Page 1: 25 Junie / June 2015 Jr/Yr No. 24

THE grass is dry and conditions for fire are ideal at this time of year. The Working on Fire team has yet again warned farmers, land owners etc. to be on the lookout for the starting of fires. Road users are also urged to call the authorities if they see a fire out of control or starting. This could lead to a great scale of devastation for the fauna and flora of the area. The damage will take years to repair the

ecosystems. Not to mention the financial implications and sometimes fatalities in the fight against veld fires. For more information on the FPA (Fire Protection Association) call 011 397 1618 / 9. For this area contact Pafpa (Platorand Fire Protection Association or visit their website PAFPA is more specifically for the landowners in the

Dullstroom, Lydenburg, Belfast, Wonderfontein or Machadodorp areas. This is the site for you to learn about your responsibilities and duties in terms of the Veld and Forest Fire Act and how you can benefit from membership of this Association.

~ Michelle Boshoff

taken in the Mosterthoek area outside Lydenburg

Page 2: 25 Junie / June 2015 Jr/Yr No. 24

Development of two open pits to mine the near surface resource

Tel: 013 235 3855 Cell: 071 316 [email protected] Medical Centre - Lydenburg

Spraakprobleme • Gehoortoetse • GehoorapparateSpeech Problems • Hearing Tests • Hearing Aids

Langestr. 25, LydenburgLangestr. 25, Lydenburg

Environmental Authorisation for the proposed Der Brochen Environmental Management Programme Alignment and Amendment Environmental Authorisation p ro c e s s , G re a t e r Tu b a t s e L o c a l Municipality, Limpopo Province: LEDET Authorisation Number: 12/1/9/2/GS37 We would like to notify a positive Environmental Authorisation (EA) for the above project has been issued to Anglo American Platinum Limited – Rustenburg Platinum Mines by the Limpopo Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (LEDET). The authorisation was issued on 10 June 2015 and notification received on 12 June 2015 for: The development of two open pits to mine the near surface resource; Various components of infrastructure including offices and ore stockpiles; The Co-disposal Tailings Storage Facility (TSF) and the Mareesburg TSF, return water dam and associated infrastructure; and Re-routing of an existing 132kV power line around the proposed open pit areas. This authorisation was granted in terms of Chapter 5 of the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA) (Act 107 of 1998) and the EIA Regulations of June 2010. A copy of the environmental authorisation which includes the reasons and conditions of the authorisation is also attached for your

convenience. The full EA is also available on the SRK website and copies are available upon request from the SRK Consulting office, as follows: Elna de Beer/Charissa Tomlin SRK Consulting, P O Box 55291, Northlands, 2116. Tel: (011) 441 1111 E m a i l : e d e b e e r @ s r k . c o . z a o r [email protected] An appeal against the Department's decision may be lodged in accordance with the procedure described in Chapter 7 of the

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulations, 2010. If you wish to lodge an appeal, your intention to do so must be submitted within 20 calendar days of this notice being published using the reference quoted above, and needs to be delivered to “The Member of the Executive Council, for Limpopo Economic Development , Environment and Tourism” by: Post to Private Bag X9484, Polokwane,0700; Hand to LEDET Office, Corner Suid and Dorp Streets, Polokwane, 0699; or Fax to (015) 295 5015 Telephonically at (015) 290 7164.

Page 3: 25 Junie / June 2015 Jr/Yr No. 24

TIELMAN NIEUWOUDTCell: 083 227 4625




DRUNK driving and speeding remain a challenge on our roads- MEC ShongweCommunity Safety, Security and Liaison MEC Vusi Shongwe has raised concerns over the increasing number of motorists caught speeding and driving under the influence of alcohol.“This is an indication that there is still a challenge on our roads; motorists continue to neglect t r a f f i c r u l e s t h e r e f o r e endangering innocent lives,” said Shongwe.In the month of May only, 23 motorists were arrested for drunk driving while eleven were arrested for excessive speeding d u r i n g l a w e n f o r c e m e n t operations by traffic officers in the province. According to the MEC, drunk dr iv ing and speeding are amongst the highest contributors to road crashes in the province.

“The only way to deal with this scourge that continues to take away the lives of innocent people is to impose stricter sentences on law breakers. Traffic officers must not turn a blind eye when lawlessness occurs. We will also ensure that traffic officers who take br ibes are dealt with and disciplined accordingly,” said Shongwe.93 other motorists were also arrested for among others, overloading, driving with false documentation. 73 of these motorists were those who owed traffic fines.Shongwe further encouraged motorists to pay their fines adding that government will take serious steps against those who fail to pay. In the same operations, 21 025 fines were issued to motorists for different traffic violations while 1037 vehicles were impounded and 929 discontinued.

Business Chambersalways on the moveAs part of the AHi's value proposition to the business sector, ABCONN (Africa Business Connect) has been developed. ABCONN is an interactive electronic platform designed to help you grow your business, provide services to business chambers, and to innovatively and profess iona l ly address fac tors undermining economic growth in your local and national environment. ABCONN will also enable the AHi to expand its capacity and to finance a wide range of services to business chambers. Some of the new services offered by the AHi this year are as follows: Making available an expert to assist business chambers with municipal matters;entrepreneurial development;networking and CCMA support; andtackling the challenges posed by load shedding, water supply, confusing policy statements and poor economic growth with the help of the media and BUSA, and in collaboration with international interest groups. In this way the AHi helps business chambers grow and maintain their relevance as leaders in the field of local economic development. By pooling our strength and creating a sustainable stream of income we are able to move mountains.Very important:You are also reminded that project ABCONN has been in a testing phase since April and was publicly launched on 11 June, during the AHi's quarterly network function. AHi members have since April been informed by e-mail of the advantages of this electronic business platform as a means of growing their businesses in both local and overseas markets. There are still some business chambers

who have not yet submitted their databases to upload their business chamber members free of charge. Advantages to business chamber members:Exposure through interactive Business GuideDirect linking to Business in Africa Access to Business Opportunities and Tenders,Members who have already registered on the system and are currently exploring possibilities to introduce their products and make use of opportunities are noted with thanks, and are also requested to spread the message in their business circles. Members who have either not responded to the e-mail or have maybe not recognized the name ABCONN, should please note that the ABCONN team will soon be launching a further action to introduce this business opportunity to you. It is in your interest and in the interest of your Business Chamber that we get ABCONN successfully off the ground. For more information, please contact Leandre du Plessis at tel. 012 303 0146 or e-mail [email protected]

• To join and receive more information about the Lydenburg Mashishing Business Chamber call Ingrid De Wet at 082 634 6473 or [email protected]

Lekker basaar in OhrigstadGaan kuier hierdie naweek saam met die Ohrigstad NG Gemeente vir hul jaarlikse basaar. Dit vind by die Oase Winkelsentrum plaas vanaf 09:00, soos mens by Ohrigstad inry vanaf Lydenburg. Skakel 013 238 0044 of 082 575 0282.

Klerksdorp Hoërskool – 1965

Matrieks 50jarige Reünie

Saterdag, 17 Oktober 2015

Skakel Bets 084 257 9481

Be Seen!

Page 4: 25 Junie / June 2015 Jr/Yr No. 24

vir Gemeenskapsjoernalisteof Community Journalists



Highlands Panorama

News holds

accredited membership

of the following bodies /

Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkredi-teerde lid van die

volgende organisa-


Printed by Lowveld Media,

12 StinkhoutCrescent,Nelspruit

Copyright exists on all materialpublished in the

Highlands Panorama. Written permissionmust be obtained touse it in any form.Kopiereg bestaan

op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama.Skriftelike toestemmingmoet vir enige gebruikdaarvan bekom word.

Owners/Eienaars: Highlands

Panorama cc/bk. (CK 2006 / 199045/23)

Office/Kantoor:65 Viljoen-Str/str 65

(C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Str’s/str’e);

PO Box/Posbus 4418,



Member of

Director / Direkteur: Andre Coetzee -

083 626 6305Editor / Redakteur:Michelle Boshoff -

Nuus: 082 450 4876Advertensies / Advertising:

Reinet Bell082 450 4875

Rekeninge / Accounts:Jill Du Preez - 013 235 2287

Grafies / Graphics:Joseph Wyngaard -

013 235 2287Website / Webtuiste:

Tienie SteynEmail: info@


I am using English today, as we seem to have a lot of people who do not understand Afrikaans. We have a very serious road safety issue in and around Lydenburg. Recent accidents on the Ohrigstad road, the Burgersfort road and daily fender benders in town, prove this statement. Do we, for a moment consider the pain of families losing one due to a road accident, usually caused by negligent driving? Do we understand that more and more people are not insured due to the poor economy and that damage to their cars constitute a major setback financially? Obviously not,

because we simply are not considerate motorists.In any conversation people will agree that the taxi drivers are mostly reckless and that many other drivers are not qualified to drive, even though they have a fraudulent or bought license. But observe more closely. Have you seen the way some wealthy housewives drive their SUV’s?There truly is no consideration for other road users. Road rage is commonplace. I have done a study. If I drive slowly and carefully, allowing everyone who reaches a stop street, to cross before me, I lose exactly one minute on the trip from work to home. There really is no need to hurry. I honestly think the only way to solve this is for traffic officers to change their own

habits. Rather than using four or more officers to man one speed trap or road block, just drive around town and focus on certain areas. The number of moving violations is staggering. Concentrate on the intersection from the schools into Voortrekker, before the subway, the four way stop at the Panorama offices in Viljoen and the four way stop at the Jansen / Lydenburg street intersection, especially at five in the afternoon. Fine the buggers who skip stop streets or go straight in the right hand lane at the Voortrekker intersection heavily. The robot down at the courthouse is another example where such violations occur every five minutes. Change your working hours by taking a siesta during quiet times but be at these intersections until half past five in the afternoons. It is also much worse in the afternoons than in the morning. Please guys, help us curb the carnage on our roads and to our drivers, please be a bit more patient and a bit more careful. Your life really depends on it.

John 14:27: Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you

as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.Our Father be with those that are afraid and grant them peace of mind - Amen.

Die muise is terug. Terug met hul girts-garts, twiet-piep en skarrel-warrel-bewegings.Weereens het ek nie die 'welkom'-mat by my voordeur oopgegooi nie. Die veldbrande en koue laat hulle elke jaar nessoek in 'n warm gat, en irriterend-genoeg is dit in ons huis. Hierdie is 'n regte 'storie!!!' so sit rustig terug en lees…Maandagoggend 01:00 ly ek weer aan 'insomnia'. Soos gewoonlik met slaaploosheid werk jou kop oortyd en bly jou gedagtes so aan die gang dat jy sal wakker lê tot dagbreek. Jy hoor ook elke geringe-geritsel in en buite die huis. Die girts-garts-geluide wat van die kombuis se rigting stroom klink bekend. Ditsem!Dit is toe ook nie anders nie. Ek verlaat my snoesige bed en gaan gooi gifkorrels in 'n bakplaat. Ek hou genoeg korrels in voorraad. Drink toe ook 'n slaappil, want ek is moeg gedink.Vyf ure later strompel ek deur die newels van die pil na die kombuis. Die bakplaat is skoon geëet en my vermoede is bevestig. Heel in my noppies beweeg ek na my badkamer. En die bewyse stroom reeds in. Muisdrolle orals op die badkamervloer. 'n Beweging vang my oog. Muise het sowaar in my handdoekrak gemaklik geraak. Met die handdoekrak in die een hand is ek die tuin in. Gooi dit summier alles op die nat gras en Muis skarrel weg in 'n bedding. Of die gifkorrels sy werk gedoen het óf nie sal ek nou nie weet nie. Net bly ek is ontslae.Jare gelede, die eerste winter in my nuwe woonstel in Witbank, het twee muise een na die ander hulself kom tuismaak. Na ek die veelbesproke pienk gifkorrels gekoop het, het hulle verdwyn. Kom ons sê net hulle het die tydige met die ewige verwissel. Twee jaar later het ek summier 'n muisvalletjie gaan koop. My moed het my begewe om die ding te stel. En ek erken: eintlik oordat ek te lamarm-bang is om 'n pap dooie muis daaruit te haal. Die valletjie het op die ou einde gedien as houer vir die gifkorrels. Verlede winter het ek die muisinval vrygespring. Ek het gedink in Lydenburg het hulle genoeg ander kos as om ons te pla. Daaroor is ek regtig verlig. Want sommige mense sal veldmuise of skeerbekkies as troeteldiertjies aanhou en regtig lief word vir die goed. Dit is ook nie lekker om 'n muis met groot ronde ore wat stokstyf van die gif op my kombuisvloer gevrek het - onder my hande - te moet optel nie. Ek raak nou 'n kenner op die muisgebied. Met my eerste aanslag was ek gewapen met 'n besemstok en 'n vlieëplak. Het gereken ek kan hom net disnis slaan en dan buite gooi. Ek het ook al koekiebokse as lokval gebruik, sonder sukses. Die internet het gesê 'n bangheid vir muise noem jy Musophobia of Muriphobia. Dis wat ek het.

Let wel - ek openbaar die grootste respek en liefde vir alle lewende dinge. Hou net muise van my af weg.Die kersie op die koek: Ek kan my kop op 'n blok sit dat ek toe Maandagaand weer die girts-garts gehoor het..Miskien word hierdie 'n vervolgverhaal.

Angry resident writesWhen your municipal account is in credit but the accounts department still collects “arrears” money from the prepaid power purchases and it’s the second time you’ve been there to rectify the matter - the personnel of Thaba Chweu will only laugh at you and tell you to come back again because their system has a fault on it. When trying to take photo’s of the laughing persons (because they wouldn’t give their names to me), they tried to grab my phone from me and threatened to smash it. How many times do you have to go back? Why not take the details and let me know when it’s been corrected? Is this service?This problem should have been handed over to the acting Municipal Manager on 17 June to contact me, but to date, nobody has responded.

It is not alaughing matter

EVENTS CALENDAR for Escarpment Bird Club. 27 June 2015Birding the Ohrigstad Dam Nature Reserve Bushveld, Forest and Winter Birding on Ohrigstad Dam NR. Morning birding Trip – Meet at the entrance gate at 07:00.Birding morning, followed by a club braai or picnic lunch.

Depart for home a r o u n d 1 3 : 0 0 . D I R E C T I O N S : Fo l l ow R36 to Pilgrims Rest turn-off 30 kms from Lydenburg. Turn right after 10 kms to entrance gate.B u s h v e l d a n d winter migrants

from highlands:Southern Bald Ibis, African Cuckoo –Hawk, Vereaux's Eagle, Rufous-breasted Sparrowhawk, Red-winged Francolin, Barrow's Korhaan, Denham's Bustard, African Finfoot, Half-collared Kingfisher, Buff-streaked Chat, White –stared Robin, Dark-capped Yellow Warbler, Blue-mant led Crested Flycatcher, Crimson-breasted Shrike, Southern Tchagra, Gurney's Sugarbird, Golden Weaver, Cut-throat Finch, Red-backed Mannikin, and Forest Canary.10 till 12 July 2015Leader: Von Wielligh Mariepskop- Swadini-Lowveld Winter Birding OutingA different bushveld and lowveld birding experience with a prominent local guide.Arrive Friday at Aventura Swadini Lodge.Leave for home Sunday. More details to follow.For more information phone George Skinner at 082 600 5962

Page 5: 25 Junie / June 2015 Jr/Yr No. 24

Open from 07:00.

Call us on

Wednesdays open till 22:00







hen one does something bad, negative energy is created. But when one does good, positive W

energy is created. The world is awash in conflict; malice and misery. The sole aim of this project is to remind people that every single person has the ability and ultimately, the responsibility to make the world a better place through positive actions - basically, through goodness and kindness. We have embarked on an ARK campaign (ARK – Acts of Random Kindness). The mission statement of this campaign is Change Our

World for Good. The goal is to distribute charity boxes in the shape of an ARK. The label on each charity box reads: "Change Our World for Good" When full give me to someone less fortunate. Our organization will not take the charity boxes back as this is not a fundraiser. We simply want to encourage people of all ages to increase in acts of goodness and kindness. Post your ARK on Facebook or Twitter using#COWFG. Share your stories, post your pictures, get involved. Be part of the kindness movement.

Jeanette Kruger-Hibbins (far right, first row) handing out ARK’s at Babbelkousies Nursery School in Lydenburg. Read the article to learn more about the project.

Page 6: 25 Junie / June 2015 Jr/Yr No. 24

Maak ’n lekkerbredie of potjieom die brood

saam te geniet

Suurdeeg brood resep

Suurdeeg plantjie500g wit broodmeel500g water

Meng die bestandele goed en gooi dan in ‘n glashouer. Los vir 6 ure om te fermenteer. Na 6 ure voer die plantjie weer met gelyke hoeveelhede water en meel. Voer weer ‘n uur voor dat jy gaan bak.

BroodPlus minus 375g water omtrent 20 grade celcius 120g Suurdeeg500g wit broodmeel10g Seesout

Meng die water en suurdeeg saam in ‘n bak. Meet dan die meel en sout saam in ‘n ander bak en meng goed. Gooi dan die meelmengsel by die watermengsel en meng goed totdat ‘n nat deeg gevorm is.Bedek die bak en los om te fermenteer by kamer temperatuur vir 6 ure.Gooi meel op gladde werkstafel. Haal deeg versigtig uit, strek die deeg uit en vou dit oor mekaar.Los om te rys vir 1 uur en onthou om te bedek.Vehit oond tot 230 grade.Plaas in yster pot, verkieslik een wat hitte kan behou in die oond.Wanneer die pot warm is, so na 30min gooi die deeg in die bak.Plaas die deksel op die pot en bak vir 30 min met die deksel op en ‘n verdere 15min sonder die deksel.Gooi die deeg uit en laat die brood afkoel vir ten minste 1 uur. Resep gestuur deur Andre van Cafe Crust en die suurdeeg plantjie is by hom bekombaar of skakel 013 235 3344

Rhino poachers in court man appeared in the Skukuza Magistrate's Court on Wednesday for rhino poaching related crimes, Mpumalanga police said. A

Brigadier Vishnu Naidoo said two suspects were arrested after members of the SA Police Service and SANParks rangers arrested them in two separate incidents. “Carlos Mathebula, 34, appeared at the Skukuza Magistrate's Court on Wednesday 10 June 2015 and Margaret Mthetwa, 41, appeared at the Pienaar Magistrates' Court on Friday, 19 June 2015,” Naidoo said. “Mathebula, a Mozambican national, was charged with possession of an illegal firearm, possession of illegal ammunition, and trespassing after a 458 hunting rifle with the serial number filed off and two 458 live rounds were found in his possession during his arrest.”

SANParks rangers spotted Mathebula in the Kruger National Park, he allegedly pointed the rifle at them in an attempt to escape, then he was subsequently shot at and injured. Naidoo said Mathebula's case was heard in absentia at the Skukuza Magistrates' Court on Wednesday June 3, but because of the injuries he sustained during the pursuit and subsequent shooting. The case was remanded. Mthethwa was arrested in Zwelisha, Pienaar, where she was charged with possession of ammunition, possession of rhino poaching equipment and possession of cash not accounted for. Naidoo said during her arrest, SAPS members found five 375 rounds, an axe with blood stains, a pocket scale and a large sum of money unaccounted for.

Page 7: 25 Junie / June 2015 Jr/Yr No. 24

Thea en Fanus Potgieter en drs. Philippa en David Huchzermeyer het die interessante Bordeaux wynaand by Crust bygewoon. Lydenburg se wyngilde het ook

deelgeneem aan Blaauwklippen se jaarlikse versnitkompetisie.

YNGILDE se onlangse wynaand by Cafe Crust was ’n klinkende sukses.W

Dave Hyslop het 'n interessante aanbieding oor Bordeaux-wyne voorberei en gildelede op 'n begeleide toer deur dié gewilde

wynstyl geneem.Wynliefhebbers wat by die maandelikse wynkuiers wil aansluit, kan met Ingrid De Wet skakel by 082 634 6473 of [email protected]. Die volgende wynaand is op Donderdag 16 Julie. Hierdie pragtige foto geneem deur Andries Minnaar, naby Beverley Hills, Mashishing.

104 Viljoen StreetVersekeringsforum

BuildingLydenburg 1120

082 856 2996

Page 8: 25 Junie / June 2015 Jr/Yr No. 24


(Motoring)[email protected]

083 626 6305

This prime advertisingspace is available.

Contact Reinet Bell on082 450 4875 for a

special deal that willhelp you grow your


F RDE GR A UN E -CARA D8 Breytenbach Street, Lydenburg013 235 [email protected]

A revised version of the Ford Ranger-based Mazda BT-50 pick-up has been spied undisguised in Thailand.And what an improvement… at least from a styling point of view. There are no details about what exactly the mid-life nip ‘n tuck entails, but from this image you can see a new grille and restyled headlights. It also appears to have a new bonnet with revised mirrors with integrated indicators.

FOLLOWING several spy pictures and the unveiling of the Renault Duster Oroch double-cab last year, Renault has now released these teaser images of its upcoming double-cab bakkie. Based on the Renault Duster, this double-cab bakkie will be unveiled at the Buenos Aires motor show later this month.As the unveiling is taking place in South America, it is clear that Renault is aiming this bakkie at buyers on the continent. However, we won’t be surprised if Renault also release the bakkie on the South African market.It seems this won’t be the only bakkie Renault will build though. Apart from Renault’s sister company Nissan, who will develop a platform for the upcoming Mercedes-Benz bakkie, Renault will also develop its own full-size version.Needless to day, it seems the bakkie market, entry-level and premium, is set up for a change in the coming

Given that it is based on the Ford Ranger, under that new bonnet we’ll likely see an improved version of Ford’s 3.2-litre Duratorq TDCi five-cylinder diesel that develops 147 kW and 470 Nm of torque.There’s no official word yet from Mazda South Africa on when it will arrive here, but our money is on Q2 in

THE Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV is a good-looking vehicle. It’s striking, bold, purposeful in stance and, importantly, perhaps an indication that Mitsubishi might want to return to the Dakar in 2016.The 2002 and 2003 Dakar winner, Hiroshi Masuoka, is set to take part in the Baja Portalegre 500 rally at the wheel of the Outlander PHEV later this year.Based on the production Outlander, the PHEV comes with various modifications to make it more adaptable to the conditions off-roading can throw at it. The vehicle is set to deliver more power and the systems governing the electronics have been upgraded as well. No power figures have been released, however.

Featuring a roll cage and the necessary safety equipment, the PHEV will feature higher ground clearance, longer suspension and large diameter rally tires to aid the vehicle’s performance during the gruelling Baja Portalegre 500. Mitsubishi says that the information gathered can be used on their road cars.The Baja Portalegre 500 is attended by rally racers and fans the world over and is seen as one of the proving grounds for the demanding Dakar Rally.So, is Mitsubishi planning on entering the Dakar Rally in 2016? We’ll have that answer come

2008 Opel Corsa 1.8 Sport bakkieFull houseCaska media / DVD / Bluetooth rearview camera / USBOne of a kind genuine red leather seatsElectric windows with auto close MagsTonneau CoverTow BarCorsa Bullbarand moreLow kilometers

Phone 083 626 6305

Page 9: 25 Junie / June 2015 Jr/Yr No. 24

FORD has announced it will return to the 24 Hour of Le Mans in 2016 with the all-new Ford GT supercar. The Blue Oval will compete in LM GTE Pro class, commemorating the 50th anniversary of Ford’s 1966 overall victory.Revealed at the famous race circuit in Le Mans, France, the Ford GT race car will be based on the all-new Ford GT supercar unveiled in January. Both the production car and race car will arrive in 2016 to mark the 50th anniversary of Ford GT race cars placing 1-2-3 at the 1966 24 Hours of Le Mans. Ford went on to repeat its victory at Le Mans in 1967, 1968 and 1969.Better still, the new Ford GT race car will run the full 2016 schedules of the FIA World Endurance Championship and TUDOR United SportsCar Championship, making its competition debut in January 2016 in the Rolex 24 At Daytona, Florida. The two Ford teams will be operated by Chip Ganassi Racing with Felix Sabates (CGRFS). Both series teams intend to compete with a four-car effort at Le Mans. Drivers will be announced later.The Ford GT race car features a number of innovations Ford believes will not only make it competitive in LM GTE Pro, but ultimately positioned to provide benefits to each vehicle in the Ford lineup. These include state-of-the-art aerodynamics to deliver outstanding levels of downforce for improved stability with minimal drag, advanced lightweight composites featuring carbon fiber for an exceptionally rigid but light chassis, and the power and efficiency of EcoBoost technology.The Ford’s 3.5-litre EcoBoost V6 engine debuted in the TUDOR United SportsCar Championship in 2014. Since then, Ford, with CGRFS, has captured significant overall wins at the 12 Hours of Sebring and Rolex 24 At Daytona. Besides great success in sports cars, Ganassi race teams achieved major victories in the Daytona 500, Brickyard 400 and Indianapolis 500.‘We’ve won races and championships, but we’ve never run Le Mans,’ said team owner Chip Ganassi. ‘When presented the opportunity to compete with the all-new Ford GT on the world’s biggest sports car stage, and on the 50th anniversary of one of the most storied victories in racing history, how could any race team not want to be part of that? Will it be a challenge? Absolutely, but we couldn’t be with a better partner than Ford.’ The Le Mans of course took place last weekend for those of you that were fortunate enough to watch it. Audi’s long reign was upset by Porsche who took

the first two places in LMP1, followed by an Audi. LMP 2 was won by an Oreca Nissan, followed by a Jota Nissan and Ligier Nissan. GTE Pro was won by Chevrolet Corvette and GTE Am by Ferrari. 56 Cars raced and 260 000 people attended the event.

A bone-stock Audi A6 2.0 TDI Ultra has set an official Guinness World Record by travelling through 14 European countries on one tank of diesel.The A6 in question is one we don’t get in SA – the 2.0 TDI ultra with 141kW is built to be the most efficient of its type – and it travelled 1865km, passing through the Netherlands, Hungary, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Switzerland, Lichtenstein, Austria, Germany, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Serbia, before needing to stop for fuel.The journey took 28 hours, averaging 80kph over the entire trip while sipping a mere 3.7l/100km. The head of Audi’s UK public relations, Jon Zammett, said, ‘By covering so far on a single fill-up, we have proven the real-world economy can be achieved by the latest engine technology.’

Page 10: 25 Junie / June 2015 Jr/Yr No. 24

‘LONG live Carroll Shelby.’ This seems to be the sentiment of Shelby America, the company founded by the deceased American racing legend. And what they’ve done to honour him is take the base 2015 Ford Mustang GT and screw a colossal 560kW out of its V8 (309kW/562Nm at stock) to create the 2015 Super Snake, probably the most extreme Mustang yet.While the GT350/GT350R comes from Ford Performance with a beastly flat-plain-crank V8, what Shelby America does is rather inevitable. Can you guess? Yes, that’s correct. The lads fit a great big supercharger onto the base car’s V8 and voila… massive, Shelby-certified power. Called the 750+ pack, the upgrade features either a Whipple or Kenne Bell supercharger, with upgraded cooling for the engine, differential and transmission. Of course it’s w h a t C a r r o l l would’ve done.B e s i d e t h e i n c r e a s e i n power, there are a few extra bits added besides. Like the super a g g r e s s i v e Shelby body kit with carbonfibre bits, Ford

p e r f o r m a n c e handling pack, FordP e r f o r m a n c e exhaus t w i th c u s t o m t i p s , s h o r t - t h r o w shifter for the manual gearbox, big six-piston brakes upfront, one-piece Super Snake 20-inch

forged alloys wheels and all for the equivalent of around R650 000 on top of the base car’s asking price.For those who want even more, Shelby America can offer you a roll cage with 5-point harness and race seats. Considering the 560kW, we might consider ticking that option. Get your order in the post ASAP because only 300 of these beauties will leave the

Cnr. Voortrekker & Viljoen Streets • [email protected] | 013 235 2371

Tel: 013 235 0144Eddie: 072 868 8314

Next to PG Glass, Lydenburg


MANY car owners, for a variety of reasons, also own motorbikes.Most often, they’re off-road adventure bikes or commuter ones like this pearl-white Honda NC750X (R87 490). The 745 cm3 engine powering the bike actually started life as half-a-Honda-Jazz engine. The parallel twin now has a 270-degree firing order and delivers 40 kW and 68 N.m of torque. This was a brave move by the engineers at Honda and their sole aim was to provide a bike that would be efficient and easy to ride – the perfect ingredients for a commuter bike.The NC750X’s styling is exciting. The high stance and wide bars mimic those of enduro bikes, while the headlamp and flowing plastic body panels add a futuristic touch. The fuel tank is actually under the seat, which frees up space under the “traditional tank” for a full-face helmet.Car decided to explore the West Coast on the NC’s maiden voyage and left home before sunrise for a 300 km ride. The quiet exhaust system did not wake any neighbours and the bike was comfortable. The riding position is upright and provides an excellent vantage point in traffic, with the wide bars making directional changes easy. After a photoshoot in Melkbosstrand, we went to Yzerfontein and Langebaan. Although the Honda is aimed at commuting, it is good to know that we will be able to conduct longer rides and still have some fun. The small screen provides wind protection and the bike sits comfortably at the national speed limit. We did find, however, that the engine is no fireball and you can easily hit the low rev limit of 6 500 r/min during overtaking. The advantage, though, is fuel efficiency and the bike consumed only 4,7 litres/100 km on the way to Langebaan.A strong headwind and enthusiastic riding on the way back pushed the average fuel consumption into the fives, but it is clear that the bike will be a strong contender in any fuel economy run.For example, just before Car went to print, the bike managed a stint of dirt-road riding to Grotto Bay. Also keep a look-out for some aftermarket additions in the form of a top box and a slip-on exhaust.Mileage now (km): 625 kmFuel consumption (litres/100 km): 5,64 litres/100 kmWe like: practicality, comfort, ease of ridingWe don’t like: limited engine-speed

Page 11: 25 Junie / June 2015 Jr/Yr No. 24

013 235 2381072 909 1010

Cnr. Voortrekker & Viljoen Str, Lydenburg 1120

SOLIHULL, England - A unique vehicle has been built to commemorate UK assembly of the two-millionth Series Land Rover and Defender to celebrate 67 years of production.The special model will be known as the ‘Defender 2 000 000’ and has a bespoke design and an all-star cast of special guests who helped to complete the momentous build.The occasion? It serves as a tribute to almost 70 years of production at the Land Rover Solihull plant in the English Midlands.In December 2015 the ‘Defender 2 000 000’ will be auctioned to give collectors and Defender fans an opportunity to own this unique piece of Land Rover’s history.All proceeds will be donated to Land Rover’s humanitarian and conservation partners – the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and the Born Free Foundation.Dr Ralf Speth, chief executive of Jaguar Land Rover, said: "Over 67 years the Series Land Rover and in turn Defender has been the transport of choice for explorers, charity organisations, farmers and even royalty. Throughout history it has helped pioneers to reach the unreachable."What started life as an agricultural workhorse has transcended the automotive world to become a worldwide design icon. "The auction of this milestone vehicle is an opportunity to own a piece of Land Rover’s history, as Defender enters its final phase of manufacturing in Solihull. Giving people the chance to buy this truly distinctive Defender to raise funds for the IFRC and Born Free Foundation, is a suitable way to celebrate the role that Defender has played in supporting our humanitarian aid and conservation partners over the decades."During May 2015 a number of life-long Defender fans were invited to join the build team at Solihull to help build this one-off off-roader, among them adventurer Bear Grylls.Commenting while on the production line, Grylls said: "The Land Rover Defender has been there for me more times than I care to remember. They are so often the unsung heroes of our TV shows, working hard in the toughest conditions to get crew in and out of exceptionally challenging terrain."They are known and respected by me and many other adventurers for their rugged reliability – it was an honour to be asked to take part in the build of this very special car."Representatives from the IFRC and Born Free also made the journey to Solihull to fit their part to the vehicle, among them actress and founder of the Born Free Foundation Virginia McKenna OBE.The 'Defender 2 000 000' has a plethora of distinctive finishing touches: including a map of Red Wharf Bay – where the design for the original Land Rover was first drawn in the sand – is engraved into the aluminium fender, which contrasts with the exterior Indus Silver satin paint. A unique 'No. 2 000 000' badge features on the rear of the vehicle.The design is finished with Santorini Black wheels and wheel arches, roof, door hinges, grille and mirror caps.Inside are leather seats that continue the 'Red Wharf Bay' motif and '2 000 000' logos have been stitched into the head restraints. A bespoke aluminium plaque, signed by everybody who helped to assemble the vehicle, is fitted to the driver’s seat plinth. On the front and rear, S90 HUE registration plates – a reference to the first pre-production Land Rover, registration 'HUE 166' – complete this one-of-a-kind Land Rover Defender.

Special Landy built

The 'Defender 2 000 000' will be publicly unveiled by Bonhams at the Goodwood Festival of Speed over June 25-28 2015. After completing a schedule of public appearances throughout the rest of the year the unique off-roader will be auctioned at a prestige charity event held at Bonhams in New Bond Street, London, on December

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Page 12: 25 Junie / June 2015 Jr/Yr No. 24




Dennis van Renen Building, Office 4, 48 Voortrekker St, LydenburgTel: 013-235-4575 | | Like us on Facebook

• 1 Slp woonstel - R2900.00• 3 Slp woonstelle van R3800.00• 3 Slk meenthuis - R6500.00• 3 Slp meenthuis - R8800.00• 3 Slp huis in The Heads - R9500.00• 4 Slp huis in The Heads - R9500.00• Kantoorspasie vanaf R1368.00

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013 235 4575

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• 2 Bedroom flat - • 3 Bedroom flat - • 3 Bedroom T/H - • 3 Bedr Duplex-

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Mashishing Ext 6R540 000

Be the proud owner of this starter home

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• Bachelor w/stel -

• 3 Slk, groot meenthuis in kompleks -


• 3 Slk dubbel verdieping meenthuis met erf, oopplan sit/eetk/komb, gaste toilet, 1 mot, wendy -

• 3 Slk meenthuis met erf, 2 badk, 2 mot, ruim oopplan sit/eet/komb -

• 2 Slk w/stel in sekuriteitskompleks -

R3 300

R7 500

R890 000

R850 000

R650 00

South African township based business owners have jumped at the opportunity to join a new interactive website, designed to help them CANnect with their customers and grow their business. The new website,, launched by Nampak Bevcan's consumer facing brand CAN DO!, at the end of last year, provides local outlet owners with a platform to profile their businesses as well as engage and interact with potential and existing customers, ultimately increasing their customer base and sales. The new multidimensional mobile compatible site allows all "kasi based" owners of restaurants, taverns, bars, shisa nyamas and even carwashes to upload their business' profile and advertise their upcoming events free of charge on the online platform. The only prerequisite being that they sell beverage cans as part of their product offering.

Boost in business for township outlets thanks to new interactive website

The interactive online community allows young South Africans who are ready to unleash the fun an opportunity to CANnect with one another and find the freshest and safest can-in-hand parties at township outlets around Mzansi. "It is essentially a gig guide featuring all kasi parties and events in South Africa, with many more features that aim to keep CAN DO!'ers engaged and excited," explains Alexandra Bouwer, marketing manager for Nampak Bevcan's CAN DO! brand. The platform allows township outlets to post their events and CANnect with their audience on a broader scale. Tsalanang Pub in Soweto joined the online CAN DO! community earlier this year and has seen a definite rise in business and a large increase of sales since joining. "I am extremely happy to be a part of CAN DO!'s online community. Tsalanang Pub does not have a website of its own so it helps to be

connected and broaden our reach, increasing the pub's customer base by engaging with all the CAN DO!'ers on the site," says Solomon Leshabane, owner of Tsalanang Pub.Through the site, township business owners who do not have websites now have an opportunity to create an online presence to generate awareness and interest in their businesses. CAN DO!'s website also offers outlets that are already active on social media and have their own websites exposure to a larger market that truly enjoy kasi parties ."Outlets are able to simply create their own profiles and advertise their upcoming parties. CAN DO! fans are able to rate venues to show others where the hottest spots are; thereby giving business owners valuable feedback and positive reinforcement ," explains Bouwer.Disoufeng Pub in Dobsonville, Soweto were one of the first pubs to join the online community Tebogo Phiri, owner of Disoufeng Pub encourages others to join, "The site helps me keep up with what other venues are doing, the parties and events that they host, and it keeps me

connected to my customers," Phiri adds, "We have our own online and social media presence but in order to maximise reach and get great exposure for the pub, I chose to join the CAN DO! online community early on and it has definitely paid off! I've seen a great increase in sales, especially when we host CAN DO! parties."Disoufeng Pub hosted an "all-black" themed party recently and saw a record number of party goers attend thanks to Phiri's keen business sense and willingness to be one of the first outlets to interact on the new website. "The site is the first of its kind and was developed to help increase awareness of the kasi outlets and the events that they host, ultimately helping boost their business," Bouwer explains. This new, fun and interactive multidimensional platform is sure to change the local township party scene and CANnect the fun to all township outlets and residents nationwide. For more information about Nampak Bevcan's CAN DO! brand visit their new website or find them on Facebook.

Verkope: / Verhurings - Lizelle: 060 970 9529

013 235 4890 / E-pos: [email protected]

Stephane: 072 583 1622 Leon: 060 967 1041


TE HUUR:• 3 slp/k, 2 bad/k dubbel motorhuis en ruim erf. The Heads. • 3 slp/k, 2 bad/k, dubbel motorhuis en swembad is sekeriteitskompleks. • 5 slp/k, 3 bad/k, dubbel motorhuis met oop erf. • 3 slp/k, 2 bad/k, dubbel motorhuis met erf. • 3 slp/k, 1 bad/k met erf. • 2 slp/k plot te huur. 3 km op Ohrigstad pad uit. TE KOOP:• 4 slp/k, studeer/k, 2 bad/k, 3 mot. huise met groot erf en w/stel. Onderdak patio met jaccuzi. • 3 slp/k,2 bad/k, enkel motorhuis meenthuis. • Verskeidenheid erwe te koop vanaf

R8 600 p/mR10 800 p/m

R12 000 p/mR8 400 p/m

R5 600 p/m.R4 600 p/m.

R1,995 000

R770 000R250 000

Page 13: 25 Junie / June 2015 Jr/Yr No. 24


This lovely new renovated property offers you:• 3 Bedrooms • 2 Bathrooms • Kitchen• TV Room • Lapa/Braai area • Study

• Guest Toilet • Elec. Gate • Double Garages• Very good condition • Garden

Madelein Viljoen076 770 2954Madelein Viljoen076 770 2954

CRITCHLEY Hackle captures the unique character of Dullstroom – the timeless stone architecture and lakeside setting evoking an atmosphere of rural tranquillity.

Fully furnished cottage in DullstroomThis sectional title unit will be removed from the rental pool as from the end of June 2015. Unit sold with furniture included, additional to owning this unit grants guests access to the hotel facilities including the swimming pool, restaurant, braai area and lounge. Unit consists of open plan living, kitchen with fire place, master suite with separate

rbathroom and veranda. Sectional Title, R650 000. Stephanie Reinecke, Tel: 013 235 4575

LYDENBURG PORLYDENBURG R1 200 000 RENTALS3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom

apartments to rent:Starting from R4400 per


We have a wide variety of flats, townhouses and

houses for rent.

Contact: Office 013 235 2653

Anchen: 082 708 0105Bianca: 078 235 0999

Marietjie: 083 922 0675


T e P opert Sh ph r y o

T (0 3) 23 110 de volp op lan i .ne el: 1 5- 2, o r s@ t c t,

082 898 5272SoneVERHURINGS page : Deo Volente Properties

074 589 0204MariskaVERKOPE

Erich Venter : 082 904 8587Bcom Regte(UP) NQF 5

R600 0002 Slkm meenthuis met 1 badkmr, kombuis, sitkamer,eetkamer, motorhuis, en klein erf in kompleks

R2 500 0004 Slaapkmr 2 badkmr, tv kamer, sitkamer eetkamer kombuis, afdakke, stoorkamer, groot erf en Lapa met swembad in goeie area.

R1 530 0003 Slkm met 2 vol badkmr, kombuis, sitkmr, eetkmr, opwas, buitekamer, 3 motorhuis, afdakke groot tuin

* 1 Slk w/stel, 1 bdk, 1 m/afdak R2950*Pragtige groot familie woning naby skole - 3 Slk, 2 1/2 bdk, 2 m/huis, erf, swembad - R10 700*3 Slk, 2 bdk, 1 m/huis en 2 m/afdakke, groot erf en buite geboue R8 300*3 Slk, 1 bdk woonhuis, nuut oorgedoen, groot erf met 1 motorhuis.- R7 900*5 Slk woonhuis, 3 bdk, sit en eetkamer, tv kamer, dubbel m/huis en ruim erf. - R14 000*3 Slk, 2 bdk meenthuis met erfie en klein swembad, 1 m/huis, naby hoerskool - R7 100*Verskeie winkel spasies en industriele werkswinkels beskikbaar

Page 14: 25 Junie / June 2015 Jr/Yr No. 24

57 Kerk St Lydenburg013 235 4132 / 013 235 2555

082 883 5342

After Hours: 076 053 7178

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Gerrie082 898 0563

39 RensburgstrLydenburg

Wooden FlooringWall to Wall Carpets

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Under Carpet HeatingJohann 083 600 [email protected]

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Pieter072 132 3241

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G.A.PIENAAR & KIE Boekhouers en PASTEL agent. 013 235 4774

LAUNDRY/ WASSERY - A1 . 013 235 3976.

A 1 L O C K & K E Y. Centurion gate motors & remotes & security - 013 235 3976.

KWAGGA VERVOER. Vir enige vervoerwerk, 4 ton trok. Kontak Nico: 082 563 4592, Charlotte: 072 865 6424.

AK JEWELS 013 235 1075

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4 U T R A I L E R H I R E Lydenburg. Call 076 448 9814 or 060 482 9002

WENDY’S MADE FROM treated pallet wood with one door, one window, zinc roof and wooden floor. 2mx2m = R3700; 3mx3m = R4700; 3mx4m = R5700. We also do knotty pine and log cabin wendy houses. Big, small, we do them all. Jerome 073 076 9559

FURNITURE REMOVALS c o u n t r y w i d e . F o r a quotation contact Lorraine 082 531 6209/ 082 895 7 4 5 7 [email protected]

TREATED WENDY’S from a very low price. All types of wood: log, pine and pallet wood. Price for pallet wood: 2mx2m = R3700; 3mx3m = R4700; 3mx4m = R5700. For more info contact Bothwell on 071 953 7366


HIGH PROTEIN diet & blood group. Lydenburg, Burgersfort, Steelpoort. 082 833 0323

CREATIVE NAIL DESIGN B Y C H R I S T E L L E - Training & Nails. 081 016 0469


S K O O N M A A K V A N MATTE, meubels, motors e n d r o o g s u i g v a n oorstroomde matte. Martie 082 951 7494

N o 1 C L E A N I N G SERVICES 072 610 5105


I.T.@Large - for all pc repairs & maintenance, updating hardware and software, virus removals, networks, call outs etc. Jacques 071 268 9211 / Pierre 079 881 1932


A T L A S P A N E E L - K L O P P E R S - Geakkrediteer. Kontak: 013 235 3423/ 082 454 8382

CORDU AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING 17 years experience. 3 Chroom Street, Lydenburg. 013 235 3131

GS AUTO Electrical & Mechanical repairs. 013 235 3086/ 082 457 5727


I BUY VEHICLES for cash. 082 646 6735


LYDENBURG VEHICLE HIRE- car & van rentals. 013 235 1780


E N I G E K O N T A N T NODIG? Kontak LDR Pawn SHOP 074 897 9768 / 078 467 0954 / 076 483 1234 / 013 235 4843

15 PUIK 2013 Bonsmara verse te koop. Goeie bloedlyne. 073 579 8238

3x PRAGTIGE Kanhym Soê en 1 Stoet (Kanhym) Beer te koop. 1x Mak Bosvark Kruis dragtige sog 1x Mak Bosvark Kruis Beer te koop. Skakel vir Lambert 072 322 6291


L Y D E N B U R G HONDESALON 072 320 9203

PETS CORNER - 013 235 2658

DOGGY IN THE WINDOW Parlour - Rowena 083 326 0941


BRIDE TO BE Trourokke te koop of huur. Swembad Sentrum. Madelein 076 770 2954


GROND TE KOOP - 14ha, 5km buite Roosenekal. Boorgat & JoJo tank. R450 000 o/h. Mev Campbell 082 550 7398

NETJIESE HUIS te koop in s e k u r i t e i t s k o m p l e k s . Kontak Joshua of Antoinett 013 235 4016

TE KOOP: 9 slk huis (ten v o l l e t o e g e r u s v i r gastehuis) Baie netjies, goeie ligging. “Lock, stock & barrel”! 013 235 4016/ 082 886 7062


3 SLK Mosterthoek R5000 p/m 082 700 0745

P A R K H O M E E N Rondawel R2500 elk plus W&L, deposito. Plaas 15 km buite Lydenburg. 074 916 8778

2 S L A A P K A M E R W O O N S T E L t o e s l u i t motorhuis, R4000 p/m. Skakel Johan 082 828 1211

3 SLK huis te huur. 083 345 2091

3 BEDROOM FLATS with 2 bathrooms in secure comp lex , Lydenburg . R4800 p/m. Contact 082 460 3000

S H O P S T O L E T 8 Vo o r t r e k k e r S t r e e t , Lydenburg. Contact 082 460 3000

3 SLK MEENTHUIS in sekuriteitskompleks. Water ing R7200 p/m 082 339 7433

G E M E U B I L E E R D E BACHELOR woonstel vir enkel persoon. Vol DSTV ing. R3200 p/m 082 470 5446

4 WOONSTELLE TE HUUR: 1 x 2 slk, 1 badk, R3000 p/m; 2 x 2slk 1 badk R3500 p/m; 1 x 3 slk 1 badk R5000 p/m. Almal W&L en vei l igheids omheining ingesluit. Swembad, lapa en braai geriewe. Geen beurtkrag van toepassing. 20km van Lydenburg op Ohrigstadpad. Onmiddelik beskikbaar. 082 253 4525

PLAASHUIS 2slk, R4000 p/m. 15km uit Lydenburg by Mosterthoek. 072 535 3603

PRAGTIGE 3 Slaapkamer 2 badkamer Meenthuis te h u u r i n s e k u r i t e i t s komp leks .R6000 p /m Kontak Lambert 072 322 6291

BACHELOR WOONSTEL Lydenburg R2500p/m. 079 624 9486


KLITZ GRAS CHALETS Accommodation, Chapel & venue facilities, Boma/ braai. 013 235 2758


N O T I C E T O S U R R O U N D I N G OWNERS. Application for special consent I.T.O clause 21. Aphetech Pty Ltd , trading as Pick n Pay Steelpoort , Reg number cc 2008/019242/07 wishes to inform the community that an application has been made for their Liquor Department to sell wines, beers and spirits in bulk, to other business entities, from their premises at Shop number 11 , Block 5 S tee lpoo r t Shopp ing Centre. Interested and affected parties are invited to forward their comments or objections within 30 days to: PO Box 336 Steelpoort 1133


F E T A K G O M O , M A S E H L E N G ( S E K H U K H U N E ) . Dorisync (Pty) Ltd invites you to a public meeting to be held in terms of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act of 2002 (MPRD ) on the 27 July 2015 at Phahla Mohlaka Tribal Council hall at 10h00. To notify the public of the application for prospecting rights Ref :12267PR. The application w a s m a d e t o t h e Department of Mineral Resources in terms of Section 102 of the MPRD. Dorisync (Pty) Ltd: 074 641 6355 / 076 384 3630 Fax: 086 226 8970 Email : [email protected] Postal Address : P O Box 317 Ga Mothiba 0726

Greater Tubatse Land U s e S c h e m e , 2 0 0 6 Amendment scheme no: 165/2006 We, Luvhone E n v i r o n m e n t a l Consultants, being the authorized agent of the registered owners of Erven 2457, 2476 and 2478, hereby give notice in terms of section 56 (1) (a) (i) of the To w n P l a n n i n g a n d Township Ordinance, 1986 (ordinance 15 of 1986), that I have applied to the G r e a t e r T u b a t s e M u n i c i p a l i t y f o r t h e amendment of Land Use Scheme, known as Greater T u b a t s e L a n d U s e S c h e m e , 2 0 0 6 . A m e n d m e n t s c h e m e n u m b e r 1 6 5 / 2 0 0 6 : Rezoning of Erven 2457, 2 4 7 6 & 2 4 7 8 a n d Consolidation of Erven 2457 and 2476 Burgersfort E x t e n s i o n 2 1 , f r o m “ R e s i d e n t i a l 1 ” t o “Residential 3” for the purpose of dwelling units. Plans and particulars of the applications will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office to Town Planner, 1 Kastania Street Burgersfort, Greater Tubatse Municipality for the period of 28 days from first d a y o f p u b l i c a t i o n . O b j e c t i o n s a n d / o r c o m m e n t s o r representation in respect of the applications must be lodged with or made in writing to the municipality at the above address or at P.O. Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150 within 28 days from the date of first publication - 18 June 2015. Address of the agent: P.O. Box 2134. Thohoyandou, 0950. Cell : 072 649 1974 Email: [email protected]

G r o t e r T u b a t s e Gr ondge br u ik s k e m a 2006 Wysigingskema nommer: 165/2006 Ons, Luvhone Environmental Consultants, synde die gemagtigde agent van die geregistreerde eienaars van die erwe hieronder genome, gee hiermee in terme van artikel 56 (1) (b) (i) van die die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986), dat ek aansoek gedoen het by die G r o t e r T u b a t s e Munis ipa l i te i t v i r d ie w y s i g i n g v a n d i e G r o n d g e b r u i k s k e m a , bekend as die Groter T u b a t s e G r o n d g e b r u i k s k e m a , 2006. Op die volgende wyse:Wysigingskemanommer : 165/2006: Die hersonering 2457,2476 & 2478 en konsolidasie van Erwe 2457 en 2476 Burgersfort, Uitbreinding

21, vanaf “Residensieel 1” tot “Residensieel 3” vir die doel van wooneenhede. Planne en besonderhede van die aansoeke le ter i n s a e g e d u r e n d e kantoorure by die kantoor van die Stadsbeplanner, 1 Kastaniastraat Burgersfort, G r o t e r T u b a t s e Munisipaliteit vir die tydperk van 28 dae. Besware en/ of kommentaar ten opsigte van die aansoek moet ingedien word of gerig word aan die munisipaliteit by bogenoemdeadres o f Posbus 206, Burgersfort 1150 binne 28 dae vanaf die datum van die eerste publikasie - 18 Junie 2015 Adres van die agent: P o s b u s 2 1 3 4 , Thohoyandou, 0950. Cell: (072 649 1974) E - p o s : [email protected]


• A n g l i c a n C h u r c h Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 0 1 3 2 3 5 1 9 1 9 . • G e r e f o r m e e r d e - k e r k Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Te l . 0 1 3 2 3 5 4 3 9 1 . • H e r v o r m d e - k e r k Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h Lydenburg:Sunday service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moeder-gemeente Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101.• NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Volle Evangelie-k e r k . S o n d a e : Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00, Aanddiens 18:00. W o e n s d a e 1 9 : 0 0 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom. • Die Gemeente van Christus R e n s b u r g -s t r . 4 1 , L y d e n b u r g . W o e . 1 9 : 0 0 Biduur,Vry.19:00 jeug Sondagskool 10:00, diens Sondae 10:00 en 18:00. Pastoor Neels Barnardo 079 814 4845 • New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934 • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 09:30 ( k i n d e r k e r k ) , 1 8 : 0 0 (Engelse diens) Di. eugsel 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, jeug by kerk 18:30. Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende

Woord Lydenburg. Sondae 09:00. Nuwekerkgebou langs Laske Nakke 013 235 2463. • Mooi Hawens Evangelisasie Sentrum ( P P K ) . W o . 1 0 : 0 0 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 9285075 [email protected] Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. • Shalom Church Centre. Services Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11:00. Pastor Johannes Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. • A.G.S Steelpoort. Sondagoggend 09 :00 , aande 18 :00 , Woensdae selgroep 18:30. Past Beukes: 083 2918005/ ke r kkan too r : 087 808 5604.• Sewedag Adventiste Kerk -Saterdagoggende, M e t h o d i s t e K e r k , Burgerstraat Lydenburg. B y b e l s t u d i e 0 9 : 1 5 , erediens 11:00. Navrae 084 922 4444.• Volle Evangelie Kerk - Burgersfort . Diens Ty e - 9 : 0 0 S o n d a e Oggende Aand Diens - Op Aanvraag Kontak - Pastoor Pieter Grundlingh 082 724 4499/ 076 533 7836 •

Pallet Wendy’s3m x 3m=50003m x 4m=5500

For more info contact: Joe: 072 155 3949

We deliver [email protected]

B u r g e r s f o r t A G S Gemeente, elke Sondag om 09:00, selgroep elke Woensdag om 18:00. P a s t o o r L e o n Labuschagne 084 512 9046 Kerkkantoor 087 808 5604. • Lewende Waters P i n k s t e r B e d i e n i n g .

Sondae, ou kerkie by Wenakker, Kerkstraat Lydenburg.

Page 15: 25 Junie / June 2015 Jr/Yr No. 24

Minimum Skills and Knowledge Required• Minimum of 3 years' experience and product knowledge of general building material environment • Good experience and proven success in personal selling (achieving sales targets), customer service, finding new business(customers) and converting it to actual sales• Ability to manage and coordinate regular stock takes• Proven business acumen, negotiating and leadership skills • Ability to effectively communicate with customers• Computer Literacy – specifically Word / Excel• Own transport and valid driver's license• Matric

Behavioural Dimensions Required• High level of integrity and dedication • Ability to work under pressure and manage customer after sales service enquiries • Energetic / self-motivated / goal orientated• Strong customer orientation• Good verbal and written communication abilities• Balanced and mature behavioural profile • Ability to work independently and responsibly

Brief Description of Key Performance Areas• Provide Exceptional customer service• Manage and service existing customer base• Source new business and cold calling • Follow up on leads quoted• Achieve sales and gross profit targets • Follow and operate within company, division and group systems, policies and procedures• Attend to customers needs & resolve Customer queries• Effective administration and reporting

Identification to the Iliad Values is a prerequisite:Customer focus/ Service orientation, Energy & Passion,

Entrepreneurship within governance parameters, Responsibility in all we do, Integrity, Diversity, Respect, Engagement

Send CV to [email protected] date for applications: 18 July 2015

External Sales Representative

BUCO Burgersfort



Posvereistes:Natuurwetenskap Graad 4 - 6

Christelike Lewensoriëntering Graad 4 - 6

Meld asseblief kwalifikasies.CV's kan per hand ingehandig word by die skool

voor of op 26 Junie 12 uur of dit kan gefaks word na : 086 502 8079 of epos kan gestuur

word na

Sluitingsdatum vir aansoeke:30 Junie 2015

[email protected]


Vacancy: Office/Admin Lady - Requirments:

• Must have matric • Must be in possession of a valid drivers license • Previous debtors & creditors experience will be an advantage • Must be computer literate • Must have good communication skills and be a team player but also have the ability to work on own initiative • Must be willing to go the extra mile.

A complete CV with traceable references can be handed in at Burgersfort Supa Quick or faxed to: 086 597 9792 or e-mail to

Closing date: 15 July 2015

If you have not heard from the company within 21 days from the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.

[email protected]

Lydenburg Duiweklub se uitslae:

1. Keep it real!Usually a CV should be no more than two pages – and that's two pages of A4 paper! Employers spend, an average, just 8 seconds looking at any one CV, and a surefire way of landing yourself on the no pile is to send them your entire life story. Keep it punchy, to the point, and save those niggly little details for the interview.2. Tailor itWe've all done it. Whizzed the same CV out to lots of employers to save time... Stop! Take the time to change your CV for each role that you apply for. Research the company and use the job advert to work out EXACTLY what skills you should point out to them. They will appreciate the obvious effort.3. Include a personal statementDon't just assume an employer will see how your experience relates to their job. Instead, use a short personal statement to explain why you are the best person for the job. This should be reflected in your cover letter.4. Don't leave gapsWe are a cynical bunch and leaving obvious gaps on your CV immediately makes employers suspicious – and they won't give you the benefit of the doubt. If you've been out of work it can be a worry but just put a positive spin on it. Did you do a course, volunteer work or develop soft skills such as communication, teamwork or project management? If so, shout about it! 5. Keep it currentYou should keep your CV up-to-date whether you're looking for a job or not. Every time something significant occurs in your career, record it so you don't later forget something that could be important. 6. The error of your waysEmployers DO look for mistakes on CVs and

if they find them, it makes you look really bad. David Hipkin, head of recruitment and resourcing at Reed Business Information, warns, 'With most employers experiencing massive volumes of applicants right now, giving them the excuse to dismiss your application because of avoidable errors is not going to help you secure an interview.' If you're unsure then use a spellchecker and ask someone else to double-check what you've written. 7. Tell the truthEveryone lies on their CV, right? NO! Stop! Blatant lies on your CV can land you in a whole heap of trouble when it comes to employers checking your background and references. The last thing you want is to start work and then lose your new job for lying. You also may get caught out at the interview stage when you suddenly can't answer questions on what you claim to know. And that can be VERY awkward!8. The mathsThis may sound dull but by backing up your achievements with numbers it makes selling yourself much easier. When writing your work history, don't just say that you increased sales; tell them you increased sales by 70% over a six month period. Get it? Big numbers are especially good (although don't forget point 7 of our list!).9. Make it look goodWe live in a world where image is everything, and that also goes for your CV. Take some time to pretty it up... Use bullet points and keep sentences short. Use the graphic design trick of leaving plenty of white space around text and between categories to make the layout easy on the eye. Alternatively, get creative with your job application! 10. Make it keyword friendlyIf you've uploaded your CV to a job site so recruiters can find you, keywords are very important. Job titles and job buzzwords will help a search engine pick out your CV from the pile. Confused? Don't be. A marketing candidate might mention SEO (Search Engine Optimization), direct marketing and digital marketing among their experience and skills, for example... If you're not sure, have a search online and see what words are commonly mentioned when you input your job title.

Page 16: 25 Junie / June 2015 Jr/Yr No. 24

TEL: 013 235 1486TEL: 013 231 8008 E: [email protected]



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Time for Wildevy 4x4

'n Georganiseerde Kleiduif skietdag ten bate van die matriekafskeidfondse vir die Hoërskool Lydenburg het op Saterdag 20 Junie by plaas Weltevreden van Adel En Martin Meyer plaasgevind. Ongeveer 40 skuts het opgedaag om hulle staal te wys. Om 9 uur het die eerste skote geklap. Ieder en elk, oud en jonk het geskiet. Die dames het ook gewys wat in hulle steek. Die dag was 'n heerlike uitstappie en baie van ons skoolseuns het saam met hulle pa's die dag geniet. Die manne het in goeie gees mekaar uitgedaag. Dankie aan al die deelnemers en organiseerders. Deur Hester van ZijlNeeltje Brits by die Kleiduifskiet op 20 Junie te Weltevreden Plaas.

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