diana g motz financial disclosure report for 2009

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  • 8/3/2019 Diana G Motz Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    , ~ o 1 o FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT R e p o r ~ R e q t , i r ~ d b y ~ h ~ E ~ i ~ sin Government Act of 1978~ e v . ]/ : o w FOR CALENDAR YEAR 200 9 ( ~ U . S . C a p p . ~ .~ " tall-Ill)t, Person Reporting (last name, first, middle initial) 2, Court ~r Organization 3, Date of ReportMOTZ, DIANA G. FOURTH CIRCUIT CT. OF APPEALS 05/14/2010

    4. Title (A~icle l!l judges ind icate active or senior status; 5a. Report Type (check app ropriale type) 6, Reporting Periodmagi strate judges indicate full- or part-time)] Nomioadon, Date 01/01/2009I:OURTtl CIRCUIT JUDGE - Active [] Initial ~ Annual r--] Final to12/31/20095b. [] Amended Repot~

    7, Chambers or Office Address 8. On the basis of the information contained in this Report and anym~difieations pertaining thereto, it is, in my opinion, in com plianceU.S. Courthouse with applicable laws and regulations,101 W. Lombard St, 9th FI.Baltimore, Maryland 21201 Reviewing Off icer Date

    IAIPORTANT N OTES: The instructions accompanying this form must be foltowed~ Co mplete all parts,checking the NONE box for each part where you have no reportable information. Sign on last page.

    I . P O S I T I O N S . (Reporting individual only; seepp. 9-13 of f!ting instructions.)[--- N O N E (No reportable po sitions.)

    POSIT1ON NAME OF ORGANIZATION/ENTITY1. "rruslee Johns Hopkins Hospital and Johns Hopkins University2. Trustee Generation Skipping Trust for

    3. Custodian College Savings Plan for

    I I . A G R E E M E N T S . (Reporting individual only; see pp. 14-16 ~ff!ling instrmrtions.)N O N E (No reportable agreements.)

    D A T E P A R TI E S A N D TE R M S1.

  • 8/3/2019 Diana G Motz Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORTPage 2 of 1 0 ~ o r z , D I A N A G . 0 5 / 1 4 / 2 0 1 0

    A. Fliers Non-Investment IncomeN O N E (No reportable non-investment income.)

    DATE SOURCE AND TYPE INCOME(yours, not spouses)1 .


    B . S p o u s e s N o n - I n v e s t m e n t I n c o m e - t /y o u were married during any portion of the reporting yeor, complete this sectior~( D o l l a r a m o u n t n o t r e q u i re d e x c e p t J b r h o n o r a r i a )

    NONE (No reportable non-investment income.)



    IV. REIMBURSEMENTS -( l n c ! u d e s t h o s e t o s p o u s e a n d d e p e n d e n t c h i l d r e n ; s e e p p . 2 5 - 2 ? o f f i li n g i n s t r u c t i o n s . )[---] NONE (No reportable reimbursements.)

    SOURCE DATES LOCATION PURPOSE ITEMS PAID OR PROVIDEDI. UCLA L aw School 03/13109-03/19/2009 Encino, CA Moot Cotlrt Air fare2. New Y ork University 04.~04/2009 -04/08i200c~ New Y ork, New Y ork M oot Court Lodging and transportation3 Stanfbrd Law School 04/13/2009-04il4,200~ Stanlbrd, CA Moot Court Transportation4. Conference for South 09!29/2009-I0/01/200~ Charleston, SC Conference LodgingCarolina W omen LawyersAssociation5. G eorgetown U i~iversity I0/13/2009 W ashington, D C Conference Transportation

  • 8/3/2019 Diana G Motz Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT ~,e of Person Reporting Date of ReportPage 3 of 10 M o r z , D I A N A G . 0 5 / t 4 / 2 0 1 0

    V . G I F T S . a , c t , d e s those tO SpOUSe and dependent children; see pp. 2&31 of filing instructions.)[] NONE (No reportable g~s.)





    V I . L I A B I L I T I E S . a , c ~ u d ~ , h o ~ , o / ~ p o , ,~ o , a , h .p ~ , a ~ . , ,.hi~,~ ........ p p . 3 2 - 3 3 ojfiling instructions.)N O N E ~ Y o reportable liabilities.)





  • 8/3/2019 Diana G Motz Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FI.~ANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT N a m e o f P e r s o n R e p o r t i n g D a t e o f R e p o r tPage 4 o f 10 ~ . t o r z , m A h . ~ G , o s i ~ 4 . ~ o ~ 0

    V I I . I N V E S T M E N T S a n d T R U S T S _ i ......... I ........... ,io~ (Includes those of spouse aml depndem children; ~ee pp, 34-~0 of filing in~tN O N E (No reportable income, assets, or transactions.)

    ,~. ~ U . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . c. ~ ............................ .......................................Gro~ value at end ~ T r a n s a c t i o n s d ~ i n g r e p o r t i n g p e r i o descfption of.Assets I n c o m e d u r i n g I :(including t~st assets) r e o o ~ i n g p e r i o d , of reposing periodP l a c e " ( X ) " a f t e r e a c h a s s e t Amount ~ T~e~e g., ~ Value ~ V alue [ r~e (e.g., ~ Date [ Value ~ Gain [ d e n n t y o fe x e m p t f r o m p r i o r d i s c lo s u r e Code I ] d w . , r e n t . ~ C o d e 2 M e th o d :: b u y , s e t ! , ~ m m i d & ~ y y [ C o d e 2 ~ C o d e 1 buyer/seller

    ( Q - W } [ [ t r a n s a c t i o n )................ : , ~ ........ .................l. Exxon Mobil D Div N T

    2, IB M C Di v M T3. TRP - Tax Exempt A ln t K T4. T. Rowe Price C Di v N T5. Sara Lee A Di v J T6. Nicholas Fund A D iv L T

    ! 7 . TRP Equity Income Fund A Dividend L T8. ChevrordTexaco A Dividend K T: 9 Campbell Soup A D iv I T

    1 0 . MD. Bond A Interest K T1 I. AIM-Weingarten (IRA) A Div J T1 2 . GenlEIec A Div K T13 DuPont DeNemour & Co. A Div J T1 4 , ExxonMobil Corp. (IRA) A D iv K T15 A pple Co mpnter A D iv L T16 . TR.P-New ERA A Dividend L T17 . TRP-V alue A Dividend L T see note I

    I Income Gain Code;: A =$1.000 or less B =$I,001 - $2.500 C =$2,5,31 - $5,000 D = $5,001 - 515,000 E =$15,00t - $50,00~ [(See Columns BI and D4) F =$5().001 - $ )00,000 G ~$100,001 - $1.000.000 }~1 =$ !,000,00] - $5.000,000 H2 =~v~orc ~an $5,000.0002. Value Codes J =$15.000 o( less K =$15,~)1 - $50,003 L =$ 50,001 - $100,000 M =$ [~.00l - $250,0001S Columns C I and D3) N ~I250,001 - $ 500,000 O =$500,001 - $ 11~0,000 P I =$1,~0.00! - $5,000,000 P2 =15,000,00] - $25.000,000 ,P3 =$25.0~,001 - ~50,000,030 P4 =More than $50,000,0003. Value Method Cod~ Q =Appraisal R =Cost (,Real E~tatc Only) S =A~essment ~ =Cash Market(See Column C2) U =Book VMu V =Other W = Estirnated I

  • 8/3/2019 Diana G Motz Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT N a m e o f P e r s o n R e p o r t i n g DateofReportPage 5 of 10 ~ l o r z , D I A N A G . 05/14/20!0V I I . I N V E S T M E N T S a n d T R U S T S - i.,. ...... .e, transactions (Ineludes tho se of sp ..... d depende nt children; see pp. 34 -60 of filing instructions.)

    N O N E (No re~ortable income, assets, or transactions.)c. .... ~T ..................Description of As~ts ] I n c o m e d u r i n g G ro s ~ v a lu e a t e n d ~ T~nsactions during repomng period~ r e p o r t i n g p e r i o d ~f repoaing peri~ I

    e x e m p t f ro m p r i o r d is c l o s m e Code I I d v, rent, C o d e 2 M e t h o d ~ buy, sell ~mm/d~ I Code 2 Code I [ b u v e r f s ~ l l e r( A - H i o r i n t . ) 0-P) C o d e 3 ~ r e d e m p t i o n ) ~ ! (J-P) ( A - H ) fgr vote

    1 8 . T~- Capital Opp. (I~) A Dividend K T!9 . TRP- H ealth Sciences (IRA) A Dividend L T20. TRP- New Asia (IRA) A Dividend K T2 1 . TRP - Small - Cap V alue (IRA) A Dividend K T2 2 . TRP- Value Fund (1RA) A Dividend K T2 3 . TRP- Prime Reserve ([ILa.) A Dividend K T24. Merck B Dividend K T25. CV S A Dividend K T2 6 . Pepsico B Dividend L T2 7 . U.S Treasury Bonds [IRA) A Interest K T2 8 . Baltimore County Bond A Interest J T29. Montgomery CourtW Bond A Interest K T3 0 . Charles County Bond A Dividend J T3 1 . Alma A Dividend J T3 2 . K r a f t A Dividend J T3 3 . Yum B rands A Dividend K T3 4 . AIG A Dividend J T

    I lncomeG~n Codes: A ~$1.000 or tess B =$1,~)1 - 52,5130 C =$2,501 - 55.000 D =55,00t - $15,000 E =$15.001 - 550,000(See Colunms B] and 04) t: =$50.001 . $1O0,cy0O G ~$100.001 - $1,000.000 H I = $ I. 00 0, 00 i - 5 5. 00 0. 00 t) H 2 =M or e d .~ $ 5. 00 0, 1~ 302 V alue C~es J =$15.000 or less K = $15,001 - 550.000 L = 550,001 - 5100.0130 M =$ 100.001 - $250.000(S ee Co l~u un s C I a nti D 3) N = 52 50 .1)0 1 - 550 0,0 00 O =5500.001 - $ 1.000,1)00 P I =5 1. 00 0, 00 1 - 55 .0 00 .0 00 P 2 =$ 5. 00 0, 00 1 - 52 5. 00 0. 00 0P3 ~$25,00(1.(101 - $50,000,000 pa =.More ~an $50,090,0003. Value Me~od Codes Q =Appraisal R =Cost (Real Estate Only) S ~Asse~!;ment T ,Ca.~h Market(See Column C2) U =Book V alue V =Other W =Estimated

  • 8/3/2019 Diana G Motz Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT [ N a m e o f P e r s o n R e p o r t i n g D a l e o f R e p o r tPage 6 of ! 0 ~ l o ~ r z , r ) lA ~ : ,~ ( ~ . 0 S i ~ V 2 0 mV I I . I N V E S T M E N T S a n d T R U S T S - ~ o . .. .. ~ , t ra n s a c t io n s H n c l u d e s those of ~pou~e and dependent chitdren; see pp. 34-60o/f!ling instruction~)

    NONE ~o reportable income, assets, or transactions,)

    D e s c r i p t i o n o f A s s e l s I I n c o m e d u r i n g Gross value at end ] T r a n s a c t i o n s d u r i n g r e p o r t i n g p e r i o d(including trust assets) ~ r e p o m n g p e r i o d of reposing period.... (J)~ (~) (~) ......~ ) . . . . . .. . . . . . . . (t) ~ (2) (3) (~)P l a c e " ( X ) " a f t e r e a c h a s s e t A m o u n t ~ : r~e (e.g., V alue V alue T y p e ( e . g . , ] Date ~ Value Gain ldeatity ofe x e m p t f r o m p r i o r d i s c l o s u r e C o d e 1 d l v . , re m ~ C o d e 2 M e t ho d buy, sell, I m m / d e f i v Y C o d e 2 C o d e 1 b u y e ~ ! s e l l e r( A - H ) o r m r . ) t J - P ) C o d e 3 r e d e m p t i o n )]

    J - P ) ( A - H ) ( i f p r i v a t e( Q W ) ~ Iran~ction)................................................................... L3 5 . Black & Decker A Dividend L T3 6 . Constellation Energy B Dividend L T3 7 . PNC A Dividend M T3 8 . TRP New H orizons Fund A Dividend K T3 9 . TRPMd. Tax-Free Bond Fund D Dividend M T4 0 . TRP B lue Chip G rowth (GST) A Dividend M T41. TRP International Bond (GST) A Dividend K T4 2 . TRP International Stock (GST) A Dividend K T4 3 . TRP Prime Reserve (GST) A Dividend M T4 4 . TRP Equity Income (GST) B Dividend L T B uy 03/04/09 J4 5 . "IRP G rowth Stock ((.;ST) B Dividend L T4 6 . TRP Spectrum Growth (GST) B Dividend L T B uy 01/07g09 J4 7 . TRP Equity Income (IRA) A Dividend K T4 8 . TRPGrowth Stock (IRA) A Dividend K T

    4 9 . TRP Spectrum Growth (IRA) A Dividend K T5 0 . TRP Prime Reserve (IIL;\) A Dividend L T5 1 . Exxon Mobil (IRA) A Dividend K T see note 3

    Income G ain Codes: A =$1,000 or le~;s B =$ I,(;01 - $2 5)0 C =$2.501 - $ 5,00i) t) =$5.00t - $|5,000 E =$15,001 - $50,000(See Columns B I and D4| F =$50,001 - $104}.000 (} =$ 100,0~l $1,000 000 H I =$1 000,0{1 { - 15.000,000 H2 =More Ihat~ $5.000,000Value Codes J =$15,000 or less K =$ ~.0~1 - $50,0D) L =$50.001 - $~00,000 M = $100,001 - $250000(See Colun~J~S C I and D 31 N =$ 250,001 - $500.000 O -1500,0(}1 - $1.090.000 P l =$ 1 .0 00 ,0 01 - $ 5 .0 00 .0 00 P 2 : $ 5, 00 0. 00 1 - $ 2 5, 00 0. 00 0P3 = $25,000.301 - $50,000,000 P~ .=More Ihan $ 50,000,000Value Mclhod Codes Q =Appraisal R =Cos~ (Real 12stal~ On~y) S =,.x.sses~ment T =Cash Market(See Column C2 ) U =Book V.ilue V =Olher W =E~timated

  • 8/3/2019 Diana G Motz Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    Page 7 of 10 ~ I o r z , D I A N A G . 0 5 / 1 4 / 2 0 1 0V I I . I N V E S T M E N T S a n d T R U S T S - i.co,.e, ..t.e, transactions (Includes those of spo ..... d dependent children; see pp. 34-60 of filing instructions.)---] NONE (,~ reportable income, assets, or tramactions.)

    ................................ [ B. C. Description of Assets . income during Gross value a~ end ] Transactions during repomng period(including trust assets) repomng period of reposing periodPlace "(X)" a~ ....b asset A,nount~ Type (e.g., ~ Value [ Value [ Type (e.g., i Date I Value i Gain I Identity ofexempt from prior disclosure C~e ~ ~ div.,rent, Code 2 Melhod buy, sell, mm/d~ ~ Code 2 Code I ~ buyer/seller~ AH~ !( - J ] orm~.) (J-P) ~ Code3

    transaction)52. ~RP Growth Stock A Dividend J T5 3 . TRP Spectrum Growth A Dividend L T54. Summit Cash Reserve A Interest L T

    55. AES Corp A Dividend K T

    ; 56, Direct "I-V A Dividend K T57 . Duke Realty A Dividend J T

    58. Macys A Dividend K T

    59 . Praxair B Dividend M T

    60 . Union Pacific B Dividend L T

    6 1 . W ash. Real Estate Inv. Trust D Dividend L T6 2 . Standard & Poors DepositoD, Rec eipts B Dividend L T6 3 . Al!eghany Cty. Bond A Interest Redeemed 05/01/09 K6 4 , Fla. Housing Bond A Interest Redeemed 07/01/09 K6 5 . Univ. of Md. Bond A interest Redeemed 04/06/09 L6 6 . TRP Prime Reserve C Interest P1 T Redeemed 9/09/09 L(patti6 7 . TRP Global A Dividend L T6 8 . "fR2 G lobal (IRA) A Dividend K T

    I Income G ain O~:.les. A =$1,000 or less B =$1 i~1 - $2,500 C =$2,50! - $5,000 D = $5.001 - $15,000 E =$15,001 - $50,000(See Columns BI and D,~) F =$50,001 . $100,000 G = $1 00, 00 1 . $1 ,0 00. 00 0 H 1 = $1. 00 0,0 01 o $ 5, 00 0,0 00 1-12 =More d)an $5,000,0t?02 Value Codes J =$15,000 or tess K =$15.001 - $50,00(I L =t50,001 - $I00,000 M =$ 100,001 - $250,000(See Cohlmns C I and O3) N =$250.001 - ~500.0I)(I O =$ 500 ,0 01 - $ 1, 00 0,0 00 P 1 = $I ,0 00 .0 0! - $ 5. 00 0J 30 0 P2 ~$5.000,~1 - $25.000,000P3 =$ 25,000.001 - $50.000,1~0 P4 =."-.tore than $50.000.0003. ~,ralue Method Codes Q =Appraisal R =Cost (Rcsl les~ e Only) S =Assessment T ~Cash Market(See C ~ dim C2) U =B ook Value V =Othe~ W =Estimated

  • 8/3/2019 Diana G Motz Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    IN,mef Person Reporting Date ~ F i N A N C I A L p a g e 8 o f 1 0 D I S C L O S U R E R E P O R T I M O T Z , D I A N A G . 05/fReprtl 4/2V I I . I N V E S T M E N T S a n d T R U S T S - i ....... ,tu,, transactions (Includes those of sp ...... d dependent children; see pp. 34-60 of filing instructions.)[~ NONE ~ro reportable income, assets, or transactions.)

    .............. X~ ........ ~ ~ . c. ............. D -- .........Description of Assets Income du~ng Gross value at end Transactions during reporting period(including t~st asse~s) ~ reposing period of repoaing period

    ~ Code 1 [ d~v.,~m, Coae 2 ] Methoa ~ buy~selL mmid4,yy ] Code 2 ] C~e I buyer;sellerxempt flom prior disclosure ] (A-H) ] or int.) (J-P) ~ Code 3 redempuon) : (J-P) : (A-H) (if private...........................[ ~ ( Q - W ) ~ : ~ t r a n s a c t i o n )69. TRP Global (GST) A Dividend L T7 0 . TRP New Era (GST) A Dividend K T7 l. Pothash Corp A Dividend L T7 2 . Philip Morris Intl, Inc. B Dividend K T see note 27 3 . TRPNew Asia A Dividend K T see note 47 4 . TRPGIobal A D~,,idend L T see note 47 5 . CSP (Cuslodian) A Dividend K T B uy !2/24J09 J see note 57 6 . CSP(Custodian) A Dividend K T B uy I 2 / 2 4 . , " 0 9 J see note 5

    I. Income Gain Codes: A =$1,000 or less B =$ 1,001 - $2,500 C =$7,501 - 15.0~ D =$5.001 - $15.000(See Columns B i and D4) F =$ 50,001 - $ 100,000 G =$ 100,001 - $1,000,000 HI =$l,~0,0Ol - $5,~0,000 tt2 =More ~an

    2 VaK~ Codes J ~$) 5,~0 or ~c~s K =$15,001 - $50,000 L =$50,001 - $l~,0O0 M =$~ 00,0Ol - ~250.000( See Co lu ~s C t ~n d D 3 ) N =$ 25 0,0 01 - $ 500 ,0~ O --$500,001 - $ 1,0()0,0~) P1 =$1,~0,001 - SS,000.000 P2 =$ 5,000,001 - $25,000,000

    P3 =$25,~0,001 - $50 ,000 ,000 P4 ~More than$50,~0,0003 V alue Method Codes Q =Appraisal R ~Co~t (Real Estate O~d)} S :Assessment T =Cash Market(See Cotunm C2) U = Book Value V =O~her W =E~ima~ed

  • 8/3/2019 Diana G Motz Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FINANCIAL DISCLOS URE REPORT ~ . e o ~ P e r ~ o . R e V o ~ t i .g D . , t ~ o ~ R e p o r tPage 9 o f 10 ~ l o -r z , D I A N A G , 0 5 / 1 4 / 2 0 1 0


    Note 1 - L ~t year ! erroneously understated the value.Note 2 - L ast year I erroneously omitted this stock (that was spun off from Altria in 2008)Note 3 - D ouble counted, see 14Note 4 - L ast year I erroneously omitted this mutual fund.Note 5- Custodian for College Savings Plan for

  • 8/3/2019 Diana G Motz Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT N ~ . e o f P e r so n R e p o r t in g D a t e o f R e p o r tPage 10 of 10 gvlOTZ, DIANA G. 05/14/2010

    IX. CER TIFICATION.1 certify that all information given above (including information pertaining to my spouse and minor or dep endent children, if any) is

    accurate, true, and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that any information not reported was withheld because it met applicable statutoryprovisions permitting non-disclosure.l further certify that earned income [rom outside employment and hon oraria and the acceptance of gifts which hav e been reported are incompliance with the provisions of 5 U.S.C. app. 501 et. seq., 5 U.S.C. 7 353, and Judicial Conference regulations.



    FILING INSTRUCTIONSMail signed original and 3 add itional copies to:

    Committee on F inancial DisclosureAdm inistrative Office of the United States CourtsSuite 2-301One Columbus Circle, N.E.W ashington, D.C. 20544