delivering the council transformation programme third sector strategy group 14 august 2015 1

Delivering the Council Transformation Programme Third Sector Strategy Group 14 August 2015 1

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Delivering the Council Transformation


Third Sector Strategy Group

14 August 2015

Page 2: Delivering the Council Transformation Programme Third Sector Strategy Group 14 August 2015 1

'We need compassion, not judgments about poor people'

‘I never once wrote a death certificate saying the cause of death was living in a horrible house or unemployment’

‘More action must be taken to narrow the health gap between rich and poor areas’

'Properly functioning families are the key to making Scotland healthier'

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Ms D

Ms D and her partner live in a four bedroom property with seven children. The family have over many years had contact with a range of services to try to resolve difficulties with housing, financial difficulties, anti-social behaviours, bereavement, attendance at school and poor health. The family recognised the need to change the way that things were going and had started to work with the local family support service. The natural father of the older children plays little role. Bereavement and issues of anxiety are prevalent. The family as a whole feels ‘out of control’.

Current State

• Complex inter-connected issues affecting the family• No-one with comprehensive overview resulting in important

factors being missed .• Large number of staff involved, family unclear about roles and

feeling disempowered. • Little evidence of sustained change

Future State

• Dedicated worker who knows the family, takes a systemic approach and who can ‘stick with’ them over the long term.

• Positive relationship where support and challenge is possible.• Family are articulating their own solutions to the agreed

outcomes and feel more in control.• Support is designed around helping the family achieve their

outcomes rather than based on service structures. • Fewer workers involved.• Change made is sustained

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Lochend Serious Case Review

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We want to:• ‘de-clutter’ the landscape• keep the focus on the family• develop relationships, which build on strengths • build resilience• provide better continuity• identify and support the person most likely to achieve engagement• embed Getting it Right principles in everyday practice

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Strategic PartnershipsDelivering Strategic Priorities' and

incorporating prevention, sustainability and reducing poverty and inequality

Advisory GroupsProviding information, advice and support

LocalitiesCo-ordinating partnership delivery of

services co-produced with communitiesNeighbourhood Partnerships



h Pa



p Bo


Edinburgh Partnership Comm

unity Plan D

eliveryThe Edinburgh Partnership

Partnership Operating Model 2015/2018

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Council Operating Model


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£22m £22m












+£15m £15m








Financial Challenge 2016-2020

FY15/6 FY16/7 FY17/8 FY18/9 FY19/20

• The gap between target savings and funding pressure will reach £34m in FY18/9• The Transformation Programme savings are based on changing ways of working and making

efficiencies such as management delayering and channel shift• Saving proposals needed in the short term need to address ‘stop/reduce’

options beyond the £22m committed this year:a) distinguishing them from Transformation programme savingsb) recognising CEC will not be investing in changing ways of working outside of the Transformation Programme

Committed savings

Transformation targets

Service Prioritisation

Budget challenge


KeyAll figures are cumulative

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Council Transformation Programme Work streams

1. Asset Management Strategy2. Payment to Third Parties3. Channel Shift4. Business Support Services5. Income Maximisation6. Financial Benefits and Controls – Service

Prioritisation + CTP merger7. Citizens and Localities Services

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Citizens and Localities

Objectives and Deliverables

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Can’t treat culture as if it were a used car (“Och , lets get a new yin”) – need to identify, applaud and build upon the current positive cultural behaviours:

•Devolving power / resources to staff•Empowering communities - participation requests + asset transfer + co-production•Daily partnership•Innovative and entrepreneurial•Citizen and community focus - never saying no to citizens who present with minor needs / reduce hand offs to those with complex needs •Good locality leadership – future + engage + deliver – great values and behaviours•Getting rid of fear of change and making mistakes and encouraging a constant state of change and innovation

Enable the right culture

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Locality Leadership Team

Council Heads of Service

Executive Director + Senior Partner

It’s proposed that each of the four localities will have a locality leadership team.

They will drive service integration, communications, unblock complex cases, lead on prevention, and ensure better outcomes for citizens experiencing poverty and inequality.

Representatives from each partner in the locality: including Police Scotland, Fire, NHS and third sector, chamber etc

Locality Leadership Teams

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Better Outcomes

Low pay + unemployment

Health inequalities Balance of careDrugs and alcohol

Early supportChildren in needPositive destinations

Harm, violence and ASBReoffendingCommunity DevelopmentHousingEnergy and Environment

Poverty and Inequality

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The C&LS programme includes a £4M savings target by 2018/19, as a result of improved preventative work. Prevention was also a key recommendation of the Christie Commission, and the Edinburgh Partnership has already agreed a new Strategic Prevention Plan, developed by the Council’s Chief Social Worker, linked to the new Community Plan 15/18, in June 2015

Work is now underway to further develop 9 key prevention projects identified in the Strategic Prevention Plan. This work will identify a list of citizens / families who on the verge of expensive service interventions, what can be done to prevent these interventions and improve their quality of life, and importantly, how to record the preventative savings arising from preventative interventions and the quality of life improvements.

Tackling Child Poverty

‘Headroom’ Social

Proscribing Project

Family Group Conferencing / Group

Decision Making

South West Family Early Intervention


Safe and Together Domestic Abuse


Inclusive Edinburgh

Getting it Right for Everyone – North


Strategy to Tackle Alcohol Related


Prevention Projects

Local Outcomes for Older People

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s -



ty a





L o c a l i t y T e a m s

Executive Director of Health and Social Care

Executive Director of Place and South East

Executive Director of City Strategy & Economy and North


• Early Years• Schools• Life-long Learning (CLD,

Libraries, Sport, Music, Arts)• Family Support & Child

Protection• Inclusion & Additional

Support Needs• Community protection

(Community Safety & Criminal Justice)

• Homelessness & Housing Support

L o c a l i t y T e a m s

• Assessment & Care

• Homecare & Reablement

• GPs

• District Nursing

• Allied Health Professionals

• Community Mental Health

L o c a l i t y T e a m s

• Local Transport

• Housing Management

• Environmental Wardens

• Parks Maintenance

• Street Cleaning

• The Director role will be part of

the locality management teams

and provide the connection

between city wide economic

growth and city strategy and

locality plans

• Labour Market Shaping and

Talent Development

• Investment and Enterprise

• Cultural and Economic


• City Leverage

• National and Global


• Cultural and Event


C i t y w i d e S e r v i c e s

• Looked After Children

• Children with Disabilities

• Special Schools

C i t y w i d e S e r v i c e s

• Telecare & Telehealth

• Physical and Learning


• Continuing Care & Care


• Rehabilitation & continence,

Astley Ainslie

• Smart Centre

• Long term condition pathways

• Mental health and substance

misuse (national and regional


C i t y w i d e S e r v i c e s

L o c a l i t y C o n n e c t i o n

Executive Director of Communities and Families and

North West

C i t y w i d e S e r v i c e s

Chief Operating Officer and South West

• Finance

• Marketing and


• Digital and IT

• Customer Services

• Chief Risk Officer

• Commercial

• Corporate Assets

• Legal

• Strategy and Client Services

• Transformation and Business


• People and Organisation

Business & Support Services

Locality Leader - Executive Director of Communities and Families

• Planning and building


• Housing development

• Waste

• Housing maintenance

• Private Housing

• Environmental Health

• Licensing

• Transport assets and travel

Council Localities Operating Model

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Working with the H&SC Integration Programme – what will be different

• New statutory national outcomes and associated targets will be the responsibility of the Integrated Joint Board

• Council and NHS Lothian will need to deliver in line with IJB instructions• Grants and contracts transfer to IJB• IJB holds integrated budget• The need to develop a single point of contact for complex adult (and

children’s) cases• Much greater sharing of information (with consent) • Much closer working relationships between , GPs, care, primary care, and

community based health care – including new job roles and integrated operational management structure

• IJB expected to break down the Strategic Plan into specific plans e.g. Care Home commissioning plan

• Major change proposals will require a business case to be agreed by the IJB

H&SC Integration

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Joint Asset Management




Wester Hailes

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Staff level

Accelerated Estimated Cumulative Savings (£m)

16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20

Management 8,001 12,002 12,002 12,002

Process Redesign and transformation

0 4,089 4,089 4,089

Prevention 0 0 4,089 4,089

Total 8,001 16,091 20,180 20,180

The table below sets out the annual accumulated savings with accelerated timescales that will be delivered as part of the localities operational model. The majority of savings will come from management delayering and restructuring with benefits being realised by 2017/18.

Further workforce mapping and business cases will be brought forward to 2017/18 to identify prioritisation options, deliver greater efficiencies and process improvements. Progress against financial efficiencies and FTE target reductions will be reported to the Programme Board and Committee regularly. Further detail on financial efficiencies progress and benefits realisation will be monitored and quality assured by colleagues within Finance and the PMO.

The C&LS Project will support the delivery of further prioritisation savings to deliver the overall £107m budget pressure that the Council is facing.

Over deliver on £21m in savings

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Citizens and Localities Project Team

Project BoardGillian Tee/John Bury/Michelle Miller/Greg Ward/Jim Hunter/Sarah Mackenzie/Steven Wright/Jane Brown (Finance)

Kirsty-Louise Campbell



Jim Hunter – SRONick Croft – Partnerships & PT3P SRO

Tasha Mackenzie – Partnerships & PT3P Project ManagerSylvia Latona – H&SC Change Rep

Sarah Mackenzie – Project DirectorBarry Leathem – C&LS Project ManagerSteven Wright – OD and Change LeadDerek McGowan – Place Change Rep

Sheila Paton – Deputy SRO & C&F Change Rep, Grant Buchanan – Engagement Lead, Liz O’Rourke – Comms Lead, Jane Brown – Finance Lead, Lynne Sinclair – Quality Assurance Lead, Ken Shaw – CCS&E Change Rep, Health Rep –


Andy Jeffries, Martin Vallely, John Heywood, Christine McKay, Christine McKechnie – C&F Change Rep - C&F Change reps

Graeme Mollon, Nic Middlemiss, Nicholas Smith, Valerie Lawrie, Rosemary Cook – H&SC Change RepsAudrey Marchbank, Natalie McKail, Louise Woods, Sarah Burns – Place Change Reps

Kenneth Rogers – Fire ScotlandHelen Harrison – Police ScotlandDouglas Mackay – Armed ForcesJune Peebles – Edinburgh LeisureIain Stewart – EIFAWendy Dale - IJB

June Dickson - EVOCMichelle Mulvaney – Neighbourhood PartnershipsDavid White - NHSGeoff Person – Association of Community Councils


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Agreed Actions and Next Steps