  • 7/26/2019 Mod 10 Chapter 3 Master A




    JAR 66 Module 10

    Aviation Legislation


    CHA"TR #

    C$a%te& # Contents

    Contents 1

    Objectives 2General Classification of Aircraft 3Operating Sectors 6JAR OPS 7Operators Responsibilities 8!" # !" $Air Operators Certificate 11aintenance Responsibilit% 12&oc'(ents to )e Carrie*Registration ar+s of AircraftAircraft ,nternal-!.ternal ar+ings


    aintenance progra((es 17JAR1/0 2/"arge an* S(all Organisations 2$AO Articles 31Aircraft (aintenance # *oc'(entation 30AA 144 37aintenance s%ste(s 3$

    aintenance (anage(ent //Pilot (aintenance /7aintenance5 Overa'l an* Repair (an'als /8aintenance of aircraft 04R) 03aintenance Sce*'les 0/"AS 07Certification 08Certificate of aintenance Revie 66Penalties 74A'torisation Certificates

    Protecte* Rigts


    72Safet% Critical as+s&'plicate ,nspections


    or+pac+ 7$ecnical "og 84Reneal of Certificate of Airortiness 879ligt est Sce*'le $8!OPS aintenance an* &espatc Re:'ire(entsAO aintenance Re:'ire(ents ;CAP 364

    Gene&al Classi/i.ation o/ Ai&.&a/t> ;AO Sce*'le 2 Part A1 belo ill'strates tese aircraftclassifications>

    9ree )alloononPoer &riven

    "igter tan air Captive )alloonAircraft

    Poer &riven Airsip

    Aircraft Gli*eron Poer &riven


    Beavier tan airAircraft Aeroplane "an*plane

    Aeroplane SeaplaneAeroplane A(pibianAeropplane Self"a'ncing

    Poer &riven otor Gli*er Poere* "ift ilt Rotor



    9igu&e #+1 ANO !.$ed 5 "t A: Classi/i.ation o/ Ai&.&a/t

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    JAR 66 Module 10

    Aviation Legislation


    CHA"TR #

    9or te p'rpose of convenience5 (ost re:'ire(ents5 or*ers an* reg'lations appl% to

    aircraft tat are classifie* itin one or (ore specific eigt categories> e ter(generall% 'se* in conj'nction it aircraft eigt is te @Mai-u- Take7O// Mass?or MTOM> ;Previo'sl% +non in )CAR p'blications as a.i('( a+eOff eigtA'torise*5 MTWA 9ig're 3>2 sos tese categories an* it is as ell to +eeptese fig'res in (in* *'ring te co'rse>

    Met&i. I-%e&ial

    4 2734 +g 4 6424 lbs2734 0744 +g 6424 12704 lbs

    0744 13614 +g 12704 34444 lbsabove 13614 +g above 34444 lbs

    9igu&e #+5 Ai&.&a/t Weig$t Catego&ies

    ,t is often ar* to vis'alise tese eigt categories in relation to c'rrent aircraftilst it is not a re:'ire(ent of tis co'rse tat %o' re(e(ber tese e.a(ples itelps to 'n*erstan* te conte.t in relation to aviation legislation> 9ig're 3>35 sosso(e aircraft at te e.act eigt categories *escribe* above5 ilst te table belosos so(e t%pical aircraft eigts>

    9o++er 04 appro.> 245444 +g ;//5144 lbs 1805444 +g ;/485444 lbs

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    JAR 66 Module 10

    Aviation Legislation


    CHA"TR #

    O%e&ating !

    e sectors in ic aircraft operate in te civil airspace5 are *ivi*e* into fo'rcategories> e% are=

    9irst "evel

    At tis level e ave te p'blic sector airlines operating transport categor% aircraftfleets on sce*'le* reven'e passenger an* freigt services over bot *o(estic an*international ro'tes>

    Secon* "evel

    ,n te secon* an* tir* levels5 e ave te private or in*epen*ent airline sector>ese airlines operate transport categor% aircraft in a si(ilar (anner to te first levelairlines b't5 in te secon* level5 te services cover incl'sive to'r services an*carter fligts>

    ir* "evel

    At te tir* level5 s(all an* (e*i'( siDe* p'blic transport aircraft operatepassenger5 freigt5 co(('ter or air ta.i5 carter an* air a(b'lance services>

    General Aviation

    e General Aviation sector (a% broa*l% be *efine* as an% aerona'tical'*ing sce*'le* services> S(all an* (e*i'( siDe* aircraft in te appropriateC of A categories5 are 'se* for s'c activities as fl%ing scool training5 fl%ing cl'bs>co(pan%'tive transport5 pleas're an* b'siness fl%ing b% private oners5 airta.i services5 carter fligts5 crop spra%ing an* aerial s'rve%ing>

    So(e General Aviation 9acts

    ,n te (i* 1$$4?s tere as a st'*% of Gene&al Aviation 2G+A+3 'tilisation> ,t*iscovere* tat G>A> consiste* of =

    a> =6E of te total estern civil fleet>b> =6E of all civil pilots>c> >0E of all civil fl%ing o'rs*> ?0E of te total passenger traffice> Onl% @E of civil aviation f'el cons'(ption

    &'ring te sa(ple %ear in te nite* ing*o(5 te General Aviation fleet logge*=00:000 /l8ing $ou&sile te Co((ercial fleet ;9irst5 Secon* andir* "evel e n'(bers of registere* aircraft so'l* also beconsi*ere*F 744 co((ercial against 145444 General Aviation in te >

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    JAR 66 Module 10

    Aviation Legislation


    CHA"TR #

    JAR O"!

    JAR OPS 1 prescribes re:'ire(ents applicable to te operation of an% civilaeroplane for te p'rpose of Co--e&.ial Ai& T&ans%o&tation 2CAT3> eoperator?s principle place of b'siness ('st be itin a JAA (e(ber state> JAROPS 1 *oes not appl% to (ilitar%5 c'sto(s or police air operations>

    JAR O"! is divided into %a&ts

    JAR OPS 1 CA 9i.e* ingJAR OPS 2 General Aviation 9i.e* ingJAR OPS 3 CA BelicoptersJAR OPS / General Aviation Belicopters

    JAR O"! 1

    JAR OPS 1 is *ivi*e* into several parts5 eac part covering specific re:'ire(entsrelate* to te operation an* (aintenance of CA aircraft> e part concerningaircraft (aintenance is fo'n* at s'bpart an* is *ealt it in (ore *etail later intis capter> ,n general te basic re:'ire(ents of JAROPS1 state tat=

    ;a< An operator sall not operate an aeroplane for te p'rpose ofco((ercial air transportation oter tan in accor*ance it JAROPS Part 1>

    ;b< An operator sall co(pl% it te re:'ire(ents in JAR26 applicable toaeroplanes operate* for te p'rpose of co((ercial air transportation> Untilformal implementation of JAR26, current national aviation regulations will apply.

    ;c< !ac aeroplane sall be operate* in co(pliance it te ter(s of itsCertificate of Airortiness an* itin te approve* li(itations containe* in itsAeroplane 9ligt an'al>

    ;*< Air a.i an* Aeroplane !(ergenc% e*ical Service ;!S< operationssall be con*'cte* in accor*ance it te re:'ire(ents containe* in

    JAROPS Part 1 e.cept for te variations containe* in S'bpart 5Appen*ices A an* ) respectivel%>

    O!= C'rrentl% S'bpart @? ;9ligt an* Cre &'t% i(es

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    JAR 66 Module 10

    Aviation Legislation


    CHA"TR #

    O%e&ato&Bs Res%onsi4ilities

    e operator?s responsibilities are f'll% *escribe* itin JAR OPS> ,n partic'lar anoperator ('st ens're tat=

    a> all e(plo%ees are aare of te nee* to co(pl% it te las5 reg'lationsan* proce*'res of te States in ic operations are con*'cte*>

    b> all cre(e(bers are si(ilarl% aare of te las etc> pertinent to teperfor(ance of teir *'ties>

    c> All cre (e(bers can co(('nicate in a co((on lang'age

    *> All operations personnel can 'n*erstan* te lang'age in ic te partsof te Operations an'al applicable to teir *'ties are ritten>

    ,n a**ition=

    e> an operator sall establis a Mini-u- ;ui%-ent List 2ML3ic illbe approve* b% te AA> is !" ill be base* 'pon5 b't not less tan5te Maste& Mini-u- ;ui%-ent List 2MML3> e operator cannotoperate an aircraft o'tsi*e te !" ito't te a'torit% of te AA>

    f> An operator sall not operate an aeroplane oter tan in accor*ance itte !" 'nless per(itte* b% te A'torit%> An% s'c per(ission ill in nocirc'(stances per(it operation o'tsi*e te constraints of te !">

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    JAR 66 Module 10

    Aviation Legislation


    CHA"TR #

    Maste& Mini-u- ;ui%-ent Lists

    e Master ini('( !:'ip(ent "ist ;MML< is a per(issive list of ite(s tat (a%be te(poraril% inoperative on an aircraft e.cee*ing 2734+g O5 in te ransport5Aerial an* Private categories> ,t is especiall% i(portant en te aircraft is aa% fro(te operator?s (ain base> e *esire* level of safet% ('st be (aintaine*5 at te ti(eof *ispatc on reven'e operations5 in accor*ance it Article 16 of te AO5 ilstoperating itin a controlle* an* so'n* progra((e of repairs5 replace(ent an*servicing>

    e !" is a list tat covers all aircraft of a specific t%pe5 ic (a% be generate*48 t$e Ai&.&a/t Manu/a.tu&e& o& 48 t$e &es%onsi4le N+A+A+ e proce*'re for

    pro*'cing tis list can be fo'n* in te C>A>A> P'blication CAP 0/$ H asterini('( !:'ip(ent "ists ;!"< an* ini('( !:'ip(ent "ists ;!"

    ,n *eveloping a !"5 *'e consi*eration is given to appropriate Air avigationlegislation5 *esign re:'ire(ents5 ational Airortiness A'torit% polic%5 operationalconsi*erations5 an* mandatory stip'lations applicable to te aircraft t%pe> ;e>g>Airortiness &irectives5 Airortiness otices5 an* te re:'ire(ents of te 9ligtan'al>

    Mini-u- ;ui%-ent Lists;Alloable &eficienc% "ist or GO-OGO "ist

    e a**itional an*-or (o*ifie* proce*'res (entione* above5 are nor(all% eiteroperational5 an* terefore annotate* it an 2O3 against te relevant entr%5 or

    (aintenance5 annotate* it an 2M3+)ot of tese annotations ill place so(e for(of restriction or li(itation it regar* to te operation of te aircraft>

    e ML o'l* also incl'*e specific alleviations appropriate to te operatorscirc'(stances in respect of ite(s annotate* IAs re:'ire* b% Air avigation"egislation in te MML>

    Co-%ilation o/ t$e list is t$e oint &es%onsi4ilit8 o/ t$e o%e&ato&Ds enginee&ingand o%e&ations de%a&t-ent+

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    JAR 66 Module 10

    Aviation Legislation


    CHA"TR #

    &'e consi*eration is given to te *'plication of e:'ip(ent an* te alternative(eto*s of operation> en assessing eter an aircraft can fl% it an

    'nserviceabilit% or not5 it is te general r'le tat at an% ti(e5 one f'rter fail'reso'l* not pro*'ce a aDar*o's sit'ation>

    It is vitally important for engineers to thoroughly read the maintenancerequirements, if any, which need to be carried out when invoking the MEL.Many items within the MEL may require additional maintenance activities andfailure to comply with these requirements invalidates the Certificate ofirworthiness of the aircraft and leaves the engineer liable for punishmentunder the !".

    &eficiencies are 's'all% categorise* in a list to in*icate tat=

    13 t$e ai&.&a/t .an /l8 to t$e net line station $e&e s%a&es a&eavaila4le+

    53 t$e /ault is to 4e &e.ti/ied at t$e net &etu&n to 4ase

    #3 /u&t$e& details a&e to 4e o4tained /&o- 4ase

    3 t$e ai&.&a/t .an 4e /lon it$out a .o--e&.ial load and it$.e&tain &est&i.tions on t$e o%e&ation+

    en a list is co(plete* it is finall% agree* in cons'ltation it te AA an* isnor(all% incl'*e* in te fligt an* operations (an'als for te aircraft t%pe+ T$e /inalde.ision on $et$e& an ai&.&a/t -a8 o& -a8 not /l8 it$ a de/i.ien.8: no&-all8&ests it$ t$e Ca%tain: alt$oug$ so-e .o-%anies &e;ui&e t$e Ca%tain to.onsult it$ t$ei& on Eualit8 o& O%e&ations de%a&t-ents /i&st+

    ,n " '+5 *efects are classifie* as IA5 I( or IC> A ecnical "og entr% b% tecaptain is annotate* an IA *efect an* it ('st5 if possible5 be rectifie* immediately> ,ftis is not possible5 te !" infor(s te engineer eter te *efect can be entere*in te I) *efect log seet ;Affecting Airortiness

    Con/igu&ation ,eviation Lists

    ,n Section 8 of te Operations an'al can be fo'n* te Con/igu&ation ,eviationList 2C,L3+ is list contains te secon*ar% airfra(e co(ponents an* engine colparts tat can be re(ove* ;or (issing< to per(it5 in (ost cases5 restricte*co((ercial operations> inor ite(s5 s'c as static *iscargers5 certain ligts5 etc>(a% be (issing or re(ove* it no restrictions on te operation of te aircraft>

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    JAR 66 Module 10

    Aviation Legislation


    CHA"TR #

    Ai& O%e&ato&Bs Ce&ti/i.ate 2AOC3

    A Co(pan% operating an aircraft for te p'rpose of P'blic ransportation5 itin te5 ('st ave an AOC grante* to te co(pan%5 in accor*ance it JAROPS 1>170an* te Air avigation Or*er ;AO< Article 6>

    An Air Operator?s Certificate ill specif% te folloing *etails=

    e na(e an* location of te operator?s (ain place of b'siness>

    e *ate of iss'e an* te perio* of vali*it% of te certificate> is vali*it%is nor(all% @'ntil revo+e*?>

    A full *escription of te t%pe of operations a'torise*5 te t%pe;s< ofaircraft being operate* an* teir registration (ar+ings>

    A'torise* areas of operation5 it an% li(itations>

    An% special li(itations5 a'torisations or approvals5 s'c as CA ,, orCA ,,, operation5 !OPS fligts5 etc>

    n*er te above JAR5 te CAA5 as a f'll (e(ber a'torit% of te JAA5 is a'torise*to grant te AOC once te co(pan% (eets te re:'ire(ents of JAR OPS>

    e initial application for te grant of an AOC is (a*e to te 9lig$t O%e& 29OI3of te CAA5 o ill carr% o't an investigation of te operator inrelation to te operation of is aircraft fleet an* te relevant reg'lations>

    T$e CAA !RG: $oeve&: investigate a&&ange-ents /o& enginee&ing su%%o&t-ade in a..o&dan.e it$ !u47%a&t M o/ JAR7O"! on 4e$al/ o/ t$e 9OI+

    e AOC ill be iss'e* b% te 9O, once it is f'll% satisfie* tat all re:'ire(ents of

    JAROPS ave been (et> is also incl'*es SRG ac+nole*ge(ent tat S'bpart of JAROPS as also been co(plie* it>

    On.e an AOC is a%%&oved and in /o&.e: all t$e ai&.&a/t a&e to 4e -aintained 48an o&ganisation a%%&oved to JAR 1?+

    9or a JAROPS approval te co(pan% ('st no(inate an A..ounta4le Manage&an* &ep't%> e Acco'ntable anager ('st be acceptable to te a'torit% an* ille.ercise corporate a'torit%> Be-Se is responsible for ens'ring tat all operations5incl'*ing aircraft (aintenance5 can be reso'rce* an* carrie* o't to te stan*ar*sset b% te relevant AA>

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    JAR 66 Module 10

    Aviation Legislation


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    ,o.u-ents to 4e .a&&ied

    In a..o&dan.e it$ JAR7O"! 1 t$e /olloing do.u-ents: o& .o%ies o/ t$e-:-ust 4e .a&&ied on all%u4li. t&ans%o&t /lig$ts+

    a+ Ce&ti/i.ate o/ Regist&ation

    4+ Ce&ti/i.ate o/ Ai&o&t$iness

    .+ Noise Ce&ti/i.ate

    d+ Ai& O%e&ato&Bs Ce&ti/i.ate

    e+ Ai&.&a/t Radio Li.en.e

    /+ T$i&d %a&t8 lia4ilit8 insu&an.e+

    g+ 9lig$t C&e 2it$ .o&&e.t &atingFs3

    $+ O%e&ations Manual 2see 4elo3

    i+ 9lig$t Manual 2see 4elo3

    e operator is also re:'ire* to ens're tat te Operations an'al ;cre *'ties #con*'ct of fligt< pl's te 9ligt an'al is carrie* ;if Part ) of te Operations an'alcontains te necessar% infor(ation an* it as been accepte* b% te A'torit% tente 9ligt an'al is not re:'ire*

    e *oc'(ents re:'ire* to be carrie* 'n*er te Ai& Navigation O&de&*iffer fro(tose re:'ire* b% JAR7O"! 1> ese *iffering re:'ire(ents appl% to fligts 'n*erAerial Con*itions an* to Private fligts whilst overseas, an* are as son belo=


    Cert> of Registration Cert> of RegistrationCert> of Airortiness Cert> of AirortinessRa*io "icence Ra*io "icence

    9ligt Cre "icences 9ligt Cre "icencesOperations an'al"oa* SeetKCertificate of aint> RevieKecnical "ogK,nterception SignalsK ,nterception Signals

    ;,te(s (ar+e* K are a**itional *oc'(ents also so(eti(escarrie* on JAROPS ;P>5 before te% are per(itte* to fl%> e% ('stalso ave teir allotte* registration letters *ispla%e* on te airfra(e in accor*anceit Article 0 an* part @)? sce*'le 2 of te AO>

    e legal re:'ire(ents in respect of aircraft registration are set o't in=

    A&ti.le o/ t$e ANO

    Application for registration in te >> ('st be (a*e to te C>A>A on a 9o&- CA1+e% ill5 s'bject to acceptance of te application5 iss'e a Ce&ti/i.ate o/

    Regist&ation+is certificate is vali* 'ntil tere is a cange in onersip of teaircraft5 or 'ntil te aircraft is *estro%e* or per(anentl% it*ran fro( 'se>

    An official list of aircraft registere* in te >> is +ept b% te C>A>A> ere is alsoan,nternational Aircraft Register>

    An aircraft5 oter tan one per(itte* to fl% ito't being registere*5 ('st not fl% in>> airspace 'nless it bears te nationalit% an* registration (ar+s as re:'ire* b%te la of te co'ntr% in ic it is registere*>

    e national (ar+ of >> registere* aircraft is te capital letter IG an* teregistration (ar+ is a gro'p of fo'r capital letters>

    An alternative to te above s%ste( is 'se* b% aircraft (an'fact'rers-*ealers toper(it fligt test of aircraft ito't te aircraft being registere*> e registrations arenot per(anent an* ta+e te for( of capital letter IG folloe* b% to sets ofn'(erals> e first is allocate* to te (an'fact'rer-*ealer5 te secon* representste aircraft itself>

    9or e.a(ple5 te registration IG7161 as allocate* to a Slingsb% 9irefl%5 ;fore.port to te >S>A> e n'(ber @7? represente* te Slingsb% Aircraft Co(pan% an*

    te @161? in*icate* it as te 161st

    aircraft of tat pro*'ction or*er>

    A )ae Jetstrea( aircraft as allocate* IG/41/> e @/? in tis case being ten'(ber allocate* to )ritis Aerospace5 it te aircraft being te 1/ tof a batcgoing to te S'n Air airline>

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    JAR 66 Module 10

    Aviation Legislation


    CHA"TR #


    !MO)ING IN AIRCRA9T Reference= AO Article 66 an* JAR20>7$1

    !ver% aircraft registere* in te >> ('st ave a notice in*icating en s(o+ing isproibite*> e notice ('st be so positione* tat is visible to eachpassenger seate*in te aircraft>

    9A!TN !AT (LT! Reference= AO Sce*'le / or JAR20>7$1

    !ver% aircraft registere* in te >> in te ransport Categor% ('st5 if teco((an*er of te aircraft fro( is on seat is 'nable to see all of te passengers

    seats5 ave a (eans of in*icating to te passengers tat te seat belts so'l* befastene*>

    IT and (RA)7IN MAR)ING! Reference= AO Article 62 or JAR20>811

    en a P'blic ransport aircraft registere* in te >> is carr%ing passengers5 fro(5 an* ever% internal *oor in te aircraft sall be in or+ing or*er an*5 *'ringta+eoff5 lan*ing or an% e(ergenc%5 ('st be free fro( obstr'ction an* not fastene*b% loc+ing or oterise so as to prevent5 in*er or *ela% its 'se b% passengers>

    !ver% fro( te aircraft ('st be (ar+e* it te or*s I!N, or I!!RG!C!N, in capital letters> !ver% fro( te aircraft ('st be (ar+e* it teinstr'ctions in !nglis an* it diagramsto in*icate te correct (eto* of openingte> e (ar+ings ('st be place* on or near te insi*e s'rface of te *oor oroter clos're of te an*5 if it is openable fro( te o'tsi*e of te aircraft5 on ornear te e.terior s'rface>

    Aircraft above 3644+g O are nor(all% (ar+e* on te e.terior s'rface of teirf'selage to so te I)R!A, areas5 ic can5 for te p'rpose of resc'e in ane(ergenc%5 be (ost rea*il%5 an* effectivel% bro+en into b% persons o'tsi*e teaircraft> ,n so(e circ'(stances5 tese (ar+ings (a% be o(itte*5 provi*ing

    a'torisation fro( te C>A>A> as been obtaine*>

    )rea+in areas ('st be rectang'lar in sape an* ('st be (ar+e* b% rigt angle*corner (ar+ings eac ar( of ic ('st be 14c( ;/< in lengt along its o'ter e*gean* 2>0c( ;1< in i*t> e or*s IC B!R! , !!RG!C ('st be (ar+e*across te centre of eac brea+in area in capital letters>

    On aircraft above 0744+g O5 ever% inten*e* to be 'se* b% passengers inan e(ergenc%5 ('st be (ar+e* on te e.terior of te aircraft b% a ban* not less tan0c( ;2< in i*t5 o'tlining te>

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    e (ar+ings (entione* previo'sl%5 ('st be=

    ;a< Painte* or affi.e* b% so(e oter e:'all% per(anent (eans

    ;b< )e R!& in colo'r an*5 if te bac+gro'n* ren*ers te re* colo'r not easil%visible5 it ('st be o'tline* in B,! or so(e oter contrasting colo'r>

    ;c< Of a colo'r clearl% contrasting it its bac+gro'n*

    ;*< ept clean an* 'nobsc're* at all ti(es>

    ,f one5 butnot more than one, fro( an aircraft beco(es inoperative at a place

    ere it is not reasonabl% practical for it to be repaire* or replace*5 tere is notingto prevent te aircraft fro( carr%ing passengers 'ntil it ne.t lan*s at a place erete can be repaire* or replace* provi*e* tat=

    ;a< te n'(ber of passengers carrie* an* te position of te seats ic te%occ'p% is in accor*ance it arrange(ents approve* b% te C>A>A> eiter inrelation to te partic'lar aircraft or class of aircraftF and

    ;b< in accor*ance it te arrange(ents in ;a e C>A>A> reco((en*s te 'se of a stainless steelplate>

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    JAR 66 Module 10

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    CHA"TR #

    Maintenan.e "&og&a--es

    An operator ('st *evelop an* s'b(it a aintenance Progra((e ;incl'*ing aaintenance Sce*'le< for approval b% te relevant >A>A> in accor*ance it JAROPS 1>$14 an* in an acceptable for(at> e !'ires tat te (aintenanceprogra((e ('st be in te for(at of Stan*ar* aintenance Practice 24 2!M" 503:fro( CAAI"!: Lea/let 1>

    e co(pliance *oc'(ent ens'res tat te s'b(issions are of a stan*ar* for( an*incl'*e all te ite(s re:'ire* b% JAROPS 1>$14 an* oter C>A>A> ationalre:'ire(ents>

    Alto'g an operator ('st co(pl% it te aintenance &oc'(ent5 e ('st alsoens're tat te aircraft an* its e:'ip(ent is (aintaine* 'n*er (an% oteroperational re:'ire(ents> ese can incl'*e=

    JAROPS @? H instr'(ents an* e:'ip(entFJAROPS @"? H Co(('nication an* avigation !:'ip(entA**itional C>A>A> re:'ire(ents for CertificationA**itional C>A>A> re:'ire(ents for aintenance ;A # SP e%are lai* o't as follos=


    !e.t+1 "&e/a.e

    !e.t+5 Ce&ti/i.ation !tate-ent

    !e.t+# Co-%an8 "&

    !e.t+ Additional U) -aintenan.e &e;ui&e-ents

    !e.t+? MM

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    JAR 66 Module 10

    Aviation Legislation


    CHA"TR #

    )LM U) Li-ited 9okke& 100 Maintenan.e "&og&a--e

    e e.a(ples ic follo5 so e.a(ples of eac of te sections (entione* onte previo's page>


    is aintenance progra((e is applicable to te folloing=

    Ai&.&a/t T8%e

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    a-%le o/ o%e&ato&s .e&ti/i.ation state-ent .ould take t$e /o&- as s$on


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    ,t is accepte* tat in a**ition to (onitoring fleet 'tilisation5 te *atacontaine* in tis progra((e ill be reviee* at least ann'all% b% teoperator to ens're tat te *etaile* re:'ire(ents contin'e to be vali* inte ligt of te operating e.perience> %pe Certificate ol*er?sreco((en*ations5 revisions to te aintenance Revie )oar* Report5tat affect te (aintenance nee*s of te aircraft> is revie is inaccor*ance it proce*'res set o't in te Air !ng> "t*> Proce*'resan'al5 ol> 05 Sect /5 Cap /A5 Pt 34>


    !scalation of te cec+ perio*s associate* it te aintenanceProgra((e5 ere applicable5 sall be controlle* b% proce*'resacceptable to te C>A>A> ese Proce*'res are *etaile* in te Air "t*>aintenance anage(ent !.position Pt 1>2 an* Air !ng> "t*>Proce*'res an'al5 ol> 05 Sect /5 Cap /A5 Pt 34


    ere applicable5 tis aintenance Progra((e incl'*es *etails of allprefligt (aintenance tas+s nor(all% acco(plise* b% (aintenance staffan* not tose incl'*e* in te Operations an'al for action b% te fligtcre>


    ere necessar%5 te aintenance Progra((e incl'*es *etails of o(a% iss'e Certificates of Release to Service ;CRS< in a partic'lar case5

    an* also *efines ic of te cec+ c%cles are consi*ere* as base(aintenance>

    CRS re:'ire(ents are *etaile* in te aintenance Progra((e Approval!n*orse(ent o 15 C>A>A> Approval reference P-9o++er28-1444>G)4048>

    Cec+ perio*s are *efine* in Appen*i. & to tis preface>

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    Ai&.&a/t (atte&8 Ca%a.it8 C$e.ks

    Aircraft batteries sall be (aintaine* in accor*ance it te(an'fact'rer?s reco((en*ations> ,n te absence of an% (an'fact'rer?sinstr'ctions5 te folloing perio*s appl%

    ;a< "ea* Aci* )atter% H ot e.cee*ing 3 (onts

    ;b< iCa* )atter% H ot e.cee*ing / (onts

    e progra((e of re:'ire* (aintenance is prescribe* in teaintenance Progra((e reference A-9144


    e re:'ire* !(ergenc% !:'ip(ent ill be (aintaine* to a progra((ebase* on te e:'ip(ent (an'fact'rer?s reco((en*ations> ,n a**ition5te folloing re:'ire(ents are co(plie* it in te aintenanceProgra((e=

    ;a< !(ergenc% e:'ip(ent ill be (aintaine* to a progra((ebase* on te e:'ip(ent (an'fact'rer?s reco((en*ations> ,na**ition5 te folloing re:'ire(ents are co(plie* it in teaintenance Progra((e>

    ;b< 9irst Ai* it;s< contents are cec+e* at perio*s not e.cee*ing12 (onts>

    e progra((e of re:'ire* (aintenance for ;a< an* ;b< is prescribe* in te

    aintenance Progra((e reference* A-9144

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    e folloing gro'ps of Airortiness &irectives ;A*s< are applicable to aircraft(aintaine* in accor*ance it tis aintenance Progra((e>

    ;1< C>A>A> an*ator% Aircraft o*ifications an* ,nspection S'((ar% CAP /76

    ;2< C>A>A> A**itional Airortiness &irectives CAP /73

    ;3< C>A>A> 9oreign Airortiness &irectives CAP /7/

    ;/< >">A> Airortiness &irectives H e eterlan*s

    ;0< 9>A>A> Airortiness &irectives H nite* States of A(erica

    Proce*'res are still in place to assess all A&s on a contin'ing basis for applicabilit%to aircraft (aintaine* to tis aintenance Progra((e> All Airortiness &irectivesare assesse* for applicabilit% in accor*ance it te proce*'res *efine* in te " !ng> "t*> Proce*'res an'al ol> 15 Sect> /5 Cap> 25 Part 2>11 an* erenecessar%5 relevant (aintenance tas+s are incl'*e* in te (aintenance progra((e>

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    e certificate son belo is an e.a(ple of a aintenance Progra((e Approval

    Certificate in te Co((ercial Air ransport Categor%>

    9igu&e #+? Maintenan.e "&og&a--e A%%&oval Ce&ti/i.ate

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    Joint Ai&o&t$iness Re;ui&e-ents 1? 2JAR 1?3

    e ational Aviation A'torities of certain !'ropean co'ntries ave agree*co((on co(preensive an* *etaile* aviation re:'ire(ents ;referre* to as teJoint Aviation Re;ui&e-ents 2JAR3 e intention is to (ini(ise %peCertification proble(s on joint vent'res5 to facilitate te e.port an* i(port ofaviation pro*'cts5 an* (a+e it easier for (aintenance carrie* o't in one !'ropeanco'ntr% to be accepte* b% te Civil Aviation A'torit% in anoter !'ropean co'ntr%>

    e JARs are recognise* b% te ational Aviation A'torities of participatingco'ntries as an acceptable basis for soing co(pliance it teir nationalairortiness co*es>

    "AR #arts $% and &$' of the "ederal Aviation Administration of the United (tates ofAmerica have been selected to provide the format, and where appropriate content,of the JAR for Approved Maintenance )rganisations *JAR+&$'.

    JAR71? $as 4een issued it$ no National *a&iants and as a &esult in seve&ala&eas does not .ontain t$e detailed .o-%lian.e in/o&-ation: $i.$ so-eNational Aviation Aut$o&ities and Indust&8 o&ganisations ould like to see >e a'tors of JAR1/0 agree* tat it so'l* be applie* in practice an* te lessonslearnt e(bo*ie* in f't're a(en*(ents> e ational Aviation A'torities of te

    JAA are terefore co((itte* to earl% a(en*(ent in te ligt of e.perience>

    9't're *evelop(ent of te re:'ire(ents for JARs ill be in accor*ance it teagree* a(en*(ent proce*'res> )roa*l%5 tese proce*'res are s'c tata(en*(ent of JAR1/0 can be propose* b% te ational Aviation A'torit% of an%of te participating co'ntries an* b% an% organisation represente* on te JointSteering Asse(bl%>

    e ational Aviation A'torities ave agree* te% so'l* not 'nilaterall% initiatea(en*(ent of teir national co*es ito't aving (a*e a proposal for a(en*(entof te JAR1/0 in accor*ance it te agree* proce*'re>

    A(en*(ents to te te.t of JAR1/0 'se* to be iss'e* ;initiall%< as QOrange PaperQA(en*(ents> As of arc 2444 a*opte* a(en*(ents are p'blise* asreplace(ent pages5 it onl% te affecte* pages being repro*'ce*> !ac revisionill be acco(panie* b% instr'ctions for incorporation of te a(en*(ent> Boever5Te-%o&a&8 Guidan.e Lea/lets 2TGL3are iss'e* b% te JAA as a (eans of :'ic+l%provi*ing a*vice to JAA e(bers an* also per(it trial of (aterials> ,f te CAAconsi*ers te content of a G" to be inappropriate it as te a'torit% to coose notto i(ple(ent te G" 'ntil for(al otice of Propose* A(en*(ent ;PA

    9inall%5 (an% JAA (e(ber states ave not accepte* all JARs> ,n (an% cases5 onl%parts of a partic'lar JAR (a% be accepte* or approve*> o tis en* ationalA'torit% re:'ire(ents ill re(ain in force 'ntil s'c ti(es as f'll acceptance of a

    JAR5 i>e> )CARs in te > ere )CARs are partic'larl% relevant5 te )CARsreference as been a**e* to te in*ivi*'al s'bject title line>

    JAR 1? 7 Gene&al ;Refer 1/0>14

    O!=;1< JAR1/0 approvalisnot &e;ui&edfor te"&e7/lig$t Ins%e.tion>

    ;2< JAR 1/0 approvalis &e;ui&edfor te,ail8 Ins%e.tion+

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    o organisation (a% certif% for release to service an aircraft co(ponent inten*e* for

    fit(ent to an aircraft 'se* for Co((ercial Air ransport 'nless eiter=

    ;1< approve* in accor*ance it JAR1/05 or

    ;2< accepte* in accor*ance it te JAR 1/0>14;c< alternative>

    !.cepting an organisation or+ing 'n*er te :'alit% s%ste( of an approve* JAR1/0(aintenance organisation ;or an organisation accepte* in accor*ance it JAR1/014;c< alternative5 or

    ;3< or+ing 'n*er te :'alit% s%ste( of an appropriatel% approve* oraccepte* JAR1/0 (aintenance organisation>

    A (aintenance organisation approval (a% be grante* for (aintenance activitiesvar%ing fro( tat for an aircraft co(ponent to tat for a co(plete aircraft or an%co(bination tereof>

    An organisation or+ing 'n*er te :'alit% s%ste( of eiter an appropriatel% approve*JAR1/0 (aintenance organisation or an organisation accepte* in accor*ance itte JAR 1/0>14;c< alternative5 is li(ite* to te or+ scope per(itte* b% JAR 1/0proce*'res> It -a8 not .a&&8 out a 4ase -aintenan.e .$e.k o/ an ai&.&a/t o& a.o-%lete o&ks$o% -aintenan.e .$e.k o& ove&$aul o/ an engine o& engine-odule+

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    JAR 1? 7 //e.tivit8

    JAR1/0 as first iss'e* on #0 Jul8 1==1 an* beca(e e//e.tive on 1 Janua&81==5it te e.ception of JAR 1/0>1 ic beca(e effective as follos=

    ;1< Organisations tat carr% o't base (aintenance an* certif% release toservice of aeroplanes-airsips above 0744 G (a.i('( certificate*ta+e off eigt a* to be in co(pliance it JAR 1/0>1 after 1 Jan'ar%1$$0> ;see also A 1/ paragrap 3>11 after 34Septe(ber 1$$/>

    ;3< Organisations tat carr% o't (aintenance an* certif% release to serviceof engines a* to be in co(pliance it JAR 1/0>1 after 34 Septe(ber1$$/>

    ;/< Organisations tat carr% o't (aintenance an* certif% release to serviceof aeroplanes-airsips 'p to an* incl'*ing 0744 G (a.i('(certificate* ta+e off eigt an*-or elicopters of an% eigt a* toco(pl% it JAR 1/0>1 b% 31 &ece(ber 1$$/>

    ;0< Organisations tat carr% o't (aintenance an* certif% release to serviceof aircraft co(ponents5 oter tan co(plete engines5 a'.iliar% poer'nits an* specialise* services ere in co(pliance it JAR 1/0>1 after31 &ece(ber 1$$/>

    ;A JAR1/0 Approval co'l* ave been iss'e* b% te JAA f'll (e(ber A'torit% priorto te above *ates

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    9igu&e #+6 JAR La&ge O&ganisation a-%le

    9igu&e #+@ JAR !-all O&ganisation a-%le

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    JAR 1? ,9INITION! 2Re/ IM 1?+?3

    9or te p'rpose of JAR 1/0 te folloing *efinitions sall appl%=

    ccountable Manager # e (anager o as corporate a'torit% for ens'ring tatall (aintenance re:'ire* b% te aircraft operator can be finance* an* carrie* o't to astan*ar* re:'ire* b% te JAA f'll (e(ber a'torit%> Be (a% *elegate5 in riting5 toanoter person in te organisation o ten beco(es te acco'ntable (anager>

    pproved $ataH An% infor(ation necessar% to ens're tat te aircraft orco(ponent can be (aintaine* in a con*ition s'c tat te airortiness of teaircraft or te serviceabilit% of its e:'ip(ent is ass're*>

    Certifying %taffH ose personnel o are a'torise* b% te approve*(aintenance organisation in accor*ance it a proce*'re acceptable to te JAA f'll(e(ber a'torit% to certif% aircraft or teir co(ponents for release to service>

    Commercial ir &ransportH e carriage of Passengers5 Cargo or ail forre('neration>

    MaintenanceH An% one or co(bination of overa'l5 repair5 inspection5 replace(ent5(o*ification or *efect rectification of an aircraft or co(ponent>

    ModificationH e alteration of an aircraft-aircraft co(ponent in confor(it% it anapprove* stan*ar*>

    "verhaulH e restoration of an aircraft-aircraft co(ponent b% inspection an*replace(ent in confor(it% it an approve* stan*ar*5 *esigne* to e.ten* itsoperational life>

    're#flight InspectionH e inspection carrie* o't before fligt to ens're tat teaircraft is fit for te inten*e* fligt> ,t *oes not incl'*e *efect rectification>

    (epairH e restoration of an aircraft-aircraft co(ponent to a serviceable con*itionin confor(it% it an approve* stan*ar*>

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    ANO A&ti.les 2!ele.tion3

    e Articles in te AO cover a ('ltit'*e of *ifferent topics5 all of ic ('st beco(plie* it at all ti(es5 bearing in (in* te AO is a (tatutory 0ocument;S>,>

    e e.a(ples belo are a ran*o( selection fro( te AO an* so te variet% ofte reg'lations fo'n* in tis p'blication>

    Toing o/ Glide&s ;Ref= AO Article 0/ e co(bine*lengt of te aircraft5 to rope an* gli*er in fligt ('st not e.cee* 104 (eters>

    e co((an*er of an aircraft ic is abo't to to a gli*er ('st satisf% i(self 5before te toing aircraft ta+es off=

    1> tat te to rope is in goo* con*ition an* is of a*e:'ate strengt forte p'rpose5 an* tat te co(bination of te toing aircraft an* gli*er5aving regar* to its perfor(ance in te con*itions to be e.pecte* onte inten*e* fligt an* to an% obstr'ctions at te place of *epart're an*on te inten*e* ro'te5 is capable of safel% ta+ing off5 reacing andmaintaininga safe eigt at ic to separate te co(bination an* tattereafter te toing aircraft can (a+e a safe lan*ing at te place ofinten*e* *estinationF

    2> tat signals ave been agree* an* co(('nication establise* it

    persons s'itabl% statione* so as to enable te gli*er to ta+e off safel%>

    3> tat e(ergenc% signals ave been agree* beteen te co((an*er ofte toing aircraft an* te co((an*er of te gli*er5 to be 'se*5respectivel%5 b% te co((an*er of te toing aircraft to in*icate* tatte to so'l* be immediatelyrelease* b% te gli*er5 an* b% te

    co((an*er of te gli*er to in*icate tat te to cannotbe release*>

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    ,&o%%ing o/ "e&sons ;Ref= AO Article 07

    An aircraft sall not be 'se* for te p'rpose of *ropping persons 'nless teCertificate of Airortiness iss'e* or ren*ere* vali* in respect of tat aircraft 'n*erte la of te co'ntr% in ic te aircraft is registere*> is ('st incl'*e provision tat it (a% be 'se* for tat p'rpose an* te aircraft is operate* inaccor*ance it te ritten per(ission grante* b% te a'torit% 'n*er tis article>

    !ver% applicant for an* ever% ol*er of a %e&-ission to %a&a.$utesall (a+eavailable to te A'torit%5 if re:'este* to *o so5 a parac'ting (an'al an* sall(a+e s'c a(en*(ents or a**itions to s'c (an'al as te A'torit% (a% re:'ire>e ol*er of a per(ission sall (a+e available to ever% e(plo%ee or person o is

    or (a% engage in parac'ting activities con*'cte* b% i(5 te (an'al ic sallcontain all s'c infor(ation as (a% be necessar% to enable s'c e(plo%ees orpersons to perfor( teir *'ties>

    oting in tis article sall appl% to te *escent of persons b% parac'te fro( anaircraft in an e(ergenc%>

    oting in tis article sall proibit te loering of an% person in an e(ergenc% or forte p'rpose of saving life>

    oting in tis article sall proibit te loering of an% person fro( a elicopter to

    te s'rface5 if te Certificate of Airortiness iss'e* or ren*ere* vali* in respect ofte elicopter 'n*er te la of te co'ntr% in ic it is registere*5 incl'*es provision tat it (a% be 'se* for tat p'rpose>

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    ,&o%%ing o/ A&ti.les and Ani-als ;Ref= AO Article 06

    is article *oes not appl% to a passenger in a elicopter operate* 'n*er a #olice Air)perators !ertificateo is *ise(bar+ing in accor*ance it te official (an'al>

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    Ae&ial A%%li.ation Ce&ti/i.ates ;Ref= AO Article 08

    e A'torit% sall grant to an% person appl%ing terefore5 an aerial applicationcertificate5 if it is satisfie* tat te person is a fit person to ol* te certificate5 avingregar* in partic'lar to is previo's con*'ct an* e.perience5 is e:'ip(ent5organisation5 staffing an* oter arrange(ents to sec're te safe operation of te

    aircraft specifie* in te certificate5 on fligts for te p'rpose specifie* in teparagrap above>

    !ver% applicant for5 an* ol*er of5 an aerial application certificate sall (a+eavailable to te C>A>A> 'pon application an* to ever% (e(ber of is operating staff5'pon te certificate being grante*5 anAerial Application Manual. is sall contain alls'c infor(ation an* instr'ctions as (a% be necessar% to enable te operating staffto perfor( teir *'ties as s'c> e ol*er of a certificate sall (a+e s'ca(en*(ents of5 or a**itions to te (an'al as te C>A>A> (a% re:'ire>

    A.ting in a ,is&u%tive Manne& ;Ref= AO Article 68

    !toaa8s ;Ref= AO Article 6$

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    Maintenan.e -a8 4&oadl8 4e de/ined as t$ose a.tions &e;ui&ed /o& &esto&ingan ite- to: o& -aintaining it in: se&vi.ea4le .ondition > S'c actions incl'*eservicing5 repair5 (o*ification5 overa'l5 inspection5 an* *eter(ination of con*ition>

    Relating tese actions to an% one t%pe of aircraft as a ole5 terefore5 re:'ires tatappropriate (aintenance proce*'res progra((es be initiall% establise*5 an* teni(ple(ente* on a contin'ing basis tro'go't an aircraftQs service life>

    An internal part of an% (aintenance progra((e is a s%ste( of *oc'(entation tatsets o't o an* en te vario's aintntenance tas+s are to be carrie* o't5 an*

    te (eto*s of recor*ing an* certif%ing te co(pletion of s'c tas+s>

    &etails of o te tas+s are to be carrie* o't are given in te (an'als provi*e* b%te (an'fact'rers5 an* since te% (a% be consi*ere* as te pri(ar% (aintenance*oc'(ents5 tese ill be covere* first>


    o' (a% recall tat copies of all (an'als ave to be s'b(itte* to te CAA5 forapproval5 at te ti(e of application for te aircraft?s initial C of A>

    ese (an'als incl'*e tose co(pile* b% te (an'fact'rer to cover all teinfor(ation an* reco((en*ations necessar% for te i(ple(entation of inservice(aintenance progra((es>

    In t$e .ase o/ -anu/a.tu&e&s $olding CAA A%%&oval unde& (CARs: t$e-anuals $ave to .o-%l8 it$ !e.tion DAD o/ (CARs: and a to t$ise//e.t $as to 4e -ade on t$e title %ages o/ t$e -anuals+

    e (eto* of presenting all vital infor(ation pla%s a ver% i(portant part5 beca'senot onl% ('st it be set o't in or+able se:'ence5 it so'l* also be of a stan*ar*ise*


    Baving note* tat point abo't stan*ar*ising5 it is still not 'n's'al to fin* tat anassort(ent of presentation st%les e.ists> Boever5 te one (a+ing te (ost notablecontrib'tion5 as a basis for international acceptance is tat pro*'ce* originall% in1$06 b% te Air ransport Association of A(erica it te title DATA !%e.i/i.ationNo+100D+ 2s'all% referre* to as IAA 144

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    9igu&e #+> a-%le o/ a Maintenan.e Manual Aut$o&isation

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    ATA !%e.i/i.ation No+ 100

    e (ajor aircraft (an'fact'rers ave a*opte* tis specification so tat5 in te(ajorit% of cases5 %o' ill fin* tat as a practising engineer5 %o' ill be or+ing toproce*'res ritten in te QAA 144Q st%le>

    ,n a**ition to aintenance an'als5 te specification *efines an* *escribe* tepresentation of te folloing=

    1< Overa'l an'als

    2< Str'ct'ral Repair an'als

    3< iring &iagra( an'als

    /< ,ll'strate* Parts Catalog'es

    0< ools an* !:'ip(ent an'als

    6< eigt an* )alance an'als

    e (an'als pro*'ce* b% so(e (an'fact'rers of te s(aller t%pes of aircraft5 fore.a(ple tose in te private categor% belo 2734 +g5 confor( onl% to stan*ar*la%o'ts a*opte* b% te (an'fact'rers te(selves> ,n conse:'ence5 several

    variations on a co((on te(e are to be fo'n* an* tese e.ten* not onl% to tecontents5 b't also teir titles>

    9or e.a(ple5 so(e (an'fact'rers 'se te title QSop an'alQ ile oters 'se tetitle @Service an'alQ> ,n general oever5 all relevant proce*'res are containe* inone5 or (a%be to vol'(es an* tese are generall% f'rter s'b*ivi*e* intoSections>

    As a res'lt of te *ifferent or+ re:'ire(ents covere* itin te (an'als5 tere arevariations in te brea+*on of eac> ,n essence5 oever5 te infor(ation ill bepresente* in s%ste(s>

    e ill'stration overleaf is a sa(ple page soing te *ept covere* it te la%o'tof *oc'(ent pages>

    NOT T$e 4&eakdon o/ va&ious -anuals and t$e ATA 100 s8ste- itsel/ ill4e .ove&ed in g&eate& de%t$ in C$a%te& 6 Co--uni.ation o/In/o&-ationB+

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    CHA"TR #

    Maintenan.e !8ste-s ;Ref= )CAR Capter A62 o acieve fle.ibilit%5 terenee*s to be a n'(ber of s%ste(s available fro( ic aircraft operators (a%coose5 if (aintenance re:'ire(ents best s'ite* to teir spere of operations are tobe (et>

    ere are in*ee* a variet% of *ifferent s%ste(s an* it is to te P'blic ransportcategor% tat te% appl%5 in partic'lar5 ere sce*'les ave to be s'b(itte* b%operators for approval>

    (lo.k Maintenan.e !8ste-

    is s%ste(5 ic can also be calle* Iprogressive (aintenance5 is one in ic(ajor str'ct'ral inspections an*-or (aintenance tas+s5 are *ivi*e* into bloc+s orgro'ps5 ic per(it convenient5 econo(ic an* effective acco(plis(ents> esecertifiable bloc+s are n'(ericall% se:'ence* cec+s5 te or+ content of icprogressivel% increases as fl%ing o'rs or calen*ar ti(e increases>

    ere a perio* of fl%ing o'rs an* calen*ar ti(e are :'ote*5 te appropriateinspections are carrie* o't at whichever period occurs first> is (eto* caters forte ig fl%ing o'r 'tilisation perio* operations5 ereb% te calen*ar perio*re:'ire(ent o'l* ens're a*e:'ate (aintenance to preserve contin'ingairortiness>

    Not .eed !8ste-

    is s%ste( is base* pri(aril% on +non 'tilisation per ann'(> aintenance tas+sare carrie* o't itin agree* perio*s of calen*ar ti(e5 it a @not e.cee*? li(itapplie* as a bac+stop> ,f an aircraft is 'nserviceable for an 'nsce*'le* *efect5part or all of te (aintenance *'e itin tat perio* (a% be carrie* o't at te sa(eti(e> is is +non as Iopport'nit% (aintenance> is sce*'le can be a*j'ste* to

    s'it canges in 'tilisation>

    ;ualised !8ste-

    is s%ste( is base* 'pon te total (aintenance-inspection re:'ire(ents5 ic arebro+en *on into e1ual man+hour re1uirementpac+ages b% te operator5 one or(ore of tese pac+ages being covere* at eac pase of te (aintenance c%cle>e pac+age consists of te inspection re:'ire(ents pro('lgate* b% te operator to(eet te airortiness stan*ar* for te t%pe of aircraft concerne*5 so tat5 onco(pletion5 base* on 'tilisation an* te co( of te aircraft5 te total(aintenance re:'ire(ents ill be satisfie*>

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    9igu&e #+= Maintenan.e !8ste-s 7 !.$edule o/ Maintenan.e

    Perio*ic ;Bar*ti(e< LPreventiveM

    non *eterioration is li(ite* to an acceptable level b% (aintenance actions carrie*o't at perio*s relate* to ti(e in service ;calen*ar5 c%cles5 lan*ings5 etc> eseactions incl'*e servicing actions5 overa'ls5 replace(ents5 etc>

    On Con*ition LPreventativeM

    An ite( is inspecte*-teste* at specific perio*s to an approve* stan*ar* in or*er*eter(ine eter it can contin'e in service> S'c an inspection-test (a% res'lt inte nee* for servicing action>

    Con*ition onitoring LonPreventiveM

    A s%ste( in ic infor(ation on ite(s gaine* *'ring operations is collecte*5anal%se* an* interprete* on a contin'ing basis as a (eans of i(ple(entingcorrective proce*'res> ;Statistical anal%sis to a*j'st Bar*ti(e

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    Ae&o%lane Maintenan.e ;Ref= JAROPS S'bpart @?

    *b pproved standard (eans a (an'fact'ring-*esign-(aintenance-:'alit%stan*ar* approve* b% te A'torit%>

    *c pproved by the uthority+ (eans approve* b% te A'torit% *irectl% or inaccor*ance it a proce*'re approve* b% te A'torit%>

    Application for an* approval of te operatorQs (aintenance s%ste(

    An applicant for te initial iss'e5 variation an* reneal of an AOC o (eets tere:'ire(ents of S'bpart 5 in conj'nction it an appropriate JAR1/0approve*-accepte* (aintenance organisationQs e.position5 is entitle* to approval ofte (aintenance s%ste( b% te A'torit%>

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    Maintenan.e Res%onsi4ilit8

    T$e o%e&ato& 2not t$e JAR 1? O&ganisation3sall ens're te airortiness of teaeroplane an* te serviceabilit% of bot operational an* e(ergenc% e:'ip(ent b%

    ;1< e acco(plis(ent of prefligt inspections

    ;2< e rectification to an approve* stan*ar* of an% *efect an* *a(ageaffecting safe operation5 ta+ing into acco'nt te !" an* config'ration*eviation list if available for te aeroplane t%peF

    ;3< e acco(plis(ent of all (aintenance in accor*ance it te

    approve* operatorQs aeroplane (aintenance progra((e specifie* inJAROPS

    ;/< e anal%sis of te effectiveness of te operatorQs approve* aeroplane(aintenance progra((e

    ;0< e acco(plis(ent of an% operational *irective5 airortiness*irective an* an% oter contin'e* airortiness re:'ire(ent (a*e(an*ator% b% te A'torit%> ntil for(al a*option of JAR3$5 teoperator ('st co(pl% it te c'rrent national aviation reg'lationsFan*

    ;6< e acco(plis(ent of (o*ifications in accor*ance it an approve*stan*ar* an*5 for non(an*ator% (o*ifications5 te establis(ent of ane(bo*i(ent polic%> ;See AC OPS 1>8$4;a

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    JAR 66 Module 10

    Aviation Legislation


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    Maintenan.e Manage-ent

    An operator ('st be appropriatel% approve* in accor*ance it JAR1/0 to carr% o'tte re:'ire(ents specifie* in JAROPS e.cept en te a'torit% is satisfie* tatte (aintenance can be contracte* to an appropriate JAR1/0 approve*-accepte*organisation>

    An operator ('st e(plo% a person or gro'p of persons acceptable to te A'torit% toens're tat all (aintenance is carrie* o't on ti(e to an approve* stan*ar*> e%are to ens're tat te (aintenance responsibilit% re:'ire(ents prescribe* in itinS'bpart are satisfie*5 an* ens're te f'nctioning of te :'alit% s%ste(> eperson5 or senior person as appropriate5 is te no(inate* post ol*er responsible to

    te A'torit% for te (aintenance s%ste(

    W$en an o%e&ato& is not a%%&o%&iatel8 a%%&oved in a..o&dan.e it$ JAR71?:a&&ange-ents -ust 4e -ade it$ su.$ an o&ganisation to .a&&8 out t$e&e;ui&e-ents s%e.i/ied in JAR7O"!: a &itten -aintenan.e .ont&a.t -ust 4eag&eed 4eteen t$e o%e&ato& and t$e JAR71? a%%&oved -aintenan.eo&ganisation+ T$is s$ould detail t$e /un.tions and de/ine t$e su%%o&t o/ t$e;ualit8 /un.tions in line it$ JAR7O"!+

    is contract5 togeter it all a(en*(ents5 ('st be acceptable to te A'torit%>e A'torit% *oes not re:'ire to approve nor a'torise te co((ercial ele(ents ofan% s'c (aintenance contract>

    An operator ('st provi*e s'itable office acco((o*ation to enable effective an*efficient (aintenance (anage(ent

    Eualit8 !8ste-

    9or (aintenance p'rposes5 te operatorQs :'alit% s%ste(5 as re:'ire* b% JAROPS1>4305 ('st a**itionall% incl'*e at least te folloing f'nctions=

    1< onitoring tat te activities of JAROPS 1>8$4 are being perfor(e* inaccor*ance it te accepte* proce*'resF

    2< onitoring tat all contracte* (aintenance is carrie* o't in accor*anceit te contractF an*

    3< onitoring te contin'e* co(pliance it te re:'ire(ents of tisS'bpart>

    ;b< ere te operator is approve* in accor*ance it JAR1/05 te :'alit%s%ste( (a% be co(bine* it tat re:'ire* b% JAR1/0>

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    T$e O%e&ato&Ds Maintenan.e Manage-ent %osition

    An operator ('st provi*e an operatorQs aintenance anage(ent e.position;O!< containing *etails of te organisation str'ct're incl'*ing

    1< e no(inate* post ol*er responsible for te (aintenance s%ste(re:'ire* b% JAROPS an* te person5 or gro'p of persons5 referre* to inJAROPS o ens'res tat all (aintenance is carrie* o't on ti(e to anapprove* stan*ar*>

    2< e proce*'res tat ('st be folloe* to satisf% te (aintenanceresponsibilit% an* te :'alit% f'nctions of JAROPS>

    T$e Aut$o&it8 -ust a%%&ove an o%e&ato&Bs -aintenan.e -anage-ente%osition and an8 su4se;uent a-end-ent>

    JAR7O"! !u4%a&t M 7 O%e&ato&Ds -aintenan.e %&og&a--e

    An o%e&ato& -ust ensu&e t$at t$e ae&o%lane is -aintained in a..o&dan.e it$t$e o%e&ato&Ds ae&o%lane -aintenan.e %&og&a--e> e progra((e ('stcontain *etails5 incl'*ing fre:'enc%5 of all (aintenance re:'ire* to be carrie* o't>

    e progra((e ill be re:'ire* to incl'*e a reliabilit% progra((e en te A'torit%*eter(ines tat s'c a reliabilit% progra((e is necessar%>

    T$e Aut$o&it8 -ust a%%&ove an o%e&ato&Bs ae&o%lane -aintenan.e %&og&a--eand an8 su4se;uent a-end-ent+

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    Inte&-ediate C$e.ks

    ese are cec+s or inspections tat are carrie* o't on aircraft ilst on @lineservice?5 an* *'ring te vali*it% perio* of te certificates iss'e* in respect of tesce*'le* fl%ing o'rs or calen*ar ti(e cec+s>

    e% for( part of te Approve* aintenance Sce*'le an* are vario'sl% *esignate*as AB: (B: "&e79lig$t: "&e7,e%a&tu&e: Tu&n7Round: (ase: Routinean* !tationT&ansit>

    As an e.a(ple5 e (a% consi*er te cec+ c%cle as re:'ire* b% te LAM!!.$eduleic5 for an aircraft in te ransport or Aerial or+ categories5 is as


    C$e.k AB 7 Prior to te first fligt of te *a%

    ?0 $ou& .$e.k 7 ot e.cee*ing 04 fl%ing o'rs ;or 6 (onts5icever is sooner

    Approve* (aintenance sce*'les are also re:'ire* for all aircraft in te "&ivateCatego&8: te O of ic *oes not e.cee* 2734 +g an* ere *irecte*5 in apartic'lar case for any other aircraftin te Private or Special categories>

    e (aintenance sce*'les to be a*opte* are prescribe* b% te C>A>A> an* arerelate* to aircraft eigt an* certification categories as follos=

    ;a< T&ans%o&t Catego&8 Ai&.&a/t

    ;1< "iston enginedaircraft not e.cee*ing 5@#0 kgO H (aintaine* inaccor*ance it te "igt Aircraft aintenance Sce*'le orto anApprove* aintenance Sce*'le>

    ;2< Tu&4ine enginedaircraft not e.cee*ing 5@#0 kgO HAircraft areto be (aintaine* to an Approve* aintenance Sce*'le>

    ;3< Aircraft e.cee*ing 5@#0 kgO see 'n*er aintenance Revie)oar*>

    ;b< Ae&ial Wo&k Catego&8 Ai&.&a/t

    ;1< "iston enginedaircraft not e.cee*ing 5@#0 kgO H (aintaine* tote "igt Aircraft aintenance Sce*'le>

    ;2< Tu&4ine enginedaircraft not e.cee*ing 5@#0 kgO H aircraft to be(aintaine* to an Approve* aintenance Sce*'le

    ;3< Aircraft e.cee*ing 5@#0 kgO H aircraft are to be (aintaine* to anApprove* aintenance Sce*'le>

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    Maintenan.e o/ Ai&.&a/t 2.ont+3

    ;c< "&ivate Catego&8 Ai&.&a/t

    ;1< "iston enginedaircraft not e.cee*ing 5@#0 kgO H (aintaine* tote "igt Aircraft aintenance Sce*'le>

    ;2< Tu&4ine enginedaircraft not e.cee*ing 5@#0 kgO H aircraft to be(aintaine* to an Approve* aintenance Sce*'le>

    ;3< Aircraft e.cee*ing 5@#0 kgO H (aintaine* to a (aintenancesce*'le approve* b% e C>A>A>5 fre:'entl% b% te (an'fact'rers>

    ;*< !%e.ial Catego&8 Ai&.&a/t

    aintenance arrange(ents are *eter(ine* b% te C>A>A for eac in*ivi*'alaircraft>

    ;e< "e&-it to 9l8 Ai&.&a/t

    e (aintenance of Per(it to 9l% aircraft are specifie* b% te C>A>A> on tePer(it folloing acceptable proposals b% te applicant of te inten*e*(aintenance progra((e>

    Aircraft associate* it te "o%ula& 9l8ing Asso.iation 2"9A3:are nor(all%(aintaine* in accor*ance it te c'rrent arrange(ents *erive* b% te P9Aan* agree* it te C>A>A>

    9or certain (ore significant aircraft t%pes5 e>g> e.(ilitar%5 ig perfor(ance or('ltiengine* aircraft5 te (aintenance arrange(ents an* (aintenanceprogra((e ('st be accepte* b% te C>A>A> Safet% Reg'lations Gro'p H AreaOffice concerne* an* agree* in riting>

    ,t is oever5 ala%s te responsibilit% of te pilot in co((an* to be ass're*5prior to fligt5 of te so'n* or+ing or*er of te aircraft an* te vali*it% of te9lig$t Release Ce&ti/i.ate+

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    Maintenan.e Revie (oa&d

    A aintenance Revie )oar* ;R)< is con*'cte* for ne aircraft of >>constr'ction to establis an initial (aintenance progra((e prior to certification>

    e R) is nor(all% applicable to aircraft it an O greater tan 0744 +g5inten*e* for ransport Categor% certification5 alto'g it (a% also be applie* toin*ivi*'al t%pes of poerplant an* (ajor e:'ip(ent5 en alternative fits to aircraftinventories are offere* to te basic specification>

    e C>A>A> ;SRG

    Once te R) report is p'blise*5 te %pe &esign Organisation pro*'ces areco((en*e* aintenance Progra((e5 aintenance Sce*'le5 etc>5 ic reflectste report?s reco((en*ations as ell as being te basis for inservice (aintenance>

    A aintenance Revie )oar* consists of a Cairperson5 's'all% a S'rve%orinCarge5 an* boar* (e(bers o are (ainl% C>A>A> staff> e boar* can avevario's oter (e(bers5 *epen*ing on te circ'(stances of te aircraft-e:'ip(ent'n*er revie> ,t can also *elegate or+ to a Steering Co((ittee an*-or or+ingGro'ps if te or+ is partic'larl% co(ple.>

    9'll *etails of te content5 brief an* or+ing proce*'res of a aintenance Revie)oar* can be fo'n* in )CAR Section @A? Capter A02>

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    Maintenan.e !.$edules

    Aircraft (an'fact'rers normallyiss'e a reco((en*e* sce*'le an*5 alto'g tis isnot approve* *irectl% b% te C>A>A>5 it can be accepte* as a (eans of acievingcontin'ing airortiness partic'larl% for Private Categor% aircraft ere te Oeceeds2734 +g5 tese being aircraft tat nor(all% *o not re:'ire an Approve*Sce*'le co(pile* b% te operator>

    e C>A>A> (a% also agree to accept a reco((en*e* sce*'le in respect of Specialcategor% aircraft not e.cee*ing 2734 +g an* ic ave a C of A of one %ear vali*it%perio*> ese aircraft *o not nor(all% re:'ire an Approve* Sce*'le>

    C+A+A+ A%%&oved !.$edules

    ere are tofor(s of Approve* Sce*'le=

    one ic is co(pile* an* iss'e* b% te C>A>A> ;an* ence isa'to(aticall% approve*

    ,t is iss'e* 'n*er at is ter(e* te @"igt Aircraft aintenance Sce*'le?5co((onl% referre* to as te @"AS Sce*'le?>

    A secon* for( of Approve* Sce*'le relates to an aircraft eceeding 2734 +gO operating 'n*er te ter(s of an AOC-JAROPS an* also en operatingin te Aerial or+ categor%>

    Once a sce*'le as been co(pile*5 to copies are s'b(itte* to te C>A>A> an*5 en it asreceive* teir final approval5 tis is *eclare* in te for( of an A%%&oval ,o.u-ent> e*oc'(ent *etails te con*ition 'n*er ic approval is grante*5 te a% to certificate te

    e reason for *elegating te responsibilit% for co(piling te sce*'le to te aircraft operator is to

    ta+e into acco'nt s'c factors as te areas an* ro'tes over ic te aircraft are to be operate*5fre:'enc% of operations an* t%pes of e:'ip(ent necessar% for operation> ese factors also giverise to variations beteen sce*'le contents>

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