
Joe Howell Director of Global Employer

Brand and Employee

Engagement, EMC

Digital Candidate Experience 3.XO

Tammy Garmey SVP Client Engagement &

Strategy, TMP Worldwide


Video Intro


Welcome / Overview


What is Big Data and why should you care

In our world

In our lives

In our industry

EMC – Our candidate experience transformation

Meet Bob, Data Scientist Extraordinaire (aka EXTREME hard-to-fill)

Bob’s “EMC Me” experience


Big Data – What is it


Big Data In Our Lives


Big Data In Our Industry

LinkedIn counts executives from all 2013 Fortune 500 companies as members; its

corporate talent solutions are used by 90 of the Fortune 100 companies.

LinkedIn members did over 5.7 billion professionally-oriented searches on the

platform in 2012.

More than 3 million companies have LinkedIn Company Pages.

There are more than 1.5 million unique publishers actively using the LinkedIn

Share button on their sites to send content into the LinkedIn platform.

LinkedIn members are sharing insights and knowledge in more than 2.1 million

LinkedIn Groups.

In the second quarter of 2013, an average of 33 percent of unique visiting

members came through mobile apps, versus just 21 percent a year ago.



Big Data – In Talent Management


50,139 employees


3,958 following

2,700 tweets


179 talking about

Welcome to Candidate Experience 3.XO


EMC Data Scientist - Meet Bob


Why Bob is Hard To Attract

According to McKinsey Global Institute,

the US could be facing a

shortage of 190,000 people

with analytical skills by 2018.


How do we get them to Stop, Look…

Getting them to look - What’s the EMC Positioning Strategy – EMC Me

The Message

The Visual Expression

The Personalized Experience

Contagious content that is relevant

Learn about EMC through your own lens; your story

EMC Me Demo Video


…& Listen


Keeping Them Engaged:

Where We’ll Stay Connected


Keeping them Engaged:

How We’ll Maintain Connection


Key Takeaway:

Content is King.

Context Rules.

Engage Convert


Personal connection




Exclusive experience


What’s next

Animated Video Here



Big Data is changing everything.

The way we live and communicate is influenced by Big Data

You must evolve.

And continue to evolve – The landscape will continue to accelerate the change.

Content is king. Context rules.

Personalization/Relevance is your mission to create an optimal Candidate

Experience 3.XO


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