By the ninth I was hoping it would end soon and I could heard the whistling sound of the whip as it sprang toward my back like a hunted stag and as much as I tried not to I tensed as I heard the Primus Pilus call, “Ten,” I cried out and felt myself lowered to the ground. I tried to force myself to stand, but as my hands were freed I started to go to the ground.

I felt someone catch me and then the tips of the Legate’s gauntleted fingertips scooped the tears from my cheek as he tasted them. He said, “Your tears are so sweet Conchend, perhaps one day you will cry like this for me again,” his voice vibrated against my cheek and ribs. I thought to myself not if I can help it and he chuckled above me before he answered, “We both know you will forget some order I will give you or you will fall asleep on post and it will go from ten to twenty lashes

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you are only twelve after all,” his lips turned sardonically and I could tell he was enjoying himself.

I was surprised when he carried me into his tent and gently placed me face down on my pallet. I felt his metal encased fingers probe my shoulders, the light dimmed and then that scalding ice began to creep down my spine. I had to fight the urge to scream again or to beg him to not do this. “I am not going to heal all of this as I want the reminder of the punishment to linger in your memory as well as others’ I will heal you enough so that you can work however, we have wounded men coming in from another post who were overrun so report to Maximus,” he ordered as he sat me up gave me a few moments and then pushed me out the door.

“One more caution I am your guardian and I am all too aware that a soldier you aren’t, but you still owe me the respect due the Paterfamilias, your behavior reflects on the Saturnii and I do not take insults to my honor kindly,” he warned with a punishing glare. I nodded my understanding and carefully made my way to the infirmary. Once inside I hurried to find Maximus who seemed surprised to see me up and about. “I thought you would be on your stomach sobbing into a pallet yet,” Maximus quipped.

I scowled at him and turned so he could see my back. He gently ran a finger over the partially healed wounds. “Hmm...Tiberius healed these I recognize his touch. What I want to know is why, he usually is not kind without a reason of some kind,” as he looked at me waiting for an answer? “According to the Legate Saturnius we have wounded coming in shortly and he wanted me to be able to work,” I answered honestly as I readied the herbal poultices and tinctures I would need.

I then proceeded to make sure that Maximus would have everything he would need at hand as the wounded came on so we could treat them as he was now one chiurgeon short. Within moments we were up to our eyebrows in wounded with cuts, burns, sword slashes, and men who had walked the skin nearly off their feet as they had to fall back to the nearest friendly fort. Apparently the garrison at Petuaria had managed to send out most of their troops and was holding on with a small force and command staff at the garrison.

My appearance in the infirmary drew some distrustful looks and comment but they generally stopped for the most part when Maximus made it clear that I was the Legate’s to deal with and to discipline unless he gave instructions to the contrary. One case required both of us to work together. I had my hands inside the soldier’s chest cavity

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holding the muscles together while Maximus did the stitching. By the time we were done it was early afternoon and my back and legs were both cramped and burning.

Maximus sat me on a stool and handed me a damp towel so I could wipe the blood off my chest, arms, and the rest of my body. He then handed me my lunch and a cup of fresh spring water as the infirmary was sweltering as it was full of those that had to remain in the infirmary for at least several days. I had just finished my lunch when I looked up to find the Legate standing in the doorway.“Bring the stool Conchend, I want you to sit outside in the sun and continue polishing my armor,” he ordered brusquely. “Yes Legate Saturnius,” I replied as I grabbed the stool and placed it near the opening for the window where I found the rags, brushes, pastes and polish already waiting for me. “When you are done with it put it on the stand and put the items back in the chest, you will then find me on the parade ground inspecting the troops that are still on their feet,” the legate told me leaving no doubt as to where he expected me to come find him.

I worked on the Lorica Laminata until I could hardly move my hands and arms. By then it was midafternoon and I was so sore I just wanted to find my stomach for an hour or so. As I made my way to the legate’s tent to put his armor and its supplies away I could hear the Primus Pilus say, “If it had been up to me I would have flayed the very flesh from her bones. I think Tiberius has grown soft of late or maybe he is bedding the girl after all.”

I heard a cough and a sputter and the words, “By Saturn’s beard, Publius do you have a death wish? Let Tiberius hear you accuse him of something like that and he may well gut you himself. You know that the youngest female he has ever taken to his bed was Lavillia and she was sixteen. He told you what he wants you to know Publius meddle where you aren’t welcome and you may get yourself crucified my friend,” I could tell that the two men talking were indeed the aide de camp and the Primus Pilus.

I put the armor and its accoutrement’s away and began to make my way down to the parade ground. I swiftly made my to the legate stopping only as I saw him had towards the water bucket. I quickly prepared the dipper and held it as he came for it. “Done with the armor I see,” he quipped as he wiped away a smear of the oil from my cheek with his gauntleted fingers. I forced myself to remain still and

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not pull away as the very chill of death crept over my skin. “Yes Legate Saturnius the parade shine you ordered is complete,” I responded.

“I didn’t doubt it after this morning. You will tell the Primus Pilus that in the morning we are making our way to Petuaria to relieve them and then you will return to assist Maximus until he releases you or I come looking for you. I highly doubt you would be accosted any of the Ninth without my approval but with strangers in the camp I do not want you wandering about unattended,” he ordered as his icy blue gaze pinned me neatly in place. “Yes M’lord Saturnius, I will not wander the camp unaccompanied,” I swore with a salute.

I waited as he barked, “Decurion, see my ward back to the infirmary and then back here on the double!” The Decurion and I waited until we were dismissed and then raced down the Via Apia to the infirmary. He left me at the door and I made my way inside to tell Maximus I had to deliver a message to the Primus Pilus but was not allowed to do it unaccompanied for the time being. He sent me on my way with the lowliest helper he could spare and bade us to hurry back.

I found the Primus Pilus by the cook tent and got the greeting, “Well if it isn’t the Legate’s Barbarian whore. Come to deliver another message I assume since I know you speak the mother tongue,” as he spat in my face. I calmly wiped my face and said, “The Legate says in the morning the Ninth is making its way to relieve Petuaria. I then turned and walked back to the infirmary. I spent the rest of the afternoon rolling bandages and tending to the wounded.

Maximus escorted me down to the cook tent to get food for myself when the legate didn’t appear at sunset. I was just turning to place the tray to the side when I had finished my meal when someone shoved me off of the stool. I felt someone grab me from behind as a soldier approached me from the front. “Quick before the sawbones comes back Galus,” the man behind me hissed. “You worry like an old woman Vibius, the legate will be hours at the store house and this little mouse wouldn’t have the guts to tattle on a Roman citizen would you sweeting,” he asked as he reached for his clothes?

Just then the doors slammed back against their frames silhouetted in them from the light of the lamps inside and the fire outside was a very livid Legate Saturnius with a naked blade in his fist. At his back were three Centurions from the Death’s Death. “The carpenters have been falling trees and hacking logs for palisade all day. They would be quite angry with me if I had to order crosses built. She is property, my property if you want spoils or camp followers you will find them outside

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not in my infirmary,” with a dangerous growl that ground inside my skull. With each my thunder boomed and rattled the glass.

“As for whether or not she would tattle on a Roman citizen as you so succinctly put it Galus was it,” the legate asked coldly? Conchend, tell the Decurion and his friend what happened this morning. “I was whipped at the post for disobeying an order given to me by my Paterfamilias,” I replied matter of factly. Both men blanched as the legate ordered, “Come here Conchend,” and pointed in front of him. I pulled away from Vibius walked over and stood in front of the Legate.

With one hand he spun me so that both men could see the now bleeding wheals across my back. I hadn’t even felt them reopen. Behind me I heard Maximus curse. Inside my head I heard, “keep your face still girl or this morning will seem like a pleasant picnic,” as his fingers tightened around my arm. He handed me the hilt of the blade and I had to grit my teeth at the burn as I closed my fingers around it. I felt the tips of his gauntlets graze my wounds from my shoulders to my lower back.

“You will hold Soul Cleaver, while I see to this. Maximus bring me a stool and the salve Conchend prefers. You two are lucky you are not mine and can await your disciplinary action under guard until we reach Petuaria,” Legate Saturnius spat out venomously. When Maximus brought the salve he treated my back and under the cover of his supposed ministrations healed me again. Then turning to the Centurions from the Death’s Head he called one of them forward saying, “Aulus Primus Sidonius, you and your men will see Conchend to my tent and remain there until I am done with the count at the store house.

I want no more mishaps or mistakes before we leave for Petuaria at first light,” he looked down at me and pushed me toward the door. Once w were out of sight Aulus motioned for one of the other men to pick me up and they hustled me off to the Legate’s tent and deposited me inside. Having nothing else to do I straightened the tent and crawled into my pallet to sleep for a while knowing that morning would come early. I awoke when the braziers flared and the Legate entered the tent.

I crawled from my pallet and poured his wine and removed his cloak and made him comfortable. Once I had been given permission I returned to my sleep. I was awakened by his armor landing against my ribcage as it did most mornings. I had set aside some water for washing to heat so that it would not be frigid and prepared him for his

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morning before retrieving his breakfast. I then got him into his armor before I started packing up the tent. “Check with Maximus and see if he needs anything and then meet me at the chariot,” the legate barked.

Maximus’ helper was waiting for me outside the tent. I spent part of the chilly morning helping moving the wounded who couldn’t walk to supply wagons and crating supplies and then had to run to meet the Legate. Titus met me by the chariot with a bag and a smile. “I almost thought you had bolted for the forest, I was about to come looking for you,” he said. “I was helping at the infirmary and loading their supplies. We just got finished with the packing of the wagons,” I said as he lifted me into the chariot.

The Legate joined us momentarily and climbed into the chariot. His armor was in pristine condition or as near as I could get it. He placed me in front of him and as we started out he ordered, “I want you to focus not only on our surrounding but the intentions of those about us as we get closer to Petuaria. You have gifts that need honing and shaping. Tempering, testing, forging, this should have begun years ago. Not waited until I came along no matter that was their failure and now you are mine to shape,” with that he turned forward.

“Breathe in and out find the rhythm of your heart, your breath my heart, and once you have it maintain it and then reach out with all of your senses,” he instructed. It took me some time and I could sense his impatience. Just when he had about reached the breaking point everything fell into place. “Hmm, sloppily done but since it was your first time I will make allowances. Not so the next time, now maintain it tell me what you are sensing,” he demanded. I told him of the animals I sensed as we progressed and he confirmed or corrected me.

Just past lunch we entered the road to Petuaria. M’lord, there is a man in the trees who is planning to bolt for town,” I told him mentally as we continued talking normally. “Continue doing as you were instructed he whispered in my ear as he headed for the crossroads. I could sense hatred, fear, some kind of plot, in place and I could taste death upon my tongue although that was not new of late it was much stronger. “There is a plot in the wind Legate Saturnius and death is on the air today more than normal,” I answered with a small shiver.

When we entered the town the headman approached the chariot from the side. “Greetings Legate Saturnius, we hope your journey was a pleasant one” he said with an insincere smile. “It was quite pleasant he said as he tightened his arm around my waist just under my

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breasts. I caught the glint of something in the headman’s hand as he twisted his wrist and lunged. As I was standing near the spear cup I pulled a pilum and without clearly thinking cast it and reached back to shove the Legate’s shoulder.

This put me in the position of the thrown blade and I heard the headman scream, “Oh Goddess No! Not the girl why did she try and save him?” The force of the knife hitting me had knocked me to my back on top of the Legate. I was more concerned with the fact that he might see this as an attack on a Roman officer by someone who had sworn a blood oath to him. Then my vision started to blur and my heart started to feel strange. “Conchend, I am not freeing you from your oath girl you will live until Maximus gets here or I will fetch you and you will be sorry,” he snarled as he slid out from beneath me.

I came to in the headman’s house on a bed to find the Legate in a chair reading dispatches. He stood went to the door and admitted Maximus. Maximus poured me some fruit juice and ordered, “Drink that and plenty of water. You are going to be weak for a couple of days from the poison but between the two of us I believe we got it all. Saturn’s beard girl what were you thinking? Tiberius was wearing armor and you weren’t” Maximus demanded

“That’s enough old friend, she reacted without thinking. She was closest to the pilums and I was expecting a trap. I just wasn’t expecting her to try and save me from it. It is also my fault for putting her in harm’s way since I used her to encourage his rage. They had no way of knowing she holds no interest for me that way, but I let him think she did,” he sat back down and glared at the cup in my hand.

I sipped at the juice and discovered I was quite thirsty after all. Maximus smiled. “Effects of the poison and loss of blood,” I asked as I handed over the now empty cup? “Yes, your skin is paler than freshly fallen snow and I for one would like a bit of color in those cheeks,” Maximus groused. “Maximus, you may bully your patient later now make yourself scarce I want a word with my ward,” the Legate ordered.

“Yes of course Legate,” Maximus as he left and closed the door. The lamps dimmed them brightened. The shadows swirled and moved to seal the cracks and crevices. “Tell me why,” he ordered. “Why is every last man in this legion so surprised I can show any loyalty to you? Your aide de camp practically threatens to send out a patrol if I take too long on a project. You’re surprised I would try to stop an assassin when

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I am less than two feet from him, I am no oath breaker,” I say as I try and climb out of the bed.

“Hold!” his voice cracked like a whip stopping me in my tracks “I have already warned you about that shrewish tongue. I will not tell you again. I turned and sat on the edge of the bed. Realizing I would have to begin monitoring my mental thoughts much more carefully. I asked, “I was broadcasting them in another tone than I was speaking them wasn’t I Legate Saturnius?”

“You sounded quite a bit like my spouse whom I can’t stand. Unless you want to find yourself on the floor I suggest you work on that. Now outside of this room the general populace will believe what their eyes show them and since as you say you are no oath breaker I trust that I can trust that you’ll do as I bid?” he asked as he poured me some water.

Just then there was a knock on the door. The Legate pulled me up to the pillows and covered me with the blankets and sat on the edge of the bed. The door opened and he barked in Gaelic, “Enter don’t just stand there staring,” sounding as if he were highly offended. I heard mentally, “if you ever stand in a doorway and gawk like that I will devise a particularly nasty punishment for you,” he warned me. Finally the sound of bare feet on packed earth was heard and the sound of a tray being placed on the table occurred.

“Would you like for me to attend to the prince…I interrupted, “Do not even finish that sentence. First, I never claimed that title. And secondly, I no longer have a right to it and the Legate doesn’t like it,” I turned towards the girl who was scowling at the floor. “You may see to her needs but there will be a centurion in the quarters. I will return shortly Conchend, I want you to eat something.” He ordered brusquely before leaving and sending in a Centurion from the Death’s Head.

As the girl proceeded to bathe me she eyed the soldier in the room. “How do you stand them,” she demanded angrily? “I smiled and smoothed the blanket before I answered. “You get used it after a time,” I said sweetly knowing it had been less than a fortnight. “If you don’t make trouble they usually leave you alone and if you are pleasant some of them can be quite nice,” I say winking at Aulus. “The one that was here before the one in charge, he is so very frightening so can you stand to be in the room with him,” she asked curiously?

Sensing the Legate’s return I felt it might be best to warn him since he had wanted me to put on a show. I opened a connection to that

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very scary mind. “Yes Conchend, since you went out of your way to seek a connection we both know you dread what is it?” he demanded harshly sounding very annoyed. “Since she still seems to be in here searching for answers I thought we could test the theory that the eyes see what they are shown. Brace yourself you are going to have to stand my touch at least for the present I warned him.”

“If I couldn’t stand your touch you wouldn’t dress me every day,” he quipped back. “Yes Legate I am aware of that but for the moment you are going to have to act like it is more than a necessary function and I am just another appendage,” I tease him gently. Just then the door opened and the Legate entered the room. His gaze landed on the untouched tray. “What’s this I see? Still no food in that hollow cavern well we can’t have that, Maximus will accuse me of neglecting his favorite assistant,” with that he lifted me from the bed and into his arms and sat in the chair.

I shifted so that Tiberius's sword was freely accessible and easily drawn. The girl watched us intently as if we were an interesting exhibit and she didn't quite know what to make of us. Before I could register the movement I found the cup at my elbow and the bowl with my meal in it in my hands. The message was clear as if he had spoken and I could sense his growing anger and impatience. I began to eat but found I didn’t have much of an appetite. I managed about three fourths of the bowl’s contents before I had to push it away.

“Aulus, see the girl out to where the others are being kept. She can return in the morning if Maximus declares Conchend well enough to perform light duty in the infirmary,” the Legate ordered as he deposited me gently onto a camp cot next to the bed. I waited until Aulus and the girl left and carefully began to remove his more formal armor. I felt my shoulder twinge in protest as I hefted the weight of the armor

I had just managed to place the armor on the stand when Maximus came in. “Bring the everyday set. I intend to make my presence felt in this backwater town and I will not give them the chance to strike at my back,” he ordered coldly and callously. I had just begun to fasten the hooks when I heard, “Have you lost your wits? Lugging about armor with that arm is not going to help it heal, and I have a feeling she is going to need both of them tomorrow when you relieve the garrison,” Maximus stated matter of factly. Maximus deposited me on the cot and finished armoring the legate.

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The legate turned to me and ordered, “Get some sleep girl, Maximus is right your skin is far too pale. I will see to it that you are awakened when it is time. Until then I expect you to remain out of trouble,” with that he and Maximus without waiting for a reply. I couldn’t have been asleep for more than a couple of candle marks when I found myself awake. I had an insistent need to go outside. Conchend slipped out past the guards quietly sliding around the inner edge of the palisades as she extended her senses. Just past the latrines she heard voices and felt an intense surge of hate that nearly drove her to her knees. “You stupid fool you are going to get us killed with foul ups like that. The girl wasn’t supposed to get hurt you fool,” the voice hissed with outrage! “How was I to know she would defend the Legate? None of us expected her to be loyal to him not even her grandfather after he convinced the others to revolt,” he other voice answered. “Yes well now the headman and the males of this town will die, the women and children will be sold, and the place burned as an example of his rage. Hopefully that will be all that is required to sate the Dark Lord of Rome for a time and our plotting can resume,” the other voice said hatefully. Just then I sensed I had better return to my cot and made good my escape. Unfortunately I was just barely back under the covers and not prone when the legate and Maximus entered the house. “Explain yourself Conchend. I believe my last statement to you was that I expected you to remain out of trouble yes,” he demanded of me harshly? As shadows began to writhe around the room I swallowed and answered truthfully, “Two candle marks ago I awoke with an insistent need to go outside. I hear two distinct voices discussing the fact that my grandfather had convinced the others to revolt and the fact you were supposed to die and they were not supposed to hurt me. Also there is the hope that the Dark Lord of Rome will be sated was the term used with the destruction of Petuaria so the plotting may resume.” The Legate laughed darkly and a shadow caressed my hair leaving me enveloped in a wave of cold. “I will let them think I am sated if they wish it for a time, but they know me not at all if they think the destruction of Petuaria will slake my need for vengeance. Now you will return to your sleep and after the relief of the garrison I will see to more of your instruction since it seems your usefulness is indeed growing,” he said sounding almost fond of me at that moment. I

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nodded and lay back down closing my eyes and listening to the legate pace as he and Maximus talked. That morning I was awoken by the legate as he told me, “Maximus will be here momentarily to help me don my armor. You can help me dress and then fetch my breakfast before he looks you over,” as he walked to the table nonchalantly. I pulled myself out of the cot and dressed him carefully before heading out into the chilly morning air to fetch his morning meal as well as my own as I knew it would be expected that I would eat before he would be satisfied this day. When I returned to the legate Maximus was just finishing the hooks of his armor. Maximus took both bowls from me and said, “Come here child and let me have a look at you,” as he prodded at my shoulder and asked how I felt overall. “I am less dizzy and lightheaded, still a bit thirsty and overall not very hungry as yet,” I answered truthfully. The legate scowled and the coals popped as the fire flared along with his temper. “I will try and eat something though I even made sure to bring it back with me,” I pointed out hoping that would calm his temper. “Hmm light duty in the infirmary I think for today. There I know someone will keep an eye on you and there will be help lifting the wounded,” Maximus said as he handed me my food. I ate the entire portion and managed a full portion of liquid as well before Maximus and I made our way to the infirmary. It wasn’t long before we could hear the sounds of battle. The crash and bang of sword on shield, the horns of the Cornicines, the sound of charging horses and chariots. Before too long the wounded began to arrive and the work began. By midday my back ached and my fingers were stiff from stitching flesh and treating the wounded. The stench if blood filled the air and tainted everything. Suddenly from outside there rang out the shout of “Long live Imperator Saturnius!” The two legions had declared him Imperator and until his triumph he held the full might of Rome in Britain. Maximus and I stepped outside onto the Via Apia as the cheering throng made their way toward the Campus Martius. Although it was not as large as the one in Rome it would hold the entirety of the Ninth and what remained of the Sixth.

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