design and media 1

Design & Media 1 Patrick Hobley

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Post on 24-Mar-2016




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Design and Media


Design & Media 1

Patrick Hobley

BRIEF 001 //

The London de-sign festival was during this brief so i checked out several galleries around London to gain a insight and get some inspira-tion from other de-signers. The area of brick lane has a tone of street art and different style vernacular type on every street, the range from street art to shop front signs.

TakEn By PaT-RIck HoBLEynIkon D40

This was a sign on a Indian takeaway that had a type that suited the shop and the surroundings. I like this because how it joins up. The sign stands out to me as its dimen-sional. one particu-lar letter that i liked was the ‘R’. I went on to use the ‘R’ In my Vernacular alphabet..

I brought my nikon d40 along to gather up source materials for the project. as part of the brief we had to collect two forms of alphabet, vernacular and abstract type using photography taken by ourselves. The abstract type would be taken out of everyday objects and senary.

TakEn By PaT-RIck HoBLEynIkon D40

I found several decent abstract objects that could be used for my abstract alphabet. I saw this alongside several street art type. It could be used as either a ‘D’ or a ‘c’.

BRIEF 001 //

after the process of collecting 2 al-phabets, Vernacu-lar and abstract. I took the images into illustrator to form vector typeface of the lettering to create a font.. This was my first time using this program and using the pen tool. Vernacular type is a form of type that hasn’t been mass produced.

Using my wacom bamboo tablet i traced around each lettering and filled in black. I did several experi-ments on ver-nacular type first to get the feel of the tablet and the program.. Here is an experiment i had done tracing one of my pho-

This is what the outcome looks like after creating a vector path in illustrator. These are all abstract forms and i think they work well and easy to read.

1. In the first im-age i found a possible 3 letters of ab-stract forms The air vent can be used as an ‘R’ or if you were to ro-tate it can also become a ‘J’. The ‘o’ I used from a piece of street art.

2. 3. The second

image. I would like to create a type style to fit with the ‘Q’. The process of this was quite simple because i had planned to get this letter from a bike wheel and frame.

tos of Vernacular type. This also could be manipu-lated to improve the font by us-ing the outline to make the font bold. The font itself is all uppercase. The Vernacular type doesn’t use curves at all. only straight lines.

BRIEF 001 //

Using my abstract and vernacular type alphabet i had to come up with a word to reflect the situation of a cho-sen image. I had to come up with 3 a5 pieces using colour theory and composition.

The image i had chosen was an photograph i had taken in brick lane alongside the majority of my two alphabet forms (vernacu-lar/abstract). The photograph gives off very vibrant colours that stood out compared to the several hundred of photo-graphs i had taken for this project. The term ‘Tagged’ comes from the word Tag that is used to describe a scribble piece of graffiti that usu-ally forms of one colour. The term originated from

new york were it first started a stu-dent went around subways ‘Tagging’ his name around to get recognition. These days its seen as ‘Vandal-ism’ as cities are full of ‘Tagged’ art works on private

property like train lines and can be seen as very dangerous. The environment dem-onstrates a piece of brick lane as the location was full of all kind of street art..

When i first looked at the image i had a couple of words into mind, the obvious one i felt was ‘Vandalism’ which i felt didn’t really describe a atmosphere and didn’t really have a meaning and

was opinionated. I looked around at terms for this type of ‘Graffiti’ and came up with ‘Tag’ on the internet. I used the word ‘Tagged’ because it relates to some-one ‘Tagging’ the wall and is seen

as a generic term. The rest of the image also gives good meaning as a abandoned piece of property locked up and it has been used to display posters for venues.

Taken by Patrick Hobleynikon D40

Brick lane

BRIEF 001 //

My three Images all use the same wording, lettering and the same color pallet, but they all are very different. I mainly focused on color as i felt the project brief set us up to look at color and the type of an environment area. The Monochromatic Image uses good use of a mixture of different color and i had place in the center covering the four focal points. I also used rule of thirds to align an equal amount of color at the top and bottom of the page. I believe the way i also arranged the let-ters was relating to my word ‘Tagged’ as ‘Graffiti’ isn’t aligned to a straight line. The triad color style image was aligned and rotated this also uses the rule of thirds. I took a complete separate approach to my Split complementary Image by arranging the letters in the center together and making a symme-try.

Monochromatic – Tagged #1

I arranged the type in a overlap-ping style using a monochromatic version of my colour pallet. I feel the text formation works well and would look good in the situation.

Triad – Tagged #2

Using the same text composition i duplicated it and arranged into a symmetrical align-ment. The choice of 2 colours from the Triad colour pallet works well and the piece is easy to follow.

Split complemen-tary – Tagged #3

This is my favour-ite one as it dem-onstrates the brief the best in my option.. I aligned a symmetrical text using the focal points. I also feel the colours work well.

BRIEF 002//

In this brief we had to use our ver-nacular type from brief 001 to cre-ate a 3D typeface and place into a 2D environment. The final outcome could either be a 5 second anima-tion or 3 keyframe renders. The envi-ronment and text should tell a story or have a mes-sage behind it. This could be done in many programs such as 3Ds Max and cinema4D.

I experimented by using both cinema4D and 3DsMax. This was because i mainly wanted to find out how to do this in 3DS Max which i had used before. I found cinema4d easier to use and to use a lighting rig i had made.

Here are my 3 key frames of animation, unfortu-nately my cinema 4D kept render-ing my plane only and not the background so i decided that key frames would be fine to fit the brief. I used a Skylight and used Sun light to get a realistic effect. The mate-rial used on the text is a glossy matt and i used the colour picker to pick a colour

3D Text: Poverty – Display a mes-sage that relates to the image of a house in South africa. The Text gives a story of what we wouldn’t notice about the image. The Text has been placed here to show what is behind the image/area.

from the environ-ment. When i got feedback from the class i got a 5/5 that it fits the brief, but the word ‘Poverty’ isn’t very clear unless you know where the location of the image is. If i was to improve this i would change the environ-ment. The colour also doesn’t re-ally relate to the word and i would change to a dark-er colour to re-

BRIEF 003//

In this Brief 003 we were assigned to create a 60 sec-ond kinetic type to a chosen song. Then we had to speak or sing the song and add in soundFX. This would be created in adobe audition and exported into adobe after i knew how to do kinetic type already i focused more on audition and getting my voice in time with the song. I used a Professional recording micro-phone to record a audio track.

My chosen song was - one Direc-tion - That what makes you beauti-ful.. I had several songs in mind i de-cided to go with a pop genre as vo-cals are the main part of a song. The Genre dub-step doesn’t work with kinetic type and im yet to see a decent full kinetic type to dubstep. one of my kinetic types that i posted on youtube about a year ago has over 2,500 views but the feedback i got in my com-ments about the work suggested ‘Dubstep’ downi-est work.. I used a font called SF

DaTSIk _ FIREPoWER By Patrick Hobley

Grenade By Patrick Hobley

Movie Poster. I feel the font looks good and easy on the eye. I added a motion blur and a light to give the text a bit more vibe and the mo-tion blur gives the piece more of a motion feel to it. To improve this i would redo cam-era track and also change colouring and add textures. The audio i would get a different singer. I didn’t use any tutorials either so maybe learn-ing a different way would improve my technique.

BRIEF 004//

In this brief we had to create 30 sec stop animation at 12 Frames Per Second, This could be done in Pho-toshop or adobe after effects. a minimum of 360 frames.

This project re-quired some research as i didn’t really know much about Stop animation. I did a mind map of what materials i could use, card, Paper, Plasticine and objects such as coke cans. I had a look at alot of videos showing off stop animation. I decided i would use paper and type to display meaning behind my piece.

I had a few ideas that could be done, but i wanted it to be different from other peo-ples work. I want-ed to use fridge magnets and use the song MGMT kids because i had a really good concept. The idea of the fridge mag-nets being behind the song kids as i revokes memory of when i was a kid using letter fridge magnets to make words. However i couldn’t get hold of some in a short space of time so i adapted to a new idea.

I decided on the word ‘IMPacT’ and i used the font ‘IMPacT’ on the word. The idea was for the let-ters to impact with each other and form the word ‘DESTRUcTIon’. My sequence

starts with unfilled letters being cut out of a piece of paper using a crafting knife. Then the letters would be filled in black and the letters would impact to-gether and break in half and the word destruction would appear.

Destruction -The action or pro-cess of causing so much damage to something that it no longer ex-ists or cannot be repaired.

Impact - The action of one object com-ing forcibly into contact with anoth-er: “cause injury on impact”.

Here are 2 key-frames of my stop motion I had taken 360 image for my first bit of the se-quence and ren-dered at 24 FPS. The outcome of the stop animation didnt go to plan as camera focus

wouldnt work. a way i could im-prove on it would be manual focus. I used a remote to take photos to reduce time. I think the idea was too basic, to improve on this i would do more expire-

ments. The idea of ‘kids’ Stop motion could have been achieved with pa-per now looking back on it.

BRIEF 006//

I had to come up with a story line for a 17c Painting and use animation to display this. Us-ing the programs adobe Photoshop and adobe after Effects.

I researched sev-eral paintings and decided to base the story line on henry the VIII. I had an idea of showing the idea of a rich lifestyle being mis-erable. I thought this would work as Henry VIII had 6 wives and he was a king. In my animation i planned to show Henry VIII being lonely and sad. I did a little research on the background of his life and the story line worked well and was realistic.

Henry VIII happy and showing wealth. I have animated the jewellery to flash and mouth to smile. Then i have added a picture of his 6th wife katherine Parr and have animated her to feel unwell by adjusting her skin colour and eyes to shut closed. I found this part very hard it didn’t know how to show a natural death. The camera then cuts to Henry VII and necklace has gone and have animated his eyes to open and close with tears coming out. This didn’t re-ally work well as it was hard to show. I don’t think the anima-tion worked very well as i didn’t re-ally understand much about how to animated the painting. To improve the piece i would stick with the same two paintings but i would research a better story line. I also would use the camera tool and ani-mate more to make it seem like a moving painting.

BRIEF 007//

This brief was all about mak-ing patterns and brushes to create 3x wallpapers for a mobile device, a Desktop back-ground and other of your choice.

I found this very interesting and de-cided that i would make 3 Different size backgrounds, one for my iPhone 4 at 960x640, one for my Mac-book Pro 13 inch at 1280x800 and also one for my Gaming Pc at 1980x1080, I also thought about making a desktop for my 3 Screen setup at 5940x1080.

I frequently like to change my desktop background so i already knew a great site to get some research. I like the idea of simplistic desktops so i wanted to mirror something off I also experimented with Pop art to create several coca cola Brushes and backgrounds. I also looked a a few optical illusions and glitched im-ages. The use of Pixels to form your own pattern worked well but i didn’t like because it was horrible to view for a wallpaper.I made Patterns and brushes in pop art form. .

BRIEF 007//

I decided that i would got for a simplistic feel and vector based. My reasoning for this was mainly be-cause its my per-sonal preference.

I collected several images of animals and created a pattern using an image of the fur of the animals. I cre-ated a brush tool for a vectored gi-raffe and used my vectored pattern and applied it to the image. I took a colour pallet from the fur and applied it to the piece. I like the way in both of the wallpa-pers its simplistic and it works well. I really like the first as you can tell what the ani-mal is very clear-ly and it looks how i wanted it too.

Macbook Pro 13” 1280x800 Wallpaper

Macbook Pro 13” 1280x800 Wallpaper

BRIEF 008//

In this brief we had to come up with a a2 Design for a ‘Protest’ Placard.Using spray paint or acrylic stencil. We had to focus on the movement and agree with the protest.

I have always been interested in ‘anonymous’ and the idea of freedom fighting. I felt this brief was very inter-esting on developing my interests, as i haven’t participated in a Protest using a sign. The subject i had chosen was ‘Wiki Leaks’ because it was a current ongoing protest and i feel it should be addressed. The slogan idea was a general quote that i thought worked. I did some research into the designing of the placard. I looked at all kinds of protests because i wanted to see what people used to make and display there message.

The Wiki Leaks Julian assange Paypal Boycott: When Pay-pal got targeted by “anonymous’ and ‘LulzSec’ for Freezing Donations to a popular website called Wiki Leaks. The web-site contains leaked media and classified information. The idea behind this was how this information should be allowed to be publicised and shared. Having seen what the Govern-ment has been hiding from us and reasons i feel this case of protest against Paypal and the US Government and other companies/Law trying to stop assange receiving donations via his website Wiki Leaks.

Paypal had frozen assange’s Paypal account after the web-site ‘Wiki Leaks’ realised stolen US diplomatic cables. I feel strongly about ‘Freedom of speech’ and i also understand the ideas behind the group ‘anonymous’ and ‘LulzSec’, who are shown by the media as a group of hackers. I feel the Government is holding things back as researching several Wiki Leaks sources and torrents.


DevelopmentI came up with three ideas and pre-sented to several people. The feedback i got back was very positive as both were clear.

1. The first design the feedback was mainly to change the and IRL to different wording. I felt the ‘IRL’ text worked with the idea as the idea behind the protest is based around the internet. The term ‘IRL’ is in-ternet speech for In Real Life. The graphic also works well as its the face of anonymous and is publicly recognised.

2. The 2nd Design was too basic and didn’t really have a good slogan behind it. The feedback on this one was “too basic”.

3. This design i decided to scrap as the image would of been complex to design to be able to work because of the fea-tures. The Image is of Jullian assange the founder of wikile-aks. The slogan also was too basic.

BRIEF 008//

Here is a mock up of my design that i had made using illustrator, I used a bold font that can be seen from far away.

The Text is aligned to a box and i have used a line at the top and bottom to make it not just text. I placed ‘’ under be-cause people can research into it further if needed and it promotes the campaign.

‘EXPoSInG WaR cRIME IS noT a cRIME’ This quote i thought of works excellent as everyone that has seen my de-sign understood. The ‘noT’ lettering is bold as its there as a key point of the slogan.

BRIEF 008//

after finalising my design i purchased several pieces of a2 card and a2 Hardboard. I drew out my design and this took several attempts. I wanted to achieve the exact spacing on the lettering but i felt this wasn’t possible drawing by hand. I would of liked to Print off my design and cut out the letter-ing, but to fit the brief i decided that i would adapt it to fit a stencil. I used a cutting knife to cut out. I then placed onto another piece of card and spray painted over the stencil holding the can a metre away so the paint doesn’t run. I repeated this stage to try and get less of the fading around the lettering,

My final outcome turned out how i thought i would as the spray paint. I would deffienatly change the method of producing as seeing other acrylic post-ers. I felt that acrylic gives a texture and also it doesnt fade. However the spray style is more effective for pro-testing as the poster can be produced quicker. I also feel i should of added then vector of the guyfawks mask.

BRIEF 011//

To create my piece i did the ma-jority of it on ado-be after Effects. I decided on a piece of music that builds suspense and edited in audi-tion for it to flow with the sequence. I used the ‘TyPoG-RaPHy PRo’ Font because it looked good with my se-quence. I then used the skills i learn from brief 003 by animating the text to move and us-ing a light to give it a graident effect. I also made the text fade into the scene as it also worked to build suspense. I also used this ef-fect on both imag-es. The sequence was rendered out in parts and put together in sony vegas pro.

In this brief i was assigned to pick 1 out of 3 possible briefs. I decided to choose the title sequence to a book that had to be 60 seconds long. Using adobe after Effects

as i already knew the story line i de-cided that i would read bits of the book/script and recap on events in the Mac-beth. My reasons for choosing this was mainly because i knew the book well and had read in less than a year ago. I choose a piece of audio that i had sourced from youtube and use it in my sequence. I feel it also works as it can lead into that scene. I thought into struc-turing as a film by placing the witches at the start prior to the title sequence.

We had the choice of 3 different briefs and i was really unsure between two of them of which one i wanted to do.Having done a lot of research then changing my mind really didn’t help as i had a limited time to complete this. I had really good idea for the sequence using photos to create a 3D scene with camera track and 3D text to feel modern. To improve the piece i made i would focus more on the story line. I wanted to show blood, a dagger and poison using vectors and adding text on top of it.