dell company overview tim

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Post on 09-Oct-2015




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Hemachandra Yelishala36166MBA || Operations

Vision Statement:Its the way we do business. It's the way we interact with the community. It's the way we interpret the world around us-- our customers needs, the future of technology, and the business climate. Whatever changes the future may bring our vision.Mission Statement:Dell's mission is to be the most successful Computer Company in the world at delivering the best customer experience in markets we serve.

Core values:Delivering results that make a positive difference.Leading with openness and optimism.Winning with integrity.

Employees : 111,300

Locations: 180 countries


Company history is full of interesting developments.

1984 At the age of 19, Michael Dell found PC's Limited with $1,000 and a game-changing vision for the technology industry.1988 We complete our initial public offering, raising $30 million and increasing market capitalization from $1,000 to $85 million.1992 Dell debuts on the Fortune 500, making Michael Dell the youngest CEO on the list.1996 launches, generating $1 million in sales per day just six months after site is live.2001 Dell becomes the No. 1 computer systems provider worldwide.2005 Dell tops the list of "America's Most Admired Companies" in Fortune magazine.2010 Dell is ranked the No. 1 healthcare information technology services provider in the world according to Gartner, Inc.2013 Michael Dell and private equity firm Silver Lake Partners buy back Dell from public shareholders to accelerate our solutions strategy and to focus on the innovations and long-term investments with the most customer value.

Challenges: The e-marketing of Dell faces a huge challenge. The E-Marketing has a major disadvantage when compared to traditional marketing, such as, the inability of the user to touch, see and try the product before they purchase.The first major challenge is to reach and attract the user to the Dell website through effective e-marketingThe next big challenge is to make the website user to buy the product, as just the user visits to the website is just the first step; it does not count to the profitability of the company.

Solutions:The e-marketer need to attract online users to view what offer they have for the user. When the number people view the offer is more, there is possibility to increase sales.Dell has to make sure those products and offers are really convincing to the user. The user should be notified and updated regarding the offers, products and services constantly.The content in advertisement should be creative and accurate.

Organization StructureMarket Segment: Household customer Small & Medium Business Public Sector Large Enterprises

Product Portfolio:

Value ChainDELL implements a Just-In-Time (JIT) inventory system which operates on only six days of inventory and Dell has been able to obtain higher profit margins. Inventory and labor are the highest liabilities that are there in a business firm. Since DELLs inventory is only a 6 day cycle, they have been able to cut down costs on warehousing, hiring people to track and maintain inventory , and thus avoid using out dated technology .

DELL Innovation Strategy:

Dell Venture fund helps identify, fund and fuel visionary technologies that anticipate and address future IT needsNew fund expands $60 million Dell Fluid Data Storage Fund to $300 million and re-focuses investment scope to reach to new frontiers of innovation beyond storage.

Creative Engagement: Freedom : Given the freedom to apply their creative ideas Habits: Dell Computer allows even authorizes employees to speak for Dell on social networks. Dell offers full-day training on how to use Twitter and Facebook. Recognized: Creative success that is publicly recognized and celebrated breeds more creativity and more success.

Intellectual Property Strategy:Create own IP positions that can be leveraged in the market.Manage risks w.r.t. third party IP to avoid businesses being blocked and/or to secure access at favorable termsCounsel Sectors in IP matters in transactions with third parties to safeguard IP interests of SectorsParticipation in strategy meetings SectorsQuarterly meetings IP&S BG management teams and Sector management teams

Acquisitions recently to improve product and service offerings:Quest SoftwareCompellent Technologies, Inc.Dell SecureWorksInSite One

Competition:The chief competitors are HP and IBM.Gateway computer and Apple computers also compete with Dell for their place in the PC market.Competition is on the basis of Price, Technology, Performance, Quality, Reliability, Service and Support.

Future focus:Whether its cloud-based computing, security services, hardware technologies or the unprecedented, they are always exploring new and effective solutions. Strive to preserve the characteristics and culture that made Dell acquired companies successful, as they integrate the new division into the global Dell culture, leveraging our own internal strengths to grow the business. With each new acquisition, uphold the company values of Diversity and Inclusion. To create a worldwide workforce that benefits from the differences of diverse perspectives and experience. People of all backgrounds come together to do their best work at Dell. And commit to create an environment where each individual feels valued, supported, respected, involved and engaged.

Dell Future Product Plan: DELL PLANS TO RELEASE A MOOD-READING PRODUCT BY 2017 Dell Bets Its Future Lies in Business Computing Dell unveils BYOD-focused mobility product plans

Dell Revenue$56.94 BAsSales:$56.94 B#3America's Largest Private Companies#84World's Most Valuable Brands#205Global 2000 (2013)#143in Sales#241in Profit#482in Assets#380in Market value

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