Page 1: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Transmedia
Page 2: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Transmedia

Buffy The Vampire Slayer 1-0-1

Brainchild of American Writer/Director Joss Whedon.

Synergistic storytelling; Joss at the helm.

Led to TV spin-off, comics, novels, video games.

Intercompositional transmedia artifact.

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The ‘Buffyverse’ & Canon BuffyWhat is the Buffyverse?

BTVS is regularly cited as one of the most popular cult shows of all time.

‘good transmedia campaigns should anchor core fans into their campaign.’ - Dan Light

“Speaking of Darkhorse Comics, they are starting a new Buffy comic...and Angel and be canon in the Buffy world. And I understand it that way 'cause I'M WRITING IT.” - Joss Whedon

Reboot = FAIL.

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Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1992)

Point of entry for the transmedia franchise.

Established the storyworld.

• Retroactive transmedia artifact.

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Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-2003)

Primary medium of the transmedia franchise.

Considerably enhanced the storyworld established in the movie.

Themes: Shifting nature of good and evil.

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Angel (1999-2004)

The first major point of view shift.

Many characters caRry over, many new ones are introduced.

Buffyverse is expanded, both in L.A and Sunnydale.

Crossover episodes.

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Buffy the vampire slayercomic books/season 8-9

Produced by joss wheden & Published by dark horse comics on march 14 2007Continues after the 7th season of buffy tv series (2007-2011)Season 8 comic book series followed by season 9 comic book seriesIn season 9 comics a major character dies, significantly advancing the plot in the comic book platform and creating a narrative gap for those who did not read this series.

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BTVS: Xbox game (2002)

Set in a narrative gap in the TV show.

Relied on typically wry Buffy-style humour.

Features voiceover work of many of the show’s principle actors.

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Buffy the vampire slayerpiecework cards

Released for buffy the vampire slayer’s 10th anniversaryMakes the storyworld tangible to the userSubsets

Exclusive information about characters/storyworld by creator joss whedenExclusive “season 8” cards with new storylines for buffy season 8

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“In the ideal form of transmedia storytelling, each medium does what it does best-so that a story

might be introduced in a film, expanded through television, novels, and comics, and its

world might be explored and experienced through game

play.” Henry Jenkins, “Transmedia Storytelling,”

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SHAW, B. 2010. Interview with Dan Light, Part I: engaging online communities [Online]. BBH LABS Available: [Accessed 7th April 2013].

ULABY, N. 2003. 'Buffy Studies' End of TV Series Clouds Future of Odd Academic Discipline [Online]. NPR. Available: [Accessed 5th April 2013].

• JENKINS, H. 2003. Transmedia Storytelling [Online]. MIT Technology Review. Available: [Accessed 1st April 2013].

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