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Unit #9 Review Quiz


Subject:Aquatic Science


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1 Which of the following was the first cetacean (that we know of) that was severely depleted from whaling due to its slow-moving & surface dwelling habits:

A Blue Whale

B Bottle-nosed dolphin

C Humpback Whale

D Right/Bowhead Whale

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2 Zero decibels (dB) in air is approximately _________ dB in water.

A -26

B 0

C 26

D 100

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3 Which of the following is used by cetaceans to focus/project sounds for echolocation/communication:

A The melon

B The fatty lower jaw

C The vocal cords

D The hammer and anvil of the ear

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4 A loss of which of the following would prevent a common dolphin (toothed whale) from absorbing sound bouncing back during echolocation:

A vocal cords

B melon

C mandibular fat

D auditory bulbs

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5 Which of the following is NOT used in the formation/interpretation of sound

A Melon focussing outgoing sound

B Fatty lower jaw receiving sound waves

C Caudal fin drumming on the swim bladder

D Vocal chords creating a vibration to be sent out

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6 Which species is the largest (physically) of marine mammals

A seals

B toothed whales

C walruses

D baleen whales

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7 Polar bears can be found in the __________ region(s)

A Antarctic

B Temperate

C Equatorial

D Arctic

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8 Sea otters are considered a capstone/keystone species. This means:

A without this species the ecosystem will become destabilized

B this species is responsible for keeping the bottom of the food chain stable

C this species is considered an apex predator

D as this species grows in population size, so does the overall population of the food chain

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9 All of the following are possible side effects of emitting low frequency sounds into the oceans EXCEPT:

A Mass stranding (200+ organisms) of marine mammals

B Gas bubbles forming in the bloodstream, organs, and joints of aquatic mammals as a result of acute decompression syndrome

C Cranial and pulmonary bleeding within aquatic mammals

D energy from the sound pushing gas bubbles into the bloodstream through the tissue of the lungs

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10 All of the following are characteristics of Pinnepeds, EXCEPT:

A They have the most dense fur of any mammal

B They are predominately carnivores

C They are streamline and excellent swimmers

D Examples of pinnepeds are seals, sea lions, and walruses

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11 A baleen is/are

A large oval teeth

B an organ used for echolocation

C large, flat teeth for chewing plants

D a series of fibrous plates

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12 All of the following countries still participate in whaling, EXCEPT:

A Japan

B Norway

C New Zealand

D Faroe Island

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13 The International Whaling Commission (IWC) was originally established in 1942 for which of the following reasons:

A To prevent the slaughter of marine mammals

B To regulate the amount of whaling in order to prevent "over fishing"

C To prevent the "fishing" of endangered animals such as sea otters

D To assist indigenous peoples in for their right to slaughter whales, even when they are considered endangered

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14 Why do large baleen whales use low frequency sound:

A The low frequency sound is ideal for finding fatty copepods

B They have long & solitary migrations & need to communicate over long distances

C The lower frequency sounds are better for finding large & fatty prey

D The low frequency sound is effective for short range communication within pods of whales

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15 Cetaceans (dolphins/whales) look a lot like chondrichthyes, these similar structures are

A homologous

B evolutionary

C analogous

D caudal fins

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16 All of the following are characteristics of mammals, EXCEPT:

A They are viviparous

B They nurse their young

C They are ectothermic

D They all have hair/fur at some point in their lives

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17 True or False: Generally, baleen whales use lower pitch sound than toothed whales.



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18 Which of the following sound waves represents the highest pitch sound:



CD They are equal volume

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19 Which order of mammals have made the most complete transition to aquatic life

A Carnivore

B Cetaceans

C Serinia

D Pinnepeds

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20 All of the following are used by marine mammals to keep themselves warm, EXCEPT:

A A large oil-filled liver

B A thick layer of blubber

C A high metabolism in smaller cetaceans

D Countercurrent blood flow in the flukes and fins of cetaceans

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21 Which of the following is considered a solitary animal:

A Blue Whale (baleen whale)

B Common Dolphin (toothed whale)

C Sea Otter (Carnivora)

D Fur Seal (Pinniped)

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22 Sea otters and polar bears are in which of the following orders:

A Carnivera

B Pinneped

C Cetacean

D Serinia

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23 Which of the following determines the loudness of a sound:





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24 Which of the following characteristics would you expect to find in a toothed whale

A Relatively large in size for a cetacean

B High pitched sound is used for echolocating food

C The animal lives alone for the majority of its life

D The animal migrates all over the globe

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25 All of the following are true when comparing seals and sea lions, EXCEPT:

A Sea lions have external ears

B Anterior legs of seals are not useful for walking

C Seals have external ears

D Anterior legs of sea lions are useful for walking on land

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26 Dugongs can be found near:

A Florida

B New England

C West Africa

D Australia

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27 A blue whale using sound for communication would probably create which of the following sounds

A High pitched between 0 and 100 dB

B Low pitched between 0 and 100 dB

C Low pitched between 100 and 200 dB

D High pitched between 100 and 200 dB

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28 Sea otters were hunted near extinction because:

A Sea otters were considered pest near aquaculture farms

B Sea otters have the most dense hair of any known animal

C Sea otters lost most of their habitat due to kelp farming

D Sea otters lost their major food souce (sea urchins) due to pollution

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29 The image below is of a:

A manatee

B dugong

C baleen whale

D sea lion

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30 Which of the following sound waves represents the loudness sound:



CD They are equal volume

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31 Which of the following is used by Cetaceans to keep warm:

A Rete mirabile

B Baleen

C Oil-filled liver

D Blubber

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32 Which of the following words best describes the sound produced by an echolocating (looking for food) toothed whale:

A Click

B Whistle

C Groan

D Squeak

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