
“I LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!! THANK YOU!” -Alix Ayalas, Newport Beach, CA

“I received the bag and it’s AWESOME!!!!!! Kendra also gets asked where she got her bag.....I love is so beautiful....” - Shannon Kehle, Rancho Santa Fe, CA “ Tony, LOVE the Hammitt!” -Amy, Newport Beach, CA “The bags arrived yesterday and they’re ABSOLUTLEY GORGEOUS. Avery and I are thrilled. Thanks again for your thoughtfulness.” -Kathy, Miami Beach, FL

“I took my orange Hammitt to Paris with me and a Parisian women tried to buy it off me. I couldn’t believe it…she wouldn’t take NO for an answer.” -Christie, Hermosa Beach, CA “Tony, I get stopped ALL the time and get asked about my bag. I love knowing I have one of the only ones in New York!!!!!” -Danielle, New York City, NY “Love my grey croc suede Westwood, I take it to photo shoots all the time and everyone wants it. You guys are going to be huge in New York.” -Julie, New York City, NY

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