eb lead for aiesec upd: team recruitment

E B LE A D Team Recruitment: Filling Open Positions The Job Description Performance Criteria Consultation Team Profiling

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Post on 07-Apr-2016




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EB LEADTeam Recruitment:

Filling Open Positions

The Job Description

Performance Criteria


Team Profiling

Page 2: EB LEAD for AIESEC UPD: Team Recruitment

The Job Description

The JD is very crucial! It is what you will be using to attract potential role-takers. At the same time, it is also what you will be using to regularly assess the performance of your members.

Examine the type of role you want to fill. Is the role suited for regular work or freelance lifestyle? The urgency and nature of the job should be taken into high consideration when assessing your potential candidates.

Even after identifying your best candidate, never forget about their Job Description. In fact, it is a good case practice to review and reevaluate the JD together with each member during your first expectation meeting.

During this time, make sure to clearly identify particular demands of the job. Break down each goal into measurable objectives that you can easily observe and track weekly or monthly. Make sure to co-create this (and not dictate) these deliverables to make your member feel more accountable to his or her work. Most cases of underperformance or early burnout is due to unexplained Job Descriptions.


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Performance Criteria

Determining the best recruitment criteria will boil down to the realities of your current team and department. Based on performance, it will be up to you to assess whether you would need to prioritize proactiveness, innovation, foundation building, or control. Proactiveness. If you have been underachieving results due to passive leadership, perhaps you need a high-action and goal-oriented leader to drive more results. Innovation. When performance plateaus, you may need to introduce a creative person to come up with unique and game-changing strategies. Fresh perspectives often come from newies to the department. Foundation Building. If the team continually keeps changing strategies and directions every term, you may need to invest on a long-term thinking leader who could build the foundation for future teams to build on. Control. If systems have been made but are not being put into practice, get someone with high regard to order and efficiency.

EB LEADThese can usually be tested through:

Focused interview questions or

Role-playing scenarios

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One of the best ways of assessing your candidates is by asking previous TLs or co-workers about their performance. Although there are many factors that could have affected it, it’s most often a good basis of knowledge for the risk you may be taking when choosing him or her. Availability. Is the person easy to reach and contact? Does he reply promptly or late to texts? Commitment. Could he be overwhelmed with other duties that may distract or cause him to underperform? Work ethic. Does he produce good quality output or is he a natural crammer? Does he practice good punctuality and attendance to meetings? Actual performance. At the end of the day, what was he able to achieve? How long did it take him to get these results? Team performance. How doe he relate with his co-workers? Is he a team-player or does he often create unnecessary conflicts within the team?


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Team Profiling

It’s not important to get a team of superstars but a superstar team. This mostly boils down to having a very balanced culture fostered and shared by every single member.

Get a few high-performing members. They will be mostly responsible for bringing in your results. At the same time, find a right amount of newies. They will ensure continuity for your department and provide an avenue for your high performers to pass on their knowledge. Pipeline is a very crucial thing for you to consider!

Using personality or team role tests such as the Belbin and MBTI will guide you in creating the best possible mix of teams. Try to mix up the roles in order to provide a great balance.