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  • By Susannah Doyle, Julia Dziadek, Michaela Hawkins & Emma Rothwell.
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  • * This makes the flavour of the ice-cream, and ours is vanilla.
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  • * Next you add the caster sugar to the vanilla essence also in the small zip lock bag
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  • Next you pour the milk into the small zip lock bag along with the sugar and vanilla essence.
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  • * Next you will put the large zip bag around the smaller one. Add the ice cubes to the large bag.
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  • * After you add the ice to the big zip lock bag you add 125g of salt to the ice in the big zip lock bag.
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  • * Once you have done all that put on any old pair of gloves (woollen), start throwing the bag around. Eventually after about 10 to 15 minutes stop throwing the bag and open up both of the bags. When opening the bag make sure you do not get salt into the ice cream, Because its not very nice also another tip is try not get it on your clothes it destroys them but it does some out in the wash. ENJOY YOUR ICE- CREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Slide 11
  • Hope you enjoyed watching, we had fun making them

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