design easy juicer -€¦ · includes recipes design easy juicer art.-nno....

GASTROBACK ® INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE AND INCLUDES RECIPES DESIGN EASY JUICER Art.-No. 40118 Design Easy Juicer Read all provided instructions before first usage! Model and attachments are subject to change! For domestice use only!

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Page 1: DESIGN EASY JUICER -€¦ · INCLUDES RECIPES DESIGN EASY JUICER Art.-NNo. 440118 DDesign EEasy JJuicer Read all provided instructions before first usage! Model











Art.-NNo. 440118 DDesign EEasy JJuicer Read all provided instructions before first usage!Model and attachments are subject to change!

For domestice use only!

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Movable and sharp-edged units - risk of injury...................................................

Know your Gastroback Easy Juicer...................................................................

Assembling your Gastroback Easy Juicer...........................................................

Operating your Gastroback Easy Juicer............................................................

Disassembling your Gastroback Easy Juicer.......................................................

Care and cleaning.........................................................................................


Trouble shooting guide....................................................................................

Tips on juicing................................................................................................

The inside information on juicing......................................................................

Purchasing and storage of fruit and vegetables..................................................

Preparation of fruit and vegetables...................................................................

The right technique........ ................................................................................

Getting the right blend...................... .............................................................

Using the pulp................................................................................................

Fruit and vegetable facts.................................................................................



Fresh starts....................................................................................................

Vitamin replacer............................................................................................

Liquid lunches................................................................................................

Energy fuel....................................................................................................

Spirited juices................................................................................................

Icy coolers.....................................................................................................

Fibre favourites..............................................................................................





3 – 5



7 – 8


10 – 11

11 – 12















21 – 22




24 – 26




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The current Interest in fresh and unprocessed food isthe reason for fresh fruit and vegetablejuices tobecome a favorit component of our daily foodand wellbalanced diet.

The Gastroback juicer has a special designed largefeed chute, an integrated pulp container, a big juicejug and a stainless steel micro mesh filter. It operateswith a high performance 900 watt motor whichmakes the juice production easy and efficient.The elaborate Design with the integrated pulpcontainer makes the cleaning an ease.

The units have a smooth surface with no grooves andrough edges and can be cleaned easily after use.The provided juice jug finishes with the juicerun-out and therefore eliminates any splatterduring operation. It has a volumetric capacity of800 ml and a nice grip for easy and comfortablehandling.

Please read all the advice and instructions withcare and keep the manual.

Only use the appliance to process fresh food.



We at Gastroback are very safety conscious.We design and manufacture consumer productswith the safety of you, our valued customer fore-most in mind. In addition, we ask that you exercisea degree of care when using any electricalappliance and adhere to the following precautions.Carefully read all instructions before operatingand save for future reference.

Important safeguards for yourGastroback Easy JuicerPlease read all the advice and instructions withcare and keep the manual.

• Only use the appliance as stated and onlyfor thus use. Any non-appropriate use andmisusage can cause damages and heavypersonal injuries through voltage, fire andmoving units.

• Only proceed the appliance as described inthe directions.

• Reparation and technical maintenance of theappliance or line cord are just allowed to beaccomplished by an authorised specialistreparation shop.

• Do not push products into the feed chutewith your fingers or foreign objects. Alwaysuse the food pusher provided.

• Do not touch the small cutting blades in thebase of the stainless steel filter basket.

• Always make sure the Easy Juicer is properlyand completely assembled before connecting topower outlet and operating. The unit will notturn ‘ON’ unless properly assembled.

• Do not let the motor run permanently for longerthen 7 minutes to avoid overheating.

• Do not operate the Easy Juicer continuouslyon heavy loads for more than 10 seconds.None of the recipes in this book are considereda heavy load.

• Only use the appliance indoors. • Store and use the appliance in a clean, frost

free environment where it is protected fromdampness, moistness and immoderate andextraordinary burden (such as: downfall,beat, overheating, moisture in the motorblock) .

• Do not use or store the appliance outdoors.• Store appliance and units out of reach of children• While proceeding do not push the food

pusher too hard down. Empty the pulp containerand juice jug in time to avoid run-over andsplatter which might causes damages to theappliance.


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When proceeding hard or strigily food or ifyou press the stamp down too hard themotor could stop or slow down. In this case turn off the appliance immediatelyand pull the plug to avoid overheating.Operate according to the instructions ´Troubleshooting guide`.

• Do not leave food leftovers dehumidify onthe appliance or units of the appliance. Ifpulp dehumidifies on the micro mesh filterit may clog the fine pores of the micro meshfilter thereby lessening the effectiveness of thejuicer. Remove such dirt immediately and operateaccording to the instructions ´Care and cleaning`before you continue to proceed.

• Never clean or operate the appliance or unitsof the appliance with abrasive or hardsharp-edged items.

• Never clean the motor block in the dishwasher. • Never use force operating the appliance to

avoid damage of the units of the appliance.• The appliance is not suitable for mincing

nuts, chocolate or similar ingredients.• The appliance is not suitable to make minced

meet or to blend food.

ATTENTION: Extra wide feed chute. Do notpush products into the feed chute with your fingersor other foreign substances. Always use thefood pusher provided.

• Always uncoil the line cord completely beforeinstalling the appliance.

• Place the appliance close to a power pointand connect it directly without using anyextension cords to avoid additional risks ofinjury through fire or voltage.

• Only install the appliance in proper formsecure grounding receptacle with adequateelectric power supply (alternating current;230/240 V, 50 Hz) and ground fault circuitinterrupter. The maximum power consumptionof the appliance is 900 Watt. You should alsoinstall a fuse with a release current of maximum30mA. If necessary ask your electrician for help.

• Never pull, rip, bend, clamp, squish or knotthe line cord. Pay attention to the line cordnot hanging of the table. Attend to nobodygetting caught in loops of the line cord orpulling the appliance of the work space.When pulling the plug always catch hold ofthe enclosure of the plug.

• Never situate the appliance close to a strongheat source or a hot surface (for example:heater, stove or grill)

• Never leave children unsupervised when theappliance or units of the appliance are in reach.

• Never let children play with the appliance orunits of the appliance. Children and invalidpeople have to be supervised using theappliance.

• Do not use the appliance if it is damaged orunits of the appliance are damaged. Do notuse the appliance if it does not function properlyor if it was excessively loaded. The applianceis likely damaged if the appliance or units ofthe appliance show cracks, exorbitant wearingdown, alterations or leaks. It is also likely damagedif the drive wheel of the motorblock movesslowly. Take the appliance for technicalmaintenance and repair to an authorisedspecialised reparation shop.

• Only use units, spare parts and supplieswhich are provided and recommended bythe manufacturer. Damaged or improperunits may break in use, damage the applianceor cause injury.

• Never let water or other liquids run into themotorblock.

• Never clean the line cord or the motorblockin the dishwasher, poor liquids over theappliance or douse or dip it in water orother liquids. In case that water or otherliquids ran into the motorblock while operatingturn off the appliance immediately, pull theplug and dry the appliance with a cleancloth.

• The appliance is only suitable for indoor use. • Only use the appliance for the intended purpose.


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• The feed chute is designed exceedingly large.Never put fingers, wooden spoons or otherforeign substance (such as hair, clothing,brushes, cloths) into the feed chute whenthe appliance is plugged into the power point.

• Always turn the appliance off and wait for the motor to stop moving before taking off the lid of the juicer.

• Only use the provided food pusher to pushfood through the feed chute.

• Never hold your face or other body partsover the feed chute when the motor is runningbecause little pieces of food could be thrownout of the feed chute.

• The blades on the base of the stainless steelmicro mesh filter and inside the feed chuteare very sharp. Pay attention when handlingthe units. Only touch the stainless steel micromesh filter on the edge and handle with care whencleaning with the nylon bristle brush. Only storethe appliance completely assembled. This waythe blades will be out of reach.

• Never put foreign substance or hard objectsinto the feed chute. Remove allinedible parts (such as stem, hard peeling

Do not use the appliance in moving vehicles orboats. Do not use the appliance outdoors.

• The work space has to be easily accessible, solid, even, dry and of sufficient size.

• Do not use the appliance in moist and wetareas.

• Do not put any cloth or napkins underneaththe appliance to avoid endangering by fire andelectric shocks.

• Never situate the appliance close to theedge of the working area.

and seeds) of the food before puttingthem into the feed chute.

• The motor pursues running for a little whileafter turning the appliance off. Wait until themotor stops running completely before youopen or move the appliance.

Movable and sharp-edged units – risk of injury

• Never leave the appliance unattended,when the plug is plugged into the powerpoint.

• Always turn the appliance off and pull theplug when the appliance is not in use orwhen disassembling, moving or cleaningthe appliance.

• Make sure that the appliance is turned offbefore pulling the plug out of the powerpoint.

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Know your Gastroback Easy Juicer


Food pusher:for pushing whole fruit and vegetables

down the patented wide feed chute

Juicer cover:(dishwasher safe)

Integrated pulp container:will collect pulp for up to 1.5 litres of apple juice(dishwasher safe)

High performance900 watt motor

‘ON’ and ‘OFF’ button

800 ml dishwasher safe juice jug

Built in froth separator lid:ensures juice froth isseparated from juicewhen poured into aglass (if preferred)

Unique patented centrallylocated feed chute

Stainless steel micro meshfilter basket (dishwashersafe)

Cord wrap:cord wraps around a raised disc on the base of the Easy Juicer (not shown in picture)

Spatula:ruler style end of brush is to assist in theremoval of pulp from the integrated pulpcontainer when juicing large quantities

Nylon bristle brush: included for easy cleaning of the micro mesh filter basket

Juicer spout

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Before first usage: Rinse all the units of the appli-ance that come into contact with food with waterand clean them with dishwashing detergent.Operate according to the instructions ´Care andcleaning´.

WARNING: Handle the units with care and do not use anyforce. Pay attention to the sharp blades on thestainless steel micro mesh filter and the feed chuteto avoid injury. Always completely assemble yourjuicer before you plug the plug into the powerpoint.

Step1:Place the motor base on a flat, dry surface suchas a bench top. Ensure that the motor base isswitched ‘OFF’ at the power outlet and thepower cord is unplugged.

Step 2:Place the integrated pulp container on top of themotor base. Locate the integrated pulp containerso that the spout fits through the hole on the frontof the motor base (Picture 1).

Step 3:Align the arrows on the stainless steel filter basketwith the arrows on the motor drive coupling andpush down until it clicks into place. Ensure thestainless steel filter basket is fitted securely insidethe integrated pulp container and onto the motorbase (Picture 2).

Step 4:Place the juicer cover over the stainless steel filterand integrated pulp container. The humps of therim of the juicer cover should align with the smallplastic wings on the integrated pulp container.Lower into position. The juicing cover can bepositioned in either of the plastic wings on theintegrated pulp container. (Picture 3).





Assembling your Gastroback Easy Juicer

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Step 5:Raise the safety locking arm up and lock into thetwo grooves on either side of the juicer cover. Thesafety locking arm should now be in a verticalposition and locked into place on top of the juicercover (Picture 1 and 2).

Step 6:Slide the food pusher down the feed chute byaligning one of the grooves in the food pusherwith the small protrusion on the inside of the topof the feed chute. Continue to slide the foodpusher down the feed chute (Picture 3).

Step 7:Place the juice jug provided sideways under thespout of the Easy Juicer. A graphic on the lidshows where the juicer spout is to be placed.Note the jug is designed to clip in under thespout to give it a positive location. A glasscould also be used to collect the juice, but usingthe jug and lid is recommended to avoid anysplatter.





Assembling your Gastroback Easy Juicer



Small protrusion inside feed tube.

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WARNING: Make sure the appliance is com-pletely assembled and that there are nor foreignobjects in the feed chute before putting the pluginto the power point.Never put fingers, wooden spoons or other for-eign substances (such as hair, clothing, brushes,cloth) into the feed chute.Always turn the appliance off and wait for themotor to stop moving before removing the lid ofthe juicer.Keep the working place clean and dry. Do notlet any liquids or water run into the motorblockDo not put any cloth or napkins underneaththe appliance to avoid endangering by fire andvoltage. In case that water or other liquids raninto the motorblock while operating turn off theappliance immediately, pull the plug and drythe appliance with a clean cloth. Operateaccording to the instructions ´Trouble shootingguide`

Step1:Wash your selection of fruit and vegetablesbefore juicing.

NOTE: Most fruit and vegetables suchas small apples, carrots and cucumberwill not need to be cut to size as thesewill fit into the feed chute whole. Whenjuicing carrots place the tip of the carrotinto the feed chute last.

Step 2:Ensure the Easy Juicer is correctly assembled.Ensure the stainless steel filter is thoroughly cleanedbefore each use (refer to ´Care and cleaning`).Ensure you place the juice jug with lid fitted (orglass) under spout before commencing juicing.

Step 3:Plug the power cord into a 230/240V poweroutlet and turn the power ‘ON’. Push the‘ON/OFF’ button to ‘ON’.

Step 4:With the motor running, place food into the


Operating your Gastroback Easy Juicer




! feed chute. Using the food pusher, gentlyguide food down the feed chute. To extract themaximum amount of juice, always push thefood pusher down slowly.NOTE: In case that the appliance slows down,stumbles or stops all of a sudden turn off theappliance immediately and pull the plug toavoid overheating. Operate according to theinstructions ´Trouble shooting guide`.

WARNING: Never use fingers to push fooddown the feed chute or to clear the feed chute.Always use the food pusher provided.

Step 5:Juice will flow into the juice jug and the separatedpulp will accumulate in the integrated pulpcontainer.

NOTE: When the integrated pulp container isfull of pulp, it must be emptied before continuingto juice. (Refer to disassembling instructions).Reassemble machine to continue juicing.

Slowly pushdown the foodpusher to get themost profitableamount of juice


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WARNING: Always turn the appliance off andpull the plug when the appliance is not in use orwhen disassembling, moving or cleaningthe appliance. Never let water or other liquidsrun into the motorblock. Never clean the linecord or the motorblock in the dishwasher, poorliquids over the appliance or douse or dip it inwater or other liquids.

Step 1:Push the ‘ON/OFF’ button on the Easy Juicer to‘OFF’ and then switch ‘OFF’ at the power outletand unplug. Important Wait for the filter basketto stop spinning before continuing to step 2(Picture 1).

Step 2:Pull the locking arm back over the grooves oneither side of the juicer cover (Picture 2). Movethe locking arm down.

Step 3:Remove the integrated pulp container (prefer-ably with the juicer cover, stainless steel meshfilter and food pusher in place) by lifting verti-cally from the motor base. Take it to the sink foreasy cleaning (Picture 3).

Step 4:Remove the food pusher by lifting it vertically.

Step 5:Remove the juicer cover from the integratedpulp container by lifting it vertically. Removeany pulp from the cover by using the flat end ofthe brush to gently scrape down the sides.

Disassembling your Gastroback Easy Juicer




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Step 6:Remove the stainless steel filter basket by liftingit vertically from the pulp bowl surround.

CAUTION: The stainless steel filter bas-ket contains small sharp blades to cutand process fruit and vegetables. Donot touch blades when handling the fil-ter basket.

WARNING: Do not use the juice fountain if therotating filter basket is damaged.

Step 7:Empty the pulp from the integrated pulp containerinto a side bowl for composing or into the bin.Use the flat end of the brush to gently scrapedown inside the pulp container.


Disassembling your Gastroback Easy Juicer


• Always ensure that the Easy Juicer is switched offat the power outlet. Then remove the plugfrom the power outlet before cleaning,dissembling and storing the appliance.

• Follow these instructions to clean all surfacesof parts that come into contact with foodduring normal use.

• For easy cleaning – immediately after eachuse always switch off at power outlet andthen unplug. Then rinse removable partsunder running water (to remove wet pulp).Allow parts to air dry.

• After disassembling the unit all removableparts may be washed in hot soapy water ordishwasher safe parts may be placed in thedishwasher.

• The Easy Juicer cover, integrated pulpcontainer, stainless steel filter basket and

Care and cleaning

800ml juice jug are dishwasher safe, (topshelf only).

• Wipe the motor base with a damp cloth.• For consistent juicing results always ensure

that the stainless steel filter basket is thoroughlycleaned using the supplied nylon bristlebrush. Using the nylon washing brush, holdthe stainless steel filter basket under runningwater and brush from the inside of thebasket, hold it up towards a light to ensurethe fine mesh holes are not blocked. If theholes are blocked soak the stainless steel filterbasket in hot water with 10% lemon juice toloosen the blocked holes. Alternatively washthe stainless steel filter basket in the dishwasher.

• Do not soak the stainless steel filter basket inbleach.

• Always treat the stainless steel filter basketwith care as it can be easily damaged.



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• Discolouration of the plastic may occur withstrongly coloured fruit and vegetables. Tohelp prevent this, wash parts immediatelyafter use.

• If discolouration does occur, the plastic partscan be soaked in 10% lemon juice andwater or they can be cleaned with a non-abrasive cleaner.

NOTE: To assist with cleaning soak the stainlesssteel filter basket in hot soapy water for approx-imately 10 minutes immediately after juicing iscompleted. If pulp is left to dry on the filter itmay clog the fine pores of the filter mesh therebylessening the effectiveness of the Juicer. For yourconvenience a nylon cleaning brush has beenincluded with your Easy Juicer.

WARNING: Do not immerse the motor base inwater or any other liquid. Do not use water jetto clean the motor base.

Do not clean the motor base in the dishwasherThe centre of the filter basket and feed chutecontain small sharp blades to process fruit andvegetables during the juicing function. Do nottouch blades when handling the filter basket orfeed chute.

WARNING: Abrasive and strong cleaner dam-age the surface of the plastic units and couldcause discolouration. Never clean the appli-ance or units with abrasive and strong cleaner.Never use hard or sharp-edged subjects whenusing or cleaning the juicer or the stainless steelmicro mesh filter. Do not use force when usingthe appliance to avoid damages. Alwaysassemble the appliance completely before stor-ing. The units are protected this way and cannot get lost.





Always clean the appliance before storing.Operate according to the instructions ´Care andcleaning`. Please store the juicer in a frost-free,clean and dry location where it is out of reachof children and is protected against excessivelyloads (such as down-fall, voltage, heat, humidity).Never lay heavy or hard objects on top of theappliance.

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Trouble shooting guide


Possible problem Easy solution

Machine will not work when switched ´ON´

Motor appears to stall when juicing

Excess pulp building up in the micro mesh filter basket

Pulp too wet and reduced extracted juice

Juice leaks between the rim of the juicer and the cover of the filter

Bowl surround juice sprays out from spout

Juicer makes loud noise when turned on

No juice coming out whilejuicing

The safety locking arm may not be correctly engaged in thevertical operating position with the locking arm located intothe two grooves on either side of the juicer cover).

Wet pulp can build up under the cover if the juicing actionis too vigorous. Try slower juicing action by pushing thefood pusher down more slowly. Clean the integrated pulpcontainer, the stainless steel filter basket and the juicercover.

Stop the juicing process. Remove the juicer cover, scrape offpulp. Re-assemble and begin juicing again. Try alternating(soft and hard) vegetable and fruit varieties.

Try a slower juicing action by pushing the food pusherdown more slowly. Remove stainless steel filter basket andthoroughly clean mesh walls with the nylon brush. Rinse thestainless steel filter basket under hot water. If the fine meshholes are blocked, soak the stainless steel filter basket in asolution of hot water with 10% lemon juice to unblock theholes or wash in the dishwasher. This will remove excessfibre build up (from fruit or vegetables) which could beinhibiting the juice flow.

Try a slower juicing action by pushing the food pusherdown more slowly. Fruit and vegetables with a high watercontent (tomatoes and watermelon) should be juiced on lowspeed.

Try a slower juicing action by pushing the food pusherdown more slowly.

Filer basket is not properly snapped into position. Turn theOn/OFF button to OFF. Turn the power OFF. Disassemblethe Easy Juicer (refer to ´disassembling`). Re-assemble (referto ´assembling`).

Check that the spout is not blocked with pulp. Refer to ´Careand cleaning`.

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Tips on juicing

Although juice drinks are usually developedwith flavour, texture and aroma at the forefront,the health benefits certainly add to the pleasur-able taste experience.95% of the nutrient content of fruit and vegetablesis found in the juice. Liquids extracted from freshfruit and vegetables form an important part of awellbalanced diet. Fresh fruit and vegetablejuices are an easy to make source of vitaminsand minerals.

Juices are rapidly absorbed into the blood streamtherefore being the quickest way in which thebody can digest nutrients. When you make yourown juices, you have complete control overwhat you include in them. You select the ingredientsand decide if you need to use sugar, salt orother flavouring agents. Freshly extracted juicesshould be consumed just after they have beenmade to avoid a loss of vitamin content.

• Always wash fruit and vegetables beforejuicing.

• Always use fresh fruit and vegetables forjuicing.

• To save money and obtain fresher produce,purchase fruit or vegetables that are in season.

• Keep your fruit and vegetables ready forjuicing by washing them before storing.

• A small amount of lemon juice can beadded to apple juice to prohibit browning.

NOTE:Your Easy Juicer makes invigorating, frothyorange juice. Simply peel the oranges andjuice.(It is best to refrigerate oranges beforejuicing).

Purchasing and storage of fruit and vegetables

• If using fruit with hard or inedible skinssuch as mangoes, guava, melons or pineapple,always peel before juicing.

• Citrus fruit can be juiced in the Easy Juicerif peeled first.

• All fruits with pits, hard seeds or stones suchas nectarine, peaches, mangoes, apricots, plums and cherries must be pitted beforejuicing.

• Most fruits and hardier type vegetables canbe stored at room temperature. The moredelicate and perishable items such as tomatoes,berries, leafy greens, celery, cucumberand herbs should be stored in the refrigeratoruntil required.

Preparation of fruit and vegetables

The inside information on juicing

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It is easy to create great tasting juice. If youhave been making your own vegetable and fruitjuices, then you know how simple it is to inventnew combinations. Taste, colour, texture andingredient preferences are a personal thing. Justthink of some of your favourite flavours andfoods – would they work well together or would

they clash. Some strong flavours could overpower the more subtle flavours of others. It ishowever, a good rule of thumb to combine starchy,pulpy ingredients with those high in moisture.

Getting the right blend

The remaining pulp left after juicing fruit or veg-etables is mostly fibre and cellulose which, likethe juice, contains vital nutrients necessary forthe daily diet and can be used in many ways.However, like the juice, pulp should be usedthat day to avoid loss of vitamins.Some of the uses of pulp are to bulk out rissoles,thicken casseroles or soups or in the case offruit, simply placed in a bowl topped with

Using the pulp

meringue and baked for a simple dessert. Quiteapart from the consumption use, pulp is greatused in the garden for compost.

NOTE:When using the pulp, there may be some piecesof fruit or vegetables remaining. These shouldbe removed before using the pulp in any recipes.

The right technique

When juicing a variety of ingredients with varyingtextures start with the softer textured ingredientsthen change to for harder texture ingredients. Ifyou are juicing herbs, sprouts or leafy greenvegetables either wrap then together to form abundle or juice them in the middle of a combinationof ingredients to obtain the best extraction.

If juicing herbs or leafy green vegetables ontheir own, the juice yield will be low due to thenature of centrifugal juicing, it is advised tojuice them as with a combination of other fruitand vegetables.

All fruit and vegetables produce differentamounts of liquids. This varies within the samegroup i.e. one batch of tomatoes can producemore juice than another batch. Since juicerecipes are not exact, the precise quantities ofany juice are not crucial to the success of a par-ticular mixture.

NOTE:To extract the maximum amount of juice alwayspush the food pusher down slowly.

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Fruit and vegetable facts

Best season to buyAutumn/Winter
























Fruit and vegetables






Brussels Sprouts








Kiwi Fruit


Melons includingWatermelon










Vented plastic bags in refrigerator

Unwrapped in crisper of refrigerator

Cut off tops, then refrigerate unwrapped

Cover in the refrigerator

Plastic Bag in refrigerator

Unwrapped in crisper of refrigerator

Wrap, trimmed in the refrigerator

Uncovered in refrigerator

Remove outer leaves, store in Plastic bag inrefrigerator

Refrigerate in plastic bag

Crisper in refrigerator

Crisper in refrigerator

Plastic Bag in refrigerator

Crisper in refrigerator


Crisper in refrigerator

Crisper in refrigerator

cool and dry place for 1 week, transfer torefrigerator keep longer

Refrigerate uncovered

Refrigerate uncovered

Refrigerate uncovered

Refrigerate uncovered

Refrigerate uncovered

Uncovered in crisper of refrigerator

Nutritional value

High in Dietary Fibre and Vitamin C

High in Dietary Fibre, Contains Potassium

Good source Folate and Dietary Fibre,Vitamin C and Potassium

Vitamin C

Vitamin C, Folate, B2, B5, E, B6 and Dietary Fibre

Vitamin C, B2, B5, E, Folate and DietaryFibre

Vitamin C, Folate, Potassium, B6 and Dietary Fibre

Vitamin A, C, B6 and Dietary Fibre

Vitamin C, B5, B6, Folate, Vitamin K andPotassium

Vitamin C and Potassium

Vitamin C

Vitamin C and Dietary Fibre

Vitamin C, B6 and Potassium

Vitamin C and Potassium

Vitamin A, C, B1, B6 and Potassium

Vitamin C, Folate, Dietary Fibre andVitamin A

Vitamin C, B3, Potassium and Dietary Fibre

Vitamin C 35 mg/100 g

Vitamin C, B3, Potassium and Dietary Fibre

Dietary Fibre

Vitamin C

Dietary Fibre

Vitamin C, Iron, Potassium and Magnesium

Vitamin C, Dietary Fibre, Vitamin E, Folateand Vitamin A

Kilojoule/calorien count

200 g Apple=300 Kj (72 cals)

30 g Apricot=85 Kj (20 cals)

160 g Beetroot=190 Kj (45 cals)

125 g Blueberries=295 Kj (70 cals)

100 g Broccoli =195 Kj (23 cals)

100 g Brussels Sprouts=110 Kj (26 cals)

100 g Cabbage=110 Kj (26 cals)

120 g Carrots=125 Kj (30 cals)

100 g Cauliflower=55 Kj (13 cals)

80 g Celery= 55 Kj (7 cals)

280 g Cucumber=120 Kj (29 cals)

300 g Fennel=145 Kj (35 cals)

125 g Grapes= 355 Kj (85 cals)

100 g Kiwi Fruit=100 Kj (40 cals)

240 g Mango=200 Kj (48 cals)

200 g Melon=210 Kj (50 cals)

80 g nectarine=355 Kj (85 cals)

150 g Orange=160 Kj (38 cals)

150 g Peach=205 Kj (49 cals)

150 g Pears=250 Kj (60 cals)

150 g Pineapple=245 Kj (59 cals)

70 g Plums=110 Kj (26 cals)

125 g Raspberries=130 Kj (31 cals)

100 g Tomatoes= 90 Kj (22 cals)

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Fresh starts

Apple-Carrot-Celery-JuiceYou may alter the amounts of either the carrotsor apple to make the juice sweeter or savouryto suit your taste buds:Makes 2 cups:4 small Granny Smith apples3 medium sized carrots, trimmed4 sticks celeryProcess apples, carrots and celery through EasyJuicer. Mix well and serve immediately.

Tomato-Carrot-Celery-Lime-JuiceMakes 3 cups:2 medium tomatoes1 large carrot, trimmed2 celery stalks, trimmed1 lime, peeledProcess tomatoes, carrot, celery and limethrough Easy Juicer. Serve immediately.

Carrot-Beetroot-Orange-JuiceMakes 2 cups:2 medium carrots, trimmed3 medium beetroot, trimmed4 oranges, peeledProcess carrots, beetroot and oranges throughEasy Juicer. Serve immediately.

Apple-Peach-Grapefruit-JuiceMakes 2 cups1 small Delicious apple2 large peaches, halved and seeds removed2 grapefruits, peeledProcess apple, peaches and grapefruit throughEasy Juicer. Serve immediately.

Pineapple-Peach-Pear-JuiceMakes 3 cups1/2 small pineapple, peeled and halved2 peaches, halved and seeds removed2 small ripe pearsProcess pineapple, peaches and pears throughEasy Juicer. Serve immediately.


Apple-Pear-Strawberry-JuiceMakes 3 cups:1 small Granny Smith apple3 small ripe pears1 cup strawberries, trimmedProcess apple, pears and strawberries throughEasy Juicer. Serve immediately.

Rockmelon-Mint-Mango-JuiceMakes 2 cups:1/2 small rockmelon, peeled, seededand halved3 sprigs fresh mint leaves1 mango, halved, seeded and peeledProcess rockmelon, mint and mango throughEasy Juicer. Serve immediately.

Tomato-Cucumber-Parsley-Carrot-JuiceMakes 3 cups:3 medium tomatoes1 large cucumber1 large bunch fresh parsley3 medium carrots, trimmedProcess tomatoes, cucumber, parsley and car-rots through Easy Juicer. Serve immediately.

Kumera-Celery-Ginger-Orange-JuiceMakes 3 cups:4 sticks celery, trimmed1 small kumera (sweet potato), peeled and halved2.5 cm piece fresh ginger4 oranges, peeled1. Process celery, kumera, ginger and orangesthrough Easy Juicer. Serve immediately.

Parsnip-Celery-Pear JuiceMakes 3 Cups:2 parsnips, trimmed4 sticks celery, trimmed4 medium pears, stalks removedProcess parsnips, celery and pears throughEasy Juicer. Serve immediately.

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Vitamin replacer


Tomato-Carrot-Red Capsicum-JuiceMakes 3 cups:2 small red capsicum3 medium tomatoes3 carrots, trimmed4 sprigs parsleyTrim base of capsicum and remove seeds.Process tomatoes, carrots, parsley and cap-sicum through Easy Juicer. Serve immediately.

Blackberry-Pear-Grapefruit-JuiceMakes 3 cups:250g blackberries3 ripe pears2 grapefruits, peeledProcess blackberries, pears and grapefruitthrough Easy Juicer. Serve immediately.

Beetroot-Apple-Celery-JuiceMakes 2 cups:4 medium sized beetroot, trimmed2 medium Granny Smith apples4 sticks celeryProcess beetroot, apples and celery throughEasy Juicer. Serve immediately.

Cucumber-Celery-Fennel-Bean Sprout-JuiceMakes 3 cups:1 large cucumber3 sticks celery1 bulb fennel, trimmed2 cups bean sproutsProcess cucumber, celery, fennel and beansprouts through Easy Juicer. Serve immediately.

Frothie orange juiceMakes 8-10 cups:Process oranges through Easy Juicer. Serveimmediately. (Best to refrigerate oranges beforejuicing)

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Liquid lunches


Fresh vegetable soup with noodlesServes 41 small tomato1 small onion, peeled and trimmed2 carrots1 green capsicum, base removed and seeded1 tablespoon butter1 tablespoon wholemeal flour375ml vegetable stock425g canned baked beans1 packet 2 Minute NoodlesFreshly ground black pepperProcess tomato, onion, carrots and green pepperthrough Easy Juicer. Melt butter in a largesaucepan over a medium heat. Stir in flour,cook for one minute, stirring constantly.Stir in the extracted juice, vegetable stock andbaked beans. Bring to the boil, then reduceheat and allow to simmer for 10 minutes. Addnoodles, cook for 2 minutes or until noodles aretender. Pour into 4 soup bowls, sprinkle withblack pepper to taste and serve immediately.

GazpachoServes 4:4 medium tomatoes4 sprigs fresh parsley1 large clove garlic, peeled1 small onion, peeled and trimmed2 carrots2 stalks celery1 red capsicum, base removed and seeded1 lebanese cucumber2 tablespoons red wine vinegarfreshly ground black pepper1 cup crushed ice3 tablespoons chopped fresh basilProcess tomatoes, parsley, garlic, onion, carrots,celery, red capsicum and cucumber throughEasy Juicer.Stir in vinegar and black pepper. Arrange ice infour soup bowls. Pour in extracted juice, sprinklewith basil and serve immediately.

Pasta with provencal style sauceServes 4:4 tomatoes2 sprigs fresh parsley1 stick celery2 large cloves garlic1 small onion, peeled and trimmed1 red capsicum, base removed and seeded1 tablespoon tomato paste1/2 cup red wine2 teaspoons dried oregano500g cooked pasta3 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheeseProcess tomatoes, parsley, celery, garlic, onionand red capsicum. Blend tomato paste with redwine, stir in the extracted juice. Pour into a saucepanand cook over medium heat for 3-4 minutes.Add pasta and toss to coat pasta well. Dividemixture between 4 serving bowls. Sprinkle withoregano and Parmesan cheese. Serve immediately.

Mango, rockmelon and orange yogurt drinkServes 4:1 mango, halved, peeled and seeded1/2 small rockmelon, peeled, seeded andcut into two equal portions5 oranges, peeled3 tablespoons natural yogurtProcess mango, rockmelon and orangesthrough Easy Juicer. Pour into a large bowlwhisk in yogurt. Serve immediately.

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Energy fuel

Grape, kiwi fruit and berry boosterGrapes contain potassium and iron, providinga great pick-me-up after a strenuous day.Makes 6 cups:500g green seedless grapes, stems removed2 kiwi fruit, peeled250g strawberries, hulled500ml skim milk2 tablespoons powdered protein drink mix1/2 cup crushed iceProcess grapes, kiwi fruit and strawberriesthrough Easy Juicer. Mix in milk, protein drinkmix and crushed ice. Serve immediately.

Beetroot, carrot and orange quencher8 carrots2 small beetroot, trimmed1/4 cup fresh mint leaves4 oranges, peeledProcess carrots, beetroot, mint leaves andoranges through Easy Juicer. Serve immediately.

Apricot, apple and pear sparkleMakes 4 cups4 large apricots, halved and seeded4 small red apples3 medium pears250ml sparkling mineral water1/2 cup crushed iceProcess apricots, apples and pears throughEasy Juicer. Stir in mineral water and ice. Serveimmediately.

Spirited juices

Coconut pineapple coladaMakes 4 cups:1/2 coconut, peeled and halved1/2 large pineapple, peeled and quartered3 tablespoons Malibu liqueur500ml soda water1 cup crushed iceProcess coconut and pineapple through EasyJuicer. Stir in liqueur and soda water. Scoop iceinto 4 tall glasses, pour over juice mixture, mixwell to combine. Serve immediately.

Bloody MaryMakes 4 cups4 medium tomatoes2 sticks celery1 large red capsicum, base removedand seeded1/3 cup Vodka1 cup crushed iceProcess tomatoes, celery and red capsicumthrough Easy Juicer. Stir in Vodka. Scoop iceinto 4 glasses, pour over tomato mixture, mixwell to combine. Serve immediately.

Honeydew dreamMakes 4 cups:1 honeydew melon, peeled, seededand quartered3 tablespoons Midori liqueur500ml soda water1 cup crushed iceProcess honeydew melon through Easy Juicer.Stir in liqueur and soda water. Scoop ice into 4tall glasses, pour over melon mixture, mix wellto combine. Serve immediately.

Peach and mint julepMakes 4 cups:6 peaches, halved and seeded1/2 cup fresh mint leaves2 tablespoons Creme de Menthe2 teaspoons sugar1/2 cup crushed ice500ml mineral waterProcess peaches and mint leaves throughEasy Juicer. Stir in Creme de Menthe and sugar.Scoop ice into 4 glasses, pour over peach mix-ture, mix well to combine. Serve immediately.

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Icy Coolers


Sparkling pear and apricot coolerMakes 4 cups:4 large apricots, halved and seeded3 large pears250 ml mineral water1 cup crushed iceProcess apricots and pears through Easy Juicer.Scoop ice into 4 tall glasses. Divide extractedjuice between the glasses. Top with mineralwater, stir well to blend. Serve immediately.

Rockmelon, strawberry and passion crushMakes 4 cups:1/2 rockmelon, peeled, seeded and dividedinto 2 equal portions250g strawberries, hulledpulp of 2 passion fruit1 cup crushed iceProcess rockmelon and strawberries throughEasy Juicer. Stir in passion fruit pulp. Scoop iceinto 4 glasses, pour over juice, mix well to combine.Serve immediately.

Tropical blendMakes 4 cups2 mangoes, halved, seeded and peeled3 kiwi fruit, peeled1/2 small pineapple, peeled and halved1/2 cup fresh mint leaves1 cup crushed iceProcess mangoes, kiwi fruit, pineapple and mintthrough Easy Juicer. Scoop ice into 4 glasses, pourover juice, mix well to combine. Serve immediately.

Tomato, nectarine, passionfruit and mint icerMakes 4 cups:6 tomatoes2 nectarine1/2 cup fresh mint leavespulp of 4 passion fruit1 cup crushed iceProcess tomatoes, nectarine and mint leavesthrough Easy Juicer. Stir in passionfruit pulp.Scoop ice into 4 glasses, pour over juice, mixwell to combine. Serve immediately.

Cucumber, pineapple and coriander iceMakes 4 cups:1/2 small pineapple, peeled and halved2 cucumber1/2 cup fresh coriander leaves1 cup crushed iceProcess pineapple, cucumber and corianderthrough Easy Juicer. Scoop ice into 4 glasses, pourover juice, mix well to combine. Serve immediately.

Pear, radish and celery crushMakes 4 cups:3 medium pears4 radishes, trimmed3 sticks celery1 cup crushed iceProcess pears, radishes and celery throughEasy Juicer. Scoop ice into 4 glasses, pour overjuice, mix well to combine. Serve immediately.

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Fibre favourites

Rather than waste the fibre from the fruit andvegetables that have been juiced, the followingrecipes have been developed using the left over pulp.

Carrot, pumpkin and feta flanServes 6:8 sheets filo pastry60g butter, melted1 leek finely sliced1 cup pumpkin pulp1 cup carrot pulp250g feta cheese, crumbled3 eggs1 egg white1/2 cup milk2 tablespoons orange rind3 tablespoons chopped fresh parsleyLayer the sheets of pastry, brushing betweeneach sheet with butter. Lift pastry into a 25cmflan tin, press over base and side. Trim pastryedge to about 1.5cm higher than side of tin.Combine leek, pumpkin, carrot, feta cheese,eggs, egg white, milk, orange rind and parsley.Pour into pastry case and bake at 180°C for25-30 minutes or until golden and set.

Parsnip, herb and polenta hot cakesServes 6:2 cups parsnip pulp, strained1/4 cup milk2 eggs, separated1/4 cup polenta (corn meal)1/4 cup self-raising flour1 teaspoon chopped fresh thyme1 teaspoon chopped fresh rosemary1 teaspoon cajun seasoning1 small red capsicum, finely chopped1 tablespoon oilCombine parsnip pulp, milk, egg yolks, self-raisingflour, polenta, thyme, rosemary, cajun seasoningand red capsicum in a large mixing bowl. Beategg whites until soft peaks form, fold into parsnipmixture. Heat oil in a large frying pan, dropspoonfuls of mixture into pan. Cook for about 1minute on each side or until golden. Serveimmediately.

Vegetable and bacon soupServes 4:3 teaspoons butter1 onion, finely chopped1 ham bone350g beetroot pulp, strained andjuice reserved50g potato pulp, strained and juice reserved50g carrot pulp, strained and juice reserved100g tomato pulp, strained and juice reserved50g cabbage pulp, strained and juice reservedreserved juices and enough water tomake up 2 litres4 bacon rasher, chopped1 tablespoon lemon juice1/2 cup sour creamMelt butter in a large saucepan, cook onionover a medium heat for 2-3 minutes or until golden.Add ham bone to pan, stir in beetroot pulp,potato pulp, carrot pulp, tomato pulp, cabbagepulp, reserved juices and water, bacon andlemon juice. Bring to the boil, reduce heat andsimmer for 30-40 minutes. Remove ham bone,discard bone, finely chop meat and return to thepan. Serve topped with sour cream.

Berry and white chocolate mousseServes 6200g white chocolate200g strawberry pulp200g raspberry pulp3 teaspoons gelatin dissolved in3 tablespoons hot water3 egg yolks300ml carton thickened cream1/4 cup icing sugar2 tablespoons Grand MarnierMelt chocolate over hot water, cool, being carefulnot to let it set. Combine strawberry pulp andraspberry pulp, set aside. Combine chocolate,gelatin mixture and egg yolks, whisk until paleand glossy. Beat cream until soft peaks form,fold through chocolate mixture with berry pulpand Grand Marnier. Pour into a wetted 5 cupcapacity mould. Refrigerate several hours orovernight.

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Family meat loafServes 4-6500g lean beef mince500g sausage mince2 onions, finely chopped1/2 cup carrot pulp, strained1/2 cup potato pulp, strained2 teaspoons curry powder1 teaspoon ground cumin1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley1 egg, lightly beaten1/2 cup evaporated milk1/2 cup beef stockFreshly ground black pepper2 tablespoons slivered almonds

Tomato glaze1/2 cup beef stock4 tablespoons tomato sauce1 teaspoon instant coffee powder3 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce11/2 tablespoons vinegar11/2 tablespoons lemon juice3 tablespoons brown sugar1/4 cup butterPlace beef, sausage mince, onions, carrot pulp,potato pulp, curry powder, cumin, parsley, egg,evaporated milk, stock and black pepper in abowl, mix to combine. Press mixture into a lightlygreased 11cm x 21cm loaf pan. Pour glazeover meat loaf, sprinkle with almonds andbake, basting often with glaze, for 40 minutes.To make glaze, place stock, tomato sauce, cof-feepowder, Worcestershire sauce, vinegar,lemonjuice, sugar and butter in a saucepan andbring to the boil over a medium heat. Reduceheat and simmer, stirring frequently, for 8-10minutes or until glaze reduces and thickensslightly.

Carrot, apple and celery strudelsServes 8:30g butter1 small onion, finely chopped41/2 cups carrot, apple and celerypulp, strained(see juice recipe on page R3)250g cottage cheese2 tablespoons chopped fresh mint1 egg, beaten12 sheets filo pastry60g butter, melted extra1 cup grated fresh Parmesan cheeseMelt butter in a saucepan, add onion, cook for2-3 minutes, or until soft, seasoning to taste.Combine onion, carrot, apple and celery pulp,cottage cheese, mint and egg in a bowl. Mixwell. Cut filo sheets in half, place 3 sheets onbench, cover remaining pastry with greaseproofpaper, then a damp cloth to prevent drying. Brush1 sheet of pastry with extra butter, sprinkle withParmesan cheese, top with another sheet of pas-try, brush with butter, sprinkle with more cheese.Repeat with last sheet of pastry. Place table-spoons of carrot mixture on one end of pastry,fold in sides and roll up like a swiss roll. Repeatwith remaining pastry and pulp mixture. Placeon a greased oven tray and bake at 200°C for20-25 minutes or until golden.

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Carrot cakeServes 1613/4 cups plain flour2 teaspoons baking powder1/2 teaspoon nutmeg1/2 teaspoon cinnamon1/2 teaspoon cardamom1/2 cup peanuts, chopped1/2 cup sultana1/2 cup brown sugar, firmly packed11/2 cups carrot pulp1/2 cup oil2 eggs, lightly beaten1/4 cup sour cream

Grease and line a 25cm x 15cm loaf pan. Siftflour and baking powder into a large mixingbowl, add nutmeg, cinnamon, cardamom,peanuts, sultana, brown sugar and carrot pulp,stir to combine. Add eggs, oil and sour cream.Beat with electric mixer, using medium speeduntil all ingredients are well blended. Pour intoloaf pan. Bake at 180°C for 1 hour or until cakeis cooked when tested with a skewer. Removefrom oven, stand in cake pan for 5 minutesbefore inverting out onto a wire cake rack.

We guarantee that all our products are free ofdefects at the time of purchase.Any demonstrable manufacturing or materialdefects will be to the exclusion of any further claimand within warranty limits of the law free ofcharge repaired or substituted.There is no Warranty claim of the purchaser if thedamage or defect of the appliance is caused byinappropriate treatment, over loading or installa-tion mistakes.

The Warranty claim expires if there is any techni-cal interference of a third party without an writtenagreement.

Waste disposalThe appliance has to be deposed by the definition ofthe regional waste disposal of electricalscrap.

If necessary get information of the regional wastemanagement enterprise.


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