Figure One: Site Location
Head Game-Keeper and assistant. Sandy Dey.
On-Site Engineer for Adrain Laycock, Ian Alsop
6. Conclusions 21
Appendix II Photographic Record 29
Appendix III Site Photographs 30
Summary Alba Archaeology (Highland) Limited was commissioned in March 2008 by Adrian
Laycock Limited to carry out an Archaeological Reconnaissance Survey at the site of the
proposed Hydroelectric Power Project on Coignafearn Estate, Tomatin. The survey was
required as a condition of the planning application ‘in order to ensure the protection of
the archaeological interest of the site’.
The actual work consisted of a desk based assessment and walk-over survey including
consultation with resident site engineer, Ian Alsop.
The Desk Based Assessment did not identify any potential archaeology nor any known
sites within the area in question.
The walk over survey identified no visible archaeological remains at the site which were
likely to be affected either directly or indirectly by the proposed development. The
potential for unrecorded archaeology was assessed to unlikely therefore it is not
recommended that any further work is required at the site.
1. Introduction
Alba Archaeology (Highland) Limited was commissioned in March 2008 by Adrian
Laycock Limited to carry out an Archaeological Reconnaissance Survey at the site of the
proposed Hydroelectric Power project on Coignafearn Estate, Tomatin. The work was
commissioned as part of the planning application conditions which were set by the
Highland Council.
The proposed development consists of a small hydroelectric scheme to be installed on
the Alt Fionnach burn to generate electricity. Figure 1 below shows the layout and main
components of the development which include single dam, saddle dam, pipelines and a
The initial assessment concluded that the potential for unrecorded archaeological sites
including possible prehistoric settlements and relict land-use features was high and that
there was a lack of data available on the site. It was also recommended that the
assessment consider the potential for impact on the wider historic environment in which
it is situated.
An Archaeological Reconnaissance Survey was therefore recommended. This included
a desk based assessment of available data sources and a site walk-over survey to
identify any potentially unrecorded archaeological features in the area.
The survey was carried out in accordance with the Highland Council Archaeological Unit
The objectives of the work were as follows:
To undertake a desk based assessment of available data sources to identify any
recorded archaeological remains in the development area;
To undertake a walk over survey of the development site and immediately adjacent
area to identify and record any archaeological features;
To consider the impact of the proposed development on the wider cultural heritage
resource of the area; and
To propose measures (where appropriate) to mitigate any potentially adverse
3. Methodology
The potential for archaeological sites in the area of the development was assessed
through a desk based assessment and walk over survey.
The desk based assessment included research into all relevant archaeological and
historical material including the National Monuments Record of Scotland (NMRS) held
by the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland
(RCHAMS), via the NMRS Canmore and PASTMAP internet databases and aerial
photographs and a cartographic search.
The walk over survey was undertaken over two separate site visits, 21/03/08 and
26/04/08. The area covered by this survey is shown in Figure 2 below. This survey was
undertaken using the methodology recommended in the Highland Council
Archaeological Unit guidelines.
Consultation was also undertaken with the Resident Engineer Ian Alsop and Head
Game- keeper Sandy Dey during these site visits.
Desk based assessment
Please note that the main finds are along the River Findhorn, though the sites to the
South do suggest that other sites may be found along the banks of those streams which
join it. These sites were all located at some distance from the proposed development
site and therefore are not discussed in detail.
Figure 3 Sites held on RCAHMS Past-Map
The RCAHMS hold a number of aerial photographs, three of which cover the site.
These provided information on the general geographical context of the site area and
having been taken over a number of years they do not show all of the buildings currently
located at Coignafearn Lodge. No further archaeological sites were identified through
the aerial photographs of the site.
Sortie Frames Date Scale Lib.
541/A/399 4189-4190 21.5.48 1:10000 B242
541/A/483 3162-3163 23.6.49 1:10000 B275
64188 120-119 15.10.88 1:24000 C258
Before considering the maps which directly relate to the site area it is worth noting the
map shown in Figure 4 below which shows Lower Coignafearn located to the North East
of the development site. This map clearly shows a level of recording which would be
expected to identify any buildings or walls in the survey area. Further investigation of
the maps of the development site (Figures 5 to 11) shows no buildings or other walled
features identified on these maps in the area. Taking the level of recording in Figure 4
as the standard it can therefore be concluded that no features of this kind existed at the
time of the first Ordnance Survey.
The earlier maps of the area also show no visible buildings or other walled structures
within the development site.
Figure 4 Ordnance Survey first edition (1874), Sheet 74 Note the quality of recording of buildings and walling on the Estate, down river, to the
North East of the survey area.
Figure 5 Ordnance Survey first edition, Grantown 1866 (1870 Imprint 1877), Sheet 74
Note no buildings recorded at the site
Figure 6 Close up of Ordnance Survey second edition (1885 – 1900) Coignafearn Lodge and associated buildings
Figure 7 Ordnance Survey second edition (1885 – 1900) Coignafearn Lodge
Figure 8 Ordnance Survey coloured map second edition (1885 – 1900) Note no wood cover in site area
Figure 9 1663 AD Gordon Robert 1580 -1661 in Counties of Scotland
Walk-over survey
The data search outlined above showed that there were no recorded settlements or
other structures at the development site. There was however still the potential that other
evidence of past activity would be found at the site, in particular on or among the
boulders, on the upper part of the South facing slope, or in the limited peat area just
above the ford. Around this area there may have been markings, structures or stray
finds. In relation to post-medieval settlement there were three possible features seen on
the aerial photographs, again on the South facing slope. These areas were visited but
no up-standing structures were identified nor were there any indications that any had
The site walkover survey covered the area identified in Figure 2 above and the following
photographs were taken of the development area, additional photographs are to be
found in Appendix Three.
Figure 11 The peat at the South-West end of the Saddle-dam Note this area has a greater depth to it, and a richer survival record. This contrasts with
the rest of the site, as seen below.
Figure 12 Saddle-dam. East facing – down river
Figure 13 Typical south side of the site. Facing West
Figure 14 Facing East – down river Note while the pipeline is visible at present it will be buried and therefore have no impact
on the historical environment.
During the visits to the site, the archaeologist was able to talk with the estate’s head
game-keeper and colleague about the area. Both were of the opinion that there were no
known settlements along the Allt Fionnach, in the area of the work, pointing out the
steepness of the hill-side. In addition, from their local knowledge, both agreed that any
sites would be further up on the more level ground. Neither had seen any walling on or
near the site. Taking into account that they would have seen the area in a variety of
conditions and at different times of day their comments should be considered both valid
and valuable.
5. Cultural Heritage resource
As the desk based assessment and site walk over survey identified no recorded
archaeological remains or evidence of unrecorded sites in the area the potential impact
of the development on the cultural heritage resource of the area is considered very
limited. There is the possibility that archaeological sites may be identified at a later date
particularly further up the glen. However the construction of the dam and saddle dam is
not considered of a scale great enough to cause any disruption to any potential sites in
this area.
At the junction of Allt Fionnach, accross which the dam is being built, and the River
Findhorn there is a large Estate Lodge and a number of smaller buildings. Up river,
across the bridge which crosses the Allt Fionnach, an area has been ear-marked for the
construction of the turbine. No archaeology was noted here and therefore no impact
could be considered to exist.
The estate is a working business with a number of functional buildings. Within its
setting, next to these buildings it opined here that one additional building would not have
a detrimental effect on that landscape, although measures should be taken to ensure
sensitive and appropriate exterior design, as evidenced elsewhere on the estate.
6. Conclusions
The survey did not identify any archaeological remains nor raise concerns over any
significant impact on the local landscape which might be brought about by this
development. It is recommended that no further archaeological survey work is required
but that any extension of the development or new development in this area should
receive further archaeological consideration.
Site1 Coignafearn
EASTING: (2)70700
NORTHING: (8)17700
NH71NW 3 Map Ref: 707 177
An enclosure is depicted on the 1st edition of the OS 6-inch map (Inverness-shire 1874,
sheet lvi), but it is not shown on the current edition of the OS 1:10000 map (1974).
Information from RCAHMS (SAH) 4 July 1996
Site 2 Abhainn Cro Chlach
EASTING: (2)64410
NORTHING: (8)08230
NH60NW 2 Map Ref: 6441 0823
What may be two unroofed shieling-huts are depicted on the 1st edition of the OS 6-inch
map (Inverness-shire 1872, sheet lxxi), they are not shown on the current edition of the
OS 1:10000 map (1992).
Site 3 Allt Calder
EASTING: (2)69130
NORTHING: (8)16710
NH61NE 1 Map Ref: 6913 1671
What may be a farmstead comprising one unroofed building of two compartments
attached to a three compartment enclosure is depicted on the 1st edition of the OS 6-
inch map (Inverness-shire 1874, sheet lvi). One unroofed building is shown on the
current edition of the OS 1:10000 map (1973).
Information from RCAHMS (SAH) 4 July 1996
Site 4 Monadhliath Mountains
EVIDENCE: Other Report;
A Lancaster crashed on August 31st, 1944. Broke up in mid air.
Serial No. PD258. Sqd. 463.
Site 5 Lower Coignashie
EASTING: (2)71600
NORTHING: (8)18000
NH71NW 1 centred on Map Ref:716 180
A township comprising one unroofed building and six roofed buildings, one of which is
arranged around three sides of a courtyard, is depicted on the 1st edition of the OS 6-
inch map (Inverness-shire 1874, sheet lvi). One partially roofed and two unroofed
buildings are shown on the current edition of the OS 1:10000 map (1974). Information
from RCAHMS (SAH) 4 July 1996
Site 6 Dalbeg
EASTING: (2)65550
NORTHING: (8)13120
NH61SE 2 Map Ref: 6555 1312
A farmstead, comprising three roofed buildings, one unroofed building and two
enclosures is depicted on the 1st edition of the OS 6-inch map (Inverness-shire 1872,
sheet lxxi). One roofed building and three enclosures are shown on the current edition of
the OS 1:10000 map (1992).
Information from RCAHMS (AKK) 8 July 1996.
Site 7 Caochan A'Choire Sheilich
EASTING: (2)60760
NORTHING: (8)10870
NH61SW 1 Map Ref: 6076 1087
What may be a single unroofed shieling-hut is depicted on the 1st edition of the OS 6-
inch map (Inverness-shire 1874-5, sheet lxx), but it is not shown on the current edition of
the OS 1:10000 map (1991).
Information from RCAHMS (AKK) 4 July 1996.
EASTING: (2)68760
NORTHING: (8)11730
NH61SE 4 Map Ref: 6876 1173
A single unroofed building is depicted on the 1st edition of the OS 6-inch map
(Inverness-shire 1872, sheet lxxi). One roofed building, some 40m to the S, is shown on
the current edition of the OS 1:10000 map (1992).
Information from RCAHMS (AKK) 8 July 1996.
Site 9 Dalbeg
EASTING: (2)65470
NORTHING: (8)13010
NH61SE 3 Map Ref: 6547 1301
One roofed building and one unroofed building are depicted on the 1st edition of the OS
6-inch map (Inverness-shire 1872, sheet lxxi), but they are not shown on the current
edition of the OS 1:10000 map (1992).
Information from RCAHMS (AKK) 8 July 1996.
EASTING: (2)72660
NORTHING: (8)17830
EVIDENCE: Map; Other Report;
Settlement shown on 1st edition OS map. Woodland Grant Scheme proposal to fell trees
from the archaeology.
Site 11 River Findhorn
NH61SE 1 Map Ref: 6790 1487
Two enclosures are depicted on the 1st edition of the OS 6-inch map (Inverness-shire
1874, sheet lvi), but they are not shown on the current edition of the OS 1:10000 map
EASTING: (2)73030
NORTHING: (8)18520
See assoc. docs. File.
06/05/2008 cti 003 South side of stream. Steep Hill-side W
06/05/2008 cti 004 Peat Area, on South side of stream. W
06/05/2008 cti 005 Access Road with pipeline. Looking down stream. E
06/05/2008 cti 006 Above Ford. North side of stream. SW
06/05/2008 cti 007 Typical landscape above ford area. North side of stream. W
06/05/2008 cti 008 Behind Dam. Area to be flooded. NE
06/05/2008 cti 009 Behind Saddle Dam. Same spot as cti 008. E
06/05/2008 cti 010 Peat Area. E
06/05/2008 cti 011 Peat Area, West of cti 010. Greater depth of peat. S
06/05/2008 cti 012 Peat Area, West edge of Saddle Dam. NE
06/05/2008 cti 013 Access Road. NW
06/05/2008 cti 014 Coignafearn Lodge. NE
06/05/2008 cti 015 Location of Turbine N
06/05/2008 cti 016 Coignafearn Lodge, area of outfall. E
Desk based assessment
Figure 5 Ordnance Survey first edition, Grantown 1866 (1870 Imprint 1877), Sheet 74
Walk-over survey
Appendix 2 Photographic register
report sheet one photos
report sheet two photos

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