drama of the ages fly through history with the ancient book 9. 2 races and results of rebellion


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Post on 24-Dec-2015




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God gave Cain some time to cool off and think

about what he had done. I am sure the Holy Spirit made him think about all the happy times he had

playing with his baby brother.

But Cain did not repent. Finally

God asked Cain, “Where is your brother?”

Genesis 4:9  “And the LORD said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: Am I my brother's keeper?”

God knew where Abel was, but He wanted to give Cain one more chance to repent. To say he was sorry. But Cain gave a rude answer to God. Sin makes us so stupid. Cain even thought he could fool God and he wasn’t even afraid to be rude to God.

God told Cain that the ground was now cursed again because of the murder of Abel. Cain never felt sorry for what he had done, he only felt sorry for himself.

The reason why God didn’t let Cain be killed for the terrible deed he had done, was to show to the universe what happens when wicked men are allowed to live on in sin.

It was with Cain that the counterfeit worship of Paganism was really born. Cain and his descendants invented the 'do your own thing' kind of religion. 

It was a religion of nature worship and rebellion against the real Creator. It was a religion that taught that man needed no savior and could do as he pleased. The forces of reproduction were worshipped and animals were killed in an effort to ‘absorb’ their ‘energies’. 

The idea of Pagan Sacrifices is that the offering is a gift from man to the god he wishes to please or placate. It is the dead opposite of the true religion. It was in the line of Cain that Paganism had its first roots. It is indeed an old religion, but still older is the true worship of the Creator and the honoring of His law.

Counterfeit worship always contains much symbolism and elaborate ritualism. Much to enchant the eyes and ears, to appeal to the emotions and passions of man's carnal mind. 

After the death of Abel, Seth was born and he became the father of the faithful race who sought to serve the Lord and show faith in the Coming Redeemer.

 Cain was never sorry after he killed his brother, he was just sorry for himself. He went on hating God and doing as he pleased. He and his children would not obey God or keep His laws.

God let Cain go on living even though he deserved to die for the terrible deed he had done and we see what happened.

Cain’s children and grandchildren were the same, they wouldn’t obey God. They became more and more wicked.

They were smart and invented many things. We are told that Cain built the first city.

God’s plan was for people to live in family groups on large farms. Satan knew that in cities he could turn people away from God better.

Cain’s people invented musical instruments, weapons, and false worship. Cain’s great grandson took more than one wife. He also was a murderer and proud of it.

Adam taught every one to obey God, but Cain’s family would not listen. Things just got

worse and worse.  

This is where we now find two groups of people, the family of Cain, called the ‘sons of man’ and the family of Seth called the ‘sons of God’. 

The women in the family of Cain learned how to wear jewels and decorate their faces and how to be very attractive in a bad way.

They learned to dance and play music that made people forget God. They had parties and holidays and worshipped idols. 

Many of the sons of God ended up marrying these woman who had learned evil things and then they stopped following God and their children became very wicked. 

Cruelty  and violence were everywhere. Finally we are told: “And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” Genesis 6:5.

God knew if He did not intervene, man would destroy himself long before the coming of the Redeemer.

God called Noah and set him to work to build a huge ship on dry land. In 120 years God would send a world-wide flood.

All who would come into the ship would be saved. For 120 years Noah built and


God also sent a selection of the animals and birds to be saved on the ark.

Finally only he, his three sons and their wives were the only ones to get onto that Ark.

The flood came in spite of the unbelief and mockery of man against Noah. 

Sin was washed from the earth and everything that lived on the earth died that was not in the ark. For a short while the counterfeit religion, Paganism, was gone. 

Even Satan was afraid that he might be destroyed too, the storm was so fierce; and he was very angry with God for destroying

the powerful and wicked people that he controlled.

God made him stay right in the storm and watch it all.