Page 1: Bolnore Village Primary School ON THE HORIZON...Luka, Year 2 Helping Hands Thank you to everyone who volunteers at our School. We are always looking for more people to help read with

Bolnore Village Primary School Updown Hill, Bolnore Village, RH16 4GD [email protected]

Hny Bolnore Village Primary School ‘It takes a village to start new topics.’


Clubs Corner Our huge variety of clubs have started

again this week and it was great to see so many pupils have signed up. This term there are 321 children over 17 clubs, including Football, Art, Dance, Lego,

Cricket and Book Club to name a few! Well done everybody and thank you to all

the adults that lead a club and give children the opportunity to shine in all

these different areas.

This is Mrs Taylor and Mr Scott signing their name with members of the new Signing Club.

Congratulations go to Apple, Cherry,

Hazel, Mulberry, Ebony and Silver Birch

classes for achieving 97% attendance this

week, our target!

Volume 100 Issue 314, 13 September 2019 – Stunning Starts

ON THE HORIZON Tuesday 17 September o EYFS/Reception Phonics Workshop for

Parents 2.15 pm Thursday 19 September o Oathall Community College Open

Evening for 2020/21 Year 7 intake - 4.30 pm – 8.00 pm

o Year 5/6 Boys’ Football Friendly vs Harlands at Harlands 3.45 pm – 5.00 pm

Tuesday 24 September o Year 1 Trip to Lewes Castle Wednesday 25 September o Parent/Teacher Meetings (Years 1 – 6)

3.30 pm – 6.00 pm (by appointment) Thursday 26 September o Parent/Teacher Meetings (Years 1 – 6)

3.30 pm – 6.00 pm (by appointment) Monday 30 September o JP Photographic in to take individual

and sibling photographs (for children attending BVPS only)

Tuesday 1 October o Year 2 Roald Dahl Workshop Saturday 5 October o FoBVPS Quiz Night

Opportunity for All

Our School Development Plan for 2019-20 is called ‘Opportunity for All’ and focuses on supporting children to develop the values,

skills and knowledge they will need for their future. One important part of this is for every

child to have the opportunity to find and develop their passions. What is your child passionate about and does their teacher

know? Look out for an information leaflet in the coming weeks. Miss Brumby

Violin Magic Beech Class loved their first violin lesson and

were excited to be given responsibility for their own assigned violin. The first lesson was

music to my ears! Miss Stagg Thank you to the FoBVPS for funding this


Core Values It is unbelievable how many Core Value

counters we have already collected in two weeks! Don’t forget to ask your child what they received their Core Value sticker for.

Thank you to Mrs McLeod (and many other parents) for the recent donation of books to the school. Mrs Crook

World War Art Year 5 had great fun creating silhouette pictures during our World War II Art Day.

We had to think of a WWII inspired background and then create the

silhouette out of black paper using our careful cutting skills. The colourful

background was created using a variety of chalk and pastels - this was the best and messiest bit! We were really proud

of the finished product. Mrs Munday

Aslan’s Alley In Year 6, we have started to read our

book ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’. We created a conscience

alley and decided whether it was a good idea for Lucy to enter the woods alone. There were lots of different reasons for

Lucy to consider, as the children justified their point of view. Miss Elliott

We’re Here Full Time! We are so proud of how well Apple and

Cherry Class children have settled in already. They are enjoying their learning and making lots of friends at lunchtime.

Mrs Beasley

This week, the new topics have started in style over the school and the children are already becoming engrossed. We are concentrating on creating more

opportunities for irresistible and memorable learning as a school, and the children have certainly been talking excitedly about their different learning

activities. From finding dinosaur eggs to acting out the Enormous Crocodile, it’s sometimes hard to know who’s having more fun, the children or the adults!

You get to learn more and more interesting stuff

every year! Luka, Year 2

Helping Hands Thank you to everyone who volunteers

at our School. We are always looking for

more people to help read with children

and support in class. Unfortunately, due

to the skilled nature of the activities

involved, we do not usually ask for adults

to help at Forest School.

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