e business application


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Page 2: E business application

IntroductionElectronic business, commonly referred to as

“e Business" or "e-business", or an internet business, may be defined as the application of information and communication technologies (ICT) in support of all the activities of business. Commerce constitutes the exchange of products and services between businesses, groups and individuals and can be seen as one of the essential activities of any business. Electronic commerce focuses on the use of ICT to enable the external activities and relationships of the business with individuals, groups and other businesses.

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Web for business applicationsUsed for conducting business through E-

commerceWeb is used for the following

Attracting new customers through E-marketing & E-advertising

Improve service efficiency through E-service & E-support functions.

Enlarge the scope and reach through web by putting products and services on web.

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Benefit of E-Business

Increase SalesReduce Marketing CostLow CastAccessibleCommunication

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Why E-Business

Lack of time at public or consumerFlexibility in timings for paymentEasy delivery at door stepsPlanning for paymentSafe transactions

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Applications of e-business

Internal business systems:Customer relationship ManagementEnterprise resource planningDocument Management systemsHuman resources Management

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Enterprise communication and collaborationVoIPContent management systemE-mailVoice mailWeb conferencingBusiness process Managment

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Electronic commerceInternet shopSupply chain ManagementOnline marketingOffline marketing

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What are the E-Marketing tools?The Internet has a number of tools to offer to the marketer. A company can distribute via the Internet e.g.

Amazon.com. A company can use the Internet as a way of building and

maintaining a customer relationship e.g. Dell.com. The money collection part of a transaction could be done

online e.g. electricity and telephone bills. Leads can be generated by attracting potential customers

to sign-up for short periods of time, before signing up for the long-term e.g. which.co.uk.

The Internet could be used for advertising e.g. Google Adwords.

Finally, the web can be used as a way of collecting direct responses e.g. as part of a voting system for a game show.

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Difference between e-Business, e-commerce, and e-marketinge-Business is a very broad entity dealing with

the entire complex system that comprises a business that uses electronic medium to perform or assist its overall or specialised business activities.

e-Commerce is best described in a transactional context. So for example an electronic transaction of funds, information or entertainment falls under the category handled by principles of e-Commerce. Technically e-Commerce is a part of e-Business.

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Cont…….e-Marketing is also a part of e-Business that

involves electronic medium to achieve marketing objectives. e-Marketing is set on a strategic level in addition to traditional marketing and business strategy.

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