Download - Question 4 & 5


Who would be the audience for your media product?


How did you attract/address your audience?

This is my reader profile which is featured on my blog, it describes the typical person that would read my magazine. I created this reader profile using the results of my survey which out what the majority of people would be willing to pay, what they buy the magazine for, how often they buy the magazine etc.

“My reader is a female, she is aged between 15-26. She likes rap music. She doesn't read music magazines very often and she is willing to pay £1-3 for a magazine. When she reads magazines she reads them for the bands, artists featured and is encouraged to read by the cover photo. She buys music from iTunes and likes gigs and festivals.”

Because my survey results showed that the majority of people bought their music from iTunes I decided to include a competition to win iTunes vouchers in order to attract readers.

I priced my magazine at £2.50 as almost everyone I surveyed would be willing to pay £1-3. The target audience age group of my magazine are people aged 15-26 therefore a large proportion of the readers would be students or in part-time work which means they would probably not have a lot of money to spend on luxury items such as magazines.This means the magazine would be more attractive to my target audience than other, more expensive, magazines as it is more affordable .

The target audience of my magazine are teenagers aged between 15-26 years old. My target audience are very interested in all types of rap music from old-school hip hop to more modern, urban music from the UK.My magazine is targeted at males and females, however I decided to concentrate more on targeting females as there are little, if any, rap music magazines targeted at females. Also, the majority of my models featured in my magazine are females which could attract more females as they are interested in hearing about female rappers as a change from males.

I tried to attract make my front cover attractive to my target audience by using bright, attractive colours that match well and are therefore very aesthetically pleasing. The pink and light blue colours are feminine and will encourage more girls to look at the cover and buy it. I also featured my two models in bright red lipstick, with modern hairstyles and fashionable clothing which would once again encourage more females to look at the cover. The mast head is very bright and bold and attracts people to look at the cover. I have also included the name of the girl group featured ‘Urban Rose’ is in very clear, colourful and bold writing. This means it would instantly attract the eye of a person who’s interested in this group.

I also included some kickers of other artists names on the cover.This attracts a wider audience as it attracts the fans of all theseartists and means my magazine would be more successful and sellmore copies.

How did I attract/address my target audience?

I included the article headline ‘50 Greatest Rap Legends” on the cover. This attracts the audience who are interested in rap music. It also makes the genre of my magazine clear.The sentence underneath this “Where did we rank your favourite?” attracts the audience as it encourages them to read the magazine to find out where their favourite rapper was ranked.

Target Audience

Mood Board

I included Facebook, Twitter and YouTube logos on the cover and on my contents page which attract the young target audience as they use these often, therefore these logos are recognisable to them and grab their attention.

I tried to make the photograph I took as interesting, appealing and attractive to my target audience as I possibly could. I used graffiti walls as backgrounds in the photos which would attract the younger audience as younger people find these more appealing than older people.In one of the pictures my model is drinking a can of Monster energy drink which would attract the target audience as they recognise this as it would be the kind of drink they would like.My models are also wearing high-street, modern clothes which would again attract my audience of females and students because they would be likely to wear similar clothing.

I also made sure the language I used in my article would attract and address my specific target audience. I used swearing and slang in order to converge with the audience. They recognise the language as the type of language they would use themselves and it made the article easy for them to understand and made them feel more comfortable and able to connect with the writer. For example I used the phrase “stereotypes are bull.” the audience are aware that ‘bull’ is the abbreviation of the swear word and this addresses them specifically as it would most likely be understood by a younger audience. I used a relaxed tone to address the reader which made the article seem more informal and therefore made it more enjoyable for them to read.I also used rhetorical questions such as “you know?” to address the reader personally and make them feel involved in the article.I used slang words such as “ya” instead of ‘you’ to made the article seem more conversational and again, more relaxed and informal. The audience can relate to these slang words and phrases as words they would use themselves in conversations with their friends.

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