design powerpoint part 4

Design, Business, and Innovation Amanda Lastella Design Thinking, Tim Brown Created step-by-step representation of process of creating design innovation

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Design, Business, and Innovation Amanda Lastella

Design Thinking, Tim Brown

Created step-by-step representation of process of creating design innovation

Design, Business, and Innovation Amanda Lastella

Design Thinking, Tim BrownInspiration

- Considers problem facing business/ community

- Technology, constraints, seeking out new ideas

Design, Business, and Innovation Amanda Lastella

Design Thinking, Tim BrownIdeation

- Proposed solutions

- Creation of MANY prototypes

- Communication

Design Thinking, Critical Question 1

Design, Business, and Innovation Amanda Lastella

What could happen if an innovator doesn’t test his or her prototype, and instead moves on to the production phase of a product?

“Companies are not required to provide any safety data when they notify the agency about a new chemical, and they rarely do it voluntarily…”Ian Urbina: “Think those Chemicals have been Tested?”, New York Times

Design Thinking, Critical Question 2

Design, Business, and Innovation Amanda Lastella

Why is communication a key component of the design thinking process?

“…failure to ask important relevant questions”Dennis S. Gouran: “A Critical Analysis of Factors Related to Decisional Processes Involved in the Challenger Disaster“

Design, Business, and Innovation Amanda Lastella

Going Deeper, Seeing Further…

Consider the background of the costumers/ consumers

Going Deeper, Seeing Further…

Layer those backgrounds to find patterns/ consistencies

Design, Business, and Innovation Amanda Lastella

Going Deeper, Seeing Further…

See whether or not extreme ends of a spectrum can offer insight into issue

Design, Business, and Innovation Amanda Lastella

Going Deeper, Seeing Further…

Learn about backgrounds of employees within company

- Can they be shifted?

Design, Business, and Innovation Amanda Lastella

Going Deeper, Seeing Further…

Look into backgrounds of all people involved in business/ economic network

Design, Business, and Innovation Amanda Lastella

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Ethnographic Research, Friends Eating at Cafeteria

-both participants appear interested and engaged with one another

Design, Business, and Innovation Amanda Lastella

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Ethnographic Research, Walking to Art Studio

-girl on right helping girl on left carry art supplies (black supply box)

Design, Business, and Innovation Amanda Lastella

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Ethnographic Research, Watching Various Edited Videos

-guy presenting app he found to rest of group

Design, Business, and Innovation Amanda Lastella

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Ethnographic Research, Playing the Piano

-guy presenting different pieces on piano-girl on left tries to join in on occasion

Design, Business, and Innovation Amanda Lastella

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Ethnographic Research, Filming

-guy using app found on phone to record due to lack of camera equipment

Design, Business, and Innovation Amanda Lastella

Ethnographic Research, Notes on Participants

-the guy in the group appears deeply interested in film making, including the girl wearing the black leather jacket in various edited videos

Design, Business, and Innovation Amanda Lastella

Ethnographic Research, Additional Notes

-girl in black leather jacket likes to get involved and help others carry equipment/ record content

Amanda LastellaDesign, Business, and Innovation

Ethnographic Research, Additional Notes

-girl in blue sweatshirt involved in art class, works outside on projects, has a lot of supplies to carry around campus with her

Amanda LastellaDesign, Business, and Innovation

-the ability to carry around equipment was limiting to all three participants-the two girls: art equipment-the guy: camera/ filming equipment

Ethnographic Research Findings

Design, Business, and Innovation Amanda Lastella

Design, Business, and Innovation Amanda Lastella

Interviewing Humans

Interview’s main focus: the participants-Interviewer there merely as a guide

Design, Business, and Innovation Amanda Lastella

Interviewing Humans

Do NOT include personal stories/ anecdotes

Design, Business, and Innovation Amanda Lastella

Interviewing Humans

Since focus is on the participant, make him or her feel at ease-Helps participant open up

Design, Business, and Innovation Amanda Lastella

Interviewing Humans

Listen more than you speak-Goal is to gain more information from this person, keep that


Design, Business, and Innovation Amanda Lastella

Interviewing Humans

Clarify vague answers- “Why is that?”, “Tell me more about that.”