drake olson in deph

Drake Olson

Upload: stamkos96

Post on 10-Jul-2015




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Drake Olson

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In the Beginning

As a young lad I had a dream of achieving perfection in the department of oral hygiene. At the time I was far from tackling this dream.

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At around age 10 I was in rough form, and owed a lot of money to the local mob. I ended up having to be hospitalized due to my condition.

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I bounced back quickly and decided to turn my life around. I decided to chase after my dream.

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At around age 12 I was dedicated to the path of reaching my goal. I was gargling with 300 degree water and flausing with titanium twine.

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About 6 months later I started inventing new ways of progressing towards my goal. However in the end I would always come up short.

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I was putting shingles on the roof of my shed when it hit me. A tooth brush with extra bristles.

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I started working on the design. Trial and error is what it took until I was satisfied with my results.

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This design made brushing my teeth much more efficient. I had time to do other activities such as attending weekly trench coat conventions.

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The tooth brush design which consisted of a synergy of toothbrushes was still not enough. At age 13 I enlisted my defeat.

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My defeat has been to much to bare and I am seeking a sod house to spend the rest of my days.