Page 1: GOD AT WORK IN OUR MIDST - Genacross Lutheran Services...quiet time in his apartment. His recovery on the Wolf Creek Campus has enabled him to live independently, with key supports

December 2018


With fall weather in full swing, “Henry” wanted to make sure his yard was free of leaves and landscaped for the winter. While working in his yard, he began to have trouble breathing and felt a sharp pain in his chest, so he immediately yelled for his wife to call 911. In the ambulance, Henry had a heart attack, and the paramedics rushed him to the hospital where he subsequently received a pacemaker. He was very weak after the procedure and had complications that left him needing skilled nursing care and therapy to complete his recovery. His mother had been a resident at the Genacross Lutheran Services-Toledo Campus, so that is where Henry wanted to go as well. After several weeks of rehabilitation and IV medication, he was once more his independent self. “This place was wonderful when my mother was here, and this stay did nothing to change my opinion,” Henry said. “The staff here is very kindhearted.”


Stories of the Called Ministries of Genacross Lutheran Services

Although pseudonyms are used in the above ministry stories, Genacross follows HIPAA guidelines and has either obtained permission from our residents, patients, or clients, or has sufficiently concealed their identities, thereby enabling us to use their stories of God’s grace.


“Dean” entered the Health Center on the Genacross Lutheran Services-Wolf Creek Campus this past summer. He needed some help after a recent hospitalization. Summer turned into fall, then fall was becoming winter, and Dean remained in the Health Center. Even though staff was providing him with excellent care, his health was still poor, and his goal to return home kept getting pushed back. Finally, Dean reached out to the campus’ social worker and started discussing living options. The social worker suggested he consider assisted living on the campus. He would be living independently, but additional services would be available if he needed them. Within a few days, Dean adjusted his goal from returning home to moving into an assisted living apartment. A plan was put together, and Dean was introduced to a Genacross Service Coordinator to help him access funding for furniture and home goods for his new apartment. The coordinator got a “wish list” from Dean, and together they went shopping to pick out items. When Dean moved into his apartment, he was filled with joy and happiness. He participates in conversations in the dining room, attends activity programs, and enjoys quiet time in his apartment. His recovery on the Wolf Creek Campus has enabled him to live independently, with key supports in place to be successful.


“Timothy” has been a part of the HOME Choice program since July. For several months prior to that he had been living in a nursing facility, but Timothy was ready to live on his own again. He began working with the Genacross Service Coordinator assigned to his case. Timothy was very motivated to find just the right place to live and had a supportive family. After taking a few months to get everything in order, the perfect apartment was found for him. Through the help of the HOME Choice program, the Genacross Service Coordinator was able to assist Timothy in finding furniture, household goods, groceries and transportation. His supportive family was also able to help make his transition back into the community as smooth and easy as possible. Timothy is grateful to the Genacross Service Coordinator and HOME Choice for providing the assistance and resources that he needs to live independently and remain stable. He is ready for this fresh start in a new home.

Page 2: GOD AT WORK IN OUR MIDST - Genacross Lutheran Services...quiet time in his apartment. His recovery on the Wolf Creek Campus has enabled him to live independently, with key supports


“Sharon” came to the Genacross Lutheran Services-Napoleon Campus after a stay at a Toledo area hospital. She was exhausted from the trip and a little confused as to where she was and how she had gotten there. Her son felt he should stay with her to reduce her anxieties. Generally, family members do not choose to spend the night with their loved ones nor is it encouraged, but occasionally an exception is made so a resident and family can have added peace of mind. Napoleon staff made sleeping arrangements for Sharon’s son in her room. After one night, he saw how caring and attentive the staff was to his mother, and his concerns were alleviated. Sharon and her son were pleased with how staff went above and beyond to make her stay comfortable and successful. The Dietary Department made sure she was able to eat some of her favorite foods. Therapy quickly and successfully got her ready to go home. The Activity Department made sure Sharon had the leisure activities she preferred, and Social Services arranged for Sharon to continue her therapy on an outpatient basis. When she went home, staff held a sendoff for her at the front door and wished her the best of luck. Since then, Sharon and her son have been back to visit the campus several times.


There is a spirit that encompasses people who work at Genacross Family & Youth Services that is not easily lost or forgotten. Former staff members often have fond memories of the difficult youth they have served, because underneath are children who desperately need the care and patience that Family & Youth staff provides each day. Former Executive Director Harry Blackmon and his wife Karen are the embodiment of this spirit. They first began working for the organization in the 1970s, as house parents at the Oregon Group Home. Eventually, Harry was named Executive Director and Karen was named Program Coordinator. Each year since their retirements in 2012, they have provided gift cards for the Partners in Treatment program, which was created under their management, and to the Blackmon Alternate Learning Center, the school bearing their name. The gift cards for the monthly Partners in Treatment program go a long way toward purchasing supplies for activities in the therapeutic groups. The gift cards for the Blackmon Center are used for various needs. Last year, the funds were used to purchase a Lego wall and additional Legos for the sensory room, a space where youth can go when overwhelmed with emotions or when they have earned free time. This intangible spirit is part of what makes the caregivers of youth and their families so unique, and it leaves a lasting impression.


Although pseudonyms are used in the above ministry stories, Genacross follows HIPAA guidelines and has either obtained permission from our residents, patients, or clients, or has sufficiently concealed their identities, thereby enabling us to use their stories of God’s grace.


Due to some recent health problems, “Ruth” had to be admitted to the hospital. While there, she received many treatments, and her family was with her every step of the way. When it was time to be discharged from the hospital, Ruth and her family did not feel she was ready, since she was still connected to monitors and receiving IV antibiotics. Hospital staff spoke to them about home health services and explained how a home health agency could teach and train them to administer the IV antibiotics. After meeting with a Genacross at Home staff member, Ruth decided to become a client. Nursing staff met Ruth and her family at her house the day she was discharged from the hospital. They made sure that Ruth had all the supplies and medications she needed for a successful transition home. Genacross at Home also began therapy services to strengthen Ruth so she could maneuver throughout her home. After several weeks, Ruth was able to administer her own IV antibiotics, and her family was also trained in the necessary techniques. Ruth is currently living independently in her home and caring for herself.

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