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Dr Kem Thompson (MBBS, CCNA, Dip. Performance Coaching) Health & Success Speaker, Author,

ConsultantFREE Life-enhancing Newsletter:






Dr Kem Thompson Health & Success Speaker, Author, Coach, Advocate


Dr Kem Thompson (MBBS, CCNA, Dip. Performance Coaching) Health & Success Speaker, Author,

ConsultantFREE Life-enhancing Newsletter:


© All rights reserved.Unauthorized distribution is prohibited. If you wish to distribute this report, send people to

www.doctorkem.com – once they sign up for the FREE ezine, they’ll get this report, same as you’ve done.

Dr Kem Thompson (MBBS, CCNA, Dip. Performance Coaching) Health & Success Speaker, Author,

ConsultantFREE Life-enhancing Newsletter:


Thank you for subscribing to the FREE Newsletter, ‘The Health & Success


This FREE report is my gift to you

as a token of my appreciation for

your subscription.

Read it, absorb it and most

importantly, APPLY this information, for only then will you fully benefit from it.

You really do have genetic ‘wiring’ for success. It just won’t get expressed until you

activate it yourself - nobody can do this for you.

This report will reveal just how to do that.

Enjoy it and let me know what you think of it. Please send your feedback via the

‘Contact Us’ form over at www.doctorkem.com

Wishing you massive success every day of your life.

Blessings to ya!

Dr Kem

Dr Kem Thompson (MBBS, CCNA, Dip. Performance Coaching) Health & Success Speaker, Author,

ConsultantFREE Life-enhancing Newsletter:


‘This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth; but you shall meditate therein day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written therein: for

then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall have great success.”

Joshua 1:8

Dr Kem Thompson (MBBS, CCNA, Dip. Performance Coaching) Health & Success Speaker, Author,

ConsultantFREE Life-enhancing Newsletter:



Do you have a desire within you to be a success in life? If you do, then realise that the

desire you feel is your true nature calling out for you to let it express itself.

You see, you were born to succeed. Success in everything you do is your true nature.

Failure really is the anomaly, as are lack, disease and misery.

Success is in your genetic makeup, so to speak. You

were created in God’s image, therefore you have His

‘DNA’ in you - the DNA of success. As someone has

put it, ‘God made me, and God don’t make no junk!’

However, this ‘success gene’ will not express itself

unless you activate it.

In other words, even though you are genetically programmed to succeed in life,

nothing happens until you ‘turn on’ the program you were created with.

It’s like having a million dollars in your bank account: the million dollars are not worh

anything until you access them, and use them.

Dr Kem Thompson (MBBS, CCNA, Dip. Performance Coaching) Health & Success Speaker, Author,

ConsultantFREE Life-enhancing Newsletter:


If you are not experiencing the level of success, prosperity and abundance you

inherently know is your birthright, perhaps it’s time to turn on your success genes.

Once you do, all the qualities you desire will be expressed effortlessly in your life.

Again I must emphasize this: nobody can do this for you.

Which begs the question...

How do you activate (‘turn on’) your

success genes? The key and all the clues

you need, are in the quote from the book

of Joshua mentioned above, but I’m

going to break things down for you a bit


5 Key Steps are necessary, and you must persist in each of these steps. Be


The steps are:

a)Consciously choose, or decide, to succeed. Until you make this deliberate

decision, nothing begins to shift.

b)Believe without a shadow of a doubt that you will succeed.

c)Take ACTION with full expectation that you will succeed.

d)Be grateful in advance, for your success (reward yourself for taking action, even

before the results have manifested)

Dr Kem Thompson (MBBS, CCNA, Dip. Performance Coaching) Health & Success Speaker, Author,

ConsultantFREE Life-enhancing Newsletter:


e)Do all things in love.

That’s the only way to activate your genes and put you on course for living your life to

the fullest. Notice that choice, belief, expectation and gratitude are all things under

your control. So is an attitude of love towards others. Nobody can do any of those

things for you.

Let us now examine each of the above activators a bit further.

Dr Kem Thompson (MBBS, CCNA, Dip. Performance Coaching) Health & Success Speaker, Author,

ConsultantFREE Life-enhancing Newsletter:


Deliberate Choice...A No-Turning Back Decision

“Every great leap forward in your life comes after you have made

a clear decision of some kind.”

--Brian Tracy

Your ability to choose is one of your most powerful qualities (and you have several

powerful qualities in your complete ‘success genetic makeup’.) It gives you direction

in life and literally determines the outcomes you experience.

You already use this quality, whether or not you’re aware of it. When you let things

happen instead of making things happen, it shows

you’ve chosen to be the controlled rather than the

controller: you’ve chosen to be the victim in life

rather than the victor. You’ve made a decision, albeit a

negative one.

Decide today that you will succeed. In making this decision, you are committing to

do whatever it takes (that’s appropriate and legal) to achieve or express the success

that’s rightfully yours. You are not going to give up at the slightest obstacle. You will

use obstacles as stepping stones to your success. It helps to make this decision and its

implied ‘sub-decisions’ (eg how you will handle obstacles) before you take any other

Dr Kem Thompson (MBBS, CCNA, Dip. Performance Coaching) Health & Success Speaker, Author,

ConsultantFREE Life-enhancing Newsletter:



This keeps you prepared for the times you get tested - and you will get tested along the

way. In fact, it may seem that the moment you decide to succeed, things start going the

other way in a hurry. These are simply tests being sent your way to help you grow into

a person who’s worthy and capable of receiving success when it comes. When you are

mentally prepared against obstacles or challenges, they won’t faze you when they

occur (not ‘if’, mind). You will know their purpose, learn from them and move on.

Dr Kem Thompson (MBBS, CCNA, Dip. Performance Coaching) Health & Success Speaker, Author,

ConsultantFREE Life-enhancing Newsletter:


The Faith To Succeed

“If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you shall say unto this mountain,

‘remove hence to yonder place’, and it shall remove, and nothing shall be impossible

unto you”

-- Jesus Christ (Matthew 17:21)

Faith is defined as the evidence of things you don’t see and the substance of the things

you hope for. This attitude of belief, this knowing that what you desire is surely on its

way to you, is a powerful success gene activator. Nothing is ever achieved without soe

level of faith. Every great accomplishment you can think of was made possible

because someone it could be so.

When you think of the stuff you were created from

(if you choose to believe this...) - when you think

you were created from , and in the image of,

God’s Spirit, that ought to make it easy for you to

believe that anything is possible for you. In truth,

all things are possible for you if you so believe.

Right there in the above paragraph lies a clue as to how to cultivate the belief that

activates your success genes: keep your mind focused on who you really are, not on

who you appear to be (outwardly). When you do, the truth will dawn on you and

become real to you. Your faith will grow in proportion to the amount of time you Dr Kem Thompson (MBBS, CCNA, Dip. Performance Coaching)

Health & Success Speaker, Author, Consultant

FREE Life-enhancing Newsletter:www.doctorkem.com

spend thinking about the truth about yourself. Your doubt will conversely grow in

proportion to the amount of time you spend thinking about the way things appear

outwardly, for the outward physical world is imperfect, but the inner world really is


What you focus on expands. So focus on beliefs that propel you forward and motivate

you from within, to take the necessary action to lead to your success.

What is a belief then? A belief is simply a thought that you’ve held on to for so

long that you have come to accept it as true. Beliefs are not carved in stone. Rather

they are thoughts that you have chosen to hold as true.

If a belief prevents you from achieving your goals, it’s called a ‘limiting belief’.

Limiting beliefs contain words like ‘impossible’, ‘cannot’, ‘hopeless’, ‘unworkable’,

etc. The danger of limiting beliefs is that they blind you to possibilities and

Dr Kem Thompson (MBBS, CCNA, Dip. Performance Coaching) Health & Success Speaker, Author,

ConsultantFREE Life-enhancing Newsletter:


opportunities to grow and get ahead in life. They literally limit you from succeeding.

All because you (choose to) let them.

You can change your beliefs to reflect the outcome (s) you desire.

Choose empowering beliefs. In other words, choose to focus on empowering thoughts.

Think such thoughts long enough and they become empowering beliefs - beliefs that

propel you to levels of greatness you never knew (or perhaps only dreamt) you were

capable of. A few of my favorite ones include: “It’s possible”, “I can do it”, “I can do

all things through Christ who gives me strength”, “the things I say come to pass”,

“there’s always a way”, “there’s good in everything”. I could go on and on, but I’ll

stop here and let you come up with some of your own (though you’re most welcome to

use the ones I’ve shared).

Make these empowering thoughts habits until they become beliefs. Then watch what

unfolds in your life.

Dr Kem Thompson (MBBS, CCNA, Dip. Performance Coaching) Health & Success Speaker, Author,

ConsultantFREE Life-enhancing Newsletter:


ACTION With Positive Expectation

“Winners make a habit of manufacturing their own positive expectations in advance

of the event.” --Brian Tracy

You get what you expect on a subconscious level. This is why it is important to work

on your thoughts and beliefs first. If you don’t, and you pay lip service to the process

(meaning you ‘say’ you expect good things to happen, without really believing they

will), your subconscious wins out every single time.

When your thoughts and beliefs

about your success are ingrained

at a subconscious level, when

your expectation springs forth

from such a deep foundation,

your ACTIONS are such that

you get your desired outcome -


An empowering thought to help you build up positive expectation from within is this:

“I expect to...” (fill the gap with what you’d like to achieve. This is the beauty of

living an abundant life - God has given you a blank cheque to fill in with ‘whatsoever

you desire’. You decide what goes on that cheque. Then activate your success genes Dr Kem Thompson (MBBS, CCNA, Dip. Performance Coaching)

Health & Success Speaker, Author, Consultant

FREE Life-enhancing Newsletter:www.doctorkem.com

and position yourself to receive what you’ve asked for. It all starts with a decidion,

backed by an honest commitment to stay the course.

Are you a student? Desire to ace your exams? Then believe you will ace the

exam, expect to ace it, then study your subject matter. Are you an entrepreneur? Desire

to succeed in business? Then believe you will succeed, expect to succeed, then do the

work you need to do - whether or not you feel like doing it.

Every top performer expects to win, and this expectation fuels their action - this

is a way to motivate yourself. The Williams sisters have long expected to win, and

they have won more times than not: their mental state has fuelled their actions,

propelling them to phenomenal success in their field.

You get what you expect.

What do you really expect?

Dr Kem Thompson (MBBS, CCNA, Dip. Performance Coaching) Health & Success Speaker, Author,

ConsultantFREE Life-enhancing Newsletter:


An Attitude of Gratitude

“There is a calmness to a life lived in gratitude, a quiet joy”

--Ralph H. Blum

Gratitude is a beautiful thing. It is also a very powerful thing. Be grateful for the

good things in your life now, and for the good things you desire and expect to

manifest, even before they are apparent. This means you should be thankful for every

person, every thing, every circumstance in your life today, no exception.

One of the natural laws states that there are two sides to everything. This means

there’s good and bad in everything. What you focus on expands, so choose to focus on

the good in your life, past, present and future. Focus on the good so that it expands in

your life. Your bank balance is zero? Be thankful for the fact that there is good in the

situation, and hold this attitude even when you’re not aware of what that good is. As

Dr Kem Thompson (MBBS, CCNA, Dip. Performance Coaching) Health & Success Speaker, Author,

ConsultantFREE Life-enhancing Newsletter:


you hold that attitude, it becomes apparent and you find that you actually do have

something to be thankful for. The ‘good’ could be the opportunity for you to learn how

to become a better money manager, so that you don’t end up in a financial mess again.

By focusing on the fact that you are (in the spiritual realm), rich and abundant, you

will begin to attract

abundance into your life.

Opportunities to create

wealth will present

themselves to you.

Connections will surface. It’s amazing what happens when you choose to focus on,

and be grateful for, the good in your life - apparent or not.

Here’s a nugget of truth to help raise your awareness, understanding and belief, to

cause you to be grateful at all times: Everything is Energy.

Energy cannot be destroyed or created but can be transformed from one form to

another. Therefore, everything you desire already exists, though it may not be in the

form you’d like it to be at this time.

Dr Kem Thompson (MBBS, CCNA, Dip. Performance Coaching) Health & Success Speaker, Author,

ConsultantFREE Life-enhancing Newsletter:


An attitude of gratitude causes you to focus on the thing you are grateful for, and this

exercise causes you to facilitate the transformation of your desire from the intangible,

to the tangible form.

When you do not yet see any physical evidence that you are successful, you can

express gratitude that you are successful anyway, because you’re made in God’s

image, and He’s successful. So be thankful. This is your choice.

According to the law of equal and opposite reaction, when you express gratitude, the

opposite reaction you trigger in response, is the downward flow of the good things

(the ‘more of what you are focusing on’) towards you.

Think about it: when someone expresses gratitude to you for something you’ve done

for them, how do you feel? You feel like doing more for that person, right?

That’s exactly how gratitude works. It brings you more of what you are thankful for.

What you focus on does expand.

“When praises go up, God’s blessings come down”

Dr Kem Thompson (MBBS, CCNA, Dip. Performance Coaching) Health & Success Speaker, Author,

ConsultantFREE Life-enhancing Newsletter:


Love - The Ultimate Power...

“Love is the immortal flow of energy that nourishes, extends and preserves.

Its eternal goal is life.”

-- Smiley Blanton

Your daily life necessitates your interaction with other human beings. If you

want to activate your success genes, you must walk in love towards everyone you

meet. This means you have to think the best about

everyone, and treat them the way you’d like to be

treated. Nobody is perfect (and yes that includes

you, surprise, surprise), so choose to dwell on the

good points in each person you meet.

Treat everyone with kindness. Be patient.

Relate to each person as though they were the most important person on the planet

(because to them, they are). Two books that teach how to apply this principle in

practical terms, are Og Mandino’s classic, ‘The Greatest Salesman In The World’ and

Dale Carnegie’s ‘How To Win Friends and Influence People’. Read them and act on

what they teach.

Whatever you give, comes back in multiples. That’s according to the law of Sowing Dr Kem Thompson (MBBS, CCNA, Dip. Performance Coaching)

Health & Success Speaker, Author, Consultant

FREE Life-enhancing Newsletter:www.doctorkem.com

and Reaping. Give love to others and it will come back to you from various sources,

sometimes not even from the ones you’ve given it to.

Which brings me to an important point: your ‘love walk’ towards others must be

unconditional. Treat people with love regardless of how they treat you. Remember, it’s

your success genes we’re working to activate here, not theirs. It’s in your best interest,

to treat others with love.

Love is a decision your make. It’s a chosen way of relating to others. The associated

feelings come later. Even in romantic situations when feelings come first, you still

need to decide in advance to love the other person unconditionally. That way, whether

or not ‘you’ve lost that lovin feelin’, you

still treat them the same. This mindset, and

the actions that stem from it, often bring

about healing in a relationship, and

restores original feelings between partners.

In your career, business, job, daily life -

walking in unconditional love towards others sets you apart. As Og Mandino says,

‘without love you are just a peddler in the market place’. None of the other ‘activating

factors’ mentioned so far matter if you do not have love for your fellow man.

So if you have any grudges, bear any malice, if you have any hard feelings at all

towards anyone, any unresolved disputes, sort things out at once. Harbouring these

Dr Kem Thompson (MBBS, CCNA, Dip. Performance Coaching) Health & Success Speaker, Author,

ConsultantFREE Life-enhancing Newsletter:


emotions and thoughts are sure to de-activate your success genes. They’re not worth

hanging onto. Let go and let love. Do this for you.

“Give love and unconditional acceptance to those you encounter, and notice what


--Dr Wayne W. Dyer

Dr Kem Thompson (MBBS, CCNA, Dip. Performance Coaching) Health & Success Speaker, Author,

ConsultantFREE Life-enhancing Newsletter:



Now You Know

How To Activate Your Success Genes...

What will you do with this information?

Depends on what you want out of life. If

you want to live a full and satisfying life

of abundant joy, health, peace and

prosperity, you know what to do:

•Consciously choose or decide to


•Believe you will succeed.

•ACT Fully expecting to succeed

•Be grateful in advance for your success

•ACT out of love for your fellow man.

Dr Kem Thompson (MBBS, CCNA, Dip. Performance Coaching) Health & Success Speaker, Author,

ConsultantFREE Life-enhancing Newsletter:


Put all the above into action today. Persist until they become habits. Refuse to even

entertain the possibility of failure. Different outcomes from what you desire, do not

mean failure - they are simply lessons and experiences for you to learn and grow from,

so be grateful for each one.

Failure occurs only when you decide to quit going for your goal.

That too is your choice.

Dr Kem Thompson (MBBS, CCNA, Dip. Performance Coaching) Health & Success Speaker, Author,

ConsultantFREE Life-enhancing Newsletter:



Dr Kem Thompson trained as Medical Doctor and a Performance Coach. She

is passionate about Personal Development, which is the foundation for success in any

area of life. She has written and published hundreds of Personal Development and

Success articles since 2003, as well as several e-books on the topic.

Her first hard copy book was published in February 2010. Called

‘Inspirational Blueprints for Personal Success for Women’, the book is currently

available online on Amazon, www.doctorkem.com and offline in all good bookshops.

She is an inspirational speaker, mentor, consultant and coach, helping clients

gain clarity of purpose, focus, self-motivation, accountability and success from the

strategies she teaches.

Dr Kem is passionate about equipping you with the knowledge you need to

help you make choices that lead to true health. Functional medicine (also known as

Integrative medicine, or Healthy Lifestyle medicine), gives you this information, and

Dr Kem delivers the information in easy-to-understand language, in her popular

Healthy Lifestyle Seminars (www.healthylifestyleseminar.co.uk), held in different

cities first in the UK, but with international cities being added to the calender.

Dr Kem Thompson (MBBS, CCNA, Dip. Performance Coaching) Health & Success Speaker, Author,

ConsultantFREE Life-enhancing Newsletter:


In addition to her work as a General Practitioner (GP, aka Family Physician),

Dr Kem applies her training and experience as a Performance Coach, to help clients

in her Private Coaching Practice, use their (new found) knowledge to create health,

reverse chronic degenerative disease processes from their root source and prevent

other such conditions from occurring. She also offers Personal (life) coaching at the

practice. Both services are available by telephone-only.

See below to find out more about services provided by Dr Kem.

Dr Kem Thompson (MBBS, CCNA, Dip. Performance Coaching) Health & Success Speaker, Author,

ConsultantFREE Life-enhancing Newsletter:


Dr Kem’s Programs & Resources

These have one simple aim - to help you create a better quality of life for yourself and

your children.

As a subscriber to this mailing list, you are entitled to a whopping subscriber-only 50%

discount when you sign up for any of the following programs within 60 days of your subscribing to the newsletter. After this time you are entitled to full rates. See below for


Order any of Dr Kem’s books within 30 days of subscribing to the newsletter and you get

the .pdf version at a 20% discount. Just forward your confirmation email to

[email protected] and if it falls within 30 days, you will receive a link to the discount

page. In the body of the email, state which book you’d like.

Programs Include…

a) Health Consultancy & Coaching (Adults)

b) Personal Development (Success) Consultancy & Coaching (Adults)

c) Health & Success Coaching (Children)

d)Seminars, Lectures, Speaking Engagements

Dr Kem Thompson (MBBS, CCNA, Dip. Performance Coaching) Health & Success Speaker, Author,

ConsultantFREE Life-enhancing Newsletter:


Health Consultancy & Coaching services: What To Expect:

•Education (Consultancy): when you have the right information you are empowered to motivate yourself to take the right actions and make the right choices in every area relating to your health.

•Comprehensive assessment - can’t change tracks until we are clear about what track you’re on in the first place. This ‘diagnostic session’ exposes and explores the underlying cause(s) of your current state of health

•Goal Setting and Action Plan creation - can’t do anything without that first Pillar of a Healthy Lifestyle. This aspect of the program sets you up to succeed from the get go.

•Accountability - ever paid for gym membership then not used it? That’s because nobody held you accountable to your contract, so you felt you had nothing to lose by breaching it.That won’t happen here: Dr Kem holds you accountable for your actions so you have to take action. That’s the only way to get you the results you want.

• Support - no change is easy to make without support. Studies show consistently, that change is more likely to last, when undertaken in a supportive environment. You get plenty of this, working with Dr Kem.

•RESULTS - when you consistently take the right actions, the right results are inevitable. A few results Dr Kem has helped clients achieve through her work include the following documented results, all achieved without the use of prescribed medication:

- Weight loss in overweight, obese people, including those suffering from thyroid disorders

- Better controlled blood sugar level in people suffering from Type II Diabetes Mellitus

Dr Kem Thompson (MBBS, CCNA, Dip. Performance Coaching) Health & Success Speaker, Author,

ConsultantFREE Life-enhancing Newsletter:


- Normalised blood pressure, and no medication in patients who started out with very high blood pressure.

- Improved cholesterol profile (increased HDL - the ‘good’ cholesterol; reduced triglycerides and LDL - the ‘bad’ ones.)

- Pain relief: Total relief from chronic migraine-type headache

- Increased energy levels in people who were ‘tired all the time’ for ‘no reason’.

NOTE: If you wish to take advantage of the 50% discount offer on Dr Kem’s Healthy Lifestyle Consultancy & Coaching services, here’s what to do next: in the next 60 days:

- Forward a copy of your ‘Welcome email’ to [email protected]

- In the subject line, mention ’50% discount, Healthy Lifestyle program‘

- In the body of the email, Send a message stating that you’d like health coaching, and what you are looking to achieve as a result of health coaching, and state the following:

- State whether you would prefer to work as part of a group (maximum number 10 per group) or one-on-one

- State whether you would prefer to work face to face (with telephone and email support 24/7) or by phone (with phone and email support 24/7)

Dr Kem Thompson (MBBS, CCNA, Dip. Performance Coaching) Health & Success Speaker, Author,

ConsultantFREE Life-enhancing Newsletter:


Dr Kem’s Personal Development Consultancy & Coaching services: What To Expect:

•Education (Consultancy): when you understand the way your mind works, when you understand the natural laws and principles which govern your results, when you understand the importance of your self-image to your performance, you are empowered to motivate yourself to take the right actions and make the right choices and priorities in your personal and professional life.

•Comprehensive assessment - can’t change tracks until we are clear about what track you’re on in the first place. This ‘diagnostic session’ exposes and explores the underlying cause(s) of your current state of affairs in each of the major areas of your life.

•Goal Setting and Action Plan creation - can’t set out on a journey without defining your desired destination. This aspect of the program sets you up to succeed from the get go.

•Accountability - ever paid for gym membership then not used it? That’s because nobody held you accountable to your contract, so you felt you had nothing to lose by breaching it.That won’t happen here: Dr Kem holds you accountable for your actions so you have to take action. That’s the only way to get you the results you want.

Dr Kem Thompson (MBBS, CCNA, Dip. Performance Coaching) Health & Success Speaker, Author,

ConsultantFREE Life-enhancing Newsletter:


• Support - no change is easy to make without support. Studies show consistently, that change is more likely to last, when undertaken in a supportive environment. You get plenty of this, working with Dr Kem. Lots of tough love too.

•RESULTS - when you consistently take the right actions, the right results are inevitable. A few results Dr Kem has helped clients achieve through her work include the following documented results:- Improved performance, better time management skills- Career, Academic success- Stress management- Successful transition from one phase in life to another- Increased self-esteem and self confidence- Work-life balance- Clarity and direction in life- Improved communication skills- Relief from panic and anxiety

NOTE: If you wish to take advantage of the 50% discount offer on Dr Kem’s Personal Development Consultancy & Coaching services, here’s what to do next: in the next 60 days:

- Forward a copy of your ‘Welcome email’ to [email protected]

- In the subject line, mention ’50% discount, Personal Development program‘

- In the body of the email, Send a message stating that you’d like Personal Development/Life coaching, what you are looking to achieve as a result of Life coaching, and state the following:

- State whether you would prefer to work as part of a group (maximum number 10 per group) or one-on-one

- State whether you would prefer to work face to face (with telephone and email support 24/7) or by phone (with phone and email support 24/7)

Dr Kem Thompson (MBBS, CCNA, Dip. Performance Coaching) Health & Success Speaker, Author,

ConsultantFREE Life-enhancing Newsletter:


Health and Success Coaching for Children

This exciting new arm of Dr Kem’s services encompasses same components as the adult version but in addition includes membership to the exclusive ‘Healthy Kids Klub’ with the monthly newsletter jam-packed with information to help you raise happy healthy and successful children.

As with the adult coaching & consultancy services, if you wish to take advantage of this service please send a copy of your Welcome Email and state what your interest is.

In addition, say how old your child(ren) is/are.

Dr Kem Thompson (MBBS, CCNA, Dip. Performance Coaching) Health & Success Speaker, Author,

ConsultantFREE Life-enhancing Newsletter:


Dr Kem: Public Speaking

Book Dr Kem To Speak At Your Event:

If you want a dynamic, down to earth, interactive, inspirational keynote speech delivered with passion, contact Dr Kem today at [email protected]

Speaking Topics include:

- The 8 Pillars of A Healthy Lifestyle

- How To Beat Stress At Work or At Home

- Why You Do Not Want To Lose Weight – Leverage Your Brain Power To

Get The Results You Want!

- Don’t (wait to) Get Motivated – How To Be Your Own Motivator To Get Lasting Results

- Corporate Training: Better health for your employees/staff = Bigger profits for your company.

- How To Resolve Conflicts

- D-MAP: your sure-fire formula for success!

Dr Kem Thompson (MBBS, CCNA, Dip. Performance Coaching) Health & Success Speaker, Author,

ConsultantFREE Life-enhancing Newsletter:


Thank you for subscribing to Dr Kem’s Health & Success Newsletter. We

hope you are truly blessed by what you read, but more importantly we hope you

practice what you read for it is only in the application that the power of your

knowledge is unleashed.

Please send your feedback, questions or comments to the contact

form over at www.doctorkem.com We’d love to hear from you.

God Bless You.

Dr Kem Thompson (MBBS, CCNA, Dip. Performance Coaching) Health & Success Speaker, Author,

ConsultantFREE Life-enhancing Newsletter:


© All rights reserved.Unauthorized distribution is prohibited. If you wish to distribute this report, send people to

www.doctorkem.com – once they sign up for the FREE Health & Success ezine, they’ll get this report, same as you’ve done.

Dr Kem Thompson (MBBS, CCNA, Dip. Performance Coaching) Health & Success Speaker, Author,

ConsultantFREE Life-enhancing Newsletter:
