destiny church newsletter may 2011

May 2011 I Destiny Church Langwarrin I Sunday mornings 9.30am service I Passionate I Devoted I Victorious Bayside Christian College I 120 Robinsons Road Langwarrin I Email: [email protected] Destiny Church Langwarrin ‘Let everything you do be done in love (true love to God and man as inspired by God's love for us).’ - 1 Corinthians 16:14 AMP

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Monthly News and Inspiration from Destiny Church Langwarrin


May 2011 I Destiny Church Langwarrin I Sunday mornings 9.30am service I

Passionate I Devoted I Victorious

Bayside Christian College I 120 Robinsons Road Langwarrin I Email: [email protected]

Destiny Church Langwarrin

‘Let everything you do be done in love (true love to God and man as inspired by God's love for us).’ - 1 Corinthians 16:14 AMP

About Us... Destiny Church is a contemporary Bible-based family church and ministry training centre. Based in Langwarrin, Destiny Church belongs to the Australian Christian Churches (ACC) and also another campus in Dingley. Pastored by Kathy Scott, Destiny has a strong family flavour with outstanding children’s, youth and young adults programs in partnership with the Dingley congregation. Destiny Church has established itself as an inspirational worship and teaching centre with a strong focus on evangelism, missions and community care.

- Ps Kathy Scott


May 2011 I Destiny Church Langwarrin I Sunday mornings 9.30am service I May 2011 I Destiny Church Langwarrin I Sunday mornings 9.30am service I

Welcome to Destiny Church Langwarrin, where our doors are open to people from all backgrounds, regardless of where they are on their personal spiritual journey.

If you are new to Destiny or are considering joining us regularly, we hope you will find a place where you feel warmly welcomed and at home. Please stay after the service to join us for morning tea.

Bayside Christian College I 120 Robinsons Road Langwarrin I Email: [email protected]

Trade your problems for something better!

Did you know that God wants to make a trade with you? He has a standing offer every minute of every day, and it's amazing how few of us actually take Him up on it. He wants you to give Him all your cares, problems and failures. In return He'll give you His peace and joy. On top of that, He promises to protect and take care of you.

God really does want to take care of us, but in order to let Him, we've got to stop trying to take care of ourselves and worrying about every little thing we can't control. Many people would like for God to take care of them, but they insist on worrying or trying to figure out an answer on their own, instead of waiting for God's direction. They wallow around in puddles of their own worry, wondering why God doesn't give them peace. God will give us peace, but we must first give Him our worries.

We give God our worries by trusting that He can and will take care of us. By trusting God, we're able to rest in Him, knowing that He has the situation well under control. Worry, on the other hand, is the opposite of trust. Worry steals our peace, wears us out physically, and can even make us sick. If we're worrying, we're not fully trusting God, and we'll never be able to experience His peace.

What a great trade! We give God our worry, and He gives us His peace. We give Him all our cares and con-cerns, and He gives us His protection, stability and joy. That's the privilege of being cared for by Him. Because He cares for us, He wants us to live in peace and not all tied up in knots of worry. He has ways of guiding us toward peace if we're alert enough to sense His direc-tion.

Just like driving down the street, on the road of life there are spiritual ‘signs’ along the way. In order to stay under God's protection, you must obey these signs that tell you to trust Him and not worry. Don't be afraid; have courage. If you'll pay attention to these signs, you'll find it's easy to stay on course.

Try to keep things in perspective

One of the definitions for perspective in Webster’s

Dictionary is “the interrelation in which a subject or its parts are mentally viewed.” Interesting, isn’t it? This definition makes a clear distinction. It implies that our mental capacities can cause us to see things in ways that may not be accurate.

When we lack proper perspective, we may consider minor situations to be major crises, or we may do the opposite and view significant situations as “no big deal.” Either tendency—exaggerating things or mini-mizing them—can lead to problems, so we need to do our best to see things as they really are and not allow them to be out of proportion.

Try to form a habit of looking at the whole of life in-stead of centering on one thing that may be upsetting you. Thinking excessively about the problems we en-counter in life only makes them appear to be larger than they really are. When you are experiencing any issue that is upsetting to you take time to purposely recall the good things that you enjoy also. King David did this during times of depression and it helped him keep things in perspective (see Psalm 42).

Think about it - Are you good at keeping things in perspective or is this an area in which you need to ask for God’s help?

May 2011 I Destiny Church Langwarrin I Sunday mornings 9.30am service I May 2011 I Destiny Church Langwarrin I Sunday mornings 9.30am service I

Bayside Christian College I 120 Robinsons Road Langwarrin I Email: [email protected] Contact Pastor Kathy I Ph: 0411 231 731 or 5971 6700 I Email: [email protected]

BIBLE&PRAYER If you are interested in joining a group to explore the Bible in a fun and friendly atmosphere there is an new ‘Under 25s’ group on a Tuesday in Frankston South, a women’s group on Wednesday night in Carrum Downs and a fortnightly ‘Mixed All-Sorts’ group on a Tuesday in Bittern. Please speak to Ps Kathy for more information on any of these groups! We also have a PRAYER GROUP every Friday night at 7.30pm. If you have any prayer requests please speak to Glenda.

Facebook Fan Page and Blog Destiny Church Langwarrin has it’s own Facebook fan page you can join to see photos from our social days and read inspirational Bible verses to encourage you throughout the week. Find ’Destiny Church Langwarrin’ The Blog is designed as a website full of information and useful re-sources. Tell your friends to check it out!

YOUTH // ENCOUNTER If you are in grades 6-11 you can come along to Destiny Youth every Friday night! A FREE bus drop-off and pick-up service is available from Bayside Christian College, Langwarrin. Youth are collected at 6.00pm and delivered back to the school at 9.00pm. Encounter Church runs after worship every Sunday morning from 10am - 11am

Hands of Hope: We all need an extra hand at some point in life. ‘Hands of Hope’ is a Destiny Church Langwarrin ministry initiative designed to offer help and support through a Christian resource library, counselling service, meals program and prayer network. For more information, to loan or donate books to the library or assistant with any of the above, see Lis O’Brien


Speakers 1 May - Vlad and Karen Culjak

8 May - Ps. Kathy sharing a special Mothers Day message. Bring your Mums to join us for Devonshire Tea.

15 May - Bacon and Egg Brekky and testimony morning. Excel-lent morning to bring those who are reluctant to come to Church.

22 May - Ps. Kathy speaking on “That Second Look”

29 May - Ps. Kathy speaking on “What About Divorce?”

Please stay and join us for morning tea with cake, tea & coffee after

the service

Sunday School Sunday School Sunday School Kids Church is run during the morning sermon for kids from Prep through to Grade 5. We are passionate about seeing God touch and move in the lives of children. In the first half of 2011, we are exploring deeply into some of the Old Testament stories to see: The amazing things that God did back then, how they relate to Jesus and how they still relate into our lives today

May 2011 I Destiny Church Langwarrin I Sunday mornings 9.30am service I

Bayside Christian College I 120 Robinsons Road Langwarrin I Email: [email protected]

Destiny Saved by Grace WE are saved, blessed, righteous and worthy not by anything we can do, but because of what Jesus has done - Romans 5:17

Kingdom Mindset – Love God WE consider loving and serving God, and living for His Kingdom our number one priority - Matthew 6:33

Loving People WE believe that love is the foundation for authentic Christianity. - John 13:35

Holy Spirit Centred WE rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to live effective Christian lives - 1 Corinthians 4:20

Prayer WE believe that at all times God hears our prayers and so we can confidently approach Him 24/7 - Ephesians 3:12

Local Evangelism & Global Mission WE are called to seek and save those who are lost through proclaiming the gospel and bringing people to church - Matthew 28:19 & Luke 14:23

Heart for the House WE are passionate and united in serving, protecting and sowing into God’s house - Psalm 69:9

Connect Groups WE are connected through relationship, fellowship and discipleship - Hebrews 10:24

Life Journals WE have a goal to daily hear, record and apply God’s word - Hebrews 4:12

Relevant Teaching WE emphasize a positive ‘In Christ’ message and victorious living for all believers - 2 Corinthians 12:19b