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LO4 Layout EvaluationBy Arran Spencer

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What have you produced and why?I have produced a factual product that will explain certain features and the history of Nintendo and all the features of the 3DS XL console. The reason why I chose to write a factual piece on the 3DS console was because it would take less research since I knew a lot about the console. I also own a console so getting the images of the console would not be very tricky since all I would have to do is get a camera from college then take the images. The production of this product took me about 3-4 weeks from going through 2 different styles. The main reason I did this choice because it was an easy choice.

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What was the desired effect of the piece?The desired effect of the piece was to help people who are young or don't know the features of the 3DS console, I have designed this information guide to help explain a bit of of the background of Nintendo and the 3DS and then some aspects about features that the new users may not know about, I also explained some things that you can use with the 3DS for example the Stylus and other accessories. My information guide will explain the new feature and the history. The desired effect was to help inform people about the 3DS XL, The feedback I got given is that the text and font was good choices since it was formal and easy to read.

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Do you feel you achieved this?I do feel i achieved this, since the main talking points in my factual product are about the features and accessories of the 3DS console and then I talked for a little bit about the history of Nintendo and then talked some more about just general facts about the console. I also feel the images I have taken also helps achieve this since the images I took was off the 3DS XL console and then I got an image of old Mario and Luigi then cut out around then remove the background then put the image on my work. From the feedback I got back I do believe I achieved this, I got 10 questionnaires filled in and most of them was positive. I got a few negative responses like show less text and se size some Images.

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What research did you conduct?The main research I conducted was just finding out some dates, for example I looked online for some information or some articles about the 3DS, I then looked on Youtube for some videos of some people talking about the features and accessories of the 3DS to help me find any information that I already didn’t know existed. These was the main features of research I conducted. Most research I have conducted has been secondary since I took all the information from other people on the internet. Most of the research was taken from the internet. Since most of the knowledge I knew on this topic before choosing this topic I learnt from Youtube channels and web articles.

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What information did you learn? How did this help?I didn’t learn that much information since I knew most of the information before choosing this option, Most of the information I had to look up was the specific names for some of the software. I also had to look up dates of times for when the console first came out. I did not learn much information Overall but I did have to download the instruction manual and give that another read to make sure I explain all the buttons etc and what they do. This helped a lot because I learnt some information about the History of the company. Then went on to learn some knowledge from the console itself from the internet. No one mentioned anything about the facts on the project since there was none that means no positive but also no negative.

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How successful was this?Overall it was not the successful, the reason I did most of the research was for the coursework I knew most of the information that was entered into the product. I did double check all my facts to make sure I was correct and I was correct. Some of the facts was successful as I said I had to look up some dates and ears for certain things so that was very successful as it helped me a lot. This was very successful in some cases, the facts I did receive from the internet about the company and the console did come in handy and I did involve the facts I received. Over all this wasn't the most successful since I knew most of the information which I put on the leaflet.

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How does your work compare to others pieces in the same genre?There has been a few game leaflets, some of them give out information on the new games that are going to come out, There are other that involve all the latest accessories for the console it is talking about. I don't think there are a lot of other products that is the same as mine. Mine is special because it talks about the past of Nintendo and the past of the console itself. Mine is very different to others in the same genre because most of the same genre will talk about one thing in particular for example one may speak about the new games whilst another may speak about a new console that will come out in a few years. My leaflet more talks about the company itself and the console itself not so much the games side.

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What skills have you developed when doing this piece? The main skills I have developed whilst working on this project would be working on Indesign on the mac. I have also developed some skills in Adobe Lightroom and also in Adobe Photoshop. The main skills i developed on Indesign was just how to use opaque boxes and add shadows and borders around the outside of the images. I also learnt some more facts about ‘’ using that made me download and insert the mario font for my product. I have also developed the skill of how to receive feedback and then take the feedback into advice and alter the work depending on what the feedback given was. When they said to try and remove some text where it is necessary I tried to and removed some sentences that would not be needed.

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If you could improve anything what would it be and why?I would've used my time for effective when it came to getting the images or using graphics or not. Since I feel I could of used photos or made some graphics that suit the product more than the existing images that I am using. I would of also put more time into the draft copy because on the feedback sheets someone said ‘Less text’ so I would alter the text and remove all unessorcery bits that are unneeded and added bits that would make more sense. What most of the feedback said is that the layout looked good and the touch of Mario and Luigi was nice. They said to alter the text and cut some out and add in more images so if I could do this again I would take more better images so I can use more images and less text.

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