
Flight: A Living, Breathing Document of Consciousness

Volume 8 Issue 87, September, 2019

Articles and excerpts that will inform and inspire!

A Letter from the Editor:

With the amazing cooperation of my contributors, this issue is able to get out early so that I can go on holidays the last week of August, having already sent it out. There are a number of interesting things in this issue. Do you know, for example, what a Lithium Quartz is and how to use it? Do you know the actual difference between what you want as a reality and the authenticity of what is? Do you think you know what happens when we die? How are you at surfing through life? Smudging...when and how often is beneficial? These are just a few of the topics covered in articles, creative writing and Q and A.

It seems that summer has flown by and we are already into the end of August! I don't know where the time went. I think things are speeding up on a Universal level, making it challenging to keep up. Either that or I am just getting old, which I refuse to entertain because I am not a day over my head. I hope that your summer has been as thoroughly enjoyed as possible. As for me, I will be relaxing by a lake in just a few days, so I am good with that.

If you like this newsletter and would like to pass it on to others, please do. I like the fact that this one travels all over the globe. And if you are a new reader and would like to have your free subscription to this monthly newsletter, please fire me off an email requesting such to [email protected] and I will make it so!

Enjoy the read!

Trent Deerhorn


Deerhorn Shamanic Services Floating Drum Circle

The Floating Drum Circle will now be available!

What is a Floating Drum Circle? It is a Drum Circle that is able to move from one location to another.

How does this work? Invite a minimum of 10 friends over for a drum circle in the privacy of your own home. Trent brings the supplies for the Drum Circle and the Ceremony.

Ceremony? Yes. As you all know, Trent's Drum Circles are Ceremony/Ritual based, which makes them both spectacular and unique. These celebrations can be in accordance to the phase of the Moon, or the Season, or whatever you choose to celebrate.

Who is in charge? You are in charge of the space and the people you invite and the number of people you can comfortably accommodate. Trent is in charge of the circle once it begins.

What if I don't have 10 people? It is important to have the minimum of 10 in order to be financially feasible for Trent to lead the circle. Upon your request in advance of the registration date, Trent can share the date and time and contact number with his contacts who can then contact you to see if there is enough space.

Who pays? Each person pays their fee ($20) ahead of the date of the Drum Circle. If the fee is not paid 3 days in advance of the circle, the spot goes to the next person in line on the waiting list. The host/hostess collects all fees and pays Trent before the circle begins on the date set. Hosts/Hostesses get the Drum Circle free of charge.

Children in attendance must be strictly monitored by their parents.

Any damaged supplies must be paid for or replaced by the one who damaged it (or parents if it is a child) by a similararticle of equal or greater value.

What is the method of payment? Cash only. This makes it much easier for the host/hostess to collect.

To arrange for a Floating Drum Circle in your home, please contact Trent Deerhorn at [email protected] or at (306) 978-5300.

Upcoming Events

Trodka Trio


Date: September 14th, 2019

Location: Oshun House Studio, 912 Idylwyld Drive North, Saskatoon, SK

Time: 7:00pm

Tickets: $30/person (cash or e-transfer)

For tickets, contact Trent at (306) 978-5300

or Kat at (306) 716-1201

Advance Tickets only

A Day of Water Readings

Join Trent Deerhorn for your own personal Water Reading!

Date: September 21st, 2019

Registration Deadline: September 7th, 2019

Location: 230 Charlebois Cres (Back Door entrance)

Price: $80/person

Cash, Visa, Master Card, Debit

Water Readings will be from 20-30 minutes in length.

Water Readings are an ancient art form wherein one submerges hands with the reader into blessed water, thus allowing the flow of energy between reader and seeker to take place. This can be as intriguing as it is insightful.

Please bring your own recording device.

Limited Times available. Book your time with Trent before your spot is taken!

[email protected] or phone (306) 978-5300

Go ahead...DIVE IN!


This is a monthly celebration to give thanks to the Gods and the Goddesses, to get together once a month in Public Ritual. These are outdoor events and people should dress for the weather. All we ask is that all that attend do so with an open heart and an open mind. As Pagans we do not discriminate against anyone so we ask the same of those who attend. These Events are free.. free for all who attend, free for all who are interested in a monthly open circle, free of all Prejudice. Blessed Be.

This month's Rite will be to celebrate Autumn. It is a time to bring our inner warmth out to help us with the harvest, as the days become shorter we remember our growth so far this year. The next event is on Sunday September 22nd at 1 pm, at Victoria Park on Spadina Cresent West in Saskatoon Sask.




MABON Ritual

Public Ritual

September 22


Location TBA

602 33rd Street West

Saskatoon Sk.

Potluck social to follow ritual

(Due to allergies please NO nuts/legumes/seeds/soy)

FREE to attend

DONATIONS to help build our temple welcome

Next Public Ritual October 27 2:30


Adults only Samhain Fundraiser Social

October 26th (Details TBA)

Energetic Self-Care Workshop

Join Beata VanBerkom of Tinfoil Therapies and Trent Deerhorn of Deerhorn Shamanic Services for a dynamic workshop in energetic self-care.

Discover numerous techniques to align and balance your personal chakra system, thus creating peace, harmony, balance and well-being. Explore the effects that sound has on our cells and on our minds.

Date: Saturday, October 5th, 2019

Time: 10:30 AM - 4:30 PM

Early Bird Tuition: $150.00 if registered before September 7th, 2019

Tuition: $200.00 September 7th, 2019 onward.

Location: Oshun House Studio, 912 Idylwyld Drive North, Saskatoon, SK

Registration Deadline: September 20th, 2019

Bring your own box lunch!

Contact Beata at [email protected] or text to (306)291-4706

From Llewellyn's Witch's Calendar:


Trees are magical; deciduous trees share the power of transformation with autumn's turning leaves, and each species has its own charm. they are nature's calendar, marking the march of the seasons. As the climate changes, the trees move with it, aspens marching north to find cooler weather. Take a look at some trees and their magical qualities...

Apple brings fertility, healing, love, and prosperity. In autumn it turns red to brown.

Birch offers fertility, beginnings, and purification; it represents the Goddess. Its fall color is yellow.

Elder gives healing, protection and wisdom. In autumn it's yellow.

Hawthorn provides cleansing, love, and protection. It attracts faeries; in autumn it turns yellow to orange.

Hazel represents divination, reconciliation, strength, and wisdom. Its autumn foliage is orange, red, or brown.

Maple serves divination, love, and sweetness. Red maple turns red; Sugar maple turns yellow to orange; Japanese maple turns red to copper.

Mulberry brings knowledge, will and wisdom. Its fall color is yellow.

Oak stands for healing, longevity, strength, and wealth, and it invokes the God. Pin, red, and scarlet oaks turn red; white, chestnut, and bear oaks turn yellow; English oak turns brown.

Rowan enhances magic and strength; it turns all shades of yellow to red and copper. Willow serves enchantment, healing, and Moon magic. It represents the underworld; its fall color is yellow to gold.

In autumn deciduous trees release their energy in a burst of color. Each hue has its own magical significance. With fall come the burning colors of fire. Learn their symbolism:

Brown is for animals, home, earth and stability.

Copper covers business, fertility, passion, success, water, and the Goddess.

Gold involves divination, fortune, health, justice, prosperity and the God.

Yellow features air, happiness, inspiration, memory and travel.

Orange relates to action, ambition, creativity, habits, and vitality.

Red fuels courage, danger, independence, fire, sexuality, and survival.

Becoming a Tree

Magic comes from connection, and this ritual creates a connection between the Witch and the trees. First, think of something you want - love, health, prosperity, etc.

Next, walk around your neighborhood or a park looking for autumn leaves. Choose trees and/or colors symbolizing your theme. Pick up a couple of handfuls of leaves to bring home. Take them from at least three different trees.

Make the leaves into a crown. The old-fashioned way involves overlapping the leaves and pinning them together with a twig or toothpick. A quicker, modern way is to stable them. You can make bracelets the same way.

Dress yourself with the leaves. Visualize becoming a tree, drawing your strength from earth and sky and rain. Concentrate on your goal as you sway in place, keeping your motions slow and gentle like a tree. Then chant three times:

Leaf of the tree, tree in the wind,

Gather blessing that the gods send.

Afterward, keep the crown of leaves during autumn to remind you of your connection with the trees. If you like, you can burn it in your Yule fire to give the energy back to the earth.

-Elizabeth Barette

Improve Your English


Rock Talk by Ave Riddler

Lithium Quartz

As this name suggests this is quartz contains traces of lithium, the inclusions tend to have a lavender, or pinkish grey tinge. These are fairly rare, found only in one area of Brazil.

Lithium included quartz is a gentle yet powerful heart healing crystal; helping to open the heart chakra, while also activating the third eye and filling both energy centers with positive feelings of euphoria. An unexpected powerhouse mineral, it is often overlooked because it does have such gentle energy. Though it does resonate with the heart and third eye, with intent Lithium quartz can help activate and open any of the chakras. Because it offers such profound healing, while remaining gentle this would be a good crystal to use while undergoing any shadow work, or deep emotional healing. The gentle healing energy of Lithium quartz can also make such traumatic healing work more approachable. It is also useful in helping to sever and release negative attachments, replacing them with more natural and holistic ways and actions. Bringing Lithium quartz into the bedroom can provide a calm and restful sleep, helping one to relax.

Lithium Quartz helps to release attachments to desired outcomes leaving one clear for less ego driven results. Sometimes we think we know exactly what we want to have happen, and accidently close ourselves off to what is in our highest good while chasing that goal. This is not giving up, rather this is opening oneself to other possibilities. Often when we release expectation of the desired outcome, while continuing to move forward, we end up discovering new opportunities that exceed the vision with which we were holding ourselves back.

A wonderful aide to use while meditating, this quartz can help provide depth, as well as help clarify the quality of any inner visions experienced while meditating. Also of note while mediating with Lithium quartz the open and balanced heart provided can help one to more readily access the higher states of consciousness.

Though this is a gentle mineral, it does not work sluggishly, forming a smooth easy state of calm and relaxation into any working done using Lithium quartz. It also promotes harmony within its environment.

Regularly wearing Lithium quartz can help one retain a clear and continuous connection to their higher self, mind, and heart. If using for healing work placing under the treatment table is a good way to provide the energy of the mineral to both the healer, and the one being assisted. Another good way to further bring the energy of this quartz into your self would be to place it in the tub and soak in the energized yet calming water.

This is a good crystal to leave in a garden or indoor plants; the gentle healing energy of the Lithium quartz revitalizes the growth, and is also enjoyed by any fair folk, devas, or spirits that will visit that space.

Physically Lithium quartz would be a good support for anyone struggling with panic attacks, or anxiety, by reducing stress and stress related imbalances. Pairing Lithium quartz with existing treatments of these disorders may enable those treatments to work more efficiently.

Paraphrased from THE BOOK OF STONES Who They Are And What They Teach by Robert Simmons and Naisha Ahsian. With personal add- ins and details by myself (Ave)

Indian Hills Community Center, Colorado signs

Electricians have to strip

To make ends meet.



By Natasha Stone

Seeing things as they really are is different to seeing things as we would like them to be.

The distinction isrelevantto acknowledgebecause when we see things as they really are, we are not colouring, modifying, furnishing or embellishing whatever it is we are seeing; we are merely stating or communicating whatever it is we are actually seeing. This is generally understood to be an observable fact or an authentic reality.

Seeing things as we would like them to be is an imaginative, invisible, and creative process. It could also be viewed by conservative standards as having a rich fantasy life, or engaging in wishful thinking.

Conventional political and legal systems very frequently operate on the belief of proximity, probability, potentiality and foresee ability. Routinely, people will draft documents to incorporate and annex particulars they would like to see happen or not like to see happen at given points in the future.

Seeing things as we would like to see them, or prefer to see them, may involve a form of active participation through visualisation practices.

We do it every day already anytime we are thinking or imagining what we will be doing at a later point in time during the day or evening, or perhaps the next day, week or month. Those points in time have not even happened but we anticipate that they will happen and treat them accordingly because we believe that the future is real.

More than a rudimentary exercise in organisational diary management, we might call it or perceive it as a form of spiritual manifestation because we are actively visually enhancing a creative thought process that is on its journey to eventuating into an authentic reality.

An authentic reality is not always something we look forward to because it can be unpleasantly confronting to see something as it really is, when we would prefer to see something else.

The more important or significant something to us is, the greater the obstacle we face in overcoming our aversion to seeing it as it really is because if we had the choice, we would probably not choose to purposely look at things that cause us to feel grief, angst or displeasure.

If we could put our trepidation, fear or aversion aside and just see something as it really is, we could potentially find ourselves better situated to being able to creatively imagine what it is that we would like our new authentic reality to be.

Some people believe that this practice in and of itself is sufficient enough to manifest significant practical change.

We can certainly respect and acknowledge this as holding validity within a spiritual or religious context because practically every single religion or spiritual belief already incorporates the notion of reflective or meditative practice.

We could also entertain this concept of manifesting better outcomes as putting positive thinking into action, a random stroke of good luck, the productive result of hard work, divine serendipity, or a universal shenanigan.

Trying to remain open and optimistic, to carry on and to keep doing whatever it is that we do, when we are seeing things as they really are and not as we would like them to be, might be the very way to go about manifesting the changes we seek.

Attorney At Law

These are from a book called "Disorder in the Court" and are thingspeople actually said in court, word for word, taken down and publishedby court reporters that had the torment of staying calm while theexchanges were taking place.

Thought for the Day:

To change one's life:

1. Start immediately

2. Do it flamboyantly

3. No exceptions (no excuses)

-William James

The Ethereal Receptionists Office

By Gail Fulkerson

A subtle shift in the air currents announces your arrival in the office located on the opposite side of the Veil. Being the Receptionist, I get to slide open the glass window and ask your name, so I can check it against the list of todays arrivals on my clipboard. They are very good about making sure everyone who needs to know whos coming, gets the information they require, which ensures a smooth transition for our patrons.

Welcome to the Other Side. Weve been expecting you. All is ready, but first, we must complete the last of the paperwork before we see you through the final door beyond the reception area. Yes, even here on the Other Side theres paperwork, but you may be relieved to know that the inevitable death and taxes you spoke so much about when you were alive dont apply here. Oh, yes, here you are on my list. There, Ive just checked it off.

I was so glad to see you walk through my door safe and sound, again. Again, you ask? Why, sure, honey, we all have multiple lives, some more than others, but itll all come back to you during re-orientation.

Now, before you go on your way, I have just a few more questions:

How did you die this time? Old age, you say. Quietly in your sleep, or face-first in your soup at the dining room table? In the soup. Oh, yes, now I see it. Here, let me wipe off the ring of tomato soup on your face with that napkin still tucked in the top of your shirt. There, thats got it. I can toss the napkin away for you, if you wish. I have a feeling you wont need it any longer. Here, allow me to brush back those stray hairs from your eyes. There you go.

You wonder who is going to greet you on the other side of the door. I know, we get that question a lot, and no, it isnt weird to ask it. For you, its your wife and one of your kids, your parents, grandparents, and two siblings. It certainly sounds like its going to be quite the reunion. Im excited for you. I hope someone brings cake!

Will you want to go back and attend your own funeral? Many people do it, you know. Its quite a common practice. As a matter of fact, I showed up at my own funeral to see who and how many people came to pay their last respects. Im so glad I went. I got to see people I hadnt seen in years. And before you ask, no one knew I was there. No one will know youre at your own funeral, either.

Those are all the questions I have for you. Now, if you will please sign your name at the bottom of the page, acknowledging I have asked and you have answered all pertinent questions, I can send you on your way through the door to meet your loved ones.

It has been my pleasure to serve you. I look forward to seeing you again.

Local Photographers

"Sacred Skull"

by Trent Deerhorn

This is a buffalo skull that I have on my altar, smoke rising through it. The painting on the skull is courtesy of Ashley Pearse.

Extremes in Our World that You should Know:

Which foreign city is the world's mostwell-connected one for Internet use?Seoul, South KoreaSurprisingly, despite China's 618 million Internet users who spend an average of 18.7 hours a week surfing the net, Chinadidn't even make the top 10 for Internet connection.Seoul,Koreais a different story considering the average connection speed, availability,(including free access), openness to innovation, support of public data, and privacy/security,Seoul, South Koreais the champion of Internet-connectedness.With 10,000 government supportedfree WiFi spotsdotting the city,and an Internet speed that goes unchallenged globally, Seoul is an Internet junkie's paradise.

From 365 Zen daily readings by Jean Smith

Zen Master Dogen, the thirteenth-century founder of the Soto Zen tradition, remarked:

To study the Way is to study the self.

To study the self is to forget the self.

To forget the self is to be enlightened by the 10,000 things.

An essential teaching of Zen Buddhism is that when we start out on the path, we're stepping into ourselves. We're stepping into studying the ways to study the self. As we begin to shine the light of questioning upon ourselves - as we begin to meditate and experience concentration and mindfulness - we discover that the Way is not outside of us, that to study is to begin where we are, with each breath: "To study the Way is to study the self."

-Sunsei Pat Enkyo O'Hara, Village Zendo, New York City

Reflections from the Shaman's Hut

I have never been a surfer. In fact, I have never, in this lifetime, even seen the ocean in person. Yes, I have travelled, just not to any coast of our Western Continent. All of my travels have been inland. People are often shocked that I have not had a winter vacation to a warm location. That is not something that has ever really appealed to me. I enjoy going to new places and such, I just don't have an inner need to go out of the country to find anything.

Inner peace and relaxation, for me, has always been either in the comfort of my own home or at a location that I could easily travel to, whether by car, train, plane or boat. And, speaking of planes, did I ever mention how much I despise airports? I do. So travel by plane is extremely limited.

But there is something that surfers and I have in common. We like to ride the wave. The wave they ride is in the ocean. The wave I ride is in life. There are many ups and downs and all-arounds in life. I was catching up with a friend whom I have not seen in almost 20 years the other day. It is amazing how a Reader's Digest version of events over 20 years really brings home just how many things can go on in one small life. Both of us were amazed at how, on the one hand, we had both had so many diverse things happen in our lives since last we met, and on the other hand, how we are still the same as we were at the core of it all. I think that this is not a matter of either of us refusing to change. I think that it is a matter of that core sustaining us through thick and thin.

No matter what we experienced, we rode the wave of life and kept honoring our own inner light. That light has shone on others throughout the years, helping them to ride their own waves as well. And that light has also been fed for us by those around us who shone their light to help us through the dark times as well.

Riding the wave is not just about successfully making it to shore. It is also about helping others along the way. It is about being flexible enough to accommodate life's twists and turns while maintaining the self in a way that is congruent with our own soul. The challenges that come and go always end up being something that we can see in the rear view mirror, but that do not have any amount of power over us. We become resilient to the tsunamis and gentle with the tender waves that lap the edge of the lake. All of it is a part of the experience of living. We cannot run away from the tsunamis in life. We get through them. We cannot ignore the gentle waves, we appreciate them, more and more every day.

This allows us to not just ride the waves, but to also go deep into the soul of who we truly are. And when we do that, we become impenetrable to negative forces around us. Those negative forces challenge our very essence. But it is because we have become one with that essence through the riding of the wave that it becomes impenetrable.

For more articles from the Shaman's Hut, visit Trent's blog at

Encouragements for Personal Development:

Taken from Meditations with James Van Praagh

When we love ourselves, we live in a state of God consciousness. This is living in heaven while walking upon the earth. In this state, we are prepared to take part in the fruits of our spiritual heritage.

According to the Farmers Almanac 2019:

Perfect Pear

Seckels are tiny, chubby, round-bodied pears that are great for snacks and desserts. Their extremely sweet taste earned them the alternate labels of "sugar pear" and "candy pear." Discovered near Philadelphia in the 1800's, the variety is named after Lawrence Seckel, on whose property the first known tree grew. Historians believe that the tree may possibly have been started from a seed dropped by an earlier German settler. When growing your own, be sure to plant a European pear variety other than "Bartlett" within 50 feet of a Seckel tree to ensure good pollination. Fruit will be ready for harvest beginning in mid-September.

September 2nd: Labor Day

Early September is the best time to divide and replant peonies.

September 14th: Full Harvest Moon

Plant Iris pallida "Variegata" rhizomes for spring bloom. The beautiful purple flowers smell like grape soda!

September 23rd: Autumnal Equinox

Delicious autumn!

My very soul is wedded to it,

and if I were a bird, I would fly

about the Earth seeking the successive autumns.

-George Eliot, English writer (1819-80)

September 28th: New Moon

It is lucky to first glimpse a new Moon unobstructed by foliage, or "clear of the brush."

Puppy Smiles

Ask the Shaman: With Trent Deerhorn

Q: I know that smudging can help with clearing energy in a home. My wife smudges almost every day, and frankly the smell makes me sick. So my question is, how often should a person actually be doing this?

A: There is a saying that goes, "If my smudging bothers you, then it is obviously working." Smudging is something that draws the negative energies out and purifies the space, whether that space is a home or a person's body/energy field. If the smudging is bothering you, it is most likely that either:

1. You have a physical allergy to the incense or sage or cedar or sweet grass or whatever it is that she uses. This can be resolved by her smudging when you are out of the house and leaving windows open to air it out post smudge.

2. The smudge is inviting your energy field to release some toxic stuff that is buried within. If this is the case, visiting an energy healer will assist that process and help you release without feeling sick.

3. You may be of a different kind of inner element, i.e. not air element or earth element, but fire element or water element. Sometimes this makes a big difference as to whether or not a smudge will even work for a person. Lighting a candle post smudge might help if you are a fire elemental. Having a shower or bath or even a cup of tea might help if you are a water elemental. Water elementals often will respond quite well to a Holy Water mist throughout the home instead of the smoke of the smudge. And both do the same thing, so there is always a work around that can be beneficial and more comfortable for all in the home.

Remember though, that when smudging a home, it is important to have some window open so that the negative energies can escape the home. After all, we don't want walls banging from demons scrambling to escape when there are no windows open or doors open. Just kidding! But not really. ;)

As to frequency of smudging, I have found that once a week is quite sufficient in most cases.

Tidbits and Tickles:

A judge enters the courtroom, strikes the gavel, and says, "Before I begin this trial, I have an announcement to make. The lawyer for the defense has paid me $15,000 to swing the case his way. The lawyer for the plaintiff has paid me $10,000 to swing the case her way. In order to make this a fair trial, I am returning $5,000 to the defense."


We want to hear from you! Your feedback is important to us. Email your comments to [email protected] and they will be published in the Forum Section!

Of the previous Issue:

Jake wrote: I love the image of the Horned God on the cover of this month's issue!

Debora wrote: I went to see the plays that were advertized in this issue! I loved them, especially "It's Complicated."

Betty wrote: I always wondered how snowflake obsidian functioned. Thanks, Ave!

Arthur wrote: Really enjoyed Noelle's article this month!

Angela wrote: Natasha has made me reconsider what being authentic truly means. Thank you!

Alexander wrote: I loved the Everlasting effect of Gail's poem!

Andrew wrote: I have always been suspicious of institutions. Thank you for confirming what I have been thinking, Trent!

Shelly wrote: Sometimes the Farmer's Almanac is boring to me. But this time it was beautiful.

Classified Ads


Ryan Hauser

(306) 270-0138

[email protected]

A clean home is a true blessing! Trent Deerhorn

This professionally recorded 24 minute guided meditation, accompanied by guitar music tuned to the healing frequency of 432Hz, will lead you on a journey to release anxiety.

Meditation by Vicki Lund Music by Ed Smith

Recording studio: Soundlounge by tBone

Art work by Jasper Lund of Sleepyturtart

Available to purchase by download at for $9.95 + PST

Face Time with the SHAMAN!

As part of my Shamanic Practice I have, for years, provided long distance healing work for people. This sometimes comes as an energy treatment and sometimes as a telephone counselling session. Well, now there is even another option available! We can now have sessions on Face Time and you can speak to me face to face! If you are interested in this option, simply email me at [email protected] or phone me at (306) 978.5300 to make arrangements. Blessed Be!

Flight Newsletter Advertising Advertisements for Flight: A Living, Breathing Document of Consciousness

All ads must be in by 6pm on the 20th of the month PRIOR to the issue that the ad is to be placed in. No exceptions. Send to [email protected].

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