drawing writing ©paulcarneyarts ks1 national curriculum attainment targets to use drawing, painting...

Drawing writing ©paulcarneyarts

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Drawing writing


KS1 National Curriculum attainment targets

• To use drawing, painting and sculpture to develop and share their ideas, experiences and imagination

• Use a range of materials creatively to design and make products

• Describing the differences and similarities between different practices and disciplines, and making links to their own work

• to develop a wide range of art and design techniques in using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space

Relevant links in red

EYFS and KS1 Art & Design ProgressionNC Attainment targets

NSEAD Progress targets and assessment criteria

EYFS Year 1 Year 2

To use drawing, painting and sculpture to develop and share their ideas, experiences and imagination

Generating Ideas 1. Work purposefully responding to colours, shapes, materials etc.

2. Create simple representations of people and other things.

Generating Ideas 1. Recognise that their own ideas can be expressed in art work.

2. Experiment with an open mind (for instance, they enthusiastically try out and use all concentration.

Generating Ideas 1. Try out different activities and make sensible choices about what to do next.

2. Use drawing to record ideas and experiences.

Use a range of materials creatively to design and make products

Making 3. Work spontaneously and enjoy the act of making/creating.

4. Sustain concentration and control when experimenting with tools and materials.

Making 3. Try out a range of materials and processes and recognise that they have different qualities.

4. Use materials purposefully to achieve particular characteristics or qualities.

Making 3. Deliberately choose to use particular techniques for a given purpose.

4. Develop and exercise some care and control over the range of materials they use.

Describing the differences and similarities between different practices and disciplines, and making links to their own work

Evaluating5. Recognise and describe key features of their own and others’ work.

Evaluating5. Show interest in and describe what they think about the work of others.

Evaluating5. When looking at creative work express clear preferences and give some reasons for these (for instance, be able to say “I like that because…”)

About the work of a range of artists, craft makers and designers, describing the differences and similarities between different practices and disciplines

Knowledge6. That art, (design and craft) is made by artists exhibiting care and skill and is valued for its qualities.

7. How to explain what they are doing.

Knowledge6. How to recognise and describe some simple characteristics of different kinds of art, craft and design.

7. The names of the tools, techniques and the formal elements (colours, shapes, tones etc.) that they use.

Knowledge6. That different forms of creative works are made by artists, craftspeople and designers, from all cultures and times.

7. Be able to talk about the materials, techniques and processes they have used, using an appropriate vocabulary.

Learning Objectives

• Develop drawing skills.• Improve writing skills.• To use imagination when drawing.

Materials you’ll need

• Drawing paper or sketchbooks• Pencils

Information for teachers

• Differentiation: Extend the tasks with questions such as “What other letters might you use to add detail?” Allow sharing of ideas and pupil’s discoveries to help those struggling, e.g. “Look at how John has made the scales.”

• G&T: Create whole scenes using letters that have background and multiple characters.

• SEN: Use tracing paper over the practice sheet so that they can move and rotate it to the correct position. Place the finished picture next to them.

Drawing tips

• Do not press too hard with your pencil• Use short, light, sketching movements

with your hand• Keep your pencil sharp• ‘Ghost’ draw the shapes with your

finger on the paper first

You can draw pictures with letters




Can you write these capital letters? Practice first!

Draw the letter D back to frontD

Now, on a clean page

Draw the letter U on its side to connect with the letter D


Now draw the letter M or W on its side

to connect with the letter UD U W

Add the letter O for an eye



And the letter V for fins


















Can you draw more animals using letters?

Which letter would make fish scales? Look at a picture of a fish to help you.

Which letter would make a mouth?

Can you change the letters or the shape of the letters to make the fish look better?


This is C- COOO0L

Can you finish this animal using letters?

0o oV V


Can you finish this animal using letters?

Plenary: Drawing is easier than you think

• When you can write your name, you can draw anything!

• Because everything is made up from these shapes

And these shapes make up all of our letters!