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1October 7, 2020

BEGIN GRADING Sto. 532+22.57


ADT (2018) 5463 ADT (2038) 7522 DHV 1046 D 531/. T DHV 11.11/. T ADT 24.41/. V 80 MPH


PROJECT Str.No. 44-106-125 2 - 6' x 5' RC Box Culverts Sto. 544+60.84 CEBU MRM 363.48 +0.1 I 5

R 55 W

Str. No.44-104-126 EBL Sto. 545+25.30 to Sto. 547+79.55 254.25' Steel Girder Bridge MRM 363.48

END GRADING Sta. 578+86.28


MAJOR STREAM - Tributaries ta:

Sta. 630+42.71 Bk Sta.a 0+00 Ah

West & East Vermillion Rivers


PROJECT AREA - 716 Acres

LATITUDE = 43.6665 (Google Maps)

LONGITUDE = -97.4278 (Google Mops)

GRADING Sta.a 22+00




____ PR_OJ_EC_T ___ --1 SHEET

IM-FP 0908(95)362 Plotting Date: 07/29/2020





PROJECT IM-FP 0908(95)362


Section B: Section C: Section D:

Section E: Section Section Section Section Section Section

F: L: M: S: X: z:

Environmental Commitments Grading Plans Traffic Control Plans Erosion and Sediment Control Plans Structure Plans Surfacing Plans Lighting Plans Pavement Marking Plans Permanent Signing Plans Cross Sections Pipe Sections

Remove and Replace PCCP, Pipe Work, Spot Grading, Guardrail, Edge Drains, RCBC Rep I acement, Pipe Repair Replace Structures, Deck Overlay, Approach Slabs,

Polymer Chip Seal, Cold Mil ling Asphalt Concrete and Asphalt Concrete Resurfacing of Exits 368 & 374 Ramps

and Lighting Overhead Structure Str. No.44-110-125 MRM 364.02


Str. 44-124-125 2 RC Box Culverts Sta. a 22+68 CEBU MRM 365.00 +0.495

Overhead Structure Str. No. 44-150-126 MRM 368.05 Overhead Structure

Str.No. 44-210-126 MRM 374.02

IM-FP 0908(95)362 END GRADING Sta.a 23+60

Str.No. 44-130-126 EBL


Overhead Structure Str. No. 44-1 70-126 MRM 370.04

Str. No.44-219-126 EBL Sta. a 521+53.67 to Sta. a 524+55.6 7 302' Steel Girder Bridge

Sta. a 53+92.31 to Sta. a 55+11.31 119' Continuous Concrete Bridge MRM 366.06

MRM 374.95

Str. No.44-230-126 EBL Sta. a 579+77.56 to Sta. a 580+96.56 I 19' Continuous Concrete Bridge



14,948 MILES

0.104 MILES 14,844 MILES

MRM 376.03

Plans Stationing is at the Center I ine of the Eastbound Lones. Underlying Plans Stationing is in the Median.

Sta. a 506+44.38

END IM-FP 0908(95)362 END GRADING Sto. o 539+25.83


Sta. a 631 +82.09 MRM 377.00 +0.000

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IM-FP 0908(95)362


A1 A7


SPECIFICATIONS Standard Specifications for Roads and Bridges, 2015 Edition and Required Provisions, Supplemental Specifications and/or Special Provisions as included in the Proposal.

Section B – Grading

Revised 08-27-2020 LLH Section B – Grading (Continued)


A1 and A4 Estimate of Quantities for Sections B, C, D, E, F, L, M, and S

A5 to A7 Environmental Commitments

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IM-FP 0908(95)362


A2 A7


Section C – Traffic Control

Section D – Erosion and Sediment Control

Section E – Structures Str. No. 44-104-126

Str. No. 44-106-125

Revised 08/19/2020 LLH Str. No. 44-124-125

Str. No. 44-130-126



634E0010 Flagging 100.0 Hour BID ITEM NUMBER


634E0110 Traffic Control Signs 1,972.1 SQFt BIO ITEM 009E3310 Bridge Elevation Survey Lump Sum LS ITEM QUANTITY UNIT

634E0120 Traffic Control , Miscellaneous Lump Sum LS NUMBER 009E5000 Concrete Penetrating Sealer 1.1 30.0 SQYd

634E0275 Type 3 Barricade 15 Each 420E0200 Structure Excavation, Box Culvert 93 CuYd

634E0380 Tubular Marker 1,155 Each 250E0030 Incidental Work, Structure Lump Sum LS

410E0020 Structural Steel Lump Sum LS 421E0200 Box Culvert Undercut 272 CuYd

634E0390 Replace Tubular Marker 75 Each 460E0120 Class A45 Concrete, Box Culvert 250.0 CuYd 410E2600 Membrane Sealant Expansion Joint 83.8 Ft

634E0420 Type C Advance Warning Arrow Board 4 Each 480E0100 Reinforcing Steel 41,451 Lb 420E0100 Structure Excavation, Bridge 1.041 CuYd

634E0630 Temporary Pavement Marking 17.1 Mile 430E0200 Bridge End Embankment 1,134 CuYd

634E1002 Detour and Restriction Signing 925.2 SQFt 430E0300 Granular Bridge End Backfill 88.2 CuYd

634E1215 Contractor Furnished Portable Changeable 4 Each 430E0510 Approach Slab Underdrain Excavation 3.2 CuYd Messaae Sian 430E0700 Precast Concrete Headwall for Drain 4 Each BIO ITEM

ITEM QUANTITY UNIT 460E0030 Class A45 Concrete, Bridge Deck 347.6 CuYd NUMBER

460E0050 Class A45 Concrete, Bridge 275.2 CuYd 009E3310 Bridge Elevation Survey Lump Sum LS

460E0150 Concrete Approach Slab for Bridge 190.6 SQYd 110E0010 Remove Concrete Bridge Approach Slab 400.2 SQYd BID ITEM

ITEM QUANTITY UNIT 460E0160 Concrete Approach Sleeper Slab for Bridge 67.5 SaYd 120E0010 Unclassified Excavation 83 CuYd NUMBER

460E0500 Deck Drain, Girder Bridge 26 Each 410E2600 Membrane Sealant Expansion Joint 79.8 Ft 110E1690 Remove Sediment 4.5 CuYd

464E0100 Controlled Density Fill 10.6 CuYd 430E0200 Bridge End Embankment 130 CuYd 110E1693 Remove Erosion Control Wattle 1.750 Ft

480E0100 Reinforcing Steel 36.086 Lb 430E0300 Granular Bridge End Backfill 75.1 CuYd 110E1695 Remove Sediment Filter Bag 176 Ft

480E0200 Epoxy Coated Reinforcing Steel 2.622 Lb 430E0510 Approach Slab Underdrain Excavation 3.9 CuYd 110E1700 Remove Silt Fence 550 Ft

480E0300 Stainless Reinforcing Steel 79.033 Lb 430E0700 Precast Concrete Headwall for Drain 2 Each 230E0100 Remove and Replace Topsoil Lump Sum LS

510E0100 Extract Pile 12 Each 460E0070 Class A45 Concrete, Bridge Repair 2.3 CuYd 730E0212 Type G Permanent Seed Mixture 2,267 Lb

510E0300 Preboring Pile 180 Ft 460E0150 Concrete Approach Slab for Bridge 181.4 SQYd 731E0200 Fertilizing 65.40 Ton

HP 10x42 Steel Test Pile, Furnish and Drive 380 510E3361 Ft 460E0160 Concrete Approach Sleeper Slab for Bridge 64.2 SQYd 732E0100 Mulching 189.4 Ton

510E3365 HP 10x42 Steel Bearing Pile, Furnish and Drive 6.930 Ft 460E0300 Breakout Structural Concrete 2.3 CuYd 734E0044 Soil Stabilizer 10.0 Acre

680E0040 4" Underdrain Pipe 292 Ft 460E0380 Install Dowel in Concrete 24 Each 734E0103 Type 3 Erosion Control Blanket 475 SQYd

680E2500 Porous Backfill 34.6 Ton 480E5000 Galvanic Anode 106 Each 734E0154 12• Diameter Erosion Control Wattle 1,750 Ft

700E0210 Class B Riprap 791 .1 Ton 550E0010 Low Slump Dense Concrete Bridge Deck 37 CuYd 734E0165 Remove and Reset Erosion Control Wattle 437 Ft

700E1100 Overburden Excavation for Riprap 410 CuYd Over1av

734E0180 Sediment Filter Bag 176 Ft 550E0100 Concrete Removal Type 1A 498.2 SaYd 831E0110 Type B Drainage Fabric 953 SQYd

734E0325 Surface Roughening 5.0 Acre 550E0105 Concrete Removal Type 2A 124.6 SaYd

734E0510 Shaping for Erosion Control Blanket 275 Ft 550E0110 Concrete Removal Type 1 B 49.6 SaYd

734E0602 Low Flow Silt Fence 1.725 Ft 550E0120 Concrete Removal Type 1C 24 .9 SaYd

734E0604 High Flow Silt Fence 582 Ft 550E0130 Concrete Removal Type 1 D 24.9 SaYd

734E0610 Mucking Silt Fence 150 CuYd BID ITEM ITEM QUANTITY UNIT 550E0140 Concrete Removal Type B 20.0 Ft

NUMBER 550E0200 Class A45 Concrete Fill 10.0 CuYd 734E0620 Repair Silt Fence 550 Ft

734E0845 Sediment Control at Inlet with Frame and Grate 6 Each 420E0200 Structure Excavation, Box Culvert 10 CuYd 550E0500 Finishing and Curing 498.2 SaYd

734E5005 Dewatering Lumo Sum LS 421E0200 Box Culvert Undercut 37 CuYd 680E0040 4" Underdrain Pipe 254 Ft

900E1320 Construction Entrance 3 Each 460E0120 Class A45 Concrete, Box Culvert 18.5 CuYd 680E2500 Porous Backfill 38.2 Ton

460E0300 Breakout Structural Concrete 8.6 CuYd

460E0380 Install Dowel in Concrete 27 Each

480E0100 Reinforcing Steel 2.863 Lb

700E0210 Class B Riprap 32.1 Ton

831E0110 Type B Drainage Fabric 44 SQYd

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IM-FP 0908(95)362


A3 A7


Section E – Structures (Continued) Str. No. 44-219-126

Str. No. 44-230-126

Section F – Surfacing



BID ITEM ITEM QUANTITY UNIT 009E3310 Bridge Elevation Survey



NUMBER 110E0010 Remove Concrete Bridge Approach Slab 245.7 SaYd

009E3310 Bridge Elevation Survey Lump Sum LS 120E0010 Unclassified Excavation 83 CuYd

009E3320 Checker Lump Sum LS

009E5000 Concrete Penetrating Sealer 1,337.8 SqYd 410E2600 Membrane Sealant Expansion Joint 79.8 Ft

110E0300 Remove Concrete Curb and/or Gutter 50 Ft

250E0030 Incidental Work, Structure Lump Sum LS 430E0200 Bridge End Embankment 130 CuYd

110E0700 Remove 3 Cable Guardrail 4,640 Ft

410E0020 Structural Steel Lump Sum LS 430E0300 Granular Bridge End Backfill 75.1 CuYd

110E0730 Remove Beam Guardrail 3,175.0 Ft

410E2600 Membrane Sealant Expansion Joint 83.8 Ft 430E0510 Approach Slab Underdrain Excavation 3.9 CuYd

110E0740 Remove 3 Cable Guardrail Anchor Assembly 20 Each

420E0100 Structure Excavation, Bridge 1,448 CuYd 110E0745 Remove 3 Cable Guardrail Slip Base Anchor 8 Each 430E0700 Precast Concrete Headwall for Drain 2 Each

430E0200 Bridge End Embankment 1,096 CuYd Assemblv 460E0070 Class A45 Concrete, Bridge Repair 2.3 CuYd 110E6005 Remove High Tension 3 Cable Guardrail for 563 Ft

430E0300 Granular Bridge End Backfill 85.6 CuYd 460E0150 Reset Concrete Approach Slab for Bridge 181.4 SaYd

430E0510 Approach Slab Underdrain Excavation 2.9 CuYd 110E6015 Remove High Tension 3 Cable Guardrail Anchor 2 Each 460E0160 Concrete Approach Sleeper Slab for Bridge 64.2 SaYd

430E0700 Precast Concrete Headwall for Drain 4 Each Assemblv for Reset

460E0300 Breakout Structural Concrete 2.3 CuYd 110E6250 Remove Beam Guardrail Trailing End Terminal 3 Each 460E0030 Class A45 Concrete, Bridge Deck 409.6 CuYd

480E5000 Galvanic Anode 106 Each for Reset

460E0050 Class A45 Concrete, Bridge 310.8 CuYd 110E7000 Remove Crossover Closure for Reset 448 Ft 491E0005 Two Coat Bridge Deck Polymer Chip Seal 498.2 SaYd

460E0150 Concrete Approach Slab for Bridge 190.6 SqYd 110E7020 Remove Interim Crossover Closure for Reset 512 Ft 491E0110 Abrasive Blasting of Bridge Deck 498.2 SaYd

460E0160 Concrete Approach Sleeper Slab for Bridge 67.5 SqYd 110E7152 Remove Delineator for Reset 74 Each 491E0120 Bridge Deck Grinding 498.2 SaYd

460E0500 Deck Drain, Girder Bridge 11 Each 120E0100 Unclassified Excavation, Digouts 51 CuYd 491E0130 Concrete Removal, Class A 4.0 SaYd

464E0100 Controlled Density Fill 9.0 CuYd 120E6200 Water for Granular Material 3,221 .8 MGal 491E0140 Concrete Removal , Class B 4.0 SaYd

480E0100 Reinforcing Steel 40,162 Lb 120E9000 Pit Run 15,576.9 Ton 491E0172 Concrete Patching Material, Bridge Deck 49.6 CuFt

480E0200 Epoxy Coated Reinforcing Steel 2,695 Lb 210E2000 Shoulder Shaping 29.400 Mile 680E0040 4" Underdrain Pipe 254 Ft

480E0300 Stainless Reinforcing Steel 95,553 Lb 260E1010 Base Course 3,691 .4 Ton 680E2500 Porous Backfill 38.2 Ton

510E0100 Extract Pile 6 Each 260E1030 Base Course, Salvaged 82.435.9 Ton

510E0300 Preboring Pile 140 Ft 260E2030 Gravel Cushion, Salvaged 118,701 .8 Ton

510E3401 HP 12x53 Steel Test Pile, Furnish and Drive 300 Ft 260E6000 Granular Material, Furnish 59,508.7 Ton

510E3405 HP 12x53 Steel Bearing Pile, Furnish and Drive 3,980 Ft 270E0220 Blend and Stockpile Granular Material 119,017.4 Ton

680E0040 4" Underdrain Pipe 292 Ft 320E0005 PG 58-34 Asphalt Binder 704 .5 Ton

680E2500 Porous Backfill 38.8 Ton 320E1070 Class HR Asphalt Concrete 19,465.6 Ton

700E0210 Class B Riprap 1,092.0 Ton 320E1200 Asphalt Concrete Composite 9,576.0 Ton

700E1100 Overburden Excavation for Riprap 950 CuYd 320E5000 Saw and Seal Joint in Asphalt Concrete 146,348 Ft

831E0110 Type B Drainage Fabric 1,324 SqYd 320E7012 Grind 12" Rumble Strip or Stripe in Asphalt 14.2 Mile Concrete

330E0010 MC-70 Asphalt for Prime 155.9 Ton

330E0100 SS-1h or CSS-1h Asphalt for Tack 34 .6 Ton

330E0210 SS-1 h or CSS-1 h Asphalt for Flush Seal 27.3 Ton

330E2000 Sand for Flush Seal 36.0 Ton

332E0010 Cold Milling Asphalt Concrete 313.494 SaYd

380E0050 8" Nonreinforced PCC Pavement 2.818.1 SaYd

380E0070 9" Nonreinforced PCC Pavement 2.679.2 SaYd

380E0120 11 .5" Nonreinforced PCC Pavement 241.351 .8 SaYd

380E0540 1 o• Continuously Reinforced PCC Pavement 26.0 SaYd

380E0800 PCC Shoulder Pavement 5.787.9 SaYd

380E5030 Nonreinforced PCC Pavement Repair 215.1 SaYd

380E6000 Dowel Bar 122.352 Each

380E6110 Insert Steel Bar in PCC Pavement 453 Each

380E6302 Reseal PCC Pavement Joint - Hot Pour 11 .880 Ft

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IM-FP 0908(95)362


A4 A7


Section F – Surfacing (Continued)

Section L – Signal and Lighting

Section M – Pavement Marking

Section S – Permanent Signing




BID ITEM 380E6310 Seal Random Cracks in PCC Pavement 380 Ft 633E1200 High Build Waterborne Pavement Marking Paint, 648 Gal ITEM QUANTITY UNIT

NUMBER 380E6545 Grind 12" Rumble Strip or Stripe in PCC 13.5 Mile White

Pavement 633E1205 High Build Waterborne Pavement Marking Paint, 490 Gal 110E0100 Remove Concrete Footing(s) Lump Sum LS

390E0200 Repair Type A Spall 264.0 Saft Yellow 110E0130 Remove Traffic Sign 31 Each

633E9200 Mobile Retroreflectometer Measurements 15.000 Mile 410E2600 Membrane Sealant Expansion Joint 246.0 Ft 110E0135 Remove Delineator 625 Each

430E0700 Precast Concrete Headwall for Drain 292 Each 110E0140 Remove Extruded Panel Sign 13 Each

600E0300 Type Ill Field Laboratory 1 Each 110E7150 Remove Sign for Reset 44 Each

629E0100 3 Cable Guardrail 988 Ft 632E0010 1.25' Diameter Breakaway Support Concrete 8.0 Ft

629E0110 High Tension Cable Guardrail 2.790 Ft Footina 632E0012 1.5' Diameter Breakaway Support Concrete 74.0 Ft

629E0210 Reset High Tension 3 Cable Guardrail 563 Ft Footina

629E0290 High Tension Cable Guardrail Anchor Assembly 10 Each 632E0016 2' Diameter Breakaway Support Concrete 8.0 Ft

629E0295 Reset High Tension Cable Guardrail Anchor 2 Each FootinQ

Assembly 632E0054 1.75' Diameter Fixed Support Concrete Footing 8.0 Ft

629E0300 3 Cable Guardrail Slip Base Anchor Assembly 4 Each 632E0056 2' Diameter Fixed Support Concrete Footing 16.0 Ft

629E9010 Interim Crossover Closure 256 Ft 632E0058 2.25' Diameter Fixed Support Concrete Footing 10.0 Ft

629E9050 Reset Crossover Closure 448 Ft 632E1220 S5x10 Steel Post 59.6 Ft

629E9060 Reset Interim Crossover Closure 512 Ft 632E1225 W6x12 Steel Post 63.6 Ft

630E0110 Straight Double Class A Thrie Beam Guardrail 212.5 Ft 632E1230 W6x15 Steel Post 74.0 Ft with Wood Posts 632E1320 2.0"x2.0" Perforated Tube Post 57.2 Ft

630E0500 Type 1 MGS 4,150.0 Ft

630E1500 Type 1 Guardrail Transition 6 Each 632E1340 2.5"x2.5" Perforated Tube Post 395.4 Ft

632E2004 4"x8" Amber Delineator with 1.12 Lb/Ft Post 20 Each 630E1501 Type 1 Retrofit Guardrail Transition 16 Each

630E1510 Type 3 Guardrail Transition 2 Each 632E2008 4" Tubular Amber Delineator with 1.12 Lb/Ft Post 12 Each

632E2020 4"x4" White Delineator with 1.12 Lb/Ft Post 347 Each 630E2000 W Beam to Thrie Beam Guardrail Transition 3 Each

632E2024 4"x8" White Delineator with 1.12 Lb/Ft Post 224 Each 630E2001 Asymmetrical W Beam to Thrie Beam Guardrail 6 Each

Transition 632E2028 4" Tubular White Delineator with 1.12 Lb/Ft Post 15 Each

630E2017 MGS MASH Flared End Terminal 5 Each 632E2510 Type 2 Object Marker Back to Back 43 Each

630E2018 MGS MASH Tangent End Terminal 25 Each 632E3005 Aluminum Overlay Sign, Nonremovable Copy 88.0 Saft

630E2020 W Beam Guardrail Tangent End Terminal 3 Each SuoerNerv Hiah lntensitv 632E3115 Extruded Aluminum Sign, Nonremovable Copy 1,237.0 Saft

630E21 10 Beam Guardrail Post and Block 6 Each SuoerNerv Hiah Intensity

630E5210 Reset Beam Guardrail Trailing End Terminal 3 Each 632E3203 Flat Aluminum Sign, Nonremovable Copy High 375.5 SaFt

632E2100 Reset Delineator 74 Each lntensitv 632E3205 Flat Aluminum Sign, Nonremovable Copy 16.0 Saft

632E2220 Guardrail Delineator 199 Each SuoerNerv Hiah Intensity

632E2510 Type 2 Object Marker Back to Back 14 Each 632E3500 Reset Sign 44 Each

650E0080 Type B68 Concrete Curb and Gutter 50 Ft

680E0010 Edge Drain 146.271 Ft

680E0015 Edge Drain Outlet 292 Each

831E0210 Non-woven Separator Fabric 14,268 SaYd



635E3700 Roadway Luminaire, LED with Photoelectric Cell 7 Each

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IM-FP 0908(95)362


A5 A7


ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITMENTS The SDDOT is committed to protecting the environment and uses Section A Environmental Commitments as a communication tool for the Engineer and Contractor to ensure that attention is given to avoid, minimize, and/or mitigate an environmental impact. Environmental commitments to various agencies and the public have been made to secure approval of this project. An agency with permitting authority can delay a project if identified environmental impacts have not been adequately addressed. Unless otherwise designated, the Contractor’s primary contact regarding matters associated with these commitments will be the Project Engineer. These environmental commitments are not subject to change without prior written approval from the SDDOT Environmental Office. Additional guidance on SDDOT’s Environmental Commitments can be accessed through the Environmental Procedures Manual found at: For questions regarding change orders in the field that may have an effect on an Environmental Commitment, the Project Engineer will contact the Environmental Office at 605-773-3098 or 605-773-4336 to determine whether an environmental analysis and/or resource agency coordination is necessary. COMMITMENT A: WETLANDS All efforts to avoid and minimize wetland impacts from the project have resulted in approximately 1.097 acres of wetlands (includes temporary and permanent) becoming impacted. Table of Impacted Wetlands

Wetland No.


Perm. Impact

Left (Acres)

Perm. Impact Right


Temp. Impact

Left (Acres)

Temp. Impact Right


Total Impact (Acres)

2 473+00-485+00

0.000 0.000 0.000 0.030 0.030

3 537+00-547+00

0.000 0.081 0.000 0.177 0.258

4 555+50 0.009 0.013 0.010 0.020 0.052

5 575+00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.010 0.010

6 629+00-a23+00

0.000 0.032 0.000 0.092 0.124

7 a76+00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.003 0.003

8 a95+00-a99+50

0.000 0.004 0.000 0.000 0.004

11 a143+00-a144+50

0.000 0.000 0.000 0.007 0.007

12 a160+50-a164+50

0.000 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.020

13 a172+50-a176+00

0.000 0.065 0.000 0.025 0.090

14 a190+00-a194+00

0.000 0.000 0.000 0.009 0.009

15 a245+50-a249+50

0.000 0.019 0.000 0.000 0.019

16 a270+00-a294+00

0.000 0.000 0.000 0.084 0.084

17 a323+00-a325+50

0.000 0.009 0.000 0.000 0.009

18 a333+50-a335+50

0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001

19 a375+50-a379+50

0.037 0.000 0.044 0.033 0.114

20 a394+00-a396+00

0.000 0.000 0.000 0.040 0.040

22 a498+00-a500+00

0.000 0.000 0.000 0.004 0.004

23 a523+00-a524+00

0.000 0.000 0.000 0.169 0.169

26 a605+00 0.000 0.000 0.044 0.006 0.050

Action Taken/Required: Mitigation is required in accordance with the “Statewide Finding Regarding Wetlands for South Dakota Federal-Aid Highway Projects (February 2016)”. Replacement of 0.27 acres of permanent wetland impacts will be completed through another wetland mitigation opportunity in a manner which considers FHWA’s program-wide goal of ‘net gain’ of wetlands through enhancement, creation, and preservation. Temporary impacts identified in the Table of Impacted Wetlands will not be mitigated as original contours and elevations will be re-established. The Contractor will notify the Project Engineer if additional easement is needed to complete work adjacent to any wetland. The Project Engineer will obtain an appropriate course of action from the Environmental Office before proceeding with construction activities that affect any wetlands beyond the work limits and easements shown in the plans. COMMITMENT B: FEDERALLY THREATENED, ENDANGERED, AND PROTECTED SPECIES COMMITMENT B1: CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES FOR STREAMS INHABITED BY THE TOPEKA SHINER The SDDOT Environmental Office has identified the following as Topeka Shiner streams. Table of Topeka Shiner Streams

Station Stream Name Ordinary High Water Elevation

545+25.30 –


West Fork Vermillion River


554+60.84 Tributary to West Fork Vermillion River


a521+53.45 –


East Fork Vermillion River


Action Taken/Required: The Contractor will adhere to the “Special Provision for Construction Practices in Streams Inhabited by the Topeka Shiner”. Stream turbidity will be monitored during all stages of the project. Turbidity measurements are to be taken in conjunction with normal storm water inspections but can also be taken at the Project Engineer’s discretion during construction activities that may result in increased turbidity (e.g., placing riprap or installing a cofferdam). Prior to the pre-construction meeting the Contractor will produce and provide the SDDOT Environmental Office a comprehensive Construction Plan that includes all products, materials, and methods of installation and removal for temporary water barriers, cofferdams, and diversion channels including de-watering, handling, storage, and disposal of excavated material and pumped effluent throughout all phases of construction, including post-construction stabilization. Work will not proceed on any of the streams identified in the Table of Topeka Shiner Streams without approval of the Construction Plan by the SDDOT Environmental Office. Upon plan approval, the Construction Plan will be amended to the SWPPP. COMMITMENT B2: WHOOPING CRANE The Whooping Crane is a spring and fall migratory bird in South Dakota that is about 5 feet tall and typically stops on wetlands, rivers, and agricultural lands along their migration route. An adult Whooping Crane is white with a red crown and a long, dark, pointed bill. Immature Whooping Cranes are cinnamon brown. While in flight, their long necks are kept straight and their long dark legs trail behind. Adult Whooping Cranes' black wing tips are visible during flight. Action Taken/Required: Harassment or other measures to cause the Whooping Crane to leave the site is a violation of the Endangered Species Act. If a Whooping Crane is sighted roosting in the vicinity of the project, borrow pits, or staging areas associated with the project, cease construction activities in the affected area until the Whooping Crane departs and immediately contact the Project Engineer. The Project Engineer will contact the Environmental Office so that the sighting can be reported to USFWS. COMMITMENT C: WATER SOURCE The Contractor will not withdraw water with equipment previously used outside the State of South Dakota or previously used in aquatic invasive species waters within South Dakota without prior approval from the SDDOT Environmental Office. Thoroughly wash all construction equipment to prevent and control the introduction and spread of invasive species into the project vicinity. The Contractor will not withdraw water directly from streams of the James, Big Sioux, and Vermillion watersheds without prior approval from the SDDOT Environmental Office.

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IM-FP 0908(95)362


A6 A7


Action Taken/Required: The Contractor will obtain the necessary permits from the regulatory agencies such as the South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) prior to water extraction activities. Additional information and mapping of Aquatic Invasive Species in South Dakota can be accessed at: COMMITMENT D: WATER QUALITY STANDARDS COMMITMENT D1: SURFACE WATER QUALITY The West Fork and East Fork of the Vermillion River are classified as warm water, marginal fishery with a total suspended solids standard of less than 150 mg/L 30-day average, less than 263 mg/L daily maximum. Action Taken/Required: The Contractor is advised that the South Dakota Surface Water Quality Standards, administered by the South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), apply to this project. Special construction measures will be taken to ensure the above standard(s) of the surface waters are maintained and protected. COMMITMENT D2: SURFACE WATER DISCHARGE The DENR General Permit for Temporary Discharge is required for temporary dewatering and discharges to waters of the state. The effluent limit for total suspended solids will be 90 mg/L 30-day average. The effluent limit applies to discharges to all waters of the state except discharges to waters classified as cold water permanent fish life propagation waters according to the ARSD 74:51:01:45. For discharges to waters of the state classified as cold water permanent fish life propagation waters, the effluent limit for total suspended solids will be 53 mg/L daily maximum. The permittee has the option of completing effluent testing or implementing a pollution prevention plan for compliance with this permit. If the permittee develops a pollution prevention plan instead of total suspended solids sampling, the plan must be developed and implemented prior to discontinuing total suspended solids sampling. Refer to section 3.0 of the permit. If any pollutants are suspected of being discharged, a sample must be taken for those parameters listed in section 2.2 of the permit. Refer to Commitment D1: Surface Water Quality for stream classification. Action Taken/Required: If construction dewatering is required, the Contractor will obtain the General Permit for Temporary Discharge Activities from the DENR Surface Water Program, 605-773-3351.

The Contractor will provide a copy of the approved permit to the Project Engineer prior to proceeding with any dewatering activities. The approved permit must be kept on-site and as part of the project records. Effluent monitoring, as a result of dewatering activities, will be summarized for each month and recorded on a separate Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) and submitted to DENR monthly. Additional information can be found at COMMITMENT E: STORM WATER Construction activities constitute 1 acre or more of earth disturbance and/or work in a waterway. Action Taken/Required: The DENR General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activities is required for construction activity disturbing one or more acres of earth and work in a waterway. The SDDOT is the owner of this permit and will submit the NOI to DENR 15 days prior to project start in order to obtain coverage under the General Permit. Work can begin once the DENR letter of approval is received. The Contractor must adhere to the “Special Provision Regarding Storm Water Discharges to Waters of the State.” The Contractor will complete the DENR Contractor Certification Form prior to the pre-construction meeting. The form certifies under penalty of law that the Contractor understands and will comply with the terms and conditions of the permit for this project. Work may not begin on this project until this form is signed and submitted to DENR. The form can be found at: The Contractor is advised that permit coverage may also be required for off-site activities, such as borrow and staging areas, which are the responsibility of the Contractor. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan The Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) will be developed prior to the submittal of the NOI and will be implemented for all construction activities for compliance with the permit. The SWPPP must be kept on-site and updated as site conditions change. Erosion control measures and best management practices will be implemented in accordance with the SWPPP. The Storm Water, Erosion, and Sediment Control Inspection Report Form DOT 298, will be used for site inspections and to document changes to the SWPPP. A copy of the completed inspection form will be filed with the SWPPP documents and retained for a minimum of three years. The inspection will include disturbed areas of the construction site that have not been finally stabilized, areas used for storage materials, structural control measures, and locations where vehicles enter or exit the site. These areas will be inspected for evidence of, or the potential for, pollutants entering the drainage system. Erosion and sediment control measures identified in the SWPPP will be observed to ensure that they are operating correctly and sediment is not tracked off of the site.

Information on storm water permits and SWPPPs are available on the following websites: SDDOT: DENR: EPA: COMMITMENT G: DEWATERING AND SEDIMENT COLLECTION The purpose of a dewatering and sediment collection system is to collect turbid storm water on the project, treat it with flocculants as needed, and capture the sediment that falls out of suspension before the water is discharged into “Waters of the US” or “Waters of the State”. Refer to Commitment D1: Surface Water Quality for stream classification.

Action Taken/Required: The Contractor will meet the terms of the Temporary Discharge Permit and the Storm Water Permit for Construction Activities. The Contractor will create a Pollution Prevention Plan (PPP) for dewatering and sediment collection if the Contractor chooses to discharge the water into “Waters of the US” or “Waters of the State”. Refer to the detail sheet OPTIONS FOR DEWATERING AND SEDIMENT COLLECTION in the plans. The PPP must be kept on-site and updated as site conditions change. COMMITMENT H: WASTE DISPOSAL SITE The Contractor will furnish a site(s) for the disposal of construction and/or demolition debris generated by this project. Action Taken/Required: Construction and/or demolition debris may not be disposed of within the Public ROW. The waste disposal site(s) will be managed and reclaimed in accordance with the following from the General Permit for Construction/Demolition Debris Disposal Under the South Dakota Waste Management Program issued by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. The waste disposal site(s) will not be located in a wetland, within 200 feet of surface water, or in an area that adversely affects wildlife, recreation, aesthetic value of an area, or any threatened or endangered species, as approved by the Environmental Office and the Project Engineer. If the waste disposal site(s) is located such that it is within view of any ROW, the following additional requirements will apply: 1. Construction and/or demolition debris consisting of concrete, asphalt concrete, or other similar materials will be buried in a trench completely separate from wood debris. The final cover over the construction and/or demolition debris will consist of a minimum of 1 foot of soil capable of supporting vegetation. Waste disposal sites provided outside of the Public

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COMMITMENT H: WASTE DISPOSAL SITE Continued: ROW will be seeded in accordance with Natural Resources Conservation Service recommendations. The seeding recommendations may be obtained through the appropriate County NRCS Office. The Contractor will control the access to waste disposal sites not within the Public ROW with fences, gates, and placement of a sign or signs at the entrance to the site stating “No Dumping Allowed”. 2. Concrete and asphalt concrete debris may be stockpiled within view of the ROW for a period of time not to exceed the duration of the project. Prior to project completion, the waste shall be removed from view of the ROW or buried and the waste disposal site reclaimed as noted above. The above requirements will not apply to waste disposal sites that are covered by an individual solid waste permit as specified in SDCL 34A-6-58, SDCL 34A-6-1.13, and ARSD 74:27:10:06. Failure to comply with the requirements stated above may result in civil penalties in accordance with South Dakota Solid Waste Law, SDCL 34A-6-1.31. All costs associated with furnishing waste disposal site(s), disposing of waste, maintaining control of access (fence, gates, and signs), and reclamation of the waste disposal site(s) will be incidental to the various contract items. COMMITMENT I: HISTORICAL PRESERVATION OFFICE CLEARANCES The SDDOT has obtained concurrence with the State Historical Preservation Office (SHPO or THPO) for all work included within the project limits and all department designated sources and designated option material sources, stockpile sites, storage areas, and waste sites provided within the plans. Action Taken/Required: All earth disturbing activities not designated within the plans require a cultural resource review prior to scheduling the pre-construction meeting. This work includes, but is not limited to: Contractor furnished material sources, material processing sites, stockpile sites, storage areas, plant sites, and waste areas. The Contractor will arrange and pay for a record search and when necessary, a cultural resource survey. The Contractor has the option to contact the state Archaeological Research Center (ARC) at 605-394-1936 or another qualified archaeologist, to obtain either a records search or a cultural resources survey. A record search might be sufficient for review if the site was previously surveyed; however, a cultural resources survey may need to be conducted by a qualified archaeologist. The Contractor will provide ARC with the following: a topographical map or aerial view of which the site is clearly outlined, site dimensions, project number, and PCN. If applicable, provide evidence that the site has been previously disturbed by farming, mining, or construction activities with a landowner statement that artifacts have not been found on the site.

The Contractor will submit the cultural resources survey report to SDDOT Environmental Office, 700 East Broadway Avenue, Pierre, SD 57501-2586. SDDOT will submit the information to the appropriate SHPO/THPO. Allow 30 Days from the date this information is submitted to the Environmental Engineer for SHPO/THPO review. In the event of an inadvertent discovery of human remains, funerary objects, or if evidence of cultural resources is identified during project construction activities, then such activities will immediately cease and the Project Engineer will be immediately notified. The Project Engineer will contact the SDDOT Environmental Office to determine an appropriate course of action. SHPO/THPO review does not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for obtaining any additional permits and clearances for Contractor furnished material sources, material processing sites, stockpile sites, storage areas, plant sites, and waste areas that affect wetlands, threatened and endangered species, or waterways. The Contractor will not utilize a site known or suspected of having contaminated soil or water. The Contractor will provide the required permits and clearances to the Project Engineer at the preconstruction meeting. COMMITMENT N: SECTION 404 PERMIT The SDDOT has obtained a Section 404 Permit from the USACE for the permanent actions associated with this project. Action Taken/Required: The Contractor will comply with all requirements contained in the Section 404 Permit. The Contractor will also be responsible for obtaining a Section 404 Permit for any dredge, excavation, or fill activities associated with material sources, storage areas, waste sites, and Contractor work sites outside the plan work limits that affect wetlands, floodplains, or waters of the United States.

Revised 08/06/2020 - LLH

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