digital logic design


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Page 1: Digital Logic Design



Page 2: Digital Logic Design


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......................................................................................................................Lab Venue 3.............................................................................................Lab Objectives & Courses 3

.....................................................................................Lab Description & Experiments 4..................................................................................................Hardware Experiments 5

.......................................................................................................Verilog Experiments 6

...............................................................................................................Lab Resources 7

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DLD Lab Venue: Computer Interfacing Lab First Floor, Electrical Department

Lab VenueThe Digital Logic Design Lab

(DLD Lab) is one of the most

important and well equipped lab of the Department of Electrical Engineering at University of

Engineering and Technology, Lahore. This lab is conducted at the

Computer Interfacing Lab situated at the first floor of the Electrical Engineering Department.

Scope of the LabThe DLD Lab is for

undergraduate coursework related to

the course EE131. It is one of the core modules of B. Sc. Electrical Engineering therefore the lab has a

significant importance in the department.

Related CoursesThis lab is designed such that the

students get a hands on familiarity

with the concepts they come across in the course EE131 that is the Digital Systems course. This is an

undergraduate course which deals with the basics of digital systems

design and is a core module of the B. Sc. Electrical Engineering coursework as it provides the

prerequisites for advance courses in digital electronics. Because of the

significance of this course the DLD Lab has been carefully designed to meet the course requirement.

Brief Overview of the LabThe Lab is well equipped with

both hardware and software facilities

required by the students to perform the necessary experiments designed for this lab. Details of the lab

equipment has been discussed in a proceeding section.

Experiments are designed in such a way that the students become well aware of the concepts they learn

in the theory sessions. A list of experiments that are conducted in

this lab has also been mentioned in a proceeding section.

Experiments are related to both

digital hardware and Verilog Programming.

Objectives & Courses

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Lab Description & Experiments

Lab DescriptionThe Experiments in the

Lab have been divided into

two major portions:

• Hardware Labs

• Hardware Description

Language (Verilog) LabsHardware Labs have

been designed to familiarize students with the Combinational Digital Logic

Design and Sequential Digital Logic Design

through the implementation of Digital Logic Circuits using ICs of basic logic

gates and some simple digital logic circuits.

HDL (Verilog) Labs have been designed to

familiarize students with the HDL based Digital Design Flow. These labs introduce

students with different levels of coding available in

Verilog i.e. Gate level, Dataflow level and Behavioral level. Xilinx ISE

7.1 tools have been used in these labs. Finally, the

skills learnt in the HDL labs are employed to implement some digital

logic circuits on Spartan-3 FPGA, using Xilinx Starter

Kit Development Board.

Expected OutcomesWith the help of the two

threads of the lab

mentioned above, students will have clear understanding of all the

three paradigms of implementation of digital

logic circuits:

• Implementation using ICs for basic logic gates

and simple circuits

• Implementation

through the Development of Dedicated IC(ASIC)

• Implementation

through Reconfigurable Logic (i.e. FPGA)

This makes students adept in basic concepts involved in digital logic

design. The lab contributes a lot to the basic learning of

digital systems.This shows the

indispensability of the

DLD Lab.

List of ExperimentsList of experiments is

given on page 5 and 6. As

mentioned before the lab has two major portions therefore there are two lists

of experiments one related to the hardware labs and

the other related to the hardware description language (verilog) labs. All

these experiments are mandatory and each lab is

followed by specially designed assignments.

A Lab Demonstration

A Digital Chip (inside view)

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Page 5

TITLE TOPICS1 To Verify the Behavior of Logic Gates using Truth Table and

Familiarization with Digital Integrated CircuitsBasic Logic Gates,Truth Table,

Integrated Circuits

2 Implementation of Boolean Function using Logic Gatesand Introduction to Hierarchical Design of Digital Logic Circuits

Boolean Functions,Boolean Algebra,

Hierarchical Design of Digital Logic Circuits

3 Familiarization with the Different Portions of the Datasheet for a Digital IC and Using the Datasheet to Gather Relevant

Information to Utilize the IC as a Component in another Digital Logic Circuit

Datasheet of a Digital Logic IC,Hierarchical Design of Digital Logic Circuits

4 Implementation of 8 bit Binary Comparator using 4 bit Binary Comparators

Binary Comparator,Hierarchical Design of Digital Logic Circuits

5 Implementation of 4bit into 3bit Binary Multiplier using 4bit Binary Adders

Binary Multiplication,Hierarchical Design of Digital Logic Circuits

6 Implementation of BCD Adder using 4bit Binary Adders, 4 to 7 Segment Decoder and 2Digit 7 Segment Display

BCD addition, Hierarchical Design of Digital Logic Circuits

7 Implementing a Full Adder using(a) Decoder

(b) Multiplexer

Implementation of Boolean function using Decoder,

Implementation of Boolean function using Multiplexer

8 Flip Flops Different Types of Flip Flops

9 To study the fundamentals of basic counters and to construct various types of counters


Hardware Experiments

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TITLE TOPICS1 Introduction to HDL based Digital Design Methodology HDL based Digital Design Flow using


Introduction to Outsourcing Business Model

2 Introduction to Basic Syntax of Verilog and Gate level Modeling

through implementation of half adder at gate level and its simulation using Xilinx ISE tools

Basic Concepts of Verilog, Modules and Ports, Gatelevel coding in Verilog,

3 Introduction to the concepts of Instantiation and Hierarchical Design in Verilog through the implementation of full adder

using the previously designed half adder modules

Hierarchical Design in Verilog

4 Introduction to the Concept of Vectors and Introduction to Dataflow modeling through implementation of half adder and

full adder at dataflow level

Vectors in Verilog,Dataflow level coding in Verilog

5 Consolidation of the concepts of Dataflow level modeling and Introduction to the concept of Synthesis by the CAD tool

Dataflow level coding in Verilog, Logic Synthesis

6 Introduction to Behavioral modeling through implementation of half adder and full adder at behavioral level.

Behavioral level coding in Verilog

7 Introduction to if else statement and case statement in Behavioral modeling through implementation of Multiplexer

if else and case statements in Verilog

8 Introduction to the Concepts of Sequential Circuit and a TestBench module (Stimulus Block)

Sequential circuits in Verilog, Concept of Testbench module in Verilog

9 Behavioral Level Coding of Basic Sequential Circuits and Consolidation of the concepts of TestBench module (Stimulus


Sequential circuits in Verilog

10 Introduction to Field Programmable Gate Array(FPGA) and Steps involved in its Programming

Need for Reconfigurable Logic, Xilinx ISE Tools for Programming the Xilinx FPGAs

Verilog Experiments

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Lab Resources

Hardware ResourcesThe lab is fully

equipped with all the

hardware required to conduct the above mentioned experiments.

The hardware resources of the lab are:

• Pentium-IV PCs (with MS WinXp OS)

• Hardware trainers for

logic circuit design and analysis

• Electronic Chips of all digital gates

• Spartan-III FPGA

board kits

• Power Supplies

These resources allow the students to have a

hands on experience of basic digital logic design concepts. This activity

greatly leverages what the students learn in the theory


Software ResourcesThe lab also consists of

the software resources

required by the students namely:

• Veriwell

• ModelSim

• Xilinx IDE

• Matlab

Software resources are equally important as

hardware resources are. These software resources are sufficient for the

students to perform experiments. These

softwares provide the students with the necessary platform to work

on HDL that is the Verilog. These softwares are also

required to work with the sophisticated hardwares like Spartan-III FPGA

boards.The lab has all the

resources whether related to hardware or software so that the students become

adept in the basic field of digital electronics.

Students are encouraged to use the lab resources to perform

activities and experiments which help

them strengthen their concepts.

Lab StaffLike other labs of the

department there is a trained and able staff

consisting of skilled lab technicians that take care

of the lab equipment. They also guide

students about handling

the lab equipment and the precautionary measures

required for the students while working in the lab.

A Digital Circuit Board

A Simulation

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DIGITAL LOGIC DESIGN LABComputer Interfacing Lab

1st Floor, Department of Electrical EngineeringUNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, LAHORE-54890, PAKISTAN.Ph: + 92 42 9029229, Fax: + 92 42 9250224url: